C WATCH6_USERNAME.DAT -- list of target usernames C C Written by Kenneth R. Litherland, NM Highlands Univ. Comp. Ctr. on May 1992 C C The list of target usernames will be read by the WATCH6 program and will be C used for watching. The group-name is defined as TARGET_USER. The input C contains the following: C C column 2 C | C v C $target_user C total = C target_username(1) = '' C target_username(2) = '' C . . . C . . . C . . . C $end C C Make sure that the total variable is matched with a number of target C usernames and all usernames must be in upper case. Have a happy watch. C $target_user total = 2, target_username(1) = 'HACKER' target_username(2) = 'INVADER' $end