3P001 Systems Integrators Panel Tabor, William I. Intraco, Inc. Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a panel of Systems Integrators who discuss problems and solutions associated with systems integration. This session provides an opportunity for Systems Integrators to ask questions and talk about Systems Integration with others in the same field. All Systems Integrators are welcome to attend. 3P002 3P SIG Systems Integrators Working Group Meeting Tabor, William I. Intraco, Inc. Langdon, Barbara Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This is the 3P SIG Systems Integrators Working Group meeting. This working group is oriented toward systems integrators and those who are interested in the issues surrounding systems integration. The primary purpose of the 3P SIG Systems Integrators Working Group is to provide forums for the exchange of business and technical information among systems integrators. This working group meeting addresses goals for the working group and for future symposia. Come express your ideas on how to shape this group to better meet your needs. 3P003 Third-Party Vendors and Storage Management Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center Digital has been presenting storage management concepts in a number of sessions at past symposia. The storage management model can now be presented to help third-party software vendors understand how this model might influence their software design to allow compatibility with the future storage management environment. This session discusses: o the layers of the storage management model o some features of future storage management products o how vendors might use this information in product design. 3P004 Experiences in Starting Your Own Business Whatley, Joseph Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session is intended for those who are thinking about starting a business or have just recently taken the plunge. Since DECUS is all about sharing experiences, both successes and failures, this session deals with what was done right and wrong with Excellent Office Systems, Inc. The session includes the following topics: o getting started: some basic decisions o what kind of business will one be? o business plans o when to get help from the bank o how to pick an attorney, CPA and accountant o how to be cheap but with high quality o keeping one's focus o growth or nongrowth o how to successfully sleep with the elephant o new words for cash flow o marketing, sales and getting clients. 3P005 Using Consultants: A Consumer's Guide for Managers Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Monday 2:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center In this "Consumer's Guide for Managers", a former information system executive turned consultant tries to answer the following questions, and more, about the often puzzling and frequently disappointing business of using "outsiders" to help with business problems: o Why is it that some companies cannot function without consultants, while others would not hire one on a bet? o How much is a consultant likely to cost? o What is a company likely to get for its money? o What kinds of services should be expected from consultants? o Why is it important to know what kind of consultant is being hired and whether or not he/she can provide the necessary service? o When is a consultant needed? o How can a service be selected based on value rather than price? o Why can the cheapest consultant become the most expensive, and vice versa? o What does a good consultant expect of his/her client? 3P006 Selling Your Consulting Services Kelley, Thomas Trisystems Consulting, Inc. Wednesday 9:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center Whether one has have already started a consulting business, or are just considering starting a business, the most important aspect is how to sell the services. This session discusses basic, proven sales techniques that show how to get the appointment, the offer, and then close the sale. Come learn the difference between "The Puppy Dog" and "The Columbo" and other sales tricks! While not every technique is covered in the time allotted, sales techniques as they apply to the software services business are highlighted. 3P007 Selling Software Services Workshop Kelley, Thomas Trisystems Consulting, Inc. Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center So now you understand the fundamentals, but you want to practice a little? This workshop gives you the chance to role play or just observe others as we work through some of the necessary steps to completing the sales cycle. We will practice: o making that first call o meeting the prospect o collecting information o discussing prices o responding to objections o closing the sale. The format is informal and light-hearted. 3P009 Helping Third-Party Providers Achieve Success Koehler, Lynnell Campus America Wednesday 1:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center To a third-party provider, being successful in business is the name of the game. And that is exactly why the Third-Party Providers (3P) SIG exists: to help third-party vendors -- software developers, consultants, system integrators, value-added resellers, and others -- be more successful by promoting the exchange of technical and business practices information. This session lays out the game plan of the 3P SIG in helping third parties to be successful. This is an interactive session between the 3P SIG Steering Committee and the audience. Participation is needed to help evaluate the 3PSIG directions. They need to know whether they are on the mark or whether it has been missed. Input now could mean valuable information for attendees later. Come play a vital role in helping to shape future activities. If, as a third-party provider, attendees feel DECUS should be providing some particular services not currently available, this is an opportunity to shape the DECUS future. Come prepared to brainstorm and react! This is a session for creative thinking. 3P010 3P SIG Value-Added Resellers Working Group Meeting Koehler, Lynnell Campus America Langdon, Barbara Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This is the 3P SIG Value-Added Resellers (VAR) Working Group meeting. This working group is oriented toward Digital VARs and those who are interested in becoming Digital VARs. The primary purpose of the 3P SIG VAR Working Group is to provide forums for the exchange of business and technical information among Digital VARs. This working group meeting addresses goals for the working group and for future symposia. Come express your ideas on how to shape this group to better meet your needs. 3P011 Independent Software Developers Working Group and Information Exchange Bassich, James Computerized Processes Unltd. Thursday 12:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This is a meeting of the Independent Software Developers Working Group (ISDWG). The ISDWG is formed to promote the exchange of information important to developers of software for resale. The ISDWG provides a forum for independent software developers to exchange ideas and collectively communicate with Digital. This meeting provides a unique opportunity for software developers to meet others developing software targeted for one or more Digital platforms. While this meeting is free of form to allow the exchange of information between developers, Digital representatives are present to both provide and gather information. All independent software developers, regardless of Digital affiliation, are encouraged to attend. 3P012 3P SIG Independent Consultants Working Group Meeting Menard, Dick RAMBYTE Consulting Company Thursday 3:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This is the 3P SIG Independent Consultants Working Group (3P SIG IC WG) meeting. This working group is oriented toward independent consultants and those who are interested in becoming consultants in the Digital marketplace. The primary purpose of the 3P SIG IC WG is to provide forums for the exchange of business and technical information among consultants. This working group meeting addresses goals for the working group and for future symposia. Come express your ideas on how to shape this group to better meet your needs. 3P013 3P SIG Hardware Developers Working Group Meeting Koehler, Lynnell Campus America Thursday 9:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The is the 3P Hardware Developers Working Group meeting. This working group is a forum to discuss issues oriented towards hardware vendors working in a Digital-focused marketplace. 3P014 How to Run a Successful Field Test Floyd, Tina Executive Software Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center A successful field test is vital to ensuring a stable software release. This session covers how to achieve this goal, and also notes those actions which detract. The following topics are discussed: o Preparation for field test: - documentation - product enhancements - in-house testing - site solicitation o alpha and beta field test: - site selection - getting sites to work with the development team - tracking and reporting feedback o product release: - when to freeze code for production - determining when the product is ready for release. 3P015 Successful Consulting Mehren, David John Integra Systems Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center The question that a computer consultant is probably asked more than any other is "How do I become a computer consultant?" In today's competitive market, a great deal of preparation is necessary before stepping out into the consulting business. This session is a panel of experienced independent computer consultants who discuss their own experiences and give suggestions on: o how to start a computer consulting business o the many things to consider before striking out on one's own o what kind of person is most likely to succeed as a consultant o what the consulting marketplace is like today. 3P016 Advanced License Management for Developers Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session BP006. 4G001 DATATRIEVE Magic Copeland, Richard Corning Incorporated Thursday 9:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center DATATRIEVE Magic is an enchanted time when DATATRIEVE wizards and novices alike gather to share their magic. Magic can include special or unusual solutions to problems, and unique or new ways to use DATATRIEVE. Bring your magic, simple or esoteric, to share with novices or wizards. Remember, what may not seem like magic to you may be the answer to another user's problem. 4G002 DATATRIEVE: An In-Depth Beginner's Guide Garcia, Evelyn Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center DATATRIEVE is certainly one of Digital's most popular products. It is extraordinarily effective in providing a robust means of interactive access to data in Record Management System (RMS) files, VAX DEC Rdb for OpenVMS databases, or VAX DBMS databases. This session presents a basic, but in-depth, description of the essential characteristics of DATATRIEVE and describes situations in which it is effective. This session covers: o the capabilities of DATATRIEVE o some appreciation of the language o who should use DATATRIEVE o the strategies for using it o typical situations in which it is most effective. 4G003 DATATRIEVE: FMS/TDMS to DECforms Conversion Workshop Gatterman, Bruce Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 8:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center DATATRIEVE is a powerful, easier-to-use query language and report generation tool that can use FMS, TDMS, and, since V6.0, DECforms for a user interface. DECforms is Digital's implementation of the FIMS forms standard and it provides a highly tailorable user interface with capabilities not available in FMS or TDMS. This workshop covers the advantages of using DECforms over FMS and TDMS, and focuses on how to migrate DATATRIEVE applications that currently use FMS or TDMS to using DECforms. DATATRIEVE users are encouraged to participate. Bring your questions and experiences. 4G004 DATATRIEVE V6.1 for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP Macchi, Federico Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the new features provided by Digital's DATATRIEVE V6.1 for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP. Also discussed is DATATRIEVE in a mixed VAX and AXP environment. 4G005 4GL SIG Opening Session Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Monday 9:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The opening session of the Fourth Generation Languages Special Interest Group provides the attendee with the opportunity to: o identify the volunteer leadership of the SIG o learn about the SIG's special events o find out about campground activities o get information about the sessions of interest to users or prospective users of fourth generation languages. Attendees currently evaluating 4GL's should plan to attend the 4GL SIG Opening Session. 4G006 DEC RALLY: An Introduction to Digital's Object-Based 4GL Rogers, Anthony Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical overview of DEC RALLY, Digital's object-based 4th generation application generator for interactive database applications. This talk is designed for people that know very little about RALLY and would like to find out what it is about. Topics include: o RALLY objects o RALLY form/reports o ADL: RALLY's event-driven script language o External program links o Open Data Interface (ODI) o MS-DOS client/server applications o Rapid Application Development (RAD) o Dynamic editing o Lateral editing. 4G007 DATATRIEVE Working Group Meeting Miller, Harry Ontario Police Department Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The DATATRIEVE Working Group Meeting is a scheduled forum for those interested in DATATRIEVE to meet and discuss topics of mutual concern. Topics include: o suggestions for topics at future symposia o interaction with DTR Developers o methods to better serve and communicate with users. Users who are interested in DATATRIEVE at any level of expertise are encouraged to attend the Working Group Meeting. 4G008 DATATRIEVE Clinic Miller, Harry Ontario Police Department Thursday 3:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center The DATATRIEVE Clinic is where attendees can present their DATATRIEVE problems to product developers and experienced users for solutions. No problem is too simple or complex. Every aspect of DATATRIEVE can be addressed, including: o performance o interfacing with 3GL's o reports o customizing. This is your opportunity to speak with DATATRIEVE experts. 4G010 DATATRIEVE: Novice Report Writer Workshop Miller, Harry Ontario Police Department Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center DATATRIEVE contains a versatile and powerful report writer. This workshop shows the DATATRIEVE novice how to use the Report Writer to create and format reports. Items discussed are: o Why use the Report Writer o Report Writer defaults o Formatting and directing output o The five (really only five) Report Writer statements o Getting counts and summaries into the report. Audience participation is greatly encouraged. Attendees are may bring their report writing problems to this workshop. 4G011 DATATRIEVE Wishlist: Talk with the Developers Miller, Harry Ontario Police Department Tuesday 10:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This informal session gives users a chance at a face-to-face Product Improvement Request (PIR). This is an opportunity to speak directly with the software developers and voice your suggestions for future enhancements. The software developers listen and respond to your suggestions. You may find that your request is already in development. The PIR process has a solid impact on the direction of DATATRIEVE development. Here is your chance to be heard. 4G012 DATATRIEVE: Advanced Report Writer Workshop Miller, Harry Ontario Police Department Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center DATATRIEVE contains a very powerful report writing facility. This workshop goes beyond default page numbers, dates, and report names. Advanced topics includes a discussion on forming multiple control groups and summaries. This workshop discusses users' experiences with the new features of the DATATRIEVE V6.0 Report Writer. Examples of documents produced as result of the report writer's new Compound Document Architecture (CDA) compatibility are presented and critiqued by those in attendance. The workshop also covers using the Report Writer to access outside sources to make sophisticated reports easy to create. Audience participation is encouraged. 4G015 FOCUS Working Group Meeting Elliott, Dottie ManTech Environmental Tech. Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center The FOCUS Working group is a scheduled forum for those interested in FOCUS to meet and discuss topics of mutual concern including: o product direction o product wish list enhancements o working group activities o sessions at future symposia. The FOCUS Working Group is also looking for volunteers to manage the Working Group. 4G016 FOCUS Clinic Elliott, Dottie ManTech Environmental Tech. Wednesday 9:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center Get answers to all your FOCUS reporting and programming questions!! The FOCUS Clinic lets attendees present their FOCUS problems to product developers and experienced users for solutions. No problem is too simple or complex. 4G017 FOCUS: Search and Retrieval with Multiple Record Processing and FUSELIB Elliott, Dottie ManTech Environmental Tech. Wednesday12:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers a search and retrieval system presently in use to explain multiple record processing techniques and several FUSELIB routines. It includes a discussion of the operational goals for designing the Search and Retrieval system. Then the use of Multiple Record processing techniques is demonstrated and attendees are shown to implement them. Several FUSELIB functions are discussed as well. 4G018 ACCENT R Working Group Meeting Tellis, Winston Fairfield University Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This is the business meeting of the Accent R Working Group, where you get to decide what sessions are offered at the next Symposium. You also get a chance to meet the representatives of the vendor, and present your views and requests directly to them. 4G020 ACCENT-RDM: Transportation Administration System Bartlett, Wayne Bartlett, Kelly Inc Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a description of a production system for the site management of a critical automated rail maintenance system. It is in use in major airports across the country and the speaker is a principal in the company which developed the software. It runs in ACCENT-RDM on several platforms. Actual screens are demonstrated with ample time for questions. 4G021 ORACLE: Building Heterogeneous Systems with Open Gateway Holt, W Merrill Oracle Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Using ORACLE's Open Gateway Technology, a diverse set of non ORACLE data and services can be integrated into a single logical distributed database. This discussion provides a look at applications of the technology, and details of how the different gateways can be used in distributed systems. Management of distributed transactions involving multiple sites through two-phase commit, commit focal point (one-phase commit) and read-only participation are also discussed. 4G022 Tuning OpenVMS for ORACLE Kennedy, Jef Oracle Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The session addresses OpenVMS tuning issues that arise when running ORACLE in a VMS and OpenVMS environment. Topics include: o ORACLE's use of OpenVMS memory resources o Linking ORACLE on OpenVMS o Tuning OpenVMS I/O for ORACLE o ORACLE and the OpenVMS scheduler o Tuning ORACLE and OpenVMS on SMP and VMScluster configurations 4G023 ORACLE for AXP: Migrating to OpenVMS and OSF/1 Gadre, Aniruddha Oracle Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center ORACLE is porting its complete family of RDBMS, Tools, and Applications to run on the AXP architecture under both OpenVMS and Open Software Foundation, Inc. (OSF/1). This session describes how ORACLE is optimized for the AXP architecture. Attendees learn how to migrate ORACLE applications to OpenVMS and OSF/1 and how ORACLE on AXP can coexist with existing OpenVMS and ULTRIX installations. 4G024 ORACLE Client/Server Configurations in the DEC Environment Foote, Scott Oracle Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Client/Server configurations with the ORACLE tools and database are not new to the Digital environment. This technology has existed in production quality for nearly seven years, since the first production release of ORACLE's SQL*Net V1.0 in 1985. Today, client/server configurations are enjoying a new and deserved popularity as a relatively inexpensive growth path alternative to upgrading single-node systems. This presentation covers the architecture of an ORACLE based client/server environment and the multitude of client/server configurations available using combinations of OpenVMS, ULTRIX, OSF/1 and Network Application Support (NAS) Desktop systems. 4G025 ORACLE and Windows NT Baldeviso, Romeo Oracle Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center ORACLE is porting its RDBMS to the Microsoft Windows NT environment. The multithreaded architecture of ORACLE7, along with the new system recovery and data integrity features, represents a milestone in the evolution of RDBMS technology. This session covers how the ORACLE7 Server and windows NT combine to provide a robust environment for mission-critical applications. Oracle's plans for the new DEC AXP Windows NT platform are covered in this session as well. 4G026 Recovery Scenarios for the ORACLE7 Server on OpenVMS Beane, Keith Oracle Corporation Nishio, Leo Oracle Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Backup and recovery techniques for ORACLE are discussed, with comparisons being made between ORACLE V6 and the ORACLE7 Server. Common recovery scenarios are contrasted to aid the database administrator in evaluating backup strategies. 4G027 ORACLE's Text Retrieval Capabilities with SQL*TextRetrieval Strehlow, David Oracle Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Oracle's SQL*TextRetrieval provides a foundation for building ORACLE-based document management, imaging, and work flow applications by enhancing the ORACLE RDBMS in four ways: o support for large data types such as: - 4K character fields - indefinitely long character or binary fields - externally-stored data o SQL extensions that support content-based queries o bit-array inverted indexing to support fast content-based retrieval o formatted document management and application launching. This session describes how these features were implemented in an ORACLE environment and how SQL*TextRetrieval can be used to create a document management database and application. 4G028 SYBASE Stored Procedures: Distributing Your Application Kemp, Richard TechKnowQuest, Inc. Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center SYBASE introduced stored procedures and distributed application logic to client/server relational database systems, however, few applications take full advantage of this powerful feature of SYBASE. This session introduces SYBASE stored procedures, and discusses how to take advantage of SYBASE's extensions to SQL to produce procedures that allow for true distributed programming. Topics include: o what are stored procedures o why use stored procedures o how do you create stored procedures o SYBASE's extensions to SQL for programming o how to use parameters and return values to create subroutines in SQL. Many examples are included to illustrate the full power of SYBASE's stored procedures. 4G030 SMARTSTAR Working Group Meeting McIlvaine, Jim Moyer Packing Company Monday 12:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The SMARTSTAR Working Group Meeting is a scheduled forum for those interested in discussing topics of mutual interest within the SMARTSTAR community, for both OpenVMS and Vision products. The Working Group Meeting also provides an opportunity for identifying future sessions and needs, as well as planning future Working Group activities. A wishlist is developed for submission to SMARTSTAR for review and comment. Company representatives are available to answer questions and discuss future directions for both SMARTSTAR OpenVMS and SMARTSTAR Vision. 4G031 SMARTSTAR OpenVMS Technical Clinic Talgo, Eric SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an opportunity for SMARTSTAR OpenVMS users to bring their technical questions and problems for discussion and analysis. A group of experts from SMARTSTAR and the user community are available to answer questions on all aspects of SMARTSTAR OpenVMS. Source listings and trace files are welcome and a demonstration system is available. 4G032 SMARTSTAR Vision Technical Clinic Smith, David SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic provides an opportunity for users to bring their technical questions and problems concerning SMARTSTAR Vision for discussion and analysis. A group of experts from SMARTSTAR and the user community are available to answer questions on all aspects of SMARTSTAR Vision. Source listings and trace files are welcome, and a demonstration system is available. 4G033 SMARTSTAR Vision: A Motif-SQL Application Development System Smith, David SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center SMARTSTAR Vision is an object-oriented Motif-based database application development environment for scientific, engineering, and commercial business applications. These applications are portable between OpenVMS and popular UNIX and MS-DOS platforms. SMARTSTAR Vision includes an extended set of Motif widgets for NoGL (no code required) and SQL database access. Examples of extended widgets include: o text widgets with edit masks o NoGL database connections to radio buttons and sliders o database scrolling regions of arbitrary groups of fields o master/detail forms with multiple scrolling regions. SMARTSTAR Vision applications are portable among different environments by transferring the application to the target platform and processing it using the local version of SMARTSTAR Vision. Using the development tools, users can develop applications in any supported environment and immediately run the results in any other environment. 4G034 SmartGL for SMARTSTAR Vision: An Object-Oriented 4GL Smith, David SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center SmartGL for SMARTSTAR Vision is an object-oriented 4GL used to control SMARTSTAR Vision applications and provide database access. Programs written in SmartGL, called scripts, control "what happens" within a SMARTSTAR Vision application. A SMARTSTAR Vision application is a set of windows that are connected together. Each window is stored as a hierarchy of objects (menus, buttons, fields, etc.), and each object encapsulates its appearance, values, and behavior. When an object is manipulated with the mouse or keyboard, an event occurs which can trigger a script. As an example, the following script is triggered when leaving a field object. "StatusField" is a field and "Quantity.Bold" is an attribute of the field object "Quantity". if Quantity > 0 and Quantity < 25 then DoCommit(); else StatusField = "That number of parts cannot be shipped."; Quantity.Bold = TRUE; endif; This session reviews the language constructs for SmartGL and provides additional examples. 4G035 SMARTSTAR OpenVMS Introduction Stewart, Carl SMARTSTAR Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center SMARTSTAR OpenVMS is a Fourth Generation Language (4GL) product that supports the complete application development environment. Development typically starts with import from a CASE tool, which has designed the application. SMARTSTAR OpenVMS can then be used for rapid prototype development, including referential integrity support, followed by full implementation of the application and its business rules. This session discusses the new features and capabilities of SMARTSTAR OpenVMS, which focus on the application development environment. Some of these features include: o SmartBuilder: a component for application development and analysis, including a metadata repository. o SmartGL: a component which combines NoGL, 4GL, 3GL, SQL, and DCL into a high-level language for application logic and control o SmartReport Painter: a WYSIWYG report writer o Data Distributor: a database layer which supports: - logical to physical mappings - referential integrity - simultaneous access to heterogeneous databases. 4G036 4GL Database Connectivity Technology Demonstration Davis, Steve SMARTSTAR Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center At the last two DECUS Symposia (in Atlanta and Las Vegas), the 4GL vendors were asked to participate in a technology demonstration of database connectivity. The goal was to show the abilities of the 4GL's to connect to third party databases, both local to the CPU and over a network to another CPU, and to present to the user the appearance that the third party databases can function as a single multiple-table database. The results of the first two technology demonstrations were very successful. A Local Area VAXcluster was set up, and 4GL vendors were able to connect to RMS, Rdb, ORACLE, SYBASE, and INGRES databases, both local on their machine and, in some cases, networked to other machines. The demonstration in Atlanta expands on the results from Las Vegas and the previous Atlanta. More 4GL vendors participate and the network expands to include UNIX and MS-DOS platforms. Issues such as platform dependence, database access (read-only or read-write), client/server, and vendor-defined functionality (such as null field support in RMS files) are addressed. The technology demonstration functions in the 4GL Campground all week, with attendees invited to stop by and view the results for themselves. 4G038 SMARTSTAR Vision: Building Event-Driven GUI Applications Stewart, Carl SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center The process of building an event-driven object-oriented GUI application is very different than building a user-driven character cell application. Application developers who are faced with building these new types of applications have to deal with a new set of paradigms and procedures. For example, the "linear programming" model for user-driven applications no longer applies. In the linear programming model, there is typically a main program, which calls subroutines as needed, and prompts the user for input as needed. The data processing proceeds "sequentially" from start to finish. Event-driven programming is not sequential. The user can generate an event such as "click" or "window open", and the application must then respond to the event. Events can happen in any order, and are not sequenced, as in user-driven programming. There is no "main program" to control the application. SMARTSTAR Vision provides a true event-driven application development environment. As such, there are different techniques used to build applications than in user-driven application development. This session covers these techniques, and provide several practical examples. 4G040 Performance of Client/Server Object-Oriented GUI Applications Schwartz, David SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center There are many factors which contribute to the performance of client/server object-oriented GUI applications. These factors are frequently overlooked in the decision to "develop" such applications, but play an important role when these applications are deployed. These factors include: o number of objects displayed o CPU speed (Specmarks) o memory (Mb) o database performance (transactions per second) o display speed (Specmarks) o network bandwidth (MHz) o disk speed (access time in ms). This session covers the inter-relationships among the above factors and provide some practical "rules of thumb" for estimating application performance. 4G041 SMARTSTAR OpenVMS: Using SmartGL for Large Scale Applications Davis, Steve SMARTSTAR Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center SmartGL is the application development language for SMARTSTAR OpenVMS. SmartGL combines the features of SMARTSTAR's OpenVMS NoGL with 4GL, 3GL, SQL, and DCL languages. It is a Pascal-type language which fully supports variable declarations, branching and looping, embedded SQL, and DCL commands through an attached subprocess. This session focuses on using SmartGL for large scale application development. In particular, techniques for using embedded SQL and for compiling and linking OpenVMS shareable images are discussed. Producing OpenVMS shareable images allows multiple users to share the same SmartGL code in memory when the application is executing. 4G042 ORACLE Working Group Meeting Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center Now entering its fourth year in the 4GL SIG, the ORACLE Working Group has proven to be an active and vital part of DECUS. Topics addressed at this meeting are: o Working Group leadership o the Masters List Program o ORACLE Responds to the Atlanta Wishlist o general concerns and needs of the DECUS ORACLE user community. The ORACLE Working Group Meeting is your chance to meet with this dynamic group of users, our vendor counterparts and perhaps to volunteer your time as a DECUS leader. 4G043 ORACLE Technical Clinic Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Wednesday 2:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center Bring your ORACLE technical questions to the clinic. Experts from ORACLE and from the DECUS user community are available to answer questions on all aspects of ORACLE. You have a chance to work one-on-one or in groups. The clinic provides an environment to make connections with other ORACLE users. 4G044 Managing ORACLE on the VAX Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Managing the ORACLE relational database management system can present a major challenge to VAX managers. In this session, a VAX OpenVMS systems programmer/ORACLE database administrator (DBA) discusses the following issues: o hardware requirements o installation tips o database storage management o ORACLE data structures and OpenVMS o performance management from the DBA's perspective o database configuration issues and strategies. 4G045 ORACLE Segment Storage Management Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Thursday 9:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Effective management of segment storage is critical for optimal database performance in the ORACLE environment. This session addresses the following topics: o segment types o storage parameters o space vs. performance tradeoffs o V6.2 considerations. 4G046 Converting Applications to ORACLE V7 Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Friday 12:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the conversion of a large ORACLE application from ORACLE Version 6 to Version 7 as a beta site. It focuses on how new features of V7 were utilized to improve the application. Topics covered include: o Primary/Foreign key constraints o using stored procedures to reduce memory requirements o "cascading" deletes and other operations. Experience with installing and administrating the new software and other beta site experiences are discussed. 4G047 Discovering the ORACLE Data Dictionary Kaufman, David Ultimate Software Consultants Thursday 10:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center ORACLE provides a data dictionary rich with information describing database objects. This session describes the layout of this dictionary and techniques system managers and database administrators use to interpret information in the dictionary. Topics include: o database files o tables o indexes o performance and configuration o user authorization. Time is allocated for answering site specific questions regarding these topics. 4G048 SMARTSTAR OpenVMS Application Development Using SmartBuilder Davis, Steve SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Large-scale application development with SMARTSTAR includes the stages of design, development, and deployment. At the design level, CASE tools can be used for entity-relationship diagrams and logical data models to identify the important data elements and relationships in the application. At the development level, SmartBuilder provides the tools for implementing and testing an application. SmartBuilder utilizes a global repository for storing all elements of the application. The repository provides logical, physical, and user definitions of these elements, and the ability to propagate changes from the logical level to the physical and user levels. For example, a zip code change from "99999" to "99999-9999" can be handled automatically, with changes to user defined forms and physical databases as required. Other capabilities include: o Import Capabilities, connections to: - CASE tools - CDD/Repository - ANSI-SQL2 data definitions - existing metadata o Prototype Capabilities, creation of: - default forms - menus - databases with full support for referential integrity o End-User Capabilities - form development using the repository for control of form attributes such as edit masks and user action routines. Also includes a point-and-click interface for building new forms. o Maintenance Capabilities - provides a query/update environment for global changes to forms and metadata. 4G050 SMARTSTAR OpenVMS Magic Talgo, Eric SMARTSTAR Corporation Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Several techniques (tricks?) are discussed for increasing the performance of SMARTSTAR OpenVMS applications, including both front end (screen) and back end (database) issues. This session presents: o hints for many components including: - SmartGL - SmartBuilder - SMARTQUERY - runtime SQL o techniques for improving the performance of opening applications o the initial execution of SmartGL routines o SmartBuilder in general. This session is interactive, with audience participation encouraged. Please come prepared with favorite hints and kinks in using SMARTSTAR OpenVMS. Prizes are awarded for the best hints and kinks presented. 4G051 An Insider's Workshop: How SMARTSTAR Uses SMARTSTAR Davis, Steve SMARTSTAR Corporation Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center SMARTSTAR Corporation uses the SMARTSTAR product in all aspects of its daily operations. This session "peeks under the covers" and provides illustrative examples of how SMARTSTAR, the product, is used to support SMARTSTAR corporate operations such as lead tracking, customer tracking, problem tracking, and automatic LMF PAK generation. In the development group, the SMARTSTAR product is used to maintain a subroutine database, which serves as the "driver" for a number of applications, which in turn generates: o the callable interface o VAX Document files o language specific include files o LSE templates. Designed as a interactive workshop, attendees are encouraged to participate in the discussion. 4G052 SMARTSTAR OpenVMS: Data Action Routine Programming Talgo, Eric SMARTSTAR Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center The SMARTSTAR OpenVMS Data Action Routine (DAR) is the interface between the front end (the user screen) and the back end (the database). The default DAR may be modified to support complex database interactions, such as ORDER_BY, GUIDE, hidden fields, timestamping, and various levels of locking. The session will cover the details of DAR programming (from both the 4GL and 3GL), and will suggest various strategies for DAR prorgamming with large scale applications. Several examples will be given to illustrate various techniques. 4G053 DEC RALLY: Event-Driven Programming with Action Sites Lasher, Lewis Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center DEC RALLY features an event-driven programming mechanism for forms, reports and menus. About 40 different events can be used as triggers to invoke programmer-defined actions. These events are referred to as "action sites". This session offers: o an internal view of how RALLY menus, form/reports and ADL procedures are executed o how and when each of the action sites is invoked o tips on the attributes of each action site o which action sites are best for solving particular problems. 4G054 DEC RALLY: Update and Strategy Overview Rogers, Anthony Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides information about the new features in the latest release of RALLY, Version 3.1. It also provides an update on Digital's announced plans for RALLY. These plans include: o a Motif development interface o a runtime client for the Microsoft Windows environment o UNIX support. 4G055 DEC RALLY: Tuning RALLY/Rdb Applications Schanz, Anne Marie Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center DEC RALLY provides transaction management options that allows applications to make highly efficient use of Digital's DEC Rdb for OpenVMS database system. This workshop describes these options and how they relate to each other, and provides guidelines on when to use them. For example, this workshop tells which options to set to allow forms to call each other arbitrarily and still use only one database attachment for the entire application. This workshop also describes the many performance monitoring and tuning tools that can be used with RALLY applications. RALLY's tight integration with DECtrace and RdbExpert is highlighted. Guidance is provide on how to use these tools with RALLY, and example results are shown. Attendee questions and participation is encouraged. 4G056 DEC RALLY: Form/Report Formatting Tutorial Coldrick, David Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center DEC RALLY uses the same object for both forms and reports. This provides a great deal of power and flexibility, and makes RALLY form/reports unique among 4GLs. This talk provides an in-depth explanation of the concepts that underlie form/report formatting. The meaning of the firm/middle/last formatting states are explored in detail. Related formatting options are described, and the form/report formatting process is illustrated by walking through several examples. 4G057 DEC RALLY: More Form/Report Formatting Techniques Schanz, Anne Marie Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session explores various form/report formatting styles that can be created by setting different formatting options for DEC RALLY objects such as text, fields and format groups. Specific topics include techniques for creating form/reports that contain: o summary data o floating fields o header and trailer pages. Attendees should have a basic understanding of the RALLY Form/Report formatter. 4G058 DEC RALLY: Developing Client/Server Applications Lasher, Lewis Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center DEC RALLY provides a runtime client for MS-DOS that is fully compatible with its OpenVMS development and runtime systems. This session provides guidance on using RALLY to develop client/server applications with MS-DOS clients and an OpenVMS server. Specific topics include: o hardware and software requirements o SQL Services options o tuning SQL Services o security issues and options o terminal management options. 4G062 DEC RALLY Clinic De Dufour, Julianne Warner-Lambert Company Thursday 11:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center The DEC RALLY clinic is an opportunity for you to bring any problems you may be having with RALLY to the experts. No problem is too large or too small. RALLY is installed on equipment in the campground, and is available to demonstrate or explain your problem. 4G063 DEC RALLY Working Group Meeting De Dufour, Julianne Warner-Lambert Company Fredrickson, Steven Fredrickson Consulting Svcs Monday 1:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The DEC RALLY Working Group Meeting is an open forum for RALLY users, both current and future. Whether you are a seasoned DECUS veteran, or a newcomer, this is a great way for you to meet others like yourself, and make contacts for RALLY "networking" when you return home. Digital representatives are always on hand, and they want to hear from you. So bring along your suggestions and concerns for RALLY's future, and help guide its direction. This is an informal meeting and active participation is welcome. 4G064 DEC RALLY: Advanced Applications Workshop Fredrickson, Steven Fredrickson Consulting Svcs Thursday 8:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center DEC RALLY applications can be powerful even if the developer stays with basic techniques. But there is always that one design specification where it seems one just can not do it without programming monster Application Development Language (ADL) procedures or going to a 3GL eternal program link. Or can one...? This workshop covers some more advanced (and sometimes overlooked) features of RALLY applications that might save extra programming. Topics include: o conditional objects (visitation, LOV, and displays) o format groups o aggregate fields o pop-up subforms o chaining form/reports o using tasks o runtime DSD parameters o key definitions. Attendee participation is encouraged. Bring experiences, coding examples and questions. 4G065 DEC RALLY: Application Development Language Primer De Dufour, Julianne Warner-Lambert Company Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The DEC RALLY Application Development Language (ADL) is a procedural language that gives developers more power in defining features for their applications without making external calls. ADL procedures can manipulate form/report objects, change the flow of the application, and even access data directly through DSDs. This session is a tutorial on how to write procedures in ADL. Topics covered include: o syntax and structure o data types and variables o expressions o statements o built-in procedures o functions o Data Manipulation Language (DML) o accessing application objects o some common (and not so common) uses. 4G067 FOCUS: Building an Application with User Aids Weinstein, Debbie Information Builders Jappy, Julia Information Builders Monday 2:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This talk is the first in a series of talks introducing the audience to FOCUS and many of its powerful capabilities. Here the FOCUS novice user is introduced, through live demonstration, to some of the facilities provided for building an application without an extensive knowledge of the FOCUS language. Examples are: o Rdb FileTalk, for building and creating an Rdb table o AutoRdb, for defining the view to be maintained o ModifyTalk, for building database maintenance procedures o TableTalk, for designing and building report requests. In this session, a sample application is built using these tools and serves as a base for the FOCUS talks which follow this one. Participants who have no prior experience building applications in FOCUS gain immediate productivity. 4G068 FOCUS: Optimizing Access to Rdb and Other RDBMS Donaghy, Joseph Information Builders Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center A knowledge of the actual requests being constructed by FOCUS is critical to performance tuning in an environment where FOCUS is being used to access a relational database. The goal of this session is to provide the user with information necessary to determine what types of requests FOCUS is issuing to the database and how to "tweak" the FOCUS environment to generate different types of requests. Issues discussed include: o the FOCUS implementation of inner versus outer joins o how FOCUS determines what work can be delegated to the relational database engine o what tools are available to evaluate a request. 4G069 NATURAL Technical Clinic Laird, John Tyson Foods, Incorporated Tuesday 10:00 AM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center The NATURAL Technical Clinic is where attendees can present their NATURAL problems to product developers and experienced users for solutions. In addition, new product enhancements and questions concerning future OpenVMS and UNIX directions are discussed. 4G070 FOCUS: Customizing Your Applications Weinstein, Debbie Information Builders Jappy, Julia Information Builders Monday 3:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This talk takes the basic application developed in the first talk and demonstrates the FOCUS tools available to easily customize the application. Examples are: o Screen Painter: enhancing the user interface for database maintenance applications o Window Painter: for designing a Graphical User Interface for the application. The talk also looks at some additional reporting capabilities of FOCUS using the following tools: o Report Painter: building free format reports o PlotTalk: generating graphical output. The speakers then proceed to tie all the developed procedures together into a multilayered, pull-down menu system. 4G071 NATURAL Working Group Meeting Laird, John Tyson Foods, Incorporated Monday 11:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The NATURAL Working Group Meeting is a scheduled forum for those interested in NATURAL to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest and concern. Suggestions for future symposia sessions are also solicited. If you have a NATURAL related topic you would like to see presented at the next symposium, this is the meeting for you to attend. Expansion of the NATURAL Working Group within the activities of the 4GL SIG is a goal of the meeting. The NATURAL Working Group is looking for volunteers to participate in the 4GL SIG. 4G072 FOCUS: New Directions Workshop Weinstein, Debbie Information Builders Thursday 8:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This workshop discusses the upcoming releases of the VAX FOCUS product. Based on information presented at this workshop, current or potential FOCUS users are able to make strategic decisions about their direction with more confidence. Attendee participation is encouraged. Attendees should bring their questions and concerns. 4G073 NATURAL: Rdb Communication Considerations Klein, Shawn Software AG Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session is designed for the user who wants to know the specifics of how NATURAL interacts with Rdb. The topics include: o Transaction processing within NATURAL Rdb o NATURAL Rdb vs. NATURAL ADABAS o Troubleshooting NATURAL Rdb o NATURAL Rdb index performance o NATURAL Rdb interface. This session is intended for an audience that is either running NATURAL Rdb, thinking of running NATURAL Rdb, or is just curious about how they work together. A small amount of both Rdb and NATURAL knowledge is helpful, but not necessary. 4G074 FOCUS: RMS Access Optimization Workshop Donaghy, Joseph Information Builders Thursday 9:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This workshop outlines the details of how FOCUS goes about accessing RMS files. Included in this session are the details of key description and key selection. How the interface handles locking at both the file level and the record level is also explored. Attendee participation is encouraged. Attendees should bring their experiences and questions. 4G075 NATURAL: Introduction for New Users McDermott, Peter Software AG of North America Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session explores the functions and features of NATURAL. The session pertains to all data access methods, and to both OpenVMS and UNIX platforms. Coding examples are provided. Topics include: o NATURAL Commands o NATURAL Statements o NATURAL Editors o NATURAL Reports. This session is intended for anyone with any interest or curiosity about Software AG's fourth generation technology. All of the functionality discussed in this session can be demonstrated in the 4GL campground. 4G076 NATURAL for Windows McGuire, Valeri Software AG Federal Systems Thursday 3:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session explores the functions and features of NATURAL for Windows. The topics include: o "GUI-fication" of NATURAL o interface with database and dictionary o application "beautification" o portability. This session is intended for anyone with any interest or curiosity about Software AG's fourth generation technology in the Windows environment. This product can be demonstrated in the 4GL campground. 4G077 NATURAL: Application Tuning Tips and Techniques Workshop Streiff, John Software AG Thursday 8:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This interactive workshop provides NATURAL application developers with some general rules of thumb for designing and tuning their applications. Keeping in mind that every site has its own specific tuning requirements, attendees of this workshop are encouraged to bring their tuning questions and problems, and can expect to return to work with better investigative techniques for isolating performance problems. Examples are used to demonstrate the concepts discussed. 4G079 FOCUS: Database Simultaneous Usage Facility Ahrweiler, Kenneth Information Builders Thursday 5:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The FOCUS Database is the predominant database for production systems at FOCUS for OpenVMS installations. Support for large database files and minimal resource utilization makes it an attractive database on small to large-size OpenVMS systems. FOCUS database maintenance applications needing multiuser access require the FOCUS Simultaneous Usage Facility. A FOCUS Simultaneous Usage database server is used to manage and control access to centrally controlled or shared databases. This session covers terminology used for describing the server components. Implementation concepts are discussed. A description of the how the server works is presented. Requirements and recommendations for starting the server, as well as instructions for operating the server are discussed. The session also covers how to troubleshoot problem areas. Attendee participation is encouraged. Attendees should bring their experiences and questions. 4G080 ORACLE: Applications Tuning Tips and Techniques Workshop Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Yellott, Stanley L. Cellular Incorporated Tuesday 8:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This interactive workshop provides attendees who are ORACLE application developers with some general rules of thumb for designing and tuning their applications. Keeping in mind that every site has its own specific tuning requirements, attendees of this workshop are expected to bring specific tuning problems and can expect to return to work with better investigative techniques for isolating application performance problems. Sample issues to be raised: o using indexes - the 80/20 rule revisited o when to normalize and when not to normalize o array fetching o use of context areas in SQL*Forms and the Precompilers o implications of sorting and merging ("Order by", "Group by") o What the query optimizer will and will not do for the user. o ORACLE application tuning tools - TKPROF and EXPLAIN PLAN. Specific examples from real applications are used to demonstrate how following a few simple rules can significantly improve application performance. 4G081 ORACLE SQL*Net/DECnet System Managers Forum Keller, Mark US Food & Drug Administration Tuesday 9:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This interactive workshop addresses the issues of implementing distributed applications using ORACLE SQL*Net/DECnet. Attendees can expect to return to work and implement a simple distributed application and progress to more complex distributed applications. Types of issues to be raised: o prerequisites for implementing distributed applications o client/server terminology demystified o basics of the SQL*Net/DECnet connect o direct connects vs. database links o tips on tuning client and server accounts o tips on how to beat the high overhead of DECnet/NSP o DECnet tuning tips. If time permits, integrating SQL*NET/DECnet with ORACLE'S Parallel Server is addressed. 4G083 PowerHouse 4GL Working Group Meeting Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Monday 3:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The PowerHouse Working Group Meeting is a scheduled forum for those interested in PowerHouse 4GL to meet and discuss topics of mutual concern. In addition, this session attempts to identify session needs for future symposia, encourage attendees to submit sessions for the next symposia and plan other working group activities. New, long-time, and prospective PowerHouse users are welcome. Cognos representatives are present to answer questions and get feedback for product improvements. 4G084 PowerHouse 4GL Clinic Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Wednesday10:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center The PowerHouse 4GL Clinic is where attendees can have their PowerHouse 4GL problems and questions addressed by experienced users and Cognos' Powerhouse 4GL developers. All levels of questions and problems are welcome. The wishlist is always a topic at the clinic. Don't miss this chance to directly interact with Cognos engineers. 4G085 PowerHouse Client/Server Clinic Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Thursday 1:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center The PowerHouse Client/Server Clinic includes an introduction to the PowerHouse 4GL Client/Server environment. Discussion focuses on PowerHouse Windows and the relationship between PowerHouse 4GL QUICK screens and PowerHouse Windows. A review of the PowerHouse Windows Developer tools is presented. A hands-on experience is planned. 4G086 PowerHouse 4GL Performance Clinic Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Thursday 2:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center The PowerHouse 4GL Performance Clinic provides attendees the time to discuss performance issues with representatives from Cognos Corporation and other users of PowerHouse 4GL. Discussed are performance enhancements using coding techniques in: o QUIZ (report writer) o QUICK (applications screens) o QTP (transaction processing). The PowerHouse 4GL Clinic is designed as a workshop, and PowerHouse 4GL users are encouraged to bring their hints, tricks and magic. 4G087 PowerHouse 4GL OpenVMS Update Kinsman, Robert Cognos Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session reviews the status of the released products from Cognos for OpenVMS on VAX and AXP. It also provides detail on the products that are currently in field test and a glimpse of the future direction of PowerHouse 4GL. Particular attention is given to the new features and capabilities that are in the upcoming client/server release of PowerHouse 4GL. As well, the results of the PowerHouse Enhancement Program (PEP) for 1992 are reviewed. 4G088 PowerHouse 4GL UNIX Update Kinsman, Robert Cognos Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session reviews the status of the released products from Cognos for UNIX on ULTRIX, SCO, SUN, HP-UX, IBM AIX, and DG-UX. It also provides detail of the products that are currently in field test. Particular attention is given to the new capabilities that are in the upcoming release of PowerHouse 4GL, which features support for SYBASE and SQL. In addition, the results of the PowerHouse Enhancement Program (PEP) for 1992 are reviewed. 4G089 PowerHouse 4GL Tips and Techniques McKitterick, Jack Cognos Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The PowerHouse language contains both a robust nonprocedural and a procedural language for building complex screen transactions. One of the secrets to building successful PowerHouse applications is to minimize the amount of procedural code used. This session looks at the rules on how the default procedures are generated, and how to avoid modifying those procedures through the use of nonprocedural code. The focus of this session is exclusively on screen transactions. 4G090 PowerHouse Windows Forms Design Guidelines McKittrick, Jack Cognos Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center With the introduction of PowerHouse Windows for Microsoft Windows, the guidelines for designing PowerHouse applications have changed. The rules for designing screens that run in a PowerHouse Window's environment are dramatically different from the rules for screens that run in a character cell terminal environment. This session looks at the new paradigm for GUI based forms: o What impact does a mouse have in form interaction? o How does one design forms that fully take advantage of the Window's environment? o Are Window-based forms that much different than character-based forms? The focus of this session is on practical guidelines to developing functional and pleasing Window's based forms for screen interaction. The session includes a discussion of the differences between a terminal-only application and a client/server Window's based application. 4G092 PowerHouse: The New Developer's Environment McKittrick, Jack Cognos Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Late in 1993, Cognos will be introducing a new environment for developing PowerHouse based applications. This new developer's environment will dramatically change how PowerHouse applications are built and maintained. Residing on a PC running under Microsoft Windows, developers will be able to exploit the full power of Windows and Object-Oriented technology to build applications that can be deployed on a range of host computers (OpenVMS for VAX and AXP, UNIX) or run in a client/server environment. This session focuses on: o the features of the new PowerHouse Developer's Environment o the hardware and software environment necessary to run this product o the impact on existing PowerHouse applications. 4G093 PowerHouse: Migration to AXP Kinsman, Robert Cognos Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides details on the work done by Cognos to move its product set to AXP. It takes a look at: o the initial investigations done to determine the best migration method o hardware description and the implications on migration o impact of the AXP data types on PowerHouse o what restructuring effort was done and why to optimize performance on both AXP and VAX o the tools provided by Digital to simplify cross platform development. This session is of interest to customers who want to know what is involved in moving an OpenVMS VAX application to AXP. It is also of interest to users of PowerHouse 4GL to understand what is involved in moving a PowerHouse application to AXP. 4G094 PowerHouse: End-User Reporting Tools Dana, Phil Cognos Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses reporting solutions from Cognos aimed at terminal and PC environments. Digital users see how these tools address both production level and ad hoc reporting needs. Special emphasis is given to understanding how to define user requirements and deliver low-cost evaluation prototypes prior to implementation. Topics include: o Impromptu: MS-Windows SQL query tool o PowerPlay: Delivering a low-cost Executive Information System o InQuizitive: Terminal-based reporting. The session leads the attendee through: o Implementing end-user tools o Integration within the Digital environment o Automating/off-loading maintenance. 4G095 PowerHouse 4GL: A Peek Under the Covers Kinsman, Robert Cognos Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center So PowerHouse is a 4GL, what exactly does this mean? What are the various components that make up PowerHouse 4GL, how are they similar, how are they different? This presentation includes: o what the components of PowerHouse 4GL are o a high-level overview of how the components work o how the components interface with the system environment o accessing data o interfacing with the terminal o getting system information. 4G098 USERBASE To GEMBASE Conversion Clinic Scott, Wesley Ross Systems Tuesday 12:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center The USERBASE to GEMBASE Conversion Clinic is designed as a follow-up to conversion discussions began at the Fall 1992 Las Vegas Symposium. Specific conversion issues are presented and discussed. Examples are given that show how to move routines from the USERBASE IDML 4GL to the GEMBASE IDML dialect. Attendees are encouraged to bring their conversion questions. 4G100 NATURAL Construct Code Generation Workshop Sidney, Sharon Software AG of North America Thursday 9:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This workshop covers the functions and features of NATURAL Construct, Software AG's fourth generation technology code generator. Topics include: o NATURAL Construct concepts o program models o statement models o creating original models o interaction with NATURAL Architect Workstation (front-end CASE tool). This workshop is for anyone with any interest or curiosity about NATURAL and its layered products. NATURAL users are encouraged to participate. Bring questions and examples for discussion. 4G101 NATURAL On A UNIX Platform Klein, Shawn Software AG of North America Thursday 4:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on the steps taken to learn NATURAL on a UNIX platform from a NATURAL OpenVMS user's point of view. It helps a user sort through what is needed to get familiar with NATURAL on UNIX as quickly as possible. 4G102 ADABAS: Using the Command Log Gilbert, Chip Software AG of North America Friday 4:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The Command Log (CLOG) is one of the most valuable tools to determine what an ADABAS nucleus is doing. This session covers how to look at CLOG to evaluate database performance. It shows how to determine which commands are requiring large amounts of nucleus resources. There is also a discussion on how to use CLOG for problem analysis. 4G103 ADABAS: An Introduction for New Users Gilbert, Chip Software AG of North America Friday 2:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session gives an overview of how ADABAS works in the OpenVMS environment with NATURAL. This presentation covers: o the ADABAS nucleus and its associated structures o how records and fields are stored o basic description of the associator and index structures as they are accessed by NATURAL. 4G104 ADABAS: Very Meaningful Skills for the ADABAS DBA Staggs, Rich Software AG of North America Friday 3:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents hints, tricks, and good operating procedures for both novice and experienced ADABAS database managers alike. Emphasis is placed on use of OpenVMS VAX features to support the following operations: o automating daily DBA tasks o simplifying the use of ADABAS utilities with OpenVMS command procedures o good operating practices for backup of ADABAS databases o automating "Failover" of a standby ADABAS nucleus in a clustered environment using OpenVMS command procedures to reconfigure NETWORK. This presentation is designed for database managers who are familiar with command procedures and ADABAS DBA duties, but benefits users at all experience levels. Both on line and batch operations are discussed. Attendees are provided with example procedures. 4G106 Multivendor Data Access Laboratory Tour Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Wednesday12:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center The 4GL invites you to experience the Multivendor Data Access Laboratory located in the 4GL SIG Campground. Tour guides are on-hand to give you a guided tour of the Laboratory. Our goal is show the various 4GL products (DEC RALLY, VAX DATATRIEVE, SMARTSTAR, PowerHouse, Natural, ORACLE SQL, etc..) working together in a Local Area VAXcluster to access heterogeneous data bases (RMS, Rdb, SYBASE, ORACLE, etc..). 4G107 SYBASE Working Group Meeting Brantley, Douglas Cerritos College Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center A Working Group Meeting provides the opportunity for users of a product to get together and discuss their experiences with the product. The 4GL SIG invites SYBASE users to meet and discuss the product. 4G108 USERBASE/GEMBASE Working Group Meeting Scott, Wesley Ross Systems Monday 11:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center A Working Group Meeting provides the opportunity for users of a product to get together and discuss their experiences with the product. The 4GL SIG invites USERBASE/GEMBASE users to meet and discuss the product. 4G109 SYBASE on AXP White, Tom Sybase Incorporated Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session gives an overview of the issues in migrating current OpenVMS VAX and RISC ULTRIX applications to AXP. These products of SYBASE are being ported to OSF/1 AXP: o SQL Server o SQL Toolset o Embedded SQL/C o Open Server o Open Client DB-Library. 4G110 GEMBASE New Features Clinic Hayden, Jon R. Ross Systems Tuesday 1:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center The next version of GEMBASE will have several new features. This clinic is designed to present and discuss the new features. Attendees should be prepared to participate in the clinic discussions. 4G111 Issues in End-User Computing Mehta, Rahul Software Interfaces Friday 9:00 AM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center The Philosophy Behind End-User Computing: This section covers the who, what, when, where, and why of end-user computing. It also discusses the current status of end-user computing, including an introduction to the issues facing today's users. Issues concerning RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) and its end-users. This section addresses the major issues surrounding the development of end-user ad hoc and reporting tools including, but not limited to: o meaningless table names o joins o meaningful results o power of expression o resource consumption. Solutions and Directions: This section provides with several possible solutions to the issues facing end-users. Also covered is the future direction of end-user computing in the open systems and client/server world. 4G112 DATATRIEVE: An Object-Oriented Interpretation Macchi, Federico Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session uses Object-Oriented concepts (objects, classes, methods, inheritance) to provide an overview of DATATRIEVE's functionality and implementation. Also, the benefits of an object-oriented interpretation will be demonstrated for both the computer literate end user and the programmer alike. 4G113 Microsoft Access Novice Manager, Product Microsoft Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not ready at this time. 4G114 Building Client/Server Applications Using PATHWORKS and EDA Erlichman, Yehuda Information Builders Thursday 4:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center Information in today's corporation is typically spread across more than one type of computer. Users may have to search and access data on dissimilar machines and stored in dissimilar databases. Information Builders' EDA/SQL, a family of client/server products that works together to provide SQL-based access to relational and nonrelational data on interconnected multivendor systems, provides a technical solution to this growing need. This presentation shows how to connect OpenVMS VAX databases to data residing on those other systems using PATHWORKS from PCs and Macintoshes. 4G116 FoxPro: Cross Platform Porting Manager, Product Microsoft Monday 6:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time 4G117 Microsoft Access Intermediate Manager, Product Microsoft Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time 4G118 Microsoft Access Applications Development Manager, Product Microsoft Tuesday 10:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time 4G119 Standard and Portable Window Interfaces for MUMPS Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session MU004. 4G120 How to Build FOCUS and ALL-IN-1 Applications Thursday 4:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM075. AI002 AI in Science Fiction: A Guided Tour Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Snyder, Curt Allergan Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Marvin, Mike, P1. Each of these computers are familiar to those who read science fiction. The questions to be answered in this session are "How real are these systems? Are any of them within the realm of what could even be considered bleeding-edge technology?" In this light-hearted session, the speakers explain the characteristics and quirks of these fictional AI systems and how they relate to the state-of-the art in AI. AI003 Fuzzy Logic: Reasoning Without Certainty Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Monday 1:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center While logic-based frameworks are appealing as a knowledge representation and reasoning system, much of the information required in everyday applications is not easily mapped into a logical system allowing only predicates to be either true or false. Fuzzy systems (fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets) are methods for reasoning about information in a logical framework without requiring predicates to either be true or false. This talk describes the fundamentals of fuzzy systems and shows how to apply them in the context of practical AI applications. AI004 Artificial Intelligence: No Mystery, No Magic Gunn, Brian PSI Energy Monday 11:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center The field of Artificial Intelligence is inundated with ambiguous nomenclature. This talk hopes to dispel some incorrect perceptions about the current state of the technology and bring some sense into a confusing and varied technology. The talk hopes to dispel myths, such as neural nets being a revolutionary step forward, when, in reality, they are nothing more than a sophisticated implementation of more common statistical programming methods. This talk also presents such ideas that "knowledge based reasoning systems" and "expert systems" are often interchangeable terms and that the term "artificial intelligence" is an oxymoron. The audience should leave the session with some new ideas about what the technology is when looked at from an "outsiders" point of view. AI005 Architectures for Intelligent Systems Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Millions of years of nervous system evolution and thousands of years of human organizational evolution have created interesting models for those who would build intelligent systems. This session takes a look at some of the biological and societal structures that have been used to fashion intelligent behavior. It then examines the architectural implications of these models for silicon-based intelligence. Topics to be discussed include: o the use of analog, digital, and hybrid circuits o neural nets o hierarchical, distributed, and cooperating systems o genetic algorithms o hybrid systems. AI006 Expert Systems Concepts Crash Course Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Monday 4:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation offers a plain-language primer on expert systems. The difficulty of finding a clear explanation of the basic concepts limits the spreading of use of expert systems. This session briefly explores the position of expert systems in the context of traditional computer tools. The session starts with a look at what is usually meant by the term "Expert System." It then discusses the basic elements in enough detail to allow a simple understanding of how each is used. Concepts discussed include: o rules (productions) o inference engines o blackboards o reasoning strategies o search strategies o user interfaces o dealing with uncertainty. This concepts approach should be useful to both managerial and technical people who need to bootstrap into understanding expert systems. AI007 Introduction to Robotics Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Wednesday12:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a brief overview of the problems that must be solved in order to create an autonomous, or semiautonomous, machine. It reviews issues such as: o sensors o end effectors o open and closed loop systems o control strategies o navigation. Although the example is for a mobile platform, the principles apply to any true robot. The session should be valuable to anyone wanting an introductory understanding of the principles of robotics. AI008 Introduction to Neural Networks: From the Bumps and Bruises Shepherd, John Eli Lilly & Co Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation discusses neural network concepts in an introductory manner. The session provides a brief history and overview of neural networks and explains concepts, nomenclature, architectures, learning paradigms and the bumps and bruises one is likely to encounter developing neural network based systems. The speaker gives several example applications and then concludes with a review of literature and bibliography. AI009 Adversarial Planning: An Implementor's Viewpoint Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the implementation of AP -- an Adversarial Planning system -- and its merger into Eagle, an object-oriented Army combat simulation. AP creates automated plans with several interesting features: o the plans use user-defined operators to achieve user-specified goals to be executed by multiple, independent, competent agents o the operators for achieving the plan are chosen based on a user-supplied utility function o the agent(s) for a given plan step are notionally assigned, with actual commitment delayed as long as possible for maximum flexibility o the plans assume that the adversary will try to break the plan, so they produce counter-plans for the enemy and counter-counter-plans to account for them, rather than n-ply searching as most chess programs use o reports from the agents executing the plan are monitored by the execution monitor, which synchronizes the execution of the plan and notices opportunities and problems o if opportunities or problems arise, a replanner is invoked to excise a minimal repair wedge and fix the plan if possible, using the original planner once the repair wedge has been determined. This session contains an overview of AI planning methods, the adversarial planning problem and AP's approach. Implementation methods that allow the generally intractable planning problem to be managed receive detailed attention as well as integration issues arising from delivering a complex AI component embedded in an existing large (>250,000 lines) application. AI010 Using Neural Networks for Forecasting Trends Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Friday 3:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes the implementation of neural network systems trained to predict future values of several chaotic time series: sunspot counts, NYSE stocks, and currency exchange rates. It explains the development process, including the choice of neural network architecture, input coding, selection of the training data, training methods, and performance after training. The methods presented here are general; the speaker discusses them in the context of prediction of time-variant chaotic systems. AI011 Artificial Intelligence SIG Roadmap and Working Group Kickoff Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Monday 9:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session guides attendees to the appropriate places for the information they seek. Here is what to expect: o an introduction to the AI SIG and how to get involved o a detailed guide to the AI SIG sponsored activities o a description of established and currently forming working groups o a query of attendees to identify Birds-of-a-Feather sessions needed o guides to AI software items in the Campground and Exhibit Hall. Also expect a chronological overview of sessions, covering: o knowledge discovery in databases o distributed heterogeneous computing project o Digital and third-party products o application descriptions o AI and databases o concept tutorials o strategic issues o knowledge engineering o neural networks o LISP o OPS5 o surveys o comic relief. AI012 Neural Networks Clinic: Case Studies, Hints, Kinks, Questions and Answers Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Synder, Curtis Allergan Pharmaceuticals Tuesday 3:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers several case studies of implemented neural networks. The session emphasizes the problems of mapping an application to a neural network architecture, training the network, and interpreting the results of the implementation. A partial list of cases used to illustrate techniques include: o NetTalk (a system to translate English text to phonemes) o SPIKE (the long-range scheduling system for the Hubble Space Telescope) o SNOOPE (a system for airport luggage explosives detection) o a helicopter gearbox fault detection system o a sonar discrimination system. After briefly highlighting several important techniques from the above applications, the speakers open the agenda to the audience, field questions and discuss items from any of the previous neural networks sessions. AI013 AI Q&A: Artificial Intelligence or Natural Stupidity? Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Friday 12:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a chance for attendees to choose the topic. The AI SIG Steering Committee members and Digital developers are available to answer questions on any AI related topic at any level from novice through advanced, including: o how to get started o where to find examples in certain application areas o what various terms mean o what languages and tools are available in the commercial or public domain o what are their similarities and differences o particular implementation techniques o approaches/suggestions to solving problem(s) The session also answers the question: why *is* the tip of sloth fur green? AI014 Artificial Intelligence SIG Working Group Reports and Wrapup Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Friday 4:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Share your thoughts on this week's sessions, on the sessions you would like to see next time, on the pre-symposium seminars, on the session notes, and on any other aspect of the SIG or the symposium experience. The SIG needs input from all current and prospective members. This is your best opportunity to help determine the future direction of the SIG and symposia. Afterwards, we will adjourn to the suite for further discussion and the ever-popular slothing. AI016 PURVIS: An Expert System for Forecasting Overnight Low Temperatures Wrigley, Richard S C Water Resources Commission Friday 11:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center PURVIS is an expert system that predicts the overnight low temperature in Columbia, SC. This system relies on the expertise of John Purvis, retired Chief Meteorologist at the Columbia office of the National Weather Service, and retired State Climatologist for the State of South Carolina. He is considered THE expert on South Carolina Climatology. The prediction of the overnight low temperature is a nontrivial function of the US Weather Service. It becomes particularly important when the low temperature approaches freezing and different segments of the community must make decisions: Farmers must decide whether or not to protect crops, highway departments need to plan for icy roads if precipitation is also expected, chemical processes need to be modified, etc. These decisions could involve thousands of dollars spent if protection is warranted and tens of thousands lost if protection is needed and not provided. The factors that effect the low temperatures are geographical in nature and the same system cannot be used in all locations. PURVIS attempts to reduce these factors in gross but uses them in the fine-tuned final product. AI017 Data Dredging: An Introduction to Knowledge Discovery in Databases Beane, Art Digital Equipment Corporation Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Friday 10:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center As database technologies have become more affordable and their usage has spread, many corporations find themselves with vast amounts of data stored away, but little understanding of what is actually contained in those databases, or the significance of the information therein. This session provides an introduction to the basic concepts relevant to knowledge discovery in databases and the methods used to turn vast amounts of raw data into useful information, knowledge, and understanding. Methods covered include: o rule bases o neural networks o machine learning/induction. The session then discusses what the speakers were able to discover by applying some of these techniques to a large, messy, real database: the DECUS abstracts for this symposium! AI018 Neural Network Case Studies Snyder, Curtis Allergan Pharmaceuticals Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session examines some fielded neural network examples. It gives special consideration to how the inputs are encoded into the network, the topology of the network and how the outputs compare to the expectations of the end user. The neural networks examined have been implemented in the fields of finance (stock market prediction) and engineering (computer-aided design). The speaker discusses other examples as well. AI019 Building Your First Expert System: Before You Start Maytrott, Laurie Florida Solar Energy Center Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center A major use of artificial intelligence is the expert system, an AI program that acts as an intelligent advisor or consultant. Before developing such a system, one should take care to ensure that an expert system is justified and a good chance exists for successful implementation within the organization. Approval to proceed with an expert system project often requires justification to both technical and nontechnical management, many of whom are unfamiliar with intelligent systems and expert system technology. This session offers criteria for evaluating whether an expert system is likely to provide the most successful solution to a problem, or whether other solutions should be explored. The session then provides ideas on how to effectively justify the expert system to nontechnical management in easily understood terms, and using concepts that best explain how the technology will fit into the existing organization. AI020 AI and Data Management Forum Jalbert, Choral J C C Friday 10:00 AM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an opportunity to discuss problems, successes, techniques, questions, and answers with other attendees and the Digital developers concerned with AI and data management technology. The group discusses items of interest from the preceding sessions in the AI and Data management stream, addresses questions, and provides an interactive forum for meeting others with similar interests and problems. In addition, the group organizes its feedback to the symposium and national seminar organizers and SIG leadership concerning its unique needs. This session provides a response mechanism for the needs and interests of both the AI and DMS SIGs. AI021 AI SIG Open Steering Committee Meeting and Speaker Reception Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open meeting with the members of the AI SIG steering committee. The agenda includes both immediate and long-term planning issues. The meeting is held at the symposium so that people who have not previously participated in our planning and other activities have a chance to contribute, to comment and to join us. DECUS is a volunteer society. Your expectations and experiences of this week and needs for the future are important input. Come learn more about how the AI SIG operates and what role you might play in its future. Please note that the agenda may also include immediate issues that come up during the week. This session also provides a loosely organized opportunity for you to meet the AI session speakers and the Digital developers one-on-one and ask questions, talk over ideas resulting from the sessions, get a preview of upcoming sessions, and generally chew the ice cream with similarly minded folks in a casual setting. Y'all come! AI022 Introduction to LISP Parsons, Rebecca Los Alamos National Laboratory Monday 5:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This quickie tutorial on common LISP teaches enough LISP basics to get started. Learn how to: o use the essential functions o CLOS - the Common LISP Object System - what C++ programmers wish they had o step through coding a program of general interest o receive guidelines on how to learn more. AI023 AI Integration Panel: Delivering Intelligent Systems in the Real World Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This panel consists of experienced developers and consultants from Digital and other corporations. They briefly discuss what each member feels are the most critical elements involved in delivering intelligent systems for real-world application solutions. The bulk of the session is interactive, on topics and questions of the audience's choosing. AI024 AI, L&T, and UNISIG Joint Reception Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Tuesday 10:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center AI025 CyberPunk: Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session surveys some of the concepts emerging in the popular genre called CyberPunk - a melding of future and near-term artificial intelligence, networking, and virtual reality technologies into an alternative data space. Concepts that are briefly covered include: o artificial personae o direct hardware-biological interfaces o interaction in the artificial CyberSpace o hardware-biological implants o artificial skills. AI026 Robotics Implementation Panel Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Technology Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a panel discussion of practical issues the panel members have encountered in implementing various robotics systems, some successful, some not. Come and share your questions, answers, ideas, and experiences with the panel and audience. AI027 Building Your First Neural Network: Getting Started Daut, Susie Chimeric Concepts Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session assists attendees in making the transition from neural network theory to actually coding the first neural network application. It assumes some exposure to some neural network theory, but the one-hour Introduction to Neural Network session should be adequate. The session includes a discussion of methods for the preparation of data for input to a network. It also reviews a simple application and the algorithms for coding it using a two-layer network with back-propagation. AI028 Stiquito Overview Sims, Jim Grumman Data Systems Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Wondering what those funny looking mechanical bugs are crawling around the AI campground? Interested in the latest trend in robotics research - robotic insects? If so, attend this session. This session covers an overview, the construction, operation, and potential educational uses of the Stiquito robotic insects that were built in the campground this week. AI029 Neural Network Architectures Snyder, Curt Allergan Pharmaceuticals Friday 1:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of some of the many different neural network architectures, or topologies. The speaker presents: o the general layout of each architecture o when it is applicable o and how it should be used. This session assumes that the attendee has some knowledge about neural networks, which could be attained by attending other sessions at symposia. AI030 Genetic Algorithms for Neural Network Design and Training Snyder, Curtis Allergan Pharmaceuticals Friday 2:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Neural Networks (NN) are complementary techniques. GAs conduct searches globally across the entire state space, where NNs conduct a localized hill-climbing approach to locating optimal answers. Recent research in this area has turned up some interesting approaches and outcomes that indicate that these two techniques work well with each other. This session assumes the attendee understands the general concepts of both Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. AI031 Mutant Ninja Programming: An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms Snyder, Curt Allergan Pharmaceuticals Monday 3:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session explores Genetic Algorithms (GAs), which are search procedures that use a paradigm based on notions from natural selection and genetics. Genetic algorithms offer a new approach to optimization: one that is both robust enough to handle generalized problems while yielding global, (or near global) optima and capable enough to handle problems traditionally deemed combinatorially intractable. The added extra is solution-method simplicity. The speaker discusses applications of GAs as optimizers. AI032 Airline Flight Scheduling Foley, Tom Digital Equipment Corporation Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center The scheduling of airline flights is a complex and "knowledge intensive" problem. A scheduler must satisfy many interacting constraints while improving the overall cost and quality of the schedule. This problem is strongly reminiscent of scheduling problems in businesses as disparate as truck dispatch and shop floor scheduling. This session discusses a flight scheduling application wherein aircraft are assigned to routes. The solution employs a novel, general-purpose architecture applicable to a broad class of problems. AI033 Strategic Use of Expert Systems in Organizations Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation views expert systems (ESs) either as tools that enable organizations to gain strategic advantages over competition or as ways of improving organizational effectiveness. The speaker describes several solution areas, indicating how the knowledge-based approach supplements conventional approaches. AI034 Modeling the Business Environment with Knowledge-Based Systems Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on demonstrating new methodologies being utilized in modeling the business environment. It illustrates the powerful representation structure of Digital's Enterprise Planning Service, with its language for representing strategic knowledge in business. The Service's flexibility encourages a comprehensive analysis of the business environment, and provides the user with a powerful tool to leverage corporate decisions. This session presents case studies and some of the lessons learned. AI035 Fraud Management: An Information Processing Challenge Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the business problem of fraud and demonstrates Digital's fraud management solution in the telecommunications industry. It discusses typical fraud patterns, as well as the challenges of detecting these patterns in large amounts of data. Digital's fraud management solution is a knowledge-based system that assists a fraud analyst in identifying and counteracting fraud cases. The solution builds cases for accounts that show behavior which is highly correlated with fraud. It then analyzes these cases to determine whether the observed pattern could be consistent with the customer's typical pattern. The system recommends actions for each case, based on company defined policy. The examples used come from the telecommunications industry, but the fraud problem and Digital's approach to solving it will have interest also for insurance and finance professionals. AI036 GUI for VAX Data Retrieval in Under One Hour Hetherington, Mark AI Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Developers are under tremendous time pressure to produce applications for end users. Staff resources are stretched to the limit, making even prototypes hard to consider in a short-turnaround time frame. Here, a typical application is prototyped in under one hour. This presentation is an online, step-by-step building of an application that includes: o accessing Rdb tables o creating an RMS file o adding RMS data o creating reports o creating the Graphical User Interface (GUI) o delivery. Come and watch! AI037 Designing Business English Front Ends for VAX Data Retrieval Using KBMS Coulombe, Paul AI Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Companies have a heavy investment in corporate data, stored in both commercial DBMSs, such as Rdb and ORACLE, as well as RMS files. Giving users access to this data can be painful to the application development staff, the database administrator, and the end users. Users want to access their data conceptually: not the way that the data is physically stored, but in the way they use the data in their business work. The solution is to provide the users with an ad hoc query system that employs business English (natural language), as opposed to a syntax-based or structured query language. To be useful, such a system must embody the company's business terminology or jargon as well as provide database access that is transparent to the user. In addition, a natural language ad hoc query system should be flexible so that end users can easily teach it new jargon or concepts as they are introduced into the corporate culture. This session presents an online demonstration of designing, building, and using such a system: o mapping business terminology to the underlying data structures o accessing the database and incorporating fluency (business jargon) o enhancing the system through end-user activities. AI038 An Introduction to KBMS Help Desk Shell Hetherington, Mark AI Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center The KBMS Help Desk Shell is an integrated problem management and problem diagnostic system designed for use by help desk personnel (i.e., end users). It effectively meets the needs of a variety of types of help desk, including: o customer support (e.g., request for information on policies and procedures at insurance or consumer product companies, government agencies) o field service o end-user computer support o vendor technical support. This presentation discusses: o the problems faced by help desk staff and why they need a Help Desk Shell o the necessary components of a Help Desk Shell o how the KBMS Help Desk Shell integrates: - problem diagnosis and resolution functions - knowledge-based reasoning - a point-and-click GUI o how help desk staff can build and distribute their knowledge base o how help desk staff use built-in natural language query for problem management o how users easily customize the Shell to meet site-specific needs. The KBMS Help Desk Shell runs under OpenVMS and DECwindows as well as OS/2 Presentation Manager. AI039 Introducing Rules Technology and Tools Yerazunis, Bill Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the basics of rule-based programming, and the common terms and practices of this important software engineering technology. The speaker gives examples of knowledge representation and programs using available tools. The overall topic is applicable to the great majority of the rule programming tools on the market. AI040 Build a Rule Program in Less Than an Hour with DEC OPS5 Ostrom, Andrew Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation introduces rule programming in DEC OPS5. It explains basic DEC OPS5 rule syntax and provides examples illustrating knowledge representation techniques using Working Memory Objects, inheritance, and the use of relations. It also discusses techniques for using the DEC OPS5 call interface, showing how to integrate subsystems written in DEC OPS5 with large 3GL and 4GL applications. Examples also explain how to access relational databases using the DEC OPS5 built-in SQL language interface. AI041 Introduction to Frame-based Knowledge Representation Ostrom, Andrew Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to Frame-based knowledge representation and contrasts it with other types of representations. The session highlights the IMKA (Intelligent Management of Knowledge Assets) project, a joint development effort between Digital, Carnegie Group, Ford, Texas Instruments, and US West for standardizing the representation and transfer of business knowledge assets using evolutionary frame technology for building high-performance knowledge-based systems. AI042 Where Object-Oriented Technology Fails to Deliver the Goods, and What to Do About It Ostrom, Andrew Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Object-oriented (OO) programming is gaining in popularity, and for good reasons. Object orientation emphasizes abstraction, modularity, and reuse in ways that can be supported directly by programming languages. Complexity may be divided and abstracted, localizing complex behavior by encapsulating it inside objects. OO benefits have been seen most strikingly in applications involving simulation, modeling, and user interfaces. In emphasizing localized behavior, however, the OO paradigm sacrifices the ability to deal effectively with complex conditionality. That is, applications requiring highly conditional control among objects are difficult to produce using the OO paradigm. In these applications, the complexity is inherently part of object-to-object interactions, and is highly conditional in nature. This session presents the issues surrounding the strengths and weaknesses of object-oriented programming, and how rule technology might be used in conjunction with OO technology to address those weaknesses. Focus is on the role of rule programming in addressing complex object interactions. AI043 Introduction to Emerging Software Technology Beane, Art Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Software technology has undergone a fantastic evolution over the past few years. Techniques that were just recently considered to be advanced research are becoming available to just about any programmer and application. In this session, the speaker introduces and discusses some of these, including: o knowledge based techniques (rule bases, inference engines, etc.) o neural networks o object oriented programming o genetic algorithms. The goals to be achieved include understanding the basic concepts, jargon, and application of each with enough technical depth to serve as a foundation for further investigation. AI044 Introduction to Knowledge Representation Jalbert, Cheryl JCC Monday 12:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the topic of knowledge representation by discussing common terms, basic concepts, and various techniques for knowledge representation. The overall discussion presents the purpose of the representation and some guidelines for a "good" representation, independent of any given tool or implementation language. Next the speakers describe and compare the capabilities and uses of such "structural" representations as: o semantic networks o frame systems o object-oriented systems. Examples of each of these representations are used to highlight the utility and power of each. The capabilities and uses of several rule representations receive similar attention. The speaker makes special note of the differences among forward-chaining, backward-chaining, and mixed-chaining rule systems. The speaker briefly address hybrid systems, which combine rules and frames/objects, to show the motivation beyond many of today's multiparadigm expert system building tools. AI045 Business Process Automation in the 90s Cannon, Patrick Template Software, Inc. Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This sessions provides an overview of how: o Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) o rapid prototyping o Rapid Application Development (RAD) o Object-Oriented Programming and other methods are being used to deploy intelligent systems for business process automation in the coming decade. AI046 Neuron Data Open Interface Cross-platform GUI Development Tool Perot, Florence Neuron Data, Incorporated Thursday 5:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Creating a graphical interface has been a time-consuming task involving complicated Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), low level toolkits, and separate teams to write code for each windowing system. With Neuron Data Open Interface a single team can use Open Interface's design tool and extensible toolkit to develop and maintain one set of code to run on any platform. This technical presentation describes how one can build a Graphical User Interface (GUI) once and deliver it on any standard windowing system without changing one line of code. Emphasis is on: o advanced widgets such as the editable multirow, multicolumn table with complex selection behavior or browsers o advanced API allowing realtime, client/server architecture and database connections. Finally, details about how existing applications take advantage of Open Interface Object-Oriented features are presented. AI047 NEXPERT OBJECT with GUI Integration Perot, Florence Neuron Data, Incorporated Thursday 4:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center The NEXPERT OBJECT library architecture allows the full embedding of knowledge processing in conventional applications. This results in smarter applications adapted to the business processes. The graphical interface to such applications can now be built in a fashion independent of both platform and operating system by using the GUI builder module of NEXPERT. By taking advantage of the layered library in the NEXPERT development environment, data analysis is a layer under the user interface allowing the building of intelligent interfaces. Part of the resulting interface (or the resulting decision-making or actions) can be made automatically by the system. The dual role of the NEXPERT library and its integration with the graphical user interface are illustrated in this session. AI048 NEXPERT OBJECT V3.0: A Technical Overview of a Knowledge-based Development Tool Perot, Florence Neuron Data Wednesday11:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to NEXPERT OBJECT V3.0, a rule-based and Object-Oriented development tool. A technical overview of the software is provided, with a particular emphasis given to the new features added in V3.0: o Object-Oriented services including methods and message passing o knowledge services o integration services including GUI development and database access. Finally, details are presented about how applications can embed knowledge-based modules, or use intelligent interfaces to take advantage of these features. AI049 Voice Generation and Recognition Using AI Techniques Wednesday12:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session XI014. AI050 Kids, Education, and Artificial Intelligence Thursday 1:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED040. AI051 Configuration for Truck Manufacturing: A Case Study Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM074. AI052 Breakthrough Scheduling Applications Monday 10:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM073. AI053 Virtual Reality Application Concepts and Techniques Demonstrations Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session XI021. AI054 Speech Processing Wednesday10:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session XI002. AI055 Expert Systems for the Help Desk Monday 2:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM077. AI056 Managing and Diagnosing Realtime Alarms in a Distributed Network Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM138. AI057 Simulating Business Processes with DECmodel Monday 9:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM091. AI058 Parts Configuration as a Critical Process for "To-Order" Companies Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM088. AM002 Text Retrieval/VTX Working Group Meeting Nicholos, Harry North Carolina State University Menard, Dick Rambyte Consulting Company Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The Text Retrieval/VAX Videotex product (VTX) Working Group is committed to addressing communication business needs of corporations and text retrieval technology. This group continues to include videotex and full text retrieval. This working group is discussing how Content-Based Retrieval (CBR) and/or DEC VTX can effectively be implemented within a corporate organization. This session may be viewed as a "Step Into the Industry" with text retrieval. The agenda of this interactive session includes: o working group objectives o resource information - DEC VTX and text retrieval developers - vendor software engineers o product requirements - report by engineers of actions taken on "Wishlists" submitted at the last two symposium meetings - inform engineering of required improvements and new product requests o strategic planning/review - review of current DECUS sessions, seminars, and/or clinics - review of future requests AM003 Marketing Text Retrieval to Management Menard, Dick Rambyte Consulting Company Monday 11:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a method for justifying text retrieval in terms that management understands and appreciates. The need to continually sell the idea of text retrieval in order to get the maximum usage and benefit of the system is discussed. AM004 Message Router Troubleshooting, or... "Just Where Is That Mail Message?" Moreau, Meg Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses different types of troubleshooting that can be used to determine "just where that mail message went." Topics to be discussed include: o configuration o network o SYSUAF accounts o corrupt message o file protection/ownership. This session is aimed at the system manager level. An understanding of a mail product (e.g., ALL-IN-1 IOS, DEC MAILworks, VAXmail) that uses a gateway is helpful. AM005 Advanced ALL-IN-1 Code Level Integration Lampson, Michael Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Thursday 2:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center There are several ways of integrating software programs or 3GL code with ALL-IN-1. In this session, various integrations means and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed, including: o writing an application using the ALL-IN-1 subprocesses and mailboxes o writing a site-defined function o writing and calling a sharable image. Code examples of each of these methods are provided. AM006 Managing ALL-IN-1 Customization Management Lampson, Michael Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center There are many necessary decisions with ALL-IN-1 Customization Management V3.x: o Should new application areas be created? o Who should be an application maintainer? o Who should manage the applications? o How should the application element locations be set? The answers to these and many other Customization Management questions are answered during this session. AM007 Accessing the Desktop Computer from ALL-IN-1 Lampson, Michael Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center In this session, several options are presented for integrating PCs and Macintoshes with ALL-IN-1. Terminal emulators, file transfer protocols, and networks are discussed from the ALL-IN-1 point of view. AM008 ALL-IN-1 Time Management Customization Revealed Lampson, Michael Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center ALL-IN-1 Time Management can be customized! During this session, a description of Time Management events and tasks and their data structures are presented, including: o CAL$CALENDAR: user's events o CAL$MEETING: data for shared events (meetings) o CAL$ATTENDEE: attendee list for shared events (meetings) o CAL$ATT_OVERFLOW: the file for long attendee strings o AIE: user's tasks o CALACCESS: system-wide calendar access control file. AM009 Integration of Multiplatform Mail Systems Rassner, Ronald Wingra Technologies Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center A heterogeneous world of electronic mail networks can be integrated using software products from Digital and third-party vendors. Many enterprises confront chaotic e-mail landscapes of legacy systems, independent LANs, and de facto networks. Some vendors offer products that are utilitarian, cost-effective, and apolitical; that is, simultaneously providing the capability of migrating these same users toward mail packages in popular demand. This session discusses one such product. Missive is a VAX resident, software-only messaging switch that provides routing, aliases, directory lookups, and document conversions across multiple electronic mail networks. E-mail transfer may include multiple, binary file attachments. Missive provides direct interoperability channels for many mail platforms. Other Missive features include support for DDS directory lookups and synchronization, and Digital's DCF and other document converters. Missive also provides a transport option for moving mail files between LANs and VAX systems. This session takes a look at current and future features of this product. AM011 A Different Approach To Partitioning Can Simplify Appl Development Sprinzen, Marty Forte Software Incorporated Scheffer, Rich Forte Software Incorporated Friday 11:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center The partitioning scheme for any client/server application -- splitting the application across two or more computers -- is critical to its flexibility, reliability, and performance. The traditional approach is to analyze the application's requirements and processing locations before coding begins. This approach usually has long-term implications and it often requires writing the application entirely in a 3GL because traditional 4GLs do not support partitioning. Additionally, once a partitioning scheme is implemented, it can be very difficult to change, usually requiring an application rewrite. This inflexibility is a major problem for organizations with evolving business requirements. This session displays a new approach to application partitioning that eliminates these risks and others while simplifying the complexities of the traditional approach. AM013 TeamLinks File Cabinet Revealed Gozaloff, Mike Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session demystifies some of the programming interfaces and techniques needed to add the TeamLinks file cabinet and mail hooks to software programs. The presentation explores two example programs written in C. One inserts files into the TeamLinks file cabinet and the other sends TeamLinks mail messages. AM014 Document Quota Exceeded Customizations Rager, Doug USAA Thursday 11:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Many ALL-IN-1 Sites have considered or implemented document quotas on their ALL-IN-1 systems. USAA has modified the document quota system to allow users more flexibility and functionality than the default OVERQUOTA menu provided with ALL-IN-1. The topics covered are: o how OVERQUOTA fits into the ALL-IN-1 initialization o a substitute for the expensive "Recount Documents" function o modifications made to OVERQUOTA to make it more convenient for users o what OA$LIB:QUOTA.EXE does. AM015 Project Management Working Group Meeting Scott, George Computer Sciences Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open meeting of the Application, Integration, and Management SIG Project Management Working Group. This group is for project managers, team leaders, and users of Digital's or other's project management tools. AM016 Desktop Working Group Meeting Byrne, Tom L. Karp & Sons Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open meeting for all attendees interested in the Desktop products. A report on the current status of the Desktop Working Group is planned along with discussion of open volunteer positions. Ample time for attendees to talk about their ideas for the working group is provided. Leaders and attendees may discuss the content of the sessions presented at this symposium and ideas for what should be presented at the next symposium. AM017 ALL-IN-1 V3.0 User Update Plan LeBlanc, Therese LeBlanc & Associates Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center ALL-IN-1 V3.0 contains many new and changed features. This session outlines a complete strategy for providing users with V3.0 training and documentation. It outlines a user update plan from pre-installation to post-upgrade that anyone can implement, including: o preparing users and their accounts for V3.0 o shared filing: practical do's and don'ts o what to do the first week of the upgrade o how much documentation should be given and when o ideas for update seminars and short courses o "gotchas" other trainers have encountered with V3.0 o known user problems after upgrade. AM018 Applications, Integration, and Management SIG Roadmap Ioele, Tony Ioele, Griggs & Associates Morrison, Terrie S. C. Public Service Comm. Catcott, Jo Ann Computer Education & Design Monday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session points out the times and locations of sessions that are of interest to Business and Office Applications users, developers, and managers. Special attention is given to providing tips on surviving the week of the symposium. The roadmap is also a forum for describing special meeting rooms, special arrangements, and many other general symposium announcements. Attendees interested in the development or use of applications on Digital systems for business or industry should plan to attend this session. AM019 AIM SIG Wrapup Morrison, Terrie SC Public Service Comm. Catcott, Jo Ann Computer Education & Design Friday 3:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session ends the symposium by providing a forum for all interested attendees to voice their opinions about this symposium and to help begin planning for the next one. Many sessions in Atlanta are the direct result of such suggestions from previous symposia. The members of the AIM SIG Steering Committee and the Digital representatives need input from all current and prospective members. Among the topics covered are: o Feedback on any sessions: good or otherwise? o Feedback on any Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions: useful? o Feedback on pre-symposium seminars: ideas for future ones? o What topics do you want to see covered in future symposia? o Is there a role for you within the AIM SIG? Bring your ideas -- all of them -- with you! AM020 ALL-IN-1: Checking Out a System Peach, Lynda Tybrin Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session is of value to attendees who have inherited an ALL-IN-1 system or just want to be certain the ALL-IN-1 system is appropriately set up. Discover what to look for regarding: o mail - queues - shared directories o account templates o customization management o SYSUAF settings from normal to that VIP user. Suggestions on how to approach ALL-IN-1 management from single to multiple nodes are provided as well as hints on handling the manager's manager. AM021 Using ALL-IN-1 Templates: A How To's Clinic Peach, Lynda Tybrin Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic demonstrates "how-to" get started using the template programming element of ALL-IN-1. The discussion utilizes a step-by-step walkthrough of building a template from start to finish. Examples of simple and complex templates are provided. The clinic is held in the AIM Campground to allow attendees to interact with developers and experienced AIM SIG members in an open, relaxed atmosphere. Questions on all levels of template use may be addressed during this clinic. AM022 ALL-IN-1 UDPs (Macros) From Simple to Complex Peach, Lynda Tybrin Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center User Defined Processes (UDP) are ALL-IN-1 macros. They are also the unsung heroes for both users and system managers. This clinic covers how to create easy and needed macros that can be introduced the first day back on the job. It also demonstrates that UDPs can help a system manager by making use of another little used ALL-IN-1 tool, the WPS-PLUS Editor Math capabilities. It can do things that a spreadsheet cannot do! Examples from simple to complex UDPs are demonstrated. The changes for Version 3.0 are also addressed. AM026 Effective Distributed System Design (Overview) Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Monday 10:00 AM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation discusses some of the issues that must be addressed when designing a system architecture for an enterprise-wide information utility built on distributed hardware. Special attention is directed to the following problems: o private versus pooled assets o the degree of coupling of processors and the communications bandwidth implications o access and security o licensing and maintenance concerns o support organization models o the political problems of true and perceived asset ownership (turf battles and tree hugging). AM027 Managerial Accounting and Project Management: The Forgotten Side LeSesne, Patrick Computer Systems Services Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Tuesday 9:00 AM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center Financial accounting systems have become near commodity items in the Information Systems (IS) arena. Many good systems have been built and many people know how to build them. Good managerial accounting systems, on the other hand, seem to be fairly rare. Very few people in IS have built them or realize the distinction from accounting systems. The presenters have seven years of experience in designing, building, and improving a set of managerial accounting tools for planning, budgeting, and tracking activities in a geographically distributed, matrix-managed, project-oriented organization. This session presents a mini case study focused on lessons learned and an overview of the final system design. AM028 Decision-Making Workshop LeSesne, Patrick Computer Systems Services Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Tuesday 1:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center This two-hour workshop explores some of the different factors influencing decisions that must be made by effective managers. Several quantifiable factors normally influence every decision process. Several intangibles are normally involved. How to distinguish between these and aid the decision process is discussed. Additionally, the presenters are developing a computer-based training tool for increasing the effectiveness of decision makers. The workshop presents several scenarios being built for the tool. The intent of the workshop is to present work in progress and allow attendees to use the scenarios to improve their understanding of the decision process. AM029 Systems Thinking for Better Systems Development Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Many information systems fail because the designers have not given proper consideration to the scope of the problem. This session is designed to help system planners and designers recognize what a system is and how important it is to know the boundaries for a system under development. Connectionism, Holism, and Reductionism are discussed, along with some examples of when each might be appropriate in the system design process. Special emphasis is placed on knowing when parameters are under the designer's control and when they are controlling the designer. Examples are given from the physical world and from the peculiar world of a distributed corporate financial system. Finally, the political and implementation issues of growth, encroachment, scalability, and perverseness of systems are considered. AM030 DEC VTX Conductor: A VTX Information Base Creation Tool Gomes, Larry Independent Data Services Inc Monday 1:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center DEC VTX Conductor is a creation tool that provides a process and environment for creating and maintaining information bases. DEC VTX Conductor enhances the features of VTX and VTX Text Retrieval by providing the following advantages: o The need for technical (programming) support to create and maintain information bases is minimized because all information base setup and control functions are set up on menus. o The need for manual labor to create screens and index the information base is eliminated as VTX screens, table of contents, and full keyword indexing are automatically created by the software. o Information providers proficient with VAX DOCUMENT or RUNOFF can create information bases with minimal training because VTX conductor menus support editing and compiling of documents as well as the building of information bases. o From one set of source files, the following many outputs can be created - VTX information base - PostScript file - ASCII file - Bookreader file AM032 MAILbus Postmaster: A New Approach to Tying PC LAN Mail Systems Together O'Rourke, Kelly Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a general overview of the MAILbus Postmaster product. It describes how MAILbus Postmaster connects LAN mail products together, taking the common management pitfalls out of such problem areas as directory synchronization, document conversion, and viruses being sent through e-mail. This session also details how LANs can be tied into the enterprise backbone (MAILbus). AM033 Organic Information System Design Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session uses the nervous system of higher animals as a design guide for for building information systems (IS) for organizations. The basic premise is that an organization is an analog to a living organism and that the architecture used by nervous systems to prevent sensory overload can be emulated in distributed information systems. Topics addressed include: o hierarchical control o sensory filtering for information overload o ad hoc query of state o state change monitoring and alarms o absolute and selective blocking of information flow. A hypothetical organization's IS is designed using the principles proposed to illustrate the application. Orientation:Intermediate/Managerial AM034 Effective Distributed System Design 2: An Information Utility Model Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Monday 11:00 AM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center The way of the future is to treat Information Systems as a utility. This session discusses one view of what such a utility might look like within the confines of a particular organization. It then discusses how such a utility might be built and managed using heterogeneous, distributed systems in a networked environment. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the desktop computer in providing entry and management in this environment. AM035 NAS: Integration That Works! Hersh, Larry Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center NAS has further delivered on its goal of application and data integration. These new capabilities facilitate integrating legacy applications with new development and sharing existing data among users and/or applications on diverse systems. Integrating legacy applications with new development has often been a nightmare. The new NAS products for application integration break the mold in facilitating this integration across the existing environment. This can allow systems to keep pace with the changing corporate environment. Making usable data available to critical decision makers, regardless of where the users are and regardless of which database they use, is another goal of NAS products. This can improve corporate decision-making by providing the right information to the right people at the right time. This session provides a product type overview including the various components that make Digital a leader in application, data, and system integration. AM036 Digital's Workgroup Systems (Office) Strategy Martin, Stephen Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Recently, Digital consolidated their Office, Publishing, Image/Voice/Video, and PC Applications groups into a single group to address customers' needs in the workgroup computing market. This session discusses Digital's refocused Workgroup Systems Strategy to continue to be a market leader in this space. Topics include: o environmental and industry changes driving the strategy o areas where Digital plans to concentrate its engineering effort o implementation strategy o future directions for platform and network coverages o future functional capabilities. Areas included in this discussion include office, publishing, electronic mail, EDI, and information access and management. AM037 ALL-IN-1 Product Strategy: Evolving to a Client/Server System Martin, Stephen Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center ALL-IN-1 is the industry leader in Integrated Office Systems. Digital has been actively working on evolving the timeshared ALL-IN-1 system to a next generation client/server system. This session discusses Digital's planned and staged approach of evolving ALL-IN-1 to the new world of distributed client/server workgroup systems. Topics include: o Digital's planned implementation stages of the technical evolution of ALL-IN-1 from a timeshared system to a client/server system incorporating TeamLinks clients o Optional approaches existing ALL-IN-1 customers can consider as they deal with the movement to client/server systems, including the pros and cons of each approach o Summarized recommendations on how to implement each approach. Detailed timeframes of this evolution are NOT discussed. AM038 Workgroup Systems Update Fitzhugh, Mary Ann Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of Digital's family of Workgroup Systems products. An update is given on the many new capabilities that have shipped since the last DECUS symposium, including new products and announcements. AM039 Group Calendar with Network Scheduler 3 Martin, Stephen Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses Powercore's Network Scheduler 3 group calendar product, which is integrated with Digital's TeamLinks product. Topics include: o details of the Digital and Powercore announcement o interoperability with Digital's ALL-IN-1 time management subsystem o detailed Network Scheduler 3 product description including functionality and screen shots. AM040 UNIX Services for TeamLinks Olasin, Mike Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses Digital's directions and current status in delivering UNIX server capabilities for the TeamLinks family of desktop clients. AM041 ALL-IN-1 V3.0 Performance Update Ibbett, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) V3 integrates client/server, distributed, and traditional timeshared office computing. It also brings a heightened need to address sizing and configuring issues and tradeoffs. This session presents performance and sizing information with guidelines to better help plan, configure, and manage these emerging styles of systems. Specific topics include: o performance implications of V3.0 of ALL-IN-1 IOS o performance of Distributed File Cabinet access o performance impact of adding applications such as Electronic Authorization and Routing Services o how to select and size a system with mixed applications, featuring the newest members of the VAX family, the VAX 4000-500 and VAX 6000-600 o configuration options (single CPU, SMP, clusters, dual-host) o how the disk/file system should be configured o how optimal performance can be maintained. AM042 TeamLinks Performance and Configuration Boehm, Ralph Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center TeamLinks brings an integrated office solution to the Microsoft Windows environment. This session presents performance and sizing information along with guidelines for planning, configuring, and managing this client/server system. Specific topics include: o the performance impact of integrating other products such as TeamRoute, DECquery, VAX Notes, etc. o desktop support performance issues including PATHWORKS file and print services o how to select and size a system with mixed desktops and applications, featuring the newest members of the VAX families o how the disk/file system should be configured o how optimal performance can be maintained. AM043 Client/Server Performance and Configuration for DEC MAILworks Menengas, Dave Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on sizing and configuring the DEC MAILworks Server in the OpenVMS VAX environment. Specific topics include: o impact of file placement and maintenance o relative performance of various desktop access methods o configuring multiple desktops (VT, PC, etc.) o guidelines for selecting and sizing mail systems, featuring the newest members of the VAX family. AM044 DEC/EDI Performance and Configuration Dumas, Dave Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Performance is a critical factor in the success of any business application, especially for mission-critical applications using Digital's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). This session discusses many of the key issues affecting the performance of a DEC/EDI system: o What size system is appropriate? o What are the implications of distributing applications or placing the applications on a VAXcluster? o How should the disk/file system be configured? o What system and performance management features exist? o How can optimal performance be maintained? o What DEC/EDI throughput can be expected from the newest VAX family members? o What performance benefits does DEC/EDI V1.2 provide as compared with DEC/EDI V1.1? AM045 DEC/EDI Update Toland, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides detailed insight into the functionality delivered by the the latest release of Digital's Electronic Data Interchange product and system integration tools. AM046 Calendar Manager: An Optional Time Management for ALL-IN-1 Users Martin, Stephen Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents Calendar Manager from Russell Sciences, Inc., an optional time management package for the ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System and TeamLinks for Windows clients. AM047 ALL-IN-1 Disk I/O Performance Improvement Scopelliti, Pasquale Corning Incorporated Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center The ALL-IN-1 installation procedure places all ALL-IN-1 system files on a single disk drive. Even under moderate user loads, this can result in an overloaded disk drive, which can lead to poor performance and unhappy users. This session shows the methods involved in distributing the ALL-IN-1 files over several disks in an effort to increase I/O throughput, thus increasing performance. This has special importance in a local area VAXcluster where many nonvolatile ALL-IN-1 files can be copied to a local satellite's disk. An experiment comparing an ESE20 and multiple RA70 disk drives is discussed as an example of the above procedures. AM048 ALL-IN-1 for the CEO Scopelliti, Pasquale Corning Incorporated Thursday 11:30 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Integrating ALL-IN-1 into the business style of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a major corporation is a task requiring the interaction of many diverse groups as well as a good understanding of the CEO's needs. This session shows how the CEO's requirements can be translated into ALL-IN-1 functionality and how ALL-IN-1 can be customized to adapt to the CEO's unique needs. AM049 Work Management for Business Processes Phadke, Dilip Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses Digital's strategy along with the capabilities and benefits of today's offerings in the work management area that are helping businesses re-engineer business processes. Areas discussed include: o workflow automation o document management o image management. AM050 EDI: Getting Started in Electronic Data Interchange Kaighn, William S&W Fine Foods Inc. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center The decision to implement Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is usually driven by business requirements. What are these business requirements and how does the MIS professional evaluate the systems requirements? This session outlines the implementation decisions that are faced and provides guidelines to help make these decisions. The options of PC-based systems versus VAX batch systems versus realtime systems are discussed. The pros and cons of various communications options are presented. Techniques are presented for evaluating EDI software packages and their features relative to business needs. Information is provided about where to get help from EDI-oriented trade associations and standards groups. AM051 EDI:Elements of an Alternate EDI Software Solution Schumar, James TRICOMP Wednesday10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session reviews the critical elements of an alternate software solution to DEC's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) product. It includes attended and unattended EDI operations, scheduling considerations, and running EDI on the fly. Communications with trading partners and value-added networks are explained, including communications scripts. Translation of transactions based on both X.12 and EDIFACT standards, including partner and audit options, are presented in detail. The elements of envelope segments and errors that occur along with functional acknowledgments are covered. Integrating the EDI software functions with current applications is emphasized during this session. the emphasis of this session. AM052 WordPerfect Working Group Meeting Byrd, Ellie Computer Education & Design Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This meeting is an opportunity to meet with other users of VAX WordPerfect products to discuss problems and experiences. The Working Group's top ten wishlist items are presented. WordPerfect representatives are available to answer questions. Discussion topics include: o WordPerfect o ALL-IN-1 integration o Office o top ten wishlist items o future DECUS symposia sessions. AM053 WordPerfect Print Integration/New Printer Enhancements Penrod, Ross WordPerfect Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the WordPerfect Printer Symbiont integration with DEC symbionts and other third-party symbiont processes. The hows and whys of integrating the WordPerfect symbiont with other symbionts on a system, as well as new print enhancements that increase the speed of printing, are discussed. The following topics, as well as questions from the audience, are addressed: o new enhancements to printing o background processing o command line interface to printer setup o understanding the symbiont process o defining logicals to enable integration with DEC symbionts o queue definitions. AM054 WordPerfect Advanced ALL-IN-1 Integration Engineer, WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the following aspects of WordPerfect's Integration for ALL-IN-1: o migration from version 2.0 to version 3.0 of the integration o new features of WordPerfect Integration for ALL-IN-1, including background printing o the Message Router/MAILbus, including Gateways, WPS-PLUS, Compound Document Architecture (CDA), and connectivity. In this decade of connections, it is necessary to send and receive information to and from different systems and environments. Gateways and other MAILbus user agents make this task much easier by converting files so they can be read and/or edited by other systems. This session addresses how WordPerfect's Integration for ALL-IN-1 enables these tasks and more to be accomplished. AM055 WordPerfect Products for OpenVMS VAX: Questions and Answers Penrod, Ross WordPerfect Corporation Thursday 4:30 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an opportunity for attendees to ask a team of WordPerfect experts all about WordPerfect Corporation products for OpenVMS VAX. WordPerfect users and non-users alike should find this clinic interesting and informative. AM056 WordPerfect: System Manager Tips and Tricks Penrod, Ross WordPerfect Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers helpful information for system managers regarding WordPerfect products for OpenVMS and ALL-IN-1. Attendees may expect to gain very helpful technical insight. Areas of discussion include: o installation o Printer List Manager Utility o settings files and more. AM057 WordPerfect Office: E-mail, Forms, and Calendar/Scheduler Greenwood, Eldon WordPerfect Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session is of interest to system managers and technical users responsible for implementing cross-platform e-mail and/or calendar/scheduling systems in their office. This session covers the following topics: o e-mail and calendar/scheduling functions available in a WordPerfect Office multiplatform configuration o electronic form capabilities of WordPerfect InForms o gateways available to extend electronic messaging to other mail programs (ALL-IN-1, OpenVMS MAIL, OfficeVision, MHS, X.400, SMTP, etc). AM058 WordPerfect Performance Morgan, Brian WordPerfect Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the essentials of tuning a system specifically for WordPerfect Corporation products. The two products discussed are WordPerfect 5.1 and Office 3.1. Memory specifications and CPU considerations are the primary focus. The areas of OpenVMS that can be adjusted to control performance and capacity are discussed in depth. These areas include Authorize, SYSGEN, and the Install Utility. Most of the information in this session is generally applicable in most programs that run under OpenVMS. The intent of this session is to provide attendees with practical knowledge that can be applied to current and future systems. AM059 WordPerfect Documents: Compatibility Across Platforms Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the ability to share WordPerfect documents among platforms. It covers the format compatibility issues for the following platforms: o OpenVMS o DOS o Windows o OS/2 o UNIX o Macintosh. This session provides many examples of how files can be shared among all of the platforms listed above. Solutions are offered concerning file conversions. This session also shows how file formats are identical between most platforms, depending upon the version of the product installed. AM060 WordPerfect Message Router Mailbox Routing and Troubleshooting Engineer, WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents technical information on tracking/following a message through Message Router, both to and from the WordPerfect Mailbox. Tracking of document format types and routing strings of the National Bureau of Standards file are covered. In addition, the session explains what happens when a message is processed by the WordPerfect Mailbox, conversion is performed, and the message is reposted to Message Router. AM061 Automating Mass Mailing with WordPerfect Merge Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center Using WordPerfect's merge feature, mass mailings can be prepared in a short amount of time. This session demonstrates how to create primary and secondary merge files and how to merge from an ASCII delimited file. By the end of the session, attendees are familiar with: o merging components such as primary and secondary files o merging personalized form letters o creating a secondary file containing names and addresses o creating a primary file to produce letters, envelopes and/or labels o using named fields in primary and secondary files o merging with an ASCII delimited file o sorting by zip code for bulk postal rates o understanding negative numbering of lines and words in sort keys. AM063 Using the VTXPrep Page Creation Tool Devi, Gita Digital Equipment Corporation Antle, Joyce Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the VTXprep page processing tool. The following topics are included: o positioning VTXprep: is it the best solution? o software requirements o what VTXprep does o what VTXprep doesn't do o user training issues/skills required o process overview/implementation steps. AM065 Using TIDE: A VTX Page Creation Tool Devi, Gita Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the Textual Infobase Design Environment (TIDE), a VTX page processing tool. Areas covered include: o positioning TIDE: is it the best solution? o software requirements o what TIDE does o what TIDE doesn't do o user training issues/skills required o process overview/implementation steps. AM067 Enterprise-Wide Electronic Mail: Addressing and Connectivity Issues Hoy, Mike Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This is a discussion of the addressing and connectivity issues associated with an X.400/X.500 integrated mail environment. It is based on an actual implementation of a corporate-wide electronic mail system. The keys to integrating diverse mail environments are: o elimination of point-to-point mail connections o migration to an X.400/X.500 backbone topology o synchronized directory services that provide transparent address translation. AM068 Enterprise-Wide Electronic Mail: An Overview Hoy, Mike Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Today's corporate computing environment may be characterized as having a corporate mainframe and any number of separate PC LANs and/or UNIX LANs. Each of these environments more than likely has a different electronic mail system in use. The challenge facing the MIS manager is how to seamlessly integrate mail in these diverse computing environments and allow users to maintain their native addressing schemes. This overview discusses the corporate mail environment and the use of an X.400/X.500 backbone with associated directory services to get electronic mail flowing smoothly across the corporation. AM070 Corporate Downsizing Issues Woolsoncroft, John Concepts Dynamic Inc Tuesday 5:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a full discussion of the issues involved in the decision to downsize. Three case studies illustrate the methods and successes of companies who have successfully downsized from proprietary systems to open systems. The benefits of downsizing as well as the potential pitfalls of false approaches are clearly delineated. Companies must avoid the temptation to settle for what amounts to "a new paint job," and this talk helps clarify the real issues and solutions worth considering as a company starts in the direction of downsizing. AM071 Distributed Application Software Architecture and Design Townsend, Erik The Cushing Group, Inc. Friday 12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides alternatives for distributing application software design, including general strategies for distribution and an overview of competing technologies that support distributed application development. Techniques for migrating application functions from proprietary platforms to commodity hardware and software platforms -- thus achieving true vendor-independence -- are highlighted. Distributed client/server computing has been widely heralded as the solution to the lack of overall application integration as well as the excessive costs of maintaining "legacy application systems." However, practical implementation of this technology has been progressing slowly. This session presents real, practical guidelines for building truly distributed client/server systems that address the business needs of downsizing. AM073 Breakthrough Scheduling Applications Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center The way someone schedules their fleet or work centers determines a large part of their cycle-time, their inventory, and their cost. It determines how responsive they can be to their customers, and may even affect their ability to grow. Yet, the intricacies of each business usually resist a packaged scheduling solution. This session presents a new approach for businesses to implement breakthrough decision support systems for scheduling. The resulting applications enable expert schedulers to solve their problems better, deal with more complexity, and react quickly to unplanned downtime and expedites. These systems use the very latest hybrid of AI and optimizing techniques. New tools take the subjectivity out of scheduling decisions and leverage the knowledge of corporate experts. Examples of mission-critical solutions include: o pipelines o auto factories o truck dispatching o flight scheduling o crew assignment. AM074 Configuration for Truck Manufacturing: A Case Study Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on a configuration solution being developed for a truck manufacturer. The presenters discuss the specific problems that led the manufacturer to put a high priority on re-engineering its parts configuration process, including : o the specialized functionality required of the configuration solution o how Digital's Configuration Platform and Service Offering addressed the customer's needs. The discussion explains why no single technology is appropriate for problems as difficult as configuration and the importance of scalability and maintenance. The presenters also discuss how these issues are being addressed for the truck manufacturer. AM075 How to Build FOCUS and ALL-IN-1 Applications Smith, Michelle Information Builders Thursday 4:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center The FOCUS interface to ALL-IN-1 provides a multilayered set of facilities to integrate FOCUS and ALL-IN-1. This session discusses in detail how each of these layers can be intertwined to build fully functioning, advanced applications utilizing the best of ALL-IN-1 and FOCUS. After explaining how these layers work, techniques and examples utilizing these commands are presented. Specific topics include: o how to integrate ALL-IN-1 commands directly into - FOCUS TABLE - MODIFY - Dialogue Manager procedures o how to write report output directly to the file cabinet o integrating Forms Management System (FMS) forms and FOCUS windows o integrating OpenVMS directories with ALL-IN-1 folders o utilizing ALL-IN-1 mail facilities within FOCUS to intelligently and automatically distribute the output from FOCUS TABLE and GRAPH requests. AM076 EDI Working Group Meeting Kaighn, William S&W Fine Foods, Incorporated Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) wrapup session, where those who would like to see EDI sessions continue at DECUS can help make it happen -- even if they cannot make it to all symposia. It is also a good way to maintain contact with the EDI community and gain new trading partners. If you would like to see a specific area of EDI covered in a future session or would like to participate in the working group, please attend this session. AM077 Banking and Finance Clinic Candor, Richard Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic provides an opportunity for the attendees to discuss the Digital banking and finance products, and to get help with questions related to the use of these products. Everyone from the banking and finance communities is welcome to attend. AM078 Strategic Planning for Tomorrow's Technology Candor, Richard Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session is designed to review and comment on the strategic direction and the role of technology in the business needs process. This session enables people to understand some of the reasons why strategic planning is necessary. Are managers of business and information systems forced to use technology to compete? Where should one's organization fit on the leading edge: leader, follower, or somewhere in between? AM079 Client/Server Performance of Database Applications Velivis, Bernie Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on performance issues associated with implementing commercial database applications in a client/server environment. Case studies illustrate a methodology to determine the benefits and limitations of distributing applications in this manner. Specific topics include: o positioning client/server with respect to other distributed computing techniques o determining when client/server is a valid option based on performance o sizing and configuring client/server systems o performance characterization results for homogeneous and heterogeneous operating system environments. AM080 Managing in an Imperfect World: Disasters and Service Interruptions Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Tuesday 11:00 AM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center In today's networked world, it is possible for even a small incident, caused by nothing more than a teaspoon of salt water, to mushroom into a network disaster spanning the globe. This session reviews examples of how such incidents can wreak havoc upon computer networks, and what steps can be taken by management and their staffs to prevent serious harm to their business. AM082 TeamLinks for Macintosh Muzzey, Doug Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session reviews the current status of the TeamLinks for Macintosh client. Topics discussed include: o features in the Macintosh client o implementation issues and requirements o interoperability with TeamLinks for Windows and ALL-IN-1 users. AM084 The Evolution of Information Access Technologies Hedman, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center Since a company's most important asset is information, there are growing demands for timely access to corporate information by more and more people. This session focuses on the constant evolution of information access tools, and how people's needs have changed over the years. Current Digital products such as DEC VTX, VAX Notes, and Bookreader are reviewed. A glimpse into the future is offered, attempting to identify how people will access information of all types in various ways. This session is nontechnical, but is quite valuable for those who wish to understand the future direction of information processing technologies such as automated electronic access, information filtering and indexing, information organization, and rendering technologies. AM085 Software Product Integration Architecture Usage Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Software Product Integration Architecture (SPIA) is the set of concepts and functionality that enables the delivery of integrated, customized software environments or "software platforms." SPIA solves the problem of software packing and distribution, and it provides the means for easy installation, deinstallation, and management of software. This session describes the Software Product Integration Architecture, and how users manage applications built to it. AM086 EDI: User Panel Discussion Kaighn, William S&W Fine Foods, Inc. Siegel, Al Victoria's Secret Stores Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a creative way of doing business by computer. Find out how others are using this structured business method, and get ideas that can work for you. This is an EDI experiences exchange; it is not a tutorial. What you get is what you use: no fluff. These are real-life solutions to today's business opportunities. If you are currently using EDI, come share your experiences. If you want to start using EDI, come to hear what the others have to say. One or more case studies will be presented. AM087 Scalable Image and Document Management Solutions Slade, Thomas Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents Digital's integrated approach to a new imaging and document management strategy. An infrastructure architecture designed based on customer's solutions is addressed. Attendees learn how to take advantage of an architecture that provides flexibility, customization to meet the needs of a particular operation, high performance, scalability, and minimization of costly database conversions. An integrated strategy is presented, with products, solutions, and services appropriate to attendees' needs. This strategy is defined by immediate needs and a vision of incremental requirements over the next several years. Imaging and broader document management expertise have been combined to focus on a robust infrastructure for workgroup computing. This focus allows Digital to partner with our customers to efficiently restructure existing business practices and processes, while minimizing costs. AM088 Parts Configuration as a Critical Process for "To-Order" Companies Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Many companies are moving toward offering their customers the ability to order products manufactured to their specific requirements, from a set of standard options. To be competitive, they want to be able to do this without impacting quality or order cycle time. A critical process for these companies is customer order validation, which means determining whether all of the parts ordered by a customer can be assembled together into a working whole. This process is sometimes called "parts configuration." Industries for which parts configuration is a critical process include: o truck manufacturing o computer manufacturing o elevator manufacturing o telecommunications switch manufacturing. This session focuses on the following: o how to recognize when parts configuration is likely to be critical for a business o why it is important to understand the interactions of the configuration process with other processes in the business o a Digital software platforms and services offering that helps customers manage the large amounts of knowledge required to do parts configuration. AM089 Image and Document Management Solutions Slade, Tom Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents several case studies of applications of Digital's imaging solutions to customer problems. Included in this session are the customer requirements, the imaging solutions descriptions, and the resulting benefits. The examples illustrate how to retrieve and render bitonal images from a database and image repository constructed using Digital's Storage Monitor and Distributed Server Library. The use of an update process to move image streams from an input cache to clustered primary optical volumes and journaled backup optical volumes in a jukebox is discussed. The recovery mechanism for rebuilding an optical volume that has been destroyed is also discussed. AM091 Simulating Business Processes with DECmodel Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center In their search for productivity improvements and better customer service, many firms are undertaking business process re-engineering. Many of these firms are searching for dramatic breakthroughs in the speed and structure of their business processes; therefore, previous experience may not be a reliable indicator of the operation of the new business process. To better understand the nature of business process changes, some firms are simulating their business processes during the re-engineering phase. This allows exploration of process bottlenecks, missing process steps, and unforeseen process interactions. Digital's process simulator, DECmodel, is explained in this presentation, and examples of its use in business process re-engineering are presented. AM092 TeamLinks for Windows Overview King, John Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of the TeamLinks office product for the Microsoft Windows environment. It includes a description of the TeamLinks components, how TeamLinks operates in an ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) environment, and how files may be shared between users. Server configuration guidelines are also presented. AM093 WPS-PLUS Since Version 4.1 Goguen, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session details what will be new in Version 4.2 of WPS-PLUS for OpenVMS and WPS-PLUS for DOS. This will also be indicative of what is coming in WPS-PLUS in the next release of ALL-IN-1. AM094 DECreport: WYSIWYG Reports for Database and Spreadsheet Users Realmuto, Steve Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces attendees to DECreport, a "Personal Report Writer" designed to help end users become more self-reliant in creating the reports they need. DECreport offers -- to nontechnical business professionals in data-intensive job functions -- an easy-to-use tool with a WYSIWYG graphical interface that can produce a variety of high-quality printed reports using data from other desktop applications and from network databases. Attendees learn how DECreport can be used with DECquery and other desktop applications to design custom reports fulfilling most end-user reporting needs without having to involve the IS department. AM095 WPS-PLUS Version 4 Clinic Goguen, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center This campground session provides a hands-on look at all the new features in WPS-PLUS V4, exclusive of those relating to printing. Some of the topics covered are: o multiple document editing o the new multicolumn editor o indent tabs o named rulers and referenced rulers o new, online WPS-PLUS "Informational" documents. AM096 Proportional and PostScript Printing with WPS-PLUS Version 4 Goguen, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This campground session provides a hands-on look at the new printing features in WPS-PLUS V4. Topics covered include: o proportional printing and controlling fonts o rendition fonts o PostScript and Encapsulated PostScript graphics o PostScript borders and text overlays o printer tables (keywords, trays, including external files, etc.) o paragraph numbering through the print formatter. AM097 Tuning Your VAX System for ALL-IN-1 IOS Burgess, Sam Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session deals with tuning a VAX System for ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS). It covers the following topics: o general overview of tuning OpenVMS o OpenVMS parameters that affect ALL-IN-1 IOS o location of hot files o tuning files with File Definition Language files o tuning Electronic Messaging o suggested Authorize parameters for ALL-IN-1 IOS o programming for performance o an ALL-IN-1 performance checklist. AM098 ALL-IN-1 V3.0 Upgrade Experiences Burgess, Sam Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Engineers from Digital's Customer Support Center (CSC) explain how to reduce ALL-IN-1 3.0 upgrade hassles, based on their experiences with supporting the upgrade. The session gives an overview of the upgrade procedures, with tips on how to prepare for an upgrade and what to look out for. Also included are common problems experienced by ALL-IN-1 customers, described from a CSC perspective. AM099 Common ALL-IN-1 IOS System Management Issues from a CSC Perspective Moore, Eula Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers many of the common system management problems resolved by the ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) team at Digital's Atlanta Customer Support Center (CSC). Topics include: o archiving o housekeeping o Transfer User o integrating third-party applications into ALL-IN-1 IOS o creating and maintaining accounts. AM101 How Do TeamLinks and ALL-IN-1 IOS Interoperate and Co-exist? Porter, Terry Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center TeamLinks is a PC-based interface to office services such as Mail, File Cabinets, etc., that makes use of the new technology available on the desktop. ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) provides similar services to users of the more traditional character-cell terminal. This session describes how these two products, using apparently dissimilar technologies, interoperate to allow PC users to make full use of the capabilities of their systems without isolating them from those users who have character-cell terminals. AM103 TeamLinks for ALL-IN-1 IOS Users Maximous, Signe Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the features and functionality available to the ALL-IN-1 user who uses TeamLinks to connect to ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS). Topics include: o using the IOS file cabinet as a repository for documents/files created using PC applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Ami Pro, WordPerfect, and DECwrite o conversions between the traditional IOS document types, such as WPS and TXT, and other PC applications. o using both DEC MAILworks and ALL-IN-1 IOS mail in this environment. AM104 Migrating to TeamLinks from ALL-IN-1 IOS Ioele, Anthony Ioele/Griggs & Associates, Inc. Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes topics involved with migrating to TeamLinks from the ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS), including: o issues concerning the planned migration o several recommendations o possible benefits and pitfalls o mail distribution lists changes o personal nickname and address book file conversion o document storage o troubleshooting tips o directory services o other general migration topics. This session is of interest to system planners who are considering moving an ALL-IN-1 IOS user community toward a TeamLinks environment. AM106 AIM Q&A Doyle, J. D. Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This is a question-and-answer period for the Applications, Integration, and Management (AIM) SIG. Digital provides a panel of experts for technical, marketing, and support questions. The session provides an opportunity for attendees who are interested in the products and services supported by the AIM SIG to ask Digital the how, what, and why. This session is not specifically aimed at any one product or service. AM108 How to Write a Client to the ALL-IN-1 IOS File Cabinet Server Pilgrim, Alf Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center The File Cabinet Server (FCS) was introduced in ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) V3.0 to provide multiplatform, distributed, and open access to the ALL-IN-1 file cabinet. This session describes the application programming interface to the FCS, and shows how it is intended to be used by customer applications that require access to the ALL-IN-1 file cabinet. AM109 ALL-IN-1 IOS Dataset Server Architecture Pilgrim, Alf Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session is intended to enable ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) engineers to share with DECUS attendees some of the concepts that would need to be addressed in providing multiplatform, distributed, and open access to the ALL-IN-1 datasets (for example, the Profile, nicknames, and distribution lists). A proposed architecture that incorporates these concepts is described, which may be useful to those considering such changes to their own applications. AM110 Writing a Simple ALL-IN-1 IOS PC Client Application Pilgrim, Alf Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Given the existence of a mechanism that allows external access to ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) datasets, this session discusses the attributes necessary of an Application Programming Interface (API) to make effective use of it. Code examples are offered to show how such an API could be used by customer applications on a variety of platforms (including PC). AM111 ALL-IN-1 and TeamLinks Time Management Interoperability Pilgrim, Alf Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This talk discusses the requirements imposed by workgroups on time management systems, particularly with regard to scheduling meetings. It describes the features aimed at satisfying those requirements provided by the time management capabilities in both TeamLinks and ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS). Finally, a mechanism is described that allows for users on either system to schedule meetings with each other, regardless of platform. AM112 ALL-IN-1 IOS Options Martin, Stephen Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:30 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introductory overview of all of the available options for ALL-IN-1 users. Options that deliver distributed sharing, mail filtering, routing and approval, and PC integration are discussed. AM113 A Look Inside the ALL-IN-1 IOS Installation Code Pilgrim, Alf Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center What is actually happening on the system when an ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) installation is being performed? Could the installation leave the system inoperable? This session describes, in detail, the actual activities performed during a typical ALL-IN-1 installation and offers troubleshooting information. Armed with this knowledge, estimating the time required to perform the installation will be easier, and one can be better prepared to deal with problems should they arise. AM114 The Engineering Processes Used in ALL-IN-1 IOS Development Pilgrim, Alf Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes some of the engineering processes that Digital has implemented to improve the quality of ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS). Topics covered include: o project management o change control o product verification o tracking and monitoring o software engineering practices. This session is useful to any attendee involved in engineering software, particularly middle- to large-sized applications. AM115 Print Issues When Upgrading to WPS-PLUS V4.1 Goguen, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session deals with various issues that may be faced when upgrading to WPS-PLUS Version 4.1 and ALL-IN-1 V3.0. It provides information that will help system managers and administrators to troubleshoot printing issues that might arise after moving to the new version. Some of the topics covered are: o bad editing habits o use of control block commands o customized printer tables o users' expectations of monospaced vs. proportional printing. AM116 Digital's Mail Strategy Bradlee, Monica Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This general session discusses the evolution of Digital's electronic messaging (e-mail) strategy, product set, and services. Topics include: o the present direction for desktop clients and related servers (DEC MAILworks) o the message transfer service (MAILbus and MAILbus 400) o directory services (DDS and X.500) o application programming interfaces o relationships with third-party vendors. Suggestions are made about how users of Digital's present mail products might take advantage of the additional features introduced by the new product set. This session also provides a "road map" for other mail-related sessions at this symposium. AM119 Introduction to Mail Terminology Bradlee, Monica Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to the basic concepts and terminology of electronic messaging. The most commonly used two-, three-, four-, and five-letter acronyms are put into perspective. The less macabre meaning of bodyparts in envelopes is revealed. AM120 Internal Structures of DEC MAILworks Server for OpenVMS and Its Clients Gunn, Ian Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the internal design of the DEC MAILworks (formerly ALL-IN-1 MAIL) Server for OpenVMS and its Clients. Also described are how the X.400 Interpersonal Messaging Services are provided, and the interworking between the clients and the server. AM121 DEC VTX Text Retrieval System Implementation Hillerich, Bill Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the steps needed to implement a distributed text retrieval system. It covers adding Full Text Search capability to an existing infobase, as well as designing a new infobase with Full Text Search as the design center. This session covers the topics of indexing and where to locate indexes for maximum performance. AM122 Accessing Multiple Information Sources from Microsoft Windows Desktops Hillerich, Bill Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces new techniques for accessing and collecting information from multiple sources on the network. Also discussed is retrieving information by executing queries against information sources such as VAX Notes, UNIX News, DEC VTX, and Bookreader books. This session also outlines Digital's product family that provides these capabilities and services. AM123 TeamRoute: Digital's Electronic Document Routing and Approval Product Christopher, Debbie Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Many distributed applications in businesses and academia need to circulate objects, such as electronic forms and documents, among a prescribed list of people. Then, all of these people have to perform certain actions on the objects, such as indicating their approval and applying electronic signatures. This session discusses that business problem and Digital's solution: TeamRoute V1.0, a new product that supports routing, tracking, and approving these objects. TeamRoute V1.0 combines the ease of use of mail and the advantages of workflow. This session covers the features of this new product, including a brief discussion about extending these features via custom applications. AM124 TeamRoute V1.0: Management, Internals, and Troubleshooting Christopher, Debbie Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces system managers to specific issues concerning the day-to-day management of TeamRoute V1.0. Topics include: o installation o basic management o common problems o configuration and troubleshooting hints. AM125 Building Custom Applications for TeamRoute V1.0 Christopher, Debbie Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center One of the most powerful features of TeamRoute V1.0, Digital's new routing and approval product, is its ability to invoke custom applications. Simple applications can be built and deployed worldwide on multiple platforms in a matter of minutes (yes, minutes!) using TeamRoute's Application Design Tool. More sophisticated applications can be constructed using TeamRoute's application runtime library or ALL-IN-1 Application Programming Interface (API). This session covers the mechanisms available to application developers, and also some of the applications built using forms and links to other layered products. To gain maximum benefit from this presentation, attendees who are not familiar with TeamRoute V1.0 should first attend the TeamRoute V1.0 product overview session. AM126 DECquery and DECreport: Information Management for Microsoft Windows Poon, Al Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center DECquery for Windows and DECreport for Windows, when used together, provide end users with a powerful and flexible management reporting system. DECquery and DECreport enable users to create and modify reports without needing to make requests to an IS department. DECquery enables users to easily access a number of corporate databases (including Rdb, IBM DB2 and VSAM, and ORACLE) as well as local LAN databases (Novell NetWare, Microsoft SQL/Server) via an easy-to-use point-and-click interface. DECreport enables users to create simple to complex reports in a WYSIWYG manner, utilizing data obtained via DECquery or from local data files (e.g., Excel spreadsheets, dBASE files). Together these products can eliminate hours of tedious database summary and formatting tasks by enabling users to create, save, revise, re-use, and share database queries and report templates. This session focuses on the integration between the two products, and how to set up a group-wide management reporting environment using the products. AM128 Distributed Application Integration Tools Townsend, Eric Digital Equipment Corporation c/o Rod Hodgman Friday 10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Digital customers who seek to develop distributed application software or integrate existing applications across a network can choose from several Digital products, which are collectively referred to as the Application Integration Network product family. DECmessageQ, DEC Distributed Computing Environment Remote Procedure Call, and DEC Application Control Architecture Services all provide application developers with tools that facilitate distributed application software development and integration. The three products are different for good reasons, and each is well suited to its own set of uses. Unfortunately, however, some customers have become confused as to how the products differ, and have difficulty selecting the best product for a given use. This session describes and contrasts these products, and presents some suggestions for determining which one is best suited to a given need. AM130 Application Integration with DEC/EDI Toland, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides information to help integrate DEC/EDI into applications quickly and economically. In particular, the design decisions that must be made when integrating applications with DEC/EDI are covered. AM131 ALL-IN-1 V3.0 Application Programming Features Christie, Eileen Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation covers the new and enhanced facilities available in ALL-IN-1 V3.0 for developers of ALL-IN-1 Office Applications at the Application Programming Interface (API) level, i.e., when writing ALL-IN-1 scripts or Forms Named Data. The facilities include: o enhanced Trace facilities o new Script debugger o DO-mode script flow control enhancements o new functions and datasets available to the Application Writer. Examples are given of the use of the functions, special symbols, and datasets: o FIND_FORM o OA$FORM_INFO o OA$FORM_SEARCH_ORDER o INCREMENT/DECREMENT o management functions o OA$ACL o UAF$ enhancements made to the development environment, including new editor support. AM132 TeamLinks, DEC MAILworks, ALL-IN-1: What's The Difference? Ioele, Tony Ioele/Griggs & Associates, Inc. Monday 3:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Choosing the correct business and office system is a very difficult decision that is often made by a group of people within an organization. One question that is asked quite often is "What is the difference between TeamLinks, ALL-IN-1, and DEC MAILworks (formerly ALL-IN-1 Mail); aren't they the same product?" This session: o explains the major differences between each product o suggests possible implementations for each product o evaluates each against a standard set of criteria. This session attempts to help attendees to understand each product and how each product may solve current problems within their organizations. AM133 Application, Integration & Management SIG Jeopardy Trebeck, Alex Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center How familiar are you with the Application, Integration, and Management SIG? Do you have what it takes to master AIM Jeopardy? This year the Application, Integration, and Management SIG puts a twist on the traditional AIM Trivia session. The format is reversed this symposium. The expert panel and members of the audience are supplied the answers and have to provide the question. Answers ("questions") are judged on correctness, originality, and humorous content. Questions ("answers") cover such topics as SIG members, history, and AIM products. Don't miss the fun! AM134 ALL-IN-1 System Management: An Attitude Griggs, Terry Ioele, Griggs & Associates Thursday 8:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center ALL-IN-1 provides the system manager with many new and improved system management/administration functions. After a short adjustment period, most of the new tools truly help the ALL-IN-1 system manager spend less time on the administrative issues and more time on programming and application development. This session addresses the new management functions and how to get the most from the system management menus. The topics considered include: o housekeeping procedures o customization management o archiving o document quotas o account creation and templates o "hints and kinks." AM135 What's New in ALL-IN-1 V3.0 Martin, Stephen Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to the new functionality of ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.0. Enhanced file cabinet, shared filing, group services, and other new features of this major ALL-IN-1 release are overviewed. AM136 Managing the ALL-IN-1 V3.0 File Cabinet Server Doyle, John Digital Equipment Corporation Ioele, Tony Ioele/Griggs & Associates, Inc. Thursday 3:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center The ALL-IN-1 V3.0 File Cabinet Server provides many challenges for system managers. This session introduces the architectural concept of the File Cabinet Server, some of the key data structures, and tuning parameters of the server. Other topics include the important concepts of distribution, naming, security, and sharing within the new file cabinet. AM137 Message Router Made Easy Ioele, Tony Ioele/Griggs & Associates, Inc. Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center Message Router is a software product that sometimes must be installed on a system without any real understanding of what it does or how it ought to be configured. Default settings are accepted because Message Router is required for installation of the "real" product. But Message Router affects a system and other software. The prerequisite for this session is that the attendee knows how to spell Message Router, but that's it. How various configurations affect system performance, and what functions are performed by the various components within Message Router, are presented. This session is for the attendee who has gotten, or is going to get, Message Router, but who has not had time to learn about the product. AM138 Managing and Diagnosing Realtime Alarms in a Distributed Network Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Distributed utility networks face realtime alarm management and diagnosis issues. When a large disturbance (storm, power outage) occurs, many parts of the network will sense and report trouble to the network operations center, and the network operators will have to filter hundreds of alarm reports quickly in order to isolate the fault, prevent it from spreading within the network, and dispatch repair crews promptly. Digital, in association with Hydro-Quebec, has developed a knowledge-based approach for assisting network operators in this task. The rule-based system filters the incoming alarms by applying its knowledge of the connections and network constraints to generate a smaller set of candidate network faults. This has improved the efficiency of the utility's operations and avoided costs by isolating faults sooner. This system, its motivation, and its development are explained, and a video film of its operation is presented. AM139 Project Management Nuts and Bolts Hall, Morris Encompass Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the process of project management, and what it takes to successfully pull a group of people together into a focused team. Topics discussed include: o the project process o risk management o deliverables o reviews and walkthroughs. This session focuses on the process leading up to the usage of project management tools, with some helpful hints to encourage the building of teams while developing/managing plans. AM142 Image and Text Filing System LeFebvre, Lowell Sytek, Inc. Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center PixTex/EFS is an electronic text and imaging filing system for use on Digital Equipment computers running either OpenVMS or ULTRIX. It is a total software solution that is suitable for nearly any organization. This session presents the technology for scanning, optical character recognition (OCR), image and text filing, image and text retrieval, and printing. Text and images may be gathered from virtually any source, automatically filed and indexed, and then retrieved by full-text content, Rdb (document control) field, or file room icon (labels). Examples of applications for PixTex/EFS include handling material safety data sheets, and ISO 9000 compliance. The product works the same in an OpenVMS DECwindows environment, under ULTRIX, or in a PC client/server configuration. Additional topics covered include: o automatic indexing o three powerful retrieval methods o the fileroom metaphor o Rdb interface o batch processing capabilities. AM144 ALL-IN-1 and TeamLinks Wishlist Weisnicht, Maria V. Computer Education & Design Byrne, Tom L. Karp & Sons Thursday 7:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents, to users of ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) and TeamLinks, an opportunity to submit System Improvement Requests to Digital via the ALL-IN-1 and Desktop Working Groups. Bring a list of things that you wish ALL-IN-1 and TeamLinks could do. All of your wishes (not just the top 10) will be presented to the appropriate Digital engineering groups within three weeks after Symposium. This is an informal session that often presents an opportunity to immediately learn how to solve a wishlist problem by talking to the other attendees. AM145 ALL-IN-1 Working Group Meeting Weisnicht, Maria V. Computer Education & Design Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center Persons interested in any of the various facets of ALL-IN-1 are invited to join us for this meeting. Attendees have an opportunity to meet Digital ALL-IN-1 engineers and other people sharing their interest in ALL-IN-1. The meeting features a discussion of the Working Group's current objectives, plans for future symposia, and a review of the sessions, clinics, and seminars at this symposium. The Working Group activities include coordination of an ALL-IN-1 Wishlist, planning ALL-IN-1 related activities for symposia, communication with members between symposia, and submissions to the SIG tape and newsletter. AM146 Cleaning House in ALL-IN-1 Weisnicht, Maria Computer Education & Design Catcott, Jo Ann Computer Education & Design Wednesday10:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center What are other companies doing to manage the use of disk space on their ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office Systems (IOSes)? This session discusses the various tools and methods available to help delete old messages and documents. Topics addressed include: o document quotas o Mail Janitor o Clean Mail o File Cabinet Report o Clean File Cabinet o document expiration applications o unsharing "old" messages o maintaining the pending file and the shared areas. AM147 ALL-IN-1 V3.0 Upgrade: User Panel Discussion Weisnicht, Maria Computer Education & Design Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session helps attendees prepare to make the transition to ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0. A panel of users who have already been through the upgrade discuss their experiences with the upgrade. Topics of discussion include upgrade strategies, training issues, and system management. AM149 Navigating Customization Management in ALL-IN-1 V3.0 Weisnicht, Maria Computer Education & Design Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The ALL-IN-1 Customization Management subsystem has been substantially enhanced in ALL-IN-1 V3.0. Within the new functionality is support for more than ten additional element types, application segregation, packaging and transfer of applications, many new programmer options, and an updated user interface. This presentation describes the new options, and explains how application programmers can use them effectively. AM150 Desktop Solutions for Relational Database Management Issues Allen, Kenneth Continuum Consulting, Ltd. Thursday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation addresses the business issues surrounding the utilization of such important technologies as: o client/server architecture o relational databases o graphical user interfaces. The speaker has been a party to the implementation of these exciting technologies, and during this session he shares his insights gained through practical experience. He introduces the possibilities that exist for those business professionals who dare to dream beyond "the way it has always been done." The speaker discusses the issues surrounding relational database management systems, and the capacity for graphical user interfaces to improve productivity. He offers exciting examples of tapping into enterprise-wide databases and reporting via colorful charts and graphs -- instantly! This session gives the attendee a taste of the information available at one's fingertips, given the proper tools and the proper implementation. AM151 So, You're Leading the Project! Scott, George Computer Sciences Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session is for users who have just been given a project to lead and have no idea what needs to be done. Pointers are pontificated by an opinionated speaker. Planning, estimating, and monitoring progress are discussed. The needs for requirements definition, updating of documentation, and independent tests are noted. Time is dedicated to questions and answers, with the whole audience welcome to join in asking and answering them. AM152 One Man's Software Project Estimating Method Scott, George Computer Sciences Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center One way of estimating a software (or any) project is presented. The method results in fairly accurate estimates after a lot of work. There are no fancy formulas or theories in this method. The method is based on breaking the whole project into pieces small enough to be understood, and realistically estimating the resources needed to complete the pieces. Estimators are reminded of pitfalls, such as believing that there will be no interruptions, changes, or days off, and that everybody is as productive as the estimator. AM153 Programming with TeamRoute Gozaloff, Mike Excellent Office Systems, Inc. Thursday 9:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center The TeamRoute literature promises programmers the ability to write sophisticated electronic routing applications. One look at the documentation reveals little programming information. This session presents an example application that calls the TeamRoute Application Programming Interface. The Windows Dynamic Data Exchange and Dynamic Link Library interfaces are explored. The examples are presented in Visual BASIC and C. AM154 PATHWORKS Client/Server Tools and Solutions Nusbaum, Bob Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session surveys client/server applications and development tools based on Digitals' PATHWORKS. These client/server applications include eXcursion, DECquery, and TeamLinks, and development tools like DECmessageQ. This session also describes how to develop a solution using powerful Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools like Visual BASIC. AM155 WordPerfect Keyboard Mapping McMillan, Bruce Solvay Pharmaceuticals Thursday 4:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Users of PC WordPerfect will be particularly interested in remapping their keyboard to function as a PC keyboard -- and the good news is, it's EASY! This session covers how to configure WordPerfect/OpenVMS to function with a PC terminal emulator. Automated keyboard remapping via Walker, Richer & Quinn Reflection series products are highlighted, as well as Digital's SET HOST and Kermit. AM156 TeamLinks and WordPerfect File Sharing with ALL-IN-1 IOS Penrod, Ross WordPerfect Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center WordPerfect for Windows includes an integration for TeamLinks that allows users to do the following tasks within WordPerfect for Windows: o save documents directory to the ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System (IOS) File Cabinet; these documents can be retrieved in a copy of WordPerfect 5.1 for OpenVMS that is integrated with ALL-IN-1 o share files between ALL-IN-1 IOS and TeamLinks File Cabinets o save documents in the TeamLinks File Cabinet 0 mail the current working document or a selected blocked text o enter the TeamLinks mail editor and attach WP documents o mail WP documents from WordPerfect for Windows directory to ALL-IN-1 IOS Mail, or DEC MAILworks. This session attempts to explain: o how the WordPerfect TeamLinks Integration functions o the ease of file sharing between platforms when no file conversion is necessary o how documents are mailed within TeamLinks and to other platforms. AM161 PC Mail Integration Using the PMDF Mail Interconnect Freed, Ned Innosoft International Jones, Lee Jones Computer Communications Friday 2:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center The rapid proliferation of desktop PC and Macintosh electronic mail solutions has left many organizations with disjoint e-mail user communities. A multiprotocol electronic mail interconnect such as Pascal Memo Distribution Facility (PMDF) provides integration between desktop e-mail packages like cc:Mail, Novell's MHS, WordPerfect Office, QuickMail, and Microsoft Mail, and to other e-mail environments such as UNIX, Internet, BITNET, OpenVMS MAIL, MAILbus, and X.400. This session discusses the design of the interconnect as well as technical issues involved with addressing, routing, and conversion. In addition, the discussion addresses transport issues that arise in actually moving messages between the PC LAN and the PMDF interconnect residing on an OpenVMS host. Specific methods of transport are described in detail. AM163 Mail Working Group Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE119. AM164 NAS Distributed Communications Infrastructure Monday 3:45 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE040. AM165 Using APMS for DEC VTX Page Creation Monday 6:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session EP006. AM166 Using the Indexer's Workbench: A Keyword and Page Creation Tool Monday 5:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session EP002. AM167 DEC VTX in the University Environment Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED025. AM168 Monitoring the Performance of Production Applications with DECtrace Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session DM072. AM169 Using CDA Converters in MAILbus and DEC MAILworks Thursday 6:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session GR055. BP004 Redesign Your Business Practices for Customer Satisfaction Welch, Mary Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Companies are undertaking sweeping changes in the name of competitiveness. Process redesign and change management are only part of the equation. This session explores the business and human reasons and impacts on the success of your re-engineering efforts, and more important, on the satisfaction of your customers. BP005 Reconciliation of License Databases Tereshko, Susan Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Reconciliation can be both a blessing and a curse. This seminar discusses the rationale and benefits of maintaining reconciled software license databases. It includes some compelling financial models of the improved return on investment and cost of ownership that result in reconciled software license databases. Topics covered include: o where reconciliation fits o process, tools, products, and services o available solutions - self-maintenance - outsourcing - value added services BP006 Advanced License Management for Developers Fowkes, Bob Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Do you hold a technical, marketing, or business position within a software development company? Are you faced with the need to introduce flexible licensing options, or provide active license management within your products? Digital's network-based advanced license management technology is designed to support developer needs to offer flexible licensing options across platforms from many vendors. This session covers: o the market requirements of customers and developers o the platform schedule o the License Service API o licensing styles and methodologies o key technologies that give developers 100% control over their business practices. BP008 Asset Management as a Line Function Welch, Mary Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center Strategic management of computing assets is a critical component of corporate profitability, yet it is too often relegated to a mere administrative chore. Without disciplined asset management, however, existing software resources may go unused, while existing applications needs may go unmet. This presentation discusses the business benefits of managing assets across the lifecycle of software procurement, deployment, upgrade, and disposition. Discussions within each area include an update on the current business practices and technology that Digital offers to assist customers in realizing these benefits. BP009 Advanced License and Asset Manager Reeve, Marie Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers Digital's planned new license and asset manager, which replaces the current License Management Facility (LMF). The presentation begins with a review of the customers' need for flexible licensing options and for license and asset management tools that enable them to manage the distributed, heterogeneous computing environment of the 1990s. It then proceeds to discuss the advanced license and asset management products and services. BP011 Business Practices Update Belancik, Alan Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session brings the audience up to date on new business practices announced by Digital since the last symposium, as well as a quick review of changes over the past year. It includes DEC OSF/1 licensing for AXP systems as well as the licensing of Windows NT on various platforms from Digital, migration programs, trade-in plans, cross-platform licensing and its impact on DEC OSF/1 and Windows NT. BP012 "Thinking Outside the Box": How to Choose Open Systems Vendors Greer, Louis Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center As Information Technology and software become commodities, users will look "beyond the box" to differentiate open systems vendors. Ease of doing business is a key consideration in choosing a vendor. This session discusses Digital's customer-driven strategy on "how we do business" with our customers and the importance of business practices in achieving the customers' Information Technology goals. BP013 Talk to Digital Corporate Customer Relations! Bailey, Paul Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center The purpose of this session is to make DECUS members more aware of Digital Corporate Customer Relations (CCR) and its role in assisting Digital customers with problems encountered in the course of using the normal business channels. This session begins with a 15-minute overview of Digital CCR, specifically: o its roles and responsibilities o problem resolution techniques for the customer o advantages of using CCR. The remainder of the session is an interactive question-and-answer period for the attendees. BP014 Digital Product Transition Program Jolls, Robert T. Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center As a result of market pressures and Digital's corporate downsizing, Digital is conducting a re-evaluation of its internal commitments to all of its software products. Some products may be transitioned to third-party vendors for continuing development and support; some others may be retired, over time; many will receive continued funding. In this session, Digital presents the corporate strategy behind this product transition program, along with the parameters that are being used in the evaluation process. This session is strategic in nature and does not detail specific decisions regarding individual products. The session provides attendees with insight into the decision-making process and the follow-through that customers can expect from Digital as products are transitioned. Customer comments on the process are solicited at the end of the session. BP019 Software Licensing Working Group Sivia, Pete Dow Chemical Company Wednesday12:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is a meeting of the Business Practices Software Licensing Working Group. Come and participate in an open discussion on software licensing issues and how they relate to you, and provide feedback to Digital on your software licensing requirements. Anyone interested is encouraged to join in the discussion. BP020 Digital Services Working Group Chiam, Ta Fuh Ohio University Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This is a meeting of the Business Practices Working Group on Digital Services. Join us to discuss your successes and problems in working with Digital's customer services organizations and help BPSSG and Digital identify trends and issues that need broad-based attention. Anyone with an interest in Digital's services is encouraged to join in the discussion. BP021 PATHWORKS Licensing: Business Rules, Enforcement, and Options Gorczyca, John Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS has always been licensed in a way that provides cost-effective access to a wide set of services that might be available anywhere in a distributed LAN/WAN environment. Until now, however, there were no mechanisms to track client licenses nor any additional licensing options that might be better suited to other customer environments. In this session, Digital covers some new license management capabilities and options within the PATHWORKS family. BP023 Getting Service on Microsoft Products Manager, Product Microsoft Monday 5:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstracts are not ready at this time. BP024 Microsoft Licensing Policies Manager, Product Microsoft Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not ready at this time. BP025 VAX to AXP Investment Protection Tuesday 5:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS082. BP026 Maximize Residual Value Through Proper Use of Digital Policy Monday 2:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM033. BP027 A Checklist for Buying and Selling Used Equipment Monday 3:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM122. BP028 Digital's Strategic Directions: An Analyst's Perspective Monday 10:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM109. DA001 Phoenix: A General-Purpose Interface Between Application Programs and External Devices and Databases Hamilton, Rickie Setpoint Incorporated Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Setpoint of Houston, TX, has developed a general-purpose interface platform to allow application programs to communicate with external devices and database systems. The Phoenix system provides a small set of subroutines that application programs may call to read data from and send data to the devices and databases. The Setpoint Inc. Phoenix system includes a set of programs that provide a user interface to the system, periodic data scheduling, message logging, and memory management functions. The Phoenix system is designed to allow concurrent communications with 16 devices or databases. This session provides details of the Phoenix system and how it simplifies application program communications with one or more external devices or databases. DA002 Information Automation: Imaging and Document Management Providing Business Solutions Now! Jones, Rick EA Systems, Inc. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center In an ideal world, everyone would have all the information they needed, on hand, on time. This session briefly reiterates the issues that drive corporations towards the integration of document management and imaging overview of two approaches: o systems integration of technologies o configurable applications. This session is an architectural presentation focusing primarily on what the technology can deliver and, secondarily, how it can be applied with minimum disruption to existing strategic business decisions for maximum gain. This presentation is primarily diagrams and illustrations of the system (only a few text slides). DA003 New Microprocessor Technology: The Basis of a Revolution in Control Strategy for the '90s Davis, Chris AEG Modicon Monday 6:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center During the '80s, the emergence of personal computers and RISC workstations that use substantially the same chips as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) has led to changes in the programmable control architecture for the '90s. This session addresses this issue, the converging of PC/PLC technology, and explores the pros and cons of the architecture that PLCs can be packaged as options that plug into computers. DA004 Simplifying Communication Between Allen-Bradley Programmable Controllers & Computing Systems Using INTERCHANGE Software Farrell, Matt Allen-Bradley Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center To simplify communication between OpenVMS computing systems, and Allen-Bradley Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), INTERCHANGE software was developed to facilitate the flow of critical data. For VAX systems, INTERCHANGE provides connectivity through the Pyramid Integrator using either TCP/IP. This session discusses some implementations of INTERCHANGE and its features. DA005 DAARC SIG Wrapup and Business Meeting Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp Friday 11:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This is the wrapup meeting of the DAARC SIG, where the events of the week are discussed and planning for the next symposium begins. The DAARC SIG also answers question or accepts suggestions from attendees. DA006 CIM: Monitoring Production Downtime Applications Axel, Cathy Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the strategy and tools used to develop a user-friendly production downtime monitoring solution. The availability of ad hoc reports and charts on a PC are an integral part of the solution. DA007 Success in Manufacturing Automation at Westinghouse Cearfoss, Dean Digital Equipment Corp. Perkins, Carroll Westinghouse Electric Corp. Thursday 10:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center What are today's challenges in implementing manufacturing automation? Westinghouse has faced those challenges by taking an integrated approach to meet their CIM goals. This session describes their strategy for manufacturing integration. Digital's Digital Numeric Control (DNC) and BASEstar are key products in their automation strategy. DA008 CIM Integration: A Distributed Numerical Control Solution Cearfoss, Dean Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center In an ideal world, integration would be easy. Manufacturing applications that guide the production process and numerically controlled machinery would simply work together. This session describes how the lifecycle management of numerical control part programs and related files (executives, graphics, tool list) from creation to retirement and their controlled distribution can facilitate manufacturing integration. Library management of control files, communication to various numerical devices, and security are some of the highlights of Digital Direct Numeric Control (DNC) that are described. DA009 Open Systems in Manufacturing Industries Hoban, Patricia Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center As manufacturers strive for profitability and flexibility, an open systems infrastructure that integrates multiple vendors and legacy systems, defines and implements standards, and is flexible and responsive to the needs and changes in the business is key. This session offers a discussion of open systems, Digital's open systems directions and the implementation of open systems strategies in the manufacturing marketplace. DA010 Rapid Prototyping Your Job with a Customizable GUI Workbench Gavilanes, Julio Digital Equipment Corporation Ghia, Ruth Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This session helps you discover unlimited ways to improve productivity by rapidly prototyping your job with DEC's easily-customizable Graphical User Interface Workbench. The user interface provides multiplatform access to data and applications in an intelligent, seamless dimension. DA011 CIM: Bringing Process Data to the Desktop Maiorana, Bob Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Traditionally, engineers and others who wanted to track or analyze the manufacturing process had to physically gather the data from multiple control systems or devices, then enter the data into their personal computers or workstations to support key decisions and tasks such as process optimization. Engineers want to be able to use the desktop tools of their choice to explore and analyze data directly from manufacturing systems. Some of the tools they may use include: o spreadsheets o simulation tools o statistical packages o graphic displays. This session describes how using Digital's Application Control Architecture (ACA), a data integration facility based upon a networked client/server model can be created and used. The DEC @AGlance product suite and technical architecture is highlighted. DA012 Complimenting and Replacing Mainframe CAD Systems Belashki, James Adra System Inc Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Adra Systems has a 2-1/2 drafting/documentation product and a 3D Modeler with direct translators to CAD products that run on IBM mainframe, such as CADAD and CATIA. During this time for downsizing Engineering systems, CADRA-III is a prime candidate for either complimenting or replacing these mainframe CAD systems. In this session, Adra discusses their role in the marketplace and how CADRA-III improves functionality and productivity. DA015 Integrating PCs and VAX Systems for Video Acquisition and Analysis Lubell, Bradford A. CVRL / UCLA Thursday 12:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the presenter's experience of integrating CCD cameras, videotape, and videodisc recorders with personal computers and VAXstation-based image processing units. It comments on what hardware difficulties, modifications, and optimizations were required. In addition, it provides a description of the software used in both the MS-DOS/Windows environment and the OpenVMS environment. DA016 Interfacing Factory Floor Devices to Realtime Systems Cetron, Ed Technologies International Ltd Thursday 6:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center A panel of users discuss their personal experiences interfacing factory floor devices to realtime systems. DA017 DAARC Roadmap Gallant, Michael Cummins Engine Company Tracy, Kane Environmental Systems Corp Monday 9:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center The DAARC Roadmap is the place to get the latest and greatest information about current events and happenings. This is where you meet the steering committee, counterparts, and other interested people. A synopsis of all schedule changes, all DAARC events throughout the week, and suite and campground information is provided. Please stop in. DA018 CIM: BASEstar Interface to CLIPS Gallant, Michael Cummins Engine Company Wednesday 4:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session describes an interface from BASEstar application integration platform to the C Language Inference Production System (CLIPS) rule processing system. The use of BASEstar in manufacturing often requires the use of tools outside the manufacturing environment. The session demonstrates the use of a rule-based system to assist the normal linear control system. DA019 Introduction to BASEstar Gallant, Michael Cummins Engine Co Axel, Cathy Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces BASEstar to the first-time user. It discusses the concepts and setup of BASEstar. This includes the setup of at least one DAS (Device Access Software), testing the communications to the PLC, and definition of data manager points. DA020 Using Computers for Scuba Diving Furze, Jane Amber-Comp Thursday 7:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Scuba divers are beginning to rely more heavily on computers to monitor dive conditions and advise them both during and after their dive. Environmental and other factors that require special consideration in designing these special purpose computers are discussed, along with a comparison of a number of the dive computers currently on the market. DA021 Data Acquisition Products for Intel Platforms Made by National Instruments Woolsey, Charles National Instruments Thursday 12:30 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center National Instruments makes a wide range of data acquisition products for IBM compatible personal computers. This presentation discusses the capabilities of the data acquisition hardware. There is also a presentation of the data acquisition and analysis software for use with National Instrument's hardware under both the DOS and Windows environment. DA022 CIM Working Group Meeting Kizzort, Brad Software Technology Incorporated Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center The CIM Working Group Meeting is a planning session for future CIM sessions. If you are a member of the CIM Working Group, or you want to make sure that the topics you are interested in get covered in future sessions, you should participate in this session. DA023 The Impact of Windows and Windows NT of (E)ISA-based Data Acquisition on Data Translation Products Hogan, John Data Dranslation, Inc Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Data Translation discusses the design issues that have to be addressed when considering a move from Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) and Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) based data acquisition hardware in a DOS software environment to either Windows or Windows NT. It presents specific performance problems and their resolution through hardware and software design partitioning. Performance examples using both DOS and Windows based Data Translation products illustrate tradeoffs among the various data acquisition environments. DA024 Data Acquisition Products for Intel Platforms Made by Analogic Corporation Travers, Donald Analogic Corp Thursday 1:30 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center With the personal computer evolving to a much more powerful platform, data acquisition via the PC is becoming a serious contender to traditional dedicated hardware. Along with its rapidly decreasing cost, the versatility of the PC and availability of hardware/software have allowed many users to configure systems and apply them to their application very quickly and easily. The presentation focuses on the capabilities of data acquisition hardware, software, and auxiliary hardware. Since the accuracy of the data is critical, the presentation examines every phase of the measurement system to insure that the results fall within the predicted tolerances. An "error budget" is developed as part of the presentation to show how all of the components of a system (such as sensors, cables, amplifiers, and data acquisition cards) contribute to the system error. Analogic produces a wide range of data acquisition products, so the presentation ranges from high channel count (256) to high speed (16 bits at 1 MHz) data acquisition products. DA025 Digital's Lemons: From the Files of the Not-Terribly-Good Products Group Mitchell, Bruce Mach. Intelligence & Ind Magic Thursday 8:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's little-known hardware engineering group, the Not-Terribly-Good Products Group, despite many requests from customers, continues to turn out a variety of products. Some of their notable past introductions include such things as: o the PDT-11 series o the RC25 coaxial Winchester o the VK180 Robin o UBE, the UNIBUS Exerciser. With the cooperation of their sister group, the It-Seemed-Like-a-Good-Idea Software Development Project, NTG has also aided in the production of such fine software products as TRAX and P/OS. The files of these organizations were recently accidentally opened to perusal. Some of these hiders-under-rocks failed to scuttle away fast enough, and were caught in the act. They are displayed for public amusement at this session. Bets will be taken on which one runs back under its rock the quickest. DA026 RSX Session du Jour Wyant, Thomas E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co Friday 9:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center The "RSX Session du Jour" is an attempt to tailor the content of a symposium more closely to the needs of the attendees by eliminating the six-month planning cycle and having the actual RSX community in attendance determine what sessions are to be presented. A show of hands at the DAARC roadmap session makes the determination. The papers available for presentation are culled from sessions presented at prior symposia, including the following topics: o the Indirect Command Processor o RMS o system internals and the manipulation thereof. The exact list is presented at the roadmap prior to voting. DA027 RSX Software Clinic: Part 1 Wyant, Tom E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center The RSX Software Clinic is an opportunity to discuss problems one-on-one with both RSX engineers and other experienced users. Please bring any supporting documentation (listings, dumps, etc.) you think would be helpful in the diagnosis of your particular situation. In order to give potential patients the maximum chance of attending the clinic, it is scheduled in two parts. If you can't come to "Part 1," check out "Part 2" later in the week. DA028 RSX Software Clinic: Part 2 Wyant, Tom E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co Thursday 7:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The RSX Software Clinic is an opportunity to discuss problems one-on-one with both RSX engineers and other experienced users. Please bring any supporting documentation (listings, dumps, etc.) you think would be helpful in the diagnosis of your particular situation. In order to give potential patients the maximum chance of attending the clinic, it is scheduled in two parts. If you can't come to "Part 2," check out "Part 1" earlier in the week. DA029 RSX Working Group Meeting Wyant, Tom E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co Monday 4:30 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This is a general meeting, to which everyone with an interest in RSX is invited. The topics for the meeting are current and planned projects being undertaken by the RSX working group, and the future directions of the group. DA030 Customizing the RSX User Environment Levan, Anthony Systems Research Lab Inc Friday 10:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center In today's world, where everyone is connected through a network, the RSX system manager is confronted with users who are unfamiliar with the RSX syntax. How can these users be supported? This session looks at simple command files, the use of TDX to create "New" commands, and the possibility and difficulty of creating another Command Line Interpreter. DA031 Option Design Using the TURBOchannel Interface ASIC (TcIA) Crapuchettes, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center The TURBOchannel Interface ASIC (TcIA) is an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit that has been developed by the Digital Equipment Corporation and is available from Siemens Components. This session describes the first implementation of the TcIA, a test board designed to exercise all modes of the TcIA. The description covers: o the Test Board hardware (the TcIA, a ROM for TURBOchannel firmware, state machines to drive the TcIA, and 128Kb of fast static RAM) o the architecture and functions performed by the on-board firmware o an ULTRIX driver providing both raw (character) and block device I/O to the test board. DA032 A Vision of Realtime Computing for the '90s Engineering, Realtime Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a description of the technologies that will shape and enable the realtime applications of the future. The establishment of POSIX standards for realtime computing is a terrific milestone, as was Digital's announcement of products that will comply with those standards. What comes next? What applications does that imply and what standards will come next that will enable us to do even more? Where is realtime technology going that it hasn't gone before? This session proposes answers to those questions while touching on technologies that POSIX standards have yet to address such as: o true distributed realtime o realtime data management o realtime transaction processing. DA033 Realtime Announcements, Strategies, and Product Positioning Engineering, Real-Time Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a detailed description of products and programs announced by Digital in the past year. These announcements are placed in the perspective of Digital's strategy for realtime computing; existing products are also positioned. The following topics are covered: o standards and open systems o processor families for realtime execution o development environments for realtime applications o realtime operating systems o realtime system interconnects. DA034 Realtime Features in DEC OSF/1 Engineering, Real-Time Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center The DEC OSF/1 realtime kernel and programming environment provides users with the capability of developing and running realtime applications in a POSIX environment. DEC OSF/1 supports the POSIX programming interface (POSIX 1003.1) and portions of the realtime draft standards (P1003.4/D11). This presentation discusses the realtime features in the DEC OSF/1 realtime kernel and reviews the interfaces defined by the POSIX 1003.4 draft standard. DA035 RSX System Management De Larisch, Arnold Florida Atlantic University Miller, Lee Intraco Systems, Incorporated Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to the RSX management environment. Topics include: o RSX user accounting o RSX security o slaved (captive) accounts o system login command files o creating data disks o virtual disk drives o system backups o pool: use & abuse o Resource Monitoring Display (RMD) o system troubleshooting o hints and kinks. Time is available for questions and answers. DA036 VAXELN: Your Path to Realtime Engineering, Real-Time Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an introduction and overview of VAXELN, Digital's realtime environment for VAX platforms. It discusses internals of the VAXELN kernel and support software, and presents an overview of the VAXELN host development environment. It also includes descriptions of the debugger and other utilities provided to aid the user in developing a VAXELN realtime application, and reviews features of the newest version of VAXELN. DA037 I Survived an RSX Sysgen: Helpful Hints for the Novice De Larisch, Arnold Florida Atlantic University Miller, Lee Intraco Systems, Incorporated Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center An impending SYSGEN can be a source of great anxiety to the novice RSX administrator; however, with proper planning, it need not be traumatic. This session, presented by veterans of many RSX-11M/M-PLUS sysgens, provides some helpful hints on: o why sysgen is needed o types of sysgen o advanced planning o prepgen questions o rebuilding code o common mistakes o backups & sysgen o hints & kinks You have survived the sysgen process ... now what? o customizing your system o SYSVMR.CMD: what it is and what it does o modifying SYSVMR.CMD o creating partitions via SYSVMR o STARTUP.CMD file o DECnet & your system This session does not go into great detail about the many sysgen questions and choices a system manager needs to make; it only covers the general types of decisions. The creation of a user forum is encouraged so that others may share their hints and experiences as well. DA038 The Beginner's Practical Introduction to VAXELN Geib, Mark Vista Control Systems Monday 10:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This talk covers many aspects of VAXELN that are not always clear from the documentation and that can easily waste considerable time. One of the major issues addressed is multiple concurrent threads in a process and how this differs from an OpenVMS process. Another issue is the additional responsibility that comes with the increased control available with ELN, compared to OpenVMS. Among other issues that are covered are I/O drivers and performance. This session could also be called an ELN Hints, Kinks, and War Stories session. DA039 VAXELN Futures Engineering, Realtime Digital Equipment Corp. Thursday 5:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses future directions and enhancements of the VAXELN Realtime operating system. DA040 Real-World RTI Data Acquisition De Larisch, Arnold Florida Atlantic University Monday 11:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the trials and tribulations of creating a real-world DEC Realtime Test Integrator (RTI) application. The application involves the realtime acquisition and display of 64 channels of electroencephalograph (EEG) and related data synchronized to an external stimulus using a client/server paradigm. Topics to be covered include: o description of experimental setup o description of computer environment o configuration guidelines o troubleshooting o RTI hints & kinks o postanalysis issues. Time is allocated for attendees' questions. DA041 VXI: The Emerging Standard for Data Acquisition and Control Tippie, Bill Kinetic Systems Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation provides an introduction to the VXI standard and focuses on design considerations of VXI-based systems for data acquisition and control applications. The VXI standard is discussed in detail, and includes features of the standard that make it an attractive choice for implementing realtime systems. The discussion includes a brief history of the standard and its evolution from the Test and Measurement world. References to standards, newsletters, and other VXI-related material are provided. DA042 DECelx Technical Session Engineering, Realtime 129 Parker Street PKO3-1/12D Monday 1:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides technical information regarding the implementation of DECelx applications. This provides programmers of the DECelx product with information such as how to call and use the DECelx features. DA043 Realtime Performance Analysis of Digital's OSF/1 on AXP 3000-500 Systems Engineering, Real-Time Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the results and test methodology of a study investigating several system performance metrics of interest to realtime applications. Metrics studied include interrupt response, process dispatch, and IPC delivery latencies. DA044 Open Systems, Realtime, and You Miller, Lee Intrac Systems, Inc. Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This is a general meeting, to which everyone with an interest in realtime computing on "Open System" based platforms is invited. The purpose of this session is twofold. First, it provides a forum for networking with others who have an interest in the issues involved with standards-based realtime computing; second, it suggests future session topics to better support attendees in these endeavors. DA045 Designing a Single Board Computer Using the AXP 21064 CPU Bronson, Mark Aeon Systems Inc Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center The AXP 21064 processor provides a new price/performance point as a computational engine. Harnessing this for use in realtime data acquisition/control applications presents a number of design challenges, particularly when adapting to an existing, standard environment. This session discusses these issues, in the context of the Aeon VMEAlpha64/SP, a second generation VMEbus processor module. It presents the problems encountered in integrating the 21064 AXP processor to the VMEbus environment. The critical issues were to allow maximum processing and I/O performance without precluding access to existing VMEbus devices. As the VMEbus standard has evolved significantly since first presented, it allows both high and low performance transfer options. As a result, assuring compatibility across the spectrum of existing devices without compromising potential performance is nontrivial. DA046 Examination of OSF/1 Performance in a VMEbus Environment Bronson, Mark Aeon Systems Inc Thursday 2:30 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center The Digital OSF/1 operating system for AXP has been augmented with a number of realtime extensions (conforming to POSIX 1003.4 draft standards). This session presents some performance measurements of OSF/1 executing on the Aeon VMEAlpha64/SP processor module, interacting with VMEbus devices. Specific timing for interrupt latency, context switch time, and VMEbus I/O transfers is documented and discussed. In addition, techniques for integrating VMEbus devices to applications executing under OSF/1 are presented. DA047 Children's Guide to OpenVMS Multiprocess Applications Part 1: Introduction Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp Monday 2:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This is the first of a three-part session on OpenVMS Multiprocess Application Techniques. The first part is aimed at novices and introduces the basic concepts behind these techniques by using children's toys, and other household items, as models for various Interprocess Communications methods. Volunteers from the audience are solicited to aid in this presentation. Techniques discussed include logical names, mailboxes, global sections, event flags, and locks. DA048 Children's Guide to OpenVMS Multiprocess Applications Part 2: "How To" Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp Wednesday 2:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This is the second part of a three-part session on OpenVMS Interprocess Communication Techniques. The first part explains the concepts behind the various techniques and this part explains how to use them in programs. Children's toys and other household items are still used as models for various Interprocess Communications methods as in Part 1. The main thrust of the presentation, however, is on how to use OpenVMS System Services to communicate between processes via logical names, event flags, global sections, and mailboxes. DA049 Children's Guide to OpenVMS Multiprocess Applications Part 3: Distributed Lock Manager and Summary Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp Thursday 3:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This is the last of a three-part session on OpenVMS Multiprocess Application Techniques. This session discusses in detail how to use the distributed lock manager in multiprocess applications. It also summarizes the various interprocess communication techniques and how to choose between them. Children's toys and ordinary household items serve as models for various Interprocess Communications methods as in Parts 1 and 2. DA050 DEC RapidlinX Solutions May, Steve VMIC Monday 9:30 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Digital Equipment has a set of simple and affordable CIM solution packages targeted to address today's manufacturing integration market. These solutions, called RapidlinX, offer rapid deployment of manufacturing applications including software, hardware and expert services to deliver a production quality solution. RapidlinX solutions use Digital and third-party software to deliver critical manufacturing applciations. Part of Digital's DECfactory strategy, RapidlinX solutions are built using key components of Digital's integration architecture, so they can expand and change to address ever-changing integration needs. DA051 The TURBOchannel Interface ASIC (TcIA) Crapuchettes, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center The TURBOchannel Interface ASIC (TcIA) is an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit that has been developed by Digital Equipment Corporation and is available from Siemans Components. The TcIA was designed to support the development of options for the TURBOchannel, a 100MB/second I/O interconnect implemented on Digital's DECstation, VAXstation, and AXP based systems. This session provides an overview of the functions provided in the TcIA for: o programmed I/O (including address space decoding and registers) o simple DMA (including scatter/gather tables, burst size specification, and support for 8-bit and 16-bit data sizes at the option side of the TcIA) o intelligent DMA (including support for option-supplied addresses of less than 32 bits and requirements for option-side logic). DA052 Experiences in Porting a Realtime System to DECstation and OSF/1 AXP Westervelt, Bob Vista Control Systems Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center For a realtime system like Vsystem, the step from OpenVMS and ELN to a UNIX-like OSF/1 is quite a significant one. Indeed, the very thought gives amusement in some quarters. DEC OSF/1 is one of the first nonproprietary UNIX systems to give realtime support. How well does it do it on the MIPS and AXP platform? What kinds of problems were encountered? DA053 First Experiences in Porting a Realtime System to OpenVMS AXP Westervelt, Bob Vista Control Systems Tuesday 5:30 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Realtime systems usually stretch the operating system far more than other classes of applications. This realtime system, Vsystem, uses several features of OpenVMS AXP that are different from OpenVMS VAX. This talk discusses the special problems that arose, while only quickly mentioning the well-known changes associated with data alignment. DA054 Health Care Working Group Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp. Thursday 10:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center There exists in DECUS an inter-SIG working group for those involved in the Health Care industry. The purpose of this meeting is to help plan activities for the upcoming symposium in San Francisco. Please come and give us your ideas. All are welcome! DA055 High-Availability Working Group Meeting Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center There exists in DECUS a High Availability inter-SIG working group. The purpose of this meeting is to plan activities in the area of High Availability for the fall DECUS symposium in San Francisco. Please join us and let us know what you need to hear. Everyone is welcome. DA056 Open Systems Working Group Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp. Wednesday11:00 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center DAARC has recently started a working group whose interest lies in open systems standards as they apply to manufacturing, laboratory, and other similar environments. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss what we don't know, how to find out, and how to present this information at upcoming symposia. Please come and offer your ideas. Everyone is welcome! DA057 Remote System Management of Realtime Applications Piotrowski, Linda Ford Motor Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the issues surrounding the support of remote realtime systems. Initially the session focuses on the Ford Motor Company, Automatic Vehicle Weighing System (AVWS) application. Following the presentation from Ford Motor Company, attendees have the opportunity to share their methods for managing remote realtime systems. The AVWS is a PDP-11 RSX based realtime data acquisition system that has been duplicated in 12 Ford Assembly plants across North America. All systems are managed remotely from Dearborn, MI. The system weighs each completed vehicle as it rolls off the final assembly line. This session discusses these issues: o How are software diagnostics utilized? o How is data transmitted back to Dearborn, MI? o How can problems with the Atlantic Assembly system be detected by the support team in Dearborn? o How is a halted system rebooted? DE001 DECUS Standards Open Committee Meeting Lauer, Rochelle YALE UNIVERSITY Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open meeting of the Standards Committee. DECUS Standards representatives are available to discuss issues related to Standards and Open Systems. In addition, there is a discussion of DECUS participation in Standards activities, and the future impact that DECUS may have on the Standardization process. DE002 DECUS Every Day Goldsmith, Karen AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Attending a DECUS symposium is most people's entire exposure to DECUS and DECUS services. When they leave the symposium, how do they expand upon what they have learned? How do they continue their technical and peer networking objectives away from symposium? This session identifies ways to utilize DECUS beyond symposia, in daily life. DECUS Every Day can enhance personal growth, professional growth, and improve technical expertise in any field. DECUS can be a tremendous networking tool for people, year 'round. Learn how to use DECUS Every Day and apply it in the manner that works best for you! DE003 DECUServe: Overview and Forum Ferguson, Linwood ARA Services Incorporated Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center DECUServe is the DECUS electronic meeting place. It is available practically around the clock, with access from the Internet and dialup. From a subscriber base approaching 2000, it contains notes, information, and programs covering technical topics as broadly ranging as OpenVMS, PCs, Site Management, Electronic Law, Hardware, the Internet, Telecommunications, Third-Party Software, and Business Practices and more. It also has a few nontechnical areas thrown in for fun. This session gives an overview of the current status of DECUServe, introduces some of its management, and opens the floor for questions, comments, praise, criticism, and requests. DE005 Standards and the Future of Open Computing Hare, Keith J C C Wednesday10:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center In computing today, a large number of people are doing a great deal of work on a variety of standards. The goal of these standards is to provide a set of common interfaces at various levels of computing. In theory, these standards should make it easier and cheaper to build the applications that allow corporations to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. While standards are often discussed in isolation, they should be viewed together to understand their impact on open computing. This session provides context for standards: o network standards o low-level interface and interconnect between computer systems o operating system and system management interfaces o information (data?) interfaces o Software Foundation o DCE, microkernel o SQL and Remote Data Access. This session provides context for standards and discusses when and how the standards will affect computing. DE007 Management Track Wrapup Kemp, Richard TechKnowQuest, Inc. Tuesday 5:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an oppportunity for technical managers to meet with the DECUS leaders involved in the Technical Management Initiative. It gives the attendees a chance to discuss, in an open way, current issues of concern. The DECUS leaders also solict feedback on the week's events and determine what future directions the Technical Management Initiative should take. DE008 Management Track Roadmap Kemp, Richard TechKnowQuest, Inc. Monday 9:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center The Management Track is just the beginning of activities for managers of information technology at DECUS. This session points out the sessions and activities DECUS has designed for its management attendees. Come by to find out everything that is happening, and let us know if we left anything out. DM002 Using Rdb as a Data Warehouse to Store and Report EDI Data: A Case Study Mattord, Herbert Georgia-Pacific Inc. Friday 4:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a summarized case study of a system currently in development at the company where the speaker works. The system is being designed to provide hybrid data warehouse functionality to a large, geographically dispersed, corporate transportation management system. This session includes a discussion of: o background of the system environment o user requirements and perceptions of what the system is and isn't o data warehouse structures and how they are used o practical implications resulting from the operation of the system o how and why Rdb is being used in this project. No prior knowledge of Rdb is required for the session. DM005 Supporting Multiple Remote Databases: A Case Study Henrikson, John Caterair International Corp Thursday 7:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center You, the DBA, have just been notified that your data will be distributed to over 60 remote databases. You will be responsible for supporting all these new DEC Rdb for OpenVMS databases in addition to those already existing on your local cluster. There will be no increase in your total DBA staff of two! How will you manage? This situation was recently confronted by the DBAs at Caterair International Corp. This presentation discusses: o activities required of the DBA in DEC Rdb for OpenVMS database administration such as: - monitoring and verification - backups and recovery - metadata updates o the special challenges introduced by centralizing support of a large number of remote databases o Caterair International's solutions to managing a substantial and comprehensive system of remote databases. DM009 ACMS/Rdb Server Design McGinness, David Independent Consultant Tuesday 7:15 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center VAX ACMS applications execute database queries within the context of a server process. A normal commercial application might have several hundred queries in the form of 3GL code modules with embedded SQL or RDO statements. ACMS requires you to design a server configuration that specifies how the code modules are grouped into servers; theoretically one server with hundreds of modules, or hundreds of servers with one module each. Obviously, the correct solution lies somewhere between these extremes, but how do you choose the best configuration? This session provides a methodology for designing a server configuration for an ACMS/Rdb application. The same methodology may also be used for ACMS applications that use VAX DBMS as the database software. Technical background material on ACMS and DEC Rdb for OpenVMS is covered in sufficient detail so that the attendees can gain an understanding of why the rules of the methodology are as they are, so that they may modify them as appropriate in their situations. DM010 Optimizing Rdb Performance in a Production Environment Sentineal, Jack Vaxxine Computer Systems, Inc Friday 3:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Tuning your production Rdb databases for optimal performance can often appear as an impossible task. It seems that no matter what you do, Rdb never completes the queries fast enough. This session outlines the anatomy of a transaction, those factors that can contribute to poor Rdb performance, and techniques that the Database Administrator can employ to ensure that production databases are performing at optimal levels. DM012 ACMS Task Design McGinness, David Independent Consultant Tuesday 6:30 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center VAX ACMS provides a rich syntax for defining business transactions, which is called the Task Definition Language (TDL). For inexperienced ACMS developers (or sometimes even for experienced developers), the "correct" way of designing a particular task is not at all obvious. Also, in many cases there is not one correct answer to the question of task design, but rather a choice of tradeoffs between several acceptable solutions. This session discusses the basic rules of task design and where tradeoffs come into play. The pros and cons of several task design strategies are presented, and case studies are used to illustrate some of the points. Several specific task structures are presented to address some of the more common problems. While the session focuses mostly on host-driven ACMS applications using DECforms, task design for client-driven Desktop ACMS applications is also discussed. DM013 Rdb: How Many Storage Areas? Brandt, W.T. American Associates Pool Wednesday11:30 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center The internals of Storage Area utilization -- SPAMs, AIB, AIP, and other necessary components -- are described to explain how data is stored and retrieved in Rdb. Several actual databases are presented to provide a variety of realistic situations to apply the internal storage area methods to optimal storage area creation. The discussion steps through hidden Rdb mechanics to enable Rdb users to choose designs to best meet their organizations' needs. DM020 Converting from RDBPRE and RDML to SQL Cameron, David Working Set Incorporated Wednesday10:00 AM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center A multitude of applications written using RDBPRE and RDML currently exist. SQL, however is now an ANSI/ISO STANDARD language and the preferred language for accessing DEC Rdb. This workshop describes strategies for converting RDBPRE and RDML applications to SQL using both common sense and the DEC Rdb Translators for OpenVMS. This workshop also steps through a short example of translating an existing RDBPRE/RDML program to DEC SQL. This workshop lasts approximately one hour. DM021 Introduction to Digital's Standard Relational Interface Diamond, David Working Set Incorporated Friday 1:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's Standard Relational Interface (DSRI) is the interface defined for all of Digital's relational database products such as Rdb, Rdb Access for RMS, and Rdb Access for DB2. Language compilers, such as SQL, 4GL, and RALLY all use this interface to Rdb databases. It is, in essence, Rdb's "assembly" language. This talk introduces the basic concepts and protocols of behind DSRI to help you better understand how use Digital's database products. It it intended for someone with a general technical background and with some familiarity with Rdb. DM022 Choosing Between the SQL Module Language Compiler and the SQL Precompiler Diamond, David Working Set Incorporated Thursday 10:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center SQL has two programming interfaces, the SQL Precompiler and the SQL Module Language Compiler. There are differences between the two interfaces that should be understood before making a decision to select either one to solve a particular problem. This talk discusses the pros and cons of using the SQL Precompiler verses the SQL Module Language Compiler, the OpenVMS AXP differences, the differences in the way structures are supported, differences in the module headers and other topics that you need to understand before choosing your interface. DM024 Introduction to Object/DB Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical overview of Object/DB, Digital's object-oriented database product. Topics covered include: o application development o distributed database architecture o system management o transaction control o the object-oriented data model. This talk introduces the basic features of Object/DB. Attendees should have a general understanding of object-oriented concepts and database fundamentals. DM026 Creating Applications with Object/DB Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides insight into how to create applications using the Application Programming Interface (API) of Object/DB. It leads attendees through the steps of starting with a block diagram of a design, translating that to a schema file, preprocessing the schema, and creating and processing the application program. Code used to navigate through the database is analyzed. DM027 Rdb Client/Server Connectivity: SQL/Services & SQL Access Products Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This talk focuses on current features and future directions of client/server access to DEC Rdb for OpenVMS databases from a variety of client platforms, such as MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, OS/2 and others. The relationship to Microsoft's ODBC and the emerging SQL Access standards are also discussed. In addition, Digital's SQL Access-related products are discussed, in terms of their function, features, and futures. These products include an SQL/Services-to-SQL Access gateway, an SQL Access server for DEC Rdb for OpenVMS, and an ODBC driver for Rdb. DM028 RdbAccess Product Update Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Database Systems Interoperability is pleased to announce RdbAccess products for DB2 and ORACLE V2.0. This new version adds insert, update, and delete capability to both products for their target databases. This session explores the read/write considerations with respect to application development and layered product interactions. Other version 2.0 features, such as optimization enhancements, proxy access, and environmental configurations are also discussed. Performance hints, transaction management, access modes, and logging are also covered in this session. This session also discusses the RdbAccess products for RMS and Custom Drivers V2.1. The capabilities of the products are discussed, with an emphasis on how the Custom Driver product can be used to develop SQL access to proprietary files. DM029 Workshop: Developing a SQL Interface to Your Data Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center Increasingly, end users are demanding ad hoc access to all types of data through standard desktop tools (spreadsheets, 4GLs, report writers). Many of these tools provide SQL interfaces to import data from relational sources. RdbAccess for Custom Drivers documents Digital's data driver and metadata driver interfaces, allowing developers to build drivers to their own data files. This workshop is a technical discussion of the product's capabilities, with detailed examples on how to implement either a data or metadata driver. DM030 Digital's Distributed Database Access and Integration Strategy Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Distributed Database Access and Integration is increasingly becoming more important in the development of distributed client/server based solutions. This session looks at the trends that are influencing the industry and Digital's solution strategy for this general area. Specific topics include: o client connectivity o heterogeneous database access o transparent access to distributed data o distributing data to remote sites. Application examples are used to highlight how these products can be used and where they are the most appropriate. DM033 Database Backup Procedures and Strategies: They Are Important Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center A proper backup procedure can reduce database recovery time and safeguard against data loss. This talk presents and evaluates various backup strategies and outlines a cookbook approach to a successful backup and recovery procedure. Included in the talk are ideas on reducing both backup and recovery times, as well as a discussion of new backup and restore features in both Rdb and DBMS. A step-by-step database recovery process is presented to illustrate the importance of a solid backup strategy. DM034 Introduction to Rdb Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Rdb is Digital's fully functional relational database management system for VAX and AXP systems running the OpenVMS operating system. This talk provides an overview of Rdb, its features and functionality, and other Digital products with which Rdb is tightly integrated. If you are considering moving to a relational database in the future, this talk is for you. DM035 What's New with Rdb Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the new features and capabilities of Rdb. Included in this talk are discussions of: o user selectable isolation levels o the multivendor internationalization architecture o enhanced RMU privilege checking o enhancements to RMU load, statistics, and restore o stored procedures o abstract data types. DM036 Using Database Tools to Migrate from RMS to Rdb Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session walks through the process of converting an RMS database and its applications to Rdb using several database tools including RdbExpert, the Graphical Schema Editor, and InstantSQL. It is intended for database administrators, database designers, and application developers who are, or are considering, migrating a database and its applications from RMS to Rdb. DM037 What's New with RdbExpert Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:15 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the changes and enhancements provided by RdbExpert V2.0 and V2.1. It also covers features planned for RdbExpert V3.0 and beyond. Each one of these features is covered in technical detail. DM038 Optimizing an Rdb Physical Design with RdbExpert: A Case Study Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic presents how RdbExpert can be used to improve the physical design of an Rdb database. A case study may be used to illustrate this. The attendee will gain insights into how RdbExpert can be used to optimize his/her own database. This clinic includes actual use of the product to demonstrate various points. It covers the inputs (schema, workload, volume, and environment) and outputs. Additionally, it explains how changes to the inputs affect the output design. This clinic also discusses the use of DECtrace to capture workload and database performance information. It explains the use of this information to evaluate the physical design of the database. This clinic is intended for database designers, application programmers, and database adminstrators. DM039 RdbExpert Rules and Algorithms Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This seminar provides an internal look at RdbExpert during the process of generating a physical design for DEC Rdb for OpenVMS. It explains how the workload, volume, and environment inputs are used by RdbExpert to make decisions on: o access methods o record placement o record clustering o area file definition o runtime parameters. This seminar is intended for database application programmers, and database administrators. DM041 The Many Uses of the Graphical Schema Editor Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:30 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This seminar describes the Graphical Schema Editor, including new features in V1.1 and V2.0. It also explores, through examples and workflows, the numerous ways this tool is being used to increase the productivity of database designers, application programmers and database administrators. DM042 Rdb Multimedia Database: It's Not Rocket Science! Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This talk describes: o what can be stored in an Rdb multimedia database o why you want to store multimedia objects in Rdb o the features of the Rdb and SQL Multimedia product, including: - optical disk support - database definition language extensions - storage area definition - journaling - language support o the applications that can benefit from storing multimedia object Rdb o how fast an Rdb multimedia data transfer is o how big a multimedia database you can build. To illustrate how easy it is to insert, fetch, and display an employee photograph, a sample coding exercise -- where the MF_PERSONNEL.RDB sample database is modified to include a photograph column in the Employees relation -- and a sample program are described and executed. DM043 Workshop: InstantSQL for DEC Rdb for OpenVMS Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center This workshop includes a brief presentation of InstantSQL for DEC Rdb for OpenVMS V1.1, followed by a demonstration and opportunity for hands-on use of InstantSQL. InstantSQL is a database tool that provides database developers or administrators with easy and powerful access to DEC Rdb for OpenVMS, reduced application development time, and increased productivity. InstantSQL is a Motif-based graphical user interface for DEC Rdb for OpenVMS that enables users to quickly compose and test complicated database queries without hand-coding complex SQL statements. This session shows how, using InstantSQL, one can graphically create queries, develop prototypes, manipulate DEC Rdb for OpenVMS, and then let InstantSQL generate the SQL commands instantly. DM044 Understanding Rdb Security Schanz, Annemarie Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Rdb protects data from unauthorized access by having a privilege scheme on objects such as the database, table, views, and columns. Many functions of a database administrator also rely on privileges within the RMU facility. This session reviews the purpose of privileges at each object level and how to give and take away access. It also covers remote database access security and RMU privileges. DM046 DBMS: What's New and How to Migrate Your Application to AXP Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses new features within DBMS V5.1 as well as describing how to structure user applications for optimal performance on AXP systems. Several migration strategies are discussed, such as native porting and use of the DECmigrate layered product. DM047 Rdb Performance/Concurrency Tips and Techniques Kurjan, Philip Consilium Inc. Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents tips and techniques for improving the performance and concurrency of your Rdb applications and databases. After briefly reviewing standard techniques for enhancing performance and increasing concurrency, the talk highlights several undocumented or poorly documented issues that can have a dramatic impact on performance and throughput. Come to the talk to learn: o why you should not put any tables or indexes in the default (RDB$SYSTEM) relation o the truth about "Locked Free Space" (otherwise known as virtual free space) and "Long Koda Verbs" o how the "Prestarted Transaction" optimization deoptimizes snapshot file usage. The talk also highlights recent performance enhancements in Rdb, including: o global buffers, fast commit, and commit to journal optimizations o the "Key-Only Boolean" optimizer retrieval strategy o user-selectable concurrency levels. DM048 VAX DBMS Reload Tutorial: Hints and Techniques for Using DBO/UNLOAD and DBO/LOAD Holland, Bryan New England Software Concepts Monday 5:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a complete overview of the concepts and syntax of the DBO/UNLOAD and DBO/LOAD facility language (Load Format Language, Load Sequence Language, and Unload Sequence Language). Examples of various data structures are used to demonstrate when and how each construct of the language should be used, with an emphasis on how to optimize reload performance. This session is a must for anyone who is responsible for managing a VAX DBMS database and has ever contemplated a reload. DM049 VAX DBMS Working Group Holland, Bryan New England Software Concepts Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is the working group for VAX DBMS related issues. During this session, the needs and requirements of VAX DBMS sites are reviewed, and a prioritized wishlist of what improvements should be made to the product is developed. DM062 Connection Management in Rdb Kelley, Charles FrontRange Consulting Intl, In Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides the attendee with knowledge on how to use the DEC Rdb for OpenVMS 4.1 feature known as Connection Management. Covered in the discussion are: o what the feature is and why it should be used o how to use it in interactive SQL o how to use it in 3GLs o how to use it in Dynamic SQL. The attendee will leave with an understanding and examples of how to use the Connection Management feature. DM063 Introduction to DECforms Bourquard, Dan Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces application developers to DECforms, Digital's strategic, multiplatform forms-based user interface management system. DECforms is a key component of Digital's Network Application Support (NAS) environment, providing forms-based presentation services to VT users across OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS AXP and ULTRIX RISC platforms as well as to remote block mode IBM 3270 terminal users in SNA environments. This session provides an overview of the DECforms architecture and key product features of both the development and runtime environments. DM064 Announcing DECforms for Motif and Microsoft Windows Bourquard, Dan Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center DECforms offers a complete set of forms-based presentation services for an increasing range of operating system platforms and desktop devices. Today, DECforms runs on OpenVMS AXP, OpenVMS VAX, and ULTRIX RISC, supporting character cell VT terminals and block mode IBM 3270-class devices. The next major step in the DECforms program is support for pixel-based devices, in particular: o Motif-based workstations and terminals o Industry standard PCs running Microsoft Windows o PostScript printers. In this session, Digital announces its plans for expanding DECforms support to these devices. The specific features and functions planned for the Motif and Microsoft Windows environments are discussed, including: o multiline text fields o push buttons o slider fields o scroll bars on groups and panels o mouse support o font and color support o Motif-based Panel Editor o VT-to-Pixel Layout Converter. DM066 The DECforms Style Guide: Concepts Cloutier, Leo Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center DECforms offers tremendous flexibility in the design and implementation of user interfaces. While this flexibility allows user interfaces to be highly tailored to the varied needs of application end users, it also provides the opportunity for inconsistency in the style of user interfaces implemented across multiple DECforms-based applications. In many cases, developers building varied applications within a single development shop or across an enterprise need to insure that the user interfaces of these applications present a consistent look-and-feel and style of interaction with the end user. The DECforms Style Guide is intended for developers who seek to present a uniform and usable forms-based interface that is consistent with other DECforms applications. This session describes the basic principles involved in the design of a style guide-compliant DECforms user interface. The various elements available to the form designer are described, including: o menus o controls - push buttons - toggle buttons - radio buttons - check buttons - scrolled lists o dialog boxes o help o internationalization issues. DM067 DECforms Programming for Beginners Gohn, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the basic elements of developing forms-based user interfaces with DECforms, including definitions of: o forms o form data o records o layouts o viewports o panels o functions o responses. Examples are used to illustrate the implementation of these fundamental components of a DECforms form. This session is for anyone who has ever wondered "What in the world is Independent Forms Definition Language (IFDL) and do I need to worry about learning IFDL to build a DECforms form for my application's user interface?" DM069 Desktop ACMS: A Technical Overview Engineering, ACMS Desktop Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the way Desktop ACMS works. Its goals are to better understand application design criteria, system management and security concerns, and generally how to use Desktop ACMS to develop client/server transaction processing solutions. DM070 Choosing the Right Tools for ACMS Desktop Engineering, ACMS Desktop Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:45 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the software tools available for building client/server solutions using Digital's ACMS transaction processing capabilities. It focuses on the range of desktop development environments, such as Visual Basic, JAM, and XVT, describing how these tools can be applied to building Desktop ACMS solutions. The session also explores the tools available for building a server application under ACMS, and for integrating the desktop and server environments. DM071 RTR: Client/Server Computing with Distributed Fault-Tolerant Services Von Sternberg, Gregg Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center DEC Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) fault-tolerant software provides a reliable infrastructure for continuous computing and productivity in a distributed environment. It allows for the building of client/server applications on software fault-tolerant functionality that satisfy large enterprise competitive needs for continuous reliable service across LAN/WAN networks, while eliminating downtime costs and loss productivity associated with failures, maintenance, hardware or software upgrades, and site disasters. If your applications require handling distributed business functions with location independence to clients and programmers and there is a penalty -- customer dissatisfaction or direct cost -- associated with unavailable services, this session is a must. DM072 Monitoring the Performance of Production Applications with DECtrace Lavash, George Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session takes an in-depth look at resource consumption and bottlenecks of an application as seen through the probing eyes of the DECtrace Online Monitor. This demonstration presents a guided tour to the steps needed to pinpoint problems within an application's code or the layered products it might call. If you have instrumented your own application or use one of the following products, you can benefit from the information displayed by the DECtrace Monitor: o ACMS o ALL-IN-1 o DBMS o DECforms o DECintact o RALLY o Rdb for OpenVMS o SmartStar. DM073 A Clinic on Using DECtrace to Improve Your (Work) Life Lavash, George Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center Instrumenting your application is easier than you think, and the power of the application-specific information you can log is immense. This clinic covers the methodology of instrumenting an application or layered product. Coding examples and tips on how to relate your data to layered products are provided. DECtrace commands for scheduling data collection, reporting, and monitoring, are covered as well. DECtrace can be used in development and production environments to monitor the performance and actual resources consumed by predefined sections of applications (e.g., individual business transactions) or predefined sections of layered products (e.g., database transactions). DECtrace also allows you to determine the actual frequency of execution of predefined sections of code, rather than an average or estimated frequency. For instance, questions such as "How many claims were paid during my peak business hours?" can be answered. This session is of interest to application and layered product programmers and performance analysts. DM074 ACMS Performance and Availability Features Butchart, Dave Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses how to maximize the performance and availability of a VAX ACMS application. Performance implications of various implementation and tuning options are discussed, including Rdb for OpenVMS features and their use in creating high performance transaction processing applications. Topics also include information about ACMS availability features and recovery performance of a TP application. DM077 TP Development Made Easy: ACMS Application Development Using OO Guerrieri, Ernesto Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the use of an advanced development environment used to develop Digital's TP ACMS based applications in an object-oriented (OO) manner. It describes the ACMS development product methodology for developing quality TP applications efficiently and easily. This session covers features of the application development product and relates them to functions/processes performed in your IS shop today. This session discusses how to achieve better control of the application pieces in an ACMS project through better state information, integration of team software configuration management, and seamless tool integration. The use of object-oriented capabilities to manage and track all the components of a typical ACMS application is also presented. In addition, this session describes the flexibility of the methodology so that it can be easily adapted to a wide variety of TP shops. It includes an overview of the development process and how it could be adopted specifically to your business. DM078 DECadmire Product Overview Collier, Rich Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the features and development process of the DECadmire product. It discusses the process of creating a standard DECforms/3GL application or ACMS application with performance improvements over a 4GL application using the DECadmire generator. An overview of the tool displays how a programmer/analyst could use the tools builder to automatically generate DECforms IFDL, 3GL with SQL, a CDD dictionary, and a test database from prototyping. From the same design/prototype, an ACMS application could be built including the addition of ACMS tasks, and task groups. This session introduces the concept of prototyping into standard development with standard Digital products and the benefits of following this approach. DM079 DECadmire Application Development: A Technical Workshop Beck, Carl Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center This workshop walks the developer through how DECadmire works at the technical level and how a sample application development project would use DECadmire. Details are presented on how the code generation takes place for new programs, how the regeneration works, and customization hints/techniques. Questions and answers are initially based on the sample project, but can be expanded to include specific questions that the developers are faced with today or have on DECadmire. DM080 RMS to Rdb Migration Using DECadmire Wilson, Robert Century Oils Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the experiences of Century Oils with the use of DECadmire to re-engineer RMS-based applications. Century Oils is currently running a large number of RMS-based applications written in DIBOL, most of which were originally written for a PDP-11. Several forces are driving the company to re-engineer these applications, including: o the difficulty modifying existing applications in response to business needs o a rapidly changing business structure o a desire to migrate to the AXP platform. This session details the company's early experiences with this product. DM081 Preparing for the Structured Transaction Definition Language in ACMS Newcomer, Eric Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center The Structured Transaction Definition Language (STDL) is a portable language designed specifically for transaction processing (TP) applications. STDL addresses the need in the open systems arena for a standardized programming interface for TP applications. STDL is based on the task definition language (TDL) of VAX ACMS and was developed as part of the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) Consortium, a joint research project into open software standards sponsored by the Nippon Telegragh and Telephone Corporation. STDL is being implemented by the Consortium members: Digital, IBM, NEC, Fujitsu, and Hitachi. This session begins with a description of the evolution of STDL from TDL, discusses the common subset of STDL and TDL, and describes how to write STDL-compatible programs using the latest version of ACMS with TDL. DM083 Enhancing ACMS with Queuing Technology Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center The addition of transactional data queuing would significantly enhance the ACMS programming model. Transactional data queues would support reliable online data transfer between distributed ACMS applications, using time-order or other sequencing and also allowing deferred processing of data. Topics included in this session are: o a brief overview of data queues and data flow modeling o a view of how the ACMS TDL syntax could support transactional data queuing o a comparison of data queuing and ACMS task queuing. This session refers, in part, to software technology that is not yet available from Digital, but is included in our technology directions. DM088 Database Design as a Foundation for Successful Applications Jalbert, Cheryl J C C Friday 2:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center A good database design provides the foundation for constructing a successful relational database application. Database design considerations can also be a means of analyzing a database with serious problems. This session is not an introduction to database design, but a discussion of the impact that various design decisions can have on application code and performance. The presentation views relational database design as occurring in three stages -- logical, functional, and physical -- and then concentrates on the functional design stage. Abundant application examples are furnished. The issues raised are some of the most common that are encountered in practical Rdb applications. The conclusions reflect experience with database design and tuning. DM089 DMS Keynote: Digital's Technical Database Strategy Berenson, Hal Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center DECUS Data Management Special Interest Group Keynote Address: Hal Berenson, Digital Database Engineering Technical Director The requirements of today's information systems are ever evolving with greater connectivity, availability, manageability, and power required by system and database administrators, application developers, and end users. In recognition of this evolution, Digital has updated its technical strategy to reflect the current emphasis of user requirements. Hal Berenson is Technical Director for Digital's Database Systems Engineering Group and co-author of Digital's Database Technical Strategy. His presentation focuses on Digital's database strategy for: o client/server computing o data integration and interoperability o database servers for production systems. DM090 ACCESSWORKS: A Key for Multivendor Database Integration Bhatnagar, Ashu Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of Digital's multivendor database integration server family called ACCESSWORKS. These systems provide secure, user-transparent access of corporate-wide heterogeneous databases from popular desktops such as DOS and Windows PCs, and Macintoshes. DM093 Distributed Information Systems Industry Technologies Gray, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center Today's corporations are confronted with a dynamic environment that challenges business operations, and their ability to meet these changing needs. The information industry parallels this dynamic paradigm with commodity software, new technology and an environment of economic uncertainty. Decision Support Systems are growing daily resulting in increasingly larger data warehouses. Such massive databases of information require new technologies to meet the information systems requirements. Dr. Gray's presentation discusses trends in parallism for meeting the requirements placed on these massive databases by information systems. This session addresses the promise, reality, and future of this technology and its impact on corporate information systems. Dr. Gray is the director of Digital's San Francisco Systems Center. He is currently working on enhancements to Digital's database and transaction processing systems to ensure that Digital leads the industry for distributed computing. DM096 Forms Working Group Meeting Mueller, Tim Silutions Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center The Forms Working Group represents the users of Digital's forms management products: Digital's Forms Management System (FMS), TDMS, and DECforms. Attendees having concerns, desires, or problems with any of these should be at this meeting. DM097 DECtp Working Group Meeting Moreno, Ginger Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a business meeting of the DECtp Working Group. The meeting reviews progress on issues raised at previous working group meetings. Additional input is solicited for an updated position paper to Digital on the users' views of the functional and performance requirements of DECtp, as well as their relative priorities. In addition, sessions and other activities for future DECUS meetings are planned. This is an open meeting; all are welcome. DM121 Migrating Your DEC Rdb & DBMS Applications to AXP Engineer, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the steps needed to convert your DEC Rdb and DEC DBMS databases and application programs to AXP. Methods used for SQL, Rdbpre and RDML interfaces are discussed for Rdb; DML, FDML and DECmigrate options are discussed for DEC DBMS. Considerations for various high-level languages are also highlighted and tips for optimizing performance are provided. DM128 Data Management Question-and-Answer and Wrapup Session Tamir, Mary self Friday 4:30 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Did you miss the opportunity during this week to discuss data management topics with either Digital representatives or DMS SIG members? This forum provides that final opportunity to make contacts and get questions answered. In addition, the DMS SIG Steering Committee wants to hear what was right and what was wrong with this symposium. Suggestions for future symposia are welcomed. DM129 Application Design Issues with DECforms Mueller, Tim Silutions Wednesday10:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session examines some of the issues, and potential problems, that DECforms introduces to application designers. In particular, the features of DECforms that lend great power can also pose great problems. Such things as data record design, calling external routines, and multiple copies of data are addressed. DM131 SQL Standards Working Group Hare, Keith J C C Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) adopted an initial standard for SQL in 1986. Since then, work has progressed on an integrity-enhancement feature, embedded SQL, remote database access, and two major enhancements, SQL2 and SQL3. This working group discusses the features and status of the SQL standard, and the directions in which the DECUS representative should influence the draft standard. DM132 Database Application Failures: How to Do Things Wrong Members, Panel DMS SIG Thursday 8:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center The difficulty and complexity of building a database application is often underrated. This leads to poor planning, poor designs, poor implementations, and partial or total database application failures. Indications of potential failures include statements such as: o We are going to prototype, so we don't need a design. o We'll do the data model as the last step, for documentation. o Don't worry about performance, we'll just buy a faster machine. This session presents several case studies of database applications that have failed. Each case study includes a short overview of the application requirements and an analysis of why the application failed. For these case studies, the names have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty, and utterly bewildered. The goal of this session is to provide an informative yet entertaining forum for discussing the pitfalls and perils of developing database applications. DM133 Rdb Working Group Hare, Keith J C C Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is the meeting of the Rdb working group. The purpose of this meeting is to organize and coordinate interest in Rdb with the goal of providing feedback and direction to Digital for this product. DM134 Tuning an Rdb Database Application: Selecting Index Parameters Jalbert, Jeff J C C Consulting, Inc. Hare, Keith J C C Consulting, Inc. Wednesday12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Rdb databases have a number of tuning capabilities including sizing storage areas and record placement. On the surface, these tuning capabilities are direct and straightforward to calculate and predict. But in fact, there are a number of surprises that can await the unwary physical database designer in these areas. This presentation focuses on some of the issues in physical database design and address some of the "gotchas" that arise in various circumstances. In particular the presentation addresses: o storage area sizing o implications of placement indexes o selecting page sizes for best I/O rates and I/O requirements. The discussions in this presentation are drawn from the speakers' extensive experience tuning various clients' databases. DM135 Rdb Question-and-Answer Panel Members, Panel DMS SIG Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Come one, come all, and bring Rdb questions! Try to stump the experts! The Data Management Systems SIG proudly sponsors an Rdb question-and-answer session. The significant Rdb expertise represented by the SIG is available to answer questions. Prizes are available for the outstanding questions in various categories. DM136 CDD Wish List: Digital's Response Scandora, Jr., Anthony E. Argonne National Laboratory Thursday 2:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center Digital has been listening! Users of CDD/Repository and its predecessor CDD/Plus have made requests at previous symposia and in SPRs, requests that are turning into reality. Digital representatives will let us know what will be in impending releases and ask us for help in assigning priorities to outstanding items. This is your chance to discuss old items, many of which have been addressed, and to bring up new ones. DM140 CDD/Repository as an Integration Vehicle Sundberg, Cliff Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:45 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center A large number of products utilize CDD/Repository services for sharing information. This session discusses the classes of data that are shared, and gives examples of how to use the repository services for information sharing in your organization. This presentation includes both Digital and non-Digital applications in the examples. DM143 CDD/Repository Performance Update Jamison, Al Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This talk provides the latest information on CDD/Repository performance, including changes made in the latest version. It details all the tuning information available and other important information relating to performance. DM144 What's New with CDD/Rdb Integration Jamison, Al Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This talk covers the new features that have been implemented in the latest version of CDD/Repository to upgrade the level of integration between CDD/Repository and Rdb. The features are discussed in detail together with examples of how they would be used. DM146 Accessing Digital Database Products Using ODBC Manager, Product Microsoft Monday 1:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time DM147 Understanding I/O Subsystems' Capabilities and Limitations Thursday 2:30 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS170. DM148 OpenVMS Tuning for DEC/Rdb Applications Thursday 4:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM099. DM149 System Management: Curing the DEC/Rdb Nightmare Thursday 5:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM024. ED001 EDUSIG Roadmap: Highlights for Atlanta Shive, Robert Millsaps College Monday 9:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The EDUSIG roadmap session provides important general information about this symposium and highlights EDUSIG (EDUcation Special Interest Group) activities. This session assists the education attendees in directing their efforts to get the most out of the symposium experience, enables the renewal of past acquaintances, and provides the opportunity to meet other educational attendees with similar interests. This is the time to meet the EDUSIG steering committee members, as well as share with them your expectations. Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs) may also be requested at this time to address any issues or topics of interest not covered by the sessions scheduled. Come join us and see what EDUSIG has scheduled at this symposium. ED002 The Technology and Education Relationship Committee, EDUSIG Steering Monday 10:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The use of technology in education is providing challenges for the student, faculty, and systems support staff. Are we adequately preparing our youth with the skills to take advantage of technology? Are our faculty incorporating technology to exploit its capabilities? As we enter the 21st century, technology will become an even greater factor in the education process. We must be flexible to respond to the changes of a rapidly changing technology. This session explores some of the issues involved in addressing the importance of the partnership between technology and education. ED003 Training Faculty to Use the Internet Purser, Jimmie Millsaps College Monday 3:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center While there are many resources available on the Internet, these resources are not always easy to locate. An important issue at a college or university is training the faculty and staff to access the resources of the Internet. This session describes in detail the training that has taken place and is planned at a small liberal arts college that has recently joined the Internet. ED004 EDUSIG Business Meeting and Elections Shive, Robert Millsaps College Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center All education attendees are welcome to the business meeting and to participate in the election of the EDUSIG Executive Committee. During each symposium, according to policy and procedures, the election of two members of the EDUSIG Executive Committee occurs. The EDUSIG election takes place in this session. A discussion of EDUSIG business items follows the election. ED005 What Is EDUSIG and What Can I Do As a DECUS/EDUSIG Volunteer? Newkirk, Deborah EDUSIG Symposia Representative Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center Getting involved with a volunteer organization such as DECUS adds a new dimension to the symposium experience. If you have attended several symposia and have ideas that you would like to see implemented, or if you are a first-timer and want to see what DECUS is all about, come to this session and find out: "What Is EDUSIG?" The EDUSIG Steering Committee is on hand to outline various projects and plans that are "in the works." Attendees have an opportunity to suggest their own ideas. There are opportunities to volunteer and to get involved. EDUSIG has expanded its symposia offerings over the past few years, and has many ideas for keeping educators in touch with one another and with Digital. More people power is needed to bring these ideas to reality. Learn what EDUSIG is and what it is trying to accomplish through DECUS. Be one of the people who makes it happen. ED006 EDUSIG Planning Meeting Newkirk, Deborah EDUSIG Symposia Representative Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This planning meeting provides an opportunity for EDUSIG's membership-at-large to discuss issues that are of importance to EDUSIG attendees. Steering Committee members report on current projects and solicit help on these or newly suggested projects. Attend this session and shape the future of EDUSIG at DECUS. ED007 EDUSIG Wrapup Shive, Robert Millsaps College Friday 12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The EDUSIG wrapup session provides educational attendees with the final opportunity this symposium to bring comments to EDUSIG and Digital. This session is designed to provide feedback to the EDUSIG Steering Committee members and the Digital representatives of the Education Computer Systems Group. Attendees are invite to give feedback -- good or poor -- on any sessions, or to comment on recent product announcements. Other subjects covered are: o Is there a pre-symposium topic that EDUSIG should sponsor? o What topics should be covered at future symposia? o Were Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs) useful? o How can Digital help education people best? o What do attendees want from EDUSIG? o How can attendees help each other? o How can attendees get involved with EDUSIG? ED008 Campus Computer Security: Policies and Procedures Panel Discussion Marchany, Randy VA Tech Computing Center Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center With the added complications of "academic freedom" and connection to international networks, security policies and procedures take on a different flavor at the educational institution. What are some of the guidelines to consider in developing a campus security policy? What is the relationship between the departmental policy and the campus policy? This interactive session explores some of the security concerns and the impacts on the user community, system managers, and department administrators. ED009 Campus Networks: A Panel Discussion Sutter, Alan Franklin and Marshall College Friday 11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center So, after just joining one of the national networks or just beginning to define the campus network, one wonders, "What's next?" Join in this interactive exchange to meet some of the pioneers, who have already done it, as they share their experiences. ED010 The Education Initiative Implementation Working Group Newkirk, Deborah EDUSIG Symposia Representative Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The Education Initiative (TEI) is a tremendous program that Digital has provided to educational institutions. This working group session provides an opportunity for TEI administrators to share their implementations of TEI at their various institutions. Here, problems and solutions of implementing TEI are shared. ED011 Campus-Wide Information System Panel Nicholos, Harry North Carolina State University Thursday 8:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Information is the challenge of the 1990s and it is not just the computer center's problem. Many departments on campus are the depositories of large amounts of information, and there is a need to organize this information and cooperate in its distribution to the community. Establishing policies and procedures by which the data can be made available is essential to managing the data. Several schools are involved in this panel discussing Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWISes). Each school outlines its environment, implementation strategies, strengths and weaknesses, and future directions. ED012 Library Automation Panel Sutter, Alan Franklin and Marshall College Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Several schools are involved in this panel discussing library automation. Each school outlines its particular strategy for implementing the software package, and discusses pros and cons to the library automation process. ED013 The Education Initiative: Successful Implementations Newkirk, Deborah EDUSIG Symposia Representative Thursday 3:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This panel discussion has representatives from several instutions to share how they have implemented TEI programs on their campus. You will hear from institutions who have a centrally funded and supported structure as well as those that have implemented chargeback and cost recovery procedures. Panel presenters are representing large institutions and the small campuses. If you have questions regarding TEI implementation, this is your opportunity to get them answered and make contacts for future reference. In addition, share your implementation of the TEI programs and take advantage of the interactive sharing that is well-known at a DECUS symposium. ED014 Introduction to Internet Resources Gerland, Jim SUNY At Buffalo Newkirk, Deborah Monday 2:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The Internet consists of over 3,000 networks. These networks provide access to a large number of electronic resources. This session presents an introduction to using the TCP/IP network known as the Internet. Internet resources available consist of over 600 library card catalogs, Campus Wide Information Systems (CWISes), databases, and public domain software. Some of the OpenVMS and UNIX software available to make accessing these resources easier is introduced, such as archie, gopher, hytelnet, and libs. ED015 Using Gopher as a Campus-Wide Information System Gerland, Jim SUNY At Buffalo Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Many campuses are confronting the need to make information available to their campus communities. This information ranges from course catalogs to faculty/staff phone books to special events calendars. This session presents information about installing, maintaining, and supporting the University of Minnesota utility, known as Gopher, on OpenVMS and UNIX systems. ED016 How Do I Find My Friend's E-mail Address? Gerland, Jim SUNY At Buffalo Thursday 5:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center One of the most common and frequently asked questions of any academic computing consultant is "How do I find out my friend's e-mail address?" This session presents various methods available to OpenVMS users to assist them in answering this question. Utilities such as finger, whois, bittool, e-mail, and others are discussed. ED017 USENET News: From an OpenVMS Point of View Gerland, Jim SUNY At Buffalo Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The USENET News system provides users around the world with almost 2,000 discussion groups on topics ranging from woodworking to computer systems to various education areas. This session presents a brief introduction to the USENET News system. The speakers provide information about installing, maintaining, and supporting both the ANU News and VNEWS utilities on a OpenVMS system. ED018 PATHWORKing on Campus Panel Discussion Pentakalos, Themistoklis University of Maryland Thursday 7:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This discussion brings together several panelists who have implemented PATHWORKS on their campus. They briefly share their strategies for PATHWORKS, what works, and what doesn't. Issues such as licensing, technical support, and management concerns are just some of the topics of interest to the academic community. Bring questions and experiences to this panel discussion and participate in the interactive exchange of information regarding PATHWORKing on campus. ED019 BITNET versus Internet Panel Discussion Sutter, Alan Franklin and Marshall College Gerland, Jim SUNY at Buffalo Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center BITNET is an international academic network linking over 1,400 institutions of higher education and research centers worldwide; more than half of the sites are using VAX computers. In this session, experienced users present a brief description of how their sites provide BITNET and/or Internet access and services to their campus community. A lively and informative discussion session follows on the advantages of having access to one or both of these networks. ED020 Free-Net: "Free" Community Computing Gerland, Jim SUNY at Buffalo Newkirk, Deborah Monday 11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Community computing is analogous to the development of the public library system in our country. In the middle of the last century, there was no such thing as the free public library. Eventually literacy became high enough (and the cost of books low enough) that the public library became feasible. In this century, we have reached the point where computer "literacy" has become high enough (and the cost of equipment low enough) that a similar demand for free public access community computer systems has formed. A multiuser computer is established at a central location in a given area. A computer program provides connected users with electronic mail services, information about health care, education, technology, government, recreation, or just about anything else the host operators place on the machine. Anyone in the community with access to a computer and a modem can contact the system any time, 24 hours a day. They simply dial up a central phone number, make a connection, and a series of "menus" appears on their screen that allows them to select the information or communication services they would like. All of it is free and all of it can easily be accomplished by a first-time user. This session explores the Free-net concept, describes the process of getting a Free-net started and identifies some of the existing Free-nets. ED021 K-12 and the Internet Parker, Tracy LaQuey Cisco Systems, Inc. Thursday 12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center K-12 (Kindergarten through Grade 12) is one of the fastest growing communities connecting to and using the Internet. K-12 connections to the Internet are being realized through both Business and higher education efforts. As a result, American education is being revolutionized; teachers have new tools and ways to inspire students, and students are using the Internet to learn about the world. This session provides a status report of some major successful K-12 networking projects, and K-12 involvement in the National Research and Education Network (NREN). ED022 Campus Information Systems at RIT Haupt, Christopher RIT - ISC Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Over the past two years RIT has developed a number of special purpose information systems to address issues of student employment, campus events, and departmental assistance via e-mail. This talk describes why RIT chose to write the systems versus using existing application software, what the programs do and how they function, and what RIT would do differently if starting again. The session attempts to show the successes and the problems encountered when taking this road. It also discusses current efforts to provide a more universal approach to sharing information. ED023 Multimedia and Instructional Computing Clinic Beaubrun, John Barry University Tuesday 12:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center Multimedia is the incorporation of video, graphics, motion, and text into one computer presentation. This clinic provides attendees the opportunity to share their experiences in developing and utilizing multimedia for the classroom. Examples of current applications available are discussed and demonstrated. ED025 DEC VTX in the University Environment Nicholos, Harry North Carolina State University Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center North Carolina State University's campus-wide information system, Happenings!, is based on Digital's VTX product. This discussion focuses on the implementation of Happenings! and the continuing evolution of the system, both on campus and throughout the 16-campus University of North Carolina system. The goal is to have DEC VTX systems on all campuses with access to any campus' DEC VTX system. Presently five campuses are online. The discussion addresses two main areas: the unique nature of a university environment, which shapes the type of information presented, and the issues and concerns with implementing a cohesive statewide DEC VTX network. ED026 Administrative Systems in Education Panel Discussion Mahoney, John Saint Louis University Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This session features working-level VAX system managers from institutions of various sizes. Participants briefly describe their environment and system configurations. The session is then open for an informal discussion of management issues and related topics. Issues discussed by the board include academic/administrative coexistence, security, administrative software, user management, and policies. ED027 Academic System Management Panel Discussion Fuhr, Donald Tuskegee University Thursday 5:30 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This session features three to five working-level VAX system managers from colleges of various sizes. Participants briefly describe the environments and configurations at their schools. The session is then open for an informal discussion of management issues, configuration questions, or any related topics. If attendees have an unusual problem or have solved a problem by using an innovative approach to VAX system management in academia, then this is the session in which to participate. ED028 Conferencing in Education Clinic Newkirk, Deborah EDUSIG Symposia Representative Tuesday 1:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic provides an opportunity for those utilizing conferencing in the educational environment to share their experiences. Ways in which conferencing can be used in academia are discussed. ED029 Education and Artifical Intelligence Working Group Frederick, Ron NIPER Parsons, Rebecca Thursday 3:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center Artificial intelligence applications that might facilate the introduction of technology to students or enhance inhance instruction and learning is the focus of this working group. ED030 Distance Education Newkirk, Deborah Gerland, Jim SUNY at Buffalo Thursday 10:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Technology is now at a point where it can significantly alter the way that we deliver education. Situations exist that require students to be able to learn without having to physically attend a classroom. How can education institutions respond to this need? What are some of the requirements for distance delivery of education? Does this method of delivery work? What are some of the benefits of distance education? This session explores some of the answers to those question. Examples of where and how distance education has facilitated the teaching and learning process are presented. ED031 The Education Initiative: An Update and Question-and-Answer Session Minter, Ellen Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The Education Initiative (TEI) Program was introduced in 1988 and is a set of programs built on partnerships with educational customers. Through TEI programs, Digital offers substantial grants and partnerships to bring more affordable and accessible technology to school districts, colleges, and universities throughout the world. Through partnerships in education, Digital has found ways of reducing the costs of delivering products and services and has passed those cost savings on to its education customers. The programs are: o Campuswide Software License Grant Program (CSLG) o Education Software Library (ESL) o Campus Service Agreement (CSA) o TEI Grant Program These programs have evolved since 1988 as Digital's customers and technology have changed. There are currently over 1,500 U.S. educational institutions in the CSLG Program to which Digital granted over $850 million in software annually. A representative from Digital's Worldwide Education Business Unit provides an update in the TEI Programs and answers questions. ED032 Digital's Campus Reseller Program Modano, Paula Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The Campus Reseller Program allows educational institutions to become a reseller of Digital's complete DESKTOP Product line. The reseller becomes the campus resource for product demos, configuration, ordering, and support. The program provides the reseller with the appropriate tools, training, and promotional support to become a low-maintenance, almost self-sufficient, DESKTOP selling entity for all student, faculty and departmental/institutional purchases. Digital's Campus Reseller Program makes available, to students, faculty, and administrators, DESKTOP products that are purchased by the reseller at an attractive discount off the DESKTOP Direct Price List. For schools interested in reselling UNIX-based VAX workstations and AXP workstations, the Campus Reseller Program offers an additional discount off The Education Initiative (TEI) Pricelist. Approved Digital Campus Resellers can take advantage of Digital's DESKTOP Direct 30-day money back guarantee, a year of free on-site service (fast Return-to-Factory Service for DECpc Notebooks) free shipping, configuration assistance, technical support and much more. Today, Digital's recently announced Campus Reseller Program has over 50 approved resellers. ED033 State and Local Government Working Group Greene, Michael Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This session offers attendees from state and local governments an opportunity to meet and discuss items of interest. In addition, representatives from Digital's State and Local Government Marketing Group are on hand. Attendees have the chance to hear about Digital's ongoing efforts and longer-term directions in bringing Digital-based computing solutions to the state and local government markets. Also, there is time for attendees to interact with the Digital representatives in a question-and-answer format. Attendees who work for state and local governments, and other attendees who are involved with the state and local government markets, are invited to attend this session and offer their input into Digital's directions in this particular area. ED034 "Growing" Computer Support Services in Diverse Settings Nalley, Gary Millsaps College Wednesday12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The rapidly changing world of computing creates new and unique challenges to a support center. Add to that the diversity that exists in a college, university, or other widespread organization and it can quickly become more than a small support staff can handle. This session describes the steps a small user-support staff has taken to increase computer awareness and meet growing support needs in the academic environment. Topics include: o defining "user support services" o automation o incorporating distributed resources into the overall support policy o staff utilization o enabling and creating "Knowledge Users." ED035 Introduction to LANs Greene, Michael Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an introduction to the terminology and concepts used with LANs. The focus of the presentation is for those who are investigating networking on campus. This session is intended for attendees who are not certain what is involved with networking, what questions to ask, or where to find answers. This session provides the attendees with a working vocabulary and overview of the basics of LANs, so that they are prepared to reap more benefits from other networking sessions at this symposium. ED036 Selecting an Administrative Software System Singleton, William L. Hollins College Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Selecting a new administrative software system is perhaps one of the most traumatic experiences a college computing service can face. This is true whether the software package is replacing an existing system or is the first installation on a campus. Hollins College, a small, liberal arts, women's college, is in the throes of this process. After a year-long review, a vendor has been selected and conversion from an outmoded system to a mainstream package has begun. This session discusses the vendor review and selection process of one admittedly imperfect search. Perhaps the two most important lessons learned from this experience are that the process itself is an important part of the decision to implement a new administrative system, and that, as arduous as it was, the selection process is but a small part of the total effort involved in converting administrative systems. ED037 Implementing and Managing a Helpdesk in an Educational Environment Cabot, Linda Georgia Tech Rowland, Monica Georgia Tech Thursday 4:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This "how-to" session addresses such issues as: o staffing (using students and full-time positions) o training o equipping the Helpdesk area o delegating areas of responsibility o the logging and tracking of calls. Also discussed are: o the use of Helpdesk statistics to monitor workloads o addressing campus training needs o adjusting staffing patterns o identifying applications for support. This session provides attendees with needed information for implementing or changing existing Helpdesk activities at their own campuses. ED038 Campus LANs: PATHWORKS versus Novell Campground Activity Purser, Jimmie Millsaps College Thursday 1:00 PM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center This campground clinic provides an opportunity for attendees to meet colleagues, discuss campus LANs, and explore the strengths and weaknesses of going with PATHWORKS or Novell or a mixture. If you are having difficulties with your implementation, this clinic also provides an opportunity to find some solutions. ED039 The Effective Use of Partnerships in Campuswide Networking Singleton, Bill Hollins College Monday 1:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The increasing use of information technology for research, teaching, and -- especially in private colleges and universities -- marketing makes a campuswide network a necessity. This is as true for small, liberal-arts colleges as it is for large research universities. However, the cost of installing a network to offices, classrooms, and residence hall rooms is tremendously expensive. Finding the funds to capitalize such a project is increasingly difficult in an era of shrinking budgets when other infrastructure expenditures are being deferred or canceled. In 1991, Hollins College -- a small, private, liberal-arts women's college -- began to form a series of partnerships with local businesses that allowed the college to install a fiberoptic-based network throughout campus that brought full Ethernet access to all residence hall rooms, most faculty offices, and many classrooms. The Hollins experience indicates that effective, mutually beneficial partnerships can be formed between traditionally nontechnical colleges and high technology firms. It also shows that institutions outside of the major urban areas can find partners who are willing to provide considerable assistance if they are approached and consulted properly. ED040 Kids, Education, and Artificial Intelligence Frederick, Ron NIPER Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Thursday 1:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Too many kids envision computers as the means of enjoying the adventures of Mario et al, the impersonal (and slightly evil) tool of the IRS, or as the fascination of geeks & nerds who inhabit the wee hours of the morning. They deserve better. This session presents an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts and ideas on how they might be introduced into the classroom. Topics addressed include an overview of some of the hardware and software possibilities on the horizon as incorporating technology into the K-12 environment is explored. ED041 TeX/LaTeX Tools for Editors and Educators Watson, Claude Lansing Community College Monday 6:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center A task force has been formed within DECUS to collect and test tools for newsletter editors using TeX and LaTeX. The nature of the tools is such that they should also be of interest to educators and to others preparing electronic documents. The collection and exchange of the material is by electronic mail. This session presents the current results of the task force. ED042 Multiplatform Printing Berman, Mark Williams College Thursday 2:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Like most colleges and universities, Williams College has a variety of printers that must be shared across multiple systems. This sessions presents the integration of TCP/IP, DECnet, LAT, Novell, PATHWORKS and AppleShare to facilitate printing requirements. ED043 Pen Computing in Education and Government Greene, Michael Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Pen computing is an emerging technology that offers significant potential in a number of areas. Pen computing is typically applied based on specific application needs, as opposed to broad implementations. This session discusses some examples of pen computing applications in educational institutions as well as in state and local governments. In addition, a brief overview of pen computing is provided as a foundation for the application discussion. ED045 Multimedia and Its Impact in the Classroom Beaubrun, John Barry University Monday 4:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Multimedia is the incorporation of video, graphics, motion, and text into one computer presentation. The impact of blending many media into a computer-delivered instructional package is evaluated. This session discusses methods for developing such presentations, as well as techniques for effectively integrating this presentation method into computer-based instructional software. ED046 CWIS Implementation Clinic Nicholos, Harry North Carolina State Univ Wednesday 1:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center Since Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWISes) are proliferating on campuses, this clinic brings together in the EDUSIG campground several individuals to share their experience at implementing a CWIS. Learn the strategies employed to bring a CWIS online successfully and some of the pitfalls to avoid. ED047 Accessing National Networks Clinic Gerland, Jim University of Buffalo-SUNY Wednesday 4:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This campground clinic provides the attendees with the opportunity to meet a few of their colleagues who are currently connected to the national networks. Questions can be asked and answered, and guidance given to those attendees who are just beginning their connection to the "world." ED048 Internet User Services Parker, Tracy LaQuey Cisco Systems, Inc. Friday 9:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Internet User Services can be defined as services that assist people in learning and using the Internet. This session provides an overview of some major user services efforts and projects, including applications and tools, training, user groups, the NSFNET Networking Information Services project, online and hardcopy new user documentation, directory services and conferences. ED049 Software Tools for Accessing Internet Resources Gerland, Jim SUNY at Buffalo Newkirk, Deborah Thursday 11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The Internet consists of over 3,000 networks. These networks provide access to a large number of electronic resources such as library card catalogues, Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWISes), databases, and public domain software... if you know where to look. This session describes some of the software tools available for OpenVMS and UNIX that facilitate accessing Internet resources. Included is software such as archie, veronica, gopher, hytelnet, libs, Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) and World Wide Web (WWW). Instructions on how to obtain and use the software are presented. ED050 ABC: Instructional Authoring with Objects Boysen, Pete Iowa State University Monday 5:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center The breadth of computer-based instructional needs in education requires an authoring system that is highly flexible, extensible, portable and free. ABC is an object-oriented programming system developed at Iowa State University that meets these requirements. This talk describes sample lessons and the tools used to create them. Additional capabilities, including color graphics and multimedia, are also demonstrated. ED051 PC/Mac Software Tools for Accessing Internet Resources Sutter, Alan Franklin and Marshall College Friday 10:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Since the Internet comprises over 3,000 networks, there are an enormous number of electronic resources available -- if you know where to look. These resources consist of library card catalogues, Campus-Wide Information Systems, databases, and public domain software. This session describes some of the software tools available for the PC and Mac that facilitate accessing Internet resources. ED052 Interactive Technology: A Powerful Partner for Computer-Human Interaction Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session XI027. ED053 Postmortem Analysis of a Security Incident Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE084. ED054 Productivity Gains from Groupware on the LAN Friday 9:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session PC157. ED055 How to Learn More About TCP/IP and the Internet Thursday 12:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE210. ED056 Multimedia, Multipart, Electronic Mail on the Internet Thursday 11:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE200. ED057 Configuring BITNET Nodes: A Hands-on Clinic Tuesday 3:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE121. ED058 Navigating the Internet: A Clinic Tuesday 11:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE115. ED059 The Answer Is: Computer- and Text-Based Instruction Courses Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM025. ED060 Introduction to Digital's Multimedia Authoring Tools Thursday 11:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session GR032. EP001 Producing a "Distributed" Organizational Newsletter/Newspaper Erbland, Karl Update.Daily Friday 2:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Volunteer organizations are often perplexed by the need to communicate current information to their membership with workers who are themselves volunteers. However, within the proper computing environment, there is a simple way to allow multiple authors to assemble a timely publication using these resources. This session concentrates on the distributed and integrated use of personal computers within the VAX environment for the publication of organizational newsletters and newspapers from multiple locations. The presentation looks to the structure of the DECUS Symposium newspaper, the Update.Daily, as the guideline for the implementation. Topics covered include: o multiple, widely separated authoring locations o central or distributed editing locations o software and equipment used o customized computing environment o dealing with various forms of submissions o use of networks for news gathering o commercial printing requirements o improvements to the system o off-site and on-site preparations. EP002 Using the Indexer's Workbench: A Keyword and Page Creation Tool Pchs, Wendy Digital Equipment Corporation Vett, Alan Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the Indexer's Workbench, a keyword and DEC VTX page creation tool. Areas covered include: o positioning keyword and page creation o software requirements o what the Indexer's Workbench does o what the Indexers Workbench doesn't do o user training issues/skills required o process overview/implementation steps o using keyword/thesaurus searching. EP003 Electronic Information Access Solutions Clancy, John Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Access to electronic information is an important part of our lives. We need to share, distribute, and search for documents, ideas, policies, and standards to accomplish our day to day tasks. Digital's information access products provide a way to simplify these tasks in a very cost effective manner. This session will discuss how Digital and it's customers have applied this technology within their operations. This session is for individuals who want to understand how other organizations have implemented successful information access solutions. We will address project implementations and returns. EP005 Network Printing Integration Russ, Allen Dataproducts Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses a new method of integrating printers into a networked computing environment. Printers typically have multiple page description languages, paper sources, paper stacking and finishing options, fonts, etc. Each user sharing a network printer requires that these options be configured for their individual applications. This is often impossible without manually reconfiguring the printer with the operator control panel: impractical on a remotely located or shared printer. One approach is to build a large table of individually setable default configurations into the printer, each of which would be associated with a unique network address. The printer would automatically assume the predefined configuration associated with the network address the print job was directed to. By responding to multiple network addresses, a single printer appears to be multiple printers to the network: virtual printers. The printer would also optionally restore the context (i.e. down-loaded fonts, forms, etc.) of the selected virtual printer from the last time that virtual printer was used. Virtual printers could be prioritized, individual statistics kept on use, and secured for access by authorized users only. A laser printer could also have virtual printers configured for ASCII print jobs as a line printer replacement. EP006 Using APMS for DEC VTX Page Creation Antle, Joyce Digital Equipment Corporation Devi, Gita Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses VTXAPMS, Automatic Page Management System. The following topics are covered: o positioning VTXAPMS, is it the best solution? o what VTXAPMS does o what VTXAPMS doesn't do o user training issues/skills required o process overview/Implementation steps. EP009 WordPerfect Master/Sub Document and Cross Referencing Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corp Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Have you ever created a report, training manual, booklet or large document? The Mark Text features can simplify the compilation of these documents. This sessions introduce students to the Cross Reference, Master/Sub Document, Table of Contents and Indexing features. At the end of this session, students should be familiar with: o where cross-referencing is useful o the elements needed to cross-reference information o creating a Master/Sub Document o defining a Table of Contents o defining an index o the uses of the Generate option. EP010 WordPerfect Graphics Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center What types of graphics can be used with WordPerfect? How are graphics placed into documents? Is a degree needed to produce a document that looks like it just came off the press? Come and find out how easy it is to produce sharp looking graphics documents using WordPerfect 5.1 for the PC and VAX. This session covers the following: o graphics formats o graph convert program o printing color graphics o graphics box types o what can be placed in a graphics box o anchoring, positioning, and sizing different graphics box types o graphics options o graphic lines. EP011 Newsletters Made Easy with WordPerfect Byrd, Ellie Computer Education & Design Wednesday10:00 AM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center In this session, a newsletter is created from start to finish using WordPerfect's powerful desktop publishing tools. Many features are incorporated in the publication, including: o tables o styles o columns o graphics o formatting o fonts o macros. Shortcuts, tips, and tricks are shared. The techniques covered in this session can easily be applied to brochures, flyers, and presentations, and with the flexibility to print on over 1,000 supported printers, most any deadline can be met. EP015 Replacing Hardcopy Documentation with Online Information Documentation Group, Member of Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center How can hardcopy documentation be replaced with online information? By using the DECwindows Motif Help system when documenting DECwindows Motif products. This session is DECwindows Motif-based and illustrates the features and strengths of the help system: o context-sensitive help o hotspots o help buttons o help menu options o table of contents and indexes. The session then discusses various writing techniques used to create the information: o concise writing style o use of graphics o lists and tables o considerations for documentation that is tightly integrated with a product. A case study of an actual Digital Product is used throughout the session. Attendees learn how to write one logical book, for both online and paper, from a single source. EP016 Creating Online Documentation with DECwrite and VAX DOCUMENT for Bookreader Documentation Group, Member of the Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center DECwrite and VAX DOCUMENT are powerful tools for creating online documentation for use with Bookreader, but using them most effectively to produce both online and hardcopy documentation requires planning and knowledge of special features of each tool. This presentation shows how you can use a single source file to create tailored hardcopy and online books. EP017 Creating Bookreader Books for the First Time McMillan, Vaughn Executive Software Thursday 7:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation discusses tips and traps for people who are processing VAX document V2.1 .SDML files to Bookreader .DECW$BOOK and .DECW$BOOKSHELF files for the first time. It also includes information that is useful to those who have already created Bookreader books, but who would like to learn more. Included in this discussion are: o hints to assure an error-free bookbuild on the first try o specific text tag requirements o optional text tag suggestions o viewing a processed book o customizing the Bookreader library o specific VAX DOCUMENT tricks to make the bookbuild easier. Preparing to create first Bookreader books from VAX DOCUMENT? This session saves considerable time and effort. Even if attendees have already built Bookreader books, but would like to pick up a few tricks, they should not miss this presentation. EP018 The Document Factory: E-Pubs Keynote Address Foderaro, Vito Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Every organization has its own internal Document Factory. The requirement to manage, store, and access document-based information, regardless of data type or platform, is an inherent requirement of all businesses. Today, this management of the entire document lifecycle is becoming a mission-critical component for most business operations. Vito V. Foderaro, Marketing Manager for Digital's Electronic Publishing Systems, gives an overview of the Document Factory and how Digital has built a strategy to address the various aspects of electronic publishing using this model. He focuses on experience the Electronic Publishing group has gained in translating the vision into solutions that are in use today. EP019 CDA Converter User's View Littlejohn, Mary Los Alamos National Labs Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the practical use of the CDA Converter Library at Los Alamos National Labs. Various tips, tricks and workarounds are presented. There is time allotted for questions. EP020 DECwrite Equation Editor Littlejohn, Mary Los Alamos National Labs Wednesday11:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the practical use of the DECwrite Equations Editor. EP021 Electronic Publishing and Graphic Applications SIGs Roadmap Session Kindschuh, Kevin J. Northlake Software Tutterrow, Jesse Parks College Monday 9:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center The E-Pubs and GAPSIG Roadmap introduces attendees to the planned activities of the Electronic Publishing and Graphic Applications SIGs during this symposium week. This session provides an overview of sessions related to electronic publishing topics and graphic applications that are being presented during the symposium, including those sponsored by SIGs other than E-Pubs and GAPSIG. The presentation also highlights other SIG activities for the week, with special emphasis on clinics, workshops, and campground activities. EP022 Electronic Publishing Question-and-Answer/Wishlist Session English-Zemke, Patricia Signal Technology Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Do you have questions about electronic publishing? Let's hear them! Developers and product managers from Digital and third-party vendors are on hand to take your questions. If your question can't be answered here, responses are solicited for publication in the SIG's newsletter. Next, attendees may present their wishes, needs, and desires concerning the future directions of Electronic Publishing products. All wishes presented are automatically included in the next cycle of the Software/System Improvement Request (SIR) process. EP023 Network Printing in a Mixed-Vendor Environment Asahina, Jon XCd Inc. Thursday 3:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses network printing techniques and technologies in a mixed-vendor heterogeneous environment. EP024 PostScript for Production Printing Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Thursday 10:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Today's PostScript output devices can provide an easy way to eliminate some of the most labor-intensive aspects of document production. However, when it comes to preparing camera-ready copy for actual printing presses, many issues foreign to computer professionals come into play. This session discusses the concerns that must be addressed when electronically preparing copy for use in a prepress environment. EP025 PostScript for Applications Programming: Creating Print Forms Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center A majority of businesses spend tens of thousands of dollars a year procuring and maintaining inventories of special forms. Many of these forms go to waste when changes in business conditions or in rules require the discarding of outdated forms. The physical work involved in maintaining such inventories is also a major expense. Today's nonimpact printers, however, can produce many different types of forms directly onto white or colored paper upon demand. This capability eliminates the need for special forms of all types. This session covers such issues as: o forms design for demand printing o applications programming issues o the use of print spoolers o the actual programming issues involved in developing forms. EP026 E-Pubs SIG Wrapup Koppelman, Bill Consultant Friday 9:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center The Electronic Publishing SIG wrapup session allows DECUS members to communicate their needs and desires for future sessions and activities. Any item relating to SIG functions and goals is appropriate for discussion. This session evaluates and discusses the current symposium, to help ensure that sessions presented at future symposia fulfill the needs of attendees. The E-Pubs SIG enthusiastically invites attendee's feedback. EP027 DECwrite Working Group Meeting Littlejohn, Mary Los Alamos National Labs Thursday 8:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center DECwrite is Digital's Compound Document editor. DECwrite is a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) information processing application that complies with Digital's Compound Document Architecture (CDA) and DECwindows. The DECwrite Working Group exists to promote information sharing among DECwrite users, and those considering becoming users. This is the forum to: o ask detailed questions about the product o describe heretofore unknown capabilities attendees may have discovered o discuss any problems encountered o pass ideas and concerns to the Digital developers, who are also invited to attend. EP028 WordPerfect for E-Pubs Workshop Penrod, Ross WordPerfect Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center The WordPerfect word processing system provides a wide range of desktop publishing features. This workshop demonstrates, on a VAX workstation, techniques for using WordPerfect to make simple documents look as if they had come from the printing press. These methods are useful for many applications, ranging from formal documentation to letterheads and newsletters. Topics addressed in the workshop include: o easy setups for tables and equations o integrating text and graphics in a visually appealing manner o efficient use of the styles feature o using PostScript printers or downloadable soft fonts o graphic lines and columns. A portion of the workshop is set aside for discussion of questions from the audience. EP029 Interleaf Working Group Meeting Chitty, Jr., Thomas C. Martin Marietta Missile System Thursday 9:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session is for those interested in electronic publishing using Interleaf products. The discussion ranges from technical topics through customization implementations to system management. Interleaf users and developers are welcome to join this group. Come to share problems and solutions with others. EP030 TeX/LaTeX Working Group Meeting McClain, John Texas A&M University Thursday 10:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center If you are using, or plan to be using, the TeX family of products -- including LaTeX, Web, and METAFONT, among others -- then come join our Working Group! All interested parties are urged to be present to discuss guidelines and TeX issues, and to volunteer. If you have questions about using or installing TeX or related products on Digital equipment, or if you can offer some solutions, plan to be with us. EP031 VAX DOCUMENT Working Group Meeting English-Zemke, Patricia Signal Technology Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center All VAX DOCUMENT users are invited to attend the meeting of the recently incorporated VAX DOCUMENT Working Group. Developers and users alike gather to discuss technical topics and provide input on the desired future directions of the product. If you are a user of VAX DOCUMENT, plan to participate in this Working Group. Volunteers are particularly welcome. EP033 E-Pubs SIG Volunteers Workshop Kindschuh, Kevin J. Northlake Software Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This informal gathering introduces volunteers to the charter and objectives of the Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group. In addition to the current volunteer base, the E-Pubs SIG Steering Committee invites all attendees who are involved in the publishing disciplines to participate in this exercise. Depending on personal interests, SIG volunteers can apply their expertise to many areas: o campground: hands-on experience and technology transfer o working groups: both product-centered and task-oriented discussions o System Improvement Request (SIR)/Wishlist: feedback to vendors o sessions/seminars: topic assessment, speaker relations, etc. High-priority topics for discussion include: o how the E-Pubs SIG can address today's critical publishing issues o how to effectively chair a Working Group o how Working Groups interface with other SIG activities, such as the SIR/Wishlist process, session and seminar topic focus, and speaker recruitment o how to get assistance in addressing your particular problem o turning real-life problems and solutions into a presentation that will benefit others o how YOU can fit into the E-Pubs structure. The session provides ample opportunity for questions, group discussions, and one-on-one communication. EP036 Interleaf WorldView and WorldView Press Electronic Viewing and Distribution Tools Freeland, Bill Interleaf Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical overview of the WorldView product line, addressing specific features and functionality of particular interest. These include: o WorldView and WorldView Press functionality: 1.0, 1.1 and futures o Macintosh and DOS products o Application Programming Interface (API) availability and applications o Fulcrum full text functionality o font and filter support. EP039 DECwrite v2.0: A Novice's View Damrau, Jackie SSC Laboratory Wednesday12:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session shows why the speaker changed from TeX to DECwrite. Having used TeX for the last eight years, converting to DECwrite was not difficult. TeX's learning curve and the non-WYSIWYG type system have been two disadvantages to its use. DECwrite offers: o robust word processing o a menu bar o pull-down menus that help the learning curve proceed at a rapid pace. DECwrite allows creation of personal styles, as well as existing style modification. In TeX, familiarity with typography and a small amount of programming to create an effective style is necessary. DECwrite comes with: o an online tutorial program o an online help library that covers all the menu items o a clearly written documentation set. The speaker found that the ability to learn the major functions of DECwrite by using the Help key was a major benefit. The final results make one appreciate the user-friendliness of DECwrite. TeX offers none of these things. Formal training is required in TeX to effectively learn the package. The advantages for using DECwrite are the import/export features, online readability through the Export to Bookreader... function, and its user-friendliness. Another prime advantage is the elimination of paper waste through the online readability format. EP040 Discovering Graphics in LaTeX Documents Damrau, Jackie SSC Laboratory Friday 1:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session shares information obtained in researching graphics inclusion in LaTeX. Topics include: o using the picture environment o using Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) graphics o discussing how graphics enters user documents o what graphics packages are available o the uses of the \special command. An investigation was started on the use of the \special command for graphics inclusion in the speaker's documentation. These graphics consisted of Deneba Canvas, Unigraphics CAD software, and Apple Macintosh and DECstation 2100 screen captures. This has opened an opportunity to produce professional-looking documents that require nothing more than to be printed. The ability to create graphics and import/export graphics into PostScript or EPS format is one thing; to be able to actually see them on the printed pages is more exciting. Since the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory has three different computing platforms -- OpenVMS, UNIX, and Macintosh (with PCs soon to be added) -- it became necessary to learn how the \special command worked on these platforms. By experimenting through the years and learning new uses of graphics inclusions, several procedural quick references were developed to show how to include graphics in LaTeX documents. EP041 Structured PostScript for Electronic Publishing Anderson, Robert Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center PostScript has become the lingua-franca for electronic publishing. Perhaps attendees have experienced PostScript files that proof on the desktop printer and fail when sent to the print supplier. Why hasn't PostScript fully achieved the goal of device-independence? Is this the fault of the language or the applications and drivers that write PostScript files? This talk surveys coding standards for PostScript programs that improve device-independence: o PostScript Document Structuring Conventions V3.0 o Adobe's Color Separation Conventions o OPI, Aldus's Open Prepress Interface. What do these standards mean, what benefit do they have for people that use PostScript printers, and who complies with the standards? EP043 The Future of Publication Delivery Methods Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Monday 11:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center What do the '90s hold for printing and publishing? How much will prices fall? How fast will future printers be? Will there even BE a printer in one's future? This session explores what is happening with new technologies, including dye-diffusion, solid inkjet, and ion beam printing. The presentation also discusses where current technologies such as laser xerography are going, and examines why "old" technologies like dot-matrix may still be important. The session also takes a careful look at requirements for the "paperless office." EP045 Form Letters with Three-Across Labels Capability Damrau, Jackie SSC Laboratory Friday 10:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses TeX macros used to create form letters and form address labels, including three-across labels. EP046 Newsletter Potpourri Damrau, Jackie SSC Laboratory Friday 10:30 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This paper discusses creating newsletters using a variety of authoring and formatting tools, from WordPerfect, to TeX and LaTeX, to DECwrite. EP047 Multiplatform User Documents in DECwrite Damrau, Jackie SSC Laboratory Wednesday12:30 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This paper illustrates the use of DECwrite to create multiple platform user documents. EP049 Session Notes on Demand: The Technology Behind the Product Cordiviola, Steven University of Kentucky Thursday 1:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Session Notes have always been a very popular product for symposia attendees. The ability to obtain individual session notes without purchasing a whole collection in book form has been a desirable product for a number of years. Modern technology, especially in high-speed printers and imaging, presently allows DECUS to provide such a service. This session discusses the technology of providing over 4,500 attendees with the ability to print individual session notes of their choice on demand. This technology is transferable to any application that requires high-volume printing without large inventory overhead or in environments where low-volume material must be printed at high speed. This session explains: o demand print technologies o current implementation issues o futures o potential side products. Time is provided for questions and feedback from attendees on the current product. EP051 Overview of Third-Party Publishing Software Ream, David K. Leverage Technologies Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session reviews third-party software available to assist publishers in generating index to their products and in automated production of the camera-ready copy for their products. The indexing software covered is CINDEX(tm) from Indexing Research and other associated indexing utilities. This software replaces the traditional 3x5 card approach to indexing resulting in dramatic benefits in time savings and quality. The typesetting software to be contrasted is Pager from Datalogics and Versacomp & Optimum from Pagetec. Some comparisons to Tex/LaTex and VAX Document are also made. Pager is a generic mark-up language that supports PostScript and Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Versacomp is a programming language allowing near complete control of the typesetting process. It also can produce PostScript output. EP063 Automating Document Production Using DCL Hoffer, George TGV, Inc. Thursday 2:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes how to get started in DCL command procedure programming for use with writing tasks such as compiling documents, printing, and other documentation activities. Topics covered will include: o A simple command procedure: DCL commands in a .COM file o Displaying information on the screen o Providing information from the command line o Conditional statements o Accepting user input o Introduction to lexical functions o Examining a sample command procedure o DCL documentation EP065 Fontasia: The World of Fonts Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Monday 12:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a light-hearted exploration of the world of fonts. The session describes: o why fonts are image-makers and image-breakers o how fonts can convey a message o why your tailor recommends them for your waistline. EP066 DECwrite for Microsoft Windows Hovey, Carson Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes the DECwrite desktop publishing package for the Microsoft Windows V3.0 PC environment. This session provides a detailed description of: o DECwrite for Microsoft Windows features o integration with other Windows applications through Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and clipboard support o integration with Digital's office desktop products o document portability with other supported DECwrite platforms. EP067 The TDL Solution for Workgroup Document Management Alcock, Bruce Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center The Team Document Library (TDL) Solution, jointly developed by Digital and Information Dimensions, Inc. (IDI), was designed for use within dynamic workgroup environments, to enable organizations to gain better control over their critical resources. TDL provides a document library at the departmental level, complete with intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows PC clients. Once documents are stored in a TDL library, they can be checked out, checked in, and revised as often as necessary. Built-in converters enable users to continue working with their current desktop applications. Extensive content-based retrieval capabilities ensure instant access to the most accurate, up-to-date versions of a document. TDL provides an ideal environment for applications such as policies and procedures, directories, manuals, proposals, legal briefs, research and technical reports, and competitive analysis. This session provides a product-type overview including various components that make up the complete solution, and how TDL can be extended to meet evolving business needs. EP068 Document Management Overview Alcock, Bruce Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Without documentation, today's challenge is to manage electronic information (text, image, graphics, etc.) so it can be easily stored, retrieved, distributed and reused. This applies to a wide range of documents, from a brief sales proposal to a lengthy product maintenance/support document. Knowing that a problem exists is the first step to finding a solution; many organizations do not realize how much time is wasted, sales opportunities lost or missed by not having information at hand when it is required. Enter Document Management: Document Management covers a lot of territory, from the corporate document repository down to a better way of storing and organizing word-processing documents, to tracking of mail messages. Document libraries, workflow and content-based retrieval are just some of the pieces that make up a document strategy. This session gives an overview of document management: where it fits in the document factory, what are the components, and how one ideal representation might look. And finally a sampling of products are used as examples of some of the components. This session is of a general nature, stressing overview rather than technical detail. It takes into account PC LANs as well as a distributed network with servers. EP069 The Basis-Plus Document Library Alcock, Bruce Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Basis-Plus is a document database system from Information Dimensions, Inc. (IDI). Today it is used by companies to manage the enormous number of components required to build manuals for complex systems. But Basis-Plus can also provide the tools for a starter library system. The verasatility of this product means that it can be customizable and to get the most out of the library system, one must be aware of what it can do. This session looks at Basis-Plus from the database designer's point of view without going into the technical detail of implementation. It covers the various aspects of Basis-Plus for the document management planner who needs to know how a product can be integrated into the enterprise strategy. EP071 DECwrite Backgrounder Harbison, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center DECwrite is a full-featured WYSIWYG document processing application available for MS-Windows, OpenVMS, ULTRIX/RISC and SunOS. DECwrite documents are completely compatible across all of these platforms enabling users to easily share line-of-business documents. This session describes and positions DECwrite in terms of: o word processing o desktop publishing o text and graphics integration o graphics creation o table creation o automatic table of contents, index and cross-reference generation. This session is for individuals who want the basic background information on DECwrite. Other sessions are available to provide details of DECwrite functionality and capabilities. EP072 Electronic Production of Newsletters, Newspapers, and Magazines Erbland, Karl 135 S. Washington Friday 11:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents specific information for assembling and maintaining a "system" to produce organizational newsletters, newspapers or magazines. "System" refers to the processes of manual, electronic, and managerial components that will allow the production of a document. Emphasis is placed on how to assemble the necessary pieces to produce a quality document. Session notes include sample organizational forms, checklists and resources. EP073 DECwrite Update Harbison, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an update on the new DECwrite features and functionality. The new DECwrite direction is targeted toward the needs of departmental and workgroup publishing environments that need strong network and document sharing capabilities. EP074 Interleaf Update London, Phil Interleaf Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers product news from Interleaf, such as: o new platform releases of Interleaf 5 o WorldView and WorldView Press o new filters and converters o Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) products o customer services. EP075 Document Management: Interleaf Relational Document Manager London, Phil Interleaf Wednesday 2:30 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Companies today produce huge amounts of information, usually in the form of documents or electronic files. The vast amount and diversity of the information can overwhelm a company's ability to successfully manage and utilize the data to the company's best advantage. If a company cannot manage its documents, it can cost the company in terms of lost productivity, or even lost opportunities. Interleaf's Relational Document Manager (RDM) is an object-oriented information management system. It treats every file -- whether a word processing file, CAD drawing, table of engineering or spreadsheet data, or Interleaf document -- as an individual object. Relationships can be established among these diverse objects and organized into uniform information models, so that users throughout a heterogeneous network can access and use them. RDM provides the following applications: o Electronic Librarian o Configuration Management o Intelligent Workflow management RDM is an open system. It supports a wide variety of diverse objects from a range of applications, so you can use virtually every type of information in an organization's database. Its multiplatform, client/server architecture lets one build a network configuration tailored to one's existing resources, work environment, and workflow. EP076 Interleaf Clinic Wood, Dennis Interleaf Tuesday 12:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This session is for those interested in electronic publishing using Interleaf products. The discussion ranges from technical topics through customization implementations to system management. Interleaf users and developers are welcome to join this group. Please come to share your problems and solutions with others. This clinic is designed for two-way communication between Interleaf users and developers. It is a forum for: o solving user problems o discussing user needs and experiences o exchanging user hints and kinks o giving both feedback and wishlist input. EP077 Advanced Techniques for Newsletter, Newspaper Production Erbland, Karl 135 S. WASHINGTON Friday 12:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session cites advanced techniques for the production of newsletters, newspapers, magazines in an electronic environment. Emphasis is placed on the management of the "systems" and the management of personnel, especially in a volunteer environment. Application to a "paid staff" environment is presented. Two phases of management techniques are explored: o editor/publisher o production/layout managers. Session notes include tools to evaluate work environments, production efficiency and resources. EP078 Production Printing Systems in the Digital Environment Zwolinski, Michael Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Digital has recently expanded its network printing support under DECprint to include high-speed devices from Kodak and Siemens. Digitals' full line printer family now extends from personal desktop devices to powerful top of the line models capable of speeds up to 140 pages per minute. This session covers applications and solutions for production printing within the Digital environment. Issues of cost savings recognized through migrating from preprinted forms to electronic forms and the porting of outsourced print jobs back in-house are discussed. Detail is given to enhancing a corporate image through high quality output, logos, signatures and variable fonts. EP080 PostScript Workshop and Clinic Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Tuesday 10:00 AM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This workshop provides a structured overview of the PostScript page description language and outlines more efficient ways of using PostScript to tailor reports. The specific topics addressed in the workshop reflects the questions encountered in PostScript sessions throughout the week. A significant portion of this session is devoted to questions and answers. The attendee is expected to have a rudimentary knowledge of PostScript fundamentals. EP081 Introduction to PostScript Programming Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center PostScript, developed by Adobe Systems, is the most prevalent Page Description Language (PDL) available today. It has been implemented for a wide variety of graphics devices, including printers, displays, film recorders, and typesetters. This session introduces the concepts and syntax of PostScript. The presentation also discusses the PostScript imaging model and various graphics operations, including: o coordinate systems o scaling o rotation o halftoning. Real examples introduce the attendee to programming in PostScript. EP082 Level 2 PostScript Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the recent extensions to the PostScript Language, including: o color models o filters and data compression o memory management o forms o optimizations. The presentation also discusses compatibility, drivers, and performance. EP083 Advanced PostScript Programming Tutorial Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center PostScript is a powerful Page Description Language (PDL). As with most programming languages, efficiency often depends on good programming style. It is possible to write or generate efficient PostScript code by using skillful programming techniques. This session addresses a number of topics relating to PostScript efficiency and robustness, and discusses how best to achieve efficiency through better programming and system organization. This session is intended for applications programmers who want to take advantage of the power of PostScript printers, such as the PrintServer 20 and the ScriptPrinter. EP084 PostScript and Hardcopy Question-and-Answer Session Zisk, Stephen Adobe Systems, Incorporated Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Thursday 11:00 AM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center In the DECUS tradition, we present an "open mike" question-and-answer session on PostScript and related hardcopy technologies. Please bring your questions and solicit the opinions of our panel of experts on the best solutions. EP085 TeX/LaTeX Tools for Editors and Educators Monday 6:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED041. EP086 DEC VTX Text Retrieval System Implementation Monday 12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM121. EP087 TeamRoute V1.0: Management, Internals, and Troubleshooting Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM124. EP088 TeamRoute: Digital's Electronic Document Routing and Approval Product Wednesday12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM123. EP089 Scalable Image and Document Management Solutions Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM087. EP090 WordPerfect Print Integration/New Printer Enhancements Monday 2:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM053. EP091 Work Management for Business Processes Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM049. GR001 A Reusable X Window Utility for DEC GKS Applications Ivaldi, Chuck AER Incorporated Thursday 12:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center GKS performance on low-end workstations running DECwindows has been disappointingly slow for even modest 2D line drawing applications. The reason for this is the GKS function that opens the workstation has to create and map a window when running the DECwindows (or MOTIF) workstation type. This can result in unacceptable delays, particularly for small programs. For example, studies using simple GKS programs (i.e., no data collection and/or analysis) have shown this one GKS function can contribute in excess of 50% of the total elapsed time to run the program. To circumvent this problem a reusable X window utility was developed. The utility presumes that program performance can be improved if a single, reusable X window is created once and then used again by subsequent GKS programs invoked by the user during an interactive session. The utility exploits an inherent capability of the X windowing system that allows one window to be shared by cooperating tasks. This presentation outlines the development of the reusable X window utility and discusses additional implementations of window sharing. GR002 Graphics Products Update Poegel, Garry Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on the most recent enhancements to some of Digital's key graphics products including DEC GKS, DEC GKS3D, DEC PHIGS, and support for new workstations. GR003 3D Graphics Software Futures Poegel, Garry Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on future 3D graphics products from Digital. The audience is encouraged to discuss and provide input to future product directions as the roadmap of future graphics software is outlined. GR004 WordPerfect Presentations 2.0: Using Graphics to Illustrate Your Message Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center No matter what the job description may be, employees are constantly presenting ideas. Whether writing a quick memo or a lengthy report, discussing a topic with a group of colleagues or making a case before the board of directors, the bottom line is that a presentation is being made. In order to make every presentation given effortless and professional, use Presentations 2.0. Topics covered are: o screen appearance o autotrace o date charts o text o presentations o printers o drawing tools o paint tools o WordPerfect file format. GR005 Introduction to Slide Shows with WordPerfect Presentations 2.0 Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center It's the day before the presentation, and there is finally time to prepare. Where to start? Using the Slide Show features in Presentations 2.0 creates great looking presentations almost instantly. With the Master Gallery feature, each slide in the presentation can have the same style, no matter what type of chart is created. This session familiarizes participants with: o access the slide show screen o retrieve a slide show o create a slide o add text to a slide o retrieve a clip-art image o add sound to a slide o design transitions o create a quick file o run a slide show. GR012 Image File Conversion Methods Gunn, Kris Parks College Tutterrow, Jesse Parks College Friday 2:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes a public domain image conversion package called pbmplus. This package is being used to convert to and from various image file formats such as: o TIFF (Tag Image File Format) o GIF (Graphical Interchange Format) o XBM (X Bitmap Format) Come learn how to simplify image conversion. GR013 Color, PHIGS & X: Dividing Physical Color Space Stockwell, Bruce Digitial Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center PHIGS, PEX, X, and the X toolkit each have their own model of how color should be used. This session reviews each of these, and then discusses techniques that PHIGS applications can use to coexist with each other as well as with other X applications. In particular it references the use of X standard color maps, as well as discussing techniques used in Digital Equipment's implementation of PHIGS that allow applications greater control over PHIGS' user of this potentially limited resource. GR014 Workflow and Imaging Bowman, Peter Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Today, imaging no longer implies only capturing paper-based information in electronic format. We are on the verge of a new era in which transaction processing uses electronic images to move work across the desktop. Not only is workflow software required to support this activity, but work process re-engineering is a vital component for success implementation so we are not just trying to automate existing manual procedues. ECHO is a system that has been designed to model image-based workflow processes and implement an automated system. This session covers the concepts behind ECHO and how the product is used in solving various types of problems. GR016 Imaging 210: Edge Detection Gunn, Kris Parks College Tutterrow, Jesse Parks College Friday 2:30 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the specific image processing technique called edge detection. Edge detection is used extensively in object recognition and machine vision. Examples and algorithms are used to demonstrate these techniques. GR017 PC Graphics from a PC Paintbrush Perspective Manager, Product Zsoft Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Development of graphics for the PC environment differs from that for larger systems in several aspects ranging from smaller memory systems to less computer literate users. Z-Soft, as a major player in the PC graphics market, has successfully dealt with these challenges. This session discusses the difficulties of developing graphics applications for the PC market and looks at possible alternatives to these challenges. GR018 Imaging 201: Point Process Gunn, Kris Parks College Tutterrow, Jesse Parks College Friday 1:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes elementary point process techniques and their uses in image processing. Discussions include techniques and algorithms for: o image brightening/darkening o negation o thresholding o contrast stretching/compression. If the attendees have some knowledge of imaging and would like to refresh their skills or learn more about point processing, this seminar may help. GR019 Kubota's High Performance Graphics Engine Borden, Bruce Kubota Pacific Computer Tye, Marcieca Kubota Pacific Computer Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Denali is a scalable, graphics and image processing subsystem. This talk describes: o the architecture of the Denali subsystem o how its design facilitates its performance and programmability o how it uses the full bandwidth of the TURBOchannel to achieve leadership 3D graphics and 2D and 3D image processing performance o how, together with an AXP host processor, it delivers a balance of computational horsepower and graphics/image processing performance. GR020 Future Graphics architectures Borden, Bruce Kubota Pacific Computer Tye, Marcieca Kubota Pacific Computer Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center In years past, 3D graphics accelerators have required specialized floating point pipelines to perform geometric transformations and lighting computations. The newest RISC chips are now more powerful floating point processors than any other available silicon, and they are more cost-effective than their alternatives. This shift is leading to a new generation of high-power, low-cost 3D graphics accelerators. This talk presents both the past and future architectures for 3D graphics, and explores 3D graphics future pricing, performance, and feature set. GR021 Computer Graphics of Image Enhancement Gingo, Peter The University of Akron Friday 3:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Two methods of image processing have been studied: filtering and use of wavelets. Filtering was used to study image enhancement. Digitized binary data was rewritten in ASCII and a Fast Fourier Transform applied. In the frequency domain, a fractal scale was then applied, after which the inverse Transform was applied to obtain an optimal enhancement of the image. In one case a 64 x 64 pixel picture was enlarged to 256 x 256. Wavelets were used to study data compression and image reconstruction. Data from various biomedical images were compressed using wavelets, and the final data set was reconstructed as a super position of wavelets. X11 programs are being developed that will apply various filters or optimal wavelet structure to image enhancement. This session discusses these techniques. GR027 CDA and Document Interchange Beckett, Chuck Digitial Equipment Int'l B.V. Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center Many standards are becomming widely used for data interchange: - Office Document Architecture (ODA) - Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) - Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) - Standard Generalized Markup - Language (SGML) Many industry and de facto standards exist as well, including: - Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) - WordPerfect - PICT for the Apple Macintosh - Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1, WK3) - Grpahical Interchange Format (GIF) There are, as well, a wide variety of legacy data formats to support (DX, DCA/RFT, etc.). Which standards should you support? How can you provide your organization's users with solutions that let them mail, print, display, edit and exchange documents with other people, possibly outside their organization, using different applications to create and edit documents? This session provides a description of Digital's efforts to address this heterogeneous networked application requirement. GR029 RISC High Performance Workstation Farms Mentzer, Linda Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Digital, in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), has created a very successful high-performance workstation cluster dedicated to solving large-scale computational problems. This was achieved by incorporating high-end Digital RISC workstations into a custom software matrix, created at the PSC to build a secure, controllable, scalable system that is tailored to the PSC supercomputing environment but is easily extensible to other environments. This system combines the Distributed Queuing System (DQS) from Florida State University with the Andrew File System (AFS). Resource utilization, user authorization and system administration software have been produced that integrates this system into the PSC administrative and accounting environment. This cluster has been in routine use since June 1992 and is 1 of 3 supercomputing systems at the PSC that is in active use by scientific and industrial users. GR030 Introduction to Graphics 101 Gunn, Kris Parks College Tutterrow, Jesse Parks College Monday 10:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Today, almost every application is doing something with graphics, or soon will be. Where once command line interfaces were sufficient, modern applications use sophisticated graphics packages to display information. This session reviews the basic concepts of computer graphics, including: o data plotting o scientific imaging o document imaging o 3D-modeling and their applications. Subject matter includes: o what computer graphics look like o what graphics are used for o a basic introduction to how graphics work. GR031 What's New with CDA? Beckett, Chuck Digital Equipment Int'l B.V. Thursday 5:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session outlines new CDA converters that are available and details which products, both Digital and non-Digital, include CDA converters. GR032 Introduction to Digital's Multimedia Authoring Tools Leventer, RuthEllen Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Multimedia authoring provides the means to convey ideas and information through the use of audio, video, and images. This sessions provides an introduction to multimedia authoring and includes information about authoring products currently available for Digital's workstation platforms. GR033 Workstations Multimedia Update Van_Siclen, Garrett Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of the current status of multimedia on Digital's workstation platforms. The session covers current and new hardware and software for the DECstation and AXP workstation platforms. GR034 DECimage Systems Overview Rosen, Daryl Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session takes participants on a tour of the latest members in the DECimage family of systems including OpenVMS and UNIX based system. Detailed information on the Windows Clients and the backend servers are presented by looking at the latest in customer-driven design improvements and features. The session is intended to illuminate the features that need to be incorporated in such systems, and to provide some insight into the design and development process, especially how engineering must work with customers in the development cycle. Not only is the base-0 system platforms presented, but also the specific industry solutions that have been developed on them for applications in: o process manufacturing o financial services o aerospace o government. This session is intended for the end user with some understanding of the basic concepts of image processing. The participant leaves with an understanding of present capabilities in document image management systems, and of probable future directions for system development. GR035 DECspin Update Joanas, SallyAnn Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center DECspin, Digital's desktop video conferencing product, was the first product in this emerging market space. The session discusses: o what desktop video conferencing is o its benefits o how Digital uniquely integrates desktop video conferencing in with computer resources. GR036 New TURBOchannel Multimedia Hardware Technical Overview Korrell, Ken Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This technical presentation covers the recently announced TURBOchannel option that features two inputs for video in, one output for video out, and CD stereo-quality audio. GR037 Visual Management Van_Siclen, Garrett Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Still and motion pictures are being cataloged on line, because of decreasing prices on: o disks space o video capture hardware o JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) compression. This session discusses various benefits, technologies, and techniques of visual management systems. GR038 Document Image Management Introduction Fokkema, Douwe Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Document Image Management is the electronic management of documents in the form of images. No longer is the paper handled, but the image of the paper document is integrated in the electronic flow of a company's information. Image document management fits into any organization that handles paper. Image document management can eliminate most of the flow and storage of paper within an organization. Image-empowered workstations should therefore be present in any location that is handling paper. Document image management solves: o knowing where the documents are in the organization o controlling the progress of the handling of the documents o controlling access o expanding existing applications with images of documents o archiving the documents o minimizing storage space o retrieving the documents from the archive o destroying the documents after expiration. The Megadoc and DECimage EXpress solutions are discussed and used as examples. GR039 Imaging 101: A Basic Introduction Gunn, Kris Parks College Monday 1:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a basic introduction to imaging. Many of the terms and techniques associated with images and image processing are discussed. This includes: o what an image is o what an image is made of o how it differs from other forms of visually oriented information o other fundamental concepts. This session is for attendees who know nothing about imaging, or want to refresh what they do know. GR042 MEGADOC 250: A New Image Document Management System Fokkema, Douwe Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes functions, features, and benefits of MEGADOC 250 product, which includes: o a ready-to-run application that arranges documents into folders and is rapidly customized to specific requirements o scalability through client/server architecture with multiple optical storage servers o Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for system integrators to add document images to existing environments. MEGADOC 250 image document management system is based on a client/server architecture. The clients offer a folder and image application development environment, which are implemented on AT-compatible PC workstations. These workstations are based on 386 or 486 microprocessors, running under MS-DOS V5.0 and Microsoft Windows V3.1. The servers offer: o document storage o printing o attribute/index storage. They run under the SCO UNIX operating system, extended with DECadvantage products. Different servers can run on their own dedicated platform. However, it is also possible to run different servers on the same platform, thus providing a one server solution. GR043 Image Enabling Applications Without Coding Rosen, Daryl Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center With ImageNow from Genesis Software, end users, or ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) can add imaging capability to existing applications in minutes without reprogramming. ImageNow "learns" about the application screens and displays images that match host data records with a click of a mouse. This overview provides information about: o ImageNow o its new Microsoft Windows PC Client o how to add new capabilities to your applications. GR045 DECFormOut! Forms Processing Technical Overview Rosen, Daryl Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center DECFormOut! is a family of Forms Processing Solutions that removes repetitive business forms from scanned images in order to: o significantly reduce storage requirements o unburden networks o improve OCR (Optical Character Recognition) capabilities. This overview provides detailed information on: o DECFormOut! family set o OpenVMS o ULTRIX o Microsoft Windows layered product o API (Application Programming Interface) variants. GR047 Document Imaging 101 Rosen, Daryl Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces participants to the basics of Document Image Management Systems. Covered are the basic functions of: o image capture o storage o retrieval o display o printing o distribution o strategies relating to the handling of large data objects like images on: - networks - display devices - storage devices Also discussed are related technologies such as: o OCR (Optical Character Recognition) o content-based retrieval o workflow management. This session is a nontechnical one for end-user participants looking for a basic understanding of document image management systems. Participants should come away from the session with an ability to understand basic concepts in this area, and know where to turn for additional information. GR049 Workstation Strategic Computing Directions Mentzer, Linda Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides attendees with insight into the technical and market forces in the workstation area and how Digital is planning to address these needs. The goal is to give attendees a strategic view of Digital as a workstation company and how products evolve to meet the needs of workstation customers. GR052 XMedia Technical Overview Van_Siclen, Garrett Digital Equipment Corp. Thursday 1:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center XMedia is Digital's distributed multimedia API. This is a technical description of product capabilities and how to create an XMedia application. GR053 Application Interchange: Problems and Solutions Beckett, Chuck Digital Equipment Int'l B.V Thursday 5:30 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a practical problem solving session describing some of the common problems in exchanging data and their solutions. Specific questions from the audience are encouraged. GR054 Design Considerations for AXP Workstations, the Next Generation Zaharchuk, Bill Digital Equipment Corp Monday 4:30 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a discussion of follow-on workations to the DEC 3000 Models 400 and 500. This includes design trade-offs and specifications for the new cost-focused DEC 3000 Model 300 and new high performance models. GR055 Using CDA Converters in MAILbus and DEC MAILworks Beckett, Chuck Digital Equipment Int'l B.V. Thursday 6:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Mail systems now allow you to send messages to other people on different platforms using different mail systems and networks. The focus has been to get different systems to interconnect. However, for the most part, these messages are limited to simple text. This is because users have chosen to use different applications. We need the ability to connect more than the mail systems, we need to connect the applications. Digital's MAILbus and DEC MAILworks products can connect the applications by converting the mail message as it is being passed between users. This means a message can be sent from an ALL-IN-1 WPS-PLUS to a DEC MAILworks MS-Word user on a PC. The system handles the conversion automatically. This talk explains how the CDA Converter Library V2.0 can be used by MAILbus and DEC MAILworks. Information about how to configure the system and tips on usage are given. LT001 Spicing Up Your Applications 2: Using the OpenVMS Message Facility for OpenVMS style Messages Wortman, Bret VSMC/AFLA Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the OpenVMS Message facility and several runtime Library routines which allow user-written programs to display OpenVMS style error messages. In this session covers creating message files, linking messages to programs, and displaying the messages. Sample code in both COBOL and MACRO supplements the discussion and provides a starting point for the attendee to explore after the symposium. LT002 Spicing Up Your Applications 1: Using the CLI$ Interface Routines Wortman, Bret Virtual System Mgmt Concepts Friday 11:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session shows how developers can integrate their programs into the DCL interface. All of the CLI$ Command Line Interpreter routines are examined and discussed with emphasis on command-line parsing as it relates to qualifiers and parameters. Real code examples in COBOL and MACRO are used to illustrate key points and provide templates against which attendees can begin applying techniques and knowledge gained in this session. LT003 Introduction to OpenVMS System Services Seshadri, Sri Digital Consulting & Software Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the OpenVMS system services and how they are called from high-level language programs. The topics discussed include: o what is a system service o event flag services o timer services o security related services o process control o lock manager o I/O services o logical name services o memory management services o AST services. LT004 Introduction to VAX Notes Seshadri, Sri Digital Consulting & Software Thursday 10:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This is an introduction to VAX Notes as a bulletin board for communicating messages between groups of people. The talk presents ways to effectively use the features of VAX Notes. The topics covered include: o What is VAX Notes? o What is a conference, note, reply, or topic? o What are moderated and restricted conferences? o How does one know when new conferences or new notes are created? Practical examples are given. LT005 Introduction to Interprocess Communication Seshadri, Sri Digital Consulting & Software Friday 1:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an introduction to interprocess communication between two or more processes on an OpenVMS system. The amount of information that must be passed decides the mechanism to be used. The examples in VAX FORTRAN show communication using: o OpenVMS files o event flags o mailboxes o logical names o shared memory o lock manager. LT006 Introduction to Assembly Language Programming Seshadri, Sri Digital Consulting & Software Thursday 12:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the features of OpenVMS MACRO as a programming language. It is intended for high-level language programmers who want to get an appreciation of assembly language. It focuses on: o data types o registers o instructions o calling subroutines and procedures o calling high-level language programs. LT007 OpenVMS Debugger: Where's the Bug? Seshadri, Sri Digital Consulting Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The OpenVMS Debugger can be indispensable when tracking errors in an unknown or known piece of software. The OpenVMS Debugger can be used via a programming language. This session not only covers the mechanics of using the OpenVMS Debugger but provides insight into one programmer's methods for finding bugs in the software. LT008 Languages and Tools Roadmap Ream, David Leverage Technologies Monday 9:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a roadmap to the week's sessions and events that are of interest to Languages and Tools users. It provides pointers to detailed sessions on many topics later in the week. Digital developers and members of the Languages and Tools steering committee introduce themselves. Come and find out about the SIG, and get ready for the week! LT009 Languages and Tools Medicine, Magic, and Wizardry Show Powell, David Genentech, Incorporated Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center At this session, users have the opportunity to mystify and impress the audience with stories of their tool prowess and wizardry. Have you done something incredible with: o Digital's Code Management System (CMS) o Module Management System (MMS) o DEC/Test Manager (DTM) o Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) o Text Processing Utility (TPU) o Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA) o or any other tools? What clever, magical thing have you done in your favorite language (including DCL), editor, or text processing utility? This is an opportunity to impress your peers and perhaps win a prize. Welcome are all kinds of: o wizardry o magic o secrets o tricks o rumors o lies o fish stories o war stories o tap dancing. Stories can be humorous, but this is not required. Judging is done by a panel of expert tools users and Digital developers. Prizes are given to the presenters of the stories deemed best by the judges, whose decisions are based on a set of rules known only to them. (Technical expertise and/or humor, however, are greatly appreciated.) So come on down, tell a tale, and you just might win! LT010 Language and Tools Open Steering Committee Meeting and User Feedback Ream, David Leverage Technologies Thursday 9:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center During the L&T open steering committee meeting, committee members discuss current and planned SIG activities, and solicit feedback and questions from the audience. Opinions and suggestions are solicited on the following: o sessions o seminars o campground activities o newsletters o any other SIG activities. This is an opportunity to learn more about the L&T SIG and how it functions. Part of the meeting is devoted to recruiting new volunteers to help in SIG activities. Anyone interested in becoming more involved in the L&T SIG should come to this session. LT011 Languages and Tools Wrapup Powell, David Genentech, Incorporated Friday 4:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session evaluates the successes and problems encountered at this symposium, both for L&T and for the symposium in general. This is a chance to provide feedback to L&T on likes and dislikes about the symposium. Preferences for sessions to be presented at the next symposium are solicited. The current activities of the SIG are summarized, and attendees get to know some of the SIG leadership. In addition, attendees have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the SIG as volunteers. If your interests lead you to L&T sessions, come and provide some feedback so L&T can better meet your needs. LT012 Languages and Tools Question-and-Answer Session Ream, David Leverage Technologies Klein, Leslie Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a means for users to get their questions on languages and tools answered. Representatives from Digital at the symposium, as well as a phone hookup to Digital developers back in Nashua, are available to answer questions on languages such as: FORTRAN, Pascal, C, C++, Ada, BASIC, COBOL, DIBOL, SCAN, and BLISS as well as tools such as: o VAX Notes o VAX DEBUG o DECset (LSE, SCA, MMS, CMS, DTM, PCA) o Text Processing Utility (TPU) o DECdesign. This session is also a resource for locating more specialized languages and tools not currently supplied by Digital. Knowledgeable users on the panel answer questions about products such as cross-targeting compilers, requirements and design tools, etc. LT013 L&T Bouquets and Brickbats Ream, David Leverage Technologies Klein, Leslie Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Digital and the Languages and Tools SIG think they know where the user community is today and where it wants to be tomorrow in the areas of languages and tools. But do they really? This is the users' chance to set them straight. Come and tell them what they are doing right (bouquets) and what they need to improve (brickbats). This is a lively and informative session, as today's computing environment is examined and suggestions are made as to where to go next. LT016 Using Out-of-Band ASTs in VAX Programs Gillin, Barry Gillin Conslulting Company Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The OpenVMS operating system has the ability to process out-of-band characters, or characters which should trigger actions when they are entered. The most common example of the out-of-band AST is the control-T which gives a one line status report on the terminal. This session demonstrates the easy techniques for putting an out-of-band AST into programs, providing a status message or having other actions carried out as a result of entering a control character. LT017 Adding Command Line Recall to User Programs Gillin, Barry Gillin Consulting Company Friday 10:30 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Most utilities from Digital include the ability to use the up arrow key to recall previous commands. This feature is very useful and once a user is familiar with the idea it becomes difficult to live without it. This presentation examines the steps required to design, code, build and test a program which uses the SMG routines to implement command line recall. LT018 DEC C++ Is Digital's C++ Compiler Which Supports Multiple Platforms Foltan, Lois Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center DEC C++ conforms to the C++ language defined by The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, which is the ANSI Base Document. With DEC C++ supporting multiple platforms, movement of applications from platform to platform is simplified. This session highlights the language supported by DEC C++, along with the environments in which it is supported. LT019 New Directions in COBOL: Digital's New DEC COBOL Compiler for OpenVMS AXP Braffitt, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center DEC COBOL for OpenVMS is Digital's new COBOL compiler. This session provides details of this product: o features o differences between DEC COBOL and VAX COBOL o developing for AXP o performance issues and new language extensions. LT020 Migration to OpenVMS AXP Update Braffitt, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of features, interpretation differences, and restrictions from the perspective of Digital's high-level language offerings that may be encountered as users port their applications to the OpenVMS AXP Operating System. Also, interoperability with translated images is mentioned. LT021 DEC FORTRAN Directions Lionel, Steve Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session unveils details and hints about new DEC FORTRAN platforms as well as covering new features in the DEC FORTRAN product set. VAX FORTRAN developers can learn about new features available on OpenVMS VAX. Developers porting FORTRAN applications to AXP platforms should benefit from the hints, kinks, and war stories the DEC FORTRAN engineer has to tell about AXP application ports. LT022 FORTRAN 90 Standards Lionel, Steve Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The FORTRAN standards space can be a confusing alphabet soup: FORTRAN 77, FIPS PUB 69, FORTRAN 90, ANSI, ISO, and HPF. This session provides an update on the latest status of the formal FORTRAN language standards committees and the HPF consortium, and lays out Digital's plans for supporting these formal and de facto standards. LT030 Languages and Tools Clinic Scott, George Computer Sciences Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center The Languages and Tools Clinic is an opportunity for novices and experts alike to ask questions about languages and tools in an informal, one-on-one atmosphere. Digital developers and experts from the user community are on hand. Questions about any of the following are fair game: o Code Management System (CMS) and Module Management System (MMS) o DEC/Test Manager (DTM) and Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA) o Language Sensitive Editor (LSE), Text Processing Utility (TPU), and EDT editor o DECplan and DECdesign o SCAN and VAX Source Code Analyzer o any Digital-supported language or tool o any third-party or public-domain language or tool commonly used on DEC equipment. Both specific technical questions and general strategy and implementation questions are welcome. This session is held in a relaxed atmosphere. Stop by and take some time to go over any questions with the experts. LT031 Software Metrics Primer Scott, George Computer Sciences Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to software metrics. The material covered is designed for those starting or thinking about starting to do metrics. Examples of real-life metrics are included. LT032 Methodologies for Using DECset Trowel, Rick Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center When adopting new tools, often the most difficult part is understanding how to mesh the tool's capabilities with the processes that an organization uses to develop software. This session presents a methodology for using DECset V11 tools. With examples taken from actual internal uses of the tools at Digital, the speaker illustrates how the tools can be used to improve and control the software development process. Alternate approaches are discussed. LT036 Building Repository Applications Sunberg, Cliff Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This talk focuses on the design and implementation of applications that need to use the various features and services of CDD/Repository V5. It shows how the toolkit features of CDD/Administrator can be used to provide a framework for a complete application. LT038 COHESION Product Update Myers-Smith, Nicky Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center COHESION is Digital's offering in the software development arena. This session provides an overview of the COHESION environment, and highlights any product and service changes that have occurred recently. LT040 Overview of Object-Oriented Technology Wilpolt, Carrie Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This talk describes what object-oriented technology is, and how it is manifested in object oriented programming languages, databases, CASE methodologies and tools, and standards such as the OMG's (Open Management Group) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). The speaker also briefly discusses the issues developers need to be aware of before taking the plunge into object-oriented technology. LT041 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Wilpolt, Carrie Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This is a technical introduction to the concepts of object oriented programming. In this session, the speaker's discuss: o objects o classes o instances o methods o abstract data types o polymorphism o subtyping o inheritance o what they mean in popular OO programming languages. Familiarity with general programming concepts is assumed. LT042 Making Good Use of Object-Oriented Concepts Wilpolt, Carrie Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This talk discusses concepts of good Object-Oriented (OO)design, independent of any particular object-oriented design methodology. It addresses: o identifying classes and methods o making good use of polymorphism o subtyping o other OO programming concepts. Some prior exposure to object-oriented terminology is helpful, such as is given in the "Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming" talk. LT043 Building Distributed Applications: A Peek at AD Joyce, Glenn Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center A prototype of a distributed application builder demonstrates a fast, user-friendly, task-centered way to describe and build true distributed applications. It uses a two-level description of the application: the higher level is a set of graphs, including a graph of the target hardware the application is to run on; the lower level is code. The builder conceals the mechanisms of transport from the user and allows easy reconfiguration for new hardware targets. LT044 How Digital Is Improving Customer Involvement in Requirements Planning Prentice, Edward Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Over the past few years, Digital has been working to increase the amount of influence customers have over product development. The best way found so far is a combination of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Contextual Inquiry. This talk presents a view of how the process works, and how Digital is improving it. LT045 Introduction to Software Quality Assurance Cooper, Bryan Computer Sciences Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on Software Quality Assurance as an integral part of the Software Management and Development Team. The importance of Quality Assurance in building good software and maintaining client confidence is discussed. Emphasis is placed on process improvement without losing sight of the traditional Quality Assurance role of product inspection. Topics covered include: o the importance of early establishment of a documented Quality Program and Procedures o how to introduce a Software Quality Assurance program o in-process and end-process reviews. The relationships among the quality requirements of DoD standards and ISO-9000 are mentioned. LT046 Software Quality Working Group Cooper, Bryan Computer Sciences Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open meeting of the L&T SIG Software Quality Working Group. All who are interested in the definition and advancement of software quality are invited to attend. Software Quality includes: o quality assurance o metrics o development standards o maintainability o many other aspects. LT047 Accessing Rdb Databases from VAX COBOL Van Swearingen, John Ross Systems, Inc. Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses accessing Rdb databases from VAX COBOL. Currently, Rdb offers four supported methods for the COBOL programmer: o embedded SQL o embedded RDO o SQL Module Language o dynamic SQL. The first two methods require preprocessing the COBOL source code with utilities supplied with the VAX/Rdb development kit. The third, SQL Module Language, uses a separate compiler to prepare object modules that are linked with the application program. The last method is to pass SQL statements as text for processing by Rdb. The presentation covers the pros and cons of each method using VAX COBOL examples. LT048 Why Are 4GLs So Slow? Sentineal, Jack Vaxxine Computer Systems, Inc Monday 9:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Many companies have migrated from a standard 3GL environment to a 4GL environment in an effort to clear their application backlog and improve programmer productivity. However, for may of these companies, this has not happened without incurring heavy expense, substantial aggravation and end-user dissatisfaction. This session focuses on explaining the exact differences between the 3GL and 4GL environments. The operational mechanics of these environments are presented to illustrate what the computer is being asked to do in each case. Emphasis is placed on what effects each of these environments impose on the VAX architecture. Finally, this session outlines techniques to assess 4GL products in the marketplace and what impact they may have on a production environment. LT049 VMS Performance Management: An Applications Approach Sentineal, Jack Vaxxine Computer Systems, Inc Thursday 10:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This seminar examines the most common reasons for performance problems and provides several techniques to maximize application performance under OpenVMS. Performance tools for OpenVMS tend to concentrate on monitoring and optimizing computing resources from an operating system standpoint. Many people believe that OpenVMS performance management simply entails the manipulation of SYSGEN parameters. While this will produce some performance enhancements, it may not be the best way to deal with applications that make unreasonable requests for resources. A program built around an inefficient algorithm that consumes CPU or I/O resources will consume those resources every time it is executed, regardless of what SYSGEN parameters are changed. This session presents tuning methods based on close monitoring of each unit of work performed by the computer. The basic unit of work is the application program because these programs request and consume all the available computing resources. LT050 All About EVE Lomasky, Brian Teradyne Incorporated Monday 5:30 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Digital created EVE, the Extensible VAX Editor, which can be programmed to the individual user's requirements. For users accustomed to the EDT editor this creation was not all good (since even with the EDT keypad, EVE still has many differences from EDT). This session introduces a version of EVE (available on the SIG tapes and in the DECUS library) that is much closer to the look and feel of the familiar EDT editor, but with all the extensions available in EVE, and then some! Using this editor, users can be immediately productive in EVE, since everything they already know about EDT will still work within EVE. The additional EVE features are there, such as: o insert/overstrike editing modes o rectangular (box) cut and paste o DCL access from within the editor o multiple windows and buffers o wildcard file support o improved LEARN key sequences o improved searching. This Teradyne version also includes such enhancements as an integrated spelling checker (which can spell check the current editing buffer) and buffer padding, trimming, and sorting that can be learned at the user's own pace since they're always available. LT051 Continuous Improvement for Software Prentice, Edward Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Continuous improvement methods are a set of principles and techniques for enhancing customer satisfaction and providing higher quality products in a rapidly changing world. Digital's product development groups are using Six-Sigma for Software as one means of continuous improvement. This talk presents an overview of these principles and supporting techniques. LT052 Building and Integrating Open Distributed Applications Hodgman, Rod Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses value-added middleware offerings from Digital that: o facilitate integration of legacy systems o provide distributed communication and control services for new client/server applications o support process re-engineering and workflow management. Areas to be addressed include (but are not limited to): o Application Control Architecture (ACA) Services o DECmessageQ o Distributed Computing Environment. LT053 NAS Application Control Architecture Services: A Technical Overview Sacco, Lauren Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The new Application Control Architecture is a key component of Digital's Network Application Support (NAS). ACA is an object-oriented software technology that facilitates dynamic linking of independently developed applications across heterogeneous systems. ACA Services offers application interoperability and integration for a wide variety of application domains, including CASE, desktop, CAD and CIM, with low adoption cost. Using ACA, new and existing applications, whether or not they have been written using object-oriented techniques, can be combined like building blocks to provide unique solutions to user task-oriented problems. ACA Services is implemented as a value-added layer above fundamental network services, and provides facilities for registration of application definitions in an object-oriented class hierarchy, allowing for the inheritance of attributes and behavior among related applications and/or services. It includes facilities for dynamic location and invocation of applications and services across the network, and communication in distributed client/server computing environments. ACA Services is intended for use by application developers, independent software vendors, and system integrators. LT054 NAS ACA Services: Encapsulating APIs and Command Lines for Use with ACA Sacco, Lauren Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Application Control Architecture (ACA) Services is a key component of Digital's Network Application Support (NAS), for integrating applications in multivendor environments. Existing applications can be integrated with ACA without modifying their source code, and without relinking or recompiling the applications. This integration may be done by IS departments, independent software vendors, or system integrators, providing a valuable and powerful way to create new value-added solutions. This session provides a detailed technical look at how to "encapsulate" an existing application or service and allow it to be integrated with other applications using ACA Services. An application with a callable interface and with a command-line interface are used as specific examples. LT055 Program Design Facility Tutorial Comeau, Tom Space Telescope Science Instit Thursday 2:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The Program Design Facility (PDF) is a set of features added to the Language Sensitive Editor (LSE), Source Code Analyzer, and Digital compilers to support the program design process in a manner similar to specialized program design languages (PDLs). PDF is a part of the DECset programming environment on both OpenVMS and RISC/ULTRIX. This tutorial, given by a PDF user, provides an introduction to the use of PDF in programming tasks, including: o entry and compilation of pseudocode using LSE and Digital compilers o embedding design and documentation information in source code using specially "tagged" comments and code overviews o generation of design reports, including System Internals reports o automatic generation of OpenVMS help files for routines defined in a user's source code o automatic generation of LSE package (routine declaration) support for routines defined in a user's source code. These can be integrated with the automatic help files as well. The talk is aimed at programmers who have never used PDF. LT056 Supporting the Hubble Space Telescope Software Environment Panel Comeau, Tom Space Telescope Science Inst. Thursday 7:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The Space Telescope Science Institute is the observatory which operates the Hubble Space Telescope. In addition to providing a computing environment to operate a large, complex telescope, the Institute must manage a satellite ground system, a software development environment, and a scientific environment for General Observers and the Science Staff. This panel discusses several examples of the varied and often challenging computing requirements needed to support these environments. LT057 Non-science Uses of Hubble Space Telescope Images Comeau, Tom Space Telescope Science Instit Thursday 8:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has been producing high-quality scientific information since its launch in April of 1990. Some of the images produced by HST are visually quite stunning, and have been used for the covers of major magazines, journals, and as background windows on workstations. This session discusses how the HST imaging systems, which are basically black-and-white cameras, are used to produce visually interesting color pictures, and describes some nonscientific uses to which HST images have been put. The session include slides of some recently obtained images, and a general discussion of the telescope and its detectors. LT058 How Standards Will Affect Your IS Future Lauer, Rochelle Yale University Wednesday11:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a panel discussion with the DECUS standards committee. A brief introduction to Standards and Open Systems is followed by short presentations by DECUS Standards Representatives. A question and answer period follows the presentations. LT061 Kernel Tools for Debugging the DEC OSF/1 Kernel Stevens, Brian Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the latest tools and techniques for debugging the DEC OSF/1 kernel. This is also an opportunity for users to provide input for future products. LT062 Compilers for 64-bit Machines Fillmore-Gillet, Chris Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center With the advent of 64-bit architectures, compiler developers face new challenges in making optimal use of the underlying machine architecture. All the classical optimizations need to be reworked, and 64-bit specific optimizations need to be introduced. The focus of this talk is on classical and machine-specific optimizations for the 64-bit AXP processor. Guidelines for writing portable code are also discussed. LT063 Migration to AXP/OSF Update Braffitt, Don Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of the issues that may be encountered as users port their applications to OSF AXP, including: o features o compatibility o interpretation of differences o restrictions from the perspective of Digital's high-level language offerings. Interoperability of translated images is also discussed. LT064 DEC FUSE Overview Desirazu, Srinivas Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center DEC FUSE is both a programming productivity toolset for UNIX and a tool-integration framework. The core of the FUSE environment is its framework, a language-independent environment that provides a common messaging mechanism between tools. This facility is called the Multi-Cast Message Server (MCMS). DEC FUSE runs under the X Window System and supports NFS and Motif. DEC FUSE tools support the build-edit-debug-cross reference cycle of programming in a tight loop using MCMS. DEC FUSE tools are extremely graphical and provide GUIs to existing UNIX utilities. DEC FUSE tools support the entire "backend CASE" lifecycle. The DEC FUSE toolset supports FORTRAN, C, C++, Pascal, and Ada. DEC FUSE is an open system and its framework allows for plug and play of third-party software as well as end-user software. DEC FUSE is available on multiple UNIX platforms. LT065 An Introduction to DEC FUSE EnCASE Desirazu, Srinivas Digital Equipment Corp Wednesday10:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center A key component of DEC FUSE is EnCASE. EnCASE provides "control integration" in a FUSE environment. EnCASE enables a developer to take an existing tool and put a messaging wrapper around it, so that the tool can exchange messages with other developer's tools and FUSE tools in the FUSE environment. This enhances flexibility because a developer can move to a framework-based development environment without having to learn a new tool. EnCASE allows developers the freedom to select their own tools rather than having to buy into a set of integrated tools. EnCASE allows for multiple levels of "control integration", a script level and a source level. The script level provides for integration through shell scripts and the source level by modifying source code. LT067 Programming in MACRO-64 on OpenVMS AXP V1.0 Vogel, Ed Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center MACRO-64 is the new native AXP assembly language available on the OpenVMS AXP V1.0 operating system. This session highlights the MACRO-64 product by: o discussing language and product features o providing assembly language and MACRO examples using the OpenVMS Calling Standard o summarizing similarities and differences between MACRO-64 and VAX MACRO. Time is allotted for questions and answers. LT068 VAX BASIC and SCA Vogel, Ed Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:30 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes how SCA can be used with VAX BASIC. The talk covers: o general information about SCA o a brief example of using SCA to navigate through BASIC source code o a brief example of using the graphical user interface to produce call graphs. Time is allocated for questions and answers following the presentation. LT069 Calling System Services from VAX BASIC Vogel, Ed Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes how to call OpenVMS system routines and other languages from BASIC programs. Topics include: o available system routines o general rules to follow in mapping OpenVMS definitions o an example which sends OpenVMS mail o an example which creates and communicates with a subprocess. Time is allotted for questions and answers. LT070 Porting BASIC Applications to OpenVMS AXP Vogel, Ed Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Although Digital's BASIC product for OpenVMS AXP is not yet available, now is the time to begin planning your porting effort. This session presents the user with tasks that can be done today to make the port easier. The majority of the time is spent discussing how one can tailor code to work around some of the VAX BASIC features that will not be available in the initial AXP release. In addition, information on AXP performance tuning that can be done today is presented. Time is allocated for questions and answers. LT071 PL/I Users Working Group Meeting Ream, David Leverage Technologies Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center All users of the PL/I language, or those interested in finding out about the language, are welcome to attend. The session includes a discussion of PL/I's usage at various VAX sites. LT072 The Three Faces of EVE: An Easy Introduction to EVE for EDT Users Geier, Jim SHARP HealthCare Chiger, Howard SDRC Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session is geared for EDT users who, now confronted with EVE as the default OpenVMS editor, want to migrate painlessly from EDT to EVE, making use of EVE's extended capabilities without having to become TPU programmers. Many VAX users are still using the EDT text editor, but EVE offers all that EDT does and much, much more. Users can have the EDT functionality they love, plus all the benefits of EVE, with only a five-minute commitment of time after attending this session. This session shows the three faces of EVE: o TPU: the programming language o EVE: the editor built using TPU o EDT: the editor simulated by using EVE. The speakers show how to create an EVE initialization file that automatically makes EVE work like EDT. Also detailed are how some simple commands to customize EVE to take advantage of the features EVE offers beyond what EDT can do. The speakers then introduce the TPU startup command file that can do everything the initialization file does, only faster. The talk is finished by showing how to do the job faster still with an installable TPU section file. Many examples are given. LT073 Introduction to TPU Programming Geier, Jim SHARP HealthCare Chiger, Howard SDRC, Inc. Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Starting with the OpenVMS 6.0, the EDIT command will default to the EVE editor, rather than EDT as in the past. In the "Three Faces of EVE" session at this symposium, attendees were shown how to make a few simple customizations that will allow them to use EVE in a mode that is just like EDT, only faster and more efficient. However, using EVE simply as an EDT emulator is like driving a Ferrari below the posted speed limit! This session shows attendees how to enhancing EVE by using TPU, and get onto the fast track of text processing. In this session, attendees learn to race through EVE section files by souping-up EVE procedures, down-shifting through keywords, lexical patterns and ranges, cruising with wildcards, and slaloming through buffers and windows. Many examples are supplied to demonstrate the techniques as well as act as templates for further customization. TPU programming: It's not just a job, but an adventure! LT074 Adding Layered Editing Interfaces to EVE, Review of VI Graf, James a/Soft Development, Inc. Monday 5:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the religious question: Which is the best editor, EVE or vi? TPU source code to layer vi on the EVE interface may help attendees to avoid having to answer this question. The presentation discusses how new editing interfaces can be layered on top of EVE, including the following topics: o EVE build procedure o EVE initialization o TPU startup process o EVE main process control loop interaction o TPU source code for the vi interface o utilizing KEY_MAPS and KEY_MAP_LISTS. Extending the EVE interface to contain a vi editing-style layout requires special coding for the typing keypad keys. The session then reviews the TPU source code for handling the vi command mode, and provides a list of the normal UNIX vi features not included in the EVE version, which can act as a source for questions and input on extending the interface. LT075 System 1032 Windows Toolkit Harrison, Cole CompuServe Data Technologies Monday 2:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the design of the System 1032 Windows Toolkit. This toolkit allows development of database applications in Motif, DECwindows XUI, Microsoft Windows, and other windowing systems. Windows are designed using window system-specific tools such as VUIT, while callback procedures are written in a standard 4th generation language, PL1032. The Windows Toolkit provides the glue between the windowing system environment and the application programming environment. It presents an interface which overcomes the complexity of window system programming while preserving its flexibility and the specific behavior of each window system. LT077 TCP/IP Programming Volz, Bernard Process Software Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of TCP/IP programming. Attendees learn how to write a TCP/IP client/server. This session also covers related topics, including: o host name to internet address translation (and vice versa) o programming with a byte stream protocol (TCP) o asynchronous I/O o when to use TCP or UDP. LT078 TECO Update Hyde, Mark Advanced Computing Services Thursday 9:30 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the recent developments in the world of TECO. A review of the TECO Program Library Tape is included. LT079 Improving the Performance of VAX COBOL Applications Kurjan, Philip Consilium Inc Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This talk provides a classical case study, illustrating the diagnosis and treatment of a severe performance problem in the VAX COBOL environment. The steps include: o using PCA to locate the hot spot in the program o implementing and executing simple test programs to understand the cause of the problem, and to determine what changes to make to remedy the problem o interesting findings about the COBOL V4.4 (and later) /INSTRUCTION_SET=NODECIMAL switch. The session covers: o performance analysis concepts and methodologies appropriate to a wide range of problems o findings which apply to many COBOL programs. LT080 Remote Procedure Calls, Interprocess Messaging, and Threads Kurjan, Philip Consilium Incorporated Monday 1:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Today there is a great deal of interest in client/server computing and distributed applications. Interprocess communication (IPC) is the "glue" used to hold distributed applications together. This talk compares and contrasts the most commonly used emerging IPC technologies: o Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) o Interprocess Messaging/"Message Buses" o Threads Programming. The speaker discusses the applicability, strengths, and weaknesses of the various approaches, and discusses the status of applicable marketplace standards. He also discusses architectural issues involved in converting an application between messaging and RPC technology. LT081 Using VAX PCA to Diagnose RMS Performance Problems Kurjan, Philip Consilium Inc. Thursday 11:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center VAX PCA is a powerful tool for analyzing application bottlenecks. It is most commonly used to diagnose CPU bottlenecks. It is also extremely useful for determining whether RMS file operations are an application bottleneck and diagnosing the exact nature of the problem. The speaker has used PCA for this purpose on several occasions. In one case it was possible to reduce disk I/O's to a file from 500,000 to less than 500 without modifying a single line of application code. This talk describes the analysis techniques used and attempts to provide insight into interpreting PCA data from RMS file operations. LT083 Test Management of Object-Oriented GUI Applications Davis, Steve SmartStar Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Testing of large scale applications requires methods of regression testing to insure that all aspects of the application work correctly for all versions of the application. DEC Test Manager (DTM) has been a very useful tool for testing large scale forms-based applications running on character-cell terminals with OpenVMS. It provides facilities for benchmarking the applications and running batch-mode tests to detect changes in behavior from the baseline. However, DEC Test Manager has not proven practical for use with Graphical User Interface (GUI) based applications running on X display devices with OpenVMS or UNIX-based systems. Limitations in the design of DTM make it impractical to use. Several third parties have recently introduced Motif-based test managers that can be used effectively with Motif-based applications running on OpenVMS or UNIX-based operating systems. This session discusses one such test manager, the PreVue product, and how it is being used to perform regression tests for a large Motif-based object-oriented application. LT084 Parallel Processing on OpenVMS Caruso, John Digital Communications Assoc Friday 3:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center With the release of OpenVMS 5.0 and the 6000 series of VAX machines, parallel processing became available for DEC programmers. An overview of the parallel processing library and some of the more common calls is given. An illustration using a FORTRAN model along with the decomposition is also shown. LT085 Porting a Distributed Application from UNIX to OpenVMS Palasek, Robert Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab Wednesday12:30 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a case study of porting a distributed application, originally written in C for UNIX, to OpenVMS. The server and client processes of this application run both on OpenVMS and on several different UNIX platforms. The speaker discusses UNIX constructs and how some map well to VAX C and to TCP/IP services for OpenVMS and shows how this was handled. Even though the application is not POSIX-compliant, the speaker points out how in some areas POSIX has enriched OpenVMS. LT086 Power Programming Using Inferencing and Object-Oriented Programming Hetherington, Mark AI Corportion Thursday 11:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes a typical programming problem with examples of a 4GL/procedural solution versus a solution of object-oriented techniques and rules (inferencing) using KBMS. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), based on the C++ model, can: o simplify and provide substantial reduction in the amount of code o ease application maintenance o allow for code sharing and re-use. Typically, these techniques address the procedural components of an application very effectively. Rule-based programming is best for processes addressed by symbolic manipulation (complex pattern matching). The developer can solve difficult application coding problems by using a combination of the two techniques. Developers can now create applications using mainstream application development tools that deliver on the promise of Object-Oriented Programming. LT087 A 4GL Front End for DEC/Test Manager Donaghy, Joseph Information Builders Monday 6:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a detailed look into a production DEC/Test Manager (DTM) environment, which has been automated and is managed by a FOCUS 4GL application. FOCUS windows and menus are used by QA analysts to: o trigger, record, and playback DTM procedures o integrate test results with software tracking/scheduling databases o handle repetitive line-mode work. This presentation includes screen captures and code for illustration. LT088 Object-Oriented Programming with KBMS Coulombe, Paul AI Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center Object-Oriented Programming, a methodology for developing applications, allows modeling of not only what each object (file) contains, but also how it behaves. To date, third-generation languages (3GLs) such as C++ offered the sole means of programming using this methodology. The problem with 3GLs is that one not only has to deal with WHAT one wants the application to do but also HOW it should do it. Using KBMS, one is only concerned with what an application is required to do, thus making the process less prone to error and reducing the development and testing time. Topics to be covered include: o What is an object? o encapsulation o everything to know about inheritance o controlling access to object o learning about polymorphism o using virtual methods. This session includes the building of a simple application from scratch, demonstrating the topics listed. LT089 Binary Translation: Challenges and Possibilities Riebs, Andy Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Digital is a leader in the field of binary translation, the process of converting the binary instructions of a program from one computer's instruction set to another. This presentation discusses the problems and challenges that have been met and overcome in developing the DECmigrate binary translation products. Topics include: o CISC to RISC translation o RISC to RISC translation o data format differences o system software environments o native - translated program interaction. Time is allotted for questions and answers. LT090 So What is Binary Translation? Riebs, Andy Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Digital is a leader in the field of binary translation, the process of converting an executable program from one type of computer system to run on another computer system. This session reviews the problems inherent in moving a program from one computer system to another, and explains how the DECmigrate products help resolve these problems. Time is allotted for questions and answers. LT092 OpenVMS Shareable Libraries: A Case Study Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Monday 10:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents two case study examples of how using OpenVMS shareable libraries reduced development time and effort. The case studies, taken (with permission) from the speaker's case files, are good examples of how shareable libraries, used at the earliest points in the development cycle, can speed development and reduce bugs. This session presumes that attendees have at least a working knowledge of at least one language usable under OpenVMS. LT093 Applications Tuning for OpenVMS Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Have all system tuning tools been used and still found that the OpenVMS system is sluggish? Perhaps OpenVMS is not the problem! Tuning OpenVMS is only part of the answer for poor system performance. Checking applications for inefficiency is also critical to achieving good user responsiveness and low cost. This session presents examples of how application tuning had a significant impact on end-user performance, at no cost for additional hardware. The speaker also looks at several cases where tuning applications resulted in increased performance for all users of the system, whether or not they were using that particular application. LT094 Client/Server Performance Analysis Moses, Bhagyam Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session is designed to help determine how a variety of desktop devices (PCs, workstations, Windows NT desktop systems) perform best in a Client/Server environment. Configuring a client/server environment is quite different from configuring a timesharing environment. As customers migrate to client/server environments, they need to understand some of the issues around properly configuring these systems to avoid bottlenecks. This presentation consists of performance data on six typical application environments. From this data, it is hoped that attendees can make intelligent decisions on configuring client/server systems in their own environments. Also, the typical client/server performance bottlenecks, and how to avoid them, are discussed. LT095 OpenVMS VAX V6.0 Impact on Applications Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center Major releases of the OpenVMS VAX operating system have in the past had major impact on applications. With the release of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 OpenVMS Engineering goes over the changes made to this version of the operating system, of which application programmers specifically need to be aware. OpenVMS Engineering has done extensive work with OpenVMS VAX V6.0 to dramatically reduce the impact to applications normally associated with a major "point zero" release. LT096 Migrating MACRO-32 Code to OpenVMS AXP Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes the issues involved in migrating VAX MACRO source code to OpenVMS AXP systems. This is a highly technical talk. Attendees should be familiar with VAX MACRO code. LT097 Introduction to BLISS Madison, Matthew TGV, Inc. Friday 11:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center BLISS is a systems programming language used extensively within Digital. This session provides an introduction to BLISS language constructs, including data types, expressions, routines, and the extensive macro processing capabilities. The talk is intended for any programmer interested in learning BLISS, either for programming or just for reading VMS source listings. LT098 Using DECdesign to Configure Your CDD/Repository Dictionary Nicholson, Barbara Ross Laboratories, RP2-3 Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides information about how one company used DECdesign to help with the design of their CDD/Repository system. CDD/Repository can be extended to meet the user needs. This session describes how one company used DECdesign to determine the CDD/Repository extensions necessary to meet their needs. LT099 FORTRAN Working Group Meeting Thompson, Marilee Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is the open meeting of the FORTRAN Working Group. Anyone interested in the future development of DEC FORTRAN, in particular implementation of part or all of FORTRAN 90, is welcome. LT100 Moving from C to C++ Williams, John Space Telescope Science Inst. Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Moving from a procedural language such as C to an object-oriented language such as C++ is not as simple as learning a new syntax. C++ is more than just a better C. The concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and abstraction provide developers with a new set of tools and a new way to look at problems. C++ gives developers the capability to develop complex systems that would be difficult or impossible to create with conventional procedural languages. Along with these new concepts must come new ways of analyzing and designing systems. Conventional Structured Analysis and Structured Design techniques are inadequate for capturing object-oriented concepts. Designing systems which make good use of the benefits of an object-oriented language requires a new methodology. This session highlights both language and development issues that arise from moving to an object-oriented language. LT101 Why C++ Is Not Enough Williams, John Space Telescope Science Inst. Thursday 1:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The first question people new to object-oriented technology usually ask is "What language do I use?" They often settle on C++. It is true that C++ is rich in features and power. Unfortunately, that is not enough for a developer to be successful in using it to create software. While C++ may have classes, how does one know that the classes created are any good? How does one know if the interfaces defined for those classes are both robust and adequate? Will the system created accommodate the changes that are bound to occur in maintenance or will it fall apart? These are very important questions, but outside the scope of any particular language. This session shows how to answer these questions and helps attendees to understand why picking a language such as C++ is not enough. LT103 C Language Users Working Group Meeting Kerby-Rodgers, Lisa ESL Wednesday12:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This session hosts the C language users group meeting. Anyone interested in the C language products from Digital (or another vendor) should attend. Attendees are encouraged to come to this working group meeting to share concerns with others. LT104 L&T Working Group Chairs Meeting Kerby-Rodgers, Lisa ESL Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is an open meeting of: o all Languages and Tools (L&T) SIG Working Group Chairs o the Working Group Coordinator o the SIG's Digital counterparts o the SIG Chair. Others are welcome. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the activities of the working groups from a SIG perspective. Any questions about: o working group activities o coordination of the group with other aspects of the SIG o with Digital are acceptable as topics for discussion. It is imperative that all attending L&T Working Group Chairs, or their substitutes, attend this meeting. However, any DECUS attendee interested in L&T working groups is invited to participate. LT105 DIBOL Working Group Meeting Kerby-Rodgers, Lisa ESL Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is the meeting of the DIBOL working group. Those interested in the future of DIBOL on Digital platforms should plan to attend. This group provides you with direct access to the Digital CMP (DISC) who is responsible for the continuation of DIBOL for OpenVMS, AXP and beyond. LT106 Object-Oriented Methods Using C++ Working Group Meeting Rosenberg, Saul Riverside Research Institute Thursday 2:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center Object-oriented methods and tools are gaining rapid acceptance as an excellent way to improve productivity, reduce maintenance, and develop quality code. This meeting provides the opportunity to: o learn more about object-oriented methods and tools o solve problems concerning object-oriented methods and tools o meet others who share similar interests. This group puts emphasis on the use of C++, but other users of other languages for object-oriented applications are encouraged to attend. LT107 How to Tackle the Challenges of Open Interfaces Sprinzen, Marty Forte Software Inc. Scheffer, Rich Forte Software Inc. Friday 4:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Distributed or client/server applications can be a powerful mechanism for integrating data and services throughout the corporate enterprise. To play that role, however, they must provide true portability and open interfaces that let them communicate and interoperate with other software systems. The presenter speaks on the three key dimensions to this challenge and its approach to simplifying the problems associated with these dimensions. The three dimensions are: o support for standards o integration with multiple data input devices, such as bar code scanners, realtime data feeds, machine tool controllers, etc. o integration with legacy systems. LT108 Code Portability Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Friday 12:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the issues relating to code portability in both hardware and software. In the software environment, the use of POSIX and OSF/1 is a major concern today. Additionally, with the release of the AXP, even the purest of OpenVMS shops is faced with running applications on two different architectural platforms. This session reviews the issues involved in portability, and through the use of examples, shows attendees what issues must be reviewed to ensure applications portability. LT109 Testing in a Multivendor Environment Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session is designed to show a set of tools that are used to do testing in a multivendor environment. This environment includes PCs, Sun, HP, Mac and DEC hardware. The tools involved in this environment are: o CTS/TDS o DEC/Test Manager (DTM) o APEX o VAXrte o Virtual user for windows (PC and MAC). LT110 DECathena Client/Server Applications Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Distributed client/server applications need a mechanism to authenticate the user of a client application to a server. They also need a mechanism for the client to find the server and a mechanism for delivery of messages to users of the service. This session discusses ways of adding security, naming and messaging to a client/server application using the DECathena development environment. The session describes how the DECathena On-Line-Consulting application uses this environment. LT111 Developing Distributed Applications with OSF DCE Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The technologies provided in the OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) are powerful tools for constructing distributed applications. They combine the familiar model of programming using procedure calls and the ability to transparently call procedures that are located on another system in the network, regardless of the operating system or underlying network protocol. This session focuses on the development of a distributed application on DCE. It includes a discussion of the Network Interface Definition Language (NIDL) compiler, used to define remote interfaces, runtime services and describes implementation of a simple client and server program. LT115 Porting from OpenVMS to Windows NT: Choosing the Right System Service Blauch, Vicki Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The WIN32 API, Application Programming Interface, may appear surprisingly familiar to the programmer moving software from OpenVMS to Windows NT. This session examines the similarities and differences between OpenVMS system services and those available under Windows NT. In cases where no direct parallel exists, possible workarounds are suggested. Topics include: o I/O o memory management o process control o interprocess communication o exceptions. LT116 Porting from UNIX to Windows NT: Choosing the Right System Service Gladden, Tony Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center The WIN32 API, Application Programming Interface, offers a bewildering array of choices to the programmer moving software from a UNIX environment to Windows NT. This session presents a brief overview of correspondences between UNIX system services and those available under WIN32. Where no direct parallel exists, possible workarounds are given. Topics include: o file I/O o memory management o process control o interprocess communication o signals. LT118 Testing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Test Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT119 Visual C Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Monday 10:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT120 Introduction to Visual Basic Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Monday 11:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT121 Programming in Visual Basic Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Monday 12:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT122 Rapid Development of Windows-Based Applications using C/C++ Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Monday 3:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT123 Programming in C++ Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Monday 4:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft abstract is not available at this time LT124 Migrating to C++ and Windows NT Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Monday 5:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT125 VEST Hints and Kinks: How the Pros Use DECmigrate Development, DECmigrate Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP, also known by its DCL command verb VEST, the VAX Executable Software Translator, is an invaluable tool for moving large numbers of programs from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS AXP quickly, and it usually does so without problems. This presentation answers the question: What does one do when it appears that VEST failed? LT126 Managing Large Projects with DECset Tools Cameron, David Working Set Incorporated Thursday 4:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center DEC SQL is a project within Digital's Database Management Systems group that relies heavily on the DECset tools LSE, CMS, MMS, DEC/Test Manager (DTM) and SCA. It is with these tools that DEC SQL has proven they can simultaneously develop and support eight concurrent versions of the product. Find out how this project is organized, how it uses these tools and what additional tools were written to support the environment. LT127 Putting Client/Server to Work for You Klooster, Tim Dynamic Information Systems Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center Suppose a DEC VAX connected via a terminal emulation package to PC's and users express a strong interest in a graphical environment in their applications. Or suppose users need to represent mainframe data on a PC and are tired of loading the data by hand into a PC package. The answer for these situations may be client/server applications. When one wants to try a simple client/server application by developing it internally, one certainly does not want to make an extravagant investment in new hardware and software. It is desirable to use the tools in the existing environment to give users what they have been asking for: graphical, instant access to mainframe data. This speaker presents the client/server model in three modules: o client or graphical user interface (GUI) o server o application program interface (API). The communications link discussed is Process to Process Linkage (PPL) from Walker, Richer, and Quinn. Examples include source code in C and Visual Basic. LT128 Client/Server Applications Spencer, Ken Computer Technologies Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center This session is designed to provide an overview of client/server applications and available technologies. This reviews include tools for building client/server applications: o Paradox Link o DEC Query o ACMS and PATHWORKS ACMS tools o programming tools o client/server applications using RMS files. The discussion also covers feasible applications and how to build new life into existing OpenVMS applications. LT129 Microsoft Windows Programming and PATHWORKS Fisher, Keevin Jet Propulsion Laboratory Thursday 12:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents concepts in programming in Microsoft Windows and PATHWORKS for DOS. A sample application, NCP, shows how to integrate Windows and DECnet programming for DOS. This includes pull-down menus, dialog boxes, input methods, message processing, and display techniques. Microsoft Windows programming should not be difficult for the programmer, but requires a different style of thinking than standard "batch" style of programming. There are various tools that the Microsoft Software Developer's Kit provide which can aid in the development of an application. LT130 Accessing NAS from Windows: Windows Open Services Architecture Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time LT131 Using Dynamic Data Exchange to Integrate Host and Windows Applications Jasmann, Susan Walker Richer & Quinn Inc Thursday 1:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session outlines the basics of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) including DDE concepts, protocol, and methodologies. It also discusses the process by which applications developers and end users can utilize their DDE-compliant terminal emulator to implement DDE links between their host and Windows-based applications. LT133 Source Control with SCCS Lickers, Deanne Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center SCCS (Source Code control System) is one of the many programming tools available on UNIX systems. The SCCS utility provides a means for you to record all changes made to code, control editing of source files, create delta versions and retrieve "old" versions of source files. This session will tell you how to initially set up for SCCS, add SCCS keywords to your text files, and get and edit files as well as how to create a new delta version. LT134 Microsoft Development Tools Strategy Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Thursday 2:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not ready at this time. LT135 Distributed Processing Using Client/Server Technology Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp Thursday 3:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not ready at this time. LT136 Windows & PATHWORKS - Visual Basic and Winbatch Spencer, Ken Computer Technologies Thursday 9:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers a detailed review of Visual Basic and Winbatch functions. The functions covered are useful in a PATHWORKS environment. Details of how to use the functions, sample applications, and language restrictions are covered. Sample programs are available in the campground on diskette. LU001 Motivating Volunteers MacPherson, John Hughes Aircraft Co. Friday 3:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center Today it is more necessary than ever to work with motivated people in order to get things done. This session is about volunteers, how to motivate them, and why they are motivated. The session highlights past success stories. A Q&A problem-solving panel follows the presentation. The panelists are experienced DECUS NLC/NLO leadership. LU002 Newsletter Editing and Production Goldsmith, Karen AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This Session focuses on newsletter development and publishing, with emphasis on LUG Newsletters. Newsletter formats, content, suggestions for columns, problem solving, ideas for articles, tips and "how-to's" are all discussed. Current editors, potential editors, LUG Chairs, and people who have an interest in newsletters and the publication process are invited to participate. LU003 Planting, Cultivating, and Growing a Successful Steering Committee Wortman, Bret VSMC Monday 3:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This session examines the various stages in the "life" of a Local User Group Steering Committee, from its humble beginnings as a group of people drafted to serve through their bonding together into a unit. The session discusses encouraging strategies within the framework of a volunteer organization, and the methods for developing bonding and fostering the committee's success. LU004 ROI to Your Boss from DECUS Streeper, Robert Cedar Rapids Gazette, Inc. Monday 4:00 PM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center This session tells you how to identify Return On Investment (ROI) to you and to your company for time spent at the DECUS Symposium, Seminars, Local Users Groups, Local Events, DECUServe, and The DECUS Tradeshow. The session covers the planning for Symposium, saving money on the trip, and identifying and reporting what you have learned, with emphasis on the savings to your company because of what you have learned. Benefits you can gain by attending local events throughout the year also receive the attention of the speaker. LU006 What Can SIGs Do for LUGs and Vice Versa Kane, Tracy Environmental Systems Corp. Thursday 8:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center What are SIGs? What do the funny letters on the front of session numbers mean? Why do I care? This session discusses what Special Interest Groups are, what they do, and what kinds of services they have to offer LUGs and DECUS members in general. The speaker also discusses how your LUG can become more involved with, and reap the benefits of, national DECUS. MU001 DSM Product Update Grochowski, Catharin Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:30 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the current status of Digital's products in the M environment. Current products are addressed as well as general strategic directions within the marketplace. MU002 What Happens After You Call the Support Line? Grochowski, Catharine Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses how support works for one particular set of products, the issues, the methods, who gets called when, and how the customer's problem gets fixed. This talk is based upon specific experiences, from someone who has worked in various roles at Digital. MU003 MUMPS and the External World White, Russell Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses various interfaces between MUMPS and the external world. This includes both current implementations and development work within various standards efforts. Familiarity with both MUMPS and one or more others languages is helpful, although not an absolute requirement. Familiarity with data conversion issues, common language data representation, and calling standards is a plus. MU004 Standard and Portable Window Interfaces for MUMPS White, Russell Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses various interfaces between MUMPS and various standard windowing environments. It includes the standard binding between MUMPS and the X/Motif environment. Also highlighted is the new portable windowing Application Programming Interface (API) being developed by X11. This API allows applications to be written that work on multiple windowing platforms. A similar effort has been underway within IEEE P1201.1. The X11 API has been publicly demonstrated using both Microsoft and X windowing environments. Knowledge of at least one windowing system at a user level would be helpful, but is not absolutely necessary. MU005 DSM Wishlist Session White, Russel DSM Product Group Thursday 9:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides MUMPS users the opportunity to give feedback regarding the DSM products, whether current products meet their needs, and to provide input as to future directions of the various DSM products. MU006 Selected Topics Useful for Managing Systems Using DSM for OpenVMS Melnick, Jerry Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides users with some highlights of the things that can be used to optimize their systems' performance. While some of the techniques and methods are common to all products, some are specific to systems with an M environment, and others even more specific to DSM. MU007 Window Interfaces for MUMPS Clinic White, Russell Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session allows participants to use various interfaces between MUMPS and various windowing environments. It includes the standard binding between MUMPS and the X/Motif environment. Also highlighted is the new portable windowing Application Programming Interface (API) being developed by X11. This API allows applications to be written that work on multiple windowing platforms. A similar effort has been underway within IEEE P1201.1. The X11 API has been publicly demonstrated using both Microsoft and X windowing environments. Knowledge of at least one windowing system at a user level is needed. MU008 External Interfaces for MUMPS Clinic White, Russell Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session allows participants to use various interfaces between MUMPS and various external environments. Knowledge of MUMPS and at least one other programming language is necessary. A limited number of external languages are provided for use. MU009 DSM Networking Update Melnick, Jerry Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents information regarding Digital's work in the networked M environment. MU010 MUMPS SIG Roadmap English, Jim Applied Digi-Systems Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center The MUMPS SIG Roadmap helps the attendee identify the times and locations of the sessions related to MUMPS, as well as other features of interest. This symposium offers an opportunity for the novice or advanced programmer to discover MUMPS. It also provides the system manager and business manager with inside information regarding the different MUMPS products that operate on Digital computer equipment, including VAX, PDP-11, and personal computer systems. MU011 ANSI X-11 Standards Wishlist White, Russel DSM Product Group Thursday 8:30 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Three times a year, the MUMPS Development Committee (MDC) meets to discuss and recommend new ideas for consideration by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). DECUS is represented on the MDC as an active member. DECUS membership is equal to that of Digital and others implementing the MUMPS language. This provides a powerful vehicle for the DECUS membership and is especially useful for DECUS members who do not participate directly with the MDC. At this session, DECUS formulates its requirements for the MDC. Users are encouraged to bring their ideas to this session for inclusion into recommendations for the MDC. MU013 The VA Approach to MUMPS and Windows McIntosh, Ed VA Medical Center, Atlanta Wednesday11:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the VA approach to integrating Windows and workstations with VA FileMan. It also covers the MUMPS/Windows API, Application Programming Interface. MU014 "M" Stands for Miracles: MUMPS in the Travel Industry Ackerman, Thomas M Systems Plus Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the saga of a system conversion effort that involved all aspects of software & hardware design, foreign database conversion, installation, and training for a multiuser travel system. It was all done in less than three weeks through dedication, teamwork, and MUMPS. MU017 ANSI X-11 Standards Committee Report White, Russell DSM Product Group Thursday 8:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Three times a year, the MUMPS Development Committee (MDC) meets to discuss and recommend new ideas for consideration by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The ANSI committee periodically publishes the standard that each vendor implements. This session provides an update on the proposals being considered by the committee and reviews the changes that have been approved in the new standard. MU018 MUMPS SIG Wrapup Hyde, Mark Advanced Computing Services Thursday 10:30 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The MUMPS SIG invites you to participate in an open SIG business meeting. There are many ways the SIG can serve you. Your help is needed in establishing how the SIG can be most effective. As a volunteer organization, the MUMPS SIG can certainly use your help. The symposium is only one of the projects in which the SIG is currently involved. Ideas for the next symposium are being solicited. Members of the MUMPS SIG Steering Committee are present to describe their functions and to ask for your ideas on how to improve the SIG. If you would like to take an active part in the process that shapes the MUMPS SIG, please come to this session and volunteer your ideas and your time. MU021 Introduction to VA FileMan Brutsch, Michael Veterans Administration Med Ct Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the basic aspects of creating and indexing files in VA FileMan, with special emphasis on internal global structure. Topics include: o file creation/global structure: how to create a file and define fields, and the internal layout of the global o cross-references: how to index files, and use them for lookups o template creation: overview of creating templates o FileMan date/time (as opposed to $H). MU022 VA FileMan Programming - Introduction Brutsch, Michael VA Medical Center Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers basic calls to FileMan from MUMPS, useful programming techniques, and advanced global structure. Topics include: o environment preparation (DT^DICRW) o date/time conversion (^%DTC) o file lookups (^DIC) o file editing (^DIE) o report generation (^DIP) o other miscellaneous calls. MU026 MUMPS Database Design Clinic Hyde, Mark Advanced Computing Services Thursday 3:00 PM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center The MUMPS language includes an extremely powerful hierarchical database system. Some highlights of the standard (i.e., portable) MUMPS database include: o ASCII keys up to 31 characters in length o over 32 levels deep o variable length records o fields can change size or be added without conversion o automatic compression of deleted records o support of databases over ten gigabytes in size o write-behind cache. This hands-on session introduces some techniques for designing a database in MUMPS and points out some pitfalls and traps to avoid. Some familiarity with the MUMPS database is assumed. See the session, "Introductory MUMPS Programming." MU027 Introductory MUMPS Programming Murphy, John Hahnemann University Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center MUMPS is a simple yet powerful language. It allows for rapid prototyping and fulfills extensive database needs. MUMPS is widely used for shipping, inventory, banking, and medical applications where volumes of data need to be accessed quickly. Programs written in MUMPS can be easily ported to OpenVMS, DOS, UNIX, and dozens of other operating systems. This session introduces the commands and functions available in the MUMPS language. See also the "Introductory MUMPS Programming Clinic" session being held in the campground. MU028 Introductory MUMPS Programming Clinic Murphy, John Hahnemann University Wednesday11:00 AM Campground 1 Georgia World Congress Center MUMPS programming is easy! This clinic provides an excellent opportunity to apply what you learn during the Introductory MUMPS Programming session. This hands-on session allows attendees to write and run sample MUMPS routines. Members of the MUMPS SIG are present to answer questions and work with you as you learn the basic concepts of the language. See also the session on "Introductory MUMPS Programming." MU030 MUMPS and Magic, is there a difference? Hyde, Mark Advanced Computing Services Tuesday 10:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center Many people consider the performance, efficiency, and simplicity of MUMPS to be almost magical. Come to this session and share in the magic. MUMPS veterans present hints, kinks, and war stories. Audience participation is encouraged and welcomed. MU033 Open M/SQL Development Environment Gallant, Joseph InterSystems Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center The overall development environment provided by InterSystems Open M/SQL is reviewed. Open M/SQL layers an SQL interface and a 4GL-like development environment on top of a MUMPS database engine. The result is a flexible development system with the speed and efficiency of MUMPS. Topics include: o a general review of the components included in the Open M/SQL tool set o real-life examples of using the tools o specific benefits of using SQL in a MUMPS environment o using embedded SQL in the MUMPS environment. MU034 Tuning Open M/SQL on the VAX Hegde, Prabhakar InterSystems Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses issues associated with tuning InterSystems Open M/SQL on the VAX platform. Topics include: o MUMPS - global and routine buffers - priority management o OpenVMS - shared memory - paging - process quotas o Other - application specific requirements - network issues - disk reorganization. MU035 Developing Custom Reports with Open M/SQL Gallant, Joseph InterSystems Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses creating and customizing reports in InterSystems Open M/SQL. Creating reports requires using the M/PACT module for developing custom and ad hoc reports. Topics covered include: o defining global reference o print and file options o background processing using batch queues. MU039 Security and MUMPS Systems: Panel Hyde, Mark Advanced Computing Services Thursday 9:30 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Security of computer data is an area of increasing concern in the industry. The traditional use of MUMPS in medical record applications and the increasing use of MUMPS in financial applications requires implementations that provide adequate mechanisms to ensure the security of data and programs. This session presents: o the Digital Standard MUMPS (DSM) Security architecture o a brief history of security in DSM o the design as implemented in the VAX DSM Version 6.0 security system o an overview of the toolset for ensuring secure operation. Model application environments are provided to demonstrate how these features can be applied to typical MUMPS applications. MU040 MUMPS Systems Management Panel Hyde, Mark Advanced Computing Services Murphy, John Hahnemann University Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This panel provides an insight into the management and setup of a MUMPS data processing system. The discussion highlights watch points and pitfalls of system management. The session is presented in a question-and-answer format. Audience participation is both welcomed and expected. MU044 Open M/SQL Relational Server Gallant, Joseph InterSystems Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation details how non MUMPS tools can access a MUMPS databases using the Open M/SQL Server, and a programming interface that adheres to the ORACLE Call Interface (OCI) Standard. MU046 A New "FOCUS" on DSM Donaghy, Joseph Information Builders Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This introductory session covers the FOCUS interface to Digital Standard MUMPS (DSM). The attendee learns how to build reports and graphs that provide direct access to DSM. Specific coding samples show how to build customized data views that integrate multiple DSM nodes with non MUMPS data sources, including Rdb, RMS, DBMS, INGRES, SYBASE, ORACLE, TERADATA, SHAREBASE, ADABAS, and others. MU047 MUMPS Conversion Experiences, Part II Hanson, Brad Group Health, Incorporated Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes Group Health, Inc.'s conversion of a large (over 65 gigabyte database), live-production database system from InterSystems Standard MUMPS to Digital Standard MUMPS. Part I of this session was presented at the Fall '92 Symposium in Las Vegas. NE001 Networks SIG Keynote: Digital's Network Directions and Strategy Walker, Larry Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Networking in the '90s is using increasingly complex and volatile technologies. This makes network design, implementation, and maintenance more challenging than at any time in history. In order to operate in this environment, organizations must be able to resolve connectivity challenges involving multiple protocols and differing throughput capacities. Solutions must address interoperability amongst differing vendors, while responding to cost-conscious clientele. Larry Walker, Vice President of Digital's Networks Engineering Group discusses Digital's approach to meeting the challenge of today's and tomorrow's networking environment, in this Keynote address to the Networks SIG. NE002 Digital OpenVMS to IBM AS/400 Connectivity Options Kocher, Barbara Joiner Software Incorporated Friday 1:30 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center With organizations choosing application tools rather than platform compliance, coexistence between DEC and IBM midrange systems is common. This session describes the various methods for communication between Digital OpenVMS systems and IBM midrange systems AS/400, System/36, and System/38. Organizational network criteria, and tools to establish network requirements are defined and evaluated. The major third-party connectivity vendors offering solutions are compared by applications and physical link options. IBM-DEC Networks include hardware and/or software solutions. The strengths of each implementation and system impact are discussed. The session provides an overview of DEC-IBM midrange networking evaluation criteria, describes the major options available in the market, gives configuration examples, and addresses the solutions' fit with existing networks such as DECnet, SNADS, or TCP/IP. Vendor solutions listing the applications they support are identified. The applications include: o bidirectional file exchange, including ready-to-use text and binary file transfer, called "object distribution" on the IBM midrange systems o transparent electronic mail among VAXmail, ALL-IN-1, and OfficeVision/400 o network batch job submission o program-to-program, LU6.2 communications o bidirectional terminal emulation. Vendor product updates or new vendor alliances are included. NE004 Network Analysis Hulick, Ted Demax/Software Monday 5:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the issue of network analysis while examining the seven layers of network communications and addressing troubleshooting techniques for each of the seven layers starting with the lower levels. This session also addresses capacity planning and topology design for both Ethernet and Token Ring with mention of FDDI and uses as a high-speed backbone. NE006 Forest Computer's DECnet to SNA PU2.1 Gateway Antonucci, Jim Forest Computer Incorporated Friday 1:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses how Forest Computer's DECnet to SNA PU2.1 gateway provides network services between VAX systems in a DECnet network and IBM AS/400 systems in an SNA PU2.1 network. It provides networking services by acting as a gateway between several different DECnet and SNA PU2.1 based protocols. The product also provides physical connectivity by acting as a bridge between an Ethernet and Token-Ring LAN. Other functions include: o file transfer services o bidirectional terminal access o program-to-program communications. NE007 Meeting the Networking Challenge: Connecting Your PCs, Hosts, and LANs Hulett, Matt Walker Richer & Quinn Thursday 3:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center PCs are migrating from serial connections to the network. The reasons for this are straightforward. The network connection provides for a faster and more reliable data transmission. With a network connection, the wiring expense is minimized. In addition, the costs involved with adding new users are lowered because expensive serial port additions are no longer required. While all of the above are important, the most significant reason for the migration of the PC to the network is the added power and flexibility it gives the PC user. All of these advantages are not without their costs. As more and more corporations move towards heterogeneous computing environments, the PC user is no longer content with connectivity to a single host type. Instead, the user now requires access to minis, mainframes, and workstations as well as local area fileservers. More often than not this equipment is supplied by a variety of vendors. Each of these vendors has traditionally pursued its own network architecture, complete with its own set of proprietary protocols. DECnet, SNA, HP's Network Services, and Novell's IPX/SPX are a few examples of this. The problem the network/system manager faces is how to provide multiprotocol connectivity to the desktop at a reasonable expense with good performance. NE009 Practical Approach to Naming and Addressing OSI Cutler, James EDS Monday 11:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a unified approach to naming, including OSI, DECnet Phase IV, and others. National registration for both names and addresses is covered. A Corporate Registration Authority is described. NE011 Configuring Digital's Ethernet/802.3 LAN Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the rules for configuring Digital's Ethernet/802.3 LAN. There are several budgets that must be adhered to in order for an Ethernet LAN to work properly. The relationship of these budgets to the Ethernet configuration rules is explained. The session covers the following topics: o lists the limitations of media segment length and number of nodes o discusses the use of DELNIs and DEChubs o lists the configurations in which "heartbeat" is, and is not, required in transceivers o explains the rules for the use of repeaters to create a multisegment Ethernet. NE012 802.3 LANs: System Considerations for Building Multisegment Networks Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center A Draft Supplement to IEEE Standard 802.3, approved in March 1992, set forth new guidelines on configuring multisegment LANs. As the need for expanding LANs has grown, and as newer technologies have emerged (e.g., 10BaseT), it was necessary to update the rules articulated in the base 802.3 Standard (1985). Some network managers are still working with the "old rules." The purpose of this presentation is to present the two Transmission System models and how one can use these rules to configure networks. The first model has a simple set of rules. The second model is a set of calculation rules that allow for extension of network configurations. The presentation covers: o overview of the transmission system model as it relates to configuration guidelines o reasons for change (10BaseT, 10BaseF) o how to use 802.3 guidelines to configure multisegment networks o Transmission Model 1 o Transmission Model 2 and calculation examples. NE013 GIGAswitch: Description and Application Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center GIGAswitch, a datalink-independent crossbar switch, provides 3.6 gigabits/second aggregate bandwidth. This high-bandwidth, low-latency interconnect for network backbones, workgroups, and cluster systems supports FDDI, with ATM under development. The design, function, and performance of GIGAswitch are explored in this session. GIGAswitch's features, benefits, and applications are discussed. The technical aspects of configuring a GIGAswitch-based environment are also reviewed. NE015 LAN Evolution: High Bandwidth Networking Directions Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:30 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session explores the ongoing evolution in high performance networking. The implications of these changes affect today's decisions and tomorrow's networks. Specific topics include: o switched mesh-topology networks o ATM and FDDI LAN technologies o switching hubs o coexistence of shared and switched bandwidth on a single LAN. NE016 Managing Test Data from a Management Information Base Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses a system used for structuring and managing the information base generated by the ONEhub Management Information Base (MIB) testing process. The system is modeled after the scheme adopted for the management of information bases in the Internet-standard Network Management Framework. The session describes various aspects of the system and various tools associated with the system. NE017 802.3 LANs: Proposals to IEEE 802 on Higher-Speed Networks Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center Several proposals for higher-speed networks were presented to the IEEE 802 committee at the November 1992 plenary meeting. Sufficient interest was generated by these proposals to warrant the formation of a study group that will meet independently in January 1993 and at the plenary meeting in March 1993. This presentation covers: o an overview of the standards process in IEEE 802.3 o a description of the different proposals o a summary of the current status of these proposals. NE018 802.3 LANs: Configuring and Managing the Network with Intelligent Hubs Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Network system managers are often caught between their installed base, their users, and their managers. This presentation shows ways that many networking problems can be solved using the flexibility inherent in intelligent hubs. The presentation also shows how hubs can be used to make networks more robust through configuration and management. Topics covered in this session include: o network topology constraints o installation considerations and regulatory issues o media types and limits (speeds and distances) o networking protocols o network topology o traffic considerations o management and security considerations and features o repeating, bridging, and routing o hub architectures o backplane bandwidth allocation o port allocation. NE023 Introduction to ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session describes Digital's Open Networking solutions as provided by a variety of ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS products and services. It details the features and capabilities of: o DECnet/OSI o TCP/IP o X.25 o Applications o Programming Interfaces o Network Management o Routers o Naming. Coexistence between DECnet/OSI and TCP/IP, and future features under consideration are also highlighted. NE024 OSI User's Guide: Planning Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the planning requirements for the DECnet Phase IV to DECnet/OSI transition. Guidelines and considerations for the use of of DECnet and OSI across the network are discussed. Planning for the use of the Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) and the Local Naming Option (LNO) is also examined. In addition, actual network scenarios are explored. NE025 OSI User's Guide: Technology Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes various DECnet and OSI technologies, such as OSI and Application Addressing, Routing, and Network Management. It provides an overview of the DECnet/OSI network management products for OpenVMS, ULTRIX, and DEC OSF/1 AXP. It then describes how these network management products interact with the rest of the network software. Specific components discussed include the command line interface for the Network Control Language (NCL), the event logging facility, and the maintenance operations module. NE026 OSI User's Guide: DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the new features of Digital's DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS product. It describes important product features, such as specific internal components, data structures, and programming interfaces. Detailed diagrams and practical examples are also provided. NE027 OSI User's Guide: DECnet/OSI for ULTRIX and DEC OSF/1 AXP Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the features of Digital's DECnet/OSI products on the ULTRIX and DEC OSF/1 AXP platforms. In addition to a discussion of the internal components and programming interfaces, this session describes important new or updated product functionality, such as: o Additional transport classes o Integration of X.25 o RFC-1006 support o OSI ping. Practical examples describing useful commands are also provided. NE029 Why Are All These Acronyms in the Network Layer? CLNP, IP, X.25, ES-IS, ARP, IDRP, RIP, BGP, EGP, IS-IS Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center The Network Layer in Connectionless OSI and in IP are similar in many ways, and different in interesting ways. This session explains the various components of the Network Layer and gives an overview and functional comparison of the various standards involved in IP and OSI. First it compares connection-oriented (X.25) to connectionless networking (CLNP, IP). It describes the addressing in CLNP and IP. It compares ES-IS and ARP, which are the endnode/router handshaking protocols. Finally, it gives an overview of all the various routing protocols: the interdomain routing protocols (EGP, BGP, and IDRP) and the intradomain routing protocols (RIP, IS-IS and ES-IS). NE030 Bridges vs. Routers: What Distinguishes Them? Is Either Better? Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:30 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session attempts to make sense of the bridge/router terminology. There are many types of bridges: source routing, transparent, SRT, SR-TB. There are many types of routers -- one for each type of Network Layer (IP, CLNP, AppleTalk, IPX, etc.) -- and often there are choices of routing protocol (for IP there are RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, and IGRP). Given that there is no single type of thing that is a bridge and no single type of thing that is a router, and given that they basically do the same thing (glue the network together), is there a sensible distinction between the two? If there is, how do brouters, multiprotocol routers, and tunnels fit in? NE031 IS-IS Routing: Protocols and Algorithms Used in IS-IS and Multiprotocol IS-IS Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the IS-IS routing protocol. It describes: o what the routing information looks like o how it is propagated o how it handles hierarchical addressing o how routes are calculated. It also discusses how IS-IS can be used to simultaneously route multiple protocols, either in "native mode," or using encapsulation. NE032 Connectionless OSI over SMDS and Other Nonbroadcast, Multiaccess Media Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the recently standardized mechanisms for the connectionless OSI network layer (DECnet Phase V) to operate over SMDS and similar media. One issue involves making data packets self-describing so that a node on SMDS can determine whether it is receiving, say, a CLNP packet versus an IP packet. More technically interesting issues involve: o assigning addresses in a way that minimizes configuration and routing traffic o providing for minimal functionality routers that connect small private nets to the SMDS backbone o autoconfiguration in a way that is convenient to configure, uses a minimum of routing traffic, and is reasonably secure. NE033 The Spanning Tree Algorithm for Bridges: What Is It? Why Do We Need It? How Does It Work? Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the spanning tree algorithm developed for DEC bridges and standardized by IEEE Standard 802.1d. It explains the basic idea behind transparent bridges, and why the spanning tree algorithm was needed. The session also describes how the algorithm works, and what the various configurable parameters do. NE034 OSI User's Guide: OSI Applications Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of OSI applications, followed by a technical presentation of a newly implemented OSI application and functional enhancements to existing OSI applications on OpenVMS, ULTRIX, and future platforms. The applications discussed are: o OSI TP: Transaction Processing (new) o FTAM: File Transfer Access and Management (update) o VT: Virtual Terminal (update). The APIs, Application Programming Interfaces to the OSI upper-layer stack, are also discussed. This session covers product usage in a multivendor enterprise networking environment, functionality details per platform, application portability, programming interface, exchange with TCP/IP and SNA networks, some of the product internals, and management. An in-depth presentation of OSI TP implementation concepts is presented. Digital's conformance and interoperability testing procedures are also discussed. NE035 Digital's Distributed Computing Strategy for the '90s Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This panel discussion brings together several of the Digital Distributed Computing technology groups. The purpose of the discussion is to present the Digital Distributed Computing Strategy as it relates to these technologies, and how the technologies are related. The Distributed Computing Environment, DECmessageQ, DECathena, ACA Services, and others are represented. NE036 A Real Case Study on the Use of DCE Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center The IM&T organization is Digital's infrastructure organization. They have decided to "modernize" Digital's MIS architecture based on the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). The session presents a case study on the use of DCE as a foundation for an infrastructure architecture and the reasons for using DCE. NE037 Digital's Distributed Computing Environment: Product Update Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Digital's DCE products are based on the Open Software Foundation's DCE. The DCE is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for distributed computing in the industry. This session presents an overview of Digital's DCE products. It discusses the current products, the state of the competition, use by applications and ISVs, and future considerations. NE038 Distributed Directory Services: Integration Schemes Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center An integrated directory service provides a corporation with an invaluable information store, and makes truly distributed applications possible. Most organizations already have the information that they would keep in an integrated directory, but in several separate data stores, such as DECnet's DECdns, Message Router's DDS, PC directory services, corporate databases based on standard database technologies, and others. The cost of maintaining and synchronizing these data stores has proved a major obstacle in introducing distributed applications. X.500 defines a standard for a worldwide distributed directory, but this does not mean that your existing data stores have to be replaced overnight. Start planning now, and you can control the speed at which your directory service evolves. A distributed directory service with X.500 at the core provides a framework for linking your existing data stores, synchronizing the data, safeguarding valuable information, and making information accessible throughout the organization and beyond. NE039 Introduction to the CCITT X.500 Directory Service Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to the CCITT X.500/ISO 9594 directory standard including the X.500 service and data models, as well as the operations that may be performed on the directory information. The session also covers planning for X.500, which includes: o planning the namespace o configuration the directory o management of the directory. NE040 NAS Distributed Communications Infrastructure Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Macko, Glen Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:45 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Digital is tightly integrating its NAS Communications components of Application Control Architecture (ACA) Services, OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), and DECmessageQ. This session details the strategy of these combined capabilities. NE041 Using Message Queuing to Downsize Your Mainframe Applications Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Macko, Glen Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center Cost reduction and faster response times are the main reasons that many corporations are taking significant steps to downsize their applications from mainframe computers to PCs and to workgroup servers. This session gives practical recommendations and guidelines for using message queuing technology to migrate applications from mainframes and to integrate with mainframes to offload computing. This presentation includes a variety of case study examples in which DECmessageQ has been used to integrate with IBM MVS programs running CICS or IMS. The session describes new DECmessageQ tools for integrating AS/400s and MVS with PCs, UNIX, and OpenVMS. Status updates of IBM's message queuing plans for MQI are also described. NE043 Product Update: DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the new features of Digital's TCP/IP for OpenVMS. Each functional component and application within the product -- such as SMTP mail, the NFS server, TELNET, and the SNMP agent -- is reviewed, and new features of the latest release are described in detail. NE044 Management and Tuning of DEC TCP/IP for OpenVMS Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:30 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides tips and strategies for managing and tuning the major components of Digital's TCP/IP for OpenVMS. This session covers commands, interpretation of data, initialization, and configuration of the following components: o runtime components, including programming interfaces and management o TCP/IP applications, including SMTP o the NFS server. NE045 Simple Network Management Protocol: Concepts & Implementation Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of the Simple Network Management Protocol, including recently proposed updates to the emerging network management standard. Topics include a discussion of: o the overall SNMP architecture o the SNMP protocol o the Structure of Management Information (SMI) o the Management Information Base (MIB) o network management security. NE047 System Integration Testing Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session gives you an overview of the NSTG system integration testing. It is designed to give you insight into the setup and management of a large-scale networked environment. This session shows examples of how to deploy applications in this type of environment. NE048 DECnet/OSI Management Tools and Techniques Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:45 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses DECnet/OSI management tools. The session focuses on user-level components that facilitate network management, including transition tools, configuration utilities, and problem-solving aids. Topics covered include: o Network Control Language (NCL) syntax and usage o tools for transitioning a network from Phase IV to Phase V o utilities that simplify network configuration and management o tools and techniques used to diagnose problems in a DECnet/OSI network. The tools discussed are supported on both OpenVMS and ULTRIX platforms. Examples are provided for OpenVMS. NE050 DECathena Introduction and Product Description Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center DECathena Services Software form a network-based computing environment that makes the management of a large distributed multivendor workstation environment practical and secure. Based on MIT's project Athena technology, DECathena provides: o centralized management of decentralized servers and workstations o centralized security tools for authentication of user and service requests o location independent computing for both users and applications o workstation structure that scales to thousands of nodes o consistent user-interfaces in a multivendor environment o failover capabilities for critical networked services o dataless workstation networked client/server model. NE051 Porting to Multivendor UNIX Platforms in a DECathena Environment Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center As software vendors port their applications to open systems, the cost of retraining engineers and loss of programmer productivity increases. Programmers must have accounts on different machines and need to learn a new environment for each platform. This session explains how DECathena manages a multivendor environment, helping programmers to become more productive. It also explains how DECathena engineers use the DECathena environment to develop multivendor applications. NE053 DECathena: Your Distributed Computing Vehicle to DCE Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center DECathena today offers a working distributed environment with the capability to gradually incorporate DCE services as they mature. DECathena, an easy-to-install, robust, distributed environment, is rich with client/server applications. With DECathena's training, documentation, and support, one can become conversant in most of the same types of services found in DCE. And as these DCE services become available, they will be adopted by DECathena in most cases transparently to a user. This means that DECathena protects one's existing technical investments: o "Kerberized" NFS and AFS filesystems will still be servable and attachable without having to immediately convert everything over to DFS o Additionally, programs written using Kerberos V4 and Hesiod (naming service) Application Programmin Interface (APIs) will still work (requiring at most a recompile/relink). NE057 DECNIS Multiprotocol Router: Hardware Architecture and New Software Features Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the DECNIS multiprotocol router hardware architecture and how this architecture has been optimized for high performance routing and bridging. Software features are also discussed, including FDDI, Integrated IS-IS routing, and new features such as enhanced IP routing and SNMP network management. The session also provides an indication of DECNIS direction regarding high-speed network services. NE058 IBM Interconnect Product Set: Product and Function Summary Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session highlights changes and enhancements to the IBM Interconnect product set, especially information on recently announced products. It also provides information on the hardware and software aspects of the gateways, with an emphasis on configuration and topology, features, and general architecture. Gateway and Access Routine features are compared and contrasted in order to enable attendees to make informed decisions as to which products are appropriate to their specific environments. Product covered include: o the DEC SNA Domain Gateway o DECnet/SNA Gateway-CT/ST o VMS/SNA o the various Access Routines (including those built by other groups, e.g., VIDA, DEC VTX, FLASH) o third-party products such as the DCA and Joiner products. NE059 Technical Overview of Digital's New DEC SNA Domain Gateway-CT Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the features and functions of Digital's DEC SNA Domain Gateway-CT and DEC SNA 3270 Application Services products. It explains the features supported by these product and how to use these features. The session also goes into how the Gateway is configured into both the SNA and DECnet/OSI networks and gives an overview of how it is managed. The session also describes mechanisms to enable 3270 terminals and SNA networked PCs to access OpenVMS based applications using Digital supplied products. Information on utilizing the DEC SNA 3270 Application Services Product to solve typical business problems is featured. Issues that arise due to the inherent differences between block mode 3270 terminals and character mode VT terminals are also discussed. NE062 Wireless Networking in the '90s Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the changes in networking that have taken place over the past 20 years and how wireless networking is a natural extension of those past trends. Discussion includes descriptions of mobile/wireless technologies and products, and integrated wireless-based solutions. NE063 Planning Your Wireless Local Area Network Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the steps required to plan and install a wireless local area network. Digital's WaveLAN product is used as an example. NE065 Introduction to IEEE 802.5/Token Ring Technology Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Mitton, David Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a detailed technical discussion of the operation of the 802.5 Token Ring LAN technology. It covers how token passing works, wiring basics, packet formats, station functions, and error recovery. Source routing bridging operation and discovery is explained. NE066 Token Ring Network Interconnection Issues Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Mitton, David Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 3:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the network issues that arise when attempting to integrate 802.5/Token Ring with other LANs, such as Ethernet or FDDI. Problems arise depending on the protocols and implementations that affect the deployment of bridges or routers. Some of the problems include: o MAC address bit order o functional address to multicast mapping o source routing interoperability o frame format mapping o packet size problems. The impact on the following protocols is discussed: TCP/IP, Novell NetWare, AppleTalk, ISO IS-IS, and DECnet. NE067 Digital's DECnet Token Ring Support Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Mitton, David Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 4:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes Digital's new support for Token Ring LANs. It starts with a description of how the DECnet Architectures have been augmented to support the unique features of the industry standard 802.5 LAN implementations. This includes discussions of Source Routing and the new Phase IV-Prime Routing feature. Additionally, it overviews the most important of Digital's new Token Ring products. These include: o wiring components o concentrators o adapters o bridges o routers o software systems o network management. Protocols supported include DECnet, TCP/IP, and NetWare coexistence. The technical capabilities and limitations of adding these products to your enterprise network is also discussed. NE069 Configuring Modem and Printer Pools on DECservers Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Modem and printer services are a common application for DECservers. In this session, modem and printer configurations are described. DECservers support a variety of different modem control signals. This session discusses the modem control support and DECserver hardware required for various levels of security and functionality. Software configuration of the LAT and/or Telnet service is also discussed. NE070 DECservers as Multiprotocol Network Access Servers Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday10:45 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Today's terminal servers are often referred to as "access servers" because they provide end-node connectivity either locally or over dialup lines. In this role, the end node is a full network host capable of sending and receiving mail, file transfers, remote login, etc. The DECserver is transparent to the end node, and simply acts as a static asynchronous router. The session discusses methods of network access for a variety of multiprotocol hosts. Future protocol possibilities are also discussed. NE071 A Short Tutorial on Personal LANs Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:45 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session defines what a personal LAN is, and compares and contrasts the capabilities of shared LANs versus the capabilities of dedicated (personal) LANs. It explains why the evolution of a dedicated LAN to a single desktop is occurring and details the benefits of this migration. Various ways of delivering personal LANs (switching, bridging, and routing) are also described and compared. NE072 FDDI LAN Detailed Tutorial Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a look at the development of the FDDI LAN technology, and acquaints the prospective users of these networks with operation and services provided by FDDI. It also provides an update on the current status of the standard being developed by the American National Standards Institute subcommittee (X3T9.5): FDDI. Topics covered include: o the definition of the various FDDI components (PMD, PHY, MAC and SMT) o station types (SAS, DAS and CON) o topologies. Initialization of the ring, including CMT, the claim process, and token generation are covered. Steady state operation and reconfiguration aspects of the ring are explored with respect to the various implementations. This session concludes with discussion of the performance of the FDDI ring and how various parameters may affect it. NE074 FDDI LAN Implementation Considerations Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the issues to be considered when implementing an FDDI (Fiber Data Distributed Interface) LAN. Within Digital, FDDI is viewed as a technology that will complement, enhance, and coexist with Ethernet well into the 1990s. Therefore, the environment must support existing technologies and pave the way for a graceful transition to FDDI. Since FDDI is the first LAN standard based solely on optical fiber as its transmission medium, unlike existing Ethernet, an integrated fiberoptic cabling system will be required to support the FDDI environment. Topics covered include: o building wiring standard o recommended physical wiring topologies o logical configurations and tradeoffs o Dual Attachment Stations vs. Wiring Concentrators and Single Attachment Stations o bypass vs. dual homing techniques o transitioning from an Ethernet to FDDI Backbone. NE075 Digital's FDDI Program Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center Network managers, administrators, and planners are looking to FDDI to provide the next generation in the Local Area Network backbone technology. Therefore, it is important for these individuals to understand the capabilities and features FDDI will be providing, enabling them to design, build, and manage a large and complex FDDI backbone system. This session provides an overview of FDDI devices for backbone and workgroup applications and discusses their roles in implementing a scalable, manageable, and flexible FDDI network. NE077 MAILbus 400: Digital's CCITT 1988 X.400 Message Transport Service Program, Mail Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Digital has recently introduced MAILbus messaging products for ULTRIX and OpenVMS systems, which conform to the CCITT 1988 X.400 Recommendations, the International Standards for Messaging Services. This session gives technical details of the new products and discusses how organizations may take advantage of them. The use of the X.500 Directory Services by the Message Transfer Service is explained and configuration information for both services is provided. The X.400/SMTP Gateway is also covered in this session. NE078 Mail System Integration: Making Sure the Mail Goes Through! Program, Mail Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center Network Managers are faced with an explosion of primarily PC users demanding messaging services for communication both within and outside their organizations. This session examines ways of bringing together diverse mail products from different vendors to form a single cohesive message handling service. The example shown includes PC LAN-based mail systems, a "legacy" host-based multifunction office system, and connections to external public networks such as the Internet. The discussion includes issues such as message transfer, message content conversion, and the provision of directory services. NE080 Bridges: Concepts, Architecture, and Products Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:15 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of bridge concepts, extended LANs, and Digital's bridge products. Included are bridge definitions, features, operation, and positioning relative to IEEE LAN standards and the OSI reference model. Bridging between Ethernet/802.3 and FDDI is explored in some detail, including frame formats, frame size limitations, and the encoding of addresses and data. Along with other bridge products, Digital's DECbridge 500/600 series and the DECNIS 500/600 are discussed. NE083 Building Multivendor, Multiprotocol Networks: Interoperability Issues Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the problems of building open backbone networks in a multiprotocol, multivendor environment. The session looks at the interoperability issues in multivendor environments and covers the physical, data link, and network layers as well as network management. The session shows how to create a future safe multiprotocol network backbone for the corporation and its business partners. NE086 DECdfs V1.3: Distributed File Service Product Update BENSON, KEN Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This brief overview of DECdfs discusses the features and changes incorporated into the V1.3 release. New and existing work that is under consideration by the development organization is addressed. Customer and user feedback is sought on features they consider important. The speaker welcomes all questions. NE091 TCP/IP versus OSI Sukonnik, Vladimir Process Software Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center Since the early 1980s the networking community has been divided into two camps: the OSI camp and the Internet camp. Both camps have the same goal in life, which is to have different computers and networks talk to each other regardless of the their "origin, race, or creed." But they disagree on how to reach this goal. How far apart are these camps? You be the judge. This session offers a depoliticized comparative study of the OSI and TCP/IP network architectures. Review of the two network architectures, routing, flow control, services offered, and much more is presented. NE092 TCPware Clinic Volz, Bernard Process Software Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center TCPware developers are available to answer your installation, configuration, and troubleshooting questions on TCPware for OpenVMS. NE093 TCP/IP Host Configuration Volz, Bernard Process Software Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses issues that a system or network administrator faces when installing a new TCP/IP host. Topics covered include: o what to name a host o how to assign an Internet address o how to configure routing o how to configure domain name services o how to configure network services o basic troubleshooting and testing techniques. NE094 NFS Protocol on OpenVMS: Clinic Sukonnik, Vladimir Process Software Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic offers the attendee an informal atmosphere for discussing issues related to implementation of the Network File System (NFS) Protocol on OpenVMS. The clinic is hosted by the developers of NFS on OpenVMS from Process Software Corporation. NE096 Networks SIG Open Steering Committee Meeting Grosser, Al Corning Incorporated Thursday 9:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The Networks SIG Steering Committee is hosting an open steering committee meeting to solicit feedback on Networks SIG activities and input for its Strategic Planning initiative. Come by and share your thoughts. NE097 Networks Roadmap Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Monday 9:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session lists any special highlights of the week that relate to sessions or events sponsored by the Networks SIG. Included are a review of the topic index, last-minute schedule changes, sign-ups for Networks Jeopardy and Networks Magic, and submissions of questions for the question-and-answer sessions. Additionally, sessions that have timely subject content are highlighted. NE102 Distributed Computing Working Group Mattes, Donald SmithKline Beecham Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Thursday 4:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center One of the key technologies discussed in this decade is distributed computing. Yet, for all of the discussion, it is not clearly understood; everybody is trying to determine the best way for it to be implemented. The Distributed Computing Working Group focuses on the "middleware": tools and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that facilitate the implementation of distributed applications across a heterogeneous computing environment. This working group provides a forum to discuss current distributed computing issues and to identify new areas that will impact the future agenda of distributed computing in your organization. NE106 TCP/IP Network Troubleshooting Clinic Volz, Bernard Process Software Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center Are you experiencing TCP/IP networking problems? Have questions on how troubleshoot various problems? If so, please attend this informal discussion/Q&A session for help on resolving these issues. NE108 Networks Update Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session gives an overview of the products that have been announced by the Networks Group within Digital since the previous DECUS Symposium. There is also a listing of other sessions that give detailed technical information on the products. NE109 Network Troubleshooting Clinic Grosser, Al Corning Incorporated Tuesday 1:30 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers network troubleshooting techniques, and provides an opportunity to talk to experienced network specialists about your problems. You may not get a solution to your problem, but you will have a better understanding of the problem, things to try, and where to find other resources that may be helpful. NE110 TCP/IP Host Configuration Clinic Volz, Bernard Process Software Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center This Networks SIG Clinic provides an opportunity to discuss issues related to configuring TCP/IP hosts and networks. This is your chance to get answers to your specific configuration questions. NE112 Cisco Systems Router and Terminal Server Configuration Clinic Kelly, Bill Cisco Systems, Incorporated Knibbe, Paulina Cisco Systems, Incorporated Wednesday 1:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers configuration of routers, terminal servers, and other server systems manufactured by Cisco Systems, Inc. Meet with technical representatives of Cisco, as well as users of Cisco technology, to discuss design and configuration issues pertaining to your site. NE113 MultiNet Configuration and Troubleshooting Clinic Vance, L. Stuart TGV, Incorporated McMahon, John TGV, Incorporated Wednesday 2:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center Join MultiNet developers and users in a clinic covering configuration and troubleshooting of MultiNet. NE114 TCP/IP Applications Programming Clinic Busma, Jeff TGV, Incorporated Volz, Bernard Process Software Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic provides programmers the opportunity to meet with other developers of TCP/IP applications to discuss techniques of writing networked applications. Topics that may be discussed include: o the BSD UNIX sockets interface into TCP and UDP o asynchronous programming using the OpenVMS $QIO mechanism o socket options o handling urgent data o basic client/server examples o multithreaded servers. NE115 Navigating the Internet: A Clinic Garlough, Trey TGV, Incorporated Tuesday 11:00 AM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic provides attendees a forum to learn more about how to navigate their way through the global TCP/IP Internet. NE116 Networks Question-and-Answer Session Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 8:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a means for attendees to get their network questions and related issues answered by Digital. Representatives from engineering, product management, and services are available to answer questions. NE117 A Rapid Guided Tour of Emerging Standards for High Performance Networks Lennon, William William J. Lennon Monday 12:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Over the last several years, several new "gigabit per second" network standards have been introduced. This overview summarizes and contrasts the salient features of those that must now be considered when deploying high performance LANs. The standards to be covered include: o FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface: a mature, 100 Mbps ring net, available today. o SONET - Synchronous Optical NETwork: Digital link interconnect standard for common carriers. Defined for multiples of 51.84 Mbps. o ATM - Asynchronous Transport Mode: intermix voice, video, and data in a stream of 53-byte data cells. ATM is being aggressively proposed to solve everything. o SCI - Scalable Coherent Interface: a generalized "computer bus," currently either 16 bits wide at 500 Mbps or serial at 1 Gbps. Test deployments in process. o HIPPI - High Performance Parallel Interface: an 800 Mbps "machine room data firehose." 32 bits parallel (64 for double the data rate). Available and in use today. o FC - Fiber Channel: computer data channel transport (e.g., HIPPI, IPI-3) with LAN addressing and controls. 0.266 and 1.0 Gbps "just available." NE118 IBM Interconnect Working Group Arnold, Stephen L. Arnold Consulting Jensen, Dennis Ames Lab ISU/USDOE Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This working group is concerned with the interconnectivity and interoperability of IBM mainframe and midrange systems (AS/400, S/3X) with Digital computer systems. Recent topics for discussion in the group have included the following issues: o connectivity between OpenVMS and IBM AS/400 systems o connectivity between OpenVMS systems and IBM mainframes running DOS/VSE o mapping IBM and Digital security models and systems o tape backup in IBM format or via IBM systems o Token-Ring to Ethernet network bridging o Digital's emphasis on "open" networking versus specialized products and programs for IBM Interconnect. This informal session allows us to organize birds-of-a-feather sessions and between-symposia projects in these areas, as well as to identify emerging problems in IBM-Digital interconnection. NE119 Mail Working Group Arnold, Stephen L. Arnold Consulting Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This working group provides a forum for dealing with technical challenges to reliable, functional, production mail systems. If there is sufficient interest, the working group will develop project teams or sponsor other activities to follow up on attendees' interests and concerns. Potential areas of discussion include: o developing a supporting transport system o application programming interfaces o interoperation of mail systems, including public carriers o multipart, multimedia content and transformation o management of production mail systems o mail-enabled applications, including electronic data interchange (EDI) o distributed directories and directory synchronization o conformance to standards. The Mail Working Group is the successor to the Mail Gateways Working Group, and represents an expansion of the charter of that group. NE121 Configuring BITNET Nodes: A Hands-on Clinic Arnold, Stephen L. Arnold Consulting Tuesday 3:00 PM Campground 4 Georgia World Congress Center Configuring an OpenVMS system or VMScluster as a node on BITNET can be a voyage into uncharted waters, even for OpenVMS managers experienced in managing DECnet and TCP/IP networks, because of unfamiliar restrictions and strange terminology. This campground lecture and clinic is intended to provide a helping hand and expert troubleshooting assistance. The session begins with an overview of the steps required to install and configure Jnet and PMDF software and to register nodes, domain names, and mailers with network authorities. Considerable attention is given to four BITNET technical standards: o postmaster accounts and support o Internet-compatible mailers o INTERBIT gateways o NETDATA format for mail. The remainder of the session is given over to solving individual problems. The VMS Family Cluster, configured as BITNET node "DECUS", is our laboratory. NE122 TCP/IP Applications Overview Volz, Bernie Process Software Corporation Busma, Jeff TGV, Incorporated Thursday 1:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of existing TCP/IP application protocols and the capabilities of each. It is intended for relatively new users to TCP/IP, who wish to gain an understanding of what services TCP/IP can provide and the utilities used to provide them. The areas of discussion include: o electronic mail (SMTP, POP) o remote file access (FTP, NFS, RCP) o remote printing (LPR, LPD) o remote login (TELNET, RLOGIN) o networked windowing (X Windows) o remote command execution (RSH, REXEC) o remote tape access (RMT) o domain name services. NE124 Internetwork Connectivity Bardwell, Joseph Network General Corp. Tuesday 6:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center The use of X.25, Frame Relay, and T-1 interconnectivity is increasing. Terms like SONET, ATM, SMDS, and ISDN are becoming more common in the articles we read and the specifications for our communications equipment. This session provides a perspective on these technologies and addresses the implications of these new internetworking options to the world of DECnet, LAT, and TCP/IP. Participants see WAN and LAN protocols in action using an internetwork analyzer tool. Expert system technology is discussed and demonstrated as a way to cope with the complexities of LAN/WAN troubleshooting. NE125 Designing WANs with Internetworking Technologies: A Case Study Robbins, Chuck Wellfleet Communications Thursday 1:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a case study of a network manager who was tasked with designing and implementing a "state of the art" corporate data communications system. The technologies used in this operational network include: o 175 Netware 3.11 servers o 35 3+Share servers o 70 Wellfleet routers o 25 3com bridges o TIC - attached 3745 FEP o Attachmate gateways o Novell SNA gateways o DECmidrange for electronic library o AS/400 o Series/1 o 12,000 client workstations. NE127 Optical Fiber Tutorial for the Communications Manager Stout, Garfield Corning Incorporated Monday 12:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation provides an overview of optical fiber technology with an emphasis on its relevance to communication network performance. The session discusses: o a review of available optical fiber products o a comparison of product attributes o how different optical fiber parameters affect network performance. The presentation includes an example of an optical fiber specification Request for Quote (RFQ) that meets FDDI requirements. NE128 DECnet/OSI Configuration Clinic (W) Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center The DECnet/OSI Digital Engineering Group is providing a DECnet/OSI Configuration Clinic to allow DECUS attendees to experience the DECnet/OSI Configuration process. This clinic is presented three times during the DECUS symposium. Each session lasts two hours. The three Clinics are NE128, NE129, NE130. NE129 DECnet/OSI Configuration Clinic (Th) Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center The DECnet/OSI Digital Engineering Group is providing a DECnet/OSI Configuration Clinic to allow DECUS attendees to experience the DECnet/OSI Configuration process. This clinic is presented three times during the DECUS symposium. Each session lasts two hours. The three Clinics are NE128, NE129, NE130. NE130 DECnet/OSI Configuration Clinic (F) Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center The DECnet/OSI Digital Engineering Group is providing a DECnet/OSI Configuration Clinic to allow DECUS attendees to experience the DECnet/OSI Configuration process. This clinic is presented three times during the DECUS symposium. Each session lasts two hours. The three Clinics are NE128, NE129, NE130. NE145 Comparing Network Functions and Performance Between TCP/IP and DECnet Coggins, Susan Thursby Software Systems, Inc. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 269 Georgia World Congress Center In today's computer world, networks have become a vital player. Two of the most widely used networks are TCP/IP and DECnet. This session looks at how these networks compare in terms of capabilities, advantages to the user, and actual performance. NE148 Introduction to X.25 Networks Pollack, Reece The Wollongong Group Incorpora Friday 3:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center When long-distance connectivity is required, but a dedicated leased line is not justified, connections to a Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN) are often used. In many countries, PSDN connections are the only connectivity available. Most PSDNs are based on the CCITT X.25 protocols. This session presents an introduction to X.25 networks and their characteristics. Topics to be covered include: o protocol layering (frame and packet levels) o address structure (X.121) o call setup facilities and user data o acknowledgment windows (modulo 8 & 128) o PAD support (X.3 and X.29) o long delay circuit tuning. NE154 Instant Internet: How We Link the DECUS Symposium Site to the Internet in One Weekend! Arnold, Stephen L. Arnold Consulting Thursday 12:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The NetSIG Network is a temporary, dedicated 1.5 Mbit ("T1") connection between the Exhibit Hall at the DECUS U.S. Chapter National Symposium and the Internet. It provides Symposium attendees access to Internet hosts via the TELNET protocol, BITNET file transfer and electronic messages, and mail exchange with Internet, BITNET, and UUCP users. Volunteers work on the link for months preceding each symposium, but everything has to come together in just one weekend! This session provides roadmap for connecting to the Internet, using the NetSIG Network as a case study. The tasks described include: o subscribing to an NSFnet-affiliated regional network o ordering a T1 circuit from a local exchange carrier o obtaining network and communications hardware o installing and configuring TCP/IP and mail software o planning the Ethernet connections within the Exhibit Hall o assigning IP addresses to each interface and domain names to each host o arranging for domain name, mail exchange, and reverse lookup services o setting up a packet-filtering security firewall o performing daily Postmaster duties. NE155 Network Performance in a Client/Server Environment Hancock, Bill Network-1, Inc. Tuesday 11:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center With the rush to implement client/server technologies, there is the problem of keeping applications and users happy with performance of distributed applications. This session provides information on the metering points in client/server applications and the network issues involved in the measurement, isolation of, and enhancement of client/server network application performance. Topics to be covered include: o controller performance o selection of network types o interconnection issues o protocol selection o actual performance measurement o other related information. Also included are detailed performance data on sampled client/server applications and their performance issues on live networks. NE156 Understanding Network Statistics Hancock, Bill Network-1, Inc. Tuesday 9:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center DECnet and other networking products provide the user with a wealth of statistical information that is not easily interpreted. Numbers of collisions, deferred packets, synchronization lost, quality of service, transmission failure and many other statistics are available on most systems in most protocols, but rare is the individual who can understand what these statistics really mean. Further, how does the system or network manager know when to ignore some statistics and when to rightfully and with full vigor "freak out to the max"? This session focuses on the understanding of network statistical values provided by protocols and products, what the more important statistics mean, and when to get concerned. Formulas on computing network error rates and comparatively analyzing network activities are given, as well as some examples of live network conditions and how to properly interpret the information. NE158 Network Technical Trends: A Perspective Hancock, Bill Network-1, Inc. Tuesday 7:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Everyone wants to know what type of network to put in place to last the longest amount of time and get the best performance. This session covers the latest developments in the network development arena and presents a survey of technical trends in network architecture(s) to help those implementing networks. NE181 TCP/IP Implementations on OpenVMS: Performance Face-Off Sylvester, Tim Digital News & Review Monday 6:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center TCP/IP is becoming mandatory for OpenVMS sites. How do you choose a TCP/IP package? Digital News & Review Labs tested five TCP/IP for OpenVMS packages. The throughput of TCP/IP and the performance of NFS server software was tested, and the results are presented in this session. The session concludes with a discussion of the factors affecting TCP/IP performance. NE184 Network-wide UNIX Backup Connorich, Douglas Raxco, Incorporated Thursday 5:30 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center To a conscientious system manager, nothing is more important than having adequate backups. They may not need to be used often, but when they do, it is usually after a big problem and the backups must be dependable and readily available. This session highlights issues concerning: o golden rules for making a UNIX backup in a network o CPIO/TAR vs. backup utility controversy o error recovery o speed o multiple volume backups o multiple backups per tape o format flexibility o selective restore using an index o network support. UNIX users and system administrators concerned with decreasing the security risks inherent to network backups and interested in increasing speed and dependability of backups will find this session invaluable. NE187 DECnet Phase IV and Phase V Network Interoperability Knibbe, Paulina Cisco Systems, Incorporated Tuesday 5:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session covers DECnet Phase IV and Phase V interoperability issues, with particular detail paid to implementation of Phase IV and Phase V in Cisco Systems routers. Topics include: o routing and protocol issues o packet format issues o addressing issues o VAXcluster support. NE188 Design Techniques for Multiprotocol Networks Knibbe, Paulina Cisco Systems, Incorporated Monday 1:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session covers design techniques for building large multiprotocol networks. Protocols emphasized include: o DECnet o TCP/IP o Bridging. Emphasis is placed on network performance, scaling, and manageability. Several real-world examples of typical DEC environments are considered. NE189 Domain Name System Configuration and Troubleshooting Clinic Reilly, Michael TGV, Inc. Monday 12:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers configuration and troubleshooting of the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND), an implementation of the Internet Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS is the hierarchical distributed name system used in the Internet to provide (among other things) hostname to IP address translation and IP address to hostname translation. NE190 Inside the Berkeley UNIX LPR/LPD Protocol Palter, William TGV, Inc. Friday 9:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an in-depth analysis of the Berkeley UNIX LPR/LPD remote printing protocol. Because of the market success of UNIX, LPR/LPD has become the most widely implemented remote printing protocol across all operating system platforms. Unfortunately, because of its roots in the academic and research communities, it does have a number of drawbacks in a multivendor environment. Particular attention is paid to: o parameter passing o authentication o protocol limitations o non UNIX implementations. NE191 LPR/LPD Configuration and Troubleshooting Clinic Palter, William TGV, Inc. Thursday 3:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers configuration and troubleshooting of the Berkeley UNIX LPR/LPD remote printing protocol on UNIX, OpenVMS, Macintosh, and DOS systems. NE192 Routers and Bridges Working Group Doyle, John Oracle Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center Routers have traditionally been the termination points for wide area data links. As users have become more reliant on the broad range of protocols available on LANs, bridges have also emerged as a long distance data link method preferred by some. Much of the distinction between routers and bridges has vanished as many of these boxes provide some of both functions. This working group explores the issues of using routers and bridges in large and/or dispersed networks. Topics to be considered include: o getting all the management information and options you need o OSI integrated IS-IS routing and transitioning o DECnet/OSI Phase V requirements placed on routers o multiprotocol routing including Appletalk, IP, OSI, DECnet, IPX and others o utilizing router and bridge functionality in a single unit o the need for higher performance data links, such as ISDN, T3, frame relay, SMDS, ATM and SONET o portals as a method to route other protocols through existing routers o what users need to meet tomorrow's requirements. NE193 WIN/TCP & PathWay Configuration and Troubleshooting Clinic Pollack, Reece THE WOLLONGONG GROUP INC Henry, Larry The Wollongong Group, Inc. Monday 2:30 PM Campground 3 Meet with the developers of WIN/TCP and PathWay for OpenVMS, as well as other users, to discuss configuring and troubleshooting these products. NE195 Introduction to Satellite Circuits Pollack, Reece The Wollongong Group Inc. Thursday 7:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center When establishing connectivity to remote sites, or when high reliability is required, satellite links are often a cost-effective alternative to terrestrial circuits. However, satellites come with a built-in drawback: a speed-of-light latency of a quarter second. With proper attention to protocol selection and tuning, good performance can be attained. This session explores the characteristics of satellite circuits and how they can be used to best advantage. NE197 Network Management Working Group Wallace, Sandra Mitre Corporation Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Thursday 9:00 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center Network managers face a growing demand for network services. In many cases, networks expand without a good understanding of what methods are best for the various technical and political situations in which the networks exist. The Network Management Working Group draws on the experience of attendees to discuss typical problems that network managers face. Half of the time is spent on political issues and half on technical issues: o DEC Management Control Center products and their ability to effectively manage multivendor networks and provide information upon which to project future needs o integration of SNMP within your enterprise network o auto-discovery and other configuration aids o interacting with other people in your organization who are responsible for networks o the impact of new network dependent applications o structured cable management and documentation o network based authentication and security mechanisms o products available through the Assets program. NE198 Terminal Servers Working Group Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Thursday 10:30 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center The Terminal Servers Working Group discusses topics of interest to owners and users of terminal servers. User suggestions for improvements in products and innovative ways of using current products are solicited. Digital and the third party developers of terminal servers are typically in attendance. Some of the current issues that are discussed include: o network management of terminal servers and DECmcc support o terminal server troubleshooting aids and protocol error logging o user authentication services within terminal servers o reporting requirements (audit trails and accounting) o LATSYM print symbiont features and user modified LATSYM o using terminal servers as SLIP and PPP communication servers o expanding network printer support for enterprise-wide printing o your favorite terminal server need or gripe. NE199 Solving Complex Electronic Messaging Problems with PMDF Freed, Ned Innosoft International Friday 12:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center PMDF is a multiprotocol electronic mail interconnect for OpenVMS. This session discusses some of PMDF's advanced capabilities and how they can be applied to solving electronic messaging problems that might otherwise prove intractable. Some of the topics to be covered include: o setting up firewalls o solving Distributed Directory Service (DDS) registration problems with PMDF-MR o document conversion o dealing with inflexible and/or noncompliant mailers o solving performance issues for very heavy message loads. Some knowledge of PMDF may be helpful but is not required as these issues are well known and not unique to PMDF sites. Time will be left for Q&A, so bring your favorite electronic mail problems. NE200 Multimedia, Multipart, Electronic Mail on the Internet Freed, Ned Innosoft International Thursday 11:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center The Internet Engineering Task Force recently released RFC-1341, a standard for exchanging multimedia, multipart, electronic mail on the Internet (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, or MIME). This standard extends existing Internet mail standards to provide support for multiple character sets, and image, audio, and binary data. Additional standards work is ongoing to address interoperability between MIME and similarly capable Message Handling Systems, such as X.400. This session provides an overview of this work and some of the reasoning behind the design. NE201 Implementation of the PMDF Gateway to X.400 Carosso, Kevin Innosoft International Friday 11:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the design and implementation of a gateway between the PMDF mail interconnect and Message Handling Systems based on the X.400 standard. The conversion of addresses, envelope and header formats, and message contents are covered, along with information on the applicability of proposed standards for conversion of Internet MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) message formats to and from X.400. This session also discusses the various OSI transport options provided by the gateway and applicable configuration issues. NE202 TCP/IP Working Group Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Smith, David Chemical Bank Monday 2:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center The TCP/IP Working Group encourages everyone involved in TCP/IP networking to attend. This session is a chance to discuss issues about implementations on OpenVMS, ULTRIX, and the broad range of other systems that must interact on your network using TCP/IP. Various developers of IP implementations will be present. Topics include: o RFCs and current Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) work we should all know about o interoperability of TCP/IP implementations across platforms: conformance o current progress on proposals to expand TCP/IP address space o making the transition from TCP/IP to OSI o the Internet Society o carrier options for commercial customers o the impact of the National Research and Education Network (NREN) o current SNMP management options o other TCP/IP-based services required by users. NE203 Introduction to Multiprotocol Routing and Bridging Kelly, Bill Cisco Systems, Incorporated Monday 5:30 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an introduction to routing and bridging technologies for LAN and WAN interconnections, with particular emphasis on Digital environments. Specific attention is paid to DECnet, LAT, OSI, and TCP/IP, and how these protocols relate to routing and bridging. Discussions include: o LAN media - Ethernet - FDDI - Token-Ring o WAN technologies - Frame Relay - SMDS - ISDN - DDCMP - POTS - leased lines. NE204 OSI Working Group Ostrander, Richard Syscon Corporation Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center The age of multivendor networking based upon common standards is upon us. The Open Systems Interconnect protocol suites are now available as real products such as DECnet Phase V. Those that have specific requirements for OSI, such as multinational corporations and U.S. Government users, are now implementing OSI infrastructures. The OSI Working Group discusses the pros and cons of using and implementing OSI: o OSI users' progress with implementation o interoperability results o GOSIP requirements and implementation dates o management issues resulting from mixed DECnet Phase IV and OSI/DECnet Phase V installations o multi-organization communication o address and name registration o X.500 directory services o operating in a multiprotocol environment during the transition and beyond. NE206 FDDI Working Group King, Robert E Systems Jensen, Dennis Ames Laboratory Friday 9:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center The need for higher speed LANs is here for many users. The FDDI Working Group is here for high speed LAN users to discuss the issues that relate to this technology: o interoperability o fault tolerance/security o new emerging standards such as FDDI over copper o the economics: fiber vs. copper o new forms of fiber termination o types of fiber supported by FDDI o fiber wiring specifications o user feedback required on types of bridges, routers, etc. o performance requirements of the various components. NE207 Introduction to the NetWare Protocol Family Madison, Matthew TGV, Inc. Thursday 5:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the lower-layer protocols used by Novell NetWare: the Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) and Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) protocols. Comparisons are made with other protocol families. Routing and IPX tunneling through TCP/IP are also discussed. NE208 Electronic Mail Troubleshooting Clinic Madison, Matthew TGV, Inc. Freed, Ned Innosoft International, Inc. Wednesday10:00 AM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers various techniques for troubleshooting electronic mail problems. Attendees can discuss troubleshooting of the following electronic mail protocols and systems: o MAIL-11, the DECnet mail protocol o Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), the TCP/IP mail protocol o BITNET's e-mail scheme o UUCP o DEC's MAILbus suite. NE210 How to Learn More About TCP/IP and the Internet Vance, L. Stuart TGV, Inc. Thursday 12:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center A question faced by many network managers, system managers and users is "Where can I go to learn more about TCP/IP and the Internet?" This session answers the question by providing a detailed collection of hardcopy and electronic references on TCP/IP and the Internet. Information presented includes: o where to find TCP/IP standards o overviews of TCP/IP and the Internet o documents on TCP/IP network design and administration o guides to the Internet o who to talk to about connecting to the Internet. NE214 Using PATHWORKS in an X.25 Environment Rick, Randy DEC Friday 4:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS DOS for X.25 is a new Digital network offering that allows a DOS PC to function as a DECnet Phase IV endnode utilizing Data Link Mapping circuits compatible with existing VAX PSI and X.25 routers from Digital. This session presents an overview of the product. A brief tutorial is given on its installation and tuning. Time is spent describing the two DS206 PC cards supported by Digital. Where X.25 might fit into an existing PATHWORKS or DECnet network with PCs is explored. NE215 DECnet Potholes in the PATHWORKS for VMS Highway Sovereign, Steve Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses DECnet executor parameters that can cause problems if they are inefficient. This session is primarily for those who use Ethernet and, to a lesser degree, asynchronous communications. X.25 is also considered. NE216 Microsoft Mail and Schedule+ Overview Manager, Product Microsoft Clark-Redmond, Connie Microsoft Corp. Thursday 10:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time NE217 Microsoft Mail: Connecting to DEC Mail Systems Manager, Product Microsoft Clark-Redmond, Connie Microsoft Corp. Thursday 9:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time NE219 Network Printing: Configurations and Tradeoffs Nelson, Paul Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session TH071. networked systems. Three of the most widely used are TELNET, (Telecommunications Network), LAT (Local Area Transport) and CTERM (Command Terminal Protocol). This session looks at how these three protocols compare in terms of capabilities and advantages to the user. NE220 Digital's Security Directions Friday 9:30 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE025. NE221 DECnet Security Techniques for System Managers Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE004. NE222 Software Tools for Accessing Internet Resources Thursday 11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED049. NE223 Internet User Services Friday 9:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED048. NE224 Introduction to LANs Monday 12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED035. NE225 K-12 and the Internet Thursday 12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED021. NE226 BITNET versus Internet Panel Discussion Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED019. NE227 USENET News: From an OpenVMS Point of View Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED017. NE228 How Do I Find My Friend's E-mail Address? Thursday 5:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED016. NE229 Introduction to Internet Resources Monday 2:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED014. NE230 Campus Networks: A Panel Discussion Friday 11:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED009. NE231 Message Router Made Easy Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM137. NE232 Distributed Application Integration Tools Friday 10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM128. NE233 Introduction to Mail Terminology Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM119. NE234 Digital's Mail Strategy Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM116. NE235 Enterprise-Wide Electronic Mail: An Overview Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM068. NE236 Enterprise-Wide Electronic Mail: Addressing and Connectivity Issues Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM067. NE237 NAS: Integration That Works! Friday 9:00 AM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM035. NE238 MAILbus Postmaster: A New Approach to Tying PC LAN Mail Systems Together Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM032. NE239 Message Router Troubleshooting, or... "Just Where Is That Mail Message?" Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AM004. PC001 PC SIG Microsoft Working Group Meeting Mauler, Gary Westinghouse Electric Corp Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a working meeting for all attendees who are interested in the Microsoft-Digital relationship. Topics include: o future symposia planning in this area o issues and concerns about Digital and Microsoft working together. PC002 PC Magic Of the PC SIG, Representatives Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Join the PC SIG in this fun session exchanging your favorite personal computer stories. Surely you have had at least one or two funny encounters with your users, your hardware, or your software that you would like to share with us. A panel of judges will choose the best of the best to receive a prize. PC003 Reflections Working Group Jasmann, Susan Walker, Richer & Quinn Monday 2:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This working group is for discussion of Walker, Richer & Quinn's Reflections, which is a product for connecting personal computers to host computers. Subjects to be addressed are: o added functionality o PATHWORKS capabilities o additional connectivity to other network services. PC004 Macintosh Working Group Meeting Behrends, Kent Behr Consulting Thursday 3:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a working meeting for all DECUS attendees who are interested in Macintoshes and the Apple/Digital Joint Development Agreement. Topics include: o wishlist items o new uses for Macs o questions about the Apple/Digital products o future symposia planning for these products. Attendees have the opportunity to become members of the PC SIG Macintosh Working Group before or during the session. PC005 PATHWORKS Hardware/Software User Clinic Experts, PCSA/PATHWORKS Personal Computing SIG Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic gives attendees the opportunity to discuss concerns related to hardware and/or software in the PCSA/PATHWORKS area with experienced PCSA/PATHWORKS users who come from a variety of business, scientific, and engineering environments. Together they have experience with many types of PC hardware and peripherals, utilizing PCSA/PATHWORKS extensively. This informal gathering allows attendees to discuss hardware and software configurations and any other issues in the PCSA/PATHWORKS arena. PC006 Personal Computing Systems SIG Open Business Meeting Kuhn, Ron The Upjohn Company Browder, Kristina Motorola Thursday 4:30 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This is an open business meeting of the Personal Computing Systems Special Interest Group (PC SIG). Topics include: o what the SIG did right or wrong at this symposium o the budget o election of, or appointments to, positions within the SIG o Working Group Chairman reports o any topic brought up by the general membership. All steering committee members, PC SIG Digital counterparts, and others interested in personal computing are encouraged to attend this meeting. PC007 PATHWORKS Working Group Cooper, Brad ISA Consultants, Ltd. Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's Personal Computer Integration (PCI) users meet on an informal basis to get to know each other as well as to assist each other with problems, wishes, etc. This session formalizes the PCSA (Personal Computing Systems Architecture) / PATHWORKS for MS-DOS and PATHWORKS for Macintosh wishlist, which is then presented to Digital. PC008 Personal Computing Systems SIG Wrapup Browder, Kristina Motorola Kuhn, Ron The Upjohn Company Friday 2:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center The Personal Computing Systems Special Interest Group (PC SIG) wrapup session allows the SIG members to communicate their needs and desires for future sessions and activities. Attendees are encouraged to bring up for discussion any item relating to SIG functions or goals. There is time for evaluation and discussion of the current symposium with the objective of ensuring that sessions presented at future symposia fulfill the needs of attendees. PC009 Personal Computing Systems SIG Roadmap Browder, Kristina Motorola, Incorporated Monday 9:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center The Personal Computing Systems Special Interest Group (PC SIG) addresses issues relating to Digital personal computers and worksystems, as well as other manufacturers' personal computers that interconnect with Digital computers. The rapid growth of the personal computing market requires timely presentations of relevant technical information to developers and end users alike. To help attendees more effectively plan the week, the PC SIG leadership presents an informative outline of the upcoming sessions, as well as last-minute updates and general information to assist in surviving the week. PC012 PATHWORKS for DOS and OpenVMS: Hints and Kinks Cooper, Brad ISA Consultants, Ltd. Barielle, Scott ISA Consultants, Ltd. Thursday 10:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents hints and kinks about installing and using the latest version of PATHWORKS on the OpenVMS VAX server and DOS client. The speakers present information gathered from extensive hands-on experience with PATHWORKS. PC014 Windows & PATHWORKS - Automating Operations Spencer, Ken Computer Technologies Thursday 7:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Windows is a very powerful interactive environment, but is often found lacking when automation is required. The old comfortable DOS batch language does not interact with Windows and the Windows Recorder introduced with Windows 3.0 is somewhat confusing and at best a low-power tool. This session is targeted at people using Windows and others who are considering Windows. The focus is on how to automate as much of Windows as possible by using the tools included with Windows and third-party offerings. Topics include: o starting Windows (from DOS and at login) o automating tasks o adding functionality with Visual Basic and Winbatch o using Windows Restriction for controlling configurations. These topics are viewed from a management perspective, and how to simplify the users' interaction with the system is addressed. PC016 Macintosh Network Connectivity with TCP/IP and DECnet Cochrane, F. Arthur Westinghouse Savannah River Monday 5:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents summary information on various software packages available for the Macintosh computer to interact with VAX computers or other systems using DECnet or TCP/IP protocol. This information covers: o terminal emulation programs o network packages for DECnet and TCP/IP o X server and client programs o FTP client and server programs o DECnet and SMTP mail programs o TCP/IP utilities such as talk and finger. These packages include various commercial, shareware, and freeware programs that are available. This session gives the Macintosh user, or a OpenVMS system manager or support person in a Macintosh environment, some important information about the various software packages available for the networked Macintosh in a multiplatform environment. These packages allow the Macintosh to become much more than a Macintosh, the Macintosh can become a networked OpenVMS/UNIX workstation. PC019 Windows for Workgroups, PATHWORKS & NetWare Cantley, Dennis Pitcairn Financial Mgmt Group Thursday 4:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents real life experiences in the installation, troubleshooting, and implementation of PATHWORKS, NetWare V3.11 and Windows for Workgroups WFW. This session covers the conversion and user-training issues in moving from a text-based to graphical user interface and down-sizing/decentralization of the data center. PC021 PATHWORKS Beyond Documentation Pentakalos, Themistakl University of Maryland (UMBC) Friday 4:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This one-hour presentation consists of technical information on various PATHWORKS management issues. Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding PATHWORKS inconsistencies and undocumented phenomena are presented. A brief scenario follows: o how upgrading PATHWORKS can cause problems on OpenVMS o how OpenVMS version upgrades can affect PATHWORKS o what hardware is supported under what conditions o how PATHWORKS handles OpenVMS protection o how to deal with Windows o how to troubleshoot undocumented behaviors. In dealing with these and many more questions, the following PATHWORKS products are involved: PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Versions 3-4.1, PATHWORKS for DOS Versions 3-4.1 (DECnet), PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP), PATHWORKS for InfoServer, PATHWORKS NetWare Coexistence. PC024 Performance Issues in X Servers Jasmann, Susan Walker Richer & Quinn Inc Friday 1:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on performance issues in Microsoft Windows-based X servers: o how performance is measured o how users perceive performance o how to identify performance bottlenecks o tradeoffs of performance versus space or accuracy o impact of network choice and parameters on performance o common features provided by X servers to improve performance. A number of extensions or new features such as low-bandwidth X are examined. PC026 Windows NT Communications Integration with UNIX, OpenVMS, MS-DOS, Macintosh, AS/400, and MVS Using DECmessageQ Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Macko, Glen Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 3:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center The Windows NT operating system has attracted much attention as both an advanced PC platform and a workgroup server. However, communication integration with other operating systems presents a large number of issues concerning application interoperability and portability. DECmessageQ is an early provider of communications and integrations tools for integrating Windows NT applications with applications running on UNIX, MS-DOS, MS Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, OpenVMS, AS/400, MVS and others. This session details the methods for integrating Windows NT with all of these platforms. It also discusses a variety of the early successes that have been achieved with Windows NT applications that use DECmessageQ. PC028 AppleTalk Networking Mike, Stewart Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the hardware and software options for LocalTalk to Ethernet connectivity and a quick overview of AppleTalk router configurations. The emphasis is on how to design new networks with AppleTalk in mind, and how to integrate existing LocalTalk networks into LANs and WANs. PC030 NDIS/ODI/DLC: Data Link Comparisons Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session defines these drivers and covers the differences among them. The speaker discusses the use of stubs and shims to convert from one to the other and the configuration issues for each. Attendees who are wondering what the HEURISTICS settings in PROTOCOL.INI control and when are they required, attend this session! These drivers are covered: o Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) o Open-Data Link Interface (ODI) o Data Link Control (DLC). PC031 Monitoring and Tuning Your PATHWORKS Servers Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes a method for doing performance and capacity analysis and application load balancing across either a PATHWORKS or other LAN. The speaker also discusses realtime monitoring and dynamic tuning of PATHWORKS servers. PC032 Introducing PATHWORKS Support for NetWare Gorczyca, John Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:30 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center The PATHWORKS product family offers an expanding range of products to support the integration of industry standard clients, servers, and protocols. The PATHWORKS family now includes support for the market-leading technology for transparent file & print services in PC LANs: NetWare. This session discusses how these new products dovetail with existing PATHWORKS offerings, and how heterogeneous environments can now more easily share resources, data and applications. PC033 PATHWORKS for DOS (NetWare) V1.0: A Technical Overview Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS for DOS (NetWare), the newest member of the growing family of PATHWORKS clients, accesses remote file and print services using NetWare technology. In this session, Digital presents a technical overview of the features, capabilities, installation, and operational characteristics of this client. PC034 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) V1.0: A Technical Overview Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), the newest member of the growing family of PATHWORKS servers, provides remote file and print services using NetWare technology. In this session, Digital presents a technical overview of the features, capabilities, installation and operational characteristics of this server. PC036 PATHWORKS Next Generation Management Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center One of the new features of the newest PATHWORKS servers and clients is the client-based management capability. This session discusses this new management feature and shows how easy PATHWORKS management has become. PC037 New PATHWORKS for Windows Client: An Overview Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center Digital is entering the next generation of the PATHWORKS products. This session discusses the latest features of the PATHWORKS for Windows client. PC038 PATHWORKS Next Generation API Overview Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session describes all the latest information needed by application developers to support the latest PATHWORKS client software. PC039 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Architecture Overview Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session highlights the new PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server architecture. It focuses on PATHWORKS enhancements to Microsoft's LAN Manager. PC040 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server Internals Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS server's internal architecture. Specifically, it focuses on designs and implementations to enhance performance, server capacity, and future extension. Special focus is placed on PATHWORKS for OpenVMS in a cluster environment. PC041 PATHWORKS for VMS System Administration Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses system administration tasks for PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. It focuses on server setup, upgrade, and managing PATHWORKS in a heterogeneous LAN Manager environment. PC043 DEC's Personal Computing Integration Product Update Joseph, Beth Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses Digital's various Personal Computing Integration (PCI) products (including updates to existing products and new products). Updates are given on: o the Personal Computing System Architecture (PCSA) family of products, including PATHWORKS for OpenVMS and U**X software, PATHWORKS for DOS, OS/2 and Macintosh Client software, and the Etherworks Ethernet controllers o the Microsoft Windows X Display Server allowing one to run OpenVMS or ULTRIX based DECwindows applications from a personal computer. PCSA is an extension of Digital's systems and networking architecture that merges OpenVMS, ULTRIX, Windows, OS/2 and Macintosh environments. Attendees should be familiar with the PATHWORKS environment and products prior to attending this session as the session is an update session only. PC045 eXcursion Overview Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center eXcursion, Digital's X display server is a full implementation of the MIT X Windows Version 11 Release 5 which allows one to display remote X window applications. Installation and setup and supported network transports are discussed. PC046 Debugging PATHWORKS for DOS Clients with SHOW Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center SHOW is an unsupported utility included with PATHWORKS for DOS that displays internal information about the system, DOS and PATHWORKS. This session introduces users to the available commands and how to apply them to diagnosing and troubleshooting PATHWORKS clients. PC048 PATHWORKS Technical Memory Overview Chris, Software Engineer Digital Equipment Corporation Barielle, Scott ISA Consultants, Ltd. Thursday 1:30 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a technical introduction to most aspects of the PC memory architecture, the specifications that have evolved, and how they are used by PATHWORKS. Topics include: o system, conventional, expanded and extended memory o the high memory area and upper memory o EMS, XMS, VCPI and DPMI specifications o 386 Memory Managers, Virtual 8086 mode o PATHWORKS DECnet and TCP/IP configurations. PC049 PC Integration Q&A/Wishlist Pers Comp Sys Grp, PCI Reps Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Digital responds to the top ten PC integration wishlist items from the previous symposium. After the responses from the previous symposiumare presented, attendees are invited to submit their wishes for enhancements to current PC integration products and for future development. A panel of Digital developers and product managers answer questions regarding the various PC Integration products. Questions are answered on all PATHWORKS and PATHWORKS Links products. PC050 Macintosh Connectivity with PATHWORKS Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes PATHWORKS for Macintosh and its newest features including file and print services, mail, terminal emulation, X display server, DECnet for Macintosh and others. This session also covers the network protocols supported by these components, installation and configuration, system management and the integration of PATHWORKS for Macintosh with PATHWORKS for DOS and OS/2. PC051 Using Microsoft Windows with PATHWORKS Per Comp Sys Grp, DEC Developer Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the use of Microsoft Windows with PATHWORKS. The speaker discusses the configuration of Microsoft Windows and PATHWORKS. Windows for Workgroups and its coexistence with PATHWORKS are also discussed. PC052 Writing Applications with PATHWORKS Per Comp Sys Grp, DEC Developer Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to the various Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) supported by PATHWORKS for DOS and OS/2 over the DECnet transport. These APIs include datalink, LAT, sockets and NETBIOS. PC054 The CSC Answers Your PATHWORKS Questions DEC Developer, Per Comp System Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Representatives of the PATHWORKS support team from Digital's Customer Service Center (CSC) present and answer their most-asked PATHWORKS questions. Come and ask your questions too and save yourself a call to the support center. PC055 Using TCP/IP in a PATHWORKS Environment Heffelfinger, Tracey Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes using the TCP/IP transport and its utilities in a PATHWORKS environment. Discussion includes the new features of TCP/IP support in the PATHWORKS for DOS client, and the PATHWORKS for VMS and ULTRIX servers. Attendees should be familiar with PATHWORKS and TCP/IP including utilities like PING and FTP. PC056 PATHWORKS Printing Clinic Briggs, Tom Briggs Enterprises Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers connecting to print services and queues via PATHWORKS. The utilities PCS.COM and NET PRINT are explained. The attendee can learn about: o printing from within client applications o OpenVMS VAX queue concepts o device control libraries and forms o creating print services using the PCSA_MANAGER menu and command interface. PC063 PATHWORKS for Macintosh Advanced Topics PCSG Engineer, DEC Developer Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a more in-depth look at the new PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) features. Areas covered include the print symbiont, new font technology and its support, and System 7.1 implications to printing. The second half of this session provides a detailed look at how to manage the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) server and the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server together. Areas of discussion include system tuning, file sharing, security, printing, and others. PC064 PATHWORKS for Windows NT Developer, PCSG Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS for Windows NT is a new software product under development at Digital that extends the functionality of the PATHWORKS family of products to the Microsoft Windows NT platform. This presentation discusses the key features of PATHWORKS for Windows NT, including: o product configurations o LAN Manager services o integrated PATHWORKS applications o Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for third-party applications. It also includes a brief technical overview of the PATHWORKS for Windows NT implementation. PC065 Windows NT on Alpha AXP Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical overview and full description of the Windows NT system on Alpha AXP. Starting with the Windows NT design goals of portability and scalability, the session continues with the Windows NT system architecture specifics, including: o ARC firmware o HAL o kernel o executive subsystems o applications. These topics are also covered at length: o Windows NT's internal structure (object management) o support for multiple file systems o the specific new Windows NT file system o memory management facilities o Lan Manager Server with both NETBIOS and TCP/IP o application porting capabilities o calling standards. PC066 Moving EVE/EDT TPU Customization to the Windows NT Operating System Graf, James a/Soft Development, Inc. Friday 4:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session describes what is required to bring OpenVMS EVE & EDT editing interface customizations to the Windows NT environment. Discussion centers on EVE initialization files, OpenVMS TPU (Text Processing Utility) command files, translating OpenVMS EDT initialization files, and the changes required when using the Windows NT operating system. The TPU language and built-in procedures that require special consideration when customizing editing interfaces for use in a multiple operating system environment are reviewed. To address the variety of PC keyboards, the discussion includes considerations for handling the differences from a VT200 or VT100 style keyboard to the more common PC style keyboards. PC068 Using PATHWORKS and ISDN Rick, Randy Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS DOS for ISDN is a new Digital network offering which allows a DOS PC to function as either a DECnet or TCP/IP node on an ISDN network. This PC ISDN product consists of both hardware and software supported by Digital which is compatible with the existing Digital ISDN Router 100 and DIV-32 products. This session describes the installation and tuning of the product, and how it might be integrated into an existing network topology. A Q&A period follows. PC069 eXcursion and PC DECwindows Motif: Advanced Topics Heffelfinger, Tracey Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session covers such topics as remote starting from non-Digital platforms such as SUN and third-party TCP/IP implementations on OpenVMS, as well as issues around color models, MS Windows resources, foreign window managers, and so on. X servers covered include eXcursion and PC DECwindows. PC071 DECnet Routing for the PATHWORKS Administrator Sovereign, Steve Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes DECnet routing as it relates to "normal" routing, designated routing, area routing and gratuitous routing. Each of these routing types is described along with an explanation of why asynchronous DECnet requires a router. PC074 WordPerfect 5.1 PTR Program for PC and VMS Systems Clinic Echols, Scott WordPerfect Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center WordPerfect's 5.1 PTR (printer driver editor) Program for PC and VMS Systems Clinic covers the following areas of printer driver manipulation: o character maps o proportional spacing tables o typeface definitions o font libraries o automatic font changes (AFCs). This is beneficial to all WordPerfect users who need to modify their printers to do "just one more thing". PC075 WordPerfect on Macintosh Arndt, Amy WordPerfect Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Attendees who enjoy using WordPerfect on other platforms and have wondered about its capabilities on the Mac, this is the session to attend. This presentation covers basic word processing skills as well as other, more advanced features such as: o tables o columns o graphics o footnotes o merge o sort o macros o speller and thesaurus. The session also discusses using Quicktime and file transportation. PC076 PATHWORKS and WordPerfect: Installation & Memory Management McMillan, Bruce Solvay Pharmaceutical Friday 10:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center WordPerfect is the most widely used word-processing package in the PC environment. PATHWORKS and WordPerfect work very well together; however, there are several configuration issues to be aware of when using WordPerfect in the PATHWORKS network. This session provides all users of WordPerfect with detailed information regarding: o successful installation of WordPerfect under PATHWORKS o memory management of WordPerfect on the PC o providing the best possible performance under PATHWORKS. PC079 PATHWORKing MS Windows: Network Installation Cooper, Brad ISA Consultants, Ltd. Friday 3:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Want to make the most of MS Windows and a PATHWORKS network? Looking beyond Microsoft's network installation (SETUP/A and SETUP/N)? This session reviews a "network only" configuration that maximizes flexibility and minimizes Windows management headaches. Solutions developed while managing an MS Windows/PATHWORKS network over a five-year period are presented. Topics include: o installation: local vs remote o tuning Windows for PATHWORKS o user and workstation independence o dealing with INI files o diskless workstations o "menu" systems. PC081 PATHWORKS USE Cooper, Brad ISA Consultants, Ltd. Monday 4:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center A well-rounded understanding of Digital's enhanced NET USE command is key to managing a PATHWORKS network. This session examines the functionality of USE (documented and undocumented) and presents real world examples. USE's evolution into a feature-rich program is an indication of Digital's commitment to enhancing PATHWORKS' LAN Manager foundation. Those who were lucky enough to start with USE 1.x have enjoyed the ease in picking-up the new features as they have been added. Those facing USE cold may find it more than intimidating. Either way, those still using the same USE parameters as a year ago, might want to take a closer look. Topics include: o USE basics o disk vs file services o finding the next available drive o bypassing DOS's SUBST and JOIN o connecting to COM devices o adding to the path o one USE for multiple devices. PC083 What's New in PATHWORKS Documentation Documentation Group, PATHWORKS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center How is the PATHWORKS documentation group responding to the needs of the customers? What changes have users seen in recent releases and what changes will they see in future releases? A member of the PATHWORKS documentation group presents information about the latest documentation improvements, including online help, system messages, hard copy and CD-ROM distribution, and Bookreader additions. There is time for questions and answers after the formal presentation. PC087 Amiga Working Group King, Robert E-Systems, SAF Operations Thursday 9:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an opportunity for users of Commodore Amiga systems to discuss issues surrounding their use in a Digital environment. Topics can include Amiga to Digital networking, special application development, or other topics of interest. Organized as a question/answer and wishlist type of discussion. PC088 More for Your PATHWORKS Network Sutter, Paul Voila Software Thursday 11:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces several third-party software products that complement a PATHWORKS network, including a PATHWORKS and OpenVMS management front end, software that turns a VAX into a dialup network server, and a network-wide telephone directory. PC089 Windows NT Technical Overview in OpenVMS Terms Solomon, David Solomon Software Technologies Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session explains Windows NT, Microsoft's next-generation 32-bit operating system, by way of comparison to OpenVMS. It includes: o a technical overview of the Windows NT system o process environment o I/O and file system o security features o networking capabilities o programming environment o system management tools. Windows NT should be of special interest to all OpenVMS users, since it has many of the attributes that made OpenVMS a success, such as desktop to datacenter scalability, symmetric multiprocessing, reliable and robust file system, a rich system service interface, and a great program development environment. In addition, Windows NT runs on Digital's new AXP platform. Also of note is that the same person that led the development of OpenVMS V1 is also the chief architect for Windows NT. This session is a must for all OpenVMS customers planning their operating system platform strategy for the 1990s. PC091 PATHWORKS System Management Problems & Solutions Laserman, Lee Ann Sverdrup Technology Halprin, Mark Sverdrup Technology Kerr, Dave Sverdrup Technology Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses typical post-installation problems that a PATHWORKS system manager encounters. Solutions to these problems are discussed. Topics include: o integration of software using various OpenVMS and MS-DOS software packages: - DECwindows - OpenVMS WordPerfect - MS-DOS Lotus - etc. o system performance and various techniques which may help increase performance o data collection and analysis of this data o methods of file serving to enhance system performance o system tuning to enhance software performance o other hardware and software issues. PC099 Introduction to Apple's Product Family: What's New at Apple Computer? Developer, Apple Apple Computer Monday 3:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a brief introduction to Apple's Macintosh product family and AppleTalk Network System products. It is especially useful for attendees who are new to the Macintosh. It also updates the attendee on the new Apple products and technologies, such as System 7. PC101 Using Macintosh and Desktop ACMS to Develop Client/Server Trezzo, Jim Apple Computer Monday 4:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the way Macintosh, together with Desktop ACMS and VAX ACMS, are being used at Apple Computer to solve various information systems requirements. These requirements include: o use of Macintosh as clients, with ACMS on the server side for transaction management and data security o use of Macintosh development tools for designing application logic and presentation software o use of Data Access Manager as the Macintosh application interface. This session discusses specific application scenarios and design decisions. PC106 Enterprise Connectivity in a Multivendor Environment Product Manager, Tbd Microsoft Corp Monday 1:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not ready at this time. PC114 Microsoft Product Integration Session Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC117 A Technical Review of Windows NT Architecture Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC118 EtherWorks 3 Turbo: 3rd Generation NICs Prod Mgr, Low End Network DEC Friday 3:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes Digital's newest third-generation Network Interface Cards (NICs). These boards which are based on an ASIC design (LEMAC chip) fully support all network operating systems including PATHWORKS, and Novell's NetWare. PC120 MacX: An X Display Server for Macintosh Representative, MacX Apple Computer Monday 6:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center In this session, Apple Computer presents a technical overview of their X display server, MacX. This product, which is also intergrated as part of PATHWORKS for Macintosh, is based on MITs X11 standard. It allows users to display powerful X applications on their Macintosh computers without giving up the elegance of the Macintosh. user interface. PC121 Windows NT for System Professionals Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday10:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time PC123 SNA Services for Windows NT Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC126 Remote Access Services for Windows NT Manager, Product Microsoft Wednesday11:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC127 Advanced Networking with Windows NT Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday12:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC128 SQL Server for Windows NT Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time PC129 Evaluating Windows and Windows NT for Corporate Deployment of Business Applications Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft abstract is not available at this time. PC130 Migrating MS-DOS Based and Microsoft Win 16 Based Applications to Windows NT Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsof's abstract is not available at this time PC136 Windows for Workgroups Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time PC137 Supporting Windows for Workgroups Manager, Product Microsoft Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC139 Building Business Solutions with Windows Manager, Product Microsoft Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time PC141 LAN Manager Overview Manager, Product Microsoft Lord, Chris Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers many of the new features and issues LAN Manager users and administrators will encounter, including: o architectural overview o user-level and share-level security o security options and auditing o domain configuration and administration o programming Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), including named pipes o multiple protocol stacks. PC143 DOS 6.0 Manager, Product Microsoft Corp. Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. PC156 PATHWORKS 101: An Introduction Mauler, Gary Westinghouse Electric Corp. Barielle, Scott ISA Consultants, Ltd. Thursday 9:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an introduction to the terms, concepts, and implementation of networks based on Digital's PATHWORKS using the Personal Computing Systems Architecture (PCSA). This session is for: o people thinking of installing a PATHWORKS network o those who have recently done so o those who will be expanding the role of PATHWORKS in their organization. It provides a good foundation for understanding more technical issues as well as introducing the attendee to the functionality of PATHWORKS. The objective is to give the attendee a good overview of the major functions on each of the client and server platforms. To learn what PATHWORKS is and what can be done with it, be certain to attend this session. PC157 Productivity Gains from Groupware on the LAN Nunamaker, Dr. Jay Ventana Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center The potential for organizations to profit from the use of Groupware will continue to grow in the '90s. Groupware must combine flexibility and power to address the growing needs of sophisticated customers. Flexibility will allow the Groupware applications to expand across the organization and find work group activities to support. Power, represented by functionality, will allow Groupware to adequately support the activity once it is found. Groupware's potential and acceptance will be driven by an organization's ability to show a business case for Groupware's use combined with an understanding of how groups are able to work effectively with Groupware. This session serves as an introduction to Groupware and the experiences of the speaker at the University of Arizona. A case history is presented. PC159 Integrating a Small Workgroup with Windows for Workgroups Mauler, Gary Westinghouse Electric Corp. Thursday 2:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the integration of Microsoft's "Windows for Workgroups" (WFW) product into Digital's PATHWORKS environment. Topics include: o file sharing o printer sharing o Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) over the network o Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) over the network o a network clipboard o workgroup applications o setup and configuration. Issues around making WFW work with PATHWORKS are covered in more detail. PC160 NetDDE: Your Window into OpenVMS and Beyond! Becker, Charles Wonderware Thursday 3:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the attendee to NetDDE, a LAN communications protocol. NetDDE provides the underlying communications between nodes in a Window for Workgroup LAN. By using NetDDE, a user's application can easily access and link to information on other nodes on the LAN. Taking the process one step further, NetDDE can likewise be used to access data on OpenVMS and UNIX nodes with the help of the NetDDE developers kit from Wonderware. PC162 Downsizing with PATHWORKS: A Briefing for IS Management Shapiro, Irv ISA Consultants, Ltd. Barielle, Scott ISA Consultants, Ltd. Tuesday 4:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center A study of the strategic role of DEC's PATHWORKS integration products in the reengineering and downsizing processes. The focus of this session is: o the IS manager's perspective on the changing demands of the user community o the future of traditional time sharing systems o the capabilities and pitfalls of using PATHWORKS to address these needs and the changing environment. PC166 Rules of Thumb for Tuning PATHWORKS DOS Clients and PATHWORKS OpenVMS Servers for Optimum Response Barielle, Scott ISA Consultants, Ltd. Friday 12:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center The most pertinent rules for tuning PATHWORKS are are explained. These are tips for optimizing PATHWORKS response time which where learned the old-fashioned way, by research and knowledge of internals: o Does it make a difference which PC Ethernet boards are used? Which are fastest? o What are the consequences of cross-cluster locking? o Is Lansess faster than DECnet? How much faster? Learn the answers to these and other relevant topics which cannot be learned from books or basic training courses. PC173 The Windows NT Administrative Tools Program Group Lickers, Deanne Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center The Windows NT GUI looks and feels like Windows 3.1. There is, however, a new addition to the Program Manager: the Administrative Tools program group. This session gives an in-depth overview of the program items included in this group: o User Manager o Disk Manager o Performance Monitor o Backup o Event Viewer. For those currently using Windows NT or planning to use it in the near future, this session shows how to effectively manage a Windows NT system via the easy-to-use interface provided by the Administrative Tools program group. PC174 PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX Server: An Overview Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session UN066. PC175 Connecting PCs to PATHWORKS Servers in the UNIX Environment Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session UN065. PC176 Managing PCs in Networks Thursday 10:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM133. PC177 PC Network Backup Techniques Thursday 11:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM132. PC178 PC Network Backup Problems and Solutions Thursday 12:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM128. PC179 Introduction to Windows NT System Management Thursday 9:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM127. PC180 Windows NT Security Model Thursday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE122. PC181 Microsoft Mail: Connecting to DEC Mail Systems Thursday 9:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE217. PC182 Microsoft Mail and Schedule+ Overview Thursday 10:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE216. PC183 Using PATHWORKS in an X.25 Environment Friday 4:00 PM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session NE214. PC184 Distributed Processing Using Client/Server Technology Thursday 3:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT135. PC185 Microsoft Development Tools Strategy Thursday 2:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT134. PC186 Migrating to C++ and Windows NT Monday 5:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT124. PC187 Programming in C++ Monday 4:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT123. PC188 Rapid Development of Windows-Based Applications using C/C++ Monday 3:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT122. PC189 Programming in Visual Basic Monday 12:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT121. PC190 Introduction to Visual Basic Monday 11:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT120. PC191 Visual C Monday 10:00 AM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT119. PC192 Porting from OpenVMS to Windows NT: Choosing the Right System Service Thursday 11:00 AM Room 262 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session LT115. PC193 PC/Mac Software Tools for Accessing Internet Resources Friday 10:00 AM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED051. PC194 PATHWORKing on Campus Panel Discussion Thursday 7:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED018. PC195 Microsoft Licensing Policies Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session BP024. PC196 Getting Service on Microsoft Products Monday 5:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session BP023. PC197 PATHWORKS Licensing: Business Rules, Enforcement, and Options Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 367 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session BP021. PC198 FoxPro: Cross Platform Porting Monday 6:00 PM Room 364/365/366 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session 4G116. PC199 Digital's Operating System Positioning for OpenVMS, OSF/1, and Windows NT fo Tuesday 9:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS160. PC200 Intrusion Detection in a Windows NT Environment Thursday 4:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE130. PC201 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Security Thursday 10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE123. PC202 Windows NT Security Model Thursday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE122. PC203 Macintosh System 7 Security: First Use Thursday 11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE012. PC204 Rdb Client/Server Connectivity: SQL/Services & SQL Access Products Monday 12:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session DM027. SE001 Security Incident Response: What To Do When the System's Been Compromised Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Friday 1:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Security incidents happen: o cyberpunks probe and penetrate networks and systems o vandals pilfer PCs o employees embezzle from computer controlled accounts o jackhammers cleave (network) cables. The quality of our response to a security incident can directly determine how much harm our organization will suffer. Fundamentally, incident response deals with those mechanisms that mitigate, correct, or recover from the effects of harmful acts and circumstances. This seminar addresses the implementation and operation of a Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) to expeditiously deal with these factors. This "team" may consist of one, several, or many people. The strengths and weakness of the SIRT approach are examined. The technical and managerial resources needed to support a SIRT's work are identified. System and network managers who need to know what to do when "security's been compromised" will find this session particularly valuable. SE002 UNIX Security Tune-up: the One-Hour Approach Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Wednesday11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center System managers never have enough time. This session assumes that a system manager only has one hour a week to spend keeping the system secure from the most common "hacks" used against UNIX. Key network, user account, and file system vulnerabilities are addressed. Techniques for "buttoning things up" in under one hour are reviewed. SE004 DECnet Security Techniques for System Managers Tencati, Ronald Hughes STX Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Many system managers inherit DECnet-connected systems, but know little about how to secure them. In today's world of global networks, hackers, viruses, and hostile environments, the issue of network security has become one of both major concern and heartburn to system managers and network administrators alike. This session presents technical configuration tips for managers of nodes in a DECnet network. It presents methods for designing and maintaining a secure environment through the use of file protection schemes and the utilization of both documented and undocumented logical symbols and features. The presentation also describes FAL (File Access Listener) logging, and ways to use operating system commands for enhancing audit trails. This session is for anyone entrusted or concerned with the secure operation of nodes in a networked environment. Some knowledge of OpenVMS and DECnet is helpful. SE005 Building an Incident Response Effort Tencati, Ronald Hughes STX Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center As computer security threats and attacks increase, the capability to react to incidents and coordinate corrective action is important. This session presents the basic elements required in order to build a successful local incident response and handling capability. It also outlines the current International effort to coordinate many such response teams ("CERTs") from around the world into one consultative body. Basic incident handling techniques and international alert mechanisms are presented. Discussion from the audience is welcomed. SE008 The Latest Dirt: Criminals Use Computers and Networks to.... Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Monday 10:30 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Computer hackers originally broke into computing systems in order to satisfy curiosity or to access resources that they felt were unfairly being hoarded by the system. Today, things have begun to change. These "hacker skills" are being sold to the highest bidder, except the bidders are members of organized crime activities. Voice mail systems are currently being used by bookies and drug dealers to store and forward messages, uncontrolled excess capacity in computer databases can be used to store and manage illicit customer and inventory listings in a manner that protects the criminal from a legal provable connection to the information. This session reviews how organized crime is employing the computing and telecommunications systems belonging to innocent parties to further their criminal enterprises, and what resources and methodologies they may adopt in the future. SE009 The X Window System and Security McMahon, John J. TGV, Incorporated Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Friday 11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center The X Window System is the de facto industry standard for implementing portable graphical user interfaces. An analysis of baseline X, however, shows its inherent vulnerability to malicious users and clients. This session describes the nature of X's weaknesses and reports on efforts to field interoperable implementations of X for commercial applications. SE010 Proactive Security Tools Everhart, Glenn RAXCO Inc Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Many security tools found on SIG tapes or commercially available limit themselves to reporting security problems. This session discusses a few tools that go beyond reporting and can help prevent security violations from happening actively. Topics include: o cryptodisks o write-once disks o access monitors o dynamic privilege and rights controls o network-wide identifiers. A brief discussion of ways of testing untrusted images is also given using commonly available tools. SE012 Macintosh System 7 Security: First Use Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Thursday 11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center System 7 allows Macintosh users to access each others Macs over a network for file sharing and program linking. System 7 also incorporates security controls to govern the specific types of allowable access by network users. This session discusses how to use System 7's security functions to protect the security of your network. SE013 Introduction to Computing Security Boelling, Donald Boeing Company Kahle, Warren Computer Development Corporati Monday 9:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center What is "Computing Security"? Why is it needed? These are questions asked by many people who are new to the area of computing security. As technology advances, the threats and risks relating to computing, networking, and other types of data processing, continue to change. This session is a nontechnical introduction to computing security for those who are new to the computing security environment. This session focuses on: o the nature of the problem o evolution of the computing security problem o elements of computing security o threats o losses o vulnerabilities. SE014 Security and Personal Computers: The Basics Boelling, Donald Boeing Company Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Thursday 9:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center If the data on a personal computer or network is important, the personal computer needs protection. Unlike OpenVMS, DOS is not born protected. Topics include: o hardware-based security o software-based security o protect systems from theft, accident, and malicious destruction. From minimum requirements to full security, a variety of needs are addressed. With the advent of viruses, Trojan horses, and the ever-present hacking community, now is the time to protect personal computers and networks. SE016 Phone Fraud: Hacking for Profit Boelling, Donald Boeing Company Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Monday 11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Phone fraud has become a topic of major interest to cyberpunks over the last few years. Cyberpunks are no longer interested in just breaking into computers for fun. Phone fraud can be as simple as a stolen phone credit card, or as complex as a break-in of a company PBX system. This session discusses different ways an individual or company can be a victim to phone fraud, and some of the reasons why it is becoming popular. SE017 Security Policy Hulick, Ted Demax/Software Tuesday 10:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the issue of network security covering security related to a variety of protocols such as DECnet TCP/IP, PATHWORKS, and NetWare. Security protocols such as SNMP and Kerberos are discussed. Emphasis is placed on network auditing and security analysis. SE019 UNIX Security: An Oxymoron? Angelo, Michael Michael F. Angelo Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center UNIX security? Or myth? Over the years, UNIX has obtained a reputation for not being secure. Is this true or is it fiction? This session deals with UNIX security and methods for correcting several of the problems. It is designed to provide the knowledgeable attendees with a list of overall procedures and areas to correct in their locally customized systems. Areas covered include: o basics of what needs to be protected and why o public domain software to do simplified scans o basic philosophy of UNIX security. SE020 Virus Scanning for UNIX Angelo, Michael Michael F. Angelo Thursday 1:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Over the past few years, the media has overplayed the threat of virus infestation on a variety of operating systems. This, combined with the perceived lack of security in UNIX, has raised various questions. One of these is the susceptibility of UNIX attacks from viruses. This session discusses methods to detect viruses as well as procedures to detect changes in general. SE021 OpenVMS SES/SEVMS-B1 Update Fiore, Anthony Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center SEVMS is currently in formal evaluation at the U.S. NCSC for B1. OpenVMS Security Enhancement Service (OpenVMS SES) provides both the operating system extension to OpenVMS (SEVMS) and the services to implement Mandatory Access Controls by labeling labeled subjects and objects with secrecy (and integrity) levels and categories. This session briefly overviews the product, presents enhancements in the current version, and presents the evaluation and RAMP status of the product. SE022 Compartmented Mode Workstation (MLS+) Interoperability Fiore, Anthony Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:30 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a new functionality for OpenVMS SES (SEVMS) that allows the transfer of files between one or more Compartmented Mode Workstations (CMWs or ULTRIX/MLS+) and a VAX running SEVMS. This allows the operation of these platforms in MAC (Mandatory Access Controlled) environments. The session details the operational characteristics, including limitations for transferring files while retaining the MAC secrecy levels and categories and, in the case of files generated on a CMW, the floating information labels. SE023 DEC SecurityGate V1.1 Fiore, Anthony Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:30 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center DEC SecurityGate (DSG) is a layered OpenVMS software security product that filters DECnet protocol traffic, allowing a system or network manager to restrict the types of communication occurring between nodes in different security domains. Security domains can be thought of as a group of nodes partitioned from other nodes of that network through the use of a network security gateway. DSG enforces access rules to (and from) those nodes in the security domain, permitting or denying logical connectivity into (and from) that set of nodes. DSG V1.1 is optional layered software for OpenVMS host-based routers with full function DECnet licenses. The session discusses the operational characteristics, installation, configuration, and limitations of DSG V1.1. SE024 POLYCENTER Security - Digital's Tools for Security Management Ishikawa, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center The POLYCENTER Security family of products (formerly DECinspect) provides security software to ensure compliance management (CM) of security settings on individual systems, summary reporting (SRF) of compliance status, and intrusion detection (ID). Compliance Management (CM) is available on Digital and non-Digital platforms to provide uniform security in a multivendor environment. This session discusses the functionality, operation, and limitations of each member of the CM/SRF/ID family. SE025 Digital's Security Directions French, Roger Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:30 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Digital has incorporated a variety of security capabilities into its products and services. This session addresses the current status of security capabilities in Digital's products and services and discusses possible future security directions. SE027 Securing a Networked Public Microcomputing Facility McMahon, Brian Grinnell College Computer Serv Thursday 6:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center The very nature of open-access microcomputing facilities makes them challenging to maintain and secure. Those responsible for such a facility must strike a balance between access and security, to ensure that the systems are not damaged or compromised, yet not so restricted as to be useless. When the systems are networked, the task becomes even more difficult, as the number and complexity of the risks increases. This session presents solutions, procedures, and "learning experiences" drawn from the past three years at a small, computing-intensive college in the areas of: o physical security o protecting the integrity of the system o anti-virus measures o copy protection and software licensing o network security implications. The session includes time for a question-and-answer period. SE029 Security SIG Security Roadmap and Introduction Kelley, Thomas Trisystems Consulting, Inc. Monday 10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a roadmap of security sessions and related topics. It is also an introduction to the Security Special Interest Group and its Steering Committee, and the various other Security SIG Working Groups and their chairs. An introduction of available Digital personnel dealing with security issues and a review of the booths in the exhibit hall are also presented. Come and hear about the special campground events and where you can spend your time this week if you want to learn more about computer security. SE030 Security Prosecution: Records and Evidence Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Monday 12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Despite all efforts, the system has been compromised by a hacker, an ex-employee, or a criminal. Does one fight a long war of attrition with the criminal or file charges? Does one begin, in the words of a recent best-seller, "Prosecuting to Kill or Prosecuting to Drive Off?" The difference between "Prosecuting to Kill" when dealing with a hacker and merely fighting a long war of attrition can be summarized in one word: evidence. This session reviews the issues involved in documenting security problems. Remember, the end result of a security investigation should be a prosecution; if one can not gain a conviction, then the hacker may very well come back to attack again. Learn what must be done to make sure documentation is usable when the time comes to prosecute. SE032 Practical Hints for DECnet and Networking Security Morris, Skip Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a discussion of simple techniques available to system or network managers that will eliminate or severely limit the damage due to common security problems such as: o masquerading nodes o promiscuous mode traffic monitoring o theft of service. SE037 Writing Security Tools: Panel Kelley, Thomas Trisystems Consulting, Incorpo Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center What goes into writing security tools? These panel members know! This session groups together representatives of several different companies who provide security tools. These representatives answer questions from the moderator and audience members on the difficulties involved in writing security tools. SE039 PC Security Clinic Boelling, Donald Boeing Company Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Thursday 1:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic is a user forum for discussing general PC security issues and the detection, prevention, and recovery from PC viruses. This topic becomes more important as viruses gain in number. In 1988 alone there were 72,000 confirmed reports of virus infections; over one million disks were infected and more than 400 corporations were hit, and the problem is increasing exponentially. In January 1988, there were 3100 reported infections; in December 1988, there were 17,600 reported infections. This clinic gives users a chance to discuss and exchange ideas on handling virus attacks and other PC-related security issues. SE041 Security Clinic Kilgallen, Larry LJK Software Tihor, Stephen New York University Thursday 3:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The Security Clinic forum is intended to cover security issues for all operating systems and networking schemes used on Digital computers. On hand are specialists in OpenVMS, TCP/IP, DECnet, and ULTRIX, as well as in the organizational aspects of computer security. If you come up with a question for which no expert is present, an effort will be made to have your question answered by someone before the end of the symposium. In contrast to most DECUS clinics, the discussions are arranged to avoid "listening in" to learn from others, since in the particular area of security most people do not want a description of their problem to be widely shared. You are welcome to arrive anytime during the session, describe the general nature of your inquiry to our triage worker, and then you are assigned to a Digital or DECUS security expert. SE042 Security Magic Kelley, Thomas Trisystems Consulting, Incorpo Thursday 8:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Here's your chance to share with the audience a unique experience you have had dealing with computer security. Between four and five speakers are allowed to present their encounters with a hacker, a security session at their office and how they deal with it, or how they tripped themselves up with their own security system. It is important to note that the Security SIG is concerned with the possible implications of such a session and only accepts speakers who offer a full solution to any security hole they may be describing. If you would like to participate, please contact Tom Kelley or Warren Kahle via the Security SIG campground. Digital employees are welcome! SE043 Security SIG Open Meeting Kahle, Warren Computer Development Corp. Friday 12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center The Security SIG is holding an open meeting. All members of the SIG steering committee are encouraged to attend. All DECUS members who wish to become more involved with the Security SIG or have input to the future direction of the SIG are welcome. Current SIG projects are discussed and the steering committee is introduced. SE045 System Security: Forgotten Issues, Countermeasures, and Precautions Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Friday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center System security depends on more than just setting up Access Control Lists (ACLs) and locking the machine room door. This session reviews many of the issues of system security that are often overlooked when system-based security solutions are implemented. These areas can lead to some of the most serious security breaches. A range of these security threats is discussed, together with countermeasures and precautions. Example problems and issues are drawn from the speaker's actual experiences. SE046 Security Wish List Tihor, Steven New York University Friday 4:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center DECUS members are given an opportunity to voice their concerns regarding security matters that affect their Digital systems and others. The Wish List has recently undertaken an international focus and the direction of the Wish List is discussed. SE047 Security SIG Wrapup Session Kelley, Thomas Trisystems Consulting, Inc. Friday 4:30 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session is intended to solicit input from the members, announce the future directions of the Security Working Groups, and plan for future symposia. SE054 Putting Identifiers and Access Control Lists to Use Parrish, Charles Becton Dickinson Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Having trouble setting up file availability? Don't know when privileges are being used to access files? This session covers some of the practical applications of identifiers and Access Control Lists (ACLs), setting up project groups, defining alarms, and more. SE066 Network Security Threats Clyde, Robert Raxco, Inc Monday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Chances are that your organization's information assets reside in networked systems. While distributed computing provides substantial advantages for making information and computing power more available, there are specific threats facing today's networks. These threats include eavesdropping, masquerading, attacks from less protected nodes, worms, and many others. Why do networks make these attacks possible? How do security threats differ for networks as opposed to standalone systems? For example, why are worms used to attack networks? What kinds of network attacks have been taking place recently? What steps can you take to better protect your network and mitigate the risks these threats pose? This session discusses possible answers to these questions. In addition, future network architectures may provide a much safer environment. SE067 Comparison of OpenVMS and ULTRIX Security Features Clyde, Robert Raxco, Inc Wednesday12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Both OpenVMS and ULTRIX have a significant set of security features. This session presents an understanding of the degree and types of security offered by both OpenVMS and ULTRIX. This session compares and contrasts security in the two operating systems. The session covers: o authentication and identification o access controls (e.g., file protection) o audit trails o network security o security management. In addition, common vulnerabilities and attack methods are compared for each system. The types of add-on security products available for each system are described. This session includes a comparison of these security extensions. SE068 Introduction to UNIX Security Conorich, Douglas Raxco Inc Wednesday10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Most UNIX system security problems have more to do with lack of attention to proper system administrator and user practices than to any inherent weakness on the part of UNIX itself. This session highlights topics and issues concerning UNIX and UNIX-based system security. The strengths and weaknesses of UNIX security are assessed. Practical examples that illustrate commands and utilities available to system administrators will help attendees gain the necessary understanding to improve the security of their UNIX systems. Key topics include: o basic UNIX security features (permission bits, passwords, and encryption) o monitoring system activity (sulog, lastlog) o UNIX network security (UUCP, FTP, NFS) o assessing UNIX security. SE069 Managing UNIX System Security Conorich, Douglas Raxco Inc Thursday 12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session highlights how to manage the security on your UNIX-based system. Manually managing UNIX system and network security is a nearly impossible and very time-consuming chore. This session develops a list of items to check and ways to automate the process. It demonstrates how to take advantage of security strengths and assess the weaknesses of UNIX systems. It shows you how to improve UNIX system security through practical examples, illustrating commands, utilities, and Raxco's Security toolkit/UNIX. Key topics include: o how to exploit basic UNIX-related security o how to take advantage of vendor supplied "upgrade security" levels o how to assess UNIX network security o classic attacks in UNIX o how to discover a break-in o how to secure UNIX efforts and a tools and techniques resource list. SE070 Introduction to OpenVMS Security Whiting, Todd Raxco Inc O'Brien, Stephen Raxco Inc Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center OpenVMS systems contain a large number of security features. Many of these features must be configured or enabled. How should the system be configured? What features should be enabled and why? How are these features used? The features include: o authentication o file protection o access control lists o security alarms and audit trails o user authorizations and restrictions o privileges o protection against scavenging o backup and recovery o network security o new security features. A key issue is using the OpenVMS features to obtain some form of separation of duties. Also, how do you assess whether a OpenVMS system has been properly configured for a reasonable level of security? What specifically can be done to combat worms (e.g., WANK) and other security problems that have threatened OpenVMS networks recently? The answers to these questions and many more can assist you in securing your OpenVMS systems. SE071 Managing Security in an OpenVMS Environment Whiting, Todd Raxco Inc O'Brien, Stephen Raxco Inc Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center OpenVMS is known throughout the computer industry as a very secure operating system. Keeping it secure can often be an enormous task. Although OpenVMS incorporates many security features, it can be difficult to manage this security. This presentation introduces and discusses important computer security management issues. It describes the basic security available within OpenVMS as well as add-on DEC security products. It also provides an overview of managing OpenVMS security with specific examples using Raxco's security software products for OpenVMS systems. Key topics include: o contemporary computer security issues o security inherent in OpenVMS and Digital add-ons o managing OpenVMS security mechanisms o security monitoring o extending OpenVMS security beyond its intrinsic capabilities. SE072 Policy: The Foundation of a Secure System Whiting, Todd Raxco Inc O'Brien, Stephen Raxco Inc Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Too many companies try to invoke computer security without first laying down the documents that outline the company's response and commitment to securing their information assets. Trying to implement system security without first developing a computer security policy is difficult, time-consuming, and in the end, often futile. It can be compared to building a house without first constructing the foundation. The foundation of a secure system is a well-thought-out and properly implemented security policy. Key topics include: o the importance of having security policy o items included in a security policy o how to develop a realistic security policy. "Policy: The Foundation of a Secure System" is where the creation of a secure computing environment begins! SE073 Overview of the Distributed Intrusion Detection System Palasek, Robert Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab Thursday 4:30 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Intrusion detection systems are tools used by computer systems security officers to call out anomalous and possible intrusive behavior or misuse. In a joint effort, teams from the University of California at Davis, Haystack Laboratories, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have extended an off-line, single-host intrusion detection system to a local area network security domain running mixed UNIX and OpenVMS hosts. The system is presently under beta test. This session describes the architecture of the system, and discusses some of its OpenVMS and DECnet aspects. SE074 Hackers Are People Too! Ryan, Stephen Yuen & Associates Monday 1:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This noted attorney has extensive experience representing members of the "hacker community." Known as Bryan O'Blivian by the computer underground, Ryan shares with us his unique view from "the other side." While acknowledging that some illegal activity does take place by some individuals, he also sees many in the computer underground as the "future of America." After his presentation on how he counsels hackers to protect themselves, he will take general questions from the audience. SE076 Detecting Malicious Code Using DECdetect Troxell, Peter Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center The presence of viruses and Trojan Horses on PCs are common occurrences. Many tools are currently available to detect and eliminate these objects in a PC environment. Today, with the advent of multiuser operating systems such as OpenVMS and ULTRIX, the detection of viruses and Trojan Horses in such environments is much less understood. Although there are no known viruses for OpenVMS and ULTRIX, research has confirmed that viruses are possible. This session discusses how DECdetect can be used to "detect" modifications to files, and describe steps that the systems managers and security administrators should perform to protect their systems. In addition, the use of DECdetect in a software configuration management role is also discussed. SE077 Digital Asks the Security SIG French, Roger Digital Equipment Corporation Fiore, Anthony Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides Digital an opportunity to put the Security SIG -- and DECUS attendees interested in Security -- in the "Hot Seat" and ask questions on anything from concepts, reasons, and directions to products and preferences. A series of Digital engineers, product managers, and others ask the audience to respond to a variety of questions about products, support, and industry directions on specific areas related to computer security and any other issues deemed worthy of discussion. SE084 Postmortem Analysis of a Security Incident Marchany, Randy Virginia Tech Computing Center Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center In December, 1991, a system manager discovered direct evidence of an intruder attack on one of her UNIX systems. The intruders destroyed the operating system kernel while the system manager was investigating the attack. The central computing facility was notified and the investigation revealed that approximately 15 machines were compromised. This talk is a postmortem analysis of the incident, attack methods used, length of the investigation, and its outcome. It also presents recommendations for preventing future incidents. SE085 Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses Clyde, Robert Raxco, Inc. Kaplan, Ray Independent Consultant Wednesday 3:30 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Despite much press and open discussions recently, it seems that every computer security problem is still called a virus. This session presents a tutorial introduction to worms, viruses, Trojan Horses, and the other nasty beasts that plague systems and networks. It is designed to foster a clear understanding of exactly what these are by presenting: o definitions of each nasty beast o examples of what forms these nasty gremlins take o the threats that they pose to a system and a network. This session considers the basics of how you protect a system and a network using the recent experience of practicing security professionals in the detection and investigation of actual cases of these nasty little beasts. This session presents a detailed exploration of several important examples within the context of what has been learned from them. SE091 Technical Audits of Computer Networks Hancock, Bill Network-1, Inc. Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center In the area of network security, technical audits are one of the more difficult items to do and do properly. Knowledge of protocol suites, system setups and a myriad of other technical detail soon swamp the auditor's sense of reality, and it is difficult to tell what is important to select as a security or risk problem and what is not. This session focuses on the technology of auditing network security setup and facilities and to provide basic understanding of the benefits of security auditing of network resources. SE092 Implementing TCP/IP Security Firewalls Pollack, Reece The Wollongong Group Inc Monday 4:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center When a site connects to the Internet, the avenues for security breaches increase. Maintaining security from outside intruders while allowing reasonable ease of use for insiders becomes a serious challenge for the network manager. This session describes methods of increasing security in TCP/IP networks that are connected to public nets such as the Internet by the use of "firewall" systems. Suggestions for operating system and application security are offered. Mechanisms for obtaining security problem notifications are also discussed. Familiarity with TCP/IP protocol basics is assumed. SE093 Threat Risk Assessments of OpenVMS Cooke, Geoff DEMAX Software Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses how a security policy evolves from a threat-risk assessment of an organization's OpenVMS systems. It covers the intent of and steps involved in performing a threat-risk assessment. It also discusses the various issues and responses that can evolve from this process. A series of worksheets and examples of how to apply them to your organization are handed out. SE104 Digital's Software Security Response Team Boren, Rich Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:30 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session expounds the Software Security Response Team within the U.S. geography (SSRT-US) as part of Digital's portfolio of services. The SSRT-US is accessible to Digital customers on a 24-hour, 7-day basis via the Customer Support Center (1-800-525-7100) number, to respond to security incidents involving Digital products. The U.S. team is an integral part of a Digital worldwide reporting process; as such, strict measures are taken to assure confidentiality of information relating to all security incidents reported. There is a review of the SSRT functions, services and reporting process, security incident trends, awareness of incidents/intrusions, and techniques that can, and are, being used to combat the effects of incidents. Some detailed explanations are provided on methods used to assist with security-related incidents that can affect individuals, from the data-center System/Security Manager to the PC user. The discussion elaborates on the potential threats to the "Confidentiality, Integrity and/or Availability" (C,I,A, model) of information and information systems. SE105 Security Auditing for OpenVMS Siegel, Carol Coopers & Lybrand Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center OpenVMS and DECnet security auditing provides a structure for a security audit of an OpenVMS environment. This presentation provides a framework for performing a security audit -- not only for the internal and external auditors, but also for the information security administrators who provide system security. This talk presents the steps in an audit and covers the three audit control areas: OpenVMS, network controls, and security management. Topics of identification, authentication, access controls, network controls, boot path procedures are covered. Specific guidelines are provided. SE107 Strategy in Setting Up Security for a Large Company: A Case Study Johnson, David Talon Systems Thursday 7:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center There are hundreds of things one can do to enhance computer security: run that software, add this device, audit those logs, and so on, and so on. If security is not developed as a coherent plan, much of what you do will be wasted effort; you will fail to do what really needs to be done. At a major aerospace company, a strategic plan for security was developed, based on its environment and requirements. This presentation describes these efforts, how they developed, and where they led. Strategic and tactical issues are discussed. SE113 DECnet Phase V and OpenVMS Host Security Coar, Ken Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Many of the conventional approaches to securing a OpenVMS system must be revised when it begins operating in a DECnet Phase V environment. This session describes the security-related differences between DECnet Phase IV and the new environment, with an emphasis on adjusting detection and analysis procedures. Proxies, connection source identification, and link tracing are also covered. SE119 Digital's Security Offerings and How They Fit Coar, Ken Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session briefly describes most, if not all, of Digital's security-related products and services. Particular attention is given to categorizing the offerings according to whether they assist an organization in actually securing information, developing a security policy, and/or responding to actual security incidents in realtime. SE121 Security for Exhibits, Campgrounds, and the Trade Show at DECUS Symposia Carr, Sam Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the framework for and planning of the physical and electronic security of the exhibits, campgrounds, and trade show that make up DECUS Symposia. The exhibit halls have had an extensive network for some time, and campgrounds have also had smaller networks within and among various SIGs. The Spring 1993 Symposium is the first time the exhibits, campgrounds, and trade show have been integrated into a single, overall network with access to the outside. The focus is on how the balance was struck between open access and appropriate protection of information and property in this new, integrated environment. SE122 Windows NT Security Model Product Manager, Microsoft Microsoft Corp. Clark-Redmond, Connie Microsoft Corp. Thursday 3:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. SE123 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Security Engineer, PCI Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on the PATHWORKS security model. It describes how the security model has evolved in the latest version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS. Topics include the types of protection available to system managers for files, directories and services and mechanisms to detect break-ins. SE125 Network Security Hulick, Ted Demax/Software Monday 2:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the issue of designing a security policy to meet OpenVMS based systems. The issues discussed include identifying security risks, assigning levels to those risks, delegating responsibility, using existing and third-party tools to secure the environment and example of security breaches and how they relate to security policy failures. SE126 Secure Your Networked Host Without Pulling the Ethernet Cable Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session shows how DECathena implements a secure network environment in a hostile world and explains how you can secure your network. First, we describe ways that your hosts are currently vulnerable, how clear text passwords can be read on the wire, and how vulnerable "proxy access" and "trusted host" is. Then, the talk shows you how to secure your login, files, mail access, and messaging, along with ways of securing client/server applications. SE127 Security in the OSF Distributed Computing Environment Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center Central to the concept of distributed systems is the idea of components on different systems within the network cooperating to accomplish some useful work. In order for this to be done in a reliable and secure way, there must be a mechanism for these various distributed components to trust the identity of cooperating components (authentication) as well as determine whether a given entity has permission to accomplish certain functions (authorization). This presentation discusses the mechanisms being used to provide authentication and authorization services within the OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). SE129 OpenVMS System Security Management and Implementation LeTourneau, George Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the OpenVMS system manager's role in implementing the correct level of system software security. Key points in the presentation address: o setting up good physical security (computer room, terminal room, and communication lines) o system access security o user restrictions o educating users on implementing appropriate levels of file security. SE130 Intrusion Detection in a Windows NT Environment Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center With the Microsoft Windows NT operating system becoming popular and large numbers of installations in process, security becomes a concern for organizations getting used to this "new" environment. This session addresses a major area of computer security: intrusion detection and how it is being handled by products that had been developed first for other platforms. This presentation describes: o the differences one can expect in attempted Windows NT break-ins from those of other systems o the main structure of the Windows NT audit system o the detection and countermeasure requirements that a good intrusion detection product should have for this environment. The session also includes a summary of the needs for integration with other security capabilities in the Windows NT environment. SE133 Kerberos Configuration and Troubleshooting Clinic Sjogren, Sam TGV, Inc. Thursday 2:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers configuration and troubleshooting aspects of the Kerberos network authentication system. Also covered is how to "Kerberize" your own applications. SE135 OpenVMS VAX V6.0 Security Features Usage Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center This session will discuss the OpenVMS base system security enhancements which are being made in OpenVMS VAX V6.0. This session will describe the enhancements to the base operating system and will provide an insight into how these features may be optimally used. The enhancements include: new security auditing and privilege checking system services, object-oriented security management system services, VAXcluster support for consistent and permanent security object profiles, new DCL utilities, new RTL routines, identifier and rights database changes, and a veritable deluge of additional auditing events. These enhancements provide support of a C2 certification under the US DoD "Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria". SE136 Campus Computer Security: Policies and Procedures Panel Discussion Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED008. SE137 Understanding Rdb Security Friday 12:00 PM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session DM044. SM006 Site, Management, and Training Roadmap Brooks, Gregory N. Washington U. Med. School Monday 9:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The Site, Management, and Training SIG's areas of concern include: o system/site management and security o documentation techniques and standards, user training, and support o business practices o data processing management issues o capacity planning and workload forecasting o mature products issues and management o processor and software conversion and migration o computer room design and facility environmental issues o resource management and utilization o multivendor issues o disaster planning and recovery. Most Special Interest Groups focus on individual processor types, operating systems, languages, or application types. SITE SIG's areas of interest apply across the board to data-processing professionals in general. The Roadmap session offers attendees an overview of the SITE sessions during the week, along with other SITE SIG activities, including (but not limited to): o SITE campground events o Working Group meetings o other current activities. SM007 Murphy's Laws and the System Manager Mercorella, Ralph RMM Consultants, Incorporated Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center All too frequently, companies take computer equipment operators, give them the title of System Manager, and expect success in a job function for which the new system managers are neither trained nor prepared. This session takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the pitfalls associated with the position. Through the application of the fundamentals of Murphy's Laws, the presentation examines the generally demanding and often humorous frustrations, traps, and aspects of the system manager's role. SM008 Chiller Theatre: Why Didn't I Listen to My Mother and Learn Brain Surgery? O'Malley, Patrick Ziff Information Services SIG, SITE Steering Committee Tuesday 9:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center o Do your Policies and Procedures look like Murphy's Laws? o Does your operator snort Freon? o Does your salesman behave like Moammar Qadafy? o Does Pee-Wee Herman run your training sessions? o Does your service technician depend on a VT320 installation guide? o Does Jack the Stretcher mount your tapes? o Do Ghostbusters run your Technical Support? o Does your BI bus make frequent stops? o Does Freddy Krueger live under your raised floor? o Did your computer room contractor install ashtrays? o Is there nerve gas in your Halon system? o Is your UPS the worst in the shipping business? o Have you been visited by the Ghost of Downtime Future? The Site, Management, and Training SIG deals in the stuff of melodrama (and high blood pressure): risks encountered, crises threatened, resolutions required, breathless cliffhangers. o If you have experienced a site, system, management, or training crisis, o if you have (or have not) averted a catastrophe, o or if you just want to gloat that these things haven't happened to you . . . yet! -- then come to SITE CHILLER THEATRE for an evening of fun, special guests, prizes, and SURprises! SM009 SITE SIG Counterparts Meeting Brooks, Gregory N. Washington Univ. School of Med Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This joint meeting of the SITE SIG Steering Committee and all SITE SIG Counterparts enables information exchange about the future directions of the SIG. The objective of the meeting is to provide a strategic framework for future symposium offerings, particularly for San Francisco in the fall. Volunteers are welcome to attend. SM010 SITE SIG Volunteers Meeting Mercorella, Ralph RMM Consultants, Inc. Wednesday10:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center Are you involved in site and/or system management operations? Would you like to be involved with DECUS, too? An extremely important part of the SITE SIG's work concerns information exchange throughout the user base. We have lots of room for interested volunteers, and you don't have to attend all the symposia to help out. Come to our volunteers meeting: Meet the SIG Steering Committee, talk to our Digital Counterparts, and find out where YOU fit into the SITE picture! SM011 How to Write Documentation That Works: A Technical Writing Tutorial Shannon, Terry Gander Resources Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Writing (and reading) documentation for the computer industry need not be an onerous task. This session presents a step-by-step approach to the design, creation, and production of clear, understandable users' guides, tutorials, and related software documentation. SM013 How to Build a Better Disk Hibbits, Jim Raxco, Inc. Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center One of the hottest system performance topics recently has been disk file fragmentation. The ramifications of file fragmentation and the impact on I/O subsystem performance and system performance are being widely discussed. Indeed, Digital has stated that file fragmentation is a performance problem and has finally released a product to deal with some, though not all, of the issues involved. However, there are several aspects of file management not addressed by simple disk file defragmenters. Disk file defragmentation is a subset of overall disk organization and structure management, that of disk optimization. This session discusses the principles of disk file defragmentation, and describes how it fits with optimal disk organization and structure management. SM014 Strategic Planning for Disaster Recovery Working Group Mercorella, Ralph RMM Consultants, Incorporated Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The Disaster Recovery Working Group is aimed at exchanging information among DECUS attendees who are responsible for the following within an enterprise: o security o backing up and restoring data o contingency planning o disaster recovery o facilities management. The purpose of this working group is to establish a forum within the DECUS community to address some of the unique information processing needs found within the industry. SM015 Disaster Recovery/Contingency Planning Clinic Mercorella, Ralph RMM Consultants, Inc. Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic provides an opportunity for attendees to discuss all issues relating to security, disaster recovery, contingency planning, and facilities management. Everyone who has concerns or issues relating to the topic is welcome to attend. SM016 Disaster Recovery/Contingency Planning Panel Mercorella, Ralph RMM Consultants, Incorporated Friday 11:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This panel discussion focuses on disaster recovery, contingency planning, security, and facilities management. Panel members provide clear definitions and address key issues relating to the topic. The examples discussed come from a cross-section of all industries. The panel is interactive to allow for questions from the audience, so plan to bring your insights, concerns, and comments. SM017 Improving User Support McDonald, Andrea Sterling Software Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center Exceptional service: We read about it, talk about it, and expect it ourselves. But how many of us provide it to our own customers, the users? This session presents some strategies and a philosophy for: o improving customer service o working with those difficult users o focusing efforts where they will do the most good for the most users o creating a more effective support environment. User support is easy in principle, difficult in practice. Find out what the customer really wants. View those difficult users as an opportunity to practice your interpersonal skills. Don't stop after you've fixed that immediate problem. Follow up with a phone call, an e-mail message, or, when you see them next, ask if the problem "stayed fixed." All these activities may be the edge you need to move into that exceptional service category. After all, if it weren't for those users, we wouldn't have jobs. SM018 Time Management for Managers McDonald, Andrea Sterling Software Tuesday 11:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Time management. Do those words make your skin crawl? But time management is just another tool for building a successful career. Too often, managers are pulled in many different directions. The manager must step back and ask some questions: o Why am I here? o What is my major function? o Am I using my time wisely? o Am I doing something that someone else can do? This session covers the whys and hows of successful time management, such as deciding what to work on first. Components include planning what is to be done, recording what gets done, and critically examining the completed tasks, so they can be accomplished better and quicker next time. This exercise can increase credibility, lower the stress level, shorten implementation and "debugging" time, and help avoid the "there is never enough time to do it right but there's always enough time to do it over" trap. SM019 Training Room Layout and Configuration Keenan, Elizabeth Memphis State University Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Effective user training depends on many different factors. One key element is the environment in which the training is conducted. This presentation covers specific design considerations such as: o room location o placement of lighting o audio-visual equipment o seating arrangements o terminal cabling. The session also: o discusses the need for flexibility to accommodate a wide variety of classes o evaluates cost factors and budgetary constraints o reviews less tangible concerns such as obtaining upper management support. SM020 Self-help Clinic for Burnt-out Trainers Keenan, Elizabeth Memphis State University Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center Trainers, professional and de facto, burn out at a distressingly rapid rate. This session helps you to decide if your burnt-out state is due to personal problems or is caused by job-related stress. The informal atmosphere of the presentation facilitates a frank, open, unrecorded discussion of the problems and solutions, strengths and weaknesses, pains and accomplishments of trainers. The session provides some helpful suggestions to help you overcome your feelings of burn-out. SM021 Storage Migration Programs Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session details the various storage migration programs that Digital has implemented. Whether it's a disk, tape, solid-state disk or your entire subsystem, there should be a program for you. If there is not, Digital is interested in hearing your suggestions for reasonable, financially sound programs. Learn what it takes to turn your investment in Digital storage into an investment in the new technology for performance, operational savings, and better data access. SM022 Help Desk: What Do These People Need to Know? Moreau, Meg Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses what the people who staff the help desk need to know in order to be "helpful." It is intended for help desk managers, help desk staff, and employees in sites starting a help desk. Discussion topics include: o training o level of support - their expectations - your expectations - the expectations of those who request "help" o prioritizing o customer satisfaction issues o who helps the help desk? o helpful hints. SM023 Digital Education and Training at Your Service Romano, Bob Digital Equipment Corporation Garcia, Evelyn Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center Visit the Site, Management, and Training Campground to get answers to your training-related questions. A group of Digital's Education and Training consultants and managers is available to help you with your training solutions. Fifteen-minute presentations are given on the hour and half-hour, followed by another fifteen minutes for questions and discussion. Whether you want a complete training plan, insight into Digital's solutions to technical training, or just an answer to one question, these professionals are at your service. SM024 System Management: Curing the DEC/Rdb Nightmare Schanz, Anne Marie Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center With the growth of relational technology, today's system managers must often manage data centers containing a DEC/Rdb database. A DEC/Rdb database must be managed in a manner different from a conventional file system in order to maintain high availability and data integrity. This session describes the basics of relational terminology, DEC/Rdb files, and guidelines for system managers or administrators for management of DEC/Rdb. SM025 The Answer Is: Computer- and Text-Based Instruction Courses Albright, Roger Caterair International Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center With all the Computer- and Text-Based Instruction courses (CBIs and TBIs) that are offered, it's very easy to get overwhelmed. This presentation covers the following topics: o why to use CBIs and TBIs o advantages and disadvantages of CBIs and TBIs o management and installation of courses in a VAX environment o placing the courses in a menu-driven environment. SM026 Maximize your Training Dollars Gillin, Barry Gillin Consulting Company Tuesday 3:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center In this time of recession, companies are cutting back on budgets, slashing costs, eliminating training, and generally making life tough for everyone. This presentation offers suggestions on how to get the most out of your training dollars. The session discusses: o how to get the most for your money, once the outlay has been approved for training o planning for the course o maximizing your return from the money spent on training. SM029 Digital Education and Training Products and Solutions Update Romano, Bob Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses what's new in Digital's Education and Training products and solutions. The presentation looks at products from the PC to the mainframe, from proprietary to open systems, and from the individual's needs to the entire company's integrated solutions. SM031 How to Present a DECUS Session: From Planning to Presentation O'Malley, Patrick Ziff Information Services Wednesday 4:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center Have you ever considered presenting a DECUS session yourself? This session offers some tips about how to design, write, and present a session. Topics include: o how to write an abstract and title o writing the actual session and handouts o how to present the session o some insight into combating nerves o timing: how to make a one-hour session one hour long (instead of 30 minutes or two hours!). Some examples of previous DECUS presentations are used as case studies. SM032 Survival Skills for Trainers LeBlanc, Therese LeBlanc & Associates Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center The ability to speak effectively is key to the survival and success of any trainer. This session takes a fun, informative look at how you can improve your presentation and speaking skills. The presentation addresses common speaking problems, and describes how to avoid or minimize them. The session reveals tricks for improving confidence in front of a group, dealing with adults in the classroom, taming problem students, and much more. This presentation is valuable for any computing professional who has to speak in front of groups. SM033 Maximize Residual Value Through Proper Use of Digital Policy Baldwin, Richard North Generation Computing Casto, Gregory Digital Dealers Association Monday 2:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center A proper understanding and use of Digital policy is very important when selling or acquiring used equipment. Proper documentation and procedure enhance the value of the equipment, smooth the process, and protect the company from potential financial harm. This session explains in detail Digital policy affecting the movement of used equipment. The presentation discusses: o software relicensing o warranty transfers o Certificate of maintainability and Digital eligibility o deinstallation and reinstallation o international issues. SM034 POLYCENTER Scheduler Update Kita, Jefferson Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an update on POLYCENTER Scheduler (previously known as DECscheduler). It focuses on the enhancements made to V2.0 and V2.1. In addition to addressing general functionality, the presentation discusses: o the newly added agents o portability to AXP o integration with POLYCENTER products and with DECmcc. SM035 Advancing Towards Lights-Out Using POLYCENTER Scheduler Kita, Jefferson Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:45 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session delivers information needed to properly plan for and implement POLYCENTER Scheduler (previously known as DECscheduler) in the production environment. The presentation provides considerations and suggestions, based on experience in the usage of the product within Digital's data centers, to help the user through each stage of the implementation -- from startup to full production. The process is divided into three main segments: o defining roles and responsibilities to drive the project o identifying processes and related schedules to be automated o fine-tuning current procedures to fit and succeed in an automated environment. This process description provides the framework for discussion of the concept of lights-out computing and how to achieve it. The session also includes descriptions of new POLYCENTER Scheduler features and their uses. SM036 POLYCENTER Scheduler Clinic Kita, Jefferson Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses users' most commonly asked questions about the functionality and usage of POLYCENTER Scheduler (previously known as DECScheduler). The clinic provides an informal forum for the users to interact directly with the product developers for feedback and discussions, as well as offer suggestions and ideas for future enhancements and product direction. Users are encouraged to share current successes, setbacks, and insights on how various functionalities may be used to take full advantage of POLYCENTER Scheduler in a myriad of computing environments. SM037 Optimizing Job Scheduling with POLYCENTER Scheduler Kita, Jefferson Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session demonstrates how DECscheduler functions are designed and used to optimize OpenVMS computing environments. With its VAXcluster support features, wide-area network control capabilities and augmented security system, DECscheduler provides not only basic scheduling automation for regular and repetitive processes, it allows users to expand control over previously unavailable computing resources yet maintain a high level of system and process integrity. SM038 DECps Product Overview Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center DECperformance Solution (DECps) is Digital's comprehensive and extensible Performance and Capacity Management product set. DECps helps centralize and streamline the performance management and capacity planning activities of a data center. DECps helps to reduce the time and effort required to manage the performance of system resources in cluster, LAN or WAN configuration. It helps alleviate the system manager from performing routine tasks by automating several tasks and provides capabilities that enable you to be proactive in managing your systems. This session details the features, functionality, and benefits of DECps. Find out how DECps can help you maximize your current system performance and plan for future resources. SM039 Capacity Planning with DECps Capacity Planner Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:15 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a case study using DECps Capacity Planner to demonstrate many of the key capabilities of this product and show how it can be used to solve capacity planning problems faced by today's system planners. The presentation is of interest to system managers, performance specialists, capacity planners, and MIS management. SM040 Performance Management with DECps Performance Advisor Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center DECps, Digital's Performance Solution, provides extensive performance management capabilities to help maximize system performance. This session illustrates, with a case study, how to use DECps for performance management using the performance management methodology. The presentation is of particular interest to existing DECps, VPA, and SPM customers, but is also intended for system managers, application developers, performance specialists, capacity planners, and MIS management. Attendees should be familiar with performance management methodology. SM041 DECps Product Panel Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center In this session, DECps customers and DECps engineers discuss how they use DECps to help manage their data centers. The members of the DECps Product Panel answer questions on how best to utilize the DECps product set in various environments. The session is also of interest to system managers, application developers, performance specialists, and capacity planners. SM042 Digital's Capacity Planning Strategy Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center With the introduction of faster and cheaper hardware, one may argue that it could be cheaper and faster to simply upgrade a server or workstation with a bigger and/or faster processor, more memory, and increased disk storage than to invest time and money in acquiring a capacity-planning tool, which can require spending weeks on modeling and planning. This presentation discusses the complexities and challenges of capacity planning encountered in a multivendor distributed environment. Issues include: o client/server computing o networking o system migrations o downsizing. The session outlines how Digital intends to position its combination of learning services, consulting services, and products to address these new capacity planning challenges. SM045 Trends in the Network Management Industry Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center What's available to manage networks today? How will the needs and offerings change over the next few years? This presentation ponders what is over the horizon in the areas of: o automated management o bandwidth on demand o smart agents o standards and other hot topics in network management. SM047 DECmcc TCP/IP Management Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 3:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of existing and emerging ways to manage a TCP/IP Internet. The presentation reviews SNMP and SNMP V2. The session also provides an update on how to best use MIBs, including how to use: o the new MIB browser o the MIB compiler o the IP reachability poller. SM048 DECmcc SNA Management Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 4:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation reviews the new joint product announcement from Digital and System Center Inc. The product enables managers of SNA networks using NETview or NETMaster and Open Systems networks using DECmcc to exchange management information and commands seamlessly. SM049 Introduction to POLYCENTER Network Management Offerings Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:30 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This overview discusses the different network management offerings from Digital, including: o DECmcc BMS and EMS packages o POLYCENTER SNMP Manager (formerly MSU) o the POLYCENTER SNA Manager and other products and services that can be useful in keeping networks running. SM050 Using the Network to Manage the Network Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Network management tools are only part of the set of tricks available to network managers today. Since it is rare for an entire network to go down, it makes sense to also take advantage of the information technology tools on a distributed network, such as conferencing, electronic mail, fax gateways, file transfer, and remote terminal access. This session presents case studies of customers who have their networks well under control. SM053 Digital's Console Management Solutions Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Console management can help centralize communication and control of distributed multivendor environments. Digital's console management solutions can help you optimize productivity and maximize computing resources availability. This session presents two console management product solutions: o POLYCENTER Console Manager/ULTRIX o VAXcluster Console System (VCS). SM054 POLYCENTER System Watchdog Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The POLYCENTER System Watchdog monitors operations in a distributed environment, and automatically initiates user-determined responses to specified events. It introduces a new level of accuracy and consistency to the management of all components in a distributed system. This session describes the features and functionality of the POLYCENTER System Watchdog products. SM056 Directions in Distributed Systems Management: Panel Discussion Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation invites you to learn about Digital's direction in Distributed Systems Configuration Management. A panel of experts describes a cohesive set of products that go into delivering the strategy, and positions these products within the Digital vision. Attendees are welcome to discuss the product set and the vision with the panel. SM057 POLYCENTER System Census Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes POLYCENTER System Census, a system management tool that allows for the automatic gathering of configuration information. The presentation briefly explains the functions and features of the POLYCENTER System Census product, and identifies the platforms it supports. Attendees should gain a sense of how this tool can be used to provide current, accuurate knowledge about the configuration of systems within an enterprise. SM062 What's New from POLYCENTER Moy, Winifred Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center POLYCENTER is Digital's evolving solution to the multivendor, multiplatform management problem. Based on products and services available today, the Enterprise Management Architecture (EMA) for the future, and a commitment to delivering solutions that will address an intelligent self-managing environment, POLYCENTER can support the computing environment today and into the next century. This session presents the latest products and services being offered from the POLYCENTER Solutions Portfolio, and describes how they complement and integrate into the current suite of offerings. The presentation also covers a brief review of what POLYCENTER is and why it is important to the computing environment of today as well as the future. SM063 Establishing a Lights-Out Computing Environment Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center Establishing a lights-out computing environment is a significant undertaking that involves good planning, good management, technology, and time. Some organizations have started programs and projects that will move them toward this goal; others have already achieved it. This presentation answers the following questions: o How did they identify their goals and objectives? o Where did they target their resources -- and why? o What have these organizations learned during their programs? o What technologies, products, and services did they implement? o To what degree have they achieved their goals? The session is especially applicable for those who may be about to undertake a similar path or have started down this road. SM064 Using POLYCENTER Common Agent for System Management Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the new POLYCENTER Common Agent product. The presentation provides tutorial information for system managers on how to use Common Agent to control remote system resources, such as disks and print queues. The session includes a case study of how to deploy Common Agent Managed Object Modules (MOMs) for distributed system and network management. The POLYCENTER Common Agent shipped on ULTRIX RISC in January and will soon be available on the OpenVMS VAX and OSF/1 AXP platforms. It includes a complete set of developers' tools for creating remotely manageable objects. SM065 DECmcc User's Introduction: Getting Started on DECmcc Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This sessions introduces DECmcc to the network manager. The presentation: o reviews the interfaces and functions performed by DECmcc o gives the new user a glimpse of the power behind DECmcc products. SM066 Ten Ways to Integrate with the POLYCENTER Framework (DECmcc) Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center DECmcc is not just for network management anymore! This session provides information about the variety of ways to handle system management tasks within the POLYCENTER framework. The presentation also describes means of loosely integrating your favorite system management tools through one of ten methods: o data collector management module o application launch o script (command procedure) management module o interpresentation module communication o creating management modules o using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) MIBs (Management Information Bases) o DECmcc_Call interface o POLYCENTER Common Agent o Alarms FM o Command Line Interface (CLI) scripting. SM067 Don't Hire the Wrong People Miller, Harry Ontario Police Department Monday 1:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center How much time and effort goes into ensuring that a firm does not hire a potentially dangerous, malicious, or dishonest employee? Before allowing employees access to the computer, does management investigate their backgrounds to find out if the potential for disaster exists? The speaker is an instructor on background investigations of potential law enforcement officers for the California Department of Justice. He informs, entertains, and frightens his listeners. Topics include the need for pre-employment investigations, as well as guidelines for conducting them without violating the rights of the applicant. SM068 Anatomy of a File Header Hibbits, Jim Raxco, Inc. Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation explores the contents and usage of file headers under ODS-II. The session presents a complete analysis of file headers, and describes the implications affecting file design and usage. In addition, the presentation addresses these specific topics: o volume initialization o directories o security o fragmentation o multiple-header files o ANALYZE/DISK. SM069 On -- and Beyond -- Defragmentation Hibbits, Jim Raxco, Inc. Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center One of the hottest recent system performance topics has been disk file fragmentation. The ramifications of file fragmentation and the impact on system performance and I/O subsystem performance are widely discussed. Indeed, Digital has stated that file fragmentation is a performance problem, and has indicated that it will at some time address the issue. Disk file defragmentation is a subset of overall disk management. This presentation discusses the principles of disk file defragmentation, and describes some of the other issues surrounding disk and I/O performance. SM071 Teaching Your First Computer Class Byrd, Ellie Computer Education & Design Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center Teaching your first class can be both exciting and terrifying. This session helps you prepare yourself by offering tips, tricks, and techniques that experienced instructors have used for years. Topics include: o preparing the presentation o effective use of visual aids o speaking skills o handling problem students o classroom logistics o turning fear into energy o the value of rehearsal o general guidelines. SM072 Training, Documentation, and Support Working Group Meeting Byrd, Ellie Computer Education & Design Wednesday11:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center The objective of the Training, Documentation, and Support Working Group is to bring together DECUS members who work in computer-related training. Some are full-time, professional trainers; some count training as just one of many job responsibilities. All are concerned with the closely related issues of training, documentation, and user support. Members communicate with each other between symposia, and the working group is sponsoring several sessions during the Las Vegas Symposium. The stated purpose of the working group is to discuss problems and solutions that members encounter while teaching, documenting hardware and software, and dealing with issues of user support. Come share your experiences and ideas. SM073 Documentation Hints and Kinks Shannon, Terry Gander Resources Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center "It's not what you say but how you say it" summarizes the unique challenges posed by the communication of technical information to nontechnical users. This session builds upon the "what you say" information presented in the "How to Write Documentation That Works" session by focusing on the content of a document-based information delivery vehicle. The speaker discusses key "how you say it" techniques and strategies that enable novice and professional writers to improve the style, format, and presentation of technical information for a wide variety of audiences. SM075 TARGET->HOTLINE for Help Desks: Product Update Passalacqua, Stephen Target Systems Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center TARGET->HOTLINE is used to automate help desk operations for both internal user support and external customer service. This session provides a detailed technical look at this OpenVMS-based problem tracking and management tool. The presentation also highlights the features contained in the latest release of TARGET->HOTLINE, and discusses its integration with TARGET->ASSET TRACKING and other Digital products, such as DECalert, DECmcc, and DECtalk. SM076 TARGET->HOTLINE Data Administrator Workshop Passalacqua, Stephen Target Systems Corporation Monday 3:30 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides TARGET->HOTLINE data administrators and other help desk staff or management personnel an opportunity to discuss their environment and setup with Target Systems product management and other TARGET->HOTLINE users. Ideas on how to further utilize the product as a comprehensive tracking tool for change and project management are discussed. The workshop is expected to cover topics such as: o scripting and screen design o asset integration o user profiles o end-user problem logging o escalation o Expert System o site-defined code fields o TARGET->HOTLINE Motif interface o Report Writer and Data Extract. SM077 Expert Systems for the Help Desk Passalacqua, Stephen Target Systems Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the application, advantages, issues and expectations of using expert systems in a help desk environment. The presentation explains the use of an expert system to "aid" the help desk staff and end users in problem solving, symptom searching, information retrieval, and problem ticket integration. The functioning of these systems in a technical support and customer service environment is illustrated by example. "Why" and "how" an expert system is integrated into a problem/change management system are important concepts. The session also addresses these concepts, along with a definition of system specifications. In addition, once an expert system has been purchased or built, how should it be implemented? Approaches to system planning and implementation are also covered. SM080 Cost-Justifying a Help Desk Passalacqua, Stephen Target Systems Corporation Croteau, Jerry Target Systems Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Are you planning to start up a help desk or service department? Are you expanding or rebuilding your current method of supporting end users and customers? This session discusses the following areas and topics: o establishing goals and objectives o problem tracking/expert system software: build versus buy o staffing requirements o help desk operating procedures o securing management commitment and "buy-in" o identification of hidden cost. SM082 Why Does Your Organization Need a Disaster Recovery Plan? Mercorella, Ralph Ralph M. Mercorella Tuesday 3:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Information processing and communications technology are integral to the delivery of products and services to customers. The development and operations of technology-based systems throughout an organization have created a growing dependence on timely and accurate information. It is essential to: o protect these systems from misuse and theft o operate and maintain the computer systems, the data processed on these systems, and the communications facility associated with those systems in a secure manner o establish, test, and periodically review and revise disaster recovery/contingency plans. SM084 SITE SIG DECUS Button Swap Mercorella, Ralph Ralph M. Mercorella Barbe, Patsy Farm Credit Bank Thursday 9:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Most DECUS Symposium attendees are button collectors, and many of us have duplicates from previous symposia. Well, here is your opportunity to meet with other collectors and swap those duplicate buttons for others. So dig into your collection of buttons, and come to this session prepared to barter and trade for those hard-to-find and rare buttons you missed. This is an opportunity to meet and greet other DECUS button collectors. Moreover, we will not limit trading to buttons. If you have any other DECUS items that you would like to trade, bring them along! SM085 Creating a Successful Help Desk Barbe, Patsy Farm Credit Bank of Wichita Tuesday 2:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center Are your technical staff, programmers, and operations personnel spending valuable, productive hours assisting end users? If so, there may be a need for a help desk in your company. For many companies, the help desk was eliminated in the '80s; however, in the '90s, a need for the help desk has returned. How do you get started building a successful help desk? How do you communicate the role of the help desk? This session offers ideas on where to get started. The presentation addresses: o investigating your company's needs o setting visions, goals, and values o communicating with the help desk o gaining management support o staffing requirements o policies and procedures o effective cutover o call logging. SM086 People Skills Strackbein, Ray Consultant Thursday 8:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center People skills are often as foreign to "computer people" as computer skills are to "people people." The speaker advocates the idea that, with slight changes, the same computer skills you use daily can be used as a basis for improving skills in dealing with people. This session explores that idea, and offers concrete examples of how to easily acquire better people skills by using techniques you already know from another context. SM087 A Day in the Life of a Help Desk Analyst Barbe, Patsy Farm Credit Bank of Wichita Monday 6:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center What is a help desk analyst? What special qualities does the analyst need to possess? Do analysts really perform magic? If your company currently has a help desk, or if you are looking at creating a help desk in the future, this is your opportunity to learn about some of the common, everyday questions and problems that may arise. The communal nature of this session helps us all discover that one help desk is not that much different from another. Bring your help desk "funnies" to share with the other attendees. The possibility of starting a Help Desk Working Group is also explored. SM088 Disaster Recovery: A Help Desk Perspective Barbe, Patsy Farm Credit Bank of Wichita Monday 6:30 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center In the event of a disaster, what is the help desk's role in the disaster recovery plan? What can the help desk do to maintain a high standard of customer service? This session examines how the help desk can work as a liaision between technical staff and customers during the disaster period. The presentation addresses the customer needs, and describes how to deal with those needs through a disaster. SM089 Cost-Justifying CPU Upgrades Samuelson, Joan Digital Equipment Corporation Marketing, VAX Systems Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the economic advantages of upgrading to new VAX and AXP technology systems for purposes of providing a base-level cost justification. The presentation uses examples to compare costs of old and newer systems in such areas as: o maintenance costs o floor space and power usage o compatibility o productivity/performance gains o software o leasing/trade-ins. The primary discussion centers around upgrading from existing MicroVAX II, VAX-11/7XX and VAX 8000 series systems to new products, like the VAX 4000 and 7000 series, as well as new AXP servers. SM091 Process Re-engineering for Your Documentation Process Dube, Dan Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:30 AM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center With today's emphasis on cutting costs and streamlining production processes, many companies are investigating how to redesign the way they produce their documentation. This session describes Digital's approach to analyzing documentation processes. The presentation discusses the following topics: o investigating and prioritizing business needs in the publishing and document management area o identifying bottlenecks and potentials for improvements in the documentation process o determining the dollar value of change and return on investments for specific changes in technology and processes o a structured approach for planning and redesigning a documentation process. SM094 Client/Server Modeling for Distributed and Multiplatform Systems Agrawal, Dr.Subhash BGS Systems Friday 1:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center Queueing models have long been used for capacity planning in the domain of large systems or clusters supporting many users and transactions. As computing organizations move toward distributed systems, client/server interaction becomes a significant performance and capacity planning issue. Since a given user's work is often completed on different machines using different operating systems, methodologies to support this distribution must be implemented. This session discusses the issues surrounding client/server modeling, including: o measurement data o multiple operating systems o logically dependent transactions o threads modeling. A queueing modeling background is not required. SM095 Purging and Building HL7 Messages Rueter, Allen Washington Univ, Dept Rad Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center Health Level seven (HL7) messages are used to exchange medical information between different systems. These include messages about Admission, Discharge, Transfer (ADT); Reporting/Querying lab results; and handling billing and insurance information. The topics addressed by this presentation include: o parsing considerations o building considerations o routing HL7 messages o Digital's health view interface toolkit (HVIT) o a COBOL implementation o public domain code. SM097 DFS and DQS: A Tool for Managing Remote Systems Sanchez, Robert Caterair International Thursday 7:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Do you need an efficient way of accessing files not local to your system? Digital's Distributed File System (DFS) and Distributed Queueing System (DQS) are an effective way of accomplishing just this. This presentation explains how to use DFS and DQS for copying, editing, and transferring files. The session also shows how DFS and DQS can be used as part of a remote management scheme on both domestic and international systems. Topics covered in this session include: o advantages of DFS over conventional methods, including benchmark results o setting up access points on the local and remote system o setting up security on both ends o proxy accounts, and how they tie into the security issue. SM098 DSNlink: A Useful Tool for All System Managers Sanchez, Robert Caterair International Wednesday10:30 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center Have you heard about DSNlink, and wondered how it can help you manage your systems? This session describes the advantages and methods of using DSNlink for downloading patches and extracting information pertinent to your system configuration. The presentation discusses: o downloading patches and receiving them within 24 hours o interactive database searches for specific topics o extracting information from databases to the local system o general informational queries. SM099 OpenVMS Tuning for DEC/Rdb Applications Leiden, Candace Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 4:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session presents examples of monitoring and tuning OpenVMS to improve DEC/Rdb performance. Examples include using OpenVMS tools such as DECps and MONITOR to monitor and optimize: o I/O performance o memory utilization o CPU utitlization. The presentation also describes ways to check that your devices are configured for the best I/O performance for OpenVMS. SM101 Downsizing and Re-engineering: Capacity Planning in the '90s Pang, Jee Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Capacity planning has so far been primarily associated with mainframe systems, where the justification of the cost and benefit of planning is obvious. The result of a capacity planning exercise was usually a timetable for a mainframe upgrade or other hardware addition. However, the trend in the '90s is to decentralize and downsize mainframes to distributed systems. The result of a capacity plan now can be a total change of the computing model in several dimensions: operating system, hardware platform, and network interconnect. Capacity planning must deal with planning and migration within multiple operating systems and multiple hardware platforms, especially AXP systems. In addition, planners must take an enterprise view of the workload so that network resources and distributed application implementation options are properly taken into account. This session explores some of the key capacity planning issues for the '90s, and suggests how to prepare for this change. SM103 Disaster Tolerance: Intro to VAXcluster Multidatacenter Facility Systems Engineer, High Perf. Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The VAXcluster Multidatacenter Facility allows the VAXcluster customer to introduce site redundancy into a configuration, so that a business can keep its critical computing operations up and running even if a disaster takes a data center or site out of action. This session discusses: o disaster tolerance o analyzing the business impact of an outage o the use of Digital's VAXcluster Multidatacenter Facility as a platform for disaster tolerance. SM104 OpenVMS System Management Utilities Albrecht, Paula Crystal Clear Computing, Inc. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides in-depth information about OpenVMS system management utilities. Specific examples illustrate their functions and features. Utilities covered include: o Authorize o Accounting o Audit Analysis o SYSGEN o Analyze/error o SYSMAN o VMSINSTAL o AUTOGEN. SM105 OpenVMS System Management 101: An Introduction Albrecht, Paula Crystal Clear Computing, Inc. Monday 10:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session takes an in-depth look at what system managers do. It describes how to do system management, and discusses some philosophies behind system management methodologies. Topics include: o system hardware and software overview o booting an OpenVMS system o system configuration o site-specific startup and shutdown procedures o hardware and software maintenance o backup o security o licenses o documentation. This presentation is particularly beneficial to new system managers. SM106 Adopting an Existing System Albrecht, Paula Crystal Clear Computing, Inc. Wednesday10:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center In the real world, system managers typically adopt existing systems. This is a more difficult task than putting together a new system. This session addresses the issues involved in adopting an existing system, and puts forth a cookbook approach to get through the mess. Specific examples are given. Topics include: o system and network configuration o site-specific startup procedures o hardware and software maintenance o security o disaster recovery o licenses o documentation. SM109 Digital's Strategic Directions: An Analyst's Perspective Shannon, Terry Gander Resources Monday 10:00 AM Management Track 1 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the technologies, tactics, and strategies that will sustain Digital Equipment Corporation throughout the coming decade. It also provides an industry analyst's perspective on the technological, marketing, and competitive issues that will most profoundly influence Digital during the next several years. The session includes an overview and analysis of key issues affecting Digital in the 1990s. While this presentation does not address specific future products or proprietary information, it is valuable to those interested in Digital's long-term product and evolutionary plans. SM110 Installing the DECUS Exhibit Hall "Computer Room" in Four Days Carr, Sam Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes how about thirty groups within Digital and DECUS work together to plan and deliver the "computer room" known as the DECUS Exhibit Hall. The presentation provides a window into methods for planning new sites, and into the rapid installation and removal of a large computer installation with a major network. Major topics include project and site management. The former includes the organization, budget, and schedule. The latter covers site preparation, integration, move-in, installation, operations, and move-out. Answers to any questions on the subject matter of this session are available all week at the Exhibit Information Booth. SM116 Multivendor System Management Working Group Meeting Stockton, Les Williams Information Services Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This is a meeting of the Site, Management, and Training SIG's Multivendor System Management Working Group (MSMWG). Come and participate in an open discussion about topics relating to system management in a multivendor computing environment, including ongoing MSMWG projects. This working group complements other system management working groups and clinics by emphasizing areas particular to multivendor shops. SM117 System Management Working Group Meeting Stockton, Les Williams Information Services Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 165 Georgia World Congress Center This is a meeting of the Site, Management, and Training SIG's System Management Working Group (SMWG). Come and participate in an open discussion about topics relating to system management in a Digital environment, including ongoing SMWG projects. SM122 A Checklist for Buying and Selling Used Equipment Casto, Gregory Digital Dealers Association Monday 3:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation discusses the mechanics of buying and selling used equipment, and develops a checklist to assist in the process. The session touches on the following topics: o vendor qualification o contract issues o documentation o Digital procedure o contact lists o problem resolution procedures o tips for buying and selling in the used equipment market. This session is helpful to anyone planning to buy or sell used equipment. SM123 "But We Don't OWN That!": The Manager's View of Asset Management Griffith, Gareth UIS (UK) 44-372-729-655 Suszanski, Peter UIS Monday 5:00 PM Management Track 2 Georgia World Congress Center "You are not a real DP manager until you have sold a redundent piece of [equipment] only to discover that your finance department had sold it to a leasing company three years earlier...." As our systems and networks become more sophisticated and interconnected, it becomes increasingly difficult just to keep track of all the equipment, let alone make cost-effective decisions. This presentation examines the often neglected area of asset management -- not from a financial viewpoint, but from the DP management side. SM125 Digital Management Framework Strategy Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center The integration of the DME technologies selected by OSF has been under way for nearly one year. This session gives an update on the latest progress, and discusses what Digital and Digital customers can expect from the OSF in terms of DME deliverables and DME-based products. The presentation concentrates primarily on how the POLYCENTER solution set will utilize the OSF DME framework technologies. SM126 POLYCENTER Framework (DECmcc) V1.3 New Features Group, NSM Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center What can you do to extend the capabilities of your DECmcc System? Lots! This session starts you on the path to figuring out just what you can do with the DECmcc Director, as well as describing the new features for DECmcc V1.3. The presentation discusses: o how to use the new script Access Module (AM) o how to take advantage of new useability features, such as map editing o how to extend the set of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Bases (MIBs) known to DECmcc o how to manage devices that support the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) o how to loosely couple applications with the DATA Collector AM o how to get started on your own Management Module for DECmcc. SM127 Introduction to Windows NT System Management Leiden, Candace Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This session presents basic concepts for managing Windows NT systems. Topics include: o managing users and groups of users o managing security o configuring tools o beginning performance monitoring. SM128 PC Network Backup Problems and Solutions Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Many people are starting to use networks to back up PCs and other stand-alone systems. Building a network backup solution means solving many problems. This presentation examines performance, network capacity, security, and other problems as they relate to PC network backups. SM129 Automatic Print Queue Assignment in a LAT World Gillin, Barry Gillin Consulting Company Thursday 7:30 PM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center VAXcluster configurations are continuing to grow and support more systems and more terminals. Simultaneously, terminals and printers are being configured by means of terminal servers. System managers must react by implementing an organized plan for configuring terminals and printers in the LAT environment. Techniques that were sufficient in the small VAX environment may not be suitable for a LAT environment that includes over 5000 terminals and more than 250 printers. This session addresses some techniques for configuring terminals and printers in a LAT environment in a way that: o gives the system manager a method of configuring printers o provides the users with easy access to the printers that are located close to their offices. SM130 Managing OpenVMS Users: Comparing Styles of OpenVMS System Management Geier, Jim SHARP Healthcare Chiger, Howard SDRC, Inc. Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 261 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's "Introduction to VMS System Management Manual" defines the system manager as the person "responsible for managing daily operations and ensuring the efficient use of system resources." System managers are also de facto dictators, arbitrators, and systems consultants. They may also be the single biggest user of the computer system they manage! Some of their responsibilites are quite visible, and often targets for user complaints: disk quotas, up/downtime, user file backups, system backups, user privileges. However, many other functions (managing the users as well as the system), while more subtle, are perhaps even more important. These types of functions include the setting of account flags, working sets and CLI tables, ensuring security and managing ACLs, physical and RMS defragmenting of disks, when and how systems are tuned, the setting of system symbols and logicals, and login procedures. In this panel presentation, veteran system managers, managing greatly diverse systems (small and large; NI and MI clusters; scientific, commercial, and medical; with privileged and nonprivileged users), discuss how they manage their systems and users. SM131 Digital's Availability Manager for Distributed Systems Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 369 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical overview of DECamds, Digital's Availability Manager for Distributed Systems, for experienced system managers. The presentation shows how to increase availability and uptime for OpenVMS systems in an Extended Local Area Network. DECamds provides attributes such as realtime monitoring, analysis and display of node, process, disk, page/swap file, and lock contention data. The presentation also: o discusses the ability to correct problems found by DECamds in realtime as the system is running or is hung o offers a practical example of a use for DECamds o provides an overview of DECamds' complementary features to other POLYCENTER products. SM132 PC Network Backup Techniques Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center This presentation decribes how to back up MS-DOS PCs over PATHWORKS networks. The session discusses the importance of backing up PC data, and examines the use of PATHWORKS Desktop Backup as a tool in the PATHWORKS LAN/WAN environment. SM133 Managing PCs in Networks Manager, Product Microsoft Thursday 10:00 AM Ballroom I Georgia World Congress Center Microsoft's abstract is not available at this time. SM134 Implementing and Managing a Helpdesk in an Educational Environment Thursday 4:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED037. SM135 How to Choose the Appropriate Computing Solution for Your Computing Environm Thursday 11:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS128. SM136 Intrusion Detection in a Windows NT Environment Thursday 4:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE130. SM137 POLYCENTER Security - Digital's Tools for Security Management Monday 5:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE024. SM138 "Growing" Computer Support Services in Diverse Settings Wednesday12:00 PM Room 268 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session ED034. TH001 Technical Description of the Tx8x/Tx8x7 Digital Linear Tape Family Kearnan, Mike Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's new family of mid-range Digital Linear Tape (DLT) products uses innovative technology to provide high performance, high capacity backup on a wide range of systems. It provides an unique fast search capability for quick restores, and exceptionally high data integrity. In this session, a Digital engineer discusses its design and capabilities in depth. TH002 Digital's New Tape Products for Unattended Backup Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's revamped tape product line provides unattended backup capability across the full range of currently shipping systems. The expanded Tx8x/8x7 family supports systems from the desktop to the data center. These products are complemented by the QIC drive, a new 4mm DAT drive and loader, the TA91 product family, and support for tape silo subsystems. Digital added support for several tape products to meet special requirements. Several of these products offer data interchange compatibility with other systems. These tape devices are discussed and compared. Configuration suggestions and tips for choosing the most appropriate backup device are provided. TH003 Optical Storage: Different Technologies for Different Applications Engineer, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Optical storage devices offer exciting potential, but the rapid development of different technologies and products has created confusion. This session discusses: o How do these technologies differ? o What can each technology do, and what are the limitations? o Which technologies are best suited to which applications? o Which technologies have produced real products, and which are mostly smoke and mirrors? This presentation covers the basics of CD ROM, write-once, read-many (WORM) and rewritable (or erasable) optical technologies. Some of the newer optical technologies are discussed. The suitable application of the technologies and industry's significant trends and issues are also discussed. {Optical Storage;CD-ROM;Distribution, Archiving, and Backup; Software Installation} TH007 New Solid-state Disks Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Solid-state disk is an accepted technology that bridges the performance gap between CPUs and storage subsystems. This session details recently announced models of solid-state disks: SCSI, DSSI, and SDI. Performance data and application characterizations are discussed, as well as near-term technology directions. TH010 A Technological Overview of a Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) can be viewed as a family of methods for common control of disk drives to achieve a desired set of properties. This session: o reviews the seven storage "models" defined by the developers of RAID technology o discusses the tradeoffs among models o explains why certain models are prime candidates for implementation while others remain academic topics o discusses tradeoffs between hardware and software implementations of RAID. TH013 Survey of High-Performance Computing Technologies Ross, Peter Digital Equipment Corporation Curtin, Paul Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Today's scientists are often confused by the wide variety of computing technologies available: o vector processing o parallel processing o superscalar RISC o massively parallel processing. Each technology has been developed to address a specific type of computing problem very efficiently, but each has limitations. These methods of computing and the emergence of UNIX workstation farms are compared and contrasted. These forms of computing are presented in an objective and easy to understand manner. The session focuses on the selection of the technology that best serves present and future needs. TH014 Technology Overview of T.H.E. SIG Mock, Frank Inland Steel Co. Monday 9:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Come prepared to get an overview of activities and opportunities at this Symposium. Some of the topics covered: o introduction of Digital Counterparts to T.H.E. SIG and a preview of product introductions to be made during the week o highlights of sessions of special interest to T.H.E. SIG o general information of importance to all attendees. As this SIG has stated before, one thing certain about Digital is the company continues to introduce new products and refine existing ones. This session allows the Digital representatives to T.H.E. SIG to present an overview of issues pertaining to Technology, Hardware, and Engineering. A summary of major hardware announcements and sessions that provide the details are presented. The basic direction of development plans for Digital's products is presented. Plan to attend so to get the most out of this symposium. TH015 Foreign Peripherals Forum Kesling, Wayne EG&G Mound Applied Technology Wednesday10:00 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open forum for the exchange of technical information on plug-compatible peripheral devices for all Digital buses. The session consists of 2-5 minute presentations with ad hoc input from the attendees. Strict adherence to DECUS's Code of Conduct concerning commercialism is emphasized. Mention of an item's price and the distribution of brochures are not permitted within the forum. Vendors may not promote their own products. TH016 Introduction to High-Performance Software and Solutions Hildebrand, James Cray Research, Inc. Ingles, Judy Cray Research, Inc. Thursday 9:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Cray Research platforms support leading-edge applications for nearly every scientific and engineering discipline, including the most widely used third-party application programs. These applications are used by diverse industries to accelerate product development, increase productivity, and solve basic research problems. Applications are available for industries such as aerospace, automotive, chemistry, energy, petroleum, and defense. This session highlights key Cray Research application packages such as UniChem and CRI/TurboKiva, along with selected third-party packages. In addition, visualization packages such as Cray Visualization Toolkit, Cray IRIS Explorer, and AVS (Application Visualization System) are featured. Copies of Cray's "Directory of Applications Software for Cray Research Supercomputers", which lists over 1000 ported and optimized third-party applications for the CRAY Y-MP EL, are available at the session. TH018 CRAY Y-MP EL Integration into a DEC Environment Burton, James Digital Equipment Corporation Ingles, Judy Cray Research, Inc. Thursday 11:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session reviews the concept of "network supercomputing", the key to the Cray Research style of supercomputing. The discussion centers around how the CRAY Y-MP EL can support scientific compute-intensive applications running anywhere on the network, and can actually free the VAX/ULTRIX/AXP systems to do what they do best. Examples of post-processing and visualization of data using the Cray Research Multipurpose Graphics System (MPGS) and Cray Visualization Tools (CVT) software running on Digital's ULTRIX, OpenVMS and AXP workstations are presented. TH019 DEC MPP AXP Systems: Digital's Workstation Farms Nilsson, Bob DEC % James Burton Appalaraju, Ram DEC % James Burton Friday 3:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Workstation farms are rapidly emerging as the next important style of computing for applications requiring high performance as well as for environments requiring many small batch jobs to be executed efficiently. Digital's strategy for workstation farms include the following: o build scalable parallel platforms using AXP systems o build scalable software for distributed and parallel computing. The AXP systems are connected by high-speed network to deliver high throughput and low latency. Digital's offering includes a variety of interconnect options to meet budgetary and performance needs. The software environment for the workstation farms is independent of the interconnect technology. The software environment consists of: o message-passing library o software development tools o Digital compilers: FORTRAN and C o libraries for developing applications. TH022 Controller Directions in the Modular Storage Subsystem Storage, Mass Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The flexibility of the Modular Storage Subsystems permit a wealth of possible configurations, functionality, and applications for SCSI storage devices on Digital systems. The current and future role of the storage controller is explained. TH023 Configuring and Tuning Modular Storage Subsystems Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The number of feasible configurations from Modular Storage Subsystems is large. This session addresses typical and not-so-typical configurations and tuning approaches to the successful use of this storage subsystem. Appropriate rules of thumb and practical choices in configurations as well as effective and efficient tuning methods are presented. TH025 Introduction to the Modular Storage Subsystem Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a basic grounding in the Modular Storage Subsystem, its objectives, realities, capabilities and the range of available solutions that it represents to new or existing configurations. Configuration rules are explained for all levels of modularity, from basic storage devices to full data-center cabinets. TH026 Concepts and Architectures Within the Modular Storage Subsystems Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This technical session explores specific architectures and approaches used within various components of the Modular Storage Subsystem. A detailed theory of operation provides perspective on: o configuration rules o intended subsystem architectural limits o working within guidelines and recommendations of the storage subsystem. TH028 What's New in Digital Storage Systems, Storage DEC % Marilyn Fedele Wednesday12:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's Storage subsystem families have new members. This session focuses on comparing those members with the present subsystems, as well as providing insight into which of them might be the best choice in your environment. This session covers all disk storage devices and controllers. Some of the focus to the users is: o Digital systems support and configurations o integration with Digital's Modular Storage Enclosures o configuration possibilities and adapters o configuration with lower form factors for optional capacity, cost, and performance. TH029 Choosing the Correct Storage Device Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the key considerations of adding storage for capacity or performance and analyzes the variables required in making a purchase decision. The presentation highlights the range of Digital's storage offerings by giving prioritized, detailed specifications of each variable. The presentation addresses specific applications where each technology optimizes customer requirements. The key considerations addressed are: o capacity o performance o reliability/availability o cost o applications and business needs o hardware versus software solutions o future growth plans. TH031 What to Look for in RAID Products, and How to Evaluate Them Jones, Peter DEC % Marilyn Fedele Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the technical issues and pitfalls as well as the details that one may face when implementing a Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Drives (RAID) product, including: o How does one evaluate RAID products? o What should does one look for in a RAID product? RAID is a lot more than just a redundant array of independent disks. TH032 Technical Description of Digital's SZ200 RAID Product Kazogles, Koralia DEC % Marilyn Fedele Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Digital's RAID subsystem product is a modular, integrated storage solution. The SZ200 provides this solution through the use of Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Drives (RAID) technology, optional redundance of key components, value-added software utilities, and SCSI interconnects and adapters. This session discusses: o product: - features - options - capabilities o some key attributes: - high availability - performance - expansion - capacity - flexibility. TH033 SCSI, DSSI, CI Storage Primer Yakutis, Peter Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Digital offers SCSI, DSSI, and CI-based storage subsystems. How should users choose amongst these offerings? This session presents the benefits and tradeoffs associated with each of these product families. Meaningful ways to compare performance, cost, and capacity of these subsystems are presented. TH037 New HSC Hardware and Software Features Clark, Dave Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the new modules and other hardware upgrades included in the HSC products. Topics covered include: o the design implementation of the software features o devices for SCSI interface o the upgrade paths o what's available to enhance and protect the current investments made on the HSC product. TH038 Modular Storage Array Configurations Clark, Dave Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center What are the configurations that can be used in the new Modular Storage Array? Come discuss, learn, and be involved. The configurations discussed include controllers, devices, and applications that support existing configurations and what is applicable for the future. TH039 Digital's New Optical Products Williams, Chris Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center A technical description of Digital's newest optical MO and WORM drives, jukeboxes, and library software is presented. Some of the system integration issues under OpenVMS and OSF/ULTRIX are discussed. TH040 SCSI: As Implemented by Digital's Disk Drive Design Team Roche, Rick Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center SCSI has been described as a Chinese menu of options (choose one from column A, one from column B). Two SCSI disk drives can have very different functionality, even if both claim to be "SCSI-2 compliant." Some of the choices available and associated performance issues are discussed. The choices made by Digital's SCSI drive development team, and the choices that a user has, are described. TH041 What is SCSI? Roche, Rick Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center SCSI-1 is the standardization of a storage protocol that allows device independence and second sourcing. The evolution of the SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 standards is presented. Major features such as synchronous, differential, and wide are discussed in detail in addition to configuration options and limitations. The new features being proposed for SCSI-3 are addressed. TH042 Anatomy of a Disk Drive Pirdy, Scott Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center A disk drive contains mechanical and electrical components with realtime firmware to control the system. Concentrating on the firmware aspects, the general architecture of a disk drive is presented. TH043 Configuring Components of DSSI VAXclusters: A Technical Guide Pirdy, Scott Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 5:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This technical session discusses the "nuts and bolts" of configuring Digital Storage System Interconnect (DSSI) VAXclusters. The configuration of all of the pieces that make up DSSI VAXclusters is presented, including: o the setup of embedded adapters o KFQSA o KFMSA o various system boxes (MicroVAX 3000s, VAX 4000s, VAX 6000s, and VAX 9000s) o various expansion boxes o the individual Integrated Storage Element (ISE) parameters of interest: RF30, RF71, RF31, RF72, RF31F, RF73, etc. Many examples are given configuring each of the individual components. Many features of the elements are discussed. Specific questions are welcomed. TH045 Compression Expectations Based on the Algorithm and Data Type Ertel, Eric Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Some industry compression hardware offerings, and the algorithms employed to accomplish compression are reviewed. Various types of data are analyzed on different compression engines to characterize performance. Compaction complements compression when dealing with fixed block sizes. Tape products implement compaction to help reduce waste. Examples of compaction are reviewed. TH046 Digital's 4mm DAT Tape Drive and Loader: the TLZ06 Family Williams, Chris Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical discussion of the 4mm Digital Audio Tape (DAT) technology and of Digital's newest 4mm helican scan tape products. The TLZ06 provides reliable, high-capacity backup and data interchange for SCSI-based and Q-bus systems. The loader offers enhanced capability for unattended backup. In this session, a product design engineer discusses the design and capabilities of the drive and loader, including recording format and error correction mechanisms and loader control. TH047 Futurebus+ Tutorial for Designers and Users: Part 1 of 2 Schmidt, Atlant Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a tutorial for new IEEE 896 Futurebus+ users or module designers. The overall history and architecture of the bus is explored. Attention is paid to what distinguishes the Futurebus+ from buses of the past. Specific physical, mechanical, and electrical details are discussed. How the Futurebus+ capitalizes on new bus transceiver silicon technology to minimize end-to-end signaling delays and susceptibility to noise and cross-talk is discussed. Particular attention is paid to defining the various Futurebus+ Applications Environment Profiles contained within the overall IEEE 896 Futurebus+ specification. Profile B, the version of the Futurebus+ used by Digital as an I/O bus in its departmental AXP systems, is highlighted. TH048 Futurebus+ Tutorial for Designers and Users: Part 2 of 2 Schmidt, Atlant Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session is the second half of a tutorial for new IEEE 896 Futurebus+ users or module designers. This half focuses on the logical architecture of the bus. The details of specific bus signals and transactions are presented. Particular attention is paid to the subset of signals and transactions employed by Applications Environment Profile B, the version of the Futurebus+ used by Digital as an I/O bus. The various situations faced when interfacing the Futurebus+ to another bus, whether a computer's unique internal "system" bus or another open bus such as the VMEbus, are examined. TH049 The Many Paradigms of Magnetic Disk Storage: Availability, Function, Performance, and Price Kennedy, Pat MTI Technology Corp. Friday 4:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center A system manager has a multitude of choices for purchasing magnetic disk storage. The decision making process includes: o fault tolerance - total fault tolerance, RAID, shadowing, etc. o performance considerations o RAID 5 parallelism - small number of spindles vs. large number of spindles per array for different degrees of parallelism per application o RAID 3 for loose blocks transfers of data, o functionality required on the disk o easy servicing o dual ported drives o connected cost versus features. The areas System Managers should consider when evaluating the pluses and minuses associated with the choice of magnetic disk storage are discussed. TH050 Maximizing The Use of SCSI In the CI-Attached Cluster Kennedy, Pat MTI Technology Corp. Thursday 4:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center In this session the use of SCSI in the DEC CI-attached cluster environment is explored. An emphasis is placed on open modular storage architectures. Products from MTI, Digital, and other vendors are used as case studies to illustrate the benefits of an open SCSI architecture design platform. TH051 RAID vs Fault Tolerance Doob, Peter MTI RAID Development Center Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) is an approach which addresses the storage requirements of distributed, interconnected VAX systems while satisfying performance and reliability requirements. This presentation explores an aspect to RAID technology frequently overlooked or misunderstood. Compliance with RAID technology is frequently insufficient to provide the levels of data integrity and availability that many organizations require. RAID technology alone cannot bypass the limitations created by single point of failure designs. Although RAID compliance can reduce the probability of data loss, it cannot ensure constant data access. RAID technology's undeniably rigorous reliability is only a partial solution to ensuring data safety. For many organizations, only a combination of RAID and fault-tolerance technologies can ensure the level of data integrity, availability and access required. This presentation compares the various levels of RAID technology and explains criteria for evaluating and purchasing RAID systems. TH052 Real-life Experiences of High-end Fault Tolerant RAID Systems Raimondi, Tom MTI Technology Corp. Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) technology integrates multiple, smaller disks to create an aggregate storage capacity equal to, or greater than, that provided by a few larger disks. With all the various levels of RAID and hype written about it, there is confusion about: o what RAID does/does not do o which level of RAID is best for an application o if RAID and fault tolerance are truly synonymous. Users of RAID explain: o how they determined which level of RAID to use o how to implement RAID on a VAXcluster environment o key criteria used in evaluating disk needs. o what to be wary of when acquiring a high-end RAID fault tolerant system. TH059 AXP Architecture Technical Summary Chernoff, Anton Digital Equipment Corporation Leiden, Candace Monday 2:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center AXP is Digital's new 64-bit RISC architecture, designed to last through the next 25 years. The architecture emphasizes speed, multiple instruction issue, multiple processors, and software migration from other systems. This session presents an overview of the important features and benefits of the AXP architecture. for heavy write extensive application; "baby" RAID 5 vs. "big" RAID 5 (small number of spindles vs. large number of spindles per array for different degrees of parallelism per application); RAID 3 for loose block transfers of data, or some other option? What level of functinoality is required on the disk? Should all drives be hot plugable for easy servicing? Or should they support dual porting? Maybe the lowest connected cost is the most critical requirement. Then the new bulk storage systems, that lack many of these features, are the choice. This session discusses all areas System Managers should consider when evaluating all the pluses and minuses of today's new choices of magnetic disk storage. RAID systems. TH060 Open Systems Watch Mock, Frank Inland Steel Co. Monday 12:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center An update on what is current in the Open System's environment will be provided by a DECUS representative to the OSF. A listing of this symposium's sessions and other activities pertaining to Open Systems will be presented. TH061 Versatile Removable Disk Cartridges Made by Iomega Corporation Jonez, Jim I-Omega Corp. Building 6 Thursday 12:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The history, range, and adaptability of Iomega Corporation's removable disk cartridges are presented. The uses covered are: o as a backup media o a data acquisition media o as a media for secure data processing o with a wide range of platforms through the utilization of a SCSI host adapter. TH062 Open Systems Working Group Meeting Hazlett, Jonathan Open Minded Solutions Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is a meeting of those interested in issues surrounding Open Systems. Topics to be discussed include aspects of Open Systems: o data management o graphics o languages o operating systems o networking o user interfaces o hardware. Anyone charged with implementing/evaluating open system philosophies through software or hardware or setting policies is invited to share questions or expertise. TH063 8mm/4mm/QIC Tape Drive Clinic Zebrowski, Mark Mountain Network Solutions Thursday 11:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The configuration and implementation of 8mm 4mm and QIC tape drive systems for backup are the focus of this clinic. Are you using or evaluating any of the above devices? Come by to hear and share experiences with others. Experts and developers will be present to field questions and provide advice. TH065 Accelerating Option Development with the TURBOchannel Developer's Kit Crapuchettes, Jim Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 2:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The TURBOchannel is a 100MB/second I/O interconnect implemented on Digital's DECstation, VAXstation, and AXP based systems. Digital Equipment Corporation's TRI/ADD program has compiled a collection of documentation, tools, materials, and examples to assist hardware developers in the implementation of TURBOchannel options. This session deals with the practical use of these resources in the option development process from hardware design through device driver integration. Specific topics include: o hardware design resources o firmware tools and examples o device driver implementation for specific applications. TH067 Managing Large Numbers of X Terminals over the Network Product Management, X Terminal Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The Configuration Manager and the Font Manager are powerful tools provided by the InfoServer for the VXT 2000 X window terminal. These tools simplify a system manager's life by providing easy management of multiple X window terminals from one central location on the network. This session includes: o an explanation of the use of these tools o the flexible control they offer to the operations support organization o performance improvements when using these tools. TH068 X Window Terminals: Past Learning and Future Directions Product Management, X Terminal DEC % Gary Keeler Monday 4:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The X window terminal market is slightly over two years old. Already third-generation products have been introduced. The power of combining the X11 User Interface Standard and state-of-the art hardware gives the lowest cost-per-transaction access to high-resolution graphics. As the features of the hardware become a de facto standard, the differentiation of products depends more on software enhancements and overall terminal management strategies. This session discusses what Digital has learned about the X window terminal market and where Digital sees future developments being made. TH069 Document Image Video Display Directions Payson, Chris Digital Equipment Corporation Freud, Cathy Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center The implementation of document imaging system applications with specific emphasis on requirements and characteristics of bi-tonal document image display devices is the focus of this session. Issues of usability in an application relative to cost, performance, and capability are addressed. The session discusses Digital's X Terminal-based image display devices, which can be effectively used for price performance gains in bi-tonal document imaging applications. The use of X terminals is discussed in terms of component capabilities and features supported for system level integration. The session includes discussion of Digital's directions for image display. TH070 DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS V1.0 Larrick, David Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) Software integrates PostScript printing into OpenVMS's print queueing system. Its advanced printing features include: o data syntax translation o automatic data type detection o Digital's patented number-up/layup facility. DCPS allows one to take full advantage of the features and power of a PostScript printers, plus selected PostScript printers from HP (Hewlett-Packard) and Apple. The capabilities and options supported by the DCPS software, including syntax examples and some guidelines for setup, are discussed. TH071 Network Printing: Configurations and Tradeoffs Landau, Richard Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Network printing takes many forms: from small PC and MAC networks to large computer networks with many server systems and many printers. Many of the problems of network printing stem from the differing demands of users when sharing printers on the network. Users need access to printing services from different platforms, network protocols, and printer languages, with a variety of media and finishing options. Topics discussed include: o the variety of possible network configurations o access to network printing from various platforms including PC's, Mac's, OpenVMS, and UNIX systems o centralized and decentralized management of network printing o tradeoffs of different configurations and management styles. TH072 New Printer Product Update Keeler, Gary Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of Digital's printer products. New products are specifically highlighted. Products include: o PrintServer 17 o PrintServer 32 and paper handling options o PostScript Level 2 o DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS o PrintServer software for mixed environments o DECprint for production printers o new low end desktop printers. TH073 Multiple X Window Terminals on an AXP Server Marchand, Rena Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Want to give users access to Digital's new 64-bit AXP platform but need to minimize new capital investments? AXP Companion Computing is the answer. By creating work groups of multiple high resolution X Window Terminals, a local printer, and one of the Digital AXP Servers one can have access to outrageous power at an incredible value. This idea is particularly beneficial to software developers who need to quickly port applications. The session covers the cost-per-seat benefits of this configuration along with the guidelines for optimum performance. TH074 MTI's Open Modular Storage Architecture Approach Woolridge, Wade MTI Technology Corp. Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of MTI's Open Modular Storage Architecture (OMSA). The basis of OMSA, what products it applies to and the implementation of it are discussed. The need for OMSA, how it compares to Digital's STORME concept and the benefits of OMSA implementation are presented. TH075 The Benefits of Automated Storage Management Byron, David MTI Technology Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Automated storage management is an increasingly necessary element of most systems. Only recently has this capability become available on a scale suited to the majority of VAX sites. Previous systems offering automated archiving, backup and storage were either too expensive for all but mainframe-class installations, or required mixing and matching of software and storage subsystems, resulting in critical restrictions in capabilities. The development of "blended storage," which integrated intelligent system management software with magnetic disks, optical disks, and automated 8mm tape jukeboxes, reduces the cost and increases the flexibility of these systems to fit the requirements of mid-sized VAX installations. How the blended storage concept can be implemented in the VAXcluster environment is the focus of this session. By providing integrated storage management software and hardware, system integrators can help significantly reduce the cost of storage. TH079 Value Added Performance in Digital Disk Drives Yakutis, Peter Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center Digital disk controllers incorporate several performance enhancements. This session describes those enhancements and their effect on user performance. Topics include: o read ahead track buffering in DSSI and SCSI disks o command preprocessing o ability to enable forced bus disconnects in SCSI disks o throughput and response time measurements for some "typical" user workloads. TH080 Talk to Digital's Systems and Hardware Designers: VMS & THE SIG Hardware Pan Friday 11:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS134. TH081 Technical Description of Digital's Midrange and Mainframe VAX Systems Tuesday 10:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS111. TH082 Digital's Midrange and Mainframe VAX Systems Tuesday 9:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS107. TH083 Digital's Midrange and Mainframe AXP Systems Monday 1:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS105. TH084 VAX Systems and Workstation Update Monday 10:30 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS091. TH085 DEC 4000 AXP Server: Technical Expose Tuesday 1:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS073. TH086 Alpha AXP PC from Digital Monday 3:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS071. TH087 Storage Strategy Update Monday 5:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS004. TH088 A Vision of Realtime Computing for the '90s Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 362 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session DA032. TH089 Touch Screen Solutions for Ease of Input Technologies and Techniques Thursday 4:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session XI046. TH090 Growth Options For VAX 3000/4000/6000/7000 Tuesday 5:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS083. TH091 VAX 4000 Series CPU Modules Wednesday10:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS076. TH092 VAX 4000 New Product Developments Tuesday 2:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS075. TH093 MicroVAX 3100 New Product Developments Tuesday 3:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS074. TH094 DEC 4000 AXP Server Monday 2:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS072. TH095 History, Basis, and Future of RAID Tuesday 12:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session VS057. TH096 Storage Migration Programs Monday 1:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SM021. UN001 RAID5 in the ULTRIX Environment Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes a software implementation of RAID5 in the ULTRIX environment. The capabilities and features of this software are described, with an emphasis on the system management interface needed to configure and use RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks). Configurations that are appropriate for RAID5 are described. UN002 Design of a Software RAID Under ULTRIX Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session gives a technical overview of the design of an ULTRIX RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) implementation. Both RAID0 and RAID5 are discussed, but the emphasis is on RAID5. The structure and operations of the software are described, including how an ULTRIX software implementation of RAID5 can take advantage of the buffer cache and PRESTOserve to improve RAID5 performance. UN003 UNISIG/ULTRIX Feedback and Wrapup Reisler, Kurt Hadron Incorporated Friday 3:30 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center In this session, Digital and UNISIG ask you, the symposium attendee, what you liked and didn't like about the sessions you saw during the week, how successful you feel the symposium was from your particular viewpoint, and what you would like us to do for the next symposium. In particular, we are interested in any specific topics you would like to see covered by Digital or the UNISIG at symposia to come. Ideas for sessions and speakers are eagerly sought. Also, this session is the one where anyone who volunteers to help the UNISIG will surely be granted the opportunity to do just that. Think of the possibilities! UN004 UNISIG Roadmap Reisler, Kurt Hadron Incorporated Engineer, ULTRIX Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides the latest information on sessions of interest to the UNIX community, as well as general information about the symposium. Sessions that are presented by other SIGs but may be of interest to UNISIG members are highlighted. This should help you plan the most efficient path through the sometimes bewildering array of sessions presented at the symposium. The SIG also takes this opportunity to introduce the attending Digital Engineers and the members of the UNISIG Steering Committee. This session is valuable for planning your week at the symposium. UN005 MIPS ULTRIX to OSF/1 Conversion Hints & Kinks: How the Pros Use MX Riebs, Andy Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center mx, the MIPS Binary Translator, is an invaluable tool for moving large numbers of programs from ULTRIX RISC to OSF/1 AXP systems quickly, and it usually does so without problems. This presentation answers the question: What do I do when it appears that mx failed? UN006 Digital's Storage Management Products for Cost and Performance for OSF/1 and OpenVMS O'Connell, Heide Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Digital presents and discusses, in overall and technical detail, the hierarchical storage management and shelving products, as part of its overall Storage Management strategy. Such products as the StorageServer 100, a read/write magneto-optical jukebox, are discussed. The presentation concentrates on the functions and features of each product. UN007 UNISIG Keynote: Open Systems Work! Burch, Marie Open Software Foundation Monday 9:30 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center "Open Systems" has become the battle cry in the computer industry in the past five years, first in the technical workstation market and now, increasingly, from MIS directors, Fortune 1000 corporations, and end users. As users rally to the cause, it becomes more important to step back and examine open systems. What are they? What do they do? Who uses them, what for, and how? And who is building them? The underlying obstacle to the success of open systems has been the free market business model: make the most money you can, in the most efficent manner possible, while working hard to prevent competitors from achieving the same success. Times change, and so does the notion of how to compete. It has become possible, since the 1984 inception of the National Cooperative Research Act, to modify the eat-or-be-eaten approach to success. The NCRA specifically endorses competitors joining together to conduct research and development in areas of common interest. Resources otherwise sacrified to duplication of someone else's effort are then available for use in product differentiation and development. And it works -- the Open Software Foundation is proof positive. UN008 Introduction to the Tool Command Language Kimery, Sam Purdue University Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center tcl stands for "tool command language." tcl is actually two things: a language and a library. First, tcl is a simple textual language, intended primarily for issuing commands to interactive programs such as text editors, debuggers, illustrators, and shells. It has a simple syntax and is also programmable, so tcl users can write command procedures to provide more powerful commands than those in the built-in set. Second, tcl is a library package that can be embedded in application programs. An application program gains several advantages by using tcl for its command language. First, tcl provides a standard syntax: once users know tcl, they will be able to issue commands easily to any tcl-based application. Second, tcl provides programmability. This session provides an introduction tcl and some examples of its use. UN009 Introduction to the TK Toolkit Kimery, Sam Purdue University Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center tk is an extension to Tcl (Tool Command Language) that provides the programmer with an interface to the X11 windowing system. Note that many users will encounter tk via the "wish" command. "wish" is a simple windowing shell, which permits the user to write tcl applications in a prototyping environment. This session presents an introduction to the tk extensions and provides examples of tk usage. The attendee is expected to have some knowledge of tcl. UN011 What the *#&! ? An Overview of the UNIX Metacharacters Lickers, Deanne Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Ever wonder what all those special characters mean in UNIX? Looking for some shortcuts to typing? Why does * have a different meaning when used in different expressions? If you spend any time using the UNIX command line or writing shell scripts, then this session is a must. This talk explores the UNIX command line metacharacters and how the shells interpret them. The following categories of characters are discussed: o I/O redirection o pathname expansion (wildcards) o variable expansion o command substitution o quoting metacharacters o tilde expansion in the C and Korn shells. A discussion of the differences between command line characters and regular expression characters is included. UN014 AXP UFS: The 64 bit fileystem Cohen, Larry Larry Cohen Thursday 6:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses changes that have been made to the ULTRIX File System (UFS) to function on OSF/1 and 64 bit OSF/1 on AXP machines. Emphasis is placed on both upward and downward compatibility with the 32 bit world, and how upgrading to 64 bits will cause only minimal disruption to both the system manager and the user. UN015 UNIX Performance Analysis Angelo, Michael Michael F. Angelo Friday 1:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses several of the popular tools for monitoring system performance. It also discusses how they are are implemented and what they mean. Tools discussed include netstat, vmstat, iostat, pstat, mon, top, tcpdump, and nfswatch. Note the tools run on various UNIX platforms. UN016 Writing Your First TCP/IP Client/Server Angelo, Michael Michael F. Angelo Friday 2:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session demonstrates how to build a simple UNIX TCP/IP client and server. It also includes writing a standalone server as well as a server that can be started by inetd. A working knowledge of C is important for this session. UN017 OSF Progress Report Carrato, Anthony Mile-High Information Services Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Technology from the Open Software Foundation (OSF) is included in or offered for all of Digital's operating systems (yes, even Windows NT). Current and planned offerings from OSF include: o OSF/Motif o OSF/1 operating system o Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) o Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (ANDF) o Distributed Management Environment (DME). This talk provides the latest status and progress as seen by the DECUS representatives to the Open Software Foundation. Included is a discussion of the state of the various technologies and how DECUS is involved with OSF. There is an opportunity for questions about OSF. UN018 UNIX System Administration Clinic Carrato, Anthony Mile-High Information Services Shaw, Anne United Technologies Tuesday 1:00 PM Campground 2 Georgia World Congress Center Baffled by a UNIX problem? Come to the system administration clinic and talk to experienced system administrators. The clinic is held in the UNISIG campground. Systems and online documentation are available to help you look into your problems. UN019 Advanced Editing with the VI Editor Carrato, Anthony Mile-High Information Services Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The session begins with a quick review of basic vi commands but then explores some of the power in this much reviled editor. The vi editor offers a variety of advanced options, including key redefinition and abbreviations, pattern matching, and paired symbol matching. In addition, vi works extremely well inside the ULTRIX environment. It has the ability to format paragraphs, do spell checking, and include the results of running shell commands. This talk discusses how to make use of these seldom-used features of vi to make you a more productive editor user. It includes a discussion of the vi startup file, .exrc, key mapping, vi "set" options, and using vi with other ULTRIX tools. UN020 Tools for UNIX Performance Monitoring Carrato, Anthony Mile-High Information Services Thursday 11:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Tools for monitoring performance and managing it on UNIX systems are quite a bit different from what OpenVMS system managers are used to. Fortunately, the tools ARE available. This talk discusses the various data collection tools available on UNIX systems, and how to use those tools in conjunction with the standard tools for manipulating text objects on UNIX systems to generate meaningful performance data. Example shell scripts for these jobs are presented. Some suggestions on appropriate actions for correcting performance problems are given. UN021 Standards and Open Systems: What's the Story? Carrato, Anthony Mile-High Information Services Monday 10:30 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Defining an "open system" can prove to be as tricky as nailing jelly to a tree. More and more the notion that standards are somehow involved is becoming accepted. However, there are SO many standards out there, people are left with the task of deciding which standards are important and which can be ignored. This talk discusses the spectrum of standards affecting "open systems" (briefly: they can be VERY boring) and offers some pointers to what is important and what isn't. The talk is presented by one of DECUS' representatives to the Open Software Foundation and relates standards to OSF's technologies and DEC's products. UN022 Tuning UNIX Carrato, Anthony MILE-HIGH INFORMATION SERVICES Thursday 12:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Coming from a OpenVMS background, UNIX doesn't appear to be a very tunable operating system; however, there are actually quite a number of things that can be done to improve the performance of a UNIX system. There are quite a number of flavors of UNIX out there, so tuning will vary somewhat depending on the type(s) of UNIX in use. This session discusses some tuning techniques for ULTRIX, as well as some pointers to similar techniques for other variations on the UNIX theme. UN023 Introduction to OSF's Distributed Computing Environment Carrato, Anthony MILE-HIGH INFORMATION SERVICES Wednesday10:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The Distributed Computing Environment from the Open Software Foundation is being held out as the key technology for allowing disparate systems to interoperate. Key technologies in DCE include the distributed file system, security services, time services, and network naming. These services are based on Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) between systems. This session describes the various components of DCE and discusses the results of a public exhibition of systems from a variety of vendors interoperating using DCE that was held at the Spring, 1993 member meeting of the Open Software Foundation held in May in Boston. UN038 AXP OSF/1 Quality Control: Strategy and Metrics Lee, Wai Digital Equipment Corporation Yelgin, Lou Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a brief tour of the Quality Control in OSF/1 history, which sets the backdrop for the strategy used for the current release of AXP OSF/1. The evolution of "Quality in AUEG" is also examined. The excitement that lies ahead when People, Process, and Product (technology) are being deployed together is a direct result of this effort at Quality Control. The metric that will be used to monitor our progress is examined. The session also looks at how OSF/1 customers can help this relationship. Working knowledge of the C language and the ULTRIX operating system are assumed. Time is allotted for questions and answers. o reliability o scalibility. Particular emphasis is placed on DECathena's implementation of Zephyr. UN039 AXP OSF/1 Quality Control: Computer Aided Test Engineering Lee, Wai Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Computer Aided Test Engineering (CATE) represents a new technological approach that can be used to improve Software Quality Control productivity and code path coverage. The strengths and weakness of this new methodology are examined in this session. In addition, the early results of the effects of CATE on AXP OSF/1 are presented. Where did CATE come from and where is it going? What does it mean to Quality Control? Could this be something you could use in your organization? This session answers these questions and many more. UN040 PERL: The Swiss Army Chainsaw of UNIX Utilities -- AND IT'S FREE! Reisler, Kurt Hadron Incorporated Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The UNIX operating system provides a rich (and sometimes confusing) array of programming and prototyping tools. While the C language and various shells (such as the C, Bourne, and Korn shells) are easily mastered, others such as sed, awk, lex, and yacc are not. The perl programming language (which is distributed in source form via USENET, and is available from the DECUS library) combines all the power and features of these more esoteric development tools, and rolls them into an easy-to-master, interpreted programming language. This session reviews some of the features of the perl language and demonstrates a few practical applications. UN041 USENET NEWS: The Ins and Outs of News Reisler, Kurt Hadron Incorporated Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center One of the greatest resources available to the members of the computer community is a collection of special interest groups that circulate articles through "net.news". Once the sole domain of UNIX users, the introduction of DECUS's OpenVMS implementation of the news programs has made the pleasures and pains of USENET available to the OpenVMS user as well. This session describes the highs and lows of USENET: o how it works o the software that is needed o how to get connected o the kinds of treasures and problems that you can expect once you are part of the vast amorphous network known collectively as USENET. In addition, this session touches on the similarities and differences between Internet mail and USENET news. UN042 Porting OpenVMS TPU Code, Including EVE/EDT Extension, to UNIX Graf, James a/Soft Development, Inc. Friday 3:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The session describes what is required to port OpenVMS TPU (Text Processing Utility) code to UNIX systems. The technical review covers the TPU language and built-ins that require special attention when moving TPU based editors to other operating systems. The differences in coding for Motif, OpenWindows and other X window based mangers are included. To cover the issues of design and customization for multi-OS editing interfaces, code samples from the development of the EVE interface for UNIX systems are discussed. In addition to the lower-level TPU built-ins, examples on how OpenVMS end-user EVE customizations can be moved to other platforms are included. UN043 The Common Access Method for SCSI Beckett, Bob Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center The Common Access Method (CAM) is a proposed IEEE standard for SCSI device driver implementation that allows peripheral developers to integrate device level drivers in a clean, well-segmented manner, independent of the underlying SCSI hardware implementation. Digital UNIX Systems Software Group has implemented a CAM subsystem that will become a common part of all future Digital ULTRIX and OSF base operating system releases. This session addresses the general structure of the CAM specification, its implementation, and its benefits for SCSI peripheral developers. UN045 Digital's Storage Management Strategy for OSF/1 and OpenVMS O'Connell, Heide Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center Digital presents the overall strategy to address storage management definition, terms, and product directions. The session discusses: o backup and restore o archiving o media management o hierarchical storage management o file and object management o present offerings o how they fit into an overall strategy. UN046 Digital's Storage Management Products for Disaster Recovery for OSF/1 and OpenVMS O'Connell, Heide Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Digital presents and discusses, in overall and technical detail, the Disaster Recovery products as part of its overall Storage Management strategy. Products such as DECnsr and SLS are presented. Discussion concentrates on functions and features of each product. UN047 ELM: An Alternate Mail Interface for UNIX Systems Reisler, Kurt Hadron Incorporated Thursday 10:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Among the many uses that are found for UNIX-based computer systems, one of the primary ones is communications via electronic mail (e-mail). A "well connected" UNIX system enables you to send and receive e-mail from anyone, on almost any system (UNIX, OpenVMS, DOS, etc.) almost anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, the basic UNIX user interface to mail (oddly called "mail") is not that user-friendly. While a variety of alternative mail interfaces have developed over the years, such as Berkeley mail (mailx) and mh, these are still not that easy to master. Enter the elm mail interface. Available in source form from most Internet archive sites (and the DECUS Library), elm is a flexible, full-screen, menu-driven, customizable, powerful interface to allow the user to easily send and receive mail. The elm mailer allows its users to maintain message folders, maintain a database of aliases, to filter mail based on a variety of criteria, to use their choice of text editors (the vi editor is not everyone's cup of tea), and even to send non-ASCII messages, through the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Message Extensions) capabilities in the latest version of elm. This session shows you the advantages of using elm, and how to get it installed on your system. UN048 UNIX System Management Q&A Wilensky, Marshall Lotus Development Corporation Thursday 4:30 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Many UNIX/ULTRIX system managers have unanswered questions about system administration, especially in heterogeneous environments. Bring your questions to this session and a panel of experienced UNIX system managers try to answer them. Any level of question is welcome. There are NO stupid questions. UN049 Some Useful Shell Scripts for UNIX System Managers Wilensky, Marshall Lotus Development Corporation Thursday 2:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session illustrates, documents, and explains some useful shell scripts for UNIX system managers. Examples include both OS-supplied scripts such as the system startup files /etc/rc and /etc/rc.local and real-life, user-written tools. The examples also highlight good -- and sometimes not so good -- shell programming techniques as an aid to those who are trying to learn to improve their own code. UN050 Introduction to Hard Links and Symbolic Links Wilensky, Marshall Lotus Development Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The UNIX file system provides hard links and symbolic (soft) links. This session introduces links and answers the following questions: o What are hard links? o What are symbolic (soft) links? o How are they alike? o How are they different? o Why should you use them? Examples include a real-life situation where links are used when building public domain software from source distributions for multiple hardware and operating system platforms. UN054 Meet the Enemy Kaplan, Ray Independent Consultant Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Who are the enemies of computer and network security? What techniques do they employ against us? Are those who attack our systems all just a bunch of slime balls that are devoid of morals, ethics, and common sense? While in the minority of reported computer crime statistics, the skilled outsider still represents a significant threat. This session explores who they are, their attitudes, their techniques, their successes and their failures from the perspective of what we have to learn from them to better protect our systems and networks. This classic session allows you -- as an audience member -- to communicate directly with members of the computer underground through an interactive telephone connection. Join us for some stimulating conversation with those who computer security professionals consider to be their enemies. UN056 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions: Is There a MIME in Your E-mail? Reisler, Kurt Hadron Incorporated Thursday 9:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center One of the limitations of Internet e-mail is that it has difficulty with non-ASCII messages. It would be nice to be able to send PostScript files, GIF and TIFF images, sounds, "rich text," and more without having to go through the fuss and expense of multimedia upgrades to existing hardware. But why wait? The MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) standard is here now; there are public domain and commercial implementations of MIME MUAs (Mail User Agents) available for both UNIX and OpenVMS e-mail packages. In fact, the mailer you are using at your home or office may have MIME capabilities in it NOW, and you may not be aware of it. Come to this session and find out why MIME is more than a silent Renaissance Festival character. UN057 Migrating to OSF/1 AXP with MX, the MIPS Binary Translator Riebs, Andy Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This presentation shows attendees how to use mx, the MIPS binary translator, to move programs from ULTRIX RISC to OSF/1 AXP. mx generates OSF/1 AXP programs from ULTRIX RISC programs, allowing large numbers of programs to be moved quickly. This session is a must for all application programmers who may be involved in moving programs from ULTRIX RISC to OSF/1 AXP. UN058 DECsafe Failover Overview Bianco, Robert Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of the DECsafe Failover product. DECsafe Failover is an ULTRIX layered product that provides applications the ability to rapidly restore service after a hardware or software failure of a CPU, disk controller, or Ethernet controller in a dual DECsystem computing environment. UN060 Writing Streams vs. Socket Networking Software in UNIX Nelson, Paul Thursby Software Systems, Inc Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center In the past, writing network software for a UNIX system meant writing a driver for a Berkeley socket-based machine. 4.3BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) was available on a wide variety of architectures including VAX-11/780 systems. Today though, the AT&T System V architecture has become a popular choice for UNIX machines, and this means a move from socket-based drivers to streams drivers. This presents a challenge to programmers interested in porting software between these two architectures. This session tries to address the following issues: o What are the benefits/disadvantages of one architecture over the other? o How difficult is it to transition from one system to the other? o What changes will you have to make to upper-level applications in order to complete your transition? UN061 NFS and RPC Concepts Kashtan, David TGV, Inc. Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Placeholder abstract. UN062 Programming with Sun RPCs Busma, Jeff TGV, Inc. Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Placeholder abstract. UN064 CRAY Y-MP EL System Architecture Burton, James Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center The CRAY Y-MP EL supercomputer features a powerful, balanced architecture that provides the highest possible throughput in its class on scientific and engineering applications. It runs the same powerful operating system, UNICOS, providing the most mature production UNIX environments available, including support for multiprocessing, parallel processing, as well as high performance vector processing. The Cray Y-MP EL runs the same library of software applications as the other members of the CRAY Y-MP family. The entire Cray product line is binary compatible, providing a seamless pathway from the CRAY Y-MP EL system to the world's most powerful supercomputer systems. This session deals with the architecture of the CRAY Y-MP EL, the operating system, and an overview of the new features and products available on the EL. UN065 Connecting PCs to PATHWORKS Servers in the UNIX Environment Developer, PCI Engineering Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses Digital's different PATHWORKS for UNIX server products. These products integrate PCs into UNIX networks using the DECnet and TCP/IP transports. This session describes how PCs can communicate with a server across multiple platforms to access file, print, mail, and other services. Finally, this session tells how to manage PCs in the UNIX environment. UN066 PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX Server: An Overview Engineer, PCI DEC Tuesday 1:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX V1.0 is a layered product on the SCO UNIX operating system, based on LAN Manager V2.2 technology. This presentation introduces and discusses the key features of PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX including the architecture, server configuration, server installation, management, and troubleshooting. It also includes a brief overview on how to install the PATHWORKS for DOS client software in this environment. UN068 High-Performance Computing: Supercomputer Clusters Mentzer, Linda Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center Digital Equipment Corporation, in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), has created a very successful high-performance workstation cluster dedicated to solving large-scale computational problems. This was achieved by incorporating high-end Digital Equipment Corporation RISC workstations into a custom software matrix, created at the PSC, to build a secure, controllable, scalable system that is tailored to the PSC supercomputing environment but is easily extensible to other environments. The system is controlled by a highly modified version of the Distributed Queuing System (DQS) from Florida State University and executes single-threaded codes as well as multithreaded Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) codes. The Andrew File System (AFS) provides secure file access and a single, common name space for all of the cluster members and both DQS and PVM have been modified for use with AFS. Resource utilization, user authorization, and system administration software has been produced that integrates this system into the PSC administrative and accounting environment. This cluster has been in routine use since June 1992 and is one of three supercomputing systems at the PSC that is in active use by scientific and industrial users. This project has been extremely successful and work is in progress to build a second-generation cluster based on the newest AXP systems and interconnect technology. Significant work has already been accomplished in the porting of system and application codes to this new, high-performance environment. UN069 Network Printing in Multivendor Environments Martin, J K Underscore, Incorporated Friday 10:00 AM Room 267 Georgia World Congress Center As most computer sites become more and more heterogeneous, system managers are continually faced with providing common access to all types of printers on the network. This presentation deals with the various kinds of print spooling mechanisms available on BSD systems (ULTRIX, SunOS, OSF/1) and System V (SCO, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris). The session devotes significant time to questions and answers for users wishing to discuss network printing problems and solutions, with an emphasis on using the Digital PrintServer printer family as a basis for a solution to the problem of providing network printing services in multivendor environments. UN070 Managing UNIX System Security Thursday 12:00 PM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE069. UN071 Introduction to UNIX Security Wednesday10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE068. VS001 Tape Backup Performance Under OpenVMS Krongelb, Malcolm Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Many factors affect backup performance, and the tape drive is almost never the bottleneck. Many other system factors are very important, and several of them offer system managers an opportunity to make changes and improve performance. Digital discusses each of these factors and ways in which system managers can manipulate them and/or set expectations correctly. The session contains illustrations of examples from Digital's extensive performance testing with TA90s, TF857s, TF867s, and other subsystems. This presentation provides up-to-date backup performance data on several of Digital's new SCSI drives, the 4mm TLZ06 and the TZ86, on various hardware and software platforms. The OpenVMS platform used is a VAX 4000-500 with a KZQSA SCSI adapter, while the ULTRIX platform is a DECstation 5000-240. A comparison is made with the earlier generation drives; i.e., 4mm TLZ04 and TZK10 QIC drives. The presentation provides guidelines as to how long it takes to back up a certain amount of data of different characteristics using one or more drives. VS002 RAID Performance Bates, Ken Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session looks at the effects of adding Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) to various system environments. Timesharing, office automation, and financial systems are evaluated to see the effects RAID has on performance. Suggestions are given for evaluating RAID performance with other applications. VS003 I/O Performance Metrics and Optimization Bates, Ken Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 3:30 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses performance metrics of interest for different I/O workload profiles. It details many of the available optimization techniques and provides direct comparisons of Digital's latest controllers and disks. Additional topics include: o Standard Disk Interconnect (SDI) o Digital Storage System Interconnect (DSSI) o adapters o tips for maximizing the performance of the I/O subsystem. VS004 Storage Strategy Update Christ, Charlie Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 5:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Storage for your computer systems has changed dramatically over the last few years. Digital's Storage Business Unit has also changed to keep up and become the leader in this fast-paced technology drive environment. This session, presented by a member of Digital's senior management, outlines for you where he feels storage is headed, and specifically what he believes is the strategy for Digital's storage business to keep up with the ever-changing environment. As a part of this session, several of Digital's key storage engineers join the speaker for a panel discussion and to answer any technical questions you might have. VS005 RAID5 in the OpenVMS Environment Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session describes a software implementation of RAID5 in the OpenVMS environment. Topics include: o capabilities and features o the system management interface necessary to configure and use Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) o appropriate configurations for RAID5. VS006 Design of a Software RAID Under OpenVMS Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session gives a technical overview of the design of an OpenVMS Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) implementation. Topics include: o discussion of both RAID0 and RAID5, with the emphasis on RAID5 o the structure and operations of the software - OpenVMS cluster communication issues - OpenVMS synchronization issues VS007 Solving Real RAID Problems Systems, Storage Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Calculating XOR for RAID5 is one of the simplest Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) problems to solve. This session explores the more complex problems in a RAID5 implementation. These include: o how to maintain data and parity consistency through power fails and node crashes o synchronizing multiuser access to RAID o determining optimal policies for removal of RAID members with errors o making effective use of memory to improve the performance of RAID5. VS008 Enterprise Storage Management Directions from Digital Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center With the recent explosion in storage technology comes a new issue: how to manage all of that data! Computer enterprises are increasingly more distributed and heterogeneous. The amount of storage capacity is staggering, and there are many different tools to manage storage. This session looks at the tools and projects being developed by Digital to provide automated archiving, backup, media management, and hierarchical storage management on a variety of hardware and software platforms. It discusses how to implement these tools in your environment today, and looks into the future at how they will evolve and provide you with more integrated solutions tomorrow. VS009 VAX Storage Library System Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses features and enhancements of the VAX Storage Library System (SLS), an automated backup and archiving tool addressing storage management problems. Topics include: o enhancements - remote backups - Rdb backups - a variety of distributed heterogeneous clients o how SLS keeps track of all the information on tape in a computer environment. VS010 VAX Disk Striping Driver, or How to Implement the Fastest RAID Today Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center Disk striping meets the needs of many applications requiring extremely high transfer rates from the disk subsystem. Where does striping fit in the continually evolving storage hierarchy, and is striping an implementation of RAID technology? How does the new version of the Disk Striping Driver work in the VAXcluster environment? This session provides an overview of striping technology and explanation of several implementation methodologies. Topics include: o how striping fits in a computing environment o benefits from load balancing o a comparison of striping to the rest of the storage hierarchy. VS012 OpenVMS Disk Defragmentation Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Digital's solution for file fragmentation is the DEC File Optimizer for OpenVMS (DFO). What are the features, how does it work, and how is it designed? This session discusses the problem of fragmentation and some of the benefits surrounding the layered disk defragmentation product. This session also discusses performance improvements with Automatic Hot File Placement. VS013 OpenVMS File Shelving Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center As storage requirements continue to increase, it becomes imperative to control the cost and amount of online media by utilizing near-line media within the online filespace. This session explains the what, why, and how of file shelving. File shelving is also known as roll-in, roll-out and Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM). VS014 Digital's Media Management Strategy Engineering, ESM Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Production systems class media management tools provide data protection along with efficient and productive computer operations. There are a number of media management solutions available for Digital systems. This session outlines those solutions and reveals Digital's official media management strategy and direction. Topics include: o how this important capability fits into the overall storage management solution o benefits of such a solution. VS018 I/O Plumbing: Intercepting I/O Without Pain Everhart, Glenn RAXCO Inc. Thursday 1:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center I/O interception is one of the most powerful techniques in acquiring system event information, but it presents some special risks. This session offers an overview of places to intercept OpenVMS I/O flow. Discussion includes: o insight on how to safely steal driver entry points o adding user-defined Ancillary Control Process (ACP) type processing o uses of this technique. The session assumes attendees have some exposure to OpenVMS drivers, although hardware issues are not included. VS019 I/O Performance on AXP Platforms Yakutis, Peter Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center What storage subsystems are available on Digital's AXP platforms? What I/O performance can the user expect? This session presents supported subsystem configuration information. It includes an overview of I/O performance for storage subsystems on the 4000 Model 610 and the 3000 Model 500 AXP platforms. VS022 Better System Management with Rooted Logicals Cochrane, F. Arthur Westinghouse Savannah River Monday 3:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents a technique on how a VAX system can be easier to manage using rooted directories, or pseudo-disks. Capabilities of this technique include: o invoking a a command procedure to automatically create rooted logicals at system startup o using batch or detached processes to define logical names, install images or start applications o performing pseudo-disk shutdown procedures at system shutdown o allowing a pseudo-disk manager to maintain the startup and shutdown of applications on the pseudo-disk o reduction of maintenance requirements for the system manager. VS025 Creating and Using Shareable Images and Libraries Gillin, Barry Gillin Consulting Company Monday 6:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Programmers frequently have a great supply of prewritten subroutines, functions and procedures for performing tasks ranging from displaying a standard header, formatting output, inverting matrices, calculating standard deviations, setting up binary trees, and other functions too numerous to mention. The procedures are frequently stored in an object library, which is handy for linking purposes. However, when an error is found in one of the procedures, all the programs that use the procedure must be relinked. This discussion concentrates on setting up the same structures the OpenVMS developers have used for years to overcome the drawback of relinking: the Shareable Image. How to write one, how to compile and like it, how to link other programs to it, and how to avoid common programming problems: all of these issues are addressed in this session. VS026 Building a User-Written System Service Gillin, Barry Gillin Consulting Company Thursday 3:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center System services operate in elevated access modes and allow programmers to set up and manipulate data structures located in S0 address space. The OpenVMS operating system allows system programmers to supplement the its system services with their own system services. This presentation examines the steps required to: o design o code build o test a user written system service starting with the template provided with OpenVMS and ending with a fully integrated system service. VS027 Supporting X Terminals in an OpenVMS Environment Synge, James Tektronix Incorporated Thursday 3:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center X Terminals provide access to DECwindows applications at a lower cost than workstations, and require less system management than do workstations. Yet some management may still be needed. This session discusses X Terminal management, and some of the difficulties encountered. Topics include: o network issues o font paths o resource files o VMS quotas. VS028 Tuning: Memory Sauer, Wayne The PARSEC Group Inc Wednesday 4:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines the most common memory tuning problems on a VAX and solutions to those problems. Discussion includes: o working set management o working set adjustment parameters o paging and swapping files o page fault clusters o free and modified page lists o monitoring memory performance. VS029 Tuning: I/O Hints and Tips Sauer, Wayne The PARSEC Group Inc Wednesday 2:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines examining the most common problems found when dealing with tuning I/O on your VAX and solutions to those problems. Areas discussed are: o components of a disk transfer o file system overview o determining when a disk is fragmented o determining disk fragmentation and how to fix it o paging and swapping file locations o layered products to improve I/O performance o XQP caches. VS030 OpenVMS Process Internals Sauer, Wayne The PARSEC Group Inc Thursday 5:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the internals of a process. Topics include: o process data structures o process data structure relationships o locating process data structures o related SYSGEN parameters o what is mapped in the various virtual address spaces. VS032 Tuning: CPU Hints and Tips Sauer, Wayne The PARSEC Group Inc Wednesday 3:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines the most common problems encountered dealing with tuning the CPU on your VAX and solutions to those problems. Areas of discussion includes: o determining bottlenecks through access modes o priorities o batch queues o offloading CPU work. VS034 VAXcluster I/O and Basic SCS Intervals Wayda, Jim Transitional Technology Inc Thursday 2:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical description of the components of the System Communication Services (SCS) and the data structures provided for message and data exchange in a VAXcluster. Topics include: o flow of an I/O request (VAX to HSC) o flow of an I/O request (VAX to VAX) o SCS components o SCS messages and message types o a description of SCS layers o virtual circuit information and data structures o connection formation and data structures o process polling SCS directory and configure process o basic HSC internals o basic MSCP/TMSCP server internals. VS035 RAM Disks, Buffers, and Caches: A Guide to Improving I/O Performance Newlon, Blaine System Solution Incorporated Tuesday 3:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center If not properly tuned, I/O on a VAX can be a bottleneck. This session examines options for maximizing I/O performance. Topics include: o RAM disks o RMS buffers o global buffers o I/O caches. Statistics for benchmarks using RMS and Rdb applications are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of tuning I/O. VS036 Avoiding Fragmentation Newlon, Blaine System Solutions Incorporated Friday 3:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines ways to prevent file fragmentation for RMS files. Topics include: o an explanation of what "fragmented" means o methods to check files for fragmentation o file structure parameters to avoid fragmentation o finding fragmented files o correcting fragmentation o use of defragmenters o system parameters for avoiding fragmentation. VS037 Performance Case Studies Newlon, Blaine System Solutions Incorporated Friday 3:30 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session looks at several case studies of actual performance problems and their resolutions. Case studies include: o systems with large number of users with minimal memory o I/O bottlenecks in an RMS application due to incorrect RMS buffers o I/O bottlenecks in an Rdb application due to buffer sizes o printers running slow because of symbiont configuration o problems with an application and the way data was being entered for each record. VS039 Giving OpenVMS the Boot: The Internals of System Startup Sewell, Wayne Tachyon Software Consulting Thursday 7:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses events that occur during the various phases of OpenVMS system startup, from the console subsystem (if any), through virtual memory boot (VMB), to the final stages implemented as command procedures. Special topics include: o the loadable executive o the switch from physical to virtual memory o the SYSGEN parameters involved with booting o the rudimentary I/O system used during boot. VS040 Son of Directory Lomasky, Brian Teradyne Incorporated Monday 4:30 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center The DIRECTORY command can perform many functions, but it lacks some very important features, such as: sorting the directory by file type (extensions), file size, allocated size, creation, and/or revision dates; in ascending or descending order. It also lacks the ability to display certain fields on a one-line format, such as: File ID, Carriage Control Attributes, File Organization, and Record Types. (The only DIRECTORY option that displays this information is the /FULL qualifier, which displays far too much data!) This session describes the "DS" utility, which can do all of the above functions and more. The utility, with complete documentation, is now available in the DECUS library, and is on the Fall 1992 VMS Systems SIG tape. VS041 Current Performance Modeling Topics for OpenVMS Stadelmann, Michael BGS Systems Incorporated Thursday 1:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This presentation focuses on recent modeling advances for OpenVMS performance analysis using mathematical techniques to predict workload response and other performance characteristics under various loads and with various configuration. Topics include: o Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks (RAID) architecture choices in the area of I/0 subsystems o the different performance characteristics of RAID levels o I/O interconnects and controllers o migration of workloads to AXP systems - processor speed - memory - migration tools VS042 Controlling Information Systems Costs Through Performance Management in a OpenVMS Environment Cain, David BGS Systems, Inc. Thursday 9:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Organizational computing needs are serviced by providing sufficient computing capacity to complete required work within a specified time. This need has traditionally been difficult to track due to the limitation of OpenVMS system measurement data. In particular, an alayst needs measurements to determine the current workload throughput and the respnse time for each business transaction. This session discusses a methodology useful in applying OpenVMS system measurements to business transactions and determining their response time. Additionally, we use analytical modeling technology to find the lowest overall configuration cost to process the work within a given response time. VS043 DECps at My Place: Practical Performance and Capacity Planning for the System Manager Caffee, Cameron Polaroid Corporation Friday 4:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center The session presents use of the DEC Performance Solution (DECps) and early experience with release 1.1. Topics include: o an emphasis on practical performance monitoring and reporting in terms of supporting a capacity planning effort o examples of graphics used, routine reporting, and modeling. VS044 Performance Management for Distributed Systems Fiorito, Anthony Integrated Systems Consulting Thursday 10:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Client/Server computing is profoundly impacting OpenVMS system management. One area undergoing fundamental change is performance management. New approaches are needed to solve traditional performance problems. This session reviews the engineering fundamentals and strategic goals of performance management. It proposes new tactical approaches to solve old strategic problems. Topics include: o user's perception of performance o changes to capacity planning philosophy o measuring service quality o response time measurement - How can you do it? - What does it mean? o continued use of current tools. VS045 DEC RAID Utilities Savoie, Deb Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on Digital's RAID Utilities for configuring and maintaining Digital RAID subsystems. These utilities provide support for several operating systems, including OpenVMS, NetWare 386, SCO UNIX, and MS-DOS. Discussion includes a survey of functionality for the various operating system environments. VS046 Alpha-Bets Lauer, Rochelle Yale University Thursday 7:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This sessions presents an overview of experiences with an Alpha seed unit. Users of the system placed many bets on the performance, ease of use, and OpenVMS compatibility. In this session learn who won the bets. VS048 OpenVMS V1.0 Device Driver Developement: A Case Study Neyman, Roger CMD Technology Incorporated Friday 2:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center User-written drivers are NOT supported under OpenVMS AXP V1.0, and yet the tools needed to do the job have been made available. This session gives a brief history of some of the practical lessons learned during one such development effort. Attendees should have a working knowledge of OpenVMS internals and of device drivers in general. The specific device discussed is a generic MSCP/TMSCP SCSI server on TURBOchannel for AXP workstations. Topics covered include such things as: o design considerations o technical hurdles o evaluation of available tools and documentation. VS050 VMS Systems SIG Roadmap DeJordy, Richard The Faxon Company Lippmann, Marc National Computer Systems Monday 9:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces the VMS Systems (VS) SIG. It also emphasizes the week's activities at the Symposium and highlights changes to the published schedule. This is the place to obtain a copy of the VS SIG opening session handout, "THE BOOTBLOCK". This handout contains a more detailed introduction to the SIG, its working groups, and a keyword session index of those sessions sponsored by the VMS Systems SIG during the week. VS051 VMS Systems SIG Technical Tips Schmidt, David Management Science Association Wednesday11:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center The VMS Systems SIG sets aside this session for those symposium attendees who wish to give a brief, informal discussion of a technical tip for other OpenVMS users or system managers. This is a very informal session. It depends on user participation to succeed. If possible, come to the symposium prepared with a technical tip. If you wish to make a presentation, take a Tech Tip submission form (available in the VMS Campground) or any blank sheet of paper, and fill in your name and topic. Place the form in the Tech Tips Submission box in the VMS Campground. You should assume that you will be giving your submission. If you are concerned about standing up in front of a group, please indicate this; your submission will then be read by the Session Chair. If you wish to have your submission read, the full material must be written and submitted along with the form. In the true DECUS tradition of technical information interchange, this session is a great opportunity for VMS Systems SIG members who have relatively more experience than others to offer a helping hand to new OpenVMS users and managers. VS052 Talk with Digital: OpenVMS Systems Cox, Jeff Texas A & M University Thursday 2:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center The VMS Systems SIG and Digital solicit your input on a variety of issues affecting VAX 9000 system sites. The major issues to be discussed are announced during the VMS Systems SIG's Technical Roadmap on Monday morning. Do you have an issue not included in the list? Come anyway. The session includes an open forum period where new issues can be raised by audience members. This session, sponsored by the VAX 9000 Working Group, is your opportunity to be heard. Digital representatives are on hand. The Working Group and Digital are very interested in these issues, and they want your input. VS053 OpenVMS Novice/Intermediate Questions and Answers Tihor, Stephen New York University Wednesday10:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center A panel of experienced users and managers answer (or hope to) novice and intermediate technical questions about OpenVMS use, programming, configuration and management. They especially encourage first-timers and "OpenVMS Novices" to come and present problems that can be stated within a minute or two, so others can benefit from the answer. All topics are fair game and questions that can't be answered are directed to other symposium resources. VS054 OpenVMS System Management Questions and Answers Tihor, Stephen New York University Tuesday 8:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center A panel of experienced OpenVMS system managers attempt to answer questions about system management issues. This is an open forum for questions that can be clearly stated in a minute or so. Panelists from various industrial and academic environments are usually present, representing large, small, and multivendor shops. Many questions are answered by audience members as well. Bring your problems and your expertise. Questions regarding general site management issues should be directed to the "Ask the SITE Manager" session. Detailed questions that can't be clearly presented in a minute or two can be directed to the General Hospital or Digital personnel in the VMS Systems SIG and SITE SIG Campgrounds. VS055 Appropriate I/O Optimization by Application Characteristics Fischer, Cliff CoBank Thursday 5:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center A number of new nontraditional methods are available to improve I/O throughput. These include striping, caching, Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) and others. In order for these methods to be effective, they must be applied correctly to the right application. This session examines I/O by a number of different applications and evaluates these techniques by application type. These applications include: o general user disks o system disks o database disks o general ledgers o miscellaneous financial systems. By examining these techniques, this session enables attendees to discover the best technique for a particular application. VS056 High-End vs. Low-End RAID: Which Is Better for YOU? Jaffe, David MTI Technology Friday 12:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks, or RAID, is the latest buzzword to hit the computer marketplace this year. With all of RAID hoopla, there is general confusion regarding not only which level of RAID is most appropriate for a particular application, but disparities amongst the individual RAID levels themselves. RAID 5 is one such example of this confusion. Within the various products available in the marketplace today, numerous RAID 5 products are offered by various vendors, yet there are distinct differences between "baby RAID level 5" -- most often a "4 + 1" schema versus "big RAID level 5" -- as illustrated by MTI's FailSafe fault-tolerant system utilizing a "12 + 1" schema. This session explains the differences between high-end RAID and low-end RAID and what systems managers should be wary of when evaluating and choosing these types of systems. VS057 History, Basis, and Future of RAID Katz, Randy UC Berkeley Tuesday 12:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session is conducted by one of the original creators of RAID technology, Dr. Randy Katz of the Computer Science Division of the University of California Berkeley. This session provides insight into the history and original basis of RAID technology, and discusses future directions and uses of RAID technology. Dr. Katz also discusses how advances in RAID technology will overcome the industry problem of latent demand for storage system capacity and performance. Dr. Katz identified a new approach to high-performance storage devices in a series of working papers, the best known of which is titled, "A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks." He is a renowned speaker and authority on all aspects of RAID technology. VS058 OpenVMS Magic, War Stories, and Horror Tales Cathey, David Montagar Software Concepts Thursday 9:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Once again, it is time to relive the times when you used an obscure trick, ran into the unsolvable problem, or encountered the horror of being on the bleeding edge of technology. A panel of judges (who have been in the trenches themselves), rank the presentations on originality and technical ingenuity. Please limit sessions to less than 5 minutes. To enter, fill out an OpenVMS Magic form in the VMS Campground. Enter early to be assured of getting in before the deadline! Even if you're not Jay Leno, give it a shot! All technical submissions have a chance at the prizes to be awarded at the end of the evening. VS059 Created and Implementing Loadable Executive Images Cathey, David Montagar Software Concepts Thursday 4:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center Since V5.0 of OpenVMS, a mechanism for adding pieces to the operating system in a modular fashion has been available. It can be used to modify or enhance the OpenVMS environment. This session discusses loadable executive images. Topics include: o how they are loaded at system boot o creating and linking loadable images o interfaces into the operating system. This session assumes that the attendee has some knowledge of MACRO and OpenVMS internals. VS060 Resource Waits and MUTEXes in the OpenVMS Operating System Cathey, David Montagar Software Concepts Wednesday12:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses the internals and workings of OpenVMS resource waits and MUTEXes. It also presents details of data structures and routines used to place and remove processes from these states. The latter half of the session is devoted to reducing occurrences of the most common resource waits, especially, the RWAST state. Many times when a process is stuck in RWAST, it can be successfully deleted without resorting to crashing the system. VS061 What's New in OpenVMS AXP and VAX Documentation: Turning a New Page Winslow, Joan Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:30 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes how users can benefit from the versatile, newly redesigned information sets Digital has developed to support the OpenVMS operating systems for the AXP and VAX platforms. It also discusses the latest documentation for VAXclusters. The session highlights the many ways users can find the information they need by taking advantage of the following innovations: o comprehensive yet more portable and easy-to-use manuals o corresponding online information employing advanced compact disk technology complimentary printed documentation o an expanded online help facility o improved indexes and master index o a new HELP/MESSAGE utility providing online text for system messages. VS062 Caching Alternatives for OpenVMS McMillan, Vaughn Executive Software Tuesday 2:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Caching is a general term for satisfying I/O requests from memory instead of from disk storage. The purpose of caching is to provide faster service to I/O requests and higher I/O throughput rates. This session discusses various caches. Topics include: o caching in OpenVMS o memory management caches o file system caches o RMS global buffers o controller-based caching o RAM disks o software cache systems. VS063 Disk Fragmentation Issues McMillan, Vaughn Executive Software Friday 2:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines two kinds of fragmentation on disks: free space fragmentation and file fragmentation. Discussion includes: o aspects of OpenVMS that contribute to fragmentation o why fragmentation is an accepted consequence of some basic principals of OpenVMS design o the cost of fragmentation in terms of system performance o alternative means to solve or eliminate fragmentation o advantages and disadvantages of each of the prevailing defragmentation philosophies. VS064 Novice VAX/OpenVMS System Tuning McMillan, Vaughn Executive Software Quan, Gary Executive Software Wednesday 1:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center The overall responsiveness of a system depends largely on the responsiveness of its CPU, memory, and disk I/O resources. The activity of balancing these resources to maximize overall responsiveness is called VAX/OpenVMS system tuning. This presentation offers suggestions for gathering information about your system's performance, implementing changes to result in improvements, and measuring the value of the improvement. Topics include simple but clever applications of: o MONITOR o SHOW SYSTEM o SHOW MEMORY o AUTOGEN o SYSGEN VS065 Translating Software and Documentation into Foreign Languages Nelson, Lisa Executive Software Thursday 5:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center For companies who are or plan to be selling their software overseas, translation of software and documentation into foreign languages is an important, and costly, factor to consider. The speaker gives tips on how to ensure that a translation is a good one, even if you do not speak the language, and tips for the programmer so that a lot of rework is not necessary when the company decides to translate the software. Reducing the cost of the translation process is also covered. VS066 Synchronization on OpenVMS AXP Systems Engineering, VMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes how synchronization mechanisms under OpenVMS on AXP systems work and the dependendecies that existing OpenVMS applications might have on VAX memory subsystem behavior. Programmers using ASTs or global sections will want to attend this session to learn the technical details of how to synchronize simultaneous threads of code on OpenVMS AXP systems. VS067 VMS Systems SIG VMSnet Working Group Meeting Allebrandi, Tom Inland Steel Research Labs Hanrahan, Jamie Kernel Mode Consulting Thursday 1:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This meeting is for those interested in the projects of the VMSnet Working Group. These projects include the DECUS UUCP software package and the VMSnet News network. This session is an opportunity for VMSnet and DECUS UUCP users and developers to meet in an informal setting to discuss the problems, solutions, and future directions for the projects of the working group. VS068 VMS Programming and Internals Working Group Meeting Hanrahan, Jamie Kernel Mode Consulting Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center The VMS Programming and Internals Working Group exists to address the needs of applications and systems programmers who work with, on, and around OpenVMS. Our activities include: presentation of sessions at Symposia (including, of course, OpenVMS Magic on Thursday night); coordination with Digital for sessions by OpenVMS developers; articles in the PAGESWAPPER; and White Papers on OpenVMS futures. The next few years will be an exciting and crucial time for OpenVMS, what with POSIX integration, Motif and other OSF packages on OpenVMS, OpenVMS on the AXP platform, and increased competition from other operating systems. As OpenVMS continues to grow in complexity and moves into less-technical markets, we will need more and more in-depth information about applications design and implementation... and we must ensure that the needs of internals programmers (such as good internals-level documentation and inexpensive listings kits) are not forgotten. If you do programming... from applications to internals... on OpenVMS, WE NEED YOU. And we hope that we have something to offer you, too. Please join us! VS070 Why Move to AXP (Why Not?) Philippon, Lucien Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session details reasons to justify movement to the AXP platform. Conversely, this session presents inappropriate reasons for moving. This session outlines a process to use in assessing the multiple factors of the decision. These factors include: o a listing and evaluation of software dependencies o the need to port applications o sizing the AXP systems o a listing and analysis of hardware peripheral dependencies o contents of an implementation plan. The desired outcome is an objective presentation of both sides of the decision. VS071 Alpha AXP PC from Digital Benecasa, Nicole Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session explains the first Alpha AXP PC model featuring the Windows NT operating system. Topics include: o CPU characteristics and system attributes o engineering objectives and tradeoffs o market requirements and system implementation o internal and external I/O structures o packaging configurations o available options from Digital and third parties o generic system plans. A handout of selected notes or session notes is provided. VS072 DEC 4000 AXP Server Ajgaonkar, Kami Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session explains the first system implementation of the AXP architecture in a distributed client server environment. Topics include: o system design considerations o AXP CPU technical advances o design and flexibility of the systems I/O module o SCSI, DSSI, and Ethernet capabilities o I/O characteristics - I/O module - Futurebus+ o configuration possibilities o performance highlights o packaging improvements in comparison to current VAX products and other AXP systems. A handout of selected notes or session notes is provided. VS073 DEC 4000 AXP Server: Technical Expose Lidington, Gary Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center Presented by an Alpha AXP Systems Engineering Manager, this session details technical aspects of Digital's 4000 AXP server. Topics include: o the systems design objectives o architectures and technologies o power o module layout o cache o memory controller o internal bus o external Futurebus+ o flexibility of new I/O module o communication protocols o expansion capabilities o console subsystems and microcode, complete with diagnostic subsystems o cost, performance, and technology tradeoffs. A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS074 MicroVAX 3100 New Product Developments Du Puis, Ronald Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session focuses on the newer functions and capabilities of the entire MicroVAX 3100 family. Topics include: o system and CPU technology advances o engineering tradeoffs o synchronous SCSI implementation o and increased I/O bandwidth o disk/tape configuration possibilities o packaging improvements o performance highlights o feasibility of ongoing planned improvements. A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS075 VAX 4000 New Product Developments Philippon, Lucien Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session describes in detail the multiuser/server models of the VAX 4000 series, including o VAX 4000 Model 100 o VAX 4000 Model 400 o VAX 4000 Model 500 o VAX 4000 Model 600 The session emphasizes the newest models and newest features. Topics include: o technological advances o peripheral subsystems o enclosure strategies o performance highlights o upgrade possibilities o a review of system enhancements. Ongoing, planned improvements to the VAX 4000 family are explained as feasible. VS076 VAX 4000 Series CPU Modules Crowell, Jon Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday10:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session details the innovative I/O architecture designed in the VAX 4000 Models 100, 300, 400, 500, 600. Topics include: o the design, implementation and performance characteristics of the improved memory subsystems o enhanced Ethernet implementations o advanced I/O subsystems for disk. A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS078 Introduction to DSSI VAXclustering Stojda, Michael Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 1:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session gives the basics of Digital Storage System Interconnect (DSSI) VAXclustering. Topics include: o characteristics of DSSI o DSSI working details o various DSSI adapters o DSSI peripherals and their configurations o systems rules. This sessions emphasizes mainstream configurations, expected performance characterizations, and suggested do's and don'ts. A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS079 Advanced DSSI VAXclustering Stojda, Michael Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 2:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session explains in detail the construction of homogeneous and mixed mode two-system and three-system DSSI VAXclusters: o VAX 4000 - VAX 4000 o VAX 4000 - VAX 6000 o VAX 3000 - VAX 4000 - VAX 6000. Topics include: o specific, detailed examples explaining critical configuration rules o types of configurations to avoid and why o termination characteristics of various adapters and enclosures o cable management considerations o new DSSI capabilities and features, called "warm swap" o VAXcluster software characteristics and prerequisites. This session is designed for those with a proficient knowledge of DSSI clustering. A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS080 Configuring MicroVAX and VAX 4000 Series, and Enclosure Advances Ganong, Gerald Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session provides guidance in configuring the MicroVAX 3100 series members and the VAX 4000 systems, with an emphasis on new systems/options announced since the last DECUS symposium. Topics include: o site preparation o installation information o guidance in configuring these systems in Digital's standard enclosures - the BA23, BA123, H9642, the BA200 series - the new BA400 series enclosures A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS081 MicroVAX II to VAX 4 Upgrade Program Description Wei, Joseph Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the MicroVAX II to VAX 4 Upgrade Program in detail. Topics include: o all aspects of the upgrade o systems that may be upgraded o revision level requirements for I/O options o RF31 disk upgrade options o expected performance improvements o expansion box possibilities o installation descriptions for BA23, BA123, and H9642-based systems o VAX 4 upgrades for Q-bus-based PDP-11 systems. A handout of selected notes, or Session Notes, is provided. VS082 VAX to AXP Investment Protection Hall, Mitch Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session identifies clear upgrade paths to AXP from current Workstations, VAX systems, and MIPS-based systems. Topics include: o an explanation of contents of the AXP upgrades o terms and conditions governing the upgrade of operating systems and layered products o examples. Sufficient time is allowed for questions and answers. VS083 Growth Options For VAX 3000/4000/6000/7000 Kerr, Allen Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the primary ways to grow MicroVAX and VAX systems. These ways include: o networking o clustering o expansion o upgrades o system/cabinet replacements o AXP technology. Topics of discussion include: o an evaluation of each method o advantages and decision criteria o cost of ownership o application fit issues o new VAX systems as growth paths o customer questions about upgrading specific systems. VS084 Digital's Alpha AXP PC Performance Characterization Benecasa, Nicole Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session is a must to view the variety and results of performance activities of Digital's Alpha PC with Windows NT platform. Discussion includes: o performance tests and benchmarks o practical guidelines on implications to customer applications. The intent is to share third-party application performance information from the Digital perspective, as well as performance data gathered from non-Digital sources. VS085 The Kompleat Idiot's Guide to OpenVMS System Tuning Part One: AUTOGEN Wortman, Bret Virtual System Management Conc Tuesday 9:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This sessions familiarizes attendees with basic OpenVMS System tuning techniques using AUTOGEN. Topics include: o a detailed look at the phases of AUTOGEN o methods for determining start-phase and end-phases o common AUTOGEN mistakes o sample AUTOGEN commands for performing various special tasks - resizing the page file - resizing the swap file o AUTOGEN's role in a comprehensive system tuning and performance management program. VS086 OpenVMS AXP Internals Differences: Processes and Scheduling Smith, William Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center OpenVMS is OpenVMS; however, the scope of the truism doesn't extend far beyond the user and system management levels. At the internals level, the two flavors of the operating system can be quite different. This session explores the different implementations of the process on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP. Topics include: o the AXP architected process o differences in the process data structures o context switching differences o other scheduling differences. VS087 OpenVMS AXP Internals Differences: Memory Management Smith, William Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session explores the different implementations of memory management on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP. Topics include: o the OpenVMS 32-bit address space and how it exists in the AXP 64-bit address space o a step-by-step description of virtual address translation on the AXP architecture and on OpenVMS AXP o the OpenVMS AXP memory management data structures o the memory management exceptions. VS088 OpenVMS AXP Internals Differences: Synchronization & Timing Smith, William Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session explores two complementary areas of difference between the two flavors of OpenVMS: how synchronization techniques are implemented and how system timing is accomplished. Topics include: o event flags and AST differences o interrupt priority level (IPL) and spinlock implementation o forking and kernel processes o hardware clocks and related interrupt service routines o system timing code and the timer queue. VS090 Repeatable Software Application Products for OpenVMS Solutions Library, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 6:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center The U.S. Digital Solutions Library (formerly ASSETS), offers low-volume packages supplementing Digital products and point solutions to solve OpenVMS performance, monitoring, migration, security and communication problems. Digital's Network and Systems Specialists have developed a variety of system management and productivity solutions to enhance a OpenVMS system. This session describes new software offerings by the U.S. Digital Solutions Library for OpenVMS. VS091 VAX Systems and Workstation Update Blanchette, Steve Digital Equipment Corporation Philippon, Lucien Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:30 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session identifies recent VAX and VAXstation family additions, enhancements, and directions. All products in the VAX and VAXstation families, from workstations to mainframes, are covered in this session. The presentation provides insight into changes occurring within the VAX and VAXstation families, into VAX and AXP system positioning, and into the latest technologies employed in the VAX family of products. VS092 OpenVMS RMS Performance Tuning Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Hear a discussion of the ways to tune files for optimum performance. What are the important factors in designing or redesigning file usage? Bucket size? Number of buffers? Duplicate keys? Compression? Learn how to pick good values for the file characteristics that matter most. Learn how to use FDL (Digital's File Definition Language) and CONVERT to achieve those values. VS093 OpenVMS RMS Buffers and Locks Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This is a presentation on RMS's use of buffers and locks. What are RMS locks, and what are they used for? What are global and local buffers, and what algorithms are used to manage them? How do buffers and locks affect performance, and how can a user use buffers to best advantage? VS094 VAXft System Family Overview Katan, Ann Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an overview of the VAXft system family. The session begins with a brief description of fault tolerance and how hardware, software, services, and various environmental factors can affect a user's perception of the fault tolerance of a system. The session continues with a description of the VAXft system and how it addresses those factors to achieve its fault tolerance while still conforming to the VAX and OpenVMS architectures. The session ends with a summary of the VAXft systems family and how these systems can be used by customers for critical applications to achieve the most cost-effective solution. VS095 Fault-Tolerant Solutions: Guidelines Katan, Ann Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a detailed technical discussion of how to configure a fault-tolerant system solution using VAXft systems with other Digital products. Topics include: o alternatives for synchronous and asynchronous communication o technical considerations for VAXft systems in a VAXcluster - Local Area VAXcluster (LAVc) - Mixed-Interconnect VAXcluster (MIV) o technical considerations for distributing the application with the VAXft as the front-end processor or as the back-end processor. Examples are given of how VAXft systems have been used in solving real-life customer application problems. VS096 Network Troubleshooting for LAN VMSclusters Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 3:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses troubleshooting techniques for LAN VMScluster configurations. The session addresses the NISCA architecture, utilized by both FDDI and Ethernet VMScluster configurations, with mechanisms, timing and latency issues for the VMScluster software. In-depth information on various troubleshooting techniques useful in diagnosing both hardware and software failures in a LAN-based VMScluster is provided. Techniques discussed include the LAVC$FAILURE_ANALYSIS mechanism, System Dump Analyzer (SDA), and usage of network monitors. VS097 VMScluster and Volume Shadowing System Directions Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday12:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session outlines the current and future directions for Digital's cluster product offerings. This session covers hardware (including AXP), interconnects, and storage. The session also covers software, including VMScluster and Volume Shadowing system software and application solutions such as PATHWORKS. VS098 AXP Update Breton, Brian Digital Equipment Corporation Philippon, Lou Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 11:30 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an update on all the public information Digital has currently disclosed about their systems, desktop products, workstations, and system software based on the 64-bit AXP technology. This includes information released through the Las Vegas Symposium, giving attendees a complete and accurate update. Topics covered include: o AXP microprocessors, systems and system software o product positioning o business practices o applications o migration services o general future directions for Digital's AXP program. This session also provides a multi-SIG roadmap to other key AXP sessions being given through the remainder of the week. VS099 VAXclusters and VMSclusters: VAX and AXP in the Same Cluster Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 2:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the ramifications of having OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP systems in the same cluster. It discusses both the transparency seen by users and where the different system architectures are visible (for System Managers, Programmers, etc.). This session also discusses the rollout of VMScluster functionality on AXP systems. VS100 How to Add AXP Systems to a VAXcluster Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 3:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the practical implications of adding AXP systems to a VAXcluster. Topics include: o configuring the cluster (hardware and software) o aspects of managing the cluster o system disk management o setting up and maintaining an application execution environment o setting up and maintaining the user environment. VS101 OpenVMS Class Scheduler Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Class Scheduling is a mechanism allowing the system manager to allocate CPU time unfairly; according to local policy versus standard round-robin scheduling. This talk discusses: o new VMS features o minor scheduler changes o a new system service, $SCHED o how these features enforce a class scheduling policy, but do not specify what that policy is o how a separate product, written locally or purchased separately, is used to local policy o using system service calls to define local policy. VS102 Computer Downsizing: Organizational Goals and Objectives Consultant, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 10:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center "Downsizing" is a term used to describe a multitude of sins. It is used not only to describe the activity of making computer operations smaller. It is frequently used to imply a move to "Openness," the use of "standards," the implementation of "workgroups," and migration to PCs. This session helps attendees organize their thoughts and sort out the real goals. This is accomplished by defining some of the terms and discussing methods for prioritizing goals. The speaker makes suggestions for information that should be gathered before starting the analysis and before starting the implementation. VS103 Computer Downsizing: Risk and Pitfall Avoidance Consultant, Digital Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center "Downsizing" of computer systems is the shining El Dorado of this decade. While this may sound like hype, there is some truth to the analogy. Everyone is looking at the benefits, real or imagined. There are potential risks and pitfalls that are being overlooked (or ignored) in the rush to be the first one on your block to downsize. This session tries to uncover some of the risks and point out the pitfalls. In some cases the speaker prescribes a method to minimize the risk or avoid the pitfall. VS105 Digital's Midrange and Mainframe AXP Systems Mackie, Vaughn Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session surveys the complete set of midrange and mainframe AXP systems from Digital. Topics covered include: o general system design o peripherals support o applications o supported networking and clustering configurations o positioning and performance with other Digital and competitive system products. VS106 How and Why to Use RMS Journaling Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session covers what situations suggest the use of long-term and transaction journaling and how to use the three kinds of journaling. The session also discusses how recovery works and what factors affect journaling performance. Complete scenarios of journaling usage are presented. VS107 Digital's Midrange and Mainframe VAX Systems Manager, Product Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a general overview of Digital's VAX 7000 and VAX 10000 midrange and mainframe systems. Topics include: o CPU performance o I/O specifications o memory capacity and requirements o applications o service and support o upgrades from VAX 6000 systems. VS108 OpenVMS File System Enhancements Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session contains a discussion of the OpenVMS File System directions. It outlines recent enhancements currently in field test. Features include improved performance for PATHWORKS, enhancements to Movefile, and improved support for very large files. The session concludes with a summary of future directions. VS109 OpenVMS File System (XQP) Performance in a PATHWORKS Environment Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the performance of the OpenVMS File System (XQP) in a PATHWORKS environment. It covers tuning of the file system parameters, setting other OpenVMS parameters, tuning of the PCFS_SERVER, PATHWORKS use of the OpenVMS File System, and OpenVMS File System enhancements to support PATHWORKS. VS110 What's New and Delightful with POSIX for OpenVMS Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 6:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This talk covers the evolution of the current OpenVMS POSIX V1.1 product into two new, about to be released, products: POSIX for OpenVMS VAX V1.2 and POSIX for OpenVMS AXP V1.0. Interoperability with a number of key OpenVMS components and layered products (for example DECthreads, Distributed Computing Environment, VMS/ULTRIX Connection, and others) are key elements of these releases. In addition a number of other useful programming aids and utilities are being introduced. VS111 Technical Description of Digital's Midrange and Mainframe VAX Systems Nist, Pauline Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This presentation provides a technical overview of Digital's complete midrange and mainframe VAX product set, including the VAX 7000 and VAX 10000 Series. Topics include: o CPU performance o I/O o applications o support o memory o upgrades to and coexistence with AXP systems. VS112 Moving Code to OpenVMS AXP: Alignment Issues Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 4:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes the performance ramifications of unaligned data on both OpenVMS VAX and AXP systems. It describes the tools available for locating unaligned data and how to correct the alignment. Application programmers interested in migrating code to OpenVMS AXP systems shouldn't miss this talk! VS113 AXP Server Performance Analysis Engineer, SPAG Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 9:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines a suite of performance metrics specific to the midrange and mainframe markets. It details the specific performance numbers for Digital's new DEC 7000 and DEC 10000 AXP systems and compares their performance against competitive systems. VS114 Technical Overview of Digital's AXP Midrange and Mainframe Systems Brian, Allison Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the technical details of the DEC 7000 midrange system and DEC 10000 mainframe system, both based on the AXP technology. Topics covered include: o system design overview o CPU organization and SMP support o memory structure and I/O configurations o power and packaging. VS115 Upgrading to OpenVMS VAX V6.0 Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Major releases of the OpenVMS VAX Operating System have in the past had major impact on system managers. With the release of OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 OpenVMS Engineering goes over the changes made to this version of the operating system, of which system managers specifically need to be aware. OpenVMS Engineering has done extensive work with OpenVMS VAX V6.0 to dramatically reduce the impact to systems normally associated with a major "point zero" release. VS117 VAX Server Performance Analysis Gillett, Rick Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session examines a suite of performance metrics specific to the midrange and mainframe markets. It details the specific performance numbers for Digital's VAX 7000 midrange and VAX 10000 mainframe systems, and compares their performance against competitive systems. VS118 InfoServer Clients Development, InfoServer Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 4:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses each of the InfoServer clients and their capabilities. The platforms and clients that are addressed include: o OpenVMS o VXT 2000 X Window terminal o PATHWORKS o DOS and Novell o ULTRIX o UNIX o Apple Macintosh. The functionality available on these platforms is discussed. VS119 Introduction to DCL Lexical Functions Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Thursday 4:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Lexical functions are one of the most powerful programming tools available to programmers working in DCL. This session introduces the different lexical functions and how they can be used to develop simple, powerful DCL procedures with little effort. Attendees are shown examples of how lexical functions can be used in real programming situations. While no specific knowledge of DCL programming is assumed, a general understanding of DCL syntax and basic commands is useful. VS120 OpenVMS VAX Asynchronous System Trap Internals Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Friday 2:00 PM Room 263 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides an introduction to the data structures and delivery mechanisms used for processing Asynchronous System Traps (ASTs) on VAX processors running OpenVMS. Topics discussed include AST hardware components, data structures, queueing methodology, delivery mechanisms, and types. The presentation also includes performance data from a recent AST performance study on different processors in the VAX family. This session addresses what goes on "behind the curtain" with the goal of eliminating common myths and misconceptions about ASTs and their use. The session also identifies sources of additional useful information. VS123 Introduction to AST Programming Under OpenVMS Gezelter, Robert R Gezelter Software Consultant Monday 5:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session introduces attendees to the concepts and techniques required to make use of the Asynchronous System Trap (AST) facilities provided by OpenVMS and the RSX-11 family operating systems. The AST mechanism is an excellent vehicle for processing events of all kinds including: network and local I/O, timers, locks, interface events, and other events. This session equips attendees with an understanding of the methods and techniques required to use the AST mechanism. The speaker also clears up many incorrect ideas about how users should use the AST mechanism. No knowledge of systems internals is required. A knowledge of programming using either OpenVMS or RSX-11 would be helpful. VS125 InfoServer Novice Concepts Development, InfoServer Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the basic InfoServer concepts and any new features/functionality in the latest release. This session is aimed at the general user or system manager. VS127 InfoServer Advanced Concepts and Usage Development, InfoServer Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 3:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session covers some of the more obscure facilities and features of the InfoServer. The session is designed to educate the system manager on the more advanced features of the InfoServer. VS128 How to Choose the Appropriate Computing Solution for Your Computing Environment Nist, Pauline Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 11:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session serves as an introductory consulting session for those individuals who need assistance in configuring the optimal computing environment(s) from the multitude of available options. This session discusses: o the processes for sizing a computing solution o choosing and configuring a computing solution from the many system capabilities and options available: - symmetric multiprocessing - Computer Interconnect (CI) VAXclusters - Ethernet-based VAXclusters - dual-host Digital Storage Systems Interconnect (DSSI) systems - local-area and wide-area networks o the positioning of Digital products and technologies - relative to each other - in terms of functionality and performance - as an aid to choosing a system o rules of thumb for sizing applications. VS129 Industry Standard Workloads and the Role They Play in Evaluating Computer System Performance Moses, Bhagyam Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 12:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This presentation discusses industry standard benchmarks and workloads, along with their use in evaluating actual system performance. Focusing on SPEC and TPC, the presentation covers the origin, description, and metrics of these benchmarks. Other benchmarks such as AIM, Perfect, LADDIS, Neal Nelson, and DR Labs are also discussed, in lesser detail. VS130 Moving to OpenVMS AXP with the VAX Executable Software Translator Development, DECmigrate Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 1:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This presentation shows how to use DECmigrate, also known by its DCL command verb -- VEST -- the VAX Executable Software Translator. VEST helps move programs from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS AXP. VEST can identify most problems that may be encountered. This lets sites prepare for them. Ultimately, VEST can generate OpenVMS AXP images from most VAX images, allowing sites to move large numbers of programs quickly. This session is a must for all application programmers who may be involved in moving programs from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS AXP. VS132 OpenVMS Update Breton, Brian Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 9:30 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the most recent accomplishments with the OpenVMS Operating System on both the VAX and AXP platforms. Also highlighted are accomplishments of OpenVMS Complementary Products such as DECwindows Motif, DECamds, and DECram and System Integrated Products such as VMSclusters, Volume Shadowing, RMS Journaling and POSIX. The session includes material on short-term directions. This session also highlights OpenVMS Engineering sessions and Symposium activities during the week. VS133 OpenVMS Issues, Questions, and Answers Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 9:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Digital's OpenVMS Operating System software developers discuss attendees' hot topics. The topics are based on feedback in the campground, at other sessions, and on the Exhibit Hall floor. Following this discussion, engineers answer "live" questions from the floor. If there are no hot topics, the entire session is questions and answers. This is the last chance during the week to get your OpenVMS questions answered. Areas covered include: o OpenVMS VAX o OpenVMS AXP o VMSclusters o DECwindows Motif o POSIX o system management o security o batch/print o file system. VS134 Talk to Digital's Systems and Hardware Designers: VMS & THE SIG Hardware Panel Falvella, Myles Digital Equipment Corporation Philippon, Lucien Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 11:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Here's your chance to let Digital's senior hardware engineers know what YOU need in Digital's system and hardware products. THE SIG's Hardware Panel and the VMS Systems SIG Hardware Panel have been combined to bring the expertise of the Digital hardware engineers together in one place at one time. The session begins with a short narrative on where Digital's system and hardware development is headed. Additionally, any customer design needs that were uncovered or proposed over the week in the systems exhibit booth are examined. The majority of the session time is devoted to attendees who wish to tell this senior design team about their needs or about previous hardware shortcomings that should be addressed in Digital's future development plans. This session promises to be informative to all who attend. VS135 OpenVMS Batch/Print Design and Performance Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 9:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the changes made to the OpenVMS Batch/Print queue management subsystem, and how they affect performance. Although the main thrust of this rewrite was to provide increased reliability and performance, there are areas of functional enhancements as well. This talk focuses on: o the new V5.5 and V6.0 Batch/Print design o performance characteristics o the features enabling the system to have high performance. VS136 OpenVMS Batch/Print System Management Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses system management of the rewritten OpenVMS Batch/Print Queue Management Subsystem. This talk focuses on how system managers can take advantage of the OpenVMS VAX V5.5 and V6.0 design to manage their systems more effectively. Topics include: o enhancements to streamline the management of a cluster-wide queuing system o strategies used by the Batch/Print System to provide recovery from system failures in a cluster environment o new features o upcoming features. VS137 OpenVMS SCSI Support and Troubleshooting Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This talk provides an overview of OpenVMS support for Small Computer System Interconnect (SCSI) and looks at the SCSI system platforms and devices supported by OpenVMS. It also presents a novice overview of the available third-party programming interfaces. VS138 OpenVMS SCSI Class Driver and Generic Programming Overview Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This talk gives a technical programming overview of the generic Small Computer System Interconnect (SCSI) interface and the SCSI port/class architecture. It also presents example C programs utilizing the generic interface and possibly a walkthrough of the example OpenVMS SCSI class driver. VS139 OpenVMS VAX Extended Addressing Internals Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the changes to OpenVMS VAX internals to implement Extended Physical (32-bit) Addressing and Extended Virtual Addressing. Topics include: o information on modifications to device drivers and executable images required to support Extended Addressing o modifications required to VAXBI device drivers and adapters to support Extended Addressing. Developers of privileged software accessing page table entries and/or memory management data structures should attend this session. VS140 OpenVMS Virtual Balance Slots Internals Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses the changes to OpenVMS internals that permit increasing the supported number of in-memory processes by use of "Virtual Balance Slots." Virtual Balance Slots are a technique for increasing the number of in-memory processes without requiring a "real" balance set slot for each process (i.e., increasing the SYSGEN parameter BALSETCNT). VS141 OpenVMS VAX V6.0 System Management Improvements Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 12:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses new system management features added in OpenVMS VAX V6.0. Topics include: o SYSMAN cluster shutdown capability o startup logging o $BRKTHRU system services extensions o other miscellaneous enhancements. VS142 Moving Code to OpenVMS AXP - Page Size Dependencies Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 3:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This presentation describes in detail the dependencies that OpenVMS applications may have on the VAX memory page size (512 bytes). It will describe how to find and remove these dependencies when migrating applications to AXP systems which have a variable page size. A must for application programmers wanting to learn about migration to OpenVMS AXP systems! VS143 OpenVMS ISO 9660 Overview Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 4:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP support of the ISO 9660 standard for CD-ROMs. Both system managers and general users will be given details on how support for ISO 9660 CD-ROMs is provided, and the manner in which it allows for seamless access by existing application programs and user command procedures. Interoperatibility issues between ISO 9660 support and the InforServer, Pathworks and the SoftPC products will be covered. Ample time will be made available at the end of the presentation to field questions from those attending the session. VS144 OpenVMS AXP I/O Support and Concepts Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 4:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of the I/O subsystems supported by OpenVMS AXP V1.0 on various platforms. The main goal is to acquaint users with the level and breadth of support they can expect in the V1.0 release. Additional topics include: o key concepts for I/O used in OpenVMS AXP V1.0 o architectural issues o system-specific considerations o new or modified concepts. VS145 OpenVMS AXP Linker Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This talk covers the differences between the OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP linkers. It covers such topics as how to link user mode and system code, and how to create and use shareable images. VS146 OpenVMS AXP Device Drivers Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 7:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the changes and new features in OpenVMS AXP V1.0 device drivers. This session is presented to provide information about what has happened to device drivers in OpenVMS AXP V1.0 and what directions are being taken for future device driver interfaces and directions. VS147 OpenVMS ISO 9660 Technical Description Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 5:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an detailed discussion of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP support of the ISO 9660 standard for CD-ROMs. Technical users will be given details of how support for ISO 9660 was done, the application and internal mechanisms in OpenVMS which can be accessed, for those wishing to take full advantage of the features offered by the ISO 9660 standard. Those attending the sessions will be given handouts covering all areas of ISO 9660 support, from file system utilities to extensions to the OpenVMS system services which support ISO 9660 semantics. Time will be made available at the end of the presentation to field questions from those attending the session. VS148 VAXcluster Myths, Rumors, and Hearsay Systems Engineer, High Perf. Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 5:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center While many believe that they understand VAXcluster systems and the technical aspects surrounding them, there is a great deal of folklore circulating in the user community. This session discusses and (where necessary) debunks some of the myths and hearsay related to VAXcluster systems. Areas of discussion include the distributed lock manager, quorum, and volume shadowing. VS149 Symmetric Multiprocessing under OpenVMS AXP Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 10:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session describes the current state of Symmetric Multiprocessing support under OpenVMS AXP. It provides an overview of the functional support, the level of compatibility with OpenVMS VAX, and technical information on differences and tradeoffs with the new hardware platforms. VS150 Configuration of Disaster Tolerant VAXcluster Systems Systems Engineer, High Perf. Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 12:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center VAXcluster Multi-Datacenter Facility (MDF) provides the ability to survive the failure of a site within a VAXcluster system. This session addresses the configuration of Disaster Tolerant VAXcluster systems, particularly focusing on the newest interconnect, T3, between the two data centers in the MDF cluster. Application and workload variables that affect the distance are discussed. VS151 Management of Disaster Tolerant VAXcluster Systems Systems Engineer, High Perf. Digital Equipment Corporation Friday 1:00 PM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center VAXcluster Multi-Datacenter Facility (MDF) provides the ability to survive the failure of a site within a VAXcluster system. This session addresses the management of Disaster Tolerant VAXcluster systems. How the MDF operations management station supports a multisite VAXcluster system throughout a disaster -- and recovery -- is examined. VS152 Advanced RMS Indexed Files: Avoid Getting RMS'd Up Using Indexed Files O'Malley, Patrick Ziff Information Services Friday 9:00 AM Ballroom IV Georgia World Congress Center This session addresses some of the problems that can silently happen to people who work with RMS indexed files. The main focus is on the performance problems that can occur if there are duplicate keys (primary or secondary) and how to recognize, minimize, or even eliminate these problems. If you have duplicates keys and it takes a long time to add a record to a file, you need this session. Some of the topics to be discussed include: o scrutinizing the output of ANALYZE/RMS/STATISTICS to see if there are duplicates and if they are hurting performance o why "Mean duplicates per data record" can be misleading o analysis of a case study o minimizing the problem if the application CAN'T be changed. For maximum benefit, attendees should be familiar with the concepts of RMS indexed files and the use of RMS utilities. However, even those with a minimal knowledge of RMS soon learn how to see the warning signs that can be derived from reading the output of ANALYZE/RMS/STATISTICS. For that reason, attendees are encouraged to get the output from this utility for some of their problem files, and bring it to the session. One former attendee at this session cut his file processing time from seven hours to six minutes!! VS153 RMS Indexed File Cmprssn on OpenVMS O'Malley, Patrick Ziff Information Services Monday 10:00 AM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center Are you confused about compression on RMS Indexed files? Most people follow EDIT/FDL's defaults of turning on all types of compression, and that is probably a bad idea! This session shows how easy it is to determine if the three types of compression are enabled, if they are helping or hurting, and how to enable/disable them. Some of the topics discussed include: o understanding the output of ANALYZE/RMS/STATISTICS o seeing the tradeoffs involved in all three types of compression o conceptually & mathematically evaluating the impact of compression o why you should turn OFF key and index compression in almost all cases! o why "overall space efficiency" is often greater than 100% o analysis of a case study. This session is important for anyone interested in indexed files or performance, but might be especially useful for system managers who are unsure about how to set up compression attributes on their SYSUAF.DAT file. VS154 OpenVMS MAIL: Speeding it Up O'Malley, Patrick Ziff Information Services Tuesday 6:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center The speaker's grandmother said it, his mother said it, and his old girl friends have said it: "There's nothing worse than a slow, unresponsive MAIL". In fact, all it needs is a little care and understanding, and MAIL can be use as responsive as anyone would like it to be. This session reveals: o why mail will get progressively slower until July 24, 1993 at about 11 p.m. and then speed up dramatically! o why sending mail to another node is slow the first time, then faster if another message is sent within the next five minutes o why sending and keeping CYA memos can slow you down (Causing You Aggravation) o why set COPY_SELF may be a bad idea. This session contains short tutorials on the XQP, DECnet, and RMS that can help people get the most out of OpenVMS MAIL. VS155 OpenVMS CRASH, POW, BLAM O'Malley, Patrick Ziff Information Services Thursday 8:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Some sinister "Joker" crashed the machine, and now you need help finding out why the machine crashed. In this session, "Patman" describes the elements of crash dump analysis, including: o why it is actually good that OpenVMS crashes o how to use the SDA utility to examine a dump file o what happens in kernel mode o understanding the formation of the stack o an example of an unusual crash and its solution o possibly another stupid rap by the speaker. This may be an entertaining session. VS157 Rackmounting and Cabinet Consolidation for AXP and VAX Systems Lempner, Julius Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center The session provides an overview of AXP, VAX and storage systems that are available for rackmounting. The discussion centers on services to integrate systems with other Digital, customer, or third party hardware options and software in order to meet unique customer requirements. In addition, services for consolidating existing hardware into space-saving rackmount cabinets are described. With all services, hardware is mounted and cabled, software is installed, and the complete system tested prior to delivery to a customer site. VS160 Digital's Operating System Positioning for OpenVMS, OSF/1, and Windows NT for AXP Auberg, Phil Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 9:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This session examines the positioning of the three core or strategic operating systems that will be initially available for AXP systems: o Windows NT AXP o OpenVMS AXP o OSF/1 AXP. This session attempts to explain where each operating system is appropriate for the tasks at hand; how Digital is working with key software developers to support this AXP operating system strategy; and how these different operating systems can complement each other in a mixed environment. VS161 Digital's OpenVMS Strategy for the Next Century Auberg, Phil Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 10:00 AM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center This presentation examines Digital's long-term OpenVMS strategy. It covers both AXP and VAX systems. OpenVMS is one of the most robust and "industrial strength" operating systems available in the marketplace. However, many current OpenVMS users wonder what markets it will be focused on for long-term viability in the face of the ascendance of the many UNIX variants and the arrival of the new Windows NT systems environment. This presentation examines the unique features and advantages of OpenVMS. It details expected near-term changes to this operating system. It takes a broad look at the expected features and functionality of OpenVMS as it enters the next century. VS164 Porting Device Drivers To OpenVMS AXP Clinic Newman, Gerard K. TGV, Inc. Wednesday12:00 PM Campground 5 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic covers techniques for porting OpenVMS VAX device drivers to OpenVMS AXP. Particular emphasis is paid to networking device drivers, as well as device drivers and kernel code written in C. VS165 Digital Out in the Open: Users Speak Out on System Management and Other Issues Maurath, Peter Battelle Tihor, Stephen New York University Monday 5:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Everyone comes to a Symposium with a list of issues to resolve. Many questions are answered in the Exhibit Hall, in the General Hospital, or in the Campground. However, many other issues don't have easy or quick answers. If you have some of those, then this session is for you. This is a users forum, sponsored by the VMS Systems SIG's System Management Working Group. It provides you with the opportunity to voice your issues, concerns, and complaints, particularly in the area of System Management. Digital representatives are present to listen, and answer questions if appropriate. The System Management Working Group maintains a list of outstanding issues in this area. Several of these issues are presented as discussion topics and announced in the Update.Daily. Many issues are best discussed in a working session, outside of the forum. The attendees determine which issues they would like to discuss in more detail. These issues become topics for Working Group meetings or BOFs, later in the week. If appropriate, Digital representatives are invited. Finally, a wrap-up session is held late in the week to report on the activities of the various working sessions. VS166 VMS Systems SIG Performance and Capacity Management Working Group Abbattista, Anthony Andersen Consulting Tuesday 4:00 PM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center The VMS Systems SIG Performance and Capacity Management Working Group meets at each DECUS Symposium. The purpose of the group is to foster communication among users of OpenVMS performance measurement and capacity planning tools, Digital tool engineers, and other third-party product providers. The meeting includes: o a review of the group's activities o updates from Digital o discussions with third-party tool providers o discussion and development of action items such as white papers, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and sponsorship of sessions. At the last few symposia, participation in this working group has been excellent. Interested attendees are encouraged to take part in the working group, so please come to participate or to volunteer. If you have specific performance problems or questions, please bring them to the VMS Systems SIG General Hospital. VS167 VMS Systems SIG Working Group Chairs Meeting LeFebvre, Lowell Sytek, Inc. Monday 4:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a meeting for the VMS Systems SIG Working Group Chairs to discuss problems and topics of mutual interest. Working group activities for the week are planned and discussed. VS168 VMS Systems SIG System Management Working Group Tihor, Stephen New York University Thursday 11:00 AM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center The System Management Working Group is the focus for people working to improve Digital's system management environment, especially in the OpenVMS product line. You can help keep Digital and third-party system management tool providers moving in the right directions and add new "hot topics" to their list or lend your ideas to existing projects. VS169 Migration Working Group Meeting Abbattista, Anthony Andersen Consulting Wednesday11:00 AM Room 157 Georgia World Congress Center Come one, come all to the Migration Working Group Meeting! This Working Group's charter is to help discuss issues and provide feedback for migrations of both hardware and software from the VAX platform to the AXP platform. Do you have issues you would like to resolve? Do you have experiences you would like to share? Do you want to supply feedback to Digital on how it handles things? Do you want things done differently? Or maybe you just have nothing to do during that hour? If any of the answers to these questions is YES, then COME ON DOWN! VS170 Understanding I/O Subsystems' Capabilities and Limitations Sentineal, Jack Vaxxine Computer Systems, Inc Thursday 2:30 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Professionals in the computing field quite often associate the "power" of a computer with its MIPS rating, or in the VAX world, VUP rating. This train of thought holds true if one is engaged in CPU-intensive applications that rarely make use of peripherals. However, when managing a transaction-oriented environment, one must also consider the capabilities of the other subsystems used in supporting that environment, particularly the I/O subsystem. This session focuses on the capabilities and limitations of the various I/O subsystems available in the VAX architecture. This session clearly shows the strengths and weaknesses of the various subsystems, and how those strengths and weaknesses directly pertain to both RMS and Rdb. A clear understanding of how RMS and Rdb interact with the VAX I/O subsystem is presented. Finally, this presentation provides insight in evaluating the various I/O subsystems available and choosing the I/O subsystem combination that yields the highest performance levels possible. VS171 A Case for Multilevel Data Cache Bynon, David MTI Technology Corp. Thursday 6:00 PM Auditorium Georgia World Congress Center Over the past 20 years, the processing capability of CPUs has increased by as much as 40% per year. RAM performance has increased at a rate of 40-100% each year. During this same period, disk storage has doubled in capacity and halved in cost every three years. Unfortunately, due to their electromechanical design, disk storage performance (seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer rate) has improved less than 50% in the last decade. This gap in CPU and memory vs. disk I/O performance creates the limiting factor of today's computer systems. This presentation discusses the capability and benefit of using a multilevel data cache to improve I/O system performance. The discussion tells how the location of cache (drive, controller, or host) improves I/O performance. The attendees learn how a multilevel cache (cache at all levels) can vastly improve all aspects of I/O performance, including bandwidth, controller latency, and average access time to on-disk data. Also discussed are practical implementation methods. These include the use of the OpenVMS V6.0 Cluster Cache and proprietary cache systems. Other topics include pros and cons of using a file level cache vs. a block level cache, and a detailed overview of the benefits of controller-based caching in a large VMScluster environment. VS173 OpenVMS Help Libraries Gillin, Barry Gillin Consulting Company Thursday 6:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center The help libraries provided by Digital with the OpenVMS operating system are complete and accurate, but does it meet users' needs? There are times when it might be desirable to be able to add additional or site-specific information to the help library. This discussion focuses on: o modifying the OpenVMS help libraries for your own use o accessing alternate help libraries from DCL o tailoring help libraries to your own environment. VS174 Managing Distributed Systems with a "Write-Protected" System Disk Newlon, Blaine System Solutions Incorporated Monday 4:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center Ever wonder if it's possible to manage several system configurations with the same system disk configuration? This session describes ways to "write protect" a system disk. The presentation examines the files that can be moved to other disks to make this possible. The session covers several topics, including: o using this configuration to manage distributed systems o relocating writable files from the system disk o upgrading a large number of sites from a single system configuration. VS176 Using the Pseudoterminal Driver to Monitor Response Time Scanga, Tony Datametrics Systems Corp. Friday 1:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center This session describes an example of how to monitor an application's response time using the pseudoterminal driver. The presentation discusses the reasons for and benefits of response time monitoring. The session includes an actual example of a response time monitor written in VAX C, along with the results of using such a monitor. The presentation covers the following topics: o design goals for applications monitoring o implementation details o description of the Pseudoterminal driver o pitfalls o results of monitoring. VS177 Tuning HSC Cache Bates, Ken Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 1:00 PM Ballroom II/III Georgia World Congress Center An explanation of the operation of HSC cache is given, together with the possible performance benefits of adding cache to the HSC. Tips and techniques are given to determine the optimum parameters to use to obtain the maximum performance from the cache, as well as how to run the internal HSC cache monitoring programs. VS178 VMS Systems SIG General Hospital Abbatista, Anthony Andersen Consulting Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a combination of VMS Systems SIG Clinics into one large forum. This allows questions to be directed to the appropriate people immediately instead of referring them to another session. This is where you should bring your OpenVMS questions, complete with printouts, log files or notes. Experts from Digital and from the user community combine forces here to help solve your most perplexing problems. Topics covered include internals, clusters, performance, RMS, system management, I/O and device configuration, and more. No problems? Then just come by and listen. Maybe you'll learn something from listening to others discuss problems, or maybe you'll be able to shed light on someone else's problem. This session is labeled "intermediate", but all questions and issues from novice to advanced are welcome. Since the hospital is based on round table discussions, it is not necessary to attend the whole session; you are encouraged to come and go as you please. Also, this session is being held twice this week, so if you can't make this one, check the schedule for "General Hospital Continues". VS179 VMS Systems SIG General Hospital Continues... Abbattista, Anthony Andersen Consulting Wednesday12:00 PM Room 160 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a combination of VMS Systems SIG Clinics in one large forum. This allows questions to be directed to the appropriate people immediately instead of referring them to another session. This is where you should bring your OpenVMS questions, complete with printouts, log files or notes. Experts from Digital and from the user community combine forces here to help solve your most perplexing problems. Topics covered include internals, clusters, performance, RMS, system management, I/O and device configuration, and more. No problems? Then just come by and listen. Maybe you'll learn something from listening to others discuss problems, or maybe you'll be able to shed light on someone else's problem. This session is labeled "intermediate", but all questions and issues from novice to advanced are welcome. Since the hospital is based on round table discussions, it is not necessary to attend the whole session; you are encouraged to come and go as you please. Also, this session is being held twice this week, so if you can't make this one, check the schedule for "General Hospital", scheduled earlier in the week. VS180 New HSC Hardware and Software Features Tuesday 6:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session TH037. VS181 Configuring and Tuning Modular Storage Subsystems Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 304/305 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session TH023. VS182 Introduction to OpenVMS Security Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE070. VS183 OpenVMS System Security Management and Implementation Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE129. XI001 "VDT Disease": Are the Recently Publicized Health Concerns Groundless? Melford, Robert J. R.J. Melford & Associates Thursday 3:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Once relatively unknown to most people in the computing community, the possibility of harmful effects by Video Display Terminals (VDTs) on human health has taken center stage as a key workplace controversy of the early 1990s. Physical impairments caused by excessive repetitive motions, and fear about a possible link between cancer and electromagnetic radiation have garnered great attention from the media. This session describes the nature of the specific maladies attributed to VDTs. It discusses the status of health and safety standards for electromagnetic radiation exposure. Generic human factors issues are also addressed. It is the goal of this session to provide attendees with a sufficient level of knowledge and understanding about this subject to allow them to serve as a competent resource for their organization's management and users. XI002 Speech Processing Frydenlund, David Terman Frydenlund Applied Tech Wednesday10:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Have you ever wondered why you can't just talk to your computer and have it do what you want? Or why your computer doesn't usually talk to you (or if it does, why it uses such a strange voice)? This introduction to speech processing discusses how speech sounds can be artificially produced and how speech can be decomposed into a form understandable by a machine. A general overview of the spectral composition of speech, phonemes, allophones, morphemes, and allomorphs, along with some strategies that have been used to overcome the problems they create, are the main points of the talk. This session assumes no prior knowledge of speech technology or physics. XI004 Progressive Disclosure Command Interface: An Alternative to Menu-based Command Interfaces Carpenter, David InterConnections Friday 1:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center In recent years, developers have focused on producing menu-based user interfaces. These interfaces work well with devices that support a graphical user interface. But what if you need to support a wide range of user input devices -- from dumb terminals to DECwindows? Do you sacrifice ease-of-use or do you build multiple user interface modules? The progressive disclosure command interface provides an alternative. This interface provides support for the experienced, sophisticated user as well as the novice user. Instead of using a graphical user interface, the progressive disclosure command interface provides prompts for missing items and context sensitive help. This session includes a design overview, sample command sequences from a product that uses the interface, and a discussion of the benefits and limitations of a progress disclosure command interface. XI005 X.desktop Desktop Manager Overview Hegli, Ron Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 12:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents an overview of the new desktop manager, X.desktop, now being supplied with Digital's workstations. X.desktop provides the capability of full application integration into the Motif environment. X.desktop has a completely graphical, icon-based interface to the operating system and uses drag-and-drop and other such WYSIWYG features for ease of use. This session includes descriptions for how to take advantage of the desktop manager to help productivity in your day-to-day activities, as well as how to integrate your applications into the environment. Knowledge of the X Window System, OSF/Motif, or DECwindows is helpful but not required for this session. XI006 Motif R1.2 Overview Schoeller, Dick Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 1:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center The Open Software Foundation (OSF) has recently released the latest update to their Motif offering, R1.2. This sessions present an overview of the new features contained in that update. The major enhancements include: o internationalization support o drag and drop functionality o tear-off menus o performance improvements. XI007 Anatomy of a Motif Widget Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 6:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center One of the principle pieces of the X11 programming environment is the widget. Unfortunately, the elements of a widget are unknown to most programmers. This session contains a discussion of each of these elements in order to better familiarize developers with this information. Components of a widget to be discussed include: o resource lists o classes o geometry management o callbacks o action tables o translation tables. This is NOT a complete widget-writing course, although information gained by this talk can be applied when a user-written widget must be created. XI008 X11 and Motif Hints, Kinks, and Magic Digital Equipment Corporation Thursday 7:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session is similar to other "Magic" sessions, as it gives X11 and Motif programmers and users the opportunity to present and astound the audience with funny stories, strange experiences, and other interesting observations they've encountered while working with X11 and Motif. Members of the X11 and Motif engineering teams are on hand to tell some of the stories they've heard over the years and to answer frequently asked questions. XI009 Computer-Human Interaction SIG Roadmap Borsay, Don GTECH Monday 9:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a roadmap of the Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) SIG sessions that are presented throughout the week. Special attention is given to highlighted sessions. Come find out what the sessions are and meet the folks interested in user interfaces! XI010 Computer-Human Interaction SIG Wrapup Borsay, Don GTECH Friday 4:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session is the wrapup session for the Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) SIG. Please come. We'd like to find out what you liked during the week, hear your suggestions for future symposia, and discuss upcoming events. XI011 GUI/Motif Clinic Sehnert, Trent Midland-Grau Thursday 1:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is the clinic for the GUI/Motif group. Anyone who has questions about DECwindows, Motif, or Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) is invited to come to this clinic with them. Experts from both the DECUS community and Digital are on hand to help provide answers and guidance. XI012 GUI/Motif Working Group Meeting Sehnert, Trent Midland-Grau Thursday 2:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This session is held so that DECUS members can exchange information and to provide Digital with information on concerns and issues on Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). It also provides a forum for Digital to receive input from users in the development and maintenance cycle in the areas of GUI/Motif. Current issues include: o performance/memory/tuning o system management issues o migration between windowing systems o interoperability between windowing systems o standards o programmer training and documentation. Attendees interested in windows are invited to stop by, listen, and provide input. XI014 Voice Generation and Recognition Using AI Techniques Snyder, Curt Allergan Inc. Wednesday12:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents some of the different AI approaches that have been used to generate and recognize voice patterns. The relative merits and drawbacks of each method are discussed. Comparisons to traditional approaches are also presented. An audio tape of NetTalk, a neural network that "learned" how to talk, is presented. XI015 Virtual Reality Working Group Borsay, Don GTECH Tuesday 12:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This is a working group meeting of the Computer-Human Interaction SIG's Virtual Reality Working Group. Anyone interested or involved in Virtual Reality is invited to attend. XI016 Your Keyboard and Your Health: Working Group Meeting Borsay, Don GTECH Thursday 4:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is receiving much attention these days. Attendees interested in finding out more about this or other health issues related to the keyboard should come join others with similar concerns at this working group meeting. First-timers are welcome. XI017 Introduction to DECwindows Borsay, Don GTECH Monday 11:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Many sites are rapidly making the transition from character-cell terminals to workstations and X11 terminals. Attendees who do not have one of these "display servers" on their desk now, will shortly. This session presents an overview of the X Window System technology that is taking over the desktop. The session starts with a review of the X Window System architecture and terminology, proceeds with the specifics about the DECwindows implementation of X11, and ends with a brief tour though the look and feel of applications running under DECwindows Motif. No prior knowledge of DECwindows or X11 is necessary. At the end of this session, attendees should have a better understanding of how to interact with their new desktops, and what makes it all work. XI019 Configuring Your NCD X Window System Display Terminal Wolfe, Eric Network Computing Devices Thursday 3:00 PM Campground 3 Georgia World Congress Center After receiving an NCD display terminal and turning it on, what does one do to make it work? These questions and others are answered in this clinic on configuring NCD X Window System terminals. Topics covered include: o boot, configuration, and font service o font compatibility issues o NCDCONFIG o diagnosing problems o what in the world is a "local client"? XI020 The X11R5 Font Server Revealed Wolfe, Eric Network Computing Devices Thursday 5:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Administration of fonts in X11 can be complex. Each X11 server uses it own format, which is usually incompatible with those of other manufacturers, and often between product lines of the same manufacturer. This results in fonts and font technology that do not exist on some platforms, multiple copies of the same font, and lots of wasted disk space. This talk presents an informative joyride on the X Consortium R5 Font Server: o what it is o how it fits in with the overall picture of X11 o what it requires from system administrators. XI021 Virtual Reality Application Concepts and Techniques Demonstrations Kelly, Dick Digital Equipment Corporation Buffo, David Digital Equipment Corporation Tuesday 11:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a series of short Virtual Reality demonstrations revealing the techniques being used by and the directions being pursued by Digital's Artificial Life and Virtual Reality Applications Group. Digital divides Virtual Reality applications into: o realization/reification: the graphical representation of complex relationships and ideas o perambulations: the modeling and traversal of objects and landscapes o synthetic experience: the development in virtual worlds of muscle memory skills. All three areas are explored in the demos, which include scaled-down versions of architectural walkthroughs, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, telecommunications network problem visualizations for diagnosis, and emetic entertainment applications. XI022 DECwindows Motif Update: OpenVMS VAX and AXP Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 10:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session starts with a roadmap of DECwindows Motif related sessions, Birds-Of-A-Feather sessions, and DECwindows Motif demos. The session then describes DECwindows Motif V1.1 for OpenVMS VAX and AXP. It highlights the features and technologies that have been introduced with V1.1 of DECwindows Motif, including the new Motif Help System, DECsound, and MIT utilities. It discusses differences between the XUI and Motif style of user interface from a user's perspective. It previews DECwindows Motif V1.2, which will be based on OSF/Motif V1.2 and MIT R5 technologies. XI023 DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX and AXP Login Internals Engineering, OpenVMS Digital Equipment Corporation Monday 2:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a technical description of the DECwindows Motif login process on OpenVMS VAX and AXP, including internal details and suggestions for customizing the login environment. Topics covered include: o starting DECwindows Motif o logging in o ending the session o dedicated accounts o differences between DECwindows login in XUI and DECwindows Motif o login changes made in DECwindows Motif V1.1 for OpenVMS VAX and AXP. XI024 CHI SIG Open Steering Committee Meeting Borsay, Don GTECH Tuesday 8:00 PM Room 368 Georgia World Congress Center This session is an open meeting with the members of the CHI SIG steering committee. The agenda includes both immediate and long-term planning issues. The meeting allows the attendee to meet the members of the steering committee and provide their input for future sessions and activities. The CHI SIG is growing in its areas of interest and your input is important in guiding the direction of that growth. XI025 Keynote: Automatic Speech Recognition -- Manufacturing Implications and Applications Nahouraii, Dr. Ata Indiana University of Pennsylv Wednesday 9:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center The design and specification of an automated information system to recognize speech has been the goal of intensive research for more than two decades. Speech recognition is the ability of an automated system to transform human voice into computerized text. After pattern-matching waveforms into a number of frequency bands, they are then "normalized" to remove the effects of noise and distortion. The greater the number of frequency bands in a system, the greater the system's ability to understand speech. This session presents an overview of the implications and applications of automatic speech recognition. XI026 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Its Costs Are Greater Than You Think Ward, Robert ITT Hartford Monday 9:30 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an affliction that affects millions of people worldwide. This session briefly identifies the affliction, its symptoms, treatments, and preventive actions that can be taken to possibly avoid the problem. It also deals with the costs associated with the affliction. Medical costs are not the only costs associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can cost an individual time on the job, threaten one's career, and quality time with one's family. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can cost a company in many ways, including loss of key personnel, Worker's Compensation claims, and even a growing number of lawsuits involving employer negligence in recognizing its responsibility in preventing the affliction. Most importantly, it is up to the individual to take steps in the workplace and at home in preventing the affliction from occurring. XI027 Interactive Technology: A Powerful Partner for Computer-Human Interaction Nahouraii, Dr. Ata Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania Wednesday 1:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Among the leading-edge technologies that academicians and practitioners currently focus their attention on is an intriguing concept called "multimedia." This technology links computer-based information systems with audio, full-motion video, animation, graphics, and text to produce a teaching and presentation system with crude cinematic effects. A unique feature of multimedia is that it creates a multisensory environment that enhances problem solving, critical thinking, and learning retention. This presentation deals with multimedia as a learning tool and what instructional methods may be most effective for learning. It shows how multimedia explores divergent points of view by providing various alternatives to arrive at a solution. Several multimedia developers and their programs are discussed. A video showing how multimedia can be used for courseware development is included. XI028 Introduction to Voice Processing Straitiff, David Voice Technologies Group, Inc. Wednesday 2:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session is a brief overview of voice processing concepts, technology, and applications. Topics include: technical issues of storing speech, digital signal processing technology, and current application examples. It also covers current PC-based voice processing equipment and standards. XI029 The Futures of Computers and Telephony Straitiff, David Voice Technologies Group, Inc. Wednesday 4:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session provides a current and futuristic look at the marriage of computers and telephones with a practical focus on what can and can't be achieved in these areas. The primary area of discussion is on integrated messaging with a Microsoft Windows client/server model. Other topics include: PBX integration, ISDN, caller-id, desktop integration, and call control. XI031 X Window System Internals Clinic Mahan, Patrick TGV, Incorporated Thursday 12:00 PM Room 161 Georgia World Congress Center This clinic deals with the programming issues of dealing with X11 based toolkits. Help is given in the areas of: o using the Toolkit (Xt) o Xlib o translations o action tables o designing and debugging user written widgets o use of resource files. XI032 Voicemessaging: Integrated Voicemail, Electronic Mail, Fax, and Other Applications Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday 3:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses converting a voice process environment to a software-driven, open computer base set of applications using software voice servers and desktop devices. Simple software and hardware modifications can convert any OpenVMS VAX system into a state-of-the-art voice messaging system. This modification is accomplished without monopolizing a CPU's processing resources. Integrating fax and electronic mail capabilities, users can send and receive fax messages from their preferred mail environment using their normal mail screens. Inbound fax messages are received in an operator's account and then printed or forwarded in a mail message. XI033 Lifecycle of an X11 Window Mahan, Patrick TGV, Inc. Tuesday 9:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session presents the lifecycle of an X11 window. It covers the steps in both the server and client starting with the creation of an X11 window, its attributes, its usage, and its destruction. Data structures in the client and server are examined and how this information is used for clipping and redraw events. Also examined is the information associated with the window events and how input focus is attained. XI034 X Window System Extensions Mahan, Patrick TGV, Inc. Tuesday 10:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session covers the current X Window System extensions available with the Server on both the Digital platform and the MIT sample server. Usage and purpose of X Window System extensions are discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using extensions. An example of using the Multi-Buffer extension is covered in detail. The session covers the four main extensions as supported by the X Consortium today. XI035 How I Did Speech Processing: A Panel Discussion Straitiff, David Voice Technologies Group, Inc. Nahouraii, Dr. Ata Indiana University of Pennsylv Wednesday 5:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session discusses several users' experiences with various voice-processing systems. Panel members represent various PC and VAX system based application experiences. Each member responds to a prepared list of questions, followed by an open discussion amongst the panel members and members of the audience. XI046 Touch Screen Solutions for Ease of Input Technologies and Techniques Manager, Technical Data Concepts Thursday 4:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Touch screen input has become important as the lower cost-per-seat for high resolution graphics devices allows implementation in noncomputer environments. Devices like X Window Terminals are now being used by nurses, lawyers, shop floor personnel, and others who need to access data without using the keyboard or mouse. Digital has a complete line of touch screen solutions for use with all platforms. This seminar covers the uses of touch screens, factors for developing application for touch screens, and a general overview of the technology choices in implementing touch inputs. XI047 Voice Response: Client/Server Platforms to Develop Industry-Specific Applications Communications, Networks and Digital Equipment Corporation Wednesday11:00 AM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center This session describes voice platforms, application development, and voice response technologies. Detailed information on use of voice technology and future directions in voice response on a VAX system. XI048 Evaluating X on the Desktop Hulett, Matt Walker Richer & Quinn Kaplan, Evan Walker Friday 2:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center X11 is the most widely supported solution for distributed computing from the desktop. The X Window System has greatly evolved from its origins at Stanford and MIT. X11 is still most often applied in technical applications, but this is changing. More shrink-wrapped and inhouse applications are being developed in the commercial sector. This phenomenon is accelerating the use of X11 as a technology in corporate computing environments. Any organization moving towards the X Window System, and interested in PC integration, will need some type of solution to leverage its installed base of PCs. Their are four main methods to implement X11 on the PC. The most common ways are either installing an X11 server on your PC or installing a graphics controller that has an X11 server resident on it. Other solutions include converting the PC into a UNIX system (e.g., SCO's Open Desktop, Sunsoft's Solaris) or implementing the X11 server on the network. This presentation covers different solutions to providing X11 on the desktop. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed on the various types of options for the use of X11 in organizational computing environments. XI049 Experiences Developing an X11 Window VT420 Terminal Emulator Nelson, Paul Thursby Software Systems Inc Friday 3:00 PM Room 361 Georgia World Congress Center Designing a graphical application has special challenges for independent software vendors. For portability between operating systems, graphical user interfaces (Motif, Open Look, Windows) are important to the design and potential market. Limitations among tools and differences in X11 servers provide additional design challenges. This session discusses the design approach for an actual VT420 terminal emulator product. X11 toolkits, interface builders and national language support are discussed. XI050 The X Window System and Security Friday 11:00 AM Room 264 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session SE009. XI051 CyberPunk: Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Tuesday 7:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AI025. XI052 The DECforms Style Guide: Concepts Wednesday11:00 AM Room 363 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session DM066. XI053 NEXPERT OBJECT with GUI Integration Thursday 4:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AI047. XI054 Neuron Data Open Interface Cross-platform GUI Development Tool Thursday 5:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AI046. XI055 GUI for VAX Data Retrieval in Under One Hour Thursday 6:00 PM Room 260 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session AI036. XI056 PowerHouse Windows Forms Design Guidelines Tuesday 5:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session 4G090. XI057 Performance of Client/Server Object-Oriented GUI Applications Thursday 12:00 PM Room 306 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session 4G040. XI058 SMARTSTAR Vision: Building Event-Driven GUI Applications Thursday 7:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session 4G038. XI059 SMARTSTAR Vision: A Motif-SQL Application Development System Thursday 5:00 PM Room 360 Georgia World Congress Center See the abstract for session 4G033.