-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 3 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ X When MORIA is first executed, it looks for certain data` V0D`0A X files in the same directory as the executable. If they are not` V0D`0A X found, they are created with default values and the game exits.` V0D`0A X The local MORIA WIZARD should edit these files for site specific` V0D`0A X information and running hours.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Four data files are created and maintained by MORIA.` V0D`0A X MORIA.DAT contains a startup message and MORIA news, and can be` V0D`0A X used to tell MORIAvites about changes in playing times and such.` V0D`0A X HOURS.DAT contains a reject message and the normal operating` V0D`0A X hours for the game. Note that the only part of this file` V0D`0A X important to the game is the lines containing hours, and that` V0D`0A X text may be added before and/or after these lines. MORIATOP.DAT` V0D`0A X will contain the top twenty scores. MORIACHR.DAT contains an` V0D`0A X entry for each living, saved character, thus disallowing players` V0D`0A X to bring back dead characters.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X A fifth file is needed if you want to use the internal help` V0D`0A X command within MORIA. This is the MORIAHLP.HLB help library,` V0D`0A X which must be located in the same directory as the other data` V0D`0A X files.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The suggested protection for these files is as follows:`0D`0A X`0D`0A X With SYSPRV Without SYSPRV`0D`0A X MORIA.DAT (s:rw,o,g,w) (s:rw,o:r,g:r,w:r)`0 VD`0A X HOURS.DAT (s:rw,o,g,w) (s:rw,o:r,g:r,w:r)`0 VD`0A X MORIATOP.DAT (s:rw,o:r,g:r,w:r) (s:rw,o:rw,g:rw,w:rw V)`0D`0A X MORIACHR.DAT (s:rw,o,g,w) (s:rw,o:rw,g:rw,w:rw V)`0D`0A X MORIAHLP.HLB (s:r,o:r,g:r,w:r) (s:r,o:r,g:r,w:r)`0D V`0A X`0D`0A X It is suggested that a special directory be set aside for MORIA` V0D`0A X game and data files, so that they may be easily protected and` V0D`0A X maintained. Note that the data files must be in the same` V0D`0A X directory as the executable.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 3`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of Moria - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D X The Dungeons of Moria - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Characters may be saved in MORIA, and later restored. To` V0D`0A X save a character use -Z and supply a filename. The` V0D`0A X character will be encrypted so that no tampering will be allowed.` V0D`0A X To restore a character, set up a moria foreign command and supply` V0D`0A X the saved-character filename as an argument.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Set up a MORIA foreign run command : $ moria :== $user1:`5Bmoria` V5Dmoria`0D`0A X Restore character : $ moria save_filename`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 4`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of Moria - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D X The Dungeons of Moria - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X _____`0D X 5 NOTES`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 5.1 The IO Bug...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X When Moria was run at high baud rates (9600 and above), the` V0D`0A X game would come to a screeching halt and the process would have` V0D`0A X to be killed. I suspected that I had screwed up on my use of` V0D`0A X QIO. But after tromping through the code and writing several` V0D`0A X test programs, I have come to the conclusion that a problem` V0D`0A X exists in the device driver. In order to "get around" this bug,` V0D`0A X I pause the process a small amount of time before issuing a QIO` V0D`0A X read command. This seems to allow the device driver to perform` V0D`0A X what ever duty needs doing, and no hang ups occur. If you should` V0D`0A X experience a problem with the game going into permanent LEF's,` V0D`0A X try increasing the pause time a bit.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 5.2 Hibernating The Game...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X At certain places in the game, I have included code to` V0D`0A X hibernate for brief periods. Many of these were taken out with` V0D`0A X the addition of the pause before each INKEY, but some still` V0D`0A X exist. These are included to keep Moria "system friendly". My` V0D`0A X philosophy has been that a well written game should not eat the` V0D`0A X CPU up alive. If you wish to differ, these pauses can be removed` V0D`0A X to speed up the game, but you should not remove the pauses before` V0D`0A X INKEY unless you are running the game at baud rates less than` V0D`0A X 9600.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 5.3 A Vision Of The FUTURE...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X With the 4.0 version of Moria, I had finally "finished" all` V0D`0A X I had originally set out to do. Moria 1.1 which was released as` V0D`0A X an executable was actually an incomplete game.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Around May, 1986, I expect to release a Moria Version 5.0` V0D`0A X (or there abouts). This version may have some (or all) of the` V0D`0A X following:`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Altars`0D`0A X Artifacts`0D`0A X New creatures`0D`0A X New objects`0D`0A X Regeneration for monsters (slower than the player of course) V`0D`0A X Water passages, rooms, etc.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X In addition, I expect much of my code will be better` V0D`0A X documented and more carefully written. I may even tackle the` V0D`0A X "Town level" code...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 5`0D`0A X`0C $ CALL UNPACK [.DOC]INSTALL.DOC;1 192311551 $ create 'f' X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X __________`0D X 1 DISCLAIMER`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Moria is intended for Public Domain, and may not be sold or` V0D`0A X marketed IN ANY FORM without the permision and written consent` V0D`0A X from the author Robert Alan Koeneke. I retain all copyrights to` V0D`0A X this program, in either the original or modified forms, and no` V0D`0A X violation, deletion, or change of the copyright notice is` V0D`0A X allowed. Futhermore, I will have no liability or responsibilty` V0D`0A X to any user with respect to loss or damage caused directly or` V0D`0A X indirectly by this program.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 1`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X MORIA`0D X _____ ____________`0D X _____ `0D X 2 MORIA INSTRUCTIONS`0D`0A X`0D`0A X MORIA`0D X The game of MORIA is a single player dungeon simulation. A` V0D`0A X player may choose from a number of races and classes when` V0D`0A X creating their character, and then 'run' that character over a` V0D`0A X period of days, weeks, even months; attempting to win the game by` V0D`0A X defeating the Balrog which lurks in the deeper levels.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The player will begin his adventure on the town level where` V0D`0A X he may acquire supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices by` V0D`0A X bartering with various shop owners. After preparing for his` V0D`0A X MORIA` V0D X adventure, the player can descend into the dungeons of MORIA` V0D`0A X where fantastic adventures await his coming!`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Before beggining your first adventure, you should read this` V0D`0A X MORIA`0D X document carefully. The game of MORIA is a complicated game, and` V0D`0A X will require a dedicated player to win.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X ___ _________`0D X 2.1 The Character`0D`0A X`0D`0A X All characters have six main attributes which modify their` V0D`0A X basic abilities. These six attributes, called stats, are` V0D`0A X STRENGTH, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, DEXTERITY, CONSTITUTION, and` V0D`0A X CHARISMA. Stats may vary from 3 as a minimum to 18/100 as a` V0D`0A X maximum. Because adventurers of interest tend to be better than` V0D`0A X MORIA`0D X average characters, MORIA stats will average about 12.5, and are` V0D`0A X further adjusted by race and class. Some races are just` V0D`0A X naturally better at being certain classes, as will be shown` V0D`0A X later.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X In addition to the more visible stats, each character has` V0D`0A X certain abilities which are mainly determined by his race and` V0D`0A X class, but are also modified by his stats. The abilities are` V0D`0A X FIGHTING, THROWING/BOWS, SAVING THROW, STEALTH, DISARMING,` V0D`0A X MAGICAL DEVICES, PERCEPTION, SEARCHING, and INFRA-VISION.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Characters will be assigned an early history, with money and` V0D`0A X a social class based on that history. Starting money is assigned` V0D`0A X based on history, charisma, and somewhat upon the average of a` V0D`0A X character's stats. A character with below average stats will` V0D`0A X receive extra money to help him survive the first adventure.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 2`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Each character will also have physical attributes such as a` V0D`0A X race, a height, weight, sex, and a physical description. None of` V0D`0A X these, except weight, play any part in the game other than to` V0D`0A X give the player a "feeling" for his character. Weight is used` V0D`0A X for computing carrying capacity and also for BASHING.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Finally each character is assigned HIT POINTS based on their` V0D`0A X race, class, and constitution. Spell casters will also recieve` V0D`0A X "MANA" which is expended when casting spells. MANA is based on` V0D`0A X Wisdom for Priests and Intelligence for Mages.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 3`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 2.1.1 Character Stats -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X STR - Strength`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Strength is important in fighting with weapons, or hand to` V0D`0A X hand. A high strength can improve your chances of hitting, and` V0D`0A X the amount of damage done with each hit. Characters with low` V0D`0A X strengths may receive penalties. Strength is also useful in` V0D`0A X tunneling, body and shield bashing, and in the carrying of heavy` V0D`0A X items.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X INT - Intelligence`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Intelligence is the prime stat of a mage, or magician. A` V0D`0A X high intelligence increases a mages chances of learning spells,` V0D`0A X and in gaining mana. No spell may be learned by mages with` V0D`0A X intelligences under 8. Intelligence also modifies a character's` V0D`0A X chance of disarming traps and picking locks.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X WIS - Wisdom`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Wisdom is the prime stat of a priest. A high wisdom` V0D`0A X increases the chance of recieving new spells from a priest's` V0D`0A X diety, and in the gaining of mana. Wisdom also modifies a` V0D`0A X character's chance of resisting magical spells cast upon his` V0D`0A X person.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X DEX - Dexterity`0D`0A X`0D`0A +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- END OF PART 3 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-