% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00Èmd֖7SSBBDg'5yL375T4 375T-LN03PB399T4_LW=399_LN03PANSI_223@ASTN B223_LASER8 B223_PRINTER* B399-LN03; B399-LN03PBEV,BEV-ASTBev-LN03- BEV-LN03PE CEPS-FileCGM) CGM-MetafileGCI600 DDIF" DDIF-File DECWIDGET# DECWINDOWS/ DIANE-AST0DP12602DP960DDP_PSTGKS5 GKS-MetafileHP7550HPGL HPGL-FileLA75M LAURA_223LLJ250WISSAPostscript-FileP\PSUQ*PS_223Qz SYS$PRINTTalaris. Talaris-TEK$TK4014< TK4014-File9TK4107R VAXstationRVT240RVT241RlVT330RVT3405WISS4DP_PSLJ250 PostscriptWISSJLJ25X> LN03P-FilePLPA0QLW LW-PostscriptP^ LWIIG_223HLWP399P LZR1260_223Motif!MotifWPNPB6NPB-LN03I NPB-LN03PQOSBORN  Postscript&EPS-File EXITGKS1 GKS-MetafileHP7550HPGL HPGL-FileLA75M LAURA_223FLJ250`R֖ 1 DECWIDGETS:Produces a plot in a previously created DECwindows Widget.wwws B(not Motif) and does a plot. This device (type 211) supports bothinput and output. wwnts. wwom D214 of Building 223. wwissH print queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up i parameter: % /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)0 For Landscaڇ 1 Bev-LN03G Produces Tektronix 4014 output file, then prints it on the BEV printAI queue. The LN03_Plus Printer is located in the IPNS Operations Offices" (Bev's Office) -- Building 360.wwou can also use this H print queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up parameter:t% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)i% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)Y0 For Landsca'KS-MetafileWISSy7h֖  WORLTON B223_PRINTERCI600 LAURA_223LPA0 LWIIG_223 LZR1260_223PSUANSI_223BEVPS_223 SYS$PRINTOSBORN.Dk֖# WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75Motif VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileASTPostscript-FileEPS-File CEPS-FileDP1260DP960399_LN03399T4_LWLWP399 NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X375T B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISSNPBLWsi֖ WORLTON MotifW'l֖! WORLTON бm1 Postscript FileAM A Postscript file named GPLOT.PS will be created in the current directory.nK Postscript devices have the capability of producing any of the built-in YG fonts in any size and orientation, so very high quality text can be iL produced. They also have the feature of being able to draw in background2 color, allowing areas of the plot to be erased. awwPASTHRU and then typing the file. Set9 your terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying th`֖1 EXITDSelect EXIT to leave the GPLOT menu. If no device has been selectedGyou will have an opportunity to redisplay the menu and select a device.ewwnt any Postscript file and can print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up i parameter:P% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)r% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)s0 For Landscape orientation, use the following:( /PARAMETER=(PAGE_ORIENT=LANDSCAPE)G These twoC Color graphics terminal. GPLOT REGIS output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.Twwoutput is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. wwported. wwee Motif workstation types. I recommendsGusing type 231. In this version, GKS creates the window and both inpute?and output are supported. If you have an X Windows terminal orHworkstation and the Motif device fails, type "SHOW DISPLAY" to make sureCit is properly defined. If not, use the "SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE="ncommand to set it. wwnt multiple pagesI +014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-ASTPostscript-FileDP_PS LW-PostscriptLJ250LJ25X375T B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISS#ԃu WORLTON 375T-LN03P@׃u WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-AST BEV-LN03PPostscript-FileDP_PS B399-LN03P LW-Postscript NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISS#`gg  WORLTON LN03P-3_Plus Printer is located in the IPNS Operations Office" (Bev's Office) -- Building 360.ww`*m1 LW (Postscript)J Produces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itM on the LW print queue. The LW queue goes to the Apple LaserWriter Printer, in the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360. wwK,m1 NPBL Produces a Tektronix 4014 output file and then prints it on the NPB printM queue. The NPB LN03_Plus Printer is located in_֖1 BEVa ww of the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360.ww`6m1 LJ2505 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink-jet printer (90 DPI)6 Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.D Features: 256 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.ww8m1 LJ25X6 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink-jet printer (180 DPI)6 Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.C Features: 16 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or tran supported for input to DEC GKS. They also are not much use elsewhereK because their 512 Byte record length prevents them from being compatiblee with DISSPLA, for instance.wwTrailer  inside Building 375. wwDm 1 B223_LASERM Produces a Tektronix 4014 file in directory SYS$SCRATCH, then prints it onO the B223_LASER print queue. The B223_laser queue goes to the Talaris Laser 1 Printer located in Room D214 of Building 223. ww`cOm 1 m1 GKS MetafileJ Produces a GKS metafile which can be plotted using the POSTGKS command.K GKS metafiles can be edited using the EVE editor. They are a record of sM GKS instructions used to create a plot. See the DEC GKS documentation fors0 an explanation of the various metafile codes.ww 211) supports both input and output.ww`[m 1 DECWIDGET= Produces a plot in a previously created DECwindows Widget.ww`gm1 CGM Metafi EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75Motif VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107j t  WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75Motif VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107L  WORLTON AST#L  WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75Motif VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FilePostscript-FileEPS-File CEPS-FileDP1260DP960399_LN03399T4_LWLWP399 NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X375T B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile G1 LW-PostscriptrGProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints it.Jon the LW print queue. The LW queue goes to the Apple LaserWriter Printer)in the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360. pwweet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up f parameter: % /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)l% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)0 For Landscape orientation, use the following:( /PARAMETER=(PAGE_ORIENT=LANDSCAPE)G These twohe native QUIC graphics mode of the Talaris and QMS printers. wwIf no device has been selectedJ you will have an opportunity to redisplay the menu and select a device.ww m 1 HPGL FileK The file GPLOT.HPGL will be created in your current directory. You mustI have write access to the current directory for the file to be created.L HPGL files can be included in some word-processing documents or converted to other formats.wwkm1 HP7550  E֖1 MotifEOSF/Motif graphics using X Windows. All GPLOT Input/Output functionsHare supported. In workstation type 231, GKS creates the window and bothEinput and output are supported. If you have an X Windows terminal orHworkstation and the Motif device fails, type "SHOW DISPLAY" to make sureCit is properly defined. If not, use the "SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE="_command to set it. ww /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)i% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)Y0 For LandscaileDP_PS B399-LN03P LW-Postscript NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X 375T-LN03P B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISSWG!  WORLTON MotifEPS-File CEPS-FileDP1260DP960399_LN03399T4_LWLWP399 !  WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-AST BEV-LN03PPostscript-File NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X375T B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISSj`Z5  WORLTON 7֖1 HP7550DCreates file GPLOT.HP7550 in the SYS$SCRATCH: directory, then printsGthe file on the HP print queue. The Hewlett-Packard HP7550A plotter isElocated in Building 399. This plotter has a sheet-feeder and accepts(either 8.5 X 11 paper or 11 X 17 paper. wwot of that frame.wweing able to draw in background2 color, allowing areas of the plot to be erased. ww@m1 DP_PSC Dataproducts 1260 Postscript printer in Building 360, Roo File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISS+sb WORLTON VT240VT241TK4107Uxb WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT330VT340TK4014 TK4014-FileBEV-ASTPostscript-FileDP_PS B399-LN03 LW-PostscriptNPB-LN03LJ250LJ25X375T B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISS7  t WORLTON BEV-LN03P B399-LN03P NPB-LN03P t WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4֖1 LA75GProduces file GPLOT.LA75 in the current directory. This can be printedon a DEC LA75 printer.ww The Hewlett-Packard HP7550A plotter isElocated in Building 399. This plotter has a sheet-feeder and accepts(either 8.5 X 11 paper or 11 X 17 paper. ww the GPUSH and GPOPEroutines which push the graphics display behind or pop it in front of Fthe text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen. ewwtronix 4014 file in direcOY5 1 TK4014-FiletEProduces file GPLOT.TK4014 in your current directory. This can later.Dbe printed on an LN03-Plus printer or other printer having Tektronixated indJBuilding 399. This plotter has a sheet-feeder and accepts either 8.5 X 11paper or 11 X 17 paper..wwot of that frame.wwthe Talaris Laser 1 Printer located in Room D214 of Building 223. wwpqm 1 DDIF FileM Produces a file in DEC DDIF (Digital Document Innterchange Format). This J file can be viewed using the DECwindows DDIF viewer and can be included in some documents.ww`vm 1 DECWINDOWSK Produces a window on a DECwindows display device and does a plot. This 4 device (type 211) supports both input and output.ww}m 1 DECWIDGET= Produces a plot in a previously created DECwindows Widget.wwډm1 CGM MetafileK Produces a Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Currently these files are L notV~m 1 HPGL FileK The file GPLOT.HPGL will be created in your current directory. You mustI have write access to the current directory for the file to be created.L HPGL files can be included in some word-processing documents or converted to other formats.wwm1 HP7550 PlotterP Creates file GPLOT.HP7550 in the SYS$SCRATCH: directory, then prints the fileL on the HP print queue. The Hewlett-Packard HP7550A plotter is located inM Building 399. This plotter has a sheet-feeder and accepts either 8.5 X 11 paper or 11 X 17 paper.wwm1 LA75J Produces file GPLOT.LA75 in the current directory. This can be printed on a DEC LA75 printer.ww`9m1 Talaris (TEK)J Creates a TK4014 file in SYS$SCRATCH and then prints it on the Talaris J (QMS) printer in Building 399. It is sometimes necessary to reset the H printer after printing one of these files. DEC GKS does not support A trinter is J between Bruce's office and Gus's office. A Postscript file is producedB in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.wwhaving Tektkronix 4014K graphics capability. It can also be viewed on a Tektronix 4014 terminalK by first setting your terminal to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set9 your terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file.wwɱm 1 DIANE-ASTH AST Printer in IPNS Operations Office, Building 360. The pri@֖ 1 HPGL-FilenCThe file GPLOT.HPGL will be created in your current directory. You Bmust have write access to the current directory for the file to beEcreated. HPGL files can be included in some word-processing documents or converted to other formats. pwwt on the BEV printI queue. The LN03_Plus Printer is located in the IPNS Operations Office" (Bev's Office) -- Building 360.wwm1 LW (Postscript)J Produces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCR0 m 1 DDIF FileM Produces a file in DEC DDIF (Digital Document Innterchange Format). This J file can be viewed using the DECwindows DDIF viewer and can be included in some documents.ww`Km 1 DECWINDOWSK Produces a window on a DECwindows display device and does a plot. This 4 device (type 211) supports both input and output.wwem 1 DECWIDGET= Produces a plot in a previously created DECwindows Widget.ww : E֖1 MotifWAOSF/Motif graphics using a widget created by the user. All GPLOTdHInput/Output functions are supported. In workstation type 233, the userCcreates the window and defines the logical name "MYWIDGET" which isfGused by GPLOT to locate the window to be used for input and output. IfLByou have an X Windows terminal or workstation and the Motif deviceHfails, type "SHOW DISPLAY" to make sure it is properly defined. If not,6use the "SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=" command to se O֖ 1 DDIF-File DProduces a file in DEC DDIF (Digital Document Innterchange Format). CThis file can be viewed using the DECwindows DDIF viewer and can beincluded in some documents. wwwBuilding 360.wwlso use this H print queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up e parameter: % /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)0 For Landsca`R֖ 1 DECWINDOWSCProduces a window on an X windows display device running DECwindows B(not Motif) and does a plot. This device (type 211) supports bothinput and output. wwnts. wwom D214 of Building 223. wwiww print queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up e parameter:t% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)n% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)m0 For Landsca `֖1 TK4014EProduces a plot on a Tektronix 4014 terminal emulator such as the HDScEor Graphon terminals at IPNS. The terminal is automatically switchedrCto and from Tektronix mode at the beginning and end of the plot. AnFprogrammer can switch back and forth through use of the GPUSH and GPOPEroutines which push the graphics display behind or pop it in front ofuFthe text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen. .wwwr printer having TektB223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISSe* WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-AST BEV-LN03PPostscript-FileDP_PS B399-LN03P LW-Postscript NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X 375T-LN03P B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISS SYSTEM EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-AST BEV-LN03PPostscript-FC#֖ 1 EPS-FileFAn Encapsulated Postscript file named GPLOT.EPS will be created in theFcurrent directory. Encapsulated postscript files are Postscript filesGwhich also contain comments giving the size of the plot. Thus they mayEbe included in MASSS11 documents or other word processing documents. iwwckground color, allowing areas of the plot to be erased. wwweatures: 256 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.ww;m1 LJ25X6 Printer EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75Motif VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileASTPostscript-FileEPS-File CEPS-FileDP1260DP960399_LN03399T4_LWLWP399 NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X375T B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISSit on the Talaris J (QMS) printer in Building 399. It is sometimes necessary to reset the H printer after printing one of these files. DEC GKS does not support A the native QUIC graphics mode of the Talaris and QMS printers..wwll be created in your current directory. You mustI have write access to the current directory for the file to be created.L HPGL files can be included in some word-processing documents or converted to other formats.wwB#q1 HP7550a֖1 CGM-MetafileGProduces a Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM). Currently these files aret?not supported for input to DEC GKS. They also are not much usenGelsewhere because their 512 Byte record length prevents them from being 'compatible with DISSPLA, for instance. ww print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up e parameter:t% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2) % /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)h0 For Landsca`b 1 B399-LN03 M Produces Tektronix 4014 output file, then prints it on the B399-LN03 printr= queue. The LN03_Plus Printer is located in the Bldg. 399.iwwinted to the DP_PS queue and deleted. You can also use this H print queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up e parameter: % /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)e% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)r0 For Landsca%Fileg  WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-AST BEV-LN03PPostscript-FileDP_PS B399-LN03P LW-Postscript NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X 375T-LN03P B223_LASER DDIF-File DECWINDOWS DECWIDGET CGM-Metafile GKS-MetafileWISS H̎) WORLTON EXIT HPGL-FileHP7550LA75 VAXstationVT240VT241VT330VT340TK4014TK4107 TK4014-FileBEV-AST BEV-LN03PPostscript-FileDP_PS B399-LN03P LW-Postscript NPB-LN03PLJ250LJ25X 375T-LN03P @[! 1 BEV-ASTHThe AST Printer in IPNS accelerator Operations Office, Building 360. A JPostscript file is produced in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.dwwe beginning and end of the plot. A Fprogrammer can switch back and forth through use of the GPUSH and GPOPFroutines which push the graphics display behind or pop it in front of Fthe text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen.wwonix 4014 file in direc]! 1 BEV-LN03PeHThe AST Printer in LN03-Plus emulation mode. The printer is located in DIPNS accelerator Operations Office, Building 360. A TK4014 file is Hproduced in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.wwcan switch back and forth through use of the GPUSH and GPOPFroutines which push the graphics display behind or pop it in front of Fthe text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen.ww-b1 HP7550(P Creates file GPLOT.HP7550 in the SYS$SCRATCH: directory, then prints the fileL on the HP print queue. The Hewlett-Packard HP7550A plotter is located inM Building 399. This plotter has a sheet-feeder and accepts either 8.5 X 11 paper or 11 X 17 paper.wwbn1 LA75J Produces file GPLOT.LA75 in the current directory. This can be printed on a DEC LA75 printer.ww@o 1 Talaris-TEKJ Creates a TK4014 file in SYS$SCRATCH and then prints wk 1 TK4014-FileH Produces file GPLOT.TK4014 in your current directory. This can laterI be printed on an LN03S printer or other printer having Tektkronix 4014K graphics capability. It can also be viewed on a Tektronix 4014 terminalK by first setting your terminal to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set9 your terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file.ww 1 DIANE-ASTH AST Printer in IPNS Operations Office, Building 360. The p])֖1 DP1260@Dataproducts 1260 Postscript printer in Building 360, Room L120 BA Postscript file is created in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then0it is printed to the DP1260 queue and deleted.  nwwving the size of Fthe plot. Thus they may be included in MASS11 documents or other wordprocessing documents.  nwwas of the plot to be erased. www front of wI the text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areas of the screen.Ww@Yc֖1 GKS-MetafileGProduces a GKS metafile which can be plotted using the POSTGKS command.GGKS metafiles can be edited using the EVE editor. They are a record ofhFGKS instructions used to create a plot. See the DEC GKS documentation2for an explanation of the various metafile codes. wwl. GPLOT REGIS output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.ww@4Jԇ1 TK4014L Produces a plot on a Tektronix 4014 terminal emulator such as the HDS or M Graphon terminals at IPNS. T *֖1 DP9600FDataproducts 960 Postscript printer in the Building 360 control room. BA Postscript file is created in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then/it is printed to the DP960 queue and deleted. wwwving the size ofuFthe plot. Thus they may be included in MASS11 documents or other wordprocessing documents.  oww in the Bldg. 399.ww@=Jԇ1 LW-PostscriptJ Produces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itM on the Cpt file is created in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and thenDit is printed to the DP_PS queue and deleted. You can also use thisEprint queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pages Fper sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up parameter: /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)n /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)r-For Landscape orientation, use the following:o# /PARAMETER=(PAGE_ORIENT=LANDSCAPE)eDThese two parameters may be combined. To use these same features on#text filesI 1 375T-LN03P?Produces a TK4014 file in directory SYS$SCRATCH, then prints itiFon the 375T print queue. The printer is located in the Green Trailer inside Building 375. nwwy.awwwwPUT.wwb1 VT340J DEC Color graphics terminal. GPLOT REGIS output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.wwӋb1 TK4014L Produces a plot on a Tektronix 4014 terminal emulator such as the HDS or M Graphon terminals at IPNS. The terminal is automaticd֖1 WISSFWorkstation Independent Segment Storage (WISS) may be used to save theGplot frame in memory so it can be transferred to a hardcopy device when Dthe plot frame is completed. If WISS is open, subroutine ENDPL will7ask if you want to make a hardcopy plot of that frame. cwwwwpagesI per sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up e parameter:l% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)% /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)P0 For Landsca`b1 LW-PostscriptJ Produces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itM on the LW print queue. The LW queue goes to the Apple LaserWriter Printer, in the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360. ww@b 1 NPB-LN03L Produces a Tektronix 4014 output file and then prints it on the NPB printM queue. The NPB LN03_Plus Printer is located in the corner of the terminal1 area of the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360.wwO`#֖1 WISSFWorkstation Independent Segment Storage (WISS) may be used to save theGplot frame in memory so it can be transferred to a hardcopy device when Dthe plot frame is completed. If WISS is open, subroutine ENDPL will7ask if you want to make a hardcopy plot of that frame. cwwwwonix mode at the beginning and end of the plot. A I programmer can switch back and forth through use of the GPUSH and GPOPI routines which push the graphics display behind or pop it in %֖1 B223_PRINTER+ Bldg. 223 D214--Line printer by Jorgensenbwwto save theGplot frame in memory so it can be transferred to a hardcopy device when Dthe plot frame is completed. If WISS is open, subroutine ENDPL will7ask if you want to make a hardcopy plot of that frame. cwwwwis can laterIbe printed on an LN03-Plus printer or other printer having Tektronix 4014Hgraphics capability. It can also be viewed on a Tektronix 4014 terminalHby first setting your termin֖1 TK4107ATektronix Color graphics terminal. Output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.wwPUT. wwported. wwee Motif workstation types. I recommendrGusing type 231. In this version, GKS creates the window and both input?and output are supported. If you have an X Windows terminal orhCworkstation and the Motif device fails, type "SHOW DISPLAY" to make2sure it is properly defined. If not, use the "SET)DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=" command to set it. wwhe LW print queue. Tt it. ww֖1 MotifEOSF/Motif graphics using X Windows. All GPLOT Input/Output functionsEare supported. There are three Motif workstation types. I recommendGusing type 231. In this version, GKS creates the window and both input?and output are supported. If you have an X Windows terminal oriCworkstation and the Motif device fails, type "SHOW DISPLAY" to makes2sure it is properly defined. If not, use the "SET)DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=" command to set it. wwix 4014 file in direc`r 1 B399-LN03PDProduces a TK4014 output file, then prints it on the B399-LN03 print6queue. The LN03-Plus Printer is located in Bldg. 399.wwt is printed to the DP_PS queue and deleted. You can also use thisEprint queue to print any Postscript file and can print multiple pagessFper sheet if desired. For multiple pages per sheet, use the number_up parameter: /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=2)x /PARAMETER=(NUMBER_UP=4)r-For Landscape orientation, use the following: # /PARAMETER= ֖ 1 TK4014-File EProduces file GPLOT.TK4014 in your current directory. This can laterDbe printed on an LN03-Plus printer or other printer having TektronixBgraphics capability. It can also be viewed on a terminal by firstDsetting your terminal to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set your2terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file. ww to makeg2sure it is properly defined. If not, use the "SET)DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=" command to set it. pwwthe file.wwj,֖ 1 399_LN03DProduces a TK4014 output file, then prints it on the B399-LN03 print6queue. The LN03-Plus Printer is located in Bldg. 399.ww then/it is printed to the DP960 queue and deleted. wwwving the size of the Bplot. Thus they may be included in MASS11 documents or other wordprocessing documents.  /wwTHRU after displaying the file.wwris Laser 1 Printer located in Room D214 of Building 223. ww Au 1 DDIF-FileM Produ?f 1 TK4014-FileEProduces file GPLOT.TK4014 in your current directory. This can laterIbe printed on an LN03-Plus printer or other printer having Tektronix 4014Hgraphics capability. It can also be viewed on a Tektronix 4014 terminalHby first setting your terminal to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set6your terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file.wwdzf 1 LN03P-FileDProduces file GPLOT.LN03P in your current directory. This can later%be printed on an LN03-Plus printer. ww`f 1 BEV-ASTHThe AST Printer in IPNS accelerator Operations Office, Building 360. A JPostscript file is produced in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.ww`Lf 1 BEV-LN03PHThe AST Printer in LN03-Plus emulation mode. The printer is located in DIPNS accelerator Operations Office, Building 360. An LN03P file is Hproduced in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.ww ֖1 AST4FThe AST Printer in IPNS accelerator Operations Office by Renae ChapmanBin Building 360. A Postscript file is produced in the SYS$SCRATCH-directory and then printed on the AST queue. iww60.wwn LN03-Plus printer or other printer having Tektronix 4014Hgraphics capability. It can also be viewed on a Tektronix 4014 terminalHby first setting your terminal to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set6your terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file.ww `!֖1 Postscript-Files?A Postscript file named GPLOT.PS will be created in the currentrEdirectory. Postscript devices have the capability of producing any ofoDthe built-in fonts in any size and orientation, so very high qualityGtext can be produced. They also have the feature of being able to drawt>in background color, allowing areas of the plot to be erased. ww text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen. pwwer in Building 360, Roo`-֖ 1 399T4_LWGProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints ituCon the 399T3_LW print queue. The 399T3_LW queue goes to the Apple iALaserWriter Printer in Building 399 trailer 4 (by Don Bohringer).Sww.wwldg. 399.ww*)1 LW-PostscriptJ Produces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itM on the LW print queue. The LW queue goes to the Apple LaserWriter Printer, in the IPNS Control Room -- Buildin, print to queue DP_ANSI.-wwhe AST Printer in IPNS accelerator Operations Office, Building 360. A JPostscript file is produced in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.wwv* 1 BEV-LN03PHThe AST Printer in LN03-Plus emulation mode. The printer is located in DIPNS accelerator Operations Office, Building 360. A TK4014 file is Hproduced in the SYS$SCRATCH directory and then printed on the AST queue.ww` *1 Postscript-FileJ3[1 Postscript-FileJA Postscript file named GPLOT.PS will be created in the current directory.HPostscript devices have the capability of producing any of the built-in Dfonts in any size and orientation, so very high quality text can be Iproduced. They also have the feature of being able to draw in background/color, allowing areas of the plot to be erased. wwi1 DP_PS@Dataproducts 1260 Postscript printer in Building 360, Room L120 BA Postscri '֖ 1 CEPS-FileeEA Color Encapsulated Postscript file named GPLOT.CEPS will be createdrBin the current directory. Color Encapsulated Postscript files areEColor Postscript files which also contain comments giving the size ofFthe plot. Thus they may be included in MASS11 documents or other wordprocessing documents.  dwwy behind or pop it in front ofFthe text display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen. ww`V! 1 VT340GDE NC֖1 LJ250t3 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink-jet printer (90 DPI)h4Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.BFeatures: 256 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.wwted. ww`3c! 1 399_LN03DProduces a TK4014 output file, then prints it on the B399-LN03 print6queue. The LN03-Plus Printer is located in Bldg. 399.ww`3c! 1 399T4_LWGProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itCon the 399%֖1 CI600a3 Bldg. 360 E101 Line printer in main computer roomtww16 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.ww1 LWP399GProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itKon the LWP399 print queue. The LWP399 queue goes to the Apple LaserWriter "Plus Printer in Building 399 A137. wwY! 1 NPB-LN03PAProduces a TK4014 output file and then prints it on the NPB printJqueue. The NPB LN03-Plus Printer is located`-֖1 LWP399GProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints ita>on the LWP399 print queue. The LWP399 queue goes to the Apple/LaserWriter Plus Printer in Building 399 A137. v ewwa terminal by firstDsetting your terminal to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set your2terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file. ww80 DPI)4Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.AFeatures: 16 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.A֖ 1 NPB-LN03P AProduces a TK4014 output file and then prints it on the NPB printAqueue. The NPB LN03-Plus Printer is located in the corner of the8terminal area of the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360. ww to PASTHRU and then typing the file. Set your2terminal to /NOPASTHRU after displaying the file. wwterminals at IPNS. The terminal is automatically switchedCto and from Tektronix mode at the beginning and end of the plot. AFprogrammer can switch back and forthhI֖1 LJ25Xi4 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink-jet printer (180 DPI)4Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.AFeatures: 16 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency. wwthe size of the plot. Thus they mayEbe included in MASSS11 documents or other word processing documents. ewwckground color, allowing areas of the plot to be erased. wwthrough use of the GPUSH and GPOPEroutines which push the graphics display behind or pop it in front ofFthe textI display. With the HDS terminal it is possible to erase areasof the screen. wwt 1 TK4107ATektronix Color graphics terminal. Output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.wwt 1 TK4014-FileEProduces file GPLOT.TK4014 in your current directory. This can laterDbe printed on an LN03-Plus printer or other printer having Tektronix Z 1 TK4107ATektronix Color graphics terminal. Output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.ww^ 1 TK4014-FilehI֖1 375TFProduces a TK4014 file in directory SYS$SCRATCH, then prints it on theE375T print queue. The printer is located in the Green Trailer insideeBuilding 375. wwansparency.wwscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints itCon the 399T3_LW print queue. The 399T3_LW queue goes to the Apple ALaserWriter Printer in Building 399 trailer 4 (by Don Bohringer).ww_l 1 LWP399GProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then ~=֖ 1 LAURA_223 Bldg. 223--Postscript printernwwprints it on the NPB printAqueue. The NPB LN03-Plus Printer is located in the corner of the8terminal area of the IPNS Control Room -- Building 360. ww@m 1 LJ2503 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink-jet printer (90 DPI)4Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.BFeatures: 256 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.wwj 1 LJ25X4 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink@J֖ 1 B223_LASERGProduces a Tektronix 4014 file in directory SYS$SCRATCH, then prints it@on the B223_LASER print queue. The B223_laser queue goes to the<Talaris Laser Printer located in Room D214 of Building 223. wwww=֖1 LWP399GProduces a Postscript file in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, then prints it>on the LWP399 print queue. The LWP399 queue goes to the Apple/LaserWriter Plus Printer in Building 399 A137.  ww֖ 1 NPB-LN03֖1 LJ25X4 Printer: DEC LJ250 color ink-jet printer (180 DPI)4Location: Building 360 Control Room, Terminal area.AFeatures: 16 Colors, 90 DPI resolution on paper or transparency.ww֖1 375TFProduces a TK4014 file in directory SYS$SCRATCH, then prints it on theE375T print queue. The printer is located in the Green Trailer insideBuilding 375. wwe֖ 1 B223_LASERGProduces a Tektronix 4014 file in directory SYS$SCRATCH, then prin~=֖1 LPA04 Bldg. 399 A139--Line printer (big paper)behind SCDww?֖ 1 LWIIG_223$ Bldg. 223 S205--Postscript printerww@@֖ 1 LZR1260_223, Bldg. 223 D233--PS printer by Marie-LouisewwB֖1 NPB4 Bldg. 360 E101--LN03+ printer in Main Control RoomwwC֖1 PSU- Bldg. 399T2--Postscript LW in Sokol trailerww\֖ 1 ANSI_223* Print plain text on MLS LZR 1260@MSD 223ww``֖1 LW ww``֖1 PS_223* Print PostScript on MLS LZR 1260@MSD 223wwb֖ 1 SYS$PRINT wwb֖1 OSBORN! Bldg. 223 D121--Laserwriter Proww  ֖ 1 VAXstationGVAXstation II/GPX graphics using VWS. All GPLOT Input/Output functionsare supported. ww_ ֖1 VT240@DEC Monochrome graphics terminal. GPLOT REGIS output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. ww@ ֖1 VT241GDEC Color graphics terminal. GPLOT REGIS output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.ww z֖1 VT330@DEC Monochrome graphics terminal. GPLOT REGIS output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. ww֖1 VT340GDE