! Set up VD: units with ADVD, assuming VDDRIVER is already ! loaded somewhere. DEFINE VERB ASNWQ IMAGE sys$system:ASNWQ.EXE parameter p1,prompt="VQn:",value(required,type=$device),label=UNIT parameter p2,label=FNAM,prompt="file",value(type=$infile) parameter p3,label=FNAM2,prompt="Shadow file",value(type=$infile) qualifier SHADOW qualifier ASSIGN qualifier DEASSIGN qualifier SEC64 qualifier SEC32 qualifier REPORT qualifier RWBOTH qualifier CATCHUP qualifier LBN,value(required,type=$number) qualifier LENGTH,value(required,type=$number) qualifier SLBN,value(required,type=$number) qualifier SLENGTH,value(required,type=$number) ! Uses ASNVQ image. Note that vqdriver.mar contains code to ! handle the assign function in the FORMAT code. For now we don't ! use this, but just let the priv'd image do it. ! Needs CMKRNL at least. Maybe some others. ! shadow needed if 2 files are to be used. RWBOTH sets up for ! r/w of both files from the outset. Otherwise one must do write ! both, read first, until a catchup process finishes and sets ! the ucb$shmd field to 2 to tell vqdriver that it may now read ! from both files. This allows online recovery. ! Asnvq/catchup vqn: will catch up the secondary file to the primary one ! and turn on read/write to both. ! VQdriver and WQdriver are related shadowing drivers. VQdriver uses ! the original IRP serially; WQdriver allocates and frees ! subordinate IRPs so its shadow operation is simultaneous within ! what the vax can do. Commands are the same. ! ! command format: ! asnwq/assign/shadow wqn: dev1:primfile.typ dev2:secfile.typ ! to assign wqn: to the primary file "primfile" and secondary file ! "secfile", normally on different devices. Once this is done ! writes to wqn: will go to both files, but only primfile will be ! read until asnwq/catchup wqn: is done. After that, both will be ! written, but on reads, the container file whose last accessed LBN ! is closest to the requested start LBN will be read. This distributes ! read I/O across two containers and should boost performance. Access ! continues normally during asnvq/catchup, which allows a "deadtimeless" ! backup facility. ! The RWBOTH switch is for use when a newly assigned wqn: unit is about ! to be INITed and there's no reason to limit reads to the first file ! only, or where it's known that both containers are identical already. ! ! Where file sizes of primary and secondary containers differ, the vq: ! is treated as of the size of the smaller. Successful I/O return on ! VQ: writes implies both containers were written OK. If either fails, ! an error code is returned in the IOSB...unique and weird ones for ! the primary failing or both failing, and normal-looking ones where the ! primary worked OK and the secondary one failed. (The primary is done ! first and then the secondary.) ! Usage: asnwq/switches wqn: [dev:file] [dev2:secfile] ! where /switches are: ! /report - Tell what file is associated with a virtual disk (omit dev:file arg) ! (Gives primary file only.) ! /assign - Assign a file to a virtual disk unit ! /Deassign - Deassign a virtual disk from a file (puts vqn: offline) ! /Shadow - Tells vqn: to shadow. Otherwise ignores secondary file argument and ! operates as a single container virtual disk. (This can be used ! to add a shadow file after a primary file is already assigned ! PROVIDED the command has the same primary file as was already ! assigned.) ! /Catchup - Causes the secondary file to be caught up to the primary file ! after which they will be identical. Once catchup is done, ! reads will be done from either the primary or secondary file, ! whichever has the closer last logical block accessed. (Until ! then, the primary file is the only one read.) ! /RWBOTH - Causes reads from both primary and secondary files as after /catchup ! for use where both containers are known to be identical. This is NOT ! a normal operation but is provided for cases where you are about to ! INIT a new vq: unit or otherwise want to use a vq: unit where you ! know it was correctly caught up already and you don't want to have ! the overhead of catchup I/O to ensure it's OK. ! /SEC64 - Make vqn: geometry 64 sect/trk, 1 trk/cyl, n cyl ! /SEC32 - make vqn: geometry 32 sect/trk, 32 trk/cyl, n cyl ! (disks smaller than 65530 blks get 1 sect/trk, 1 trk/cyl, n cyl) ! default: Use /sec64 geometry unless disk is a "recognized" size in which ! case emulate geometry of the recognized disk type. ! Sizes recognized are of types following: !; losiz hisiz blks cyl trk sect id ! Geotbl 800, 805, 800, 1, 80, 10 ;rx50 ! Geotbl 4800, 4810, 4800, 200, 2, 12 ;RK05 ! Geotbl 10240, 10250, 10240, 256, 2, 40 ;RL01 (sect=256 bytes) ! Geotbl 20480, 20500, 20480, 512, 2, 40 ;RL02 (Sect=256 bytes) ! Geotbl 27126, 27150, 27126, 411, 3, 22 ;RK06 ! GeoTbl 53790, 53830, 53790, 815, 3, 22 ;RK07 ! GeoTbl 131680, 131700, 131680, 823, 5, 32 ;RM03 ! GeoTbl 138672, 138690, 138672, 1024, 8, 17 ;RD53 ! GeoTbl 171798, 171850, 171798, 411, 19, 22 ;RP04 ! GeoTbl 242606, 242650, 242606, 559, 14, 31 ;RM80 (or RB80) ! GeoTbl 340670, 340720, 340670, 815, 19, 22 ;RP06 ! GeoTbl 500384, 500420, 500384, 823, 19, 32 ;RM05 ! GeoTbl 891072, 891110, 891072, 1248, 14, 51 ;RA81 ! GeoTbl 1008000,1008500,1008000,630, 32, 50 ;RP07 ! GeoTbl 1216665,1216700,1216665,1423, 15, 57 ;RA82 ! where losiz and hisiz are sizes of files recognized as being containers of ! the device types, and the other columns are number of blocks, and geometry, ! for the devices. the id column is the device being emulated. Note that ! the device type will still be dt$_FD1 or dt$_rp06 (in vddriver) but ! the geometry is determined as above. ! ! If the /LBN=nnnnn and /LEN=mmmmm switches are used, a command of form ! asnvq/assign/lbn=nnnnn/len=mmmmm vqn: device:foo dev2:second ! will assign the mmmmm blocks starting with logical block nnnnn on device: ! as the container for vqn: (e.g. vq0:) instead of requiring a container file. ! (This is ONLY implemented for the primary container at present.) ! This allows use of foreign mounted or unmounted disks, or any other contiguous ! space. BE CAREFUL using it though; it can totally clobber file structures ! if misused. ! When using INIT on emulated disks, use the /NOVERIFY switch to avoid losing ! a bunch of blocks at the end as "bad" (even though they're OK). Otherwise the ! failure to find hardware badblock info causes INIT to declare the last ! track bad. ! You can add new devices to the table by modifying the geotbl entries ! in asnvq.mar. Be sure that losiz is at least as large as blks, ! that blks=trk*sect*cyl, and that hisiz>losiz. Also, enter the table ! entries in order of size for sensibility. Hisiz can be equal to losiz ! if that's what you want, but I suggest that it be larger by the ! value of sect anyway; you'd lose less space. Fictitious geometries ! can be added, just so cyl fits into a 16 bit word and trk and sect ! fit into 8 bit bytes. Set the sign bit at your own risk, though. ! Things might break if the number of sectors/track or tracks/cyl ! ever exceed 127. Cylinders of 65000 have been tried and do indeed ! work however.