LOCATING AND NAVIGATING ACROSS THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY 5/95 0INTINFO.faq Internet Information about how to connect to NFSnet or a Commercial service provider. AIRLINES.FAQ Easy SAABRE and other airline's access to ticketing from the Internet ANU_NEWS.FAQ VAX/VMS newsreader FAQ EMACESSS.FAQ Accessing the resources of the Internet with Just E-mail EM_LISTS.FAQ USEnet Mailing Lists you can subscribe to EMILYPST.FAQ Dear Emily Postnews USEnet Netiquette FND_ADDR.FAQ How to find a person's Email address GOV_INFO.FAQ U.S. Gov Net-Info Pointers HTBUSNET.FAQ How to become a USEnet SITE INBKSLST.faq Bibliography of Books about the Internet INET_FAX.FAQ How to send a FAX (free) from the Internet INETMALL.FAQ The Internet Mall Commercial Services available on the Internet IN_MKPLC.FAQ The Netiquette of Advertising on Usenet INETPRES.FAQ A guide to electronic journals about the Internet INSRVLST.FAQ SPECIAL INTERNET CONNECTIONS INET_SEX.FAQ POINTER TO SEX INFO ON THE NET INET-CMC.FAQ Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication INETMRPT.FAQ INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS INTL_EML.FAQ International E-mail and Country Codes INET_IRC.FAQ Internet Relay Chat FAQ IRC_UNET.FAQ IRC Undernet FAQ IN_LEGAL.FAQ The Legal List: Law-Related Resources available on the Internet and Elsewhere NWS_ANSW.FAQ USEnet NEWS Answers Introduction/FAQ NWS_GRPS.FAQ How to Find the USEnet Group that You want communicate with SIG_FING.FAQ Signature, Finger, & Customized Headers FAQ SIG_FILE.FAQ Signature File FAQ TRANSACT.FAQ How to Conduct Transactions on the Usenet Marketplace UNINFOCT.FAQ The Usenet Info Center is a starting place for your information on Usenet. UNADVTIS.FAQ The Netiquette of Advertising on Usenet UNOFFLNR.FAQ Off-line-readers/usenet/intro USENET.FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet UN_PRIMR.FAQ A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community and Culture UU_INTNL.FAQ uucp-internals WTHRDATA.FAQ This is a guide to Internet sources of meteorological, oceanographic,and geophysical data. Thes files will allow you to "Navigate" the web and will advise you when you are in doubt about what's correct "Form" on the Internet. All of the are recurring posts... So you'll be able to retrieve them from the news.answers newsgroup on a regular basis to keep them updated.. +-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | John Wisniewski | Consultant/DFW DECUS LUG Counterpart | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Voice: 214-702-4138 BBS: 214-270-3313 | | |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| | UUCP: wisniewski@dfwlug.decus.org (The DFWLUG BBS)| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | At Work: wisniewski@dpdmai.enet.dec.com | | Dallas, TX USA |WWW Page: http://www.montagar.com/dfwlug/ | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------------------+