.!++ .! .! NAME: SETDEF.RNH .! .! ABSTRACT: SETDEF help file. .! .! FACILITY: SETDEF .! .! DESCRIPTION: .! .! This is the RUNOFF source for the help library entry for SETDEF. .! To add it to your help library, use the following commands: .! .! $ RUNOFF SETDEF.RNH .! $ LIB/REPLACE/HELP SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB SETDEF.HLP .! .! .! AUTHOR: M. Madison .! COPYRIGHT © 1992, MATTHEW D. MADISON. .! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .! .! .! MODIFICATION HISTORY: .! .! 30-DEC-1992 V1.0 Madison Initial coding. .!-- .P0 .AP .LM1 .RM70 .I-1 1 SETDEF SETDEF is a substitutefor the SET DEFAULT command. It can check the existence of directory before making it the new default, and can set the DCL prompt to include all or part of the default directory name. .NJ Format: SETDEF [newdefault] .J SETDEF is set up to be used as a DCL "foreign" command. To use it, you must first define a symbol to invoke it. For example: .NJ $ SETDEF :== $SETDEF .J This sets up the symbol SETDEF to invoke the SETDEF program. .I-1 2 Parameters newdefault Any valid node, device, and/or directory specification. SETDEF allows the same types of node/device/directory specifications as allowed by the SET DEFAULT command. This parameter should be omitted if you use the /USER qualifier. .I-1 2 Command__Qualifiers .I-1 /CHECK /CHECK (default) /NOCHECK The /CHECK qualifier causes SETDEF to check for the existence of the new default directory before actually setting it. This is the default. Specify /NOCHECK (this can be done in the symbol definition, if desired) to disable existence checking. The specification is always checked for syntactic accuracy. .I-1 /SET__PROMPT /SET__PROMPT=prompt-type /NOSET__PROMPT (default) The /SET__PROMPT qualifier causes SETDEF to change the DCL prompt string to a string based on the resulting default directory specification. The "prompt-type" may be either SHORT or LONG. Specifying SHORT causes SETDEF to use only the lowest directory name in the directory path to be used in the prompt string. Specifying LONG causes SETDEF to use as much of the complete directory path as possible in the prompt string. Note that the longest possible prompt string is 32 characters. .I-1 /USER /USER=username The /USERNAME qualifier causes SETDEF to change your default directory to be the login directory of the specified user. Requires sufficient privileges to look up the target user's login information from the user authorization file. .I-1 /VERSION /VERSION Causes SETDEF to print out its version number and copyright notice. No other action is performed. .I-1 2 Examples . .NJ $ SETDEF :== $SETDEF/SET__PROMPT ! use /SET__PROMPT by default $ SETDEF DISK$USER01:[CLASS101] [class101]$ SETDEF/SET=LONG [.STUDENT1] [class101.student1]$ SETDEF [] ! keeps same directory [...student1]$ SETDEF SYS$SYSDEVICE:[NO-SUCH-DIRECTORY] %RMS-F-DNS, directory not found -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file [...student1]$ SETDEF/NOCHECK SYS$SYSDEVICE:[NO-SUCH-DIRECTORY] [no-such-directory]$ SETDEF/USER=STUDENT1 [...student1]$ .J