!script for Dialog ! !skip dialling if we have a Datapac port... IF CLASS "DP3000" GOTO S1 ! !use appropriate Datapac number for modem speed... IF CLASS "M_9600" GOTO M9600 IF CLASS "M_2400" GOTO M2400 DIAL 92900213 GOTO S0 ! LABEL M2400 DIAL 92658292 GOTO S0 ! LABEL M9600 DIAL 92654107 GOTO S0 ! LABEL S0 TYPE "Connecting through Datapac...^" SEND "..^" INPUT 2 5 "DATAPAC" IFNOT TIMEOUT GOTO S1 ! SEND "..^" INPUT 2 5 "DATAPAC" IFNOT TIMEOUT GOTO S1 ABORT "^^No 'DATAPAC' response - Contact Computer Services^^" GOTO S1A ! LABEL S1 SET DATABITS SEVEN EVEN SET SPEED 4800 ! LABEL S1A SET PAUSE 1 SEND "PR 1 3110 4150004804^" SET PAUSE 0 INPUT 2 8 "LOGON" IFNOT TIMEOUT GOTO S3 ABORT "^^No 'logon' response - Contact Computer Services^^" ! LABEL S3 TYPE "Logging in...^" SEND "xxxxxx^" INPUT 2 4 "PASSWORD" IFNOT TIMEOUT GOTO S4 ABORT "^^No 'password' response - Contact Computer Services^^" ! LABEL S4 SEND "xxxxxxxx^" INPUT 1 4 "xxxxxxxx" SET VIEW TYPE "Connected to Dialog^" CONNECT