From: SMTP%"RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM" 25-JUN-1993 11:00:20.59 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: re: postscript for gray bar overlay? Date: Fri, 25 Jun 93 11:09 GMT From: "Brian A McMillan (44) 5057 5388" To: INFO-VAX Subject: re: postscript for gray bar overlay? You might like to play with this, if you like it and know a little PostScript try the following exercises in your own time: 1. Do it the right way round 2. Add those little numbers down the side 3. Real stripes are usually a series of closely spaced lines, use lines 4. The real thing is green rather than grey (this might be quite expensive) 5. Add the sprocket holes $ create %! /realshowpage/showpage load def /stripes {20 10 moveto 0.85 setgray 42 {560 0 rlineto 0 11.5 rlineto -560 0 rlineto currentpoint closepath fill moveto 0 11.5 rmoveto} repeat 0 setgray}def /showpage {realshowpage stripes} bind def stripes $ stop/que/next (your queue) $ lib/text/insert (your cps postscript library) $ start/que (your queue) $ print /que=(your queue)/setup=stripes (your file) Of course *real* men use *real* stripey paper from *real* printers :^) ============================================================================== Brian A McMillan | Colloquium | X.25: FDS Ltd | Email and Conferencing |23511027000101 6/7 Steeple Square | "Knowledge today is *power* tomorrow" | Telephone: Kilbarchan PA10 2JD | | Scotland | MCMILLAN@COLLOQUIUM.CO.UK | 05057 2030 ==============================================================================