Article 63861 of comp.os.vms: Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Path:!!!!!!!!gatech!!!!carlc From: (Carl Campbell) Subject: Re: Printing user LAT - HELP !!! Message-ID: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] References: <3smimf$> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 17:12:51 GMT Lines: 29 Sender: Gilles Gagnon ( wrote: : Running VMS 5.4, how do I create a queue for a printer (HP LJ4) which is : directly attached to my LAN (Ethernet) using an HP JetDirect EX Etheret card. : This printer is not attached to a Decserver. If you want to create a LAT port, is makes sense to hook the device (your printer) to something that "speaks" the LAT protocol, right? The easy way is to, connect your HP LJ4 (printer), to a Decserver port. Then, from DCL create a LAT port and point it to the Decserver node and port number. For example, the desired queue is called HPQUEUE, your Decserver nodename is JUNE and the port name is PORT_1, you do as follows: $ LATCP CREATE PORT LTA9000 ! It must be an unused port... $ LATCP SET PORT LTA9000 /APPL /NODE=JUNE /PORT=PORT_1 Then, you create your print queue: $ SET TERMINAL LTA9000 /PERM /DEVICE=LA100 /WIDTH=132 /PAGE=66 /NOBROAD $ SET PROT=(S:RWLP,O,G,W:RWLP) LTA9000 /DEVICE $ SET DEVICE LTA9000 /SPOOL(HPQUEUE,SYS$SYSDEVICE) $ INIT/QUE/START/ON=LTA9000:/PROC=LATSYM/REC HPQUEUE Hope that helps, -- -Carl