% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00o^t^565ADD addressCLEAR DISPLAY Ethernet_port EXITHELPxLOADJMONITORhSAVESET(SHOW* SUMMARIZE-TRACEy^1 ADD> Adds new items to the ETHERMON utility's internal databases. The command format is+ ADD item-name [additional parameters]+ where the item-names are specified below.2 FILTERD Adds a new entry to the message filter database. The filter can beF initially enabled or disabled, and can specify protocol type, sourceG address, destination address, or a combination thereof for filtering. The command format is+ ADD FILTER /qualifier [/qu alifier...]3 Command_Qualifiers/DISABLEB Specifies that the filter should initially be disabled; it may beA enabled later with the SET FILTER command. The default for a new filter definition is enabled./ENABLEA Specifies that the filter should initially be enabled; it may beA enabled later with the SET FILTER command. The default for a new filter definition is enabled.$/EXCLUDE=(field=value[,field=value])B Specifies that messages that match the specified fields should beB fil tered out and not used in the analysis. The fields that can be used are: DESTINATION=addressE PROTOCOL=aa-bb (where aa-bb is the hexadecimal protocol type) SOURCE=address!/ONLY=(field=value[,field=value])@ Specifies that messages that do not match the specified fields @ should be filtered out and not used in the analysis. The fields that can be used are: DESTINATION=addressE PROTOCOL=aa-bb (where aa-bb is the hexadecimal protocol type) SOURCE=a ddressww,^ 1 address2 assignment_conventionsH The conventions for Ethernet addresses are that the least significant G bit of the first byte is clear for a physical address, and set for a E multicast address. The first two to four bytes describe a block of F addresses allocated to a particular manufacturer, and the remaining F bytes make up an individual ID code for a single node. A short, very7 incomplete list of known physical address ranges are:D Digita l Equipment Corp.: AA-00-03-00-xx-yy (hardware default forA network adapters)I AA-00-04-00-xx-yy (DECnet logical addresses)J 08-00-2B-xx-yy-zz (initial hardware addressesK for LANCE-based interfaces,G used for DECservers and; DECbridges)E Sun Micr osystems: 08-00-20-02-xx-yy (hardware default for G 386i workstations; lastG 2 bytes +1 are host ID)D 08-00-20-00-xx-yy (hardware default forL Ethernet interfaces on otherA Sun workstations)K Xyplex Corp.: 08-00-87-00-xx-yy (Ethernet CC's, HIU's, etc.;F  yyxx is unit serial #)J Ungermann-Bass: 00-DD-00-xx-yy-zz (old-style NET-ONE terminalD network controllers,J where xxyy is box #, zz is8 board #)K 00-DD-01-xx-yy-zz (new terminal network boxes,G xxyyzz is 24-bit box #)K  00-DD-0F-xx-yy-zz (Token Ring terminal networkG boxes, xxyyzz is box #)K CMC: 02-CF-1F-04-xx-yy (UNIBUS Ethernet interfaces)K 02-CF-1F-09-xx-yy (UNIBUS Ethernet interfaces)D 02-CF-1F-70-xx-yy (MULTIBUS II Ethernet; interfaces) 2 formats@ Addresses on the Ethernet can be specified to ETHERMON i n fourG different formats. The standard Xerox physical address display formatC is the one always used by ETHERMON on output, and may be used forC input wherever an Ethernet address is required. It is of the formF aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff, where each pair of letters is a one- or two-digit? hexadecimal number, and the numbers are separated by hyphens.6 Alternately, Ethernet addresses can be specified as:J a) DECnet node number, i.e. area.node, where area is a decimal numberF in the  range 1 to 63 and node is a decimal number in the range 1 to 1023;E b) Internet physical address, i.e. a.b.c.d, where each letter isE a decimal number in the range 0 to 255, and the total address9 must correspond to an entry in the address table;F c) DECnet node name, i.e. a 1- to 6-character alphanumeric stringE (starting with a letter) which must match the DECnet name of & an entry in the address table.ww9^1 CLEAR? Removes item definitions from the ETHERMON utility's internal databases. The command format is- CLEAR item-name [additional parameters]+ where the item-names are specified below.2 FILTERF Removes entries from the Ethernet message filter database, or clears the entire filter list (/ALL).E If only a single filter is to be removed, the number of the desired filter must be specified. The command format is CLEAR FILTER filter-number or  CLEAR FILTER/ALLww|^ 1 DISPLAYE Generates a dynamically updating status display, similar to the VMSD MONITOR utility. The display updates continuously at the specifiedF update interval (see SET INTERVAL for more details) until any key isG struck on the user terminal; at this time, the display will terminate1 and control will return to the ETHERMON prompt. The command format is DISPLAY displaytype8 where displaytype is one of the types specified below.2 DESTINATIONSF Displays the top (up to 15) destination addresses being specified inI the Ethernet traffic. For addresses with known meanings, their symbolic names will also be displayed. 2 PROTOCOLSB Displays the top (up to 8) protocol types being specified in theB Ethernet traffic. For protocol types with known functions, their( symbolic names will also be displayed.2 SIZESE Displays the size distribution of messages being transferred on theD Ethernet for message size groupings from 1-100 to 1401-1500 bytes. 2 SOURCESF Displays the top (up to 15) source addresses being specified in the E Ethernet traffic. For addresses with known meanings, their symbolic names will also be displayed. 2 STATISTICS@ Displays the current counter statistics from the Ethernet port9 (averages, minimums, and maximums not yet implemented).wwD^1 Ethernet_portF When the ETHERMON program is started, it must be informed as to whatF VA X/VMS device it will use as its interface to the Ethernet. Any DECE standard Ethernet port (DEUNA, DEQNA, DEBNT, etc.) may be specifiedE by its VMS device name as a command line parameter at DCL level; ifD the name is not specified (or ETHERMON is not invoked as a foreignE command), Ethermon will prompt for the device name. The unit number2 is not required, as it will be discarded anyway.G Note that the user must have PHY_IO and NETMBX (or SETPRV) privileges to run this utility.ww ^1 EXITD Terminates the ETHERMON utility and returns control to the command; interpreter. Control-Z may also be used for this purpose.ww@]^1 HELPB The ETHERMON utility provides the ability to dynamically monitorD the state of an Ethernet network connected to a VAX system. It canE generate dynamic displays of the current state of the cable, or can> record events occurring on the cable for analysis by another program.+ For more information on any command, type- HELP command [/qualifiers] [parameters] at the ETHERMON prompt.ww^1 LOADG Loads files of equivalence name definitions into the address, filter, or protocol name tables. The command format is:& LOAD [/tabletype] [loadfilespec]2 loadfilespecC The name of the data file to be loaded into the ETHERMON run-timeC database. If the file specification is missing or incomplete, theK specification SYS$DISK:[]ETHERMON.ETH_tabletype is used to supply missingG components. The format of the files is that used by the SAVE command. 2 tabletypes /ADDRESSESD Specifies that the file should be merged into the addresses table;4 this is the default if no table type is specified./FILTERSB Specifies that the file should be appended to the filters table;C note that all filters loaded from a file are initially disabled, = and must be enabled with the SET FILTER command to be used. /PROTOCOLSD Specifies that the file should be merged into the protocols table.ww^ 1 MONITORE Generates a dynamically updating status display, similar to the VMSD MONITOR utility. The display updates continuously at the specifiedF update interval (see SET INTERVAL for more details) until any key isG struck on the user terminal; at this time, the display will terminate1 and control will return to the ETHERMON prompt. The command format is MONITOR displaytypeE This command is a synonym for the DISPLAY command; use HELP DISPLAY for more information.ww^1 SAVEG Saves files of equivalence name definitions from the address, filter, or protocol name tables. The command format is:& SAVE [/tabletype] [savefilespec]2 savefilespecD The name of the data file to be written from the ETHERMON run-timeC database. If the file specification is missing or incomplete, theB specification SYS$DISK:[]tabletype.ETH is used to supply missingC components. The output files are ASCII data, in a format suitableF for use by the LOAD command; the files may be edited, but the format? should remain the same to ensure that the LOAD command works. 2 tabletypes /ADDRESSESA Specifies that the addresses table should be saved; this is the( default if no table type is specified./FILTERS3 Specifies that the filters table should be saved. /PROTOCOLS5 Specifies that the protocols table should be saved.ww~(^1 SET@ Modifies the attributes of internal data items in the ETHERMON utility. The command format is SET item-name value or SET item-name /qualifier+ where the item-names are specified below.2 ADDRESS_NAMEE Adds new entries or modifies existing ones in the Ethernet address/E node name table. An Ethernet address (physical or multicast) may beG entered with an arbitrary text string (if the string contains blanks,C lowercase letters, or punctuation marks, it should be enclosed inG double quotes {"}). Note that, when enabled, additional address namesE may be entered automatically as ETHERMON analyzes received Internet8 ARP messages and similar node identification messages. The command format is5 SET ADDRESS_NAME physical_etheraddr name_symbol or8 SET ADDRESS_NAME physical_etheraddr"quoted string" or% SET ADDRESS_NAME /[NO]AUTOMATIC3 physical_etheraddrF A stan dard 48-bit Ethernet address in Xerox standard display format,B i.e., of six 1- or 2-digit hexadecimal numbers, low byte first, F with the bytes separated by hyphens. For example: 12-34-56-87-AB-DD. 3 name_symbolC A name of up to 23 characters, containing only letters, numbers, > dollar sign ($), and/or underscore (_). For example: VAX_10.3 quoted_stringD A string of text, begun and ended with double quote marks ("); theD quote marks are not included in the string itself, and quo te marksE may not be used as part of the string. Only the first 23 charactersJ specified will actually be stored. For example: "My MicroVAX on TCP/IP". /AUTOMATICL Specifies that automatic address/name recognition be enabled; /NOAUTOMATICE disables automatic recognition. Initially, automatic recognition isJ disabled to reduce the quantity of messages being lost due to processingI delays (the proportion being lost is displayed in the upper left cornerL of DISPLAY command screens). T!o reduce loss-generating overhead, automaticJ recognition is temporarily disabled (if enabled) while a DISPLAY command is in progress.2 FILTERH Modifies an existing entry in the message filter database. The filter F can be enabled or disabled, and can change the protocol type, sourceG address, destination address, or a combination thereof for filtering. The command format is5 SET FILTER filter_num/qualifier [/qualifier...] or2 SET FILTER/SIZE=(sizeopt"ion[,sizeoption...]) 3 filter_numG The identification number the filter was assigned when it was created with the ADD FILTER command.3 Command_Qualifiers/DISABLEA Specifies that the filter should be disabled; it may be enabled @ later with the SET FILTER/ENABLE command. The default for a new filter definition is enabled./ENABLE@ Specifies that the filter should be enabled; it may be disabledA later with the SET FILTER/DISABLE command. The default for a new filter definition# is enabled.$/EXCLUDE=(field=value[,field=value])B Specifies that messages that match the specified fields should beB filtered out and not used in the analysis. Any existing EXCLUDE'sB that are not specified here will not be changed. The fields that  can be used are: DESTINATION=addressE PROTOCOL=aa-bb (where aa-bb is the hexadecimal protocol type) SOURCE=address/NODESTINATIOND Clears any previously defined destination address filtering for the3 filter (whether i$t was EXCLUDE or ONLY filtering). /NOPROTOCOL> Clears any previously defined protocol type filtering for the3 filter (whether it was EXCLUDE or ONLY filtering). /NOSOURCE? Clears any previously defined source address filtering for the3 filter (whether it was EXCLUDE or ONLY filtering).!/ONLY=(field=value[,field=value])@ Specifies that messages that do not match the specified fields B should be filtered out and not used in the analysis. Any existingC ONLY's that are not specified % here will not be changed. The fields that can be used are: DESTINATION=addressE PROTOCOL=aa-bb (where aa-bb is the hexadecimal protocol type) SOURCE=address"/SIZE=(sizeoption[,sizeoption...])B Specifies the new characteristics of the message size filter. TheE message size filter is independent of the set of message address andF protocol filters, and its effects are logically AND'ed with the other' enabled filters. The size options are:= DISABLE &disables use of message size filter< ENABLE enables use of message size filter@ MAXIMUM=number sets new maximum message size (must be2 in the range 46 to 1500)@ MINIMUM=number sets new minimum message size (must be2 in the range 46 to 1500) 2 INTERVALD Sets the update rate for the DISPLAY command. The command value isB the number of seconds between updates (initially defaulting to 4> seconds). 'The value must be in the range of 2 to 60 seconds. The command format is$ SET INTERVAL number-of-seconds2 PROTOCOL_NAMEE Adds new entries or modifies existing ones in the Ethernet protocolA type/node name table. An Ethernet protocol type may be entered ? with an arbitrary text string (if the string contains blanks,C lowercase letters, or punctuation marks, it should be enclosed in double quotes {"}). The command format is5 SET PROTOCOL_NAME ethernet_pro(tocol name_symbol or9 SET PROTOCOL_NAME ethernet_protocol "quoted string"3 ethernet_protocolA A standard 16-bit Ethernet protocol number of two 1- or 2-digitB hexadecimal numbers, low byte first, with the bytes separated by hyphens. For example: 80-5B. 3 name_symbolC A name of up to 24 characters, containing only letters, numbers, @ dollar sign ($), and/or underscore (_). For example: STANFORD.3 quoted_stringD A string of text, begun and ended with doubl)e quote marks ("); theD quote marks are not included in the string itself, and quote marksE may not be used as part of the string. Only the first 24 characters$ specified will actually be stored.. For example: "Stanford V Kernel experiment".ww@oB^1 SHOWD Displays status of various internal databases used by the ETHERMON utility. The format of the command is SHOW data-item6 where data-item is one of the names specified below.2 ADDRESS_NAMESF *Displays the Ethernet address and name association table. This tableG is used to find symbolic meanings of source and destination addresses! specified in Ethernet messages. 2 FILTERSE Displays the currently defined Ethernet message filters; the filterG number (used for SET FILTER and CLEAR FILTER), enable/disable status,H and the protocol type/source address/destination address (if used) and= associated matching state(s) are displayed for each filter. 2 PORT_STATUSF Displays+ the current status of ETHERMON's connection to the Ethernet interface.3 Command_qualifiers/ZEROB Specifies that, after the port counters are read, they should be zeroed.2 PROTOCOL_NAMESF Displays the Ethernet protocol type and name association table. ThisE table is used to find symbolic meanings of protocol types specifiedE in Ethernet messages. Protocol types specified with a preceding '*'1 are permanently defined and may not be removed.ww_\^ 1 SUMM ,ARIZEG Tallies up the total number of messages found on the network for eachC address, protocol type, or whatever is being sorted for, over theH specified sampling interval. Samples are taken for the interval set byG the SET INTERVAL command (unless the /INTERVAL qualifier is used hereG to override), and then a report is generated, displaying the messagesF counts and associated identifiers sorted in decreasing message count order. The command format is' SUMMARIZE grou-p-type [/qualifier]2 DESTINATIONSB Specifies that the summary should be over destination addresses. 2 INTERNETG Specifies that the summary should be over 2nd level protocols used in3 Internet IP (DOD) [06-00] protocol type messages. 2 PROTOCOLS; Specifies that the summary should be over protocol types. 2 SOURCES= Specifies that the summary should be over source addresses.2 Command_qualifiers/INTERVAL=delta-timeI Specifies the period of time the trace will runs befo .re it stops and theK collection file is closed. Days may not be specified; only hours, minutes,5 seconds, and hundredths of seconds may be specified.wwt^1 TRACEI Collects messages received from the Ethernet into a file, as restrictedF by the currently enabled filter set. The TRACE command runs for the L period of time specified by the SET INTERVAL command, unless the /INTERVALB qualifier is specified with a different period. The file can be 6 recorded in either/ binary or printable ASCII format. The command format is$ TRACE [/qualifier[/qualifier]]2 Command_Qualifiers/ASCIIJ Specifies that the output file will be in ASCII format. If not specified, the default is binary format./BINARYK Specifies that the output file will be in binary format. If not specified, the default is binary format./INTERVAL=delta-timeI Specifies the period of time the trace will runs before it stops and theK collection file is closed. Days may not 0 be specified; only hours, minutes,5 seconds, and hundredths of seconds may be specified./OUTPUT=filespecK Specifies the name of the output file; if not specified, the filename willF be ETHERMON.DAT for binary format, and ETHERMON.LIS for ASCII format.2 File_formats3 ASCIIH The ASCII file contains three lines for each received and filter-passedE Ethernet message. The first line contains the VMS timestamp when theG message was received, the source and destination addresses in stand 1ardF ASCII-hexadecimal format, the protocol type (also ASCII-hex), and theI message body's length in bytes. The second line is a hexadecimal dump ofG the first 40 bytes of the received message; the third line is the sameJ 40 bytes dumped in ASCII (with a space before each actual character, suchI that the ASCII characters line up under their hexadecimal bytes; periods+ are displayed for unprintable characters).I Preceding the dump lines is a single line reporting when the dump began.E2 Following the dump lines are three lines reporting when the dump wasF completed, and the quantity of data bytes and messages processed from) the Ethernet before and after filtering.K The file has carriage-return carriage control and variable-length records.3 BinaryE The binary file contains one variable-length record per received andK filter-passed Ethernet message. A set of structure definitions for various languages are listed below. 4 FORTRAN STRUCTURE /BIN_REC/; 3INTEGER*4 VMS_DATETIME(2) ! quadword system timestampL BYTE DESTADDR(0:5) ! beginning of XEDRIVER P5 buffer: dest addr9 BYTE SRCADDR(0:5) ! source Ethernet address UNION MAP8 BYTE PROTOCOL(0:1) ! Ethernet protocol type END MAP MAP: BYTE DSAP ! IEEE 802 destination SAP5 BYTE SSAP ! IEEE 802 source SAP UNION MAP6 BYTE CTL(0:1) ! IEEE 802 CTL byte(s) 4 END MAP MAP< BYTE ECTL ! IEEE extended 802 CTL byteK BYTE PID(0:4) ! IEEE extended 802 Protocol IDentification END MAP END UNION END MAPF END UNION ! end of XEDRIVER P5 buffer (20 bytes)8 INTEGER*2 LENGTH ! length of message bodyI BYTE BODY(1500) ! not all of this array may be sent; onlyG ! part actually used is written to file 5 END STRUCTURE ! /BIN_REC/4 MACRO $DEFINI REC= $EQU REC$Q_TIME 0 ; VAX/VMS binary timestamp? $EQU REC$B_DESTADDR 8 ; 6-byte destination address: $EQU REC$B_SRCADDR 14 ; 6-byte source addressB $EQU REC$B_PROTOCOL 20 ; 2-byte Ethernet protocol type9 $EQU REC$B_DSAP 20 ; 1-byte IEEE 802 DSAP9 $EQU REC$B_SSAP 21 ; 1-byte IEEE 802 SSAPD $EQU REC$B_CTL 22 ; 1- or 2-byte IEEE 802 CTL fieldG $EQU REC$B_ECTL 22 ; 1-byte IEEE extended 802 CTL fieldI $EQU REC$B_PID 23 ; 5-byte IEEE extended 802 protocol ID@ $EQU REC$W_LENGTH 28 ; word length of message body4 $EQU REC$T_BODY 30 ; body of messageB $EQU REC$K_MAXLEN 1530 ; maximum length of file record $DEFEND RECww