___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | \/ | ___ _ _ | |_| | | \ / | |_ |\ /| SPRING 1994 VMS SIG TAPE SUBMISSION \_____/ |_|\/|_| |__ | V | The University of Memphis Harry Flowers Internet: FLOWERS@NARNIA.MEMPHIS.EDU 112 Admin Bldg Bitnet: FLOWERS@MEMSTVX1 Memphis, TN 38152 Phone: (901) 678-2663 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Disclaimer: The author, The University of Memphis, and DECUS assume no | | responsibility for the use or reliability of this software. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AAAREADME.TXT This text file ASKOPER.ZIP For operator interaction with DCL command files BROADCASTCLASS.ZIP Gets current broadcast classes for later restoration CSWING.README File explaining contents of the C Swing distributions CSWING_V374*.ZIP C Swing directory and file manager; see CSWING.README DECUS_VS036.PS Session overheads for VMS Performance Mgt I: Memory DECUS_VS037.PS Session overheads for VMS Performance Mgt II: Disk and File DYNPRI.ZIP Dynamic Priority adjuster for interactive CPU-bound procs MASTER.ZIP Delegate GRANT/REVOKE of groups of identifers MAIL_EDIT_V1-4.ZIP VMS MAIL TPU routine to strip headers, quote, spell, etc. MOST.ZIP Foteos Macrides' version of John Davis' MOST file viewer SYSMGT.ZIP My VMS System Management Guide in PostScript SYSTAT.ZIP System status program; shows cluster-wide process info [.COM] Subdirectory with several command procedures. AUTH.COM Run AUTHORIZE, showing SYSUAF, RIGHTSLIST, and NETPROXY BINARY.COM Show a number in decimal, hex, octal, and binary CLOCK_SYNCH.COM Keep cluster clocks synchronized (uses SYSMAN) DECTERMTITLE.COM Set DECterm Icon to node and Banner to node and user DISK.COM Shows disk space usage with bar graph DISK_WATCHER.COM Monitors disk space usage FALL_BACK.COM Change time from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time* FILE_BY_FID.COM Shows file header given the file id and disk drive MAIL_EDIT.COM Quote, spell check, and append signature file to mail [NOTE: this is *not* the same as the one in the ZIP file!] MAILMAINT.COM File old mail from folders to folder-specific files MEM.COM Memory monitor display with relevent SYSGEN parameters MENU.COM DCL Menu System; minimal image activations PMP.COM Phone Message Pad; mail phone messages to users RMSGLOBUF.COM Shows open files with RMS global buffers SPRING_FORWARD.COM Change time from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time* STATS.COM Show Ctrl/T-like statistics and differences SYSFILES.COM Check system page and swap file usage SYSGENCOMP.COM Compares active SYSGEN parameters to new AUTOGEN values TELL.COM Tell remote DECnet node to execute command TRMPRINT.COM Types a file to a locally attached printer VT2XXDEF.COM Define shifted function keys on VT200+ series terminals WILDCMD.COM Allows use of wildcards with arbitrary DCL commands *Note: These time-change command files will not work if you have DECdts installed (it's also a part of DECnet/OSI). [For those with Internet connections, the latest versions of these programs are also available via anonymous FTP or gopher from Narnia.Memphis.Edu (]