.flags bold ^*10BACKUP # Program to read DECsystem-10 BACKUP tapes\* .b;^*Operating System:\* VMS 4.x # ^*Source Language:\* VAX BASIC, VAX MACRO # ^*Keywords:\* Utilities - Tape # ^*Version:\* V2.4 .b;^*Abstract:\* 10BACKUP is an easy to use VAX program to read files from a magnetic tape created by the DECsystem-10 BACKUP utility. It's purpose is to enable file transfer from a DECsystem-10 to a VAX, or to read existing DECsystem-10 BACKUP format tapes. .i 5;The program runs in 'interchange' mode while processing the input tape, as DECsystem-10 disk and UFD information is meaningless on a VAX. Normally the program would be used to transfer Ascii text files only. .b;^*Note:\* This version of the program has only been tested using tapes from TOPS-10 6.03A. The program cannot write tapes. .b;Documentation on magnetic media.