From: SMTP%"" 1-APR-1995 11:46:23.99 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: Re: Help me! VMS is loosing it? From: X-Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: Re: Help me! VMS is loosing it? Message-ID: <> Date: 31 Mar 95 16:11:34 +0100 (CET) Distribution: world Organization: EuroKom Conferencing Service Lines: 32 To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com X-Gateway-Source-Info: USENET In article <>, (Alan Greig) writes: > Anyway I've heard that OSF/1 is about to be scrapped and Digital > will launch something called Digital Unix in its place. Obviously > this means that all end-users sites will have to upgrade and port > to this new (and therefore likely buggy) operating system. Might > as well just run Solaris or AIX instead. > > See how easy making this up is? > -- I *love* it. At last a chance for revenge. Make sure all the management suits hear the above when they're considering going for OSF/1. After all, didn't SUN do the same with SUNOS and Solaris ? And as for AIX, you can always scare them off by demonstrating the $ RLOGIN aix-node /USER="-froot" command (why do you think the AIX windowing system is called "AIX and Panes"?). Much better to stick with a *real* operating system ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Wade | Internet: (all domain mailers). Network Manager | DEC Enet: DECWRL::"" (VMS Mail) EuroKom | PSI-Mail: PSI%272431001992::_T_WADE UCD Belfield | JANET: t.wade%ie.eurokom.vms@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Dublin 4 | X400: g=tom;s=wade;o=eurokom;p=eurokom;a=eirmail400;c=ie Ireland | Telex: (0500) 91178 UCD EI ("TO: WADE" at start) -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------- Tel: +353-1-2830555| Official Disclaimer: "This is not a disclaimer" Fax: +353-1-2838605| Unix .... Just say No !