Listing of Packages Available from FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( The following is a brief description of all packages available on Sam Houston State University's file server, FILESERV. For a detailed listing of the packages contents, please include the command: DIRECTORY package_name_from_below in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( Naturally, you will replace the modifier string "package_name_from_below" with a package name from among those listed below, such as "STY" (i.e., DIRECTORY STY). "DIRECTORY" may be shortened to "DIR", if you wish. FILESERV is capable of handling multiple requests, so long as each command resides on a unique line of the mail message it receives for processing. An unmodified DIRECTORY command will provide a detailed listing of all files and all packages available for retrieval. The total listing has evolved into a *very* large transfer, so be careful on using an unmodified DIRECTORY command. Users with ftp access can use the anonymous ftp facilities of ( to access everything available from FILESERV, as well as a few other files which are not mailable for various reasons. Package Name Brief description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACADLIST 5th Revision Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences ACCOUNTABILITY "IMPROVING IT!: Accountability by Design" ADDITIONS Listing of most recent files added to FILESERV ADDRESS Damrau and Wester's address macros for TeX/LaTeX -- supports personalized form letters and various address labels AMSFONTS Root directory of AMSFonts, version 2.1 AMSFONTS_CYRILLIC METAFONT sources for Cyrillic fonts in AMSFonts (v. 2.1) AMSFONTS_DOC Documentation for AMSFonts, version 2.1 AMSFONTS_EULER METAFONT sources for Euler fonts in AMSFonts (v. 2.1) AMSFONTS_EXTRACM METAFONT sources for extra cm fonts in AMSFonts (v. 2.1) AMSFONTS_SOURCES Common METAFONT sources for AMSFonts (v. 2.1) AMSFONTS_SYMBOLS METAFONT sources for symbol fonts in AMSFonts (v. 2.1) AMSLATEX_DOC AMS-LaTeX distribution, version 1.1; the doc subdirectory AMSLATEX_FONTSEL AMS-LaTeX distribution, version 1.1; fontsel subdirectory AMSLATEX_INPUTS AMS-LaTeX distribution, version 1.1; inputs subdirectory ARABTEX Klaus Lagally's ArabTeX, a LaTeX extension for high-quality arabic output (version 2.07; 23 March 1993) ARRAY Files for Mittelbach's array and tabular in LaTeX (version 2.1b, 6 July 1992) ASAETR LaTeX and BibTeX styles to approximate Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (version 1.1) ASTROSYM MetaFont sources for astronomical symbols used for the planets and the signs of the zodiac AUTOINDENT Auto-Indention package for EVE/TPU; a set of TPU procedures that automate writing block-structured programs BBFIG PostScript program which calculates the %%BoundingBox of PostScript figures BBM Metafont sources for Gilles F. Robert's 'Blackboard' variant to Computer Modern fonts (April 1993) BIBCLEAN Sources for Nelson Beebe's bibclean, a BibTeX prettyprinter, portability verifier, and syntax checker, with MS/DOS and VMS executables, source code for these, as well as Unix, with Makefile (vers. 2.05, 24 November 1992) BIBEXTRACT Nelson Beebe's Unix shell and awk programs for extracting citation tags from LaTeX source and .aux files, and for using those tags to extract bibliography entries from a list of BibTeX .bib files (vers 1.02, 2 November 1992) BIBLIOBUILDER BibTeX-consistent bibliography database builder (in DCL) BOXEDEPS BoxedEPS; highly portable package for insertion of EPSF (Encapsulated PostScript Files) in TeX documents; includes support for OzTeX 1.4 BRIEF_T P. Hedne's macros making keyboard assignments for writing LaTeX documents with the BRIEF editor BST BibTeX style file archive C2LATEX Files for John D. Ramsdell's C2LaTeX (source code in C) CHECKSUM Nelson H. F. Beebe's distribution of Robert M. Solovay's machine- and O/S-independent file checksum program CHESS Piet Tutelaers' family of chessmacros for typesetting chess with LaTeX and/or TeX (version 1.2; February 1992). CMTTSS METAFONT sources for Arthur Ogawa's cmttss family of fonts (sans serif, fixed pitch, condensed fonts) CNOWEB Files for Jim Fox's c-no-web (literate programming in C) CROSSWORD Files for Brian {Hamilton Kelly}'s crossword package to produce crossword puzzles in LaTeX CWEB Silvio Levy's C language adaptation of Donald Knuth's WEB (version 2.8) CWEB-MAC Timothy Murphy's changes for CWEB on the Macintosh; includes BinHexed executables (version 1.0; 12 July 1992) DIAGRAMF Interface for importing MetaFont diagrams to (La)TeX DOC Basic package needed for all distributions from the Mainz packages of LaTeX style options (24 August 1992 release) DTK-L DTK-L archives (DECtalk discussion list) DVI2TTY Files for DVI2TTY (for VMS) DVIDVI Files for DVIDVI (for VMS) DVILN03 Files for Brian {Hamilton Kelly's} DVItoLN03 (for VMS; version 4.1) DVIPS547 Files for version 5.47 of DVIPS (for VMS) DVIPS5495 Files for version 5.495 of DVIPS (for VMS) EEPIC Files for eepic (LaTeX Extensions to EPIC) EFE Files for EFE (Enhanced Feature EVE; for VMS) EJOURNL Michael Strangelove's Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters. EMTEX-TEXSHELL UUENCODEd distribution of TeXShell, version 2.5 EPIC Files for epic (LaTeX Enhanced Picture Environment) EPLAIN Files for Karl Berry's eplain macros to TeX, version 2.3 (1 March 1993) EPMTEX Files for Jon Hacker's EPMTeX (v 1.1; Jan 23, 1993); TeX Macro Enhancements for EPM 5.51 under OS/2 ESSENTIAL Files for John Warbrick's "Essential LaTeX" ETPU Files for Ed Wilt's ETPU (callable TPU; for VMS) EVEPLUS Files for EVEplus+ (for VMS) EXERCISE a LaTeX environment for typesetting exercises FAQ comp.text.tex's "Frequently Asked Questions" and "FAQ Supplement" FEDTAX-L FedTax-L archives (Federal Taxation and Accounting discussion list) FIG2MF Anthony Starks' fig2MF Fig to mfpic METAFONT converter (version 0.04; 16 March 1993) FILE Joe Meadows's FILE utility (manipulate VMS file attributes) FILEHDR Nelson Beebe's file header package in Emacs Lisp FILELIST This file FILLFORM Zdenek Wagner's fill in forms in LaTeX without typewriter FLIST Files for Hunter Goatley's FLIST, version 2.1 (for VMS) FONTNAME Files for Karl Berry's font naming conventions (version 1.1) FONTSEL Files for Mittelbach/Schoepf LaTeX new font selection scheme FTNRIGHT Files for Mittelbach's columnar handling of footnotes in LaTeX (version 1.0d; 19 June 1992) FWEB FWEB, version 1.23 FWEB-FAQ Marcus Speh's Frequently Asked Questions about FWEB GENTLE Files for Michael Doob's "A Gentle Introduction to TeX" GHOSTSCRIPT-MSDOS Precompiled MS-DOS executables and related files for MS-DOS implementation of Ghostscript 2.5.2 HARVARD Peter Williams' Harvard family of bibliographic styles. HP2XX Heinz W. Werntges' HP2XX utility INCLUDE \include and \input preprocessor for (La)TeX INFO-TEX INFO-TeX archives (TeX-related discussion list) INFO-TPU INFO-TPU archives (Text Processing Utility [TPU] language discussion list) KR-CWEB-SAMPLE Examples of CWEB programming LACHECK_MSDOS Precompiled MS-DOS executable and documentation for lacheck LACHECK_SOURCES Source files for lacheck 1.15 consistency checker for LaTeX LATEX LaTeX (v. 2.09) updates dated January 14, 1992 LEXITEX Frank Bennett's LexiTeX LaTeX style options to format legal style bibliographies/references (vers. 1, Jan 1993) LITPROG LitProg archives (Literate Programming discussion list) LITPROG-BIB Nelson Beebe's "A Bibliography of Literate Programming" (version 1.19; 3 August 1992) LOLLIPOP Victor Eijkhout's Lollipop TeX, v.0.93 (15 November 1992) LZW Files for Lempel-Ziv-Welch file compression/decompression (for VMS; output is optionally Unix-compatible) LZW_SOURCES C source code for LZW (above) MAASINFO Indexes to numerous services accessible on Internet/BITNET MALTBY-INTRO Files for The MALTBY-INTRO Gavin Maltby's "An introduction to TeX and friends" MAMATH Files to produce prepare camera ready manuscripts for Springer-Verslag's Manuscripta Mathematica. MFPIC Thomas Leathrum's set of TeX and Metafont macros to draw pictures in a TeX document using Metafont MFTU Mail File Transfer Utility (encoding/decoding; VMS) MIDNIGHT Marcel van der Goot's Midnight Macros for TeX/LaTeX MODES Files for Karl Berry's MODES.MF (version 0.11, 6 Oct 1992) MSWIN-LATEX Michael Reid's utilities to accompany LaTeX in a Microsoft Windows environment. MULTICOL Files for Frank Mittelbach's multicol environment in LaTeX (version 1.4L; 17 August 1992) NASSFLOW Files to include Nassi-Schneiderman diagrams and flow charts in LaTeX documents NEWSLETTER Hunter Goatley's macros for producing newsletters in TeX NFSS The New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) for LaTeX, 26 August 1992 version PC_DVIWARE DVI tools ported to MS-DOS PGFRAME Cameron Smith's pageframe documentstyle option for production book layouts PMTEX Files for Guillaume Schiltz's PM-TeX (v. 2.0; 5 December 1992); TeX-Shell for OS/2 Presentation-Manager POL-ECON Pol-Econ archives (Political Economy discussion list) PP Mike Piff's utility to convert Pascal and Modula-2 programs into input for LaTeX and TeX files PPHLP Norman Gray's PPHLP utility for producing VMS help files and printed documentation from a single source file PS2PK Files for Piet Tutelears' PS2PK utility to convert Type 1 Adobe fonts to PK format PSBOX Files for Jean Orloff's psbox (v.1.34, 18 November 1992) PSTRICKS Files for Timothy Van Zandt's pstricks (PostScript tricks) (version 0.92; October 2, 1992) PSUTILS Files for Angus Duggan's PSUtils PostScript Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents (patchlevel 10; 28 January 1993). REVTEX Files for American Physical Society's REVTEX Version 2.0 RTF2TEX Robert Lupton's RTF to TeX converter SCRIPTTEX Adrian McCarthy's TeX macros to produce scripts for stageplays, screenplays, etc. SEMINAR Timothy Van Zandt's slide making macros for LaTeX SFWARE Programs to download, rotate, compress, expand, view, and perform special effects on softfonts (Shareware, v.1.1A) SPFONTWARE Programs to convert Hewlett-Packard softfonts <-> TeX PK STMARY St Mary's Road symbol package for TeX STY LaTeX style file archives TBEFILES Macros and samples to accompany Arvind Borde's "TeX by Example" (Academic Press, 1992) TEX--XET Dante e.V.'s modifications to TeX allowing mixed left-to-right and right-to-left typesetting TEX-INDEX David M. Jones' TeX Macro Index listing of files TEXAS Shih-Ping Chan's TEXAS (version 1.0a, 1 March 1992), a 32-bit protected mode version of big TeX 3.14 for MS-DOS 386/486 computers. TEXHAX TeXhax Digest archives TEXMAG TeXMaG archives TEXSERVER HELP file from TEXTUGN Sources for "TeX and TUG News" (newsletter of TeX Users Group) TEXTURES_FIGS Files to support a variety of figures in TeXtures TEX_PRIMER Files for Joe St Sauver's "Using TeX on the VAX to Typeset Documents: A Primer" THEOREM Files for Frank Mittelbach's enhancements to the LaTeX theorem environment (version 2.1c; 22 June 1992) TPU TPU source code archives TR2LATEX Files for version 2.2 of TR2LATEX TSPELL TeX/LaTeX spelling checker (primarily for VMS) TUGABS Abstracts of TeX Users Group Proceedings for various years TUGBOAT_CONTENTS Tables of Contents for past issues of TUGboat UCTHESIS Ethan V. Munson's LaTeX style set consistent with University of California thesis and dissertation requirements. UKTEX UKTeX Digest archives UNSPLIT File concatenation utilities associated with ctt-Digest UNZIP Files for version 5.0 of Info-Zip's platform-independent UNZIP (largely compatible with PK*ZIP) The following packages are documented in UNZIP: UNZIP_AMIGA, UNZIP_ATARI, UNZIP_MAC, UNZIP_MSDOS, UNZIP_NT, UNZIP_OS2, UNZIP_VMS UUCODE UUENCODE/UUDECODE for VMS which handles space-stripped files VERBATIM Files for Rainer Schoepf's verbatim environment in LaTeX VMSTAR Files for Alain Fauconnet's VMSTAR (version 1.6-0; 4 July 1992) [U*ix tar for VMS] WKBF Files for Stephen A. Fulling's sample of CWEB usage (calculate the terms in an asymptotic expansion approximating the solution of a system of differential equations) WP2LATEX Files for converting WordPerfect 5.1 (and prior) files to LaTeX (version 5.1b, 13 March 1993). XETAL Files for Raphael Cerf's XETAL deTeXifier program XYPIC Files for Kristoffer H. Rose's XY-pic and XPPT (vers. 2.5) ZEMTEX Selwyn Russell's files for the use of Z and emTeX ZIP Files for version 1.9 of Info-Zip's platform-independent ZIP (largely compatible with PK*ZIP) The following packages are documented in UNZIP: ZIP_ATARI, ZIP_MAC, ZIP_MSDOS, ZIP_NT, ZIP_OS2, ZIP_VMS ZIP10 Files for version 1.0 of Info-Zip's platform-independent ZIP ZIP_PC_COMPILED UUENCODEd files conataining pre-compiled MS-DOS executables and documentation of ZIP 1.9 and UNZIP 5.0 packages ZIP_PC_COMPILED_OLD UUENCODEd files conataining pre-compiled MS-DOS executables and documentation of ZIP 1.0 and UNZIP 4.2