From: SMTP%"RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM" 7-AUG-1993 14:47:01.91 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: re: New striping policy Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1993 11:47:04 GMT From: "Glenn C. Everhart" To: Message-Id: <> Subject: re: New striping policy So DEC has changed their system in a way which inhibits MSCP serving of stripesets? Let me remind the list that VDdriver will quite happily support being pointed at any disk, stripeset or not, by starting logical block number and size. If using one of the more recent versions there's a /DEVICE qualifier on the assign command that just duplicates device geometry also. The result is that on the system with the stripeset you can have a VD: unit that points at the stripeset. You can simply mount the stripeset /foreign on the defining system, and mount and use the stripeset via the vd: unit on your system (the overhead introduced is tiny). VD units CAN be MSCP served, and the software is free. Also since there are clusterwide VD versions (2 lines in the driver change), you can do some mixing and matching if you wish. By using a VD: unit you can therefore have a stripeset that is accessed via MSCP serving... Glenn (see the sigtapes for your copies of vddriver and asnvdm6 )