From: SMTP%"DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET" 1-MAY-1993 12:40:30.88 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: LIST result X-FileServer: Digital Systems Journal File Server Date: Sat, 01 May 1993 11:21:49 CDT Sender: DSJ-Mgr@WKUVX1.BITNET Errors-To: DSJ-Mgr@WKUVX1.BITNET Warnings-To: <> From: DSJ-Mgr@WKUVX1.BITNET Reply-To: DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET Subject: LIST result To: Package name: AAAREADME ================================================================================ DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET Western Kentucky University The _Digital Systems Journal_ File Server ================================================================================ These files are the programs that accompany articles published in _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_) magazine. They are available through DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET courtesy of Cardinal Business Media and Western Kentucky University. To request a sample issue of _Digital Systems Journal_ magazine, please call Bonnie Fetzer at (215) 957-4266. Subscriptions to _Digital Systems Journal_ magazine are $48 per year (6 bi-monthly issues). Subscriptions can be obtained by writing to: Digital Systems Journal 101 Witmer Road P.O. Box 773 Horsham, PA 19044-9887 Please enclose payment, credit card information (VISA, MasterCard and American Express including account number and expiration date). For faster service, contact Bonnie Fetzer at (215) 957-4266. Foreign subscriptions are $66 per year. Prepayment is required. DSJ File Server Manager: Hunter Goatley, goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET ----- Package name: ALL ================================================================================ DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET Western Kentucky University Last updated: 12-APR-1993 08:23 (Added April 1993 files) ================================================================================ The files available from DSJ are the programs and files that accompany articles published in _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_) They are made available courtesy of Cardinal Business Media, Inc., and Western Kentucky University. To retrieve one or more packages, send e-mail with the body consisting of the following command: SEND package-name Multiple commands may be specified by putting each command on a separate line. In addition to SEND, HELP and DIR are also supported. For more information on a particular package, send DIR package-name. Package Name Description ---------------- ----------- AUGUST92.CBUILT VAX C Built-Ins and Portable Code (LaFranchi) AUGUST92.WATCH WATCH: A Tool for Process Observation (Cohn) AUGUST92.SYSWCH SYSWATCH: A Monitoring utility for det. procs (Snyder) AUGUST92.DAEMONS A Daemon for the ACMS Audit Trail Logger (Frazier) AUGUST92.DECFRM Automated DECforms HELP (Kubera) AUGUST92.MOV MACRO Made Easy: More MACRO Macros (Goatley) AUGUST92.DATAC On the C Side: Data Typing in C OCTOBER92.COMM Clusterwide Intertask Comm...Lock Manager (Crum) OCTOBER92.DEATH VMS Internals: Until Death Do Us Part (Ellis) OCTOBER92.MACRO Migrating VAX MACRO-32 to ALPHA VMS (LaFranchi/Morse) OCTOBER92.OUTPUT MACRO Made Easy: ... Debug Macros (Goatley) OCTOBER92.XTUNE Tuning VMS For X Window System (Moakley) DECEMBER92.HANDLE Using Condition...and Exit Handlers.... (Rosenstein) DECEMBER92.NETNFO Practical DECnet Security (McMahon) FEBRUARY93.CALRMS MACRO Made Easy: Readin', Writin', and MACRO (Goatley) FEBRUARY93.CSPY CSPY: A Clusterwide SPY Utility (Hunt) FEBRUARY93.EACH OpenVMS Kernels: To EACH His Own (Leichter) FEBRUARY93.LOADBL OpenVMS VAX Loadable Executive Images (Schenkenberger) FEBRUARY93.MNOWAIT OpenVMS Internals: Oh Wait, MNOWAIT! (Ellis) FEBRUARY93.PAGE "Alpha Migration: Page-Sizes...." (LaFranchi, Morse) FEBRUARY93.PRCPRV Setting Other Processes' Privileges (Gavron) FEBRUARY93.TSR Terminate and Stay Resident Calendar (Klissner) APRIL93.ALIGN Alpha AXP Migration:...Data Align... (LaFranchi, Morse) APRIL93.EXTENS X Views: X Extensions (Mahan) APRIL93.FID Improve I/O Performance with VMS FIDs (Merriman) APRIL93.NAMXAB MACRO Made Easy: Readin', Writin', and MACRO (Goatley) APRIL93.PASWRD Utility to Save and Restore User's Passwords (Seshadri) APRIL93.TICLKR TICKLER: A Daily Reminder System (Beer) APRIL93.WSL OpenVMS Internals: Sizing Working Set Lists (Ellis) DSJ File Server Manager: Hunter Goatley, goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET ----- Package name: APRIL93 Files that accompany the March/April 1993 issue of _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_): Package Article Title ------- ------------- ALIGN - "Alpha AXP Migration: Understanding Data Alignment on OpenVMS AXP Systems" by Eric M. LaFranchi and Kathleen D. Morse EXTENS - "X Views: X Extensions" by Patrick L. Mahan FID - "Improve I/O Performance with OpenVMS File Identifiers" by George Merriman NAMXAB - "MACRO Made Easy: Readin', Writin', and MACRO" by Hunter Goatley PASWRD - "A Utility to Save and Restore a User's Passwords" by Sridhar Seshadri TICLKR - "TICKLER: A Daily Reminder System" by Alan H. Beer WSL - "OpenVMS Internals: Sizing Working Set Lists" by Bruce Ellis To request all of the files for February 1993, send the following command in the body of a mail message to DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET: SEND APRIL93 To request a particular file, send a command like the following: SEND APRIL93.package ----- Package name: AUGUST92 Files that accompany the July/August 1992 issue of _VAX Professional_: Package Article Title ------- ------------- CBUILT - VAX C Built-Ins and Portable Code by Eric M. LaFranchi WATCH - WATCH: A Tool For Process Observation by Alan Cohn SYSWCH - SYSWATCH: A Monitoring Utility for Detached Processes by Curt Snyder DAEMONS - A Daemon for the ACMS Audit Trail Logger by Michael M. Frazier DECFRM - Automated DECforms HELP by Joseph P. Kubera MOV - MACRO Made Easy: More MACRO Macros by Hunter Goatley DATAC - On the C Side: Data Typing in C by Dr. C.P. Yu To request all of the files for August 1992, send the following command in the body of a mail message to DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET: SEND AUGUST92 To request a particular file, send a command like the following: SEND AUGUST92.package ----- Package name: DECEMBER92 Files that accompany the November/December 1992 issue of _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_): Package Article Title ------- ------------- HANDLE - "Using Condition Handlers and Exit Handlers to Control Errors" by Steven J. Rosenstein NETNFO - "Practical DECnet Security" by John McMahon To request all of the files for December 1992, send the following command in the body of a mail message to DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET: SEND DECEMBER92 To request a particular file, send a command like the following: SEND DECEMBER92.package ----- Package name: FEBRUARY93 Files that accompany the January/February 1993 issue of _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_): Package Article Title ------- ------------- CALRMS - "MACRO Made Easy: Readin', Writin', and MACRO" by Hunter Goatley CSPY - "CSPY: A Clusterwide SPY Utility" by J. Wren Hunt EACH - "OpenVMS Kernels: To EACH His Own" by Jerrold Leichter, Ph.D. LOADBL - "OpenVMS VAX Loadable Executive Images" by Brian Schenkenberger MNOWAIT - "OpenVMS Internals: Oh Wait, MNOWAIT!" by Bruce Ellis PAGE - "Alpha Migration: Understanding and Identifying Page-Size Dependencies in Migrating Applications to Alpha AXP Systems" by Eric M. LaFranchi and Kathleen D. Morse PRCPRV - "Setting Other Processes' Privileges" by Ehud Gavron TSR - "A Terminate and Stay Resident Calendar for OpenVMS" by Paul Klissner To request all of the files for February 1993, send the following command in the body of a mail message to DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET: SEND FEBRUARY93 To request a particular file, send a command like the following: SEND FEBRUARY93.package ----- Package name: OCTOBER92 Files that accompany the September/October 1992 issue of _VAX Professional_: Package Article Title ------- ------------- COMM - "Clusterwide Intertask Communication Using The Lock Manager" by Joseph R. Crum DEATH - "VMS Internals: Until Death Do Us Part" by Bruce Ellis MACRO - "Migrating VAX/VMS MACRO-32 Sources To ALPHA VMS" by Eric LaFranchi and Kathleen D. Morse OUTPUT - "MACRO Made Easy: Rolling Your Own Debug Macros" by Hunter Goatley XTUNE - "Tuning VMS For X Window System" by George P. Moakley To request all of the files for October 1992, send the following command in the body of a mail message to DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET: SEND OCTOBER92 To request a particular file, send a command like the following: SEND OCTOBER92.package