% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 誩"睊"<5 SWIM 睊"1 SWIMC The command SWIM runs SWiM version 1.0, a multi-session windowingF application for the VAX. SWiM allows the user to open up windows onI their character-cell terminal screen, each window emulating a DEC VT100K terminal. SWiM allows dynamic sizing of each window, movement of windowsJ anywhere on or off screen, cut and paste between windows and the ability4 to save a script file with the user's preferences.& Format: SWIM [script-file-spec] 2 Parame ter script-file-specJ Specifies the name of a script file that contains the user's preferencesK as to number of windows and their positions. Also in the script file areA any redefined hot-keys made before the script file was written. 2 Hot_keysG There are three default hot-keys recognized by SWiM. The Menu_key isA control-d, the forward_key is control-f and the backward_key isI control-b. These keys will not be sent through to any of the windows. D If it is necessary t o send these keys through, the hot-keys may be redefined or disabled.2 Menu_Commands ADJUSTC Allows sizing of the current active window. When adjust is firstG selected, the title on the active window changes, showing the currentK number of rows and number of columns. Adjustment is made using the arrowA keys (to adjust by 1 char increment) or by the keys I,J,K and MF (adjusting by 8 char increment). After the desired size is reached,K press RETURN to accept it. If a scr ipt file is written after a window is3 sized, the size will be saved in the script file.G NOTE: The terminal characteristics PAGE and WIDTH will be changed toF reflect the new size. Most VAX applications and editors willB read the current charactistics and use them when they are invoked. BACKUPH Allows backing up in a terminal session to view information that hasJ scrolled off the display. Move up and down with the arrow keys or theG keys I a nd M or the PREV SCRN and NEXT SCRN keys. Press RETURN to C return to the session. Currently, two full pages (50 lines) of? information are saved in the backup buffer for each window. CUTE Allows the selection of a block of text to be PASTEd into anotherI window. Selection is made by two opposing corners of a block, such asI the upper-left corner and the lower-right corner. Move the cursor toI one corner, press RETURN, move the cursor to another corner and again J press RETURN. The information will be saved in a buffer until a PASTEI command is issued. You may use up-arrow,down-arrow,left-arrow,right-H arrow,i,j,k,m and the PREV SCRN and NEXT SCRN keys to manipulate theH cursor. Also, CTRL-E goes to the end of a line and CTRL-H moves the& cursor to the beginning of a line. FREEZEJ Disallows data to continue to flow into or out of a window until anotherI FREEZE command is issued. This is analogous to a Hold-Screen function, " operating on individual windows. KEYSJ Allows the redefining or disabling of the hot-keys. The Menu_Key may beK redefined but NOT disabled. Each of the forward and backward keys may beH redefined or disabled. Select which key to operate on and when asked,I what key the selected key should become. Only CONTROL keys are allowedH as hot-keys. CONTROL keys are keys made in conjuction with the 'Ctrl'H key. Use the Ctrl key as the shift-key is used to modify a character. L OGJ Allows the logging of a session. This will save all the data going to aJ window (terminal) to a file in either of two formats: full or stripped. F In full mode, all data is saved, including any control characters orK escape sequences received at the terminal. In stripped mode, all controlG characters (except CR/LF) and escape sequences are removed before theE information is written to the log file. A default log file name is provided, but may be changed. MOVEH Allo ws the movement of a window to anywhere on or off the screen. UseH the arrow keys or the keys I,J,K or M to move the window. If a scriptF file is written after a window is moved, the window position will be saved in the script file. NEWF Allows the creation of a new window/terminal session if the user hasJ enough buffered_IO_byte_count quota. You may log into the same usernameB again or into a different username. If you wish to use the sameL username, you must have enough max_jobs quota to support another session. I An option is also given to automatically delete a window after the user( logs out of the session in the window. PASTEF This will enter into the current window any information from the cutH buffer as if the information had actually been typed into the terminalJ session. The information will be pasted at the current cursor location. PRINTK This will print a copy of the current screen image. If you activate thisG command with a capital I, then you will be allowed to specify a printE queue to send the image to, otherwise it will be sent to SYS$PRINT. REFRESHD This will repaint the entire display with the correct information. SWITCH< This will switch to the next window session in the series. WRITEJ Allows the creation of a script file. Enter the name of the script fileE and press return. A default extension of .SWM will be added to the- script file if an extension is not entered.G Contained in the script file will be the current set of hot-keys, theH number of windows and all the window positions. The next time SWiM isC run specifying the newly created script file, all the windows and% positions will be restored exactly. MAXD Changes the current active window size and position to that of theJ physical terminal's size (from when SWiM was run). The window then willJ fill the terminal screen. If maX is selected again, the window size and position will be restored.  QUITD Exit the SWiM program. All sessions currently active when Quit is- selected will be disconnected from the VAX.2 ADJUSTC Allows sizing of the current active window. When adjust is firstG selected, the title on the active window changes, showing the currentK number of rows and number of columns. Adjustment is made using the arrowA keys (to adjust by 1 char increment) or by the keys I,J,K and MF (adjusting by 8 char increment). After the desired size is reached,K  press RETURN to accept it. If a script file is written after a window is3 sized, the size will be saved in the script file.G NOTE: The terminal characteristics PAGE and WIDTH will be changed toF reflect the new size. Most VAX applications and editors willB read the current charactistics and use them when they are invoked.2 BACKUPF Allows backing up in a terminal session to view information that hasH scrolled off the display. Move up and down with the  arrow keys or theG keys I and M. Press RETURN to return to the session. Currently, twoI full pages (50 lines) of information are saved in the backup buffer for each window.2 CUTK Allows the selection of a block of text to be PASTEd into another window.C Selection is made by two opposing corners of a block, such as theG upper-left corner and the lower-right corner. Move the cursor to oneI corner, press RETURN, move the cursor to another corner and again pressJ RETURN. T he information will be saved in a buffer until a PASTE command is issued.2 FREEZEJ Disallows data to continue to flow into or out of a window until anotherI FREEZE command is issued. This is analogous to a Hold-Screen function," operating on individual windows.2 KEYSJ Allows the redefining or disabling of the hot-keys. The Menu_Key may beK redefined but NOT disabled. Each of the forward and backward keys may beH redefined or disabled. Select which key to operate on and whe n asked,I what key the selected key should become. Only CONTROL keys are allowedH as hot-keys. CONTROL keys are keys made in conjuction with the 'Ctrl'H key. Use the Ctrl key as the shift-key is used to modify a character.2 LOGJ Allows the logging of a session. This will save all the data going to aJ window (terminal) to a file in either of two formats: full or stripped. F In full mode, all data is saved, including any control characters orK escape sequences received at the ter minal. In stripped mode, all controlG characters (except CR/LF) and escape sequences are removed before theE information is written to the log file. A default log file name is provided, but may be changed.2 MOVEH Allows the movement of a window to anywhere on or off the screen. UseH the arrow keys or the keys I,J,K or M to move the window. If a scriptF file is written after a window is moved, the window position will be saved in the script file.2 NEWF Allows the cre ation of a new window/terminal session if the user hasJ enough buffered_IO_byte_count quota. You may log into the same usernameB again or into a different username. If you wish to use the sameL username, you must have enough max_jobs quota to support another session. I An option is also given to automatically delete a window after the user( logs out of the session in the window.2 PASTEF This will enter into the current window any information from the cutH buffer as if the informa tion had actually been typed into the terminalJ session. The information will be pasted at the current cursor location.2 PRINTK This will print a copy of the current screen image. If you activate thisG command with a capital I, then you will be allowed to specify a printE queue to send the image to, otherwise it will be sent to SYS$PRINT. 2 REFRESHJ This will repaint the entire display with the correct information in theI event that the information on the display is incorrent. This may occurE after hitting the Break key on the terminal and the session is then$ resumed from the DECserver prompt.2 SWITCH< This will switch to the next window session in the series.2 WRITEJ Allows the creation of a script file. Enter the name of the script fileE and press return. A default extension of .SWM will be added to the- script file if an extension is not entered.G Contained in the script file will be the current set of hot-keys, theH number of window s and all the window positions. The next time SWiM isC run specifying the newly created script file, all the windows and% positions will be restored exactly.2 MAXD Changes the current active window size and position to that of theJ physical terminal's size (from when SWiM was run). The window then willJ fill the terminal screen. If maX is selected again, the window size and position will be restored.2 QUITD Exit the SWiM program. All sessions currently active when Quit is- selected will be disconnected from the VAX.ww