WATCHER WATCHER is an idle terminal monitor. That is, it logs out interactive users after a certain period of inactivity. WATCHER is fully configurable, allowing the system manager to define which terminals to watch, what measurements to use, and how long a terminal should be idle before getting zapped. It also includes provisions for preventing logouts or overriding inactivity settings based on any combination of username, UIC, terminal, privileges, image being run, held identifier, and time of day. WATCHER runs on VAX/VMS V5.0 and later, and OpenVMS AXP V1.0 and later. Files in this package --------------------- AAAREADME.TOO File listing changes made since last version AAAREADME.BOOKREADER_SETUP File explaining how to read the Bookreader-format docs DECW_STARTLOGIN.COM Command procedure used to restart DECwindows sessions LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF Bookshelf file for Bookreader LINK.COM Command procedure that creates the images PERFORM_DISCONNECT.ALPHA_OBJ Object code needed for building WATCHER (AXP) PERFORM_DISCONNECT.OBJ Object code needed for building WATCHER (VAX) SAMPLE_CONFIG.WCP Sample WCP command file for building a configuration WATCHER.ALPHA_OLB Object library for building WATCHER on AXP systems WATCHER.ALPHA_OPT Linker options file for building WATCHER on AXP systems WATCHER.OLB Object library for building WATCHER on VAX systems WATCHER.OPT Linker options file for building WATCHER on VAX systems WATCHER_DOC.DECW$BOOKSHELF another Bookshelf file for Bookreader WATCHER_DOC.DECW$BOOK Documentation, in Bookreader format WATCHER_DOC.PS Documentation, in PostScript format WATCHER_DOC.TXT Documentation, in ASCII format WATCHER_MAIL.COM Notification procedure, written by Dan Wing WATCHER_STARTUP.COM Command procedure for starting up WATCHER WATCHER_SHUTDOWN.COM Command procedure for shutting down WATCHER WCP.ALPHA_OLB Object library for building WCP on AXP systems WCP.OLB Object library for building WCP on VAX systems WCP_HELPLIB.HLB Help library for WCP WATCHER_SRC.BCK BACKUP save set containing the source code for WATCHER File in WATCHER_SRC.BCK: ------------------------ BUILD_FROM_BLISS_SOURCE.COM Command procedure for building WATCHER from BLISS source BUILD_FROM_MACRO_SOURCE.COM Command procedure for building WATCHER from MACRO source COLLECT.B32 Routines for collecting process information CONFIG.B32 Routines for reading and writing configuration files DECW_DISPLAY.B32 Routines for searching job logical name tables DESCRIP.MMS MMS description file for building WATCHER & WCP FIELDS.R32 REQUIRE file with macros for building structure definitions FORCE.B32 WATCHER logoff, disconnect, and warn routines LOG.B32 Routines for event logging and tracing PARSE_TIMES.B32 Routine for parsing WCP day/hour strings PERFORM_DISCONNECT.B32 Kernel-mode routine for disconnecting a terminal WATCHER.ALPHA_OPT Linker options file for building WATCHER (AXP) WATCHER.B32 Main WATCHER routines WATCHER.OPT Linker options file for building WATCHER (VAX) WATCHER.R32 REQUIRE file defining stuff needed by WATCHER & WCP WATCHER_DOC.SDML VAX Document source for WATCHER documentation WATCHER_MSG.MSG WATCHER message codes WATCHER_PRIVATE.R32 REQUIRE file defining stuff needed only by WATCHER WCP.B32 WATCHER Control Program routines WCP_CLD.CLD WCP command definitions WCP_CMDIO.B32 WCP command input routines WCP_CMD_CLD.CLD WCP foreign command definition WCP_HELPLIB.RNH RUNOFF source for help library WCP_MISC.B32 Miscellaenous WCP routines WCP_MSG.MSG WCP message codes WCP_SHOW.B32 Output routines for WCP SHOW command *.MAR MACRO code generated by BLISS compiler for each module. (VAX) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTING THE AUTHOR Comments, suggestions, and questions about this software can be directed to the author at one of the following addresses: Mail: Matthew Madison TGV, Inc. 603 Mission Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: +1 408 427 4366 Fax: +1 408 427 4365 E-Mail: COPYRIGHT NOTICE This software is COPYRIGHT © 1993, MATTHEW D. MADISON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission is granted for not-for-profit redistribution, provided all source and object code remain unchanged from the original distribution, and that all copyright notices remain intact. DISCLAIMER This software is provided "AS IS". The author and TGV, Inc. make no representations or warranties with repsect to the software and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.