From: SMTP%"" 4-MAR-1995 09:15:23.82 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: RE: SLIP over LAT port? X-ListName: Discussion list for the CMUIP (aka CMU-TEK) TCP Product <> Warnings-To: <> Errors-To: Sender: Date: Thu, 02 Mar 1995 01:38:53 +0000 (GMT) From: Reply-To: Subject: RE: SLIP over LAT port? To: CMU-OpenVMS-IP@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU Message-ID: <3j30ig$> Organization: Inst.f.Nachrichtentechnik, TU Braunschweig, Germany Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT X-Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.cmu-tek X-Gateway-Source-Info: USENET Lines: 56 Distribution: world NNTP-posting-host: In Article <> (Freshness dating: Best if read before writes: > [...] >The VAX has no TX ports. So, as a temporary measure, I'm am attempting to use >a LAT port. Possible? I realize that performance may be poor, but this is >acceptable as it is just a temporary connection until the proper Ethernet >connections are delievered. > >Any hints on LAT port configurations? I've used it for a long time. Here's my setup procedure: $! SETUP_DEDICATED_LAT_PORT.COM $! V1.0 $!+ $! ...e.g. for SLIP $! $! P1 - VMS LAT Port name (e.g. LTA777:) $! P2 - Service name (e.g. SLIP) $!- $ save_ver = f$verify(0) $ on error then goto exit $ on control_y then goto exit $ set on $ latcp:==$latcp $! $ latport = P1 - ":" - "_" + ":" $ service = P2 $ if service .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output - "%SETUP_DEDICATED_LAT_PORT-F-NOSERVICE, no service specified" $ goto exit $ endif $ if latport .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output - "%SETUP_DEDICATED_LAT_PORT-F-NOLATPORT, no VMS LAT port name specified" $ goto exit $ endif $! $ set noon $ if f$getdvi(latport,"EXISTS") $ then $ latcp delete port 'latport' $ endif $ latcp delete service 'service' $ set on $ latcp create service/application 'service' $ latcp create port 'latport'/dedicated $ latcp set port 'latport'/dedicated/service='service' $ set terminal/perm 'latport'/nowrap/nottsync/nohostsync/nobroadcast - /noecho/noscope/eight/pasthru/altypeahd/notab/noescape $ exit: $!'f$verify(save_ver)'