$! $! LAST.BUILD $! $! Author: Jonathan C. Baker $! Date: 16-JAN-1990 $! $! Purpose: $! For building the help library, compiling or linking the source $! $!************************************************************************** $! $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO ABORT $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO ABORT $ HELP: $ inquire/nopun ask "Do you want to rebuild the HELP library? " $ if((f$extract(0,1,ask) .eqs. "N") .or. (f$extract(0,1,ask) .eqs. "n")) - then goto compile $ lib/create/help LAST $ lib/insert/help LAST LAST.HLP $! $ COMPILE: $ inquire/nopun ask "Do you want to compile the source? " $ if((f$extract(0,1,ask) .eqs. "N") .or. (f$extract(0,1,ask) .eqs. "n")) - then goto link $ fortran/nodebug LAST.FOR $! $ LINK: $ inquire/nopun ask "Do you want to link the source? " $ if((f$extract(0,1,ask) .eqs. "N") .or. (f$extract(0,1,ask) .eqs. "n")) - then exit $ link LAST /options $ exit $! $ ABORT: $ write sys$output " ABORT!!! LAST.BUILD is being aborted. ABORT!!!" $ exit