========> [VAX89A3.DBAG]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== DBAG This is DBAG, a full-function relational DBMS which is somewhat dBase III like, but runs on VMS. English language documentation has been added by Nick Nelson, Nick%evax2@rvax.ccit.arizona.edu. There is a very nice full screen feature and many enhancements over dBase III. The complete package is here (save for the large sample databases), and has been recompiled in /NODEBUG mode to save (a lot of) space. ========> [VAX89A3.NEWS58]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== NEWS 5.8 The main contents of this directory are ANU NEWS Version 5.8, from Geoff Huston, Australian National University. This gives a fairly complete Usenet News reader and NNTP package that allows a VMS site to receive or send Usenet news (provided he has a feed) and also use the News package as an electronic conferencing system along the lines of VAX NOTES, but allowing more layers in the topics trees. A somewhat NOTES style keypad interface exists. Documentation is extensive. This is from the University of Kansas Anonymous FTP directory. (Pulled by your VAX tape editor [GCE]). The following files are available: File Name Size in Bytes Description 000_readme.ascii;1 1526 This file autologout.bck_z 128579 AUTOLOGOUT Source and Executables lzdcmp.exe;1 69632 LZW decompression program ( new version ) lzw.bck_z;1 137635 LZW source ( new version ) news_v58_dist.bck_z; 587525 NEWS executables and minimum documentation news_v58_doc.bck_z;1 464853 NEWS detailed documentation news_v58_obj.bck_z;1 1689071 NEWS object files news_v58_src.bck_z;1 516001 NEWS source Most of the files here have been compressed to save file space and transmission time. Each of these files is an LZW compressed Backup Save set. To get a file you must use a binary transfer. First, get the LZDCMP.EXE file, so that you can decompress the save set after you get it, and then get the xxx.BCK_Z file. For example, LZW.BCK_Z is a compressed backup save set of the LZW compression/decompression routines. Using Wollongong TCP/IP on a VMS system you would do the following: $ ftp kuhub.cc.ukans.edu ! ( ... (you already know how to do this, or you wouldn't be reading this :-) *binary *get lzdcmp.exe *get lzw.bck_z *quit $ LZDCMP:==$disk:[dir]LZDCMP $ LZDCMP lzw.bck_z lzw.bck $ BACKUP lzw.bck/save/sel=[*...]*.* []*.* These commands would copy the LZDCMP program into the current directory, copy the compressed save set to the current directory, define the LZDCMP command, decompress the backup save set, and finally, extract the source files from the backup save set. There are two different versions of the LZW compression version. The new version works fine for decompressing the files found on this directory, but will not correctly decompress UNIX compressed files. The old version will handle UNIX files correctly, but will not decompress some of the files made with the newer version. I did not realize there was a problem with the new Page 2 version until after I had deleted the source files for the old version, and I didn't want to distribute the program without source, hence the two versions. If all you want to do is decompress the files you get here or compress and decompress files using only the LZW package, the new version works fine. If you have a file from a UNIX system, you will need to get the old version. [Tape editor's note: The new version of LZDCMP can indeed read Unix compressed files. However it is necessary to give a command of the form $lzdcmp -b -x 1 inputfile.type_z outputfile.type since the -x 1 switch is REQUIRED for handling Unix files. A spurious error message is usually generated at end of file claiming that some error occurred. However, this has only to do with end of file boundary conditions. The data comes out OK. The unknown VMS error number 0 is just unix-ese for "success". Glenn Everhart ] Direct any questions to: +-------------------+-------------------------------------+------------------+ | Bob Sloane \Internet: SLOANE@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU/Anything I said is | | Computer Center \ BITNET: SLOANE@UKANVAX.BITNET / my opinion, not my | | University of Kansas\ AT&T: (913) 864-0444 / employer's. | +-----------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+ ========> [VAX89A3.TREADWAY]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== State Transition Simulator --| Summary This package body contains all packages necessary --| for the State Transition Executor to operate --| Description --| This package body contains the following software hierarchy --| Build_Transition_Actions_Package Procedure --| Build_Transition_Events_Package Procedure --| Build_State_Transition_Executor Procedure --| Get_Threads Procedure --| Requirements --| Use Ward-Mellor Methodology --| Keywords --| Real-Time, Recursion --| Developed_By --| P.L. Treadway --| GTE Government Systems Corporation --| 1 Research Drive --| Mail Stop #54 --| Westborough, Massachusetts 01581 --| (508) 870-4482 --| As_Part_Of --| Structured Development for Real Time Systems --| Under_Contract --| 5-9 (After Hours) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- B u i l d _ T r a n s i t i o n _ A c t i o n s -- -- -- -- This procedure builds the Ada package Transition_Actions. -- -- The package Transaction_Actions consists of two Ada files, -- -- one for the specification and the other for the body. The -- -- files are named as follows: -- -- -- -- Package Specification: Transaction_Actions_Spec.Ada -- -- Package Body: Transaction_Actions_Body.Ada -- -- -- -- With Mealy State Transition Diagrams, an event at some state -- -- may cause the system to transition to another state and -- -- optionally cause some action to occur. The State Transition -- -- Executor simulates the events which in turn, will cause -- -- "Action" procedures in the Transaction_Action package during -- -- run-time. The action that occurs is displayed on the screen -- -- and optionally written to a file as well. -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========> [VAX89A3.UALR]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== ******** ******** ***** ****** *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * * * * ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ ****** ****** **************** ****** **** Submissions by: Dale Miller University of Arkansas at Little Rock Data Center 2801 S. University Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 DOMILLER@UALR.BITNET To further your computing experiences, the following directories are enclosed for your inspection and use: [.ALOCWAIT] - ALLOCATE/WAIT - The qualifier that VMS left out! Useful for anyone who has to wait on a peripheral to become free (particularly in a batch job). This revision fixes a major bug in the previous version. [.ETAPE] - The latest version of an old favorite. This ETAPE has a few fixes in since the last one on DECUS. Converts to/from EBCDIC, non-standard ASCII and Honeywell GCOS BCD tapes. This revision now allows writing of standard-labelled IBM tapes and supports both command-driven and screen-driven modes of operation. The documentation has also been (slightly) expanded. [.BBS] - A full-function bulletin board system for the VAX. It has messaging, conferencing, uploads, downloads, etc. Rev. 7.3. This version provides user definable text, naming, etc. so that it may be installed and used by most sites as is. [.CB] - A CB simulator for the VAX. So good you'll think it's the real thing! Identical to previous submission, but included for completeness of UBBS. [.READBACK] - A BACKUP save-set extraction utility. Allows you to extract a list of files from a backup save set. Not particularly general purpose, but useful. Permission is given to all DECUS members to copy, distribute, and use all files Page 2 contained in this submission. Not to be sold! ========> [VAX89A3.UUCP]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== The VMSnet Working Group (VAX Systems SIG) Submissions coordinated by: Jamie Hanrahan, Simpact Associates 9210 Sky Park Court, San Diego, CA 92123 +1 619-565-1865 X116 jeh@crash.cts.com This directory tree contains Version 1.1 of DECUS uucp (formerly "VMSnet software"), a package which allows VMS systems to exchange mail and network news with other systems (including Unix systems, and VMS systems running this software) using the uucp "g" protocol. This version completely replaces Version 0.2, found in the [.VMSNET...] tree on the Fall 1988 VAX SIG tapes. It runs under both VMS V4.7 and V5. Geoff Huston's ANU News, Version 5.7, with several minor modifications (for uucp integration) and fixes, is included. Full documentation is in [.UUCP.DOC]URGD11.MEM, and in other files described therein. The total space required for these files is about 36,000 blocks. If you have no plans to work on this software, you can save about 17,000 blocks by not restoring the source files, object files, and development tools. A BACKUP command such as the following (edited to reflect the actual saveset and root directory name on the SIG tape, device names, etc.), should work. (This command obviously hasn't been tested, since this was written before the tape was assembled; you may have to experiment a bit.) $ backup tape_dvc:vax89xn/select=[vax89xn.uucp...] - /exclude=([vax89xn.uucp.devel...], [vax89xn.uucp.fromthenet], - [vax89xn.uucp.news57.bld_v4], [vax89xn.uucp.news57.bld_v5], - [vax89xn.uucp.news57.src], [vax89xn.uucp.orig_code...], - [vax89xn.uucp.tools...]) disk_dvc:[*...] Other contacts, in case Jamie can't be reached: Tom Allebrandi II Mark Pizzolato ACCI 1558 Fernside Street 700 Harris Street, Suite 101 Redwood City CA 94061 Charlottesville, VA 22901 +1 415-369-9366 +1 804-977-4272 mark@infopiz.uucp ta2@esther.acci.com ...!uunet!lupine!infopiz!mark ========> [VAX89A3.WATCHDOG]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== W A T C H D O G This directory contains the WATCHDOG program. The original was taken from a DECUS tape (unknown authors) and was rewritten. The purpose of this program is to monitor interactive processes and log processes off that have been inactive for a specified period of time. A interactive process is a process that is attached to a terminal. The process can be network process, a spawned process, or an interactive process. WATCHDOG does not care as long as it is connected to a terminal. There are several logical names needed to run to WATCHDOG which are explained below. WATCHDOG_OPER_FLAG - Specifics which operator terminal types are to receive WATCHDOG operator messages. WATCHDOG_INTERVAL - Defines the Interval that WATCHDOG should wake up and look for idle processes. WATCHDOG_START_MSG - Defines the system wide default at which time WATCHDOG will start taking idle action and at every interval after that until the process it no long idle or the process is stopped. WATCHDOG_STOP_PROC - Defines the system wide default at which time WATCHDOG should perform the stop action on idle processes. WATCHDOG_FLAGS - Defines the system wide default option flags for users. Specifics which options will be on by default when WATCHDOG is running. WATCHDOG_FORCEX - Defines the system wide decimal value to be issued by $FORCEX system service before the users to be logged off. WATCHDOG_TIMESTAMP - Defines the frequency timestamp messages (Optional) should be send to the operator. If the flag USER_M_NO_OPER_TIMESTAMP is set in system default options then no logical name need be defined. WATCHDOG_EXCEPTION_FILE (Must be Comment Out If Not Used) - Defines file containing the exceptions to override the default start message, stop process, and option values. George H. Walrod III 8150 Lakecrest Drive #402 Greenbelt, MD 20770 (301)474-2971 ========> [VAX89A3.ZMODEM]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== [Editor's notes: This is an update of Chuck Forzberg's X/Y/ZMODEM programs RZ and SZ The program was compiled using the GCC 1.34 C compiler.] May 1989: Corrections for undefined variable and multiply defined rdchk() on some systems. New for April 1989: ZMODEM compression and other compatible extensions have been added to the rz and sz programs. Please read the comments in the rz.c and sz.c source code for licensing information for commercial use. Previous versions of rz and sz (April 1988) remain Public Domain. New for April 1988: VMS C flavors of rz and sz especially for tired frog stompers. The following performance log entries give the story! 2400 Z splat.arc 3968 220 18 0 0 0 512 30 (rz) 0 ccvax off 2400 K splat.arc 3968 110 36 0 0 0 89 -1 get -1 ccvax off The contents of RZSZ.ARC can be uploaded to a VAX/XMS system by ZCOMM or Professional-YAM using the supplied vupl.t script. Connect to your VMS system, select an empty directory, and then give the YAM/ZCOMM command: "source vupl.t". This will attempt to start a Kermit server ans upload the files to it. If the script can't fire up a Kermit server, the script will use the VMS DCL "create" command to upload the files directly. In the latter case, use a clean line for best results. Compile/Link directions for VMS C are in the comments at the beginning of the rz.c and sz.c files. The contents of RZSZ.ARC can be uploaded to a Unix or Xenix system by ZCOMM or Professional-YAM using the supplied zupl.t script. Connect to your Unix/Xenix system, select an empty directory, and then give the YAM/ZCOMM command: "source zupl.t". This will upload minirb.c, compile it, and then use minirb to upload the rz/sz files. Once these files are on your Unix system, you can type "make". The Makefile will list the various systems it knows how to compile the programs for, and the command to do so (e.g., "make bsd"). The Makefile is self explanatory; just say "make". Naturally, rz and sz work best with comm programs that seamlessly support ZMODEM command and file AutoDownload (Pro-YAM and ZCOMM). The "DSZ" shareware program allows ZMODEM file transfers with traditional DOS comm programs, but it must be called manually. (The computer should do that for you!) DSZ provides a "mini Page 2 term function" that supports ZMODEM AutoDownload. DSZ (part of DSZ.ARC) and the ZMODEM protocol description (YZMODEM.ARC) are on TeleGodzilla and other fine bulletin boards. Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf Author of YMODEM, ZMODEM, Professional-YAM, ZCOMM, and DSZ Omen Technology Inc "The High Reliability Software" 17505-V NW Sauvie IS RD Portland OR 97231 503-621-3406 TeleGodzilla:621-3746 FAX:621-3735 CIS:70007,2304 Genie:CAF