Article 62373 of comp.os.vms: Path:!!!uunet!salliemae!!!!simtel!!!!newsmaster From: Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: RE: WANTED - Pico for VMS Date: Tue, 6 Jun 95 16:26:49 +800 Organization: Curtin University Lines: 34 Message-ID: <3r13gk$> References: <3pflvs$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In Article <3pflvs$> (Joe Uthuppuru) writes: > >We are looking for an implementation of pico editor for VMS. >I would appreciate if some one can point me to the right direction. > >Thanks. > >Joe Uthuppuru I refer you to the following note from Innosoft Inc. ____________________________________________________________________________ as of Apr 1995, a copy of a standalone PICO is made available for anyone, it does not depend on PMDF, and can be used on any machine you wish which the program would run on. This is not part of PMDF and is NOT supported by Innosoft. you can anonymous ftp to, and get the files pico.olb for people who don't have DEC C RTL (or pre VMS 6.0) for people who don't have DEC C RTL (or pre VMS 6.0) pico_vax.exe for people with DEC C RTL pico_alpha.exe for Alpha rename the .exe pico.exe, and define PICO as a foreign command. e.g. $ Pico=="$dxxx:[yyyyy]pico" ____________________________________________________________________________ /Robert J Wright Virtual Memory Systematist and Digital Command Linguist Curtin University Computing Centre. (+61-9) 351-7385 voice (+61-9) 351-2673 fax Kent Street, Bentley 6102, Western Australia. GPO Box U1987, Perth 6001, Western Australia.