16-Jan-1989 The following people act as file SYSOPs on UBBS. If you have questions about a file on a particular section, please direct your questions appropriately. If you feel inclined to help out on a section. Please give me a call. The currnet UBBS software allows up to 3 SYSOPs on a section. To apply, you should be familiar with the EDT editor, and UBBS conventions. Dale Miller Area Sysop(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 128 DWAYNE TUCKER ROBERT BROWN GUY SPANGLER AMI DARRYL JOYCE DWAYNE TUCKER DANA JOHNSON APP DARRYL JOYCE DALE SEIDENSCHWARZ ROB BROWN AST KEITH STEENSMA CHRIS LYONS DAVID COON ATA DAVID COON COM DWAYNE TUCKER ROBERT BROWN GUY SPANGLER CPM CHARLES WEST IBM RAY VOORHIES DAVE DENNETT ROSS HOLZHAUER MAC ALBERT EVERETT MIS DAVE DENNETT PCS DALE MILLER TRS KEVIN KRAUS