-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 7 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ X is exactly that, permanent. Granite is very hard, therefore hard` V0D`0A X to dig through, and contains no valuable metals. Magma and` V0D`0A X Quartz veins are softer and sometimes bare valuable metals and` V0D`0A X gems, shown as a '$' or a '*' character. You can tell if the` V0D`0A X metal or gems are embedded into the wall by trying to move onto` V0D`0A X them. If you can't move over them, you'll have to dig them out.`0 VD`0A X`0D`0A X Tunneling can be VERY difficult by hand, so when you dig be` V0D`0A X sure to wield either a shovel or a pick. Magical shovels and` V0D`0A X picks can be found which allow the wielder to dig much faster` V0D`0A X than normal, and a good strength also helps.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X It is sometimes possible to get a character trapped within` V0D`0A X the dungeon by using various magical spells and items. So it is` V0D`0A X a very good idea to always carry some kind of digging tool, even` V0D`0A X when you are not planning on tunneling for treasure.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X a - Aim a wand.`0D X a - Aim a wand.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Wands must be aimed in a direction to be used. Wands are a` V0D`0A X magical device and therefore use the Magical Devices ability of` V0D`0A X the player. They will either affect the first object/creature` V0D`0A X encountered, or affect anything in a given direction, depending` V0D`0A X upon the wand. An obstruction such as door or wall will general` V0D`0A X stop the effects of a wand from traveling further.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X b - Browse a book.`0D X b - Browse a book.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X You can only read a book if you are of it's realm.` V0D`0A X Therefore a magic user could read a magic book, but not a holy` V0D`0A X book. Fighter's will not be able to read either kind of book.` V0D`0A X When the browse command is used, all of the spells or prayers` V0D`0A X contained in the book along with information about it, such as` V0D`0A X it's level, the amount of mana used up in casting it, and whether` V0D`0A X or not you know the spell or prayer, will be displayed. There` V0D`0A X are a total of 31 different magical spells in four books, and 31` V0D`0A X different prayers in four books.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X c - Close a door.`0D X c - Close a door.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Non-intelligent and certain other creatures will not be able` V0D`0A X to open a door. Therefore shutting doors can be a life saver.` V0D`0A X You must be adjacent to an open door, and you cannot close broken` V0D`0A X doors. Note that bashing a door open will break it.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 23`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X d - Drop an object from you inventory.`0D X d - Drop an object from you inventory.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X You can drop a single object onto the floor beneath you if` V0D`0A X that floor spot does not already contain an object. Note that` V0D`0A X doors and traps are considered objects in this sense. If you` V0D`0A X drop an object such as a potion or scroll, a single one is` V0D`0A X dropped onto the floor at a time. Group objects such as arrows` V0D`0A X are all dropped at once onto the floor.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X e - Display a list of equipment being used.`0D X e - Display a list of equipment being used.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Use the Equipment command to display a list of objects` V0D`0A X currently being used by your character. Note that each object` V0D`0A X has a specific place were it is placed, and that only one object` V0D`0A X of each type may be used at any one time; excepting rings of` V0D`0A X which two can be worn, one on each hand.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X f - Throw an object/Use a missle weapon.`0D X f - Throw an object/Use a missle weapon.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X You may throw any object carried by your character.` V0D`0A X Depending upon the weight of an object, it may travel across a` V0D`0A X room or drop down beside you. If you throw an object such as an` V0D`0A X arrow, only one will be used at a time.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X If you throw at a creature, your chance of hitting the` V0D`0A X creature is determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at` V0D`0A X throwing, and the objects pluses to hit. Once the creature is` V0D`0A X hit, the object may or may not do any actual damage to it.` V0D`0A X Certain objects in the dungeon can do great amounts of damage` V0D`0A X when thrown, but it's for you to figure out the obscure ones.` V0D`0A X Oil flasks are considered to be lit before thrown, therefore they` V0D`0A X will do fire damage to a creature if they hit it.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X To use a bow with arrows, simply wield the bow and throw the` V0D`0A X arrows. Extra pluses to damage and hitting are gained by` V0D`0A X wielding the proper weapon and throwing the corresponding ammo.` V0D`0A X A heavy crossbow with bolts for example, is a killer...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X h - Enter the MORIA`0D X h - Enter the MORIA help library.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X A subprocess is spawned and the HELP utility entered. Help` V0D`0A X on individual commands may be displayed without actually exiting` V0D`0A X your game. You may return to your game by entering a -Z` V0D`0A X character.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X i - Display a list of objects being carried.`0D X i - Display a list of objects being carried.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 24`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The Inventory command displays a list of all objects being` V0D`0A X carried, but are not in current use. You may carry up to 22` V0D`0A X different kinds of objects, not including those in your equipment` V0D`0A X list. Depending upon your strength, you will be able carry many` V0D`0A X identical objects before hitting your weight limit.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X j - Jam a door with an iron spike.`0D X j - Jam a door with an iron spike.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Most humanoid and many intelligent creatures can simply open` V0D`0A X a closed door, and can eventually get through a locked door.` V0D`0A X Therefore you may spike a door in order to jam it. Each spike` V0D`0A X used on a door will increase it's strength. It is very easy to` V0D`0A X jam a door so much as to make it impossible for your character to` V0D`0A X bash it down, so spike doors wisely. Note that the bigger a` V0D`0A X creature is, the easier it can bash a door down. Therefore four` V0D`0A X or more spikes might be necessary to slow down a dragon, where` V0D`0A X one spike would slow down a kobold.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X m - Cast a magic spell.`0D X m - Cast a magic spell.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X First, a character must have learned a spell before he can` V0D`0A X cast it. Next, when casting a spell, he must read the spell from` V0D`0A X a book, so a book containing the spell must be in his inventory.` V0D`0A X Each spell has a chance of failure which starts out fairly large` V0D`0A X but decreases as a character gains levels. If a character does` V0D`0A X not have the available mana, he increases his chance of failure,` V0D`0A X and gambles on losing a point of constitution. Note that since a` V0D`0A X character must read the spell from a book, he cannot be blind or` V0D`0A X confused when casting a spell, and there must be some light` V0D`0A X present.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X l - Look in a direction.`0D X l - Look in a direction.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The Look command is useful in identifying the exact type of` V0D`0A X object or creature shown on the screen. Also, if a creature is` V0D`0A X on top of an object, the look command will describe both. You` V0D`0A X can see creatures and objects up to 200 feet away (20 units).` V0D`0A X Note that you may freely use the Look command without the` V0D`0A X creatures getting a move on you.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X o - Open a door, chest, or lock.`0D X o - Open a door, chest, or lock.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X To open an object such as a door or chest you must use the` V0D`0A X Open command. If the object is locked, the Open command will` V0D`0A X attempt to pick the lock, based on your ability at disarming.` V0D`0A X Note that if an object is trapped and you open it, the trap will` V0D`0A X`0D`0A X 25`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X be set off.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X p - Read a prayer.`0D X p - Read a prayer.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X First, a character must have learned a prayer before he can` V0D`0A X read it. Next, when reading a prayer, he must have the book` V0D`0A X containing the prayer in his inventory. Each prayer has a chance` V0D`0A X of failure which starts out fairly large but decreases as a` V0D`0A X character gains levels. If a character does not have the` V0D`0A X available mana, he increases his chance of failure, and gambles` V0D`0A X on losing a point of constitution. Note that since a character` V0D`0A X must read the prayer from a book, he cannot be blind or confused` V0D`0A X and there must be some light present.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X q - Quaff a potion.`0D X q - Quaff a potion.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X To drink a potion use the Quaff command. A potion affects` V0D`0A X the player in some manner. The effects of the potion may be` V0D`0A X immediately noticed, or they may be subtle and unnoticed.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X r - Read a scroll.`0D X r - Read a scroll.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X To read a scroll use the Read command. A scroll spell has` V0D`0A X an area affect, except in a few cases such as identify scrolls` V0D`0A X which act on other objects. Note that two scrolls, the identify` V0D`0A X scroll and the recharge scroll, have titles which can be read` V0D`0A X without setting them off, and by pressing can be saved` V0D`0A X for future use.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X s - Search general area one turn.`0D X s - Search general area one turn.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The Search command can be used to locate hidden traps and` V0D`0A X secret doors about the player. Note that more than a single turn` V0D`0A X of searching will be required in most cases. You should always` V0D`0A X search a chest before trying to open it because they are` V0D`0A X generally trapped.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X t - Take off a piece of equipment.`0D X t - Take off a piece of equipment.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Use the Take-Off command to remove an object from use, and` V0D`0A X return it to your inventory. Occasionally you will run into a` V0D`0A X cursed item which cannot be removed. Cursed items are always` V0D`0A X bad, and can only be taken off after removing the curse.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 26`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X u - Use a staff.`0D X u - Use a staff.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The Use command will activate a staff. Like scrolls, most` V0D`0A X staffs have an area affect. Becasue staffs are generally more` V0D`0A X powerful than most other items, they are also harder to use` V0D`0A X correctly.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X v - Display current version of game.`0D X v - Display current version of game.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The Version command displays the credits for the current` V0D`0A X MORIA`0D X version of MORIA.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X w - Wear or wield an item being carried.`0D X w - Wear or wield an item being carried.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X To wear or wield an object in your inventory, use the` V0D`0A X Wear/Wield command. If an object is already in use for the same` V0D`0A X function, it is automatically removed first. Note that an` V0D`0A X objects bonuses cannot be gained until it is worn or wielded.`0D`0 VA X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X x - Exchange primary and secondary weapons.`0D X x - Exchange primary and secondary weapons.`0D`0A X`0D`0A +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- END OF PART 7 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-