LAST 2.3-A The LAST program provides information on when the last time a user logged in, what group they are from and how many days it has been. This is done using system routines. If the user has never logged in, then a USEROPEN routine starts up RMS services to extract the creation date of the user's default loggin area. This was done under the assumption that the user's directory was created when the account was created. DIGITAL otherwise keeps no record of when an account was added. ************************************************************************** Modifications: 1) (new) Display disuser flag status (at suggestion of Dan Wing at University of Colorado Hospital) 2) (mod) Display more information from new List version. Should also work with older versions of LIST. 3) (mod) Display header for lone user. 4) (mod) Allow distribution files to be used by including within double quotes instead of just by a logical. ************************************************************************** The following files are included with this utility: AAAREADME.1ST - Obviously that's this file. LAST.BUILD - Command file for building parts of utility. LAST.CLD - Obviously the command definition file. LAST.EXE - Obviously the executable. LAST.FOR - Obviously the source file. LAST.HLB - Obviously the help module. LAST.HLP - Obviously the help source. LAST.OBJ - Obviously the object file. LAST.OPT - Holds version of LAST utility. UAFDEF.INC - An include file for the defining of a structure. ************************************************************************** To make this work: 1) The .CLD file must be changed accordingly for the correct directory structure of the executable image and location of LAST.HLB. (This option can be commented out if you wish to add the help file to the normal system help files.) 2) If your SYSUAF.DAT file is not in SYS$SYSTEM: directory, make sure the logical SYSUAF is defined in the SYSTEM logical table pointing to this file. $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC SYSUAF SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]SYSUAF.DAT If you are consistently getting a message that users do not exist when they actually do, check this logical. 3) At present, the program will only take at most 15000 users. To up this, Change appropriate value in UAFDEF.INC and recompile with LAST.BUILD. 4) If using LIST hook, make sure using version 2.0 or higher of LIST. Change LAST.CLD to note the default list file. May also set /LIST qualifier as a default qualifier by adding a line after the qualifier specification: QUALIFIER LIST NEGATABLE DEFAULT ! add this line to make it a default VALUE (TYPE=$FILE, DEFAULT=some.file) 5) If you need to recompile for any reason, use LAST.BUILD so that the options file is sure to loaded. ************************************************************************** If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions: Jonathan C. Baker Naval Surface Warfare Center Code N86 Dahlgren, VA 22448 (703)663-8705 system_jb@