What's in this directory (last updated 09-Feb-1995): ACSIT.COM DCL command procedure that produces ASCIIfied compressed BACKUP saveset files (*.ACS) CMRPS.* PostScript font files for TeX CM fonts DOSETUSER.MAR A small program to set the process and job usernames DVIPSLIB.* Copy of labrea.stanford.edu:/pub/dvipslib.tar.Z ETHERMON_V241.* Andy Pavlin's ETHERMON, latest version (V2.4-1) EXECSYMB_V361.* EXECSYMB server symbiont, latest version (V3.6.1) EX_SAMPLES.* Sample queue processors for EXECSYMB GRAB.* Simple broadcast message grabber NOTICES.* Login notices software, written almost entirely in DCL SETUSER.* Utility to set username/UIC/logicals, with authorization UNMVT.MAR Program to clear mount-verify-timeout state on disks WHAT.* Another clusterwide SHOW SYSTEM program (a good one!) XTPC.* Extended VMSTPC, does 64KB blocks, compresses container NOTE: If you plan to use EXECSYMB and are interested in notification of future releases, bug fixes, etc., please send a mail message to Osudar@cmt.anl.gov and you'll be added to the distribution list for such announcements.