From: Terry Kennedy [] Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 8:20 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Whilst on the subject of listings... Adrian Birkett writes: > Can anybody give me a ball-park number for the cost of the said > listings? Are they on general release from Q? Our department may be > interested in a copy - if our resident binary speaker has his way > anyway. QB-001AB-E8, OVMS VAX SOURCE LSTS & LIC CD, $2284.00, 4 day lead time QB-MT1AB-E8, OpenVMS Alpha BAS SRC LST CD, $2284.00, 4 day lead time QT-001AB-Q8, VMS SOURCE LSTS CDROM UPD SVC, $780.00/year QT-MT1AB-Q8, OVMS A BAS Src Code Update, $780.00/year You need to order the listing + license and then you can subscribe to the update service. For grins: QB-001AA-EM, VMS SOURCE LIC & KIT 6250 MT, $25000.00, not available Terry Kennedy Jersey City, NJ USA