.! ETAPE_HELP_ENTRY.RNH .! .! Source For: ETAPE.HLP .! Author: Gerry Pregent .! .! .! .! This is the help topic for inclusion into the VMS help library. It is .! *NOT* the help topic that users access from within ETAPE itself (the .! text for that is stored in ETAPE.RNH). To regenerate the help file and .! insert it into the help library, do: .! .! $ RUNOFF ETAPE_HELP_ENTRY.RNH ! Creates ETAPE_HELP_ENTRY.HLP .! $ LIBRARY/HELP/INSERT - .! ETAPE_HELP_ENTRY ! The .HLP file. .! some_help_library ! The desired VMS help library. .! .! where "some_help_library" would normally be one of: .! .! DISK$SYS_CLUSTER:[SYSHLP]SYS_HELP.HLB .! DISK$SYS_CLUSTER:[ADMIN.HELP]USNH_HELP.HLB .! ACADEMIC$ROOT:[ACADEMIC.HELP]MORE_HELP.HLB .! .! depending, of course, under which group the utilty is currently be .! supported by. *sigh* .! .! .! Revision History: .! -------- -------- .! 21/NOV/85 - Bill Costa Modified to meet ATEAM help file standards. .! 17/FEB/86 - MCH Modified tape drive device name (TAPE1). .! 27/OCT/86 - MCH Modified corrected errors. .! (Fix .REFCARD and add TMOUNT command.) .! 26/FEB/87 - MCH Modified for TQUEUE. .! 6/NOV/89 - MCH Version 2.2 of ETAPE from Decus 1989 Tape .! 29-JAN-90 - Bill Costa Version 2.3a of ETAPE, a UNH modification. .! .!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .!--------------------------------------! .! setup format of the documentation ! .!--------------------------------------! .LM 1 .RM 75 .NOPAGING .FILL .JUSTIFY .!------------------------------------------------------! .! Topic header - Example: SLEEPER or Sleep__Hints ! .! Programs in UPPER CASE, general ! .! topics in Mixed Case. ! .!------------------------------------------------------! .INDENT -1;1#ETAPE .LEFT MARGIN 3 .indent -3 Version 2.3a .!------------------------------------------------------! .! Abstract - Short description giving the gist of what ! .! this program does and why you'd want to ! .! use it. Keep it short! ! .!------------------------------------------------------! .SKIP .INDENT -3 Abstract: .SKIP ETAPE is a general-purpose program for handling ASCII and EBCDIC tapes, a commonly used format for information transfer between different computer systems. ETAPE allows the user to move at will within the tape, send output to different files, and combine multiple tape files into a single file. It also provides a special command mode for use within command procedures. .LEFT MARGIN 1 .! .!------------------------------------------------------+ .! START: QUALIFIER TOPIC |---------------------------| .!------------------------------------------------------| .! Qualifiers - if a program has associated qualifiers, | .! they should be listed here. Otherwise | .! remove this section. | .! | .! NOTE: Remember to start each qualifier topic with | .! the "/" character so that the syntax shown | .! is correct as well as to make sure that they | .! will be picked up automatically if the | .! qualifier subtopic is choosen. | .!------------------------------------------------------+ .BREAK .INDENT -1;2#Qualifiers .BREAK .INDENT -1;/COMMAND .SKIP /COMMAND (default when executed from a terminal) .BREAK /NOCOMMAND (default for non-terminal use) .SKIP ETAPE has two command interfaces available, a traditional command-line oriented system which can be used from any type of terminal or from a command file, and a screen-oriented system which requires the use of a video terminal that is `known' to the VMS operating system (typically a VT100, VT200, etc.). The screen-oriented interface will *not* work when reading commands from a command procedure or other input file. .SKIP ETAPE will automatically select the screen-oriented interface if it senses that it is processing commands from a terminal. When used from within a command procedure, it automatically reverts to the command-line style. This qualifier can be used to override the automatic defaults as desired. For example, if ETAPE displays a jumbled screen on your none Digital-made terminal, type CNTRL-Y to abort ETAPE, and restart it using: .SKIP .INDENT 5;$ ETAPE/COMMAND .SKIP Refer to the "Interactive__Use" topic for tips on how to use ETAPE when it is operating in /NOCOMMAND mode. Check the "Batch__Use" topic for usage tips when using ETAPE in /COMMAND mode. .! No skip after last one. .!------------------------------------------------------+ .! END: QUALIFIER TOPIC |-----------------------------| .!------------------------------------------------------+ .! .!------------------------------------------------------! .! Main text - Tell user what this is really about. ! .! Also include items like additional ! .! sources of information NOT on the system ! .! etc. Don't worry too much about length. ! .!------------------------------------------------------! .BREAK .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .INDENT -1;2#More__Detail .BREAK Many large computer systems use a 'private' format for writing and reading information on magnetic tapes. Unfortunately this format usually cannot be read or understood by other makes or models of computer systems. For example, a tape from a VAX/VMS system is incompatable with the DEC10's format, which is incompatable with a CDC's format, which is incompatable with a PR1ME's format, etc. etc. etc. Because of this, most sites have a program designed to read and write tapes in a foreign tape format so information can be shared easily with other sites. Most often this format is "EBCDIC". ETAPE is the program used at UNH for reading and writing EBCDIC tapes on VAX/VMS systems. .SKIP ETAPE is designed to be a general-purpose program for handling EBCDIC and ASCII tapes. It allows the user to move around at will within the tape, send output to different files, specify different blocksizes and record lengths for different files on the tape, and combine multiple tape files into a single output file. The capability of writing an EBCDIC tape from an ASCII file is also included. .skip ETAPE reads and writes information as a series of records. It removes all trailing blanks from tape records after reading them. On output, records are blank padded and blocked to create fixed length tape blocks. A switch can be set to turn off the EBCDIC translation and allow the translation (or writing) of ASCII tapes. .SKIP ETAPE assumes that the user has already used the UNH "TQUEUE" command to request the tape to be loaded, and then has MOUNTed it with the logical name "TAPE:" (see "Usage" and "Example" sub-topics for more information). .SKIP ETAPE version 2.3a now provides a screen-oriented interface for even easier interactive use. However, this requires that your terminal type be known to VMS in order for it to work properly. If the terminal you are using is not a Digital VT-series terminal, you may have to use the /COMMAND qualifier to use ETAPE in line mode. .BREAK .INDENT -1;2#Interactive__Use .BREAK When ETAPE 2.3a senses that it is being used from a terminal, it automatically uses its screen mode interface. The screen is divided into three regions. The top displays the current status of the tape and ETAPE's internal settings. ETAPE displays information and error messages in the middle box and accepts commands in the bottom box. There are two mechanisms used to control ETAPE, through use of function keys, and/or by typing command lines at the "ETAPE>" prompt. .SKIP ETAPE uses the number keypad of any VT100/VT200/VT300 series terminal as a function keypad, To view the key assignments at any time, simply press the "PF2" key for help. .SKIP To enter commands directly to ETAPE, press the "DO" key (or CNTRL-D) to place the cursor at the "ETAPE>" prompt and then type the desired command. All ETAPE commands start with a two letter keyword which may be entered in either upper or lower case. Some of the commands expect a parameter to follow the keyword. In this case, the parameter must be separated from the command by *exactly* one space. Some commands take numeric parameters and others take alphameric text. After each command that results in some tape movement, the program will display the information on the screen. .SKIP For a handy list of these commands and their equivalent function keys to keep near the terminal, print out the ETAPE pocket reference guide and the keypad function template from the DOC:#library. .SKIP $ PRINT/CHAR=PORTRAIT DOC:ETAPE.REFCARD,DOC:ETAPE__TEMPLATE.DOC .SKIP See the "Commands" subtopic for a summary of the commands available. .BREAK .INDENT -1;2#Batch__Use .BREAK When ETAPE 2.3a sense that it is *not* being used from a terminal, it automatically uses its command line interface. To use ETAPE from a command file, the ETAPE commands must be in the following format: .LIST .LE;Start each command in column one of the command file. .LE;All ETAPE commands are two characters long. .LE;Commands that accept parameters must be separated from the command by *exactly* one space. .END LIST See the "Example" subtopic for an sample script. .BREAK .INDENT -1;2#Commands .BREAK The following list summaries the commands available in ETAPE. .SKIP .LEFT MARGIN +12 .INDENT -12;AT##########- automatically translate based on tape label .INDENT -12;BB#nnn######- backspace nnn blocks .INDENT -12;BF#nnn######- backspace nnn files .INDENT -12;BL#nnn######- set blocksize for subsequent operations .INDENT -12;FI#filespec#- send translated output to specified file .INDENT -12;GT##########- set to translate Honeywell GCOS BCD .INDENT -12;HE#CC#######- request help on a particular command .INDENT -12;LR#nnn######- set logical record length (for deblocking records) .INDENT -12;OL##########- output labels when writing (toggle) .INDENT -12;QU##########- rewind tape and exit .INDENT -12;RW##########- rewind tape (and continue operations) .INDENT -12;SB#nnn######- skip nnn blocks in a forward direction .INDENT -12;SF#nnn######- skip nnn files in a forward direction .INDENT -12;TB#nnn######- translate next nnn blocks .INDENT -12;TF#nnn######- translate next nnn files .INDENT -12;TM##########- write a tape mark at the current position of the tape .INDENT -12;UT##########- toggles translation mode (between EBCDIC and ASCII) .INDENT -12;VL#volname##- specifes volume label for output .INDENT -12;WH##########- print detailed statistics .INDENT -12;WR#filename#- write the contents of filename to the tape .LEFT MARGIN -12 .!---------------------------------------------------------! .! Associated files - Data files, sample input files, etc. ! .!---------------------------------------------------------! .BREAK .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .INDENT -1;2#Associated__Files .BREAK DOC:ETAPE.REFCARD######-#Reference Card for using ETAPE. .BREAK DOC:ETAPE_TEMPLATE.DOC#-#Diagram of ETAPE function keypad. .BREAK .!----------------------------------------------! .! Usage - How to call up this program. ! .!----------------------------------------------! .BREAK .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .INDENT -1;2#Usage .BREAK Use the SETUP command to make ETAPE available for use: .SKIP .INDENT 10;$#SETUP ETAPE .SKIP For the remainder of your terminal session, ETAPE can be accessed by simply entering its name at the DCL command prompt ($) as: .SKIP .INDENT 10;$#ETAPE .SKIP Before using ETAPE your tape must first be mounted on a tape drive and given the logical name of "TAPE". See the "Example" subtopic for a sample script. .LEFT MARGIN 7 .INDENT -6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- .INDENT -6 NOTE:#For more information on using SETUP to define 'new' commands, press the RETURN key until you reach the "@MORE__HELP topic?" prompt, and type SETUP. .INDENT -6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- .!-----------------------------------------------------! .! Examples - Short example of firing up the program. ! .!-----------------------------------------------------! .BREAK .LEFT MARGIN 1 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .INDENT -1;2#Examples .BREAK The following example demonstrates how a set of FORTRAN files could be written to tape. The session shown here illustrates how the commands would be entered in a command procedure. For interactive use, simply press the "DO" key on your terminal *before* entering each command. .SKIP Before using ETAPE, the tape being used must already be mounted and assigned the logical name "TAPE". One way of doing this would be: .SKIP .INDENT 5;$ TQUEUE/WAIT/WRITE/REELID=nnnnnn/LOGICAL=TAPE .INDENT 5;$ MOUNT/FOREIGN/DENSITY=6250 TAPE .SKIP Refer to the help topics on TQUEUE and MOUNT for more information about how to use these utilties. The following commands copy all FORTRAN programs in the current default directory, in EBCDIC format, using a block length of 20 and a logical record length of 80. .SKIP .INDENT 5;$ ETAPE .INDENT 5;RW .INDENT 5;BL 20 .INDENT 5;LR 80 .INDENT 5;WR *.FOR .INDENT 5;WH .INDENT 5;QU .INDENT 5;$ DISMOUNT TAPE .!-----------------! .! Version Notes ! .!-----------------! .BREAK .LEFT MARGIN 1 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .NOFILL .NOJUSTIFY .INDENT -1;2#Version__Notes .BREAK .FILL .JUSTIFY ETAPE version 2.3 looks entirely different from ETAPE version 2.0 because a full screen display has been added to the program. However, the basic commands remain the same. When in screen-mode, all of the older versions two-character commands work in version 2.2 provided that the command is preceded by "DO" key (or CNTRL-D for those terminals that do have a "DO" key). A few new two-character commands have been added in version 2.3. For a complete list of ETAPE's commands see DOC:ETAPE.REFCARD. Each command is described in the internal help command "HE". .SKIP Version 2.3a (the current version) is a UNH modified version of ETAPE 2.3. It automatically uses the /COMMAND mode qualifier if the source of commands is not a terminal or workstation. This allows command procedures that used the previous version of ETAPE to remain unchanged. In addition, when in /COMMAND mode, ETAPE now signals errors to DCL on exit. This now allows command procedures to trap errors and take steps as necessary to attempt recovery. .SKIP This site's previous version of ETAPE (2.0) is still available. Use the command: .SKIP .INDENT 5;$SETUP ETAPE/RESET/OLD .SKIP to make it available. See the help topic on SETUP for more information about using old and new versions of UNH provided applications and utilities. .!------------------------------------------------------! .! See_Also - Other HELP topics of interest are listed ! .! here. ! .!------------------------------------------------------! .BREAK .LEFT MARGIN 1 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .INDENT -1;2#See__Also .BREAK BTAPE - Program for reading DEC10 BACKUP formated tapes. COPY - Command for reading ASCII tapes. .!------------------------------------------------------! .! Source - Where this program came from. ! .!------------------------------------------------------! .BREAK .LEFT MARGIN 1 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .FILL .JUSTIFY .INDENT -1;2#Source .BREAK ETAPE is a DECUS program that has been modified for use on UNH VMS systems. The original author is: .SKIP .NOFILL .NOJUSTIFY Dale Miller University of Arkansas at Little Rock Data Center NS204 2801 S. University Ave. Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 .SKIP Bitnet: DOMILLER@UALR .FILL .JUSTIFY .SKIP If you have questions or problems with ETAPE, please contact your system's user support group first. Remember, our version has been modified so the author will not know about these site specific changes. Of course, if you wish to tell the author how much you appreciate the program, feel free to contact Dale directly. .!------------------------------------------------------! .! Key_Terms - As proscribed by the library manager. ! .!------------------------------------------------------! .BREAK .LEFT MARGIN 1 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .INDENT -1;2#Key__Terms .BREAK EBCDIC; MAGNETIC TAPE; ASCII; .! [end - ETAPE.RNH]