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directory %.*s has backlink to 000000.DIR on RVN %d%%DFU-W-BADBLOCK, file (%d,%d,%d) %.*s has suspected bad blocks@=H9%%DFU-W-LOCKED, file (%d,%d,%d) %.*s is deaccess locked=(VERIFY, Repair (%d) %.*s=H9%%DFU-W-DELETED, file (%d,%d,%d) %.*s marked for delete=%%DFU-W-NOBITCLR, file (%d,%d,%d) deleted file header marked BUSY in Index File bitmap%%DFU-E-ERRHOME, Home block info not OKh =8.%%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK =`V%%DFU-I-VERIFY, Verifying %.*s (%s) , RVN = %d%%DFU-I-VERIFY, Verifying %.*s (%s)  =%%DFU-W-WRITELK, Cannot rebuild or lock on write-locked device %%DFU-I-READY, UNDELETE command ready %%DFU-S-FND , %d recoverable files found =H9- Use ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to move the file to [SYSLOST]  =@5%%DFU-E-NOTENTER, File %s not entered in directory, =@1%%DFU-I-ENTER, Entering file(s) in directory...8 =8-%%DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recoveredh =8.%%DFU-E-INDEXFERR, Error writing INDEXF.SYS, =@4%%DFU-E-BADEXTHDR, Extension header linkage broken =h^- Use ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to repair the volume%%DFU-E-BITMAPERR, Error writing BITMAP.SYS,0 =@2%%DFU-E-READERR, Error reading extension header,h =8,%%DFU-E-NOTUNDEL, File cannot be undeleted =(Recoverable file %s%s found  =@5%%DFU-I-UNDEL, Start search on %.*s (%s) , RVN = %d =8*%%DFU-I-UNDEL, Start search on %.*s (%s) =hY%%DFU-E-NOTUNDEL, File undeletes not possible,%%DFU-I-READBMAP, Reading BITMAP.SYS... =PA%%DFU-E-ERASED, Cannot undelete ; erase-on-delete set on device =H9%%DFU-E-WRITELK, Cannot undelete on write-locked device=8)%%DFU-E-INVID, Wrong uic or identifier,8=0"Recover this file ? (Y/N) [N] : `=0& %%DFU-I-READY, REPORT command ready=XM * : Fully allocated, . : Partial allocated, : Free, %d blocks each=XK +------------------------------------------------------------+(= %9d->|%.*s|%3d%%@=`Q LBN +------------------------------------------------------------+ %%=8. Free space fragmentation index : %.3f %s=8) Average extent size (rounded) : %d=H< Largest free extent : %d blocks at LBN: %d8=8) Total free extents : %dh=8) Percentage free (rounded) : %d=8) Total free blocks : %d=8) Total blocks on disk : %d=H; ***** Free space statistics (from BITMAP.SYS) *****8=8+ %s%.*s ( %d/%d blocks; %d fragments) h=0& Most fragmented file : =8) Average size per fragment : %d=8. File fragmentation index : %.3f %s=8+ Average fragments per file : %.3f =8) Total fragments : %dP=8- Total used/ allocated size : %d /%d=8) Contiguous files : %d=8) Directory files : %d=H< Files marked for delete : %d, size %d/%d blocks =8) Files marked for delete : %dP=8) Files with extension headers : %d=8) Files with allocation : %d=8) Empty files : %d=8. Total files (ODS2 / ODS5) : %d / %d=u INDEXF.SYS fragments/ map_in_use : %d /%d words ( %d%% used) ***** File Statistics (from INDEXF.SYS) *****=8* Free headers : %d =8) First header VBN : %d=8) Header count : %d=8) Maximum # files : %dH3 3 =8) Cluster size : %dx=8. 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Still users need to have DFU_ALLPRIV identifier 1$! to use the special privileged functions of DFU)$ if f$file("sys$system:dfu.exe","known")$ then&$ install replace sys$system:dfu.exe$ elseA$ install create sys$system:dfu.exe/share/open/head/priv=bypass$ endif$ exit0[SYSHLP]DFU027A.DECW$BOOK424>D* di22aged !AD>EJ 00 DFU V2.7-AlDFU027A @ ContentsB*=DECdocument V3.1h/ gCONTENTSCONTENTS8 E\TitlePageTitle Page@E\ CopyrightPageCopyright Page@g$K1 Introduction1 Introduction Rw' $K1.1&KSupportonDFU1.1 Support on DFU[w+ $K1.2&KGeneral description1.2 General descriptionw(? $K1.32&KNewfeaturesandbugfixesofV2.7-A1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-Alg 4 $L1.4'&L Restrictionsand Parameters1.4 Restrictions and Parameters wg%: $L1.5-&L RestrictionsonFAST-IOfeatures1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features(;w $K2UsingDFU2 Using DFU+aw. $K2.1!&K Installation procedure2.1 Installation procedure,\w, $K2.2&KSecurityandaccess2.2 Security and access6Kw# $K2.3&KRunningDFU2.3 Running DFU=nw 6 $K2.4)&KUsinganindirectfilelist2.4 Using an indirect file listC[w(($K3TheSMGoutput interface3 The SMG output interfaceEaw. $K3.1!&KEnabling/DisablingSMG3.1 Enabling/Disabling SMGFw2J $L3.2=&L Automatic switchingbetweenSMGandLinemode3.2 Automatic switching between SMG and Line modeGhw3 $K3.3&&KLayoutoftheSMGscreen3.3 Layout of the SMG screenHdw0 $K3.4#&KSpecialScreencommands3.4 Special Screen commandsLMg$ $K3.5&KSideeffects3.5 Side effectsR=g $K4DFUbasics4 DFU basicsTEg$K5ODS-5features5 ODS-5 features`4g $L6DEFRAG6 DEFRAGdJw" $K6.1&K Description6.1 DescriptioneQw& $K6.2&KErrormessages6.2 Error messagesh/gEKDEFRAGDEFRAGk4g $K7DELETE7 DELETEvLg# $K7.1&K Introduction7.1 Introductionw/gELDELETEDELETE|:g $K8 DIRECTORY8 DIRECTORYLg# $L8.1&L Introduction8.1 Introduction}w(= $K8.20&K Discussionof directory compression8.2 Discussion of directory compressionWw) $K8.3&KOutput formatting8.3 Output formatting5g EK DIRECTORYDIRECTORY4g $K9REPORT9 REPORTJw" $K9.1&K Description9.1 DescriptionXw* $L9.2&LSyntaxandOutput9.2 Syntax and Output/gEKREPORTREPORT6g $K10SEARCH10 SEARCHNg$$K10.1&K Introduction10.1 IntroductionZw+$K10.2&KSyntaxandOutput10.2 Syntax and Outputbw/$K10.3!&KVolumeSet processing10.3 Volume Set processingYw*$L10.4&LOutput formatting10.4 Output formattingsw#8$L10.5*&LUICand identifier processing10.5 UIC and identifier processing/gEKSEARCHSEARCH0g$K11SET11 SETNg$$K11.1&K Introduction11.1 Introductionsw#8$K11.2*&KUICand identifier processing11.2 UIC and identifier processing)g  EKSETSET:g $K12UNDELETE12 UNDELETE@Ng$$L12.1&L Introduction12.1 IntroductionAjw3$L12.2%&LFile specificationsyntax12.2 File specification syntaxD\g,$K12.3&KHowUndeleteworks12.3 How Undelete worksFgg2$K12.4$&KFilesmarkedfordelete12.4 Files marked for deleteO3g EKUNDELETEUNDELETEP4g $K13SPAWN13 SPAWN\6g $L14VERIFY14 VERIFY]Ng$$L14.1&L Introduction14.1 Introduction^`w.$K14.2 &KBasicrepairactions14.2 Basic repair actionscfw1$K14.3#&KAdvancedrepairactions14.3 Advanced repair actionsf[w+$K14.4&K Directoryscanning14.4 Directory scanningj]w,$K14.5&K Interpretingerrors14.5 Interpreting errorsmUw($L14.6&LError reporting14.6 Error reportingn/gELVERIFYVERIFYd:* Copyright2000 ~AllRights Reserved.?ODFUV2.7-ApFFODFUDisk/File UtilitiesforOpenVMSVAXandAlpharH ORevision Information:(^Thismanual supersedesV2.6R(ODate:^ September2000h>O OperatingSystem:"^OpenVMSV6.2thru7.3d:ONote:+^PartoftheFreewareSoftware     O8OOpenVMSFreewareforVAXandAXPSystemsbOxTheOpenVMSFreewareCD-ROMcontainsfreesoftwaretoolsand utilitiestoaid^Osoftware developersincreating applicationsandmanagingandusingOpenVMSOsystems.fOManyofthesetoolsarepopularpackagesalreadywidelyknownandinuse,whilecOothersare internally developedCompaqtoolsour engineersaremaking availableUOtoourOpenVMS customers.,Forexample,theOpenVMSFreewareCD-ROMbO_includesBliss-32forOpenVMSVAX,Bliss-32forOpenVMSAXP,andBliss-64forOOpenVMSAXP. directory.5.JRECOVERa corrupted directoryN=6.JSearchall directoriesonthediskforfileswhichhaveYmultipleversionsP7.JSearchall directoriesonthediskforaliasfileentriesA8.JSearch all directories on the diskforemptyY directories `lAlREPORT: GeneratesafileandfreespacereportHforadisk..Alsoadiskspaceusagereport,basedonHUIC/Identifier,canbe generated,evenonadiskwhich%vhasdiskquota disabled. `QSEARCH:Lookupfilesonadiskbyspecificfile attributes?M(eg.&filessizes,dates, ownership,andsoon) `OSET:This functionsallowssettingofvituallyallpossible%file attributes. `9UNDELETE:Asafefilerecovery function. `$ G$ VERIFY:Thisfunctionperformsafastdisk structureK|  verificationandcan optionallyrepaircertaindiskstruc-@ tureerrors (comparablewithANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR).]KOEachfunctionis describedindetailinthe correspondingOchapter. ZIODFUis supportedonOpenVMSV6.2throughV7.3(VAXandOAlpha)." "  N! $7O1.3BNewfeaturesandbugfixesofV2.7-AMOUThisversionofDFUofferssomeimprovedandnew features,SOaswellasacoupleof bugfixes.'IfyouareusingDFUonVMSMO7.2/7.3itisstrongly recommendedtoinstallthisversion.c99OThetablebelowlistsallnewfeatures:96 `m:mThe performanceonDELETE/DIR/TREEhasbeen"improvedbysome30%. `E?EDIR:AddedDIR/REBUILD_MFD qualifiertofixa/brokenMFD (000000.DIR) directory. `$NewSEARCH qualifiers: 3h1.J/ORGANIZATION=(INDEXED)|) SEQUENTIALAY|(RELATIVE(|(DIRECT):ListallfileswithRMSDY OrganizationIndexed, Sequential,RelativeorDirect.?2.J/NAME_TYPE=(ODS2'|(ISL1(|'UCS2):(searchforEYfileswithODS2, Iso-Latin-1orUnicodenametype. `p=pSET:/(NO)BCKtosetfile(s)to (NO)BACKUP.f<DELETE/DIRECTORYdidnothandlefiles correctlyAwhenthe extensionwas '.DIRxxx'.,DFU erroneously0_handledsuchfilesas directories. `>DELETE/DIRECTORYdidnothandlefiles correctlyF7whenthefilename containedaspace(ODS5only).)TheMresultwasa'Filenotfound'errorwhentryingt>odeletesuchfiles. `hChIndirectinputfileswerewerenotalwaysreadinE correctly.&Thisresultedin'Filenotfound'errors.*  ne,O1.4B Restrictionsand Parameters9OUTheDFUprogramhasafew restrictions:!` `mCmDFUcannothandlevolumesetswithmorethan32members."! ^IOThe followingminimumprocessquotasare recommendedforODFUusage:$# `mmWSQUOTA:1500 `WSEXTENT:3000 `llDIOLM:40 `ASTLM:40 `kkFILLM:40 `BYTLM:30000 `ii PGFLQUOTA:30000$NIOIfyouuseDFUonvolumesetswithalargenumberofGOmembersyoumayneedtoincreasetheSYSGEN parameterO5 CHANNELCNT.%NKOIfyouusethe directorycommandonverylarge directoryNOfiles(>1000blocks)andrunintoerrorsyoumayneedto/O5increasethe following parameters:E& `mGmWSQUOTAatleast1000+size-of-largest directoryfile `2WSEXTENT:WSQUOTA+atleast1000 `l:lCTLPAGES(SYSGEN parameter):'atleast100 `<WSMAX(SYSGEN parameter):&atleastWSEXTENT' NOODonotchange parametersunlessyourunintoerrorssuchas9OEXCEEDEDQUOTAor INSUFFICIENTWORKINGSETO5LIMITS.( 2O1.5B RestrictionsonFAST-IOfeaturesFOUVMS7.1 introducedawaytoimproveI/O performance,LOcalledFAST-IO.ThisfeaturedoesonlyworkonAlpha.'DFULOwilltrytoperform directory processingusingFAST-IO.IfNO^thisfailsDFUwillswitchbackto'normal'I/O.Toenable=OFAST-IOthe following conditionsmustbemet:_)5 `m=mTheusermusthavethe identifier VMS$BUFFER_ OBJECT_USERgranted. `EMETheremustbe sufficientfreeBufferobjectspace.(Thisis:governedbytheSYSGEN parameter MAXBOBMEM.<DFUmayrequireupto1000 MAXBOBMEMpages.*N>OIfDFUcan useFAST-IOthen commands suchasAO DIR/ALIAS, DIR/VERSIONand VERIFY/DIRwillgaina+O510-15% performance improvement.+O 2.2Using!DFULOThischapter describesthe installation procedureandother8OactionswhichmustbetakentorunDFU.++ , &O2.1B Installation procedure?OUDFUmustbe installedwiththePRODUCTINSTALLJOutility.'Duringthe installationPRODUCTINSTALLdoestheO following:%-  `m=mMovesthe documentationtoSYS$HELP (Optional) `RelinksDFU `lDlCreatesthe DFU_ALLPRIV identifierneededtoperformCthespecial privileged functions.'(Seechapter2.2)l.BBOTheDFUutilityinfactcontainsjust2files:/t6Om1.JSYS$SYSTEM:DFU.EXE:theDFUprogram>O2.JSYS$HELP:DFUHLP.HLB:theon-linehelpfile20EOThe installationnolonger offers an opportunity forNOprivate installation.*Ifyoudon'twantDFUtobe availableBO5 systemwideyoumustmanuallymoveDFU.EXEandthe3Ohelpfiletoyourprivate directory.1 p}IOToinstallDFUloginintoa privilegedaccount./Next,MOcopythe.PCSI installationkittodisk:[directory](maybeNO5anywhereonyoursystem).'Notethattherearetwo differentMOkits,onefortheVAXandonefortheAlpha architecture,9OnamedDEC-VAXVMS-DFU-V0207-A-1.PCSIandDEC-AO>AXPVMS-DFU-V0207-A-1.PCSI.Nextenterthe followingOcommand::O$&Product%Install%DFU/SOURCE=disk:[directory]7OThe% following&product%has&been% selected:"ODEC%VAXVMS&DFU%V2.7-A-OWDo%you%want%to% continue?%[YES] 2 BOIfyouenterYESthe installationwillproceed:RO****%DEC&VAXVMS%DFU%V2.7-A:%Disk&and%File& Utilities%for%OpenVMSNDo%you&want%all&the%default&values%for%this%product?%[YES]3 LOIfyouenterYESDFUwillbe installedwithallmanuals.MOIfyouenterNOyouwillbepromptedforthemanualsyouSO5wanttoinstall.'Finally,ProductInstallwillcontinuewiththeO installation:8O3%PCSIUI-I-DONEASK,% execution&phase&starting7O{The% following&product%will%be% installed:"ODEC%VAXVMS&DFU%V2.7-AWO,%PCSI-I-VOLINFO,& estimated%space% information%for%volume&DISK$OPENVMSVAXIOt-PCSI-I-VOLSPC,%93% required;&373793% available;&373700%netAOPortion&Done:&'0%...10%...20%...30%...70%...80%...100%8OGThe% following&product%has&been% installed:"ODEC%VAXVMS&DFU%V2.7-A4! LOIfyou installedDFUsystemwideyoumaymanuallyexecute=OSYS$STARTUP:DFU$STARTUP.COMonanynodeintheAO5cluster.( ExecutingDFU$STARTUP.COMaddsDFU.EXEtoPOthe installedfilelistandthusimproves performance.)ifyouNOwantDFU Installedeachtimethesystembootsyoumustadd?O>thecommand@SYS$STARTUP:DFU$STARTUPtothefile(OSYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.5JONextyoumustgrantanyDFUuser includingyourselftheJO DFU_ALLPRIV identifiersiftheymustbeabletouseallIO5DFU functions.-Seechapter2.2forthemeaningofthisO identifier.6 NV$O2.2BSecurityandaccessJOUDFUhassome functionswhichmustnotbemade availableJOforgeneralusage.+ ThereforeDFUhasacertaingroupofIOcommandswhichrequiretheusertobegrantedtheDFU_HO^ALLPRIV qualifier.'The DFU_ALLPRIV identifieriscreatedNOduringthe installation procedure.*Toenableausertoper-LOformthesespecial functionsthesystemmanagermustgrant*Ohthis identifierasfollows:O$&mc& authorize/O5UAF>&grant/id& DFU_ALLPRIV&username7GOIfthe DFU_ALLPRIV identifierisnotgrantedthentheusers.m:CCOAllDFU functionsneedSYSPRVorBYPASS privilege.};SO IMPORTANT n*** IMPORTANT *** IMPORTANT(< BOPleasenotethattheDFU$STARTUP.COM procedurein-JOstallsDFU.EXEwithBYPASS privilege.(BecauseofthenewFO5SPAWNcommandyoumustnotgrantnon-privilegedusersGOthe DFU_ALLPRIV identifier.* OtherwisetheycangettheHOBYPASS privilegesimplybyusingtheSPAWNcommand.'As?O>a workaroundyoucanchangetheDFU$STARTUP.COMCO proceduretoremovethe/BYPASS privilegefromtheOINSTALLcommand.??=fO2.3BRunningDFU*OUTorunDFUyoucanenter:!O$&RUN%disk:[mydir]DFUq>!G3Oor(ifDFUis installed systemwide):O$&MC&DFU?iMOYoucanalsodefineanduseasymbolforDFUasfollows:&O$&DFU%==%"$disk:[dir]DFU"OP$&DFU@$ODFUnowpromptswith:?Disk%and%File% Utilities%for&OpenVMS%DFU&V2.7-APFreeware%version= Copyright&(C)%2000&COMPAQ%COMPUTER% CorporationODFU> A 5EOYoucannowenterDFU commands.*HELPgivesyouon-HOlinehelp.*AftereachcommandDFUreturnstotheDFU>IO5prompt.-Youcanrecallandedit commands,justaswithNODCL(20commandswillbestoredintherecallbuffer).)UseIOEXITorCTRL/ZtoleaveDFU.IfyouuseasymbolforLO>DFU,youalsoprocessasinglecommandandreturntoDCLO immediately:'O$DFU&SEARCH%disk/qualifiersdB:FODuringaDFUrun,youcan interruptDFUwithCTRL/CLOorCTRL/Y.These interruptsarecaughtbyDFUtoallowaGO5correctrundownofthecurrentcommand.*Itmaythere-MOforetakesometimebeforeDFUrespondstoaCTRL/CorYO interrupt.C=^.O2.4BUsinganindirectfilelist@OUThereare3 commands, DIRECTORY,DEFRAGandSETLOwhichacceptanindirectfileasinput parameter.,ThisisSOachievedbyusingthe@sign.*Anindirectfileisafilecon-VO^tainingalistofvalid filenames(eachlineinsuchafilemustPOcontainexactlyone filename).(Suchindirectfilescanbethe;OoutputfileoftheDFUSearchcommandeg.:O$&DFU8ODFU>&SEARCH% mydisk/CHAR=DIRECTORY/OUTPUT=x.x(O$DFU>&DIRECTORY/COMPRESS%@x.x*DE! r)O 3.2The!SMG!output" interfaceEODFUusesSMG(Screen management routines)toperformOOoutputforan interactiveDFUsession.'Thischapter describesJOBthelayoutoftheDFUscreen,thespecialcommandsusedROonlyintheSMG interfaceandotheritemswithrespecttotheOSMG interface.F)&O3.1BEnabling/DisablingSMGIOUDFU automaticallyselectsSMGoutputifyourunanin-JO teractiveDFUsessiononaterminalor workstationwhichJOsupportsSMG.Inabatchjoboranon-DECterminalDFUPO^willusenormallineorientedoutput.)Youcan explicitlydis-COableSMGbydefiningthelogical DFU$NOSMGtoanyOvalue.G BO3.2B Automatic switchingbetweenSMGandLinemodeLOUYoumayprefertoperform interactiveDFUsessionsinSMGJOmode,andsingleDFUcommandsinnormallinemode.(ThisKOcanbedonebyusingthecommand procedurelistedbelow:AOo$!% Procedure%to%switch&beteen%SMG%and&line%modeO$&DFU%=&"$DFU"O$&if&p1&.eqs.&""OG$&then O $!Interactive&session0O$& define/user& sys$input% sys$commandO$&dfuOg$&else-O$!Single%command&so&disable%SMG&O$& define/user& dfu$nosmg%x@O?$&dfu%'p1'&'p2'%'p3'%'p4'&'p5'%'p6'%'p7'&'p8'O$&endifO$&exitb>>AH "+O3.3BLayoutoftheSMGscreenBOUAfterstartingDFUthescreenlooksasfollows:[O+-----------------------<&DFU%V2.7-A% (Freeware)%>---------------------------+ O"| d "|BOi|Disk&and%File& Utilities%for%OpenVMS%DFU%V2.7-A d i|O|Freeware%version d |>O| Copyright%%2000&COMPAQ%COMPUTER% Corporation d | OA| d A|#O|DFU% functions&are%: d | O| d |-O| DEFRAGMENT&:% Defragment%files d |OOa|DELETE:%Delete&files&by&File-ID;&delete% directory%(trees) d a|2O| DIRECTORYK:% Manipulate% directories d |;O|REPORT:%Generate%a%complete%disk&report d |*O9|SEARCH:%Fast%file&search d 9|O|SET%:%Modify&file% attributes d |1O|UNDELETEp:%Recover%deleted&files d |;O|VERIFY:%Check%and&repair%disk& structure d | OY| d Y| O| d |WOM+----------------------------------Statistics-------------------------------+ O1| d 1| Oy| d y|WOM+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+t DFU>aI77OThisscreenisdividedinto3 sections:XJ. `mNmMainScreen:)thetoppartofthescreenisusedfortheAoutputfromDFU commands.*Also broadcastmessages&aresendtothiswindow. `J Statistics:,thelowerpartcontains statisticsfromtheBcurrentcommand.*DuringmostofthecommandsthisLOscreenwillcontainaprogress indicatorandastatusfor thecurrentcommand. `'K'DFUprompt:(thebottomlineisusedastheinputcom-mandline.*KttLnu(O3.4BSpecialScreencommandsMOUInSMGmodethe followingkeysperformspecial functions:M `mDmDO:invokesa subprocess(sameastheSPAWNcom-mand) `EFEHELPorPF2:+invokesaspecialSMGwindowforthehelpcommand. `)CTRL/W:redrawsthescreen `APF4:1createsascreendumpintothefileDFU_ SCREEN.TXT `t>tPREVSCREEN:Scrollsbacktheoutputscreen. `>@NEXTSCREEN:Scrollsforwardtheoutputscreen `s3sINSERTHERE:Scrollsbackoneline `0REMOVE:Scrollsforwardoneline `q=qSELECT:Togglesbetween80and132columns.N! WPOAlthoughonlysome20linesarevisibleintheoutput(main)IOscreenDFUinfact remembers500outputlines.+YoucanKO5scrollbackandforwardthroughonescreenwiththeNEXTEOandPREVSCREENkeys,andonelinewiththeREMOVEJOandINSERTHEREkeys.'Atthe beginningofeachnewDFU.O>commandtheselinesarecleared.OLOIfyouexecuteacommandwhichproducesalotofoutput,LOyoucanpaginatetheoutputbyusingthe/PAGE qualifier.*PFOOna workstationwithDECwindows/MotifyoucanchangeKOtheDECtermsizetobemorethanthestandard24lines.JO5DFU'sSMGscreenwill automaticallyadjusttothescreen%OsizeofsuchaDecTerm.*QR! )O3.5BSideeffectsLOUThereareafewsideeffectswhenusingSMGmode.&CTRL/CIOandCTRL/Yarecatchedbutnotechoed.-Alsoallbroad-OOcastmessagesaretrappedandwillbe displayedinthemainJO^screenattheendofthecurrentDFUcommand.( SometimesJOthismayslightlydisruptthemainscreen,whichcanbe+OrepairedwiththeCTRL/Wkey.S! NLOFurther,duringthe executionofaDFUcommandthecursorLOwill disappear.*Afterthecommandfinishesthecursorwill*O5reappearattheDFU>prompt.,, T[O 4.2DFU!basicsRONote:*thischapterismeantforfirsttimeusersofDFU.IfIOyoualreadyusedDFUbeforeyoumayprobablyskipthisOBchapter.U NLOThischaptergivesabriefoverviewofthecommandswhichNOcanbeusedwithDFU,andhowtheycanprovidethesystem5O5managerwiththe necessary information.&V JOOneofmostcommonactionsbyasystemmanageristry-UOingtolocatespecificfileseg.-fileswithacertainfilesize.JO5AlthoughalotcanbedonewiththeVMS DIRECTORYcom-POmandthiscanbeatime consumingprocess, especiallyiftheFOcompletediskmustbescanned.)TheSEARCHcommandofSO>DFUisexactlymeantforthis situation.'ItgivesaveryquickVOlistofspecificfiles,withtheirsize,andifneededthenumberFOoffile fragments.'SomeusefulSEARCHcommandsare:HOtDFU>&SEARCH%disk/SIZE=MINIMUM=1000&(files%>&1000%blocks)EODFU>&SEARCH%disk/IDENT=SYSTEM%(files%owned%by%SYSTEM)YODFU>&SEARCH%disk/FRAGMENT=MINIMUM=10%(files&with%at%least%10% fragments)KOLDFU>&SEARCH%disk/CHAR=MARKED&(all%files%marked&for%delete)]ODFU>&SEARCH%disk/CREATED=SINCE=YESTERDAY&(all%files%created%since% YESTERDAY)WWKOOfcoursethese qualifierscanbecombinedtonarrowtheDOsearch.)AstheSEARCHcommandscans INDEXF.SYS,notHO5 directories,theoutput generatedbySEARCHmaylookaTObitrandom(butitisjusttheorderinwhichthefileheadersMOareinthe INDEXF.SYSfile).)TosmooththeoutputusetheO>/SORT qualifier.X! MOAnother importantactionforasystemmanageristogatherOOsomeoveralldisk information,suchasnumberoffiles,freeJO5space statisticsand fragmentation information.&TheREPORTLOcommandwillgeneratesuchadiskreport.)Togetindivid-OOualdiskspaceusage informationthe/USAGE qualifiercanbeTO>used.'ThiswillworkevenifthereisnodiskquotaenabledonOthedisk.DYJOAtregular intervalsasystemmanagermayneedtocheckAOadiskwith ANALYZE/DISK.TheDFUVERIFYcommandNO5providesmoreorlessthesame functionalitybutmanytimesHOfaster.+The/FIX qualifierprovidessomeREPAIRoptionsBOwhich(unlikeANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR)doNOTlocktheNO>disk,andthusdonot interferewithotherdisk operations.KOHowever,thediskcanberebuilt completelybyusingtheO/REBUILD qualifier.Z iSO Occasionalyauserwilldeletethewrongfile,leavingthesys-MOtemmanageroroperatorwiththetedioustaskof restoringGO5thefilefromabackupset.(TheUNDELETEcommandmayTObeabletorecoverthefileifithasnotyetbeen overwrittenJOwithanewone.,MuchcarehasbeentakentomakethisLO>commandassafeas possible; thereforenodisk corruptionsJOwillbetheresultofan UNDELETE.IfDFU encountersaNOproblemwithadeletedfileitwillrefusetoUNDELETEit.7[  LOAnothertypeoftypicalsystemmanagerproblemsdealswith?O directories.,TheDFUcommand DIRECTORYcanhan-HO5dlesuch problems.( DIRECTORYcangeneratereportsaboutIOempty directories(/EMPTY qualifier)or directorieswhichMOcontainfileswithacertainnumberofversions (/VERSION=nIO> qualifier).-Also, directoriesmaybecome internallyfrag-GOmented.*Thiscanbequicklysolvedwiththe /COMPRESSO qualifier.E\ LOAsecondproblemwith directoriesisindeletingadirec-JOtorywithmanyfiles.,ThismaytakeseveralhoursusingO5aDCLDELETE @* 5. @*165command.+Thisproblemissolvedby=OusingDFU'sDELETE/DIRECTORYcommandwhichcanPOdeletelarge directoriessome10timesfasterthanthenormal?O>DELETEcommanddoes.*Also,usingDELETE/DIR/TREEOOwilldeleteacomplete directorytreewithjustonecommand.]JOThelast2commandsdealwith individualfiles.,SETal-JOlowssettingsofsomespecialfile attributes..SinceVMSJO5V6.0this functionalityisalsoprovidedbytheDCLSETAOFILE/ATTRIBUTEcommand,butDFU'sSETofferssomeJOmoreoptions.(TheDEFRAGcommandisan interfacetotheGO>MOVEFILEfunctionofferedbyVMS5.5andhigher.)ThisDOallowsasimpledefragmentationof individualfiles.^nOOThenextchaptersgivesadetailed descriptionofeachindi-OvidualDFUcommand.*_` nO 5.2ODS-5!featuresKOVMS7.2 introducesan extensiononthecurrentODS2fileKOsystem,calledtheExtendedFileSpecifications,orODS-5.MOBThisfeatureis availableonlyonAlphasystems.*Also,VMSTO7.2addssupportfor255levelsofsubdirectories.(ThisisoftenKOcalleddeep-directorysupport.*BothfeaturesarenowfullyLOL supportedbyDFUV2.7-A.ThereisnoneedtoperformanyHOspecialactiontoexecuteDFUcommandsonODS-5disks.NO Neverthelessthe followingpointsareworthtobe considered>OUbeforeusingDFUonVMS7.2andODS-5disks:adKOm1.JItishighly recommendedtoaddthe followingcommandto LOGIN.COM:(K$%SET%PROCESS/PARSE=EXTENDEDb GWThisallowseasyusageofthenewfilenamingschemeH(suchas lower-case character,multipledotsinafilename).PO2.JFilenamescanbecomelarge,eithertroughthefilename,Iorbecausewecanhave255levelsofsubdirectories.+AH9filenamelongerthan255 characterswillbe abbreviated+intoa so-calledDID-edname.cNNOADID-ednamelookslike'device:[x,y,z]file.ext'.+AscanbeNOseenthe directorystringhasbeenreplacedbythefileid.O5(x,y,z)oftheparent directory.dO 6.2DEFRAGCOThischapter describestheDEFRAGcommandwiththe/Orelated parametersand qualifiers.e nO6.1B DescriptionHOUTheDEFRAGcommandcanbeusedto defragmentasingleSOfileoragroupoffiles.)Youcanalsoenteranindirectcom-UOmandfile containingalistoffiles.(ThisfeatureallowsyoutoOO^createanoutputfilewithSEARCHandusethatasaninputOtoDEFRAG.f NFODEFRAGmakesuseofthefile-primitiveMOVEFILEfunc-LOtion.* Thereforefileswhichareopen,orwhicharemarked.O5NOMOVEwillnotbe DEFRAGmented.*g hn_O6.2BErrormessagesAOUThemostcommonerrorsreturnedbyDEFRAGare:i `m8m ACCONFLICT:Fileisopenbyanotheruser `A DEVICEFULL:Devicehasnotenough contiguousfree,Espacetomovetheentirefile `7 FILNOTACC:FilehasbeensettoNOMOVE. `DCD FILENUMCHK:Youtriedtomoveareservedfile(eg INDEXF.SYS). `CRMSErrors:-Almostalwayscausedbyaninvalidor$twrongfile specifcation.*j   !:kODEFRAG*lomEEO Defragmentafileoralistoffilesonthedisk.`n6OFormat&OsDEFRAGMfile1,file2,@file...koAO ParametersOsfile1,file2,@file...POThefile(s)tobe defragmented.)YoucanalsouseanindirectRO$commandfile(@file)whichcontainsalistoffilestobede-LO| fragmented.)Thismaybeanoutputfile generatedwiththe!O SEARCH/OUTPUTcommand.p! O QualifiersOs/BESTTRYNONormallyDEFRAGtriestocreatea contiguousfile.)IfthereOO$isnotenough contiguousfreespacethe operationwillfail.LO|Withthe/BESTTRY qualifierDEFRAGtriestomovethefileHOwiththecontiguous-best-trymethod.)Thismeansamaxi-OO-mumof3 fragments.'Youshouldonlyusethis qualifierwhenGOanormalDEFRAGfails.)IfaDEFRAG/BESTTRYalsofailsROthisisan indicationthatthedisk'sfreespaceistoofrag-JO7mented.(RunaREPORTtoseewhatthelargest contiguousOOfreespaceis,andcheckthefreespace fragmentationindex.%qO/DEVICELO(Thedeviceonwhichthefilesreside.,ThedevicenameisROaddedtothefilename.+IfyougenerateafilelistwiththeGODFUSEARCHcommandyoudon'tneedthis qualifierany-LO2more.*HoweveryoumayhavealistoffilesproducedfromPOanothersourceandthusneedtoappendadevicenametoit.OExample:;hDFU>%SEARCH&#mydisk/...../frag=min=50/output=x.xDFU>%DEFRAG&@x.xr#O/LBN=logical-block-numberTO(Forcesasinglefiletobemovedtothe specifiedlogicalblockOOnumber.*Donotusethis qualifierwhen processingalistofOfiles.sO /STATISTICSNO(This qualifierdisplaysthe performance statistics:(CPUtime,/OElapsedTime,I/Oand PageFaults.tO /WRITECHECKMO(Performa writecheckonthe resultantfile.+ThedefaultisAO/NOWRITECHECK.Notethata writecheckdoublesthe,OnumberofinvolveddiskI/O's.*u! "vO 7.2DELETECOThischapter describestheDELETEcommandwiththe/Orelated parametersand qualifiers.  "!#wnZO7.1B Introduction?OUTheDELETEcommandisdesignedfor2 purposes:~x! TQOm1.JDeleteafilebyfileid(withthe/FILE qualifier).,ThisO functionalityisneededtobeabletodeletefileswhichnoLlongerhaveaparent directory.)Thisway'lost'filesandIw (sometimes)filesmarkedfordeletecanberemovedfromadisk.NOO2.JAfastmethodtodeleteacomplete directoryorevenaD directorytree(withthe /DIRECTORYand/TREEqual-Oifier).)Firstallentriesofa directoryaredeletedwithoutMYremovingthe directoryentry;thissavesalotofunnec-Lessary directoryupdates.*Finallythe directoryfileitselfK isdeleted,unlessthe/KEEP qualifierisused.*ThiswayHba directoryiscleanedupmanytimesfasterthanwiththeDCLDELETE * . **command.,Onlarge directoriesIDFUmaybeeven10ormoretimesfasterthanDCL.ToKldeleteacomplete directorytreeusethe/TREE qualifier.1TheDCLcommandDELETE [.SUBDIR...] * . * #; 3*twillal-Imostalwaysfailtodeletethe intermediate subdirectoryMvfilesforcingyoutoissuethiscommandseveraltimes.'TheBDFUDELETEcommandissmartenoughtodeletetheO'filesandthe subdirectoryfilesintheproperorder;there-Kforeonlyonecommandis sufficienttodeleteacomplete directorytree.y! !GWThe/KEEP qualifierallowsyoutopreservethe>direc-Ptorytree.'Thecontentsaredeletedbutthe directoryfile(s)remainsintact.z !QWIfafilecannotbedeletedforsomereason(suchasafileRaccess conflict)thefilewillstayatitsplacetogetherwith!theparent directory.*{o#"$:|ODELETE*}T~**ODeletesfilesor directories.lBOFormat2OsDELETEN device[:]&ordirectory-file(s)=}O ParametersOsdeviceGOThedeviceonwhichtoperformtheDELETE/FILE=file-idO$command.c K9Odirectory-file(s)QO(Thefilespecificationofthe directoryonwhichtoperformthe@ODELETE/DIRECTORYcommand.*Wildcardfile specifica-MOtionsmaybeused.)DFUwill automaticallyadd.DIRtothe@O2filespecificationifafiletypeisnot provided.* O QualifiersOs /DIRECTORYMOSpecifythe directoryfilewhichmustbedeleted.* WildcardsJO$maybeusedbutmustbeusedvery carefully.+MakesureNO|thatthe directorydoesnotcontain non-emptysubdirectories.TONotethatthe directoryfileitselfwillalsobedeleted,unless*O-the/KEEP qualifierisused.OExample:OM$&DIR%EXAMPLE%O Directory%MYDISK:[RUBBISH]O  EXAMPLE.DIR;1O$&DFU-ODFU>&DELETE/DIRECTORY% EXAMPLE.DIREO:%DFU-I-CLEANUP,%Deleting% MYDISK:[RUBBISH]EXAMPLE.DIR;1...6O%DFU-S-DELETED,%File% DBGINI.COM;3%deleted4O%DFU-S-DELETED,%File% ICON.COM;1&deleted6O%DFU-S-DELETED,%File% I_FOOL.COM;1%deleted9OZ%DFU-S-DELETED,%File%LOGICALS.COM;51%deleted6O%DFU-S-DELETED,%File% LOGIN.COM;79%deleted6O%DFU-S-DELETED,%File% LOGOUT.COM;4%deleted=O2%DFU-S-DELETED,%File%NOTE_COMPRESS.COM;3&deleted6Oy%DFU-S-DELETED,%File% SHOWCL.COM;3%deleted8O%DFU-S-DELETED,%File%SYMBOLS.COM;89%deleted8O %DFU-S-DELETED,%File%TPUBUILD.COM;5%deleted-OQ  %DFU-S-TOTAL,&11&file(s)%deleted7O %DFU-S-DELETED,%File% EXAMPLE.DIR;1&deleted*]L :3O /FILE=file-idLO(Specifyacompletefile-id (num,seq,rvn)ofthefilewhichUOmustbedeleted.)This qualifierallowsthedeletionoflostfiles5Oorfilesmarkedfordelete.'Example:O^$&DFUODFU>&VERIFY%MYDISK::O%DFU-S-CHKHOME,%Home%block%info&verified&OK1OW%DFU-I-IFSCAN,%Scanning% INDEXF.SYS...XO%DFU-E-INVBAKFID,%file& (86,17915,1)%0004CF04$BFS.;1%has&invalid%backlinkZO%DFU-W-DELETED,%file% (537,2878,1)%APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1%marked%for&delete t/. tw. t.0O(DFU>&DELETE%MYDISK/FILE=(86,17915,1)9Op%DFU-S-DELETED,%File%0004CF04$BFS.;1%deleted0ODFU>&DELETE%MYDISK/FILE=(537,2878,1)@O!%DFU-S-DELETED,%File%APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1&deleted*! O/KEEPRO(Preservethe directorytree;onlydeletethe contents.'/KEEPisKOonlyvalidwiththe /DIRECTORY qualifier.'/KEEPworksfor+O DELETE/DIRandDELETE/DIR/TREE.mO/NOLOGKO(Donotlog succesfulldeletesto SYS$OUTPUT./LOGistheOdefault.O /NOREMOVEGO(Canonlybeusedwith/FILE.Default DELETE/FILEwillTOtrytoremovethefilefromtheparent directory.(Ifthefile'sQObacklinknolongerpointstoavalid directorythiswillgen-GO2erateanerror.+The /NOREMOVE qualifier overrulesthisTOAnindirectcommandfile containingalistoffilescanbeusedIOasa parameterto /COMPRESSor/DUMP.Suchalistcan>O5be generatedwiththeSEARCHcommand.'Example:;ODFU>&SEARCH%#disk/FILE=*.DIR/SIZE=MIN=50/OUT=x.x(ODFU>&DIRECTORY/COMPRESS%@x.x3  HOCaution:+Careshouldbetakenwhen compressingcriticalQOsystem directories.(Tobesafeyoushouldfirstusethe/TESTKO5 qualifierbefore compressingthe directory.)AnotherproblemMOmaybecausedbya systemcrashjustwhenDFUis rewritingMOthenew compressed directory (althoughthechancethatthisLO>happensisverysmall).(Whenthishappensyoucanrecover?Othefilesby executingthe following procedure:uKDOm1.JDoa$SET FILE/NODIRofthe corrupted directory>O2.JDeletethe directoryandcreateanewoneHOl3.JDoa$ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR;thiswillmoveallthe%lostfilesto [SYSLOST].HOD4.JMovethefilesfrom [SYSLOST]tothenewlycreated directory.*&%' 5O8.2B Discussionof directory compression@OUTheDIRECTORY/COMPRESSfunctionwillimproveper-MOformanceonlarge directories.(Therearesomeoptionswhich/Ocanfurtherenhance performance:  , `mFm /TRUNCATE:Whena directoryis compressed,thefreeNspacewillbeattheendofthe directory.+ Therefore,ifKnewfilesareaddedVMSiscapableofusingthisspace,Ewandavoida directory entension.'The /TRUNCATEqual-Hifier overrulesthis behaviourby immediately truncating0(thefreespacebacktothedisk. `? /FILL_FACTOR:NormallyDFUtriestocompressasJmuchas possible.)However,itmaybebettertodeliber-JYatelycreateextrafreespaceintoeach directoryblock.EThiscanbedoneusingthe/FILL_FACTOR=n qualifier.N Eg:)afillfactorof50%willresultin approximatelyhalfObofeachblockbeingfree.(Notethata fill_factorlowerthaC100%mayresultinanerror DFU-E_EXTERR;inthat5caseahigherfactormustbechoosen.[LOSo,whatstrategyshouldbeusedwhen compressingdirecto-Ories? fCOm1.JInactive directories:&useDIR/COMPRESS/TRUNCATE.BO2.JNotveryactive directories:/use DIR/COMPRESSE(/TRUNCATE=n).OO3.JActive directories,filesaddedattheend(suchasMAIL@ directories):'use DIR/COMPRESSwithout /TRUNCATEOO4.JActive directories,filesaddedinrandom alphabeticalor->der:'useDIR/COMPRESS/FILL_FACTOR=n,nbetweenM50and75.*ii'&(] w3!O8.3BOutput formattingJOUThe qualifier/FORMATcanbeusedwithDIRECTORY/VERSION.KOThisallowsthebuildupofacommand proceduredirectlyFOfromtheoutput generatedbythe DIR/VERSIONcommand.7O^/FORMAThasthe following restrictions:: EOm1.J/FORMATisonlyvalidwiththe/VERSIONandthe/OUTPUT qualifier.POE2.JTheformatstringusedmustcontainthe!AS directive(inL uppercase).*Thefilefoundwillbe substitutedatthe!ASlocation !dOExample:RODFU>&4DIR/VERSION=4/OUTPUT=PURGE.COM/FORMAT="$PURGE/KEEP=3%!AS"%mydisk*s s (')=O DIRECTORY*S))OPerforms directory functions.oEOFormat5Os DIRECTORYN device[:]&ordirectory-file(s) =O ParametersOsdevicePOThedeviceonwhichtoperformoneofthediskwide directoryO$ functions.! Odirectory-files(s)NO(Thefile specificationofthe directoryonwhichtoperform?Othe/CREATE, /COMPRESS,/DUMPor/RECOVERfunc-HOtion.' /REBUILD_MFDrequiresadevicenameonly(assumesKO2 000000.DIR implicitly).*WildcardfilespecificationsmaybePOused.'DFUwill automaticallyadd.DIRtothefilespecification-Oifafiletypeisnot provided.` 6O QualifiersOs/ALIASOOThe/ALIAS qualifierdirectsDFUtoscanall directoriesforOO$aliasfileentriesonadisk.+NormallyonlythesystemdiskRO|shouldcontainaliasfiles.'This qualifiercanbecombinedwith"O /VERSION=nand/EMPTY. O /ALLOCATE=nJO(Usedin combinationwith/CREATE.Createsthenewdirec-;Otorywithan allocatedsizeof'n'blocks.q J]O /COMPRESSHO(Performsthe directory compressionunless/TESTisalsoPO specified.+TheoutputwillshowtheresultsintermsoffileOsizes.'Example:+O^DFU>&DIR/COMP&OWN$:[000000]MAIL_O %DFU-S-DONE,%OWN$:[000000]MAIL.DIR;1:&31&files;%was%:%4/9,&now%:&3/3%blocksO1DFU>O/CREATEOO(Createanew,empty directory.*The allocatedsizewillbe14Oclusterunless /ALLOCATEis specified.UO/DEVICELO(Thedeviceonwhichthefilesreside.,ThedevicenameisROaddedtothefilename.+IfyougenerateafilelistwiththeBODFUSEARCHcommandyoudon'tneedthis qualifier.NO2HoweveryoumayhavealistoffilesproducedfromanotherMOsourceandthusneedtoappendadevicenametoit.+ThisJO qualifiercanonlybeused>in combinationwith /COMPRESSO<or/DUMP. f K O/DUMPMO(Produceablockleveldumpofa directory.)/DUMPwillin-QOterpretthe directoryentriesfoundineachblock.'A directoryLOentrycontainsasize,version-limit,typeandnamefield.QO2Nextthe directoryentrycontainsalistofversionsandfileNOID'sforthisentry.*/DUMPwillproducearatherlowlevel4Ooutputofthis information.'Example:OhDFU>&DIR/DUMP&C.DIR'ODUMP&of& directory%block%1KOSize:%22,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,% Name(10):& CHKDSK.EXE-aVersion:%3,%FID%:% (1027,1456,0)NOSize:%26,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,% Name(13):& CHKDSK.README.Version:%2,%FID%:%(33892,1171,0).9Version:%3,%FID%:%(1256,11234,0)KOSize:%22,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,% Name(10):& CHKDSK.SAV-Version:%2,%FID%:% (13947,100,0)LOSize:%24,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,% Name(11):& CHKDSK.SAVE.YVersion:%1,%FID%:%(12531,2114,0)OOSize:%26,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,% Name(14):&CHKDSK_LNK.COM,Version:%2,%FID%:% (12314,72,0)EO1Size:%18,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(5):%C_D.C,yVersion:%3,%FID%:% (32650,32,0)GOSize:%20,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(7):%C_D.EXE+ Version:%9,%FID%:% (2675,64,0)GOPSize:%20,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(7):%C_D.OBJ,Version:%4,%FID%:% (9835,117,0)GOSize:%20,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(7):%C_D_2.C-( Version:%15,%FID&:% (12428,84,0)IOp Size:%22,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(9):% C_D_2.OBJ, Version:%9,%FID%:% (8439,119,0)IO Size:%22,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(9):% C_D_3.CLD,H Version:%3,%FID%:% (9777,178,0)IO Size:%22,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(9):% C_D_3.OBJ, Version:%2,%FID%:% (9737,161,0)GO Size:%20,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(7):%C_D_4.C.h Version:%3,%FID%:%(10594,1580,0)IO Size:%22,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(9):% C_D_4.OBJ- Version:%2,%FID%:% (10177,109,0)'Oa DUMP&of& directory%block%2EO Size:%18,%Version%limit:%3,%Type:%0,%Name(5):%DFU.C. Version:%169,&FID%:& (31123,52,0) tZ . t . t .IO2 %DFU-I-TOTAL,&%OWN$:[SOURCES.FORTRAN.DFUSRC]C.DIR;1:%42%files*O/EMPTYKO(The/EMPTY qualifierwillproducealistofemptydirec-HOtories..This qualifiercanbecombinedwith/ALIASandO /VERSION=n.]3O/FILL_FACTOR=nPO( Specifies,in percentage,thefillingof directoryblocksdur-GOinga /COMPRESS operation.+FillfactormaybebetweenMO50and100.*Omittingthis qualifieristhesameas/FILL_AO2 FACTOR=100(maximum compression).,Ifthe directoryLOhasnotenough allocatedspacealowfillfactormayre-OOsultinfailureoftheCompress operation.*DFUwillissueaHO< DFU-E-EXTERRerror,andthe directoryfilewillnotbeO modified.w KMO/FORMAT=format-stringMO(Createanoutputfileinaformat describedbytheformatOOstring.)Thestringmustcontainthe!AS directive(thismustQObe uppercase).(Atthe!ASlocationthe resultantfilenamewillAO2befilledin.'The/OUTPUT qualifieris required.O/OUTPUT=filenameRO(This qualifier redirectstheoutputtoafile.*Theoutputwill#Oalsogoto SYS$OUTPUT. ! O /REBUILD_MFDAO(Syntax:&DIRECTORY/REBUILD_MFDThisqual-LOifiercausesthemasterfile directory (000000.DIR)oftheO5 /NOVOLUME,NOFILEandNOBITMAP qualifiers.+AlsoIOthe/USAGE qualifiercanbeusedby displayinginforma-LOtionofaspecificUICor Identifiersimplyby specifying0O> /USAGE=or/USAGE=.+ *,"O9.2BSyntaxandOutput4OUThesyntaxofthereportcommandis:)ODFU>&REPORT%device/QUALIFIERS bMOBelowfollowsanexampleandoutputofthereportcommand:*O*DFU>&REPORT%USER3:/GRAPH/USAGE=O%DFU-I-REPORT,% Reporting%on%USER3:& ($1$DUA102:)F*****&Volume%info&for%USER3:%(from%HOME%block)%*****tDVolume&nameDD:JUSER3tVolume&ownerD:JSYSTEMtVolume&set%name D:+------------------------------------------------------------+p%Oz A0->|***....***********.************.******...*********..********|K6%U F208360->|************************************************************|&13%U/ F416721->|************************************************************|&20%Uw F625081->|******************************************************.*****|&26%U F833442->|*******..*********************************..****************|&33%VG1041802->|******.**.*********...********.*****.*******...*.**..*.***..|&40%WO.1250163->|.*..*****************....*.....**.*.%..*****.***..****.K..*|&46%W1458523->|**********.%1.*******************************************.**.|&53%W1666884->|.**...K.......%-.*******...**********.*..***********..******|&60%S'1875244->|***..J....*...**********.p ..*********..**************|&66%Xn32083605->|*********************************.*****..p.****...&.%....%|&73%W 2291965->|% ..*******....J-......**************************************|&80%R2500326->|****..*****.*****.**.".********...*.*****..*******.*..*|&86%WF62708686->|.*******..*******.***..*.****************.*.%.*...**********|&93%E2917047->|..**..*********************.******..K .*******. |100%H>+------------------------------------------------------------+ct*%:&Fully& allocated,%.%:&Partial% allocated,%&:%Free,%3472%blocks%eachDtFree%space% distribution,&each%*%=K2100Kfree&blocksN*****&Disk%Usage%Table%(from% INDEXF.SYS%and% QUOTA.SYS)%*****t8Identifier/UIC38Used/AllocatedpHeaderspQuota& Used/PermStI-------------------------------------------------------------------------t [SSG,MRX]( 42079/463562259 48615/60000t [SSG,TESTJE], 189306/2547424935 259677/300000tX[SSG,LARGEUSER](X 47961/502381648 51886/65000t[SYSTEM]- 499554/5056264954510580/2000000 t. t0. tx.i??OThevariousitemshavethe followingmeaning:E! = JOm1.JTheheadercountis calculatedbasedonthesizeofA INDEXF.SYS.Ifmoreheadersareneeded INDEXF.SYS hastobe extended.KO2.JThefreeheadersgivesthenumberoffreeentriesin2 INDEXF.SYSbeforeithastoextend.COv3.JThe INDEXF.SYSnumberof fragmentsandmapwordsHinusearevery importantfiguresto determineiftheF' INDEXF.SYSfilecanbe extended.'The theoreticalmax-Dimumnumberofmapwordsis155.*ThisvaluemaybeGlessifthereareACL'son INDEXF.SYS.Each fragment,K0and thereforeeach retrievalpointermustbeinthemap-Hwordarea.-Asthesizeofa retrievalpointerdependsPonthephysicalsizeofadisk,itisnoteasytosayhow@:many fragments INDEXF.SYScanstoreinthemap-Kwordsarea.(IfthemapwordareaisfulltheINDEXFfileJcannolongerextend,andcreatingnewfilesmayresult,DinaSYSTEM-W-HEADERFULLerror.KO4.JFileswhichhaveexactly1 retrievalpointerarecon-Fsideredtobe contiguous.-Thisdoesn'tmeanthatthe:t CONTIGUOUSbitissetinthefileheader.OO5.JTheaverage fragmentsperfilegivesome indicationabout*Lthetotalfilefragmentation.KO6.JThefileandfreespace fragmentationindex classifies$$ yourdiskasfollows:~ hYh0-1:' Excellent Y1-2:'Good fYf2-3:'Fair Y3-4:'Poor eYe>4:&Bad KWIfyourindexisgreaterthan3youshouldconsiderde-E fragmentingthediskusingCOMPAQ'sDFO software,byH performinganImageBACKUP/Restore,orofcourseby-ausingDFU's DEFRAG/DISKcommand.PO7.JThelargestfreeextentisausefulfigurefor defragmen-H9tation purposes.*Youcannot defragmentafilewhenits/sizeisgreaterthanthisvalue. iIOWhenusing/GRAPHthedisk'sfreespace distributionisNOshownasabitmapimage.'Eachpositioninthegraphrepre-OO5sentsacertainnumberofblocks(intheexampleabove3472KOblocks).+Thisbitmapimagegivesaquick impressionabout8Othefreespace distributiononthedisk. QOIfyouusethe/USAGE qualifierasortedusagetablewillbeLOadded.+Per Identifier/UICtheblocksused/allocated,andMO5thenumberoffileheadersareshown.*If Diskquotaisen-POabledathirdcolumnwillbeincludedwhichshowstheblocksCOused/permittedallowingto QUOTA.SYS.Normallyquota2O>shouldsatisfythe followingrule:DtQuota%used%=&blocks% allocated%+%#&of&file%headers*  ,+-:OREPORT*sIIOCreateafileandfreespacereportofadiskdevice.U+OFormatOsREPORTM device[:]=O ParametersOs device[:]QODevicetobe reported.(Youmayalsospecifyalogicaldevice-O$name.HO QualifiersOs/APPEND=filenamePOThis qualifier redirectstheoutputtobeappendedtoanal-XO$readyexistingfile.)IftheoutputfiledoesnotexistsitwillbeHO|created.'Youcanuse/APPENDor/OUTPUTbutnotboth. O/GRAPHMO(This qualifier generatesagraphtablewhich visualizesthePOfreespace distributiononthedisk.'/NOGRAPHisthedefault. vO /NOBITMAPKO(>The /NOBITMAP qualifier suppressesthe"Freespacestatis-Otics"output. A`O/NOFILEOO(The/NOFILE qualifier suppressedthe"File Statistics"output.hO /NOVOLUMEDO(The /NOVOLUME qualifier suppressesthe"Volumeinfo"Ooutput.O/OUTPUT=filenameRO(This qualifier redirectstheoutputtoafile.*Theoutputwill#Oalsogoto SYS$OUTPUT.O /STATISTICSNO(This qualifierdisplaysthe performance statistics:(CPUtime,/OElapsedTime,I/Oand PageFaults.& &O /USAGE(=uicor identifier)MO(The/USAGE qualifierwillgeneratea diskspaceusagereportPObasedonIdentifiers/UIC.If diskquotaisenabledonthediskJOtheblocksused/permittedallowingto QUOTA.SYSwillalsoMO2beshown.(/USAGEisveryusefulwhen diskquotaisnoten-ROabledonthedisk.(WhenaUICor identifieris specifiedonlyPOthe informationforthisUICor identifierwillbe displayed.*J-,.O 10.2SEARCHCOThischapter describestheSEARCHcommandwiththe/Orelated parametersand qualifiers.6"".-/ O10.1C IntroductionNOUThesearchfunctionallowsveryquick disk-widesearchesforUOspecificfiles.(Youcanusealmostanypossiblefile attributeasOasearch qualifier./.0|#O10.2CSyntaxandOutput0OUThecommandsyntaxforSEARCHis:)ODFU>&SEARCH%device/qualifiers :[OOTheoutputis displayedonyour terminal.)YoucanalsosortOOtheoutputwiththe/SORT qualifier.(Theoutputisshownin O52or3columnseg:0ODFU>&SEARCH%MYDISK/FILE=X.X/FRAGMENT t. tI.'O$1$DUA102:[USER.COMMAND]X.X;1 o1/3  1/1 t. t!. WPOThefirstcolumnshowsthefullfilename.(ThedevicenameNOisincludedinthefilename.)ThesecondcolumnsshowstheQO5filesizeasactual/allocatedsize.*The3rdcolumnisoptionalIOandwillonlybeshownwhenthe /FRAGMENT qualifierisMOused.,Itshowsthenumberof fileheaders/numberoffileO> fragments.0/1 x'O10.3CVolumeSet processingEOUSEARCHchecksifthedeviceto-be-searchedismemberROofavolumeset.*Ifso,thecompletevolumesetwillbepro-KOcessed,startingwithRelativeVolumeNumber1uptothePO^lastmemberinset.(Youcanoverridethis behaviourwiththeO /NOVOLSET qualifier.102Q w'"O10.4COutput formattingJOUThe qualifier/FORMATcanbeusedwithSEARCH.Thisal-NOlowsthebuildupofacommand proceduredirectlyfromtheDOoutput generatedbytheSEARCHcommand.'/FORMAThas)O^the following restrictions: hVKOm1.J/FORMATisonlyvalidwiththe/OUTPUT qualifier,andHcannotbeusedtogetherwiththe/FULLorthe/SORT qualifiers.PO2.JTheformatstringusedmustcontainthe!AS directive(inL uppercase).*Thefilefoundwillbe substitutedatthe!ASOlocationl !cOExample:QODFU>&(SEARCH/OUTP=DEL.COM/FORMAT="$DELETE/CONF%!AS"/FILE=*.LOG&mydisk*213 h0O10.5CUICand identifier processingGOUVersionV2.4 introducedanimprovedhandlingofUIC's.JOPreviousversionsofDFUonlyacceptedanumericUICinMOthe/OWNER qaulifieroran identifierinthe/IDENTquali-QO^fier.)V2.4andlaternowacceptsallvalidUICand identifierEOformats(numericand alphanumeric)inthe/OWNERandOO/IDENT qualifiers.' Technicallythereisnolongeranydiffer-TOhencebetweenthesetwo qualifiers,buttheywillbeleftinfor!O compatibilityreasons.>>3;24:OSEARCH*\22OFastfilesearchthrough INDEXF.SYS.U+OFormatOsSEARCHN device[:] =O ParametersOs device[:]QODevicetobe searched.'Youmayalsospecifyalogicaldevice-O$name. foO DescriptionIOsTheSEARCHcommandisusedforquick disk-widesearchesQOforspecificfiles.,The qualifiersdescribethefile attributesSO$usedasthesearch criteria.'YoucancombinealmostalloftheDO|possible qualifiers,unless otherwise specified.&Eg.:KODFU>&SEARCH%3DISK1/SIZE=MIN=10/OWN=[1,4]/CREATED=SINCE=YESTERDAYOOisavalidcommand.+Notethat qualifierswillbeusedinaNOlogicalANDmanner,thatis,SEARCHwillonlydisplayfilesAOMwhichmatchall qualifiersandoptions specified. O Qualifiers!Os/ACCESS=option(,option)MOThe/ACCESS qualifierisusedtosearchfiles dependingonNO$theirlastACCESSdate(VMS7.2only).(ThepossibleoptionsO|are:p `mm/ACCESS=BEFORE=date `/ACCESS=SINCE=date `ll /ACCESS=NONE* O/ACE=identifierMO(SearchforfileswhichhaveanACE containingthespecificRO identifier.'OnlyACE'softheformat"IDENTIFIER=,..."Owillbe searched.1KO /ALLOCATEDDO(Default,"SEARCH will use the actual file size.3TheHO /ALLOCATED qualifierforcesSEARCHtousethe allocatedQO filesize.*This qualifierisonly meaningfullifyoucombineitO2with/SIZE.4 O/APPEND=filenamePO(This qualifier redirectstheoutputtobeappendedtoanal-XOreadyexistingfile.)IftheoutputfiledoesnotexistsitwillbeHOcreated.'Youcanuse/APPENDor/OUTPUTbutnotboth. $O/ATTRIBUTE=option(,option)JO(The /ATTRIBUTE qualifierisusedtosearchfilesdepend-OOingontheirlast attributechangedate(VMS7.2only).)The#Opossibleoptionsare:y `m m/ATTRIBUTE=BEFORE=date `/ATTRIBUTE=SINCE=date `ll/ATTRIBUTE=NONE*!O/BACKUP=option(,option)MO(The/BACKUP qualifierisusedtosearchfiles dependingon>Otheirbackupdate.'Thepossibleoptionsare:p `mm/BACKUP=BEFORE=date `/BACKUP=SINCE=date `ll /BACKUP=NONEd:HOTheNONEoptiongivesfileswhichdon'thaveabackupNOdate recorded.Theother2optionscanbeusedtogetfilesMO5whichhaveabackupdatebeforeorafteraspecificdate.EOTheBEFOREandSINCEoptioncanbecombinedinoneOcommand.+ "O/BAKFID=backlink-file-idSO(Youcanusethis qualifiertolookforafilewithaspecificTO backlink.*Onlythefirstpartofthefileidmustbe specified,`Othatis,ifthefileidis(x,y,z)youmustspecify'x'asthefileid.SO2Youcanusethis qualifiertogetfilesfromaspecificdirec-SOtory.'Ifyouuse /BAKFID=0youwillgetfilesnot belongingto2Oa directory(often temporaryfiles). *O /CHARACTERISTIC=(char1,char2...)WO(This qualifierisusedtogetfileswithspecificfile characteris-GOtics.Thecharacteristicscanhavethe followingvalues:} `m(m Directory:' directoryfiles `.Nobackup:'filesmarkednobackup `l6l Contiguous:'filesmarkedas contiguous `1Erase:'erasefilebeforedeletion `k kSpool:'spoolfiles `FBadblock:'fileswhichcontain suspectedbadblock(s) `i3iBadacl:'fileswitha corruptedACL `8Besttry:'filesmarkedcontiguous-best-try `h7hScratch:'filesmarkedasscratchfiles `:Nocharge:'filesnotchargedagainstquota `f*fNomove:'filesmarkedNoMove `?Locked:'fileswiththedeaccesslockbitset `e1eMarked:'filesmarkedfordeletion `= Noshelvable:'fileswhichcannotbeshelved `d2d Isshelved:'fileswhichareshelvedM+#IOTheseveralcharacteristicscanbecombinedinonecom-KOmand.IfyouwantalogicalOR behaviourinsteadoftheGO5defaultAND behaviour,youcanusethespecialoptionOMATCH=OReg:1SEARCH%disk/CHAR=(NOMOVE,DIR,MATCH=OR)* "O/CREATED=option(,option)NO(The/CREATED qualifierisusedtosearchfiles dependingon6Otheircreationdate.'Theoptionsare:{Q `mm/CREATED=BEFORE=date `/CREATED=SINCE=date NTOThese2optionscanbeusedtogetfileswhichhaveacreationNOdatebeforeorafteraspecificdate.'TheBEFOREandSINCE6O5optioncanbecombinedinonecommand.#O/EXCLUDE=(file1,file2...)PO(This qualifierisusedtoexcludefilesfromthesearch.+YouQOcanusewildcard filenames;youcanalsospecifiyalistofOfiles."O/EXPIRED=option(,option)NO(The/EXPIRED qualifierisusedtosearchfiles dependingon8Otheir expirationdate.'Theoptionsare:s `mm/EXPIRED=BEFORE=date `/EXPIRED=SINCE=date `ll /EXPIRED=NONEo EIOTheNONEoptiongivesfileswhichdon'thaveaexpira-TOtiondate recorded.Theother2optionscanbeusedtogetfilesQO5whichhavea expirationdatebeforeorafteraspecificdate.EOTheBEFOREandSINCEoptioncanbecombinedinoneOcommand. O /FID=file-idRO(The/FID qualifierisaspecialfunctionofSEARCH.ItdirectsQOSEARCHtogodirectlytothe specifiedfilewithout processingROtherestoftheIndexfile.( Therefore,youcannotcombinethisNO2 qualifierwithothersearch qualifierssuchas/FILE.NormallySOafile-idconsistsisintheform(x,y,z)wherexisthenum-NOberofthefileheaderwithin INDEXF.SYSyisthesequenceHO<number,andzistheRelativeVolumeNumber.+YouonlyFOneedtospecifiythexvalueinthe/FID qualifier.  O/FILE=(file1,file2...)TO(This qualifierisusedtosearchforfileswithaspecificfilePOname.Youcanusewildcardfilenames;alsoyoucanspecifyaOlistoffiles.w KMO/FORMAT=format-stringMO(Createanoutputfileinaformat describedbytheformatOOstring.)Thestringmustcontainthe!AS directive(thismustQObe uppercase).(Atthe!ASlocationthe resultantfilenamewillAO2befilledin.'The/OUTPUT qualifieris required.`+O!/FRAGMENT=(MINIMUM=nr,MAXIMUM=nr)JO(This qualifierdisplaysthenumberof fragmentsandfileOOheadersofeachfilefound.,YoucanfurtherlimitthefilesAOfoundbyusingtheMINIMUMandMAXIMUM=options.O2Forexample:ODFU>& disk/FRAG ODFU>&disk/FRAG=min=10*OGDFU>&disk/FRAG=(min=10,max=100)*C! KO/FULLRO(Ifyouusethis qualifier,SEARCHwillgiveafulloutputforTOeachfilefound.'Thisoutputisa look-alikeoftheoutputfromFODIRECTORY/FULL.Youcannotcombinethis qualifierwithO2/SORTor /SUMMARY.! O/HOMEOO(This qualifierdirectssearchtogiveoutputfromthedisk'sMOhomeblock.'SEARCHusesthehomeblockfor calculatingthe=Ofreeandusedfileheaderswithin INDEXF.SYS.U(O/(NO)IDENT=identifieroruicNO(Youcansearchforfilesownedbyaspecific identifierorGOUIC.AnyvalidUICor identifierformatmaybeused.BOAnotherwayisthe /OWNER_UIC qualifier;youcan-CO2notcombinethese2 qualifiersinoneSEARCHcom-IOmand.*Issueing/NOIDENTdirectsDFUtosearchforfiles>ONOTownedbythis IDENTIFIER,eg:.DFU>SEARCH'O<sys$sysdevice/NOIDENT=SYSTEM. n#O/LBN=logical-block-numberPO(The/LBN qualifierisaspecialfunctionofSEARCH.Thisal-POlowsyoutofindafilewhichcontainsaspecificLBN.ThisSOmaybeusefulifyouhavebadblocksloggedintheerrorlog.HO2Youcannotcombine/LBNwithsearch qualifierssuchasO/FILE. (O/LIMIT=(MINIMUM=n,MAXAXIMUM=m)CO(Searches DIRECTORYfileswhichhaveadefaultver-JOsionlimitbetweennand>m (includingnandm).,Either-OMINIMUMorMAXIMUMis required. KX+O/NAME_TYPE=ODS2'|&ISL1'|'UCS2QO(Searchforfileswhichhavethe specifiednametype attribute.OOODS2ifforclassicVMSfilenames,ISL1isfor Iso-Latin-1OOnamesandUCS2isforUnicodenames.'This qualifierisonly>O2 meaningfullforODS5disks (requiresVMS7.2).,O/(NO)OWNER_UIC=uicor identifierTO(This qualifierisusedtogetfilesownedbyaspecificUICorNO identifier.*AnyvalidUICor identifierformatmaybeused.JOYoucannotcombinethis qualifierwith/IDENT. SpecifyingHO2/NOOWNERdirectsDFUtosearchforfilesNOTownedby$OthisUICor identifier. O /NOSEARCHMO(This qualifiercanonlybeusedin combinationwith/HOME.OOItisusedtogetthe Homeblockinfo,without searchingtheOentiredisk. ! O /NOVOLSETPO(Thedefault behaviourofSEARCHistoprocessanentirevol-JOumeset.(Youcanoverridethis behaviourwith /NOVOLSET.>OThismaybeusefulwhendoinga/LBNsearch. ! #O/MODIFIED=option(,option)OO(The /MODIFIED qualifierisusedtosearchfiles dependingon:Otheir modificationdate.'Theoptionsare:} S `mm/MODIFIED=BEFORE=date `/MODIFIED=SINCE=date   NSOThese2optionscanbeusedtogetfileswhichhaveamodifi-OOcationdatebeforeorafteraspecificdate.(TheBEFOREand=O5SINCEoptioncanbecombinedinonecommand.uO /MULTIPLEQO(This qualifiersearchesforfileswhichhavemorethan1fileOheader.>O/ORGANIZATION=INDEXED(|( SEQUENTIAL(|(RELATIVE(|O(DIRECTLOSearchforfileswiththe specifiedRMSfile organization.O /OUTPUT=fileMO(This qualifier redirectstheoutputfromSEARCHtoanout-QOput file.ThisfilecanlaterbeusedasinputtotheDEFRAG,&O DIRECTORYorSETcommand.O/OVER_ALLOCATED=nOO(Searchesforfileswherethe differencebetweentheusedand6O allocatedsizeisatleast'n'blocks.! O/PLACEDKO(Checksforfileswhichhavea placementcontrol retrievalKO pointer.Thisis sometimessetbynon-DECdisk defragmenta-Otion programs.p-O#/SIZE=(minimum=size1,maximum=size2)SO(The/SIZE qualifierisusedtolimitfilesfoundbytheirfileEOsize.Youcaneitheruseminimum=ormaximum=oruseNObothoptions together.*SEARCHwillusetheactualfilesizeNO2for selectingfiles,exceptwhenthe /ALLOCATED qualifierisOused.! O/SORTUO(This qualifierwillsortthefilesfoundbeforebeingoutput.'YouJOcancombinethiswiththe/OUTPUT qualifier(thedefault"Ooutputis SYS$OUTPUT).O /STATISTICSNO(This qualifierdisplaysthe performance statistics:(CPUtime,/OElapsedTime,I/Oand PageFaults.0 KO/SUMMARYVO(This qualifierwilllimittheoutputtothetotalnumberoffilesMOfound,withtheirsize(andoptionalthe fragmentationwhenAO/FRAGisused).,Youcannotcombine/SUMMARYwithO2/FULL.VK,O /TYPE=optionCO(The/TYPE qualifierhas2options:0 /TYPE=ODS2orMO /TYPE=ODS5.*This qualifiercanbeusedtosearchforfilesQOwitheitheraODS2oranODS5fileheader.(This qualifieris5O2onlyusefullonODS5disk(VMSV7.2). /O%/VERSION_NUMBER=(minimum=n,maximum=m)GO(The/VERSION_NUMBER qualifierisusedsearchforfilesOOwithinarange(nthrum)offileversionnumbers.)LogfilesJOwhichareproducedwiththesamenamemayposeproblemsDO2whentheyreachthemaximumversionnumber(32767).FOUsing/VERSION=MIN=32000isaquickwaytofindsuchOfiles.*435O 11.2SETIOThischapter describestheSETcommandwiththerelated&O parametersand qualifiers.b546S )O11.1C IntroductionFOUTheSETcommandallowsyoutomodifyfile attributesCOwhichcan'tbemodifiedthroughDCL commands.,NoteLOthatyoushouldbecarefulaboutusingthis function;youGO^mayeasilycorruptfiles.-Thismuchwanted functional-HOitywas introducedinVMS6.0withanewDCLcommandGO$SETFILE/ATTRIBUTES.StillDFU'sSEThassomeoptionsJOhwhicharenotinSETFILE/ATTRIBUTES(suchassettingaOBACKUPdate).COThenew qualifier,/IGNORE=INTERLOCK,allowssetting>Ofile attributesevenonopenorlockedfiles.006570O11.2CUICand identifier processingIOUAsofversionV2.4ofDFUthe/OWNERand/IDENTqual-MOifiernowacceptsallvalidUICor identifierformats.,See&Ochapter10.5fordetails.J+J+7"687  OSET*M ##OModifyfile attributes.^!4OFormat$OsSETNfile1,file2,...,@file"FO ParametersOsfile1,file2,...,@fileOOThefilestobe modified.+The attributestobemodifiedarePO$ specifiedwith qualifiers.( Wildcardsareaallowedinthefile-RO|name.(Anindirectfilecanbeusedbyusingthe@sign.(ThisMOallows processingofafilelistproducedbyaDFUSEARCHO-command.7#!  O QualifiersOs/ACCESS_DATE=dateO/NOACCESS_DATEMO$Controlswhetheranew last-accessdateisassignedtotheQO| specifiedfiles.*(V7.2only)Specifythedate accordingtotheGOrules describedinChapter1oftheVMSDCLConceptsOO-Manual.'Absolutedatekeywordsareallowed.'Ifyouspecify0POasthedate,today'sdateisused.'Ifyouspecify /NOACCESS_BODATEthelastaccessdatefieldwillbecleared.L$ "O/ATTRIBUTE_DATE=dateO(/NOATTRIBUTE_DATEPOControlswhetheranewlast attributechangedateisassignedOOtothe specifiedfiles(V7.2only).,Specifythedateaccord-KO2ingtotherules describedinChapter1oftheVMSDCLHOConceptsManual.+Absolutedatekeywordsareallowed.*IfUOyouspecify0asthedate,today'sdateisused.)IfyouspecifyFO</NOATTRIBUTE_DATEthelast attributechangedatefieldOwillbecleared. % UO/BACKUP_DATE=dateO(/NOBACKUP_DATEOOControlswhetheranewbackupdateisassignedtothespec-UOifiedfiles.(Specifythedate accordingtotherules describedinJO2Chapter1oftheVMSDCLConceptsManual.(AbsolutedateOOkeywordsareallowed.*Ifyouspecify0asthedate,today'sHOdateisused.(Ifyouspecify/NOBACKUP_DATEtheBackup)O<datefieldwillbecleared.&O/BADACLO( /NOBADACLMOSetsorresetsthe'BADACL'flaginthefileheader.,ThisBOenablesdeletionofafilewitha corruptedACL.'KO/BCKO(/NOBCKLOClearsorsetsthefilesNOBACKUPbit.-SettingafiletoDONOBACKUPwith/NOBCKcausesittobeskippedbyaO2BACKUP operation.(AgO/BUCKETSIZE=sizeMO(Setsanewvalueforthebucketsizeinthefileheader.) {O/CONFIRMO( /NOCONFIRM (default)MOControlswhetherarequestisissuedbeforeeach individualMOSET operationtoconfirmthatthe operationshouldbeper-OO2formedonthatfile.(Whenthesystemissuestheprompt,you9Ocanissueanyofthe following responses:YESNOQUITWTRUEFALSEKCTRL/Z 10ALLNOYoucanuseany combinationofupper-and lowercaselettersJOforword responses.*Word responsescanbe abbreviatedtoOO3oneormoreletters(forexample,T,TR,orTRUforTRUE).HO AffirmativeanswersareYES,TRUE,and1.*Negativean-DOswersareNO,FALSE,0,and.+QUITorCTRL/ZLO= indicatesthatyouwanttostop processingthecommandatJOthatpoint.(WhenyourespondwithALL,thecommandcon-OOtinuestoprocess,butnofurtherpromptsaregiven.*IfyouUOGtypearesponseotherthanoneofthoseinthelist,thepromptOwillbe reissued.* O/CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY O(/NOCONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRYJOSetsorresetsthe'CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY'bitinthefileOheader.+! O/CREATION_DATE=dateO(/NOCREATION_DATEQOControlswhetheranewcreationdateisassignedtothespec-UOifiedfiles.(Specifythedate accordingtotherules describedinJO2Chapter1oftheVMSDCLConceptsManual.(AbsolutedateOOkeywordsareallowed.*Ifyouspecify0asthedate,today'sOdateisused.,! O /DIRECTORYO( /NODIRECTORYTOSetsorresetsthe directory attributeofafile.*This qualifierUOallowsyoutosetthe directorybitofafilewhichwasmistak-FO2inglyresetbythe'SETFILE/NODIRECTORY'command.'IfVOitisdoneona non-directoryfile,thenaccesstothat directory.Owillgivea 'BADIRECTORY'error.)-O/EBLOCK[=block]PO(This qualifierwillresetthe end-of-filemarktothehighestPOblock allocatedifnoblockhasbeen specified.) OtherwisetheFO end-of-filemarkwillbesettothe specifiedblock.%. O /EBYTE[=byte]RO(This qualifierwillsetthe end-of-filebytemarktothehigh-TOestbyteifithasnotbeen specified.( Otherwisethe end-of-file>Obytemarkwillbesettothe specifiedbyte./ O/EXPIRATION_DATE=dateO(/NOEXPIRATION_DATEPOControlswhetheran expirationdateisassignedtothespeci-TOfiedfiles.(Specifythedate accordingtotherules describedinJO2Chapter1oftheVMSDCLConceptsManual.(AbsolutedateOOkeywordsareallowed.*Ifyouspecify0asthedate,today'sOdateisused.>0K$O/IDENT=identifieroruicEO(Modifythefile ownership.,Seealso /OWNER_UIC.ThisPOallows modificationofthefile-ownershipevenifthefileisFOopen,eg.* INDEXF.SYS.Youcannotuseboth/IDENTandO2 /OWNER_UIC.'1KO/IGNORE=INTERLOCKKO(PerformtheSETcommandonopenorlockedfiles.)Default>ODFUwillreturna%SYSTEM-E-ACCONFLICTonopenEOfiles.)The/IGNORE=INTERLOCKoptioncanoverrulethisO2 behaviour./2 KO/LOCKEDO( /NOLOCKEDUOThis qualifierwilllockafileforfutureuse.(NothingelsecanVOthenbedonewiththefile,untilitisunlocked(whichcanalso6O2bedonewiththeVMS'UNLOCK'command.3 O/LOG (default)O(/NOLOGMOControlswhethertheSETcommanddisplaysthefilespecifi-EOcationofeachfileafterthe modificationismade.4 xO/MAXREC=recordOO(SetsanewvalueforthemaximumrecordnumberinthefileOheader.h5>O/NOMOVEBO(This qualifierdisablesorenables (/NONOMOVE)theJOMoveFile attributeonfiles./ItisthesameastheDCL@OcommandSET FILE/NOMOVE,butin conjunctionwith?O2/IGNORE=INTERLOCKDFUcanchangethesettingon"OOpenorLockedfiles.6 wO/ORGANIZATION=keywordBO(The followingkeywordsareused as parameters for:Othe ORGANIZATION qualifier:0DIRECT,INDEXED,FORELATIVEand SEQUENTIAL.Thiswillallowyoutomod-VO2ifythefile organizationtypeinthefileheader.(Ofcoursethis@Owon'tchangethereal organizationofthefile.[7K1(O/OWNER_UIC=uicor identifierOO(Modifythefile ownershiptoanUICor identifier.*SeealsoLO/IDENT.Thisallows modificationofthefile-ownershipevenLOifthefileisopen,eg., INDEXF.SYS.Youcannotuseboth"O2/IDENTand /OWNER_UIC.^8! 4 O/RECATTRIBUTES=keywordGO(The followingkeywordsareusedas parametersforthe>O RECATTRIBUTES qualifier:'NONE,FORTRAN,IMPLIED,FOPRINTandNOSPAN.ThiswillallowyoutomodifytheMO2file'srecord attributesinthefileheader.(NONE,FORTRAN,FOIMPLIEDandPRINTaremutually exclusive,butcanbeGOusedin combinationwithNOSPAN.WhenNOSPANisomit-RO<tedSPANisassumed(thedefaultistoallowrecordstocrossOblock boundaries).9AdO /RECSIZE=sizeMO(Setsanewvaluefortherecordsizeinthefilehead>er._:5O/RECTYPE=keywordGO(The followingkeywordsareusedas parametersforthe9ORECTYPE qualifier:0FIXED,STREAM, STREAMCR,:O STREAMLF, UNDEFINED,VARIABLEandVFC.ThisPO2willallowyoutomodifythefile'srecordtypeinthefileOheader.; O/REVISION_DATE=dateO(/NOREVISION_DATEMOControlswhetherarevisiondateisassignedtothespeci-TOfiedfiles.(Specifythedate accordingtotherules describedinJO2Chapter1oftheVMSDCLConceptsManual.(AbsolutedateOOkeywordsareallowed.*Ifyouspecify0asthedate,today'sOdateisused.<AhO/RVCOUNT=countPO(Setsanewvaluefortherevisioncountinthefileheader.=]O/UPDATEO( /NOUPDATE (default)NONormallythefile'srevisiondatewillbeupdatedafteranyLO modificationtoit.+SEThoweverdisablesthisupdate(oth-KO2erwisetheREVISIONdatecouldnotbeset).+SpecifythisIO qualifierifyouwanttherevisiondatetobeupdated.>O /VFCSIZE=sizePO(SetsanewvaluefortheVFCsizeinthefileheader.+ThisDOvaluewillonlybeusedwiththeVFCrecordtype.*?879@O 12.2UNDELETEEOThischapter describestheUNDELETEcommandwiththe/Orelated parametersand qualifiers.l98:A )O12.1C IntroductionEOUTheUNDELETEfunctionisdesignedtorecoverdeletedLOfiles,if possible.*UNDELETEoperatesinasafemodesuchROthatitfirstchecksifthedeletedfileheaderand diskblocksSO^arestill available.+Onlyinthatcasewillthefileberecov-IOered.( OtherwiseUNDELETEwillleavethedisk unmodified.2OUNDELETEhassome powerfulloptions:B! w `mMmGeneratealistof recoverablefileswiththe/LISTquali-Qfier.&This qualifierwillnotundeleteanyfile,and therefore-itdoesnotlockupthedisk. `3Undeletemultiplefilesinonepass. `BMakefile selectionsbasedontheownerwiththe(v/OWNERor/IDENT qualifier. `G UndeletedfileswhichcannotbeenteredbackintheirJMoriginal directorywillbemovedtothe [SYSLOST]direc-Atory.)Thissavesan additionalANALYZE/DISK/REPAIRaction.*C:9;Dv+O12.2CFile specificationsyntaxMOUBecauseadeletedfilenolonger'knows'itsparentdirec-QOtoryyoumustNOTentera directory specificationinthefileROname.' Therefore,thesyntaxtoundeleteaspecificfileis:7DFU>&UNDELETE&/file= teg:/]DFU>&UNDELETE&$1$DIA1:/file=FOO.BARETODFUwilltrytore-enterthefileinitsoriginal directory;itSOthatfailsthefilewillbeenteredinthe [SYSLOST] directory.o; :<Fn^$O12.3CHowUndeleteworks:OUTheUNDELETEcommandoperatesasfollows:zG b PPOm1.JLockthevolume.'InthesamemannerasANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR:andSETVOLUME/REBUILDUndeletelockstheFdiskforotherwriterssuchthatno modificationsto?wtheINDEXF,BITMAPorQUOTAfilecanbemade.PO2.JSearchthe INDEXF.SYSfileifthe requestedfileisstillQOthere.*Acheckismadeifitreallyisavaliddeletedfileheader.SO'3.JChecksifthedeletedfileheaderandallpossible extension%headersarestillvalid.TO4.JChecksiftheblocks previouslyownedbythisfilearestillWfree.QO5.JIfallthese conditionsaremetDFUwilldisplaythefile*/andasksfora confirmation.NO6.JRebuildsallofthedeletedfileheadersandbitmapsinFmemory..IfnoerrorsarefoundallthefileheadersK_andbitmapsarewrittenbacktodisk.*Thefilesoriginal8backlinkissavedinatableinmemory.NO77.JIf appropiatetheblocksandheadersarechargedagainst diskquota.HO8.JWhenallof INDEXF.SYShasbeenscannedthevolumehis unlocked.VO9.JThefile(s)is(are)enteredintheoriginal directoryifpos-K@ sible,usingthetablebuildupinmemory.+IftheenterF commandfails (probablybecausetheoriginal directoryL isgone)thefilewillbeenteredin [SYSLOST].DFUwill.I createthis directoryifneeded.H! NTOIfthe/LIST qualifierisused,DFUwilljustlisttherecover-ROablefileswithout performinganyactiononthedisk.&Thedisk O5willnotbelocked.I! WSOItis importanttonotethatduringthebitmapandfileheaderMO processinganyerrorwill immediately terminatetherecoveryMO5process,andunlockthedisk.*Fileswhichhavebeenrecov-ROereduptothatpointwillstillbeenteredinthe appropiateNO directory.(Asnowrong informationhasbeenwrittenbacktoJO>thediskthisshouldleavethediskinaproperstate.EJ! MONOTE:Theblocks recoveredwillNOTbe subtractedfromtheOOVolume'sfreeblockcount.(Togettheactual freeblockcount?O5aSETVOLUME/REBUILD=FORCEis necessary.+Alsoa@OcompletereMOUNTwillresetthe freeblockcount.K [GO IMPORTANT:DFUtakescaretorecoveronlyfileswhoseIOoriginalblocksarefree.,HowevertheseblocksmayhavePO5beenmodifiedinthemeantimebyanotherfilewhichalsohasMObeendeleted.( Thereforeeach recoveredfilemustbechecked.Omanuallytocheckits integrity.*LM  .OExampleofaUndeletesession:&ODFU>&undel&$1$dua102:/list:Oq Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2%found8O Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1&found9O Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1%found6OI Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1%found,ODFU>&undel/file=*.for% $1$DUA102:2O%DFU-I-READBMAP,&Reading% BITMAP.SYS...9Od%DFU-W-LOCKED,%Volume%now&LOCKED%for%write6O %DFU-I-UNDEL,&Start&search%on% $1$DUA102::O Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2%found0O]Recover&this%file?%(Y/N)%[N]&:%n8O Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1&found0ORecover&this%file?%(Y/N)%[N]&:%y7O5%DFU-S-RECOVER,%File% succesfully% recovered2O|%DFU-I-ADDQUOTA,&updating& diskquota...9O Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1%found0O.Recover&this%file?%(Y/N)%[N]&:%n6Ov Recoverable%file&[TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1%found0ORecover&this%file?%(Y/N)%[N]&:%y7O'%DFU-S-RECOVER,%File% succesfully% recovered2Oo%DFU-I-ADDQUOTA,&updating& diskquota...*O%DFU-I-UNLOCK,%Volume%unlocked&EXIT*N\\<;=BO *O12.4CFilesmarkedfordeleteMOUNormallyDFUdoesnotundeletefilesmarkedfordelete.(ToKOrecoverfilesmarkedfordeleteyoumustusethe/MARKEDLO qualifier..Thiswill specificallyundeletefilesmarkedforSO^delete.'ThisallowstherecoveryoffileswhicharedeletedbutPOstillopen,suchas INSTALLedfiles,orevenrecoveryoftheFOsystemdumpfile SYSDUMP.DMPwheneversuchafileis!Oh accidentiallydeleted.  = <><POUNDELETE*QjR@@ORecoveroneormoredeletedfilesonadevice.WS-OFormatOsUNDELETEM device[:]T! =O ParametersOsdeviceROThedeviceonwhichtoundeleteoneormorefiles.'ThedeviceAO$willbe write-lockedduringtheundeleteprocess.U! RO QualifiersOs/FILE=filenameQOThefiletobe recovered.' Wildcardsmaybeused.'Ifamatch-UO$ingfileisfoundUndeletewillaska confirmation.&IfacertainSO|fileis confirmed,thatfilewillbe recoveredif possible,andMOcontrolwillbereturnedtotheDFU>prompt.)Ifthe/FILE3O- qualifierisomittedDFUwillassume 9* -. 9* -; 9* 9-.)V $O/IDENT=identifieroruicTO(Youcansearchforfilesownedbyaspecific identifierorUIC.DOAnotherwayisthe /OWNER_UIC qualifier;youcannotCOcombinethese2 qualifierinoneUNDELETEcommand.W"O/LIST(=output-file-name)NO(Generatealistof recoverablefiles.+NoundeletewilltakePOplace,andthediskwillnotbelocked.+The defaultoutputisO SYS$OUTPUT.XO/MARKEDMO(Consideronlyfilesmarked-for-delete.(Suchfilesareusual-SOllystillopenbysomeutility,suchas INSTALLedfilesortheOsystemdumpfile.Y(O/OWNER_UIC=uicor identifierUO(This qualifierisusedtoselectfilesbyaUICor identifier.>OYoucannotcombinethis qualifierwith/IDENT.ZO /STATISTICSNO(This qualifierdisplaysthe performance statistics:(CPUtime,/OElapsedTime,I/Oand PageFaults.*[>=?\eO 13.2SPAWNBOThenewSPAWNcommandcreatesan interactivesub-MOprocess.+ThisallowsaquickescapetotheDCLlevelfromJOBan interactiveDFUsession.,The subprocesshasadefaultFOprompt DFU_sub$.)InSMGmodethekeyalsoper-FOformsaSPAWNcommand.+Youmustlogout explicitlyto(OLreturntotheDFUsession.$?>@]O 14.2VERIFYCOThischapter describestheVERIFYcommandwiththe/Orelated parametersand qualifiers.S``@?A^ pO14.1C IntroductionJOUTheVERIFYcommandmakesananalysisofthedisk,scan-JOningforfileanddisk structureerrors.+VERIFYperformsKOalmostallofthechecksnormallydonebya ANALYZE/DISKAO^command.1ButVERIFYisseveraltimesfasterthan4O ANALYZE/DISK,andusesless resources.i_??OVERIFYchecksandreportsthe followingerrors:` `mGmChecksthelogical information containedinthedisk'sHOMEblock `E/EReportsfilesmarkedfordeletion `=Reports mismatchesintheindexfile'sbitmap `D;DCheckstheVMS$COMMON.DIRbacklinkonsystemdisks `!Checksall backlinks. `.Reportsmultiple allocatedblocks `DReportsblocks incorrectlymarkedfreeand allocated `#Reportsalllostfiles `EChecksfor mismatchesbetweenblocksusedandblocksCqchargedin QUOTA.SYS.(Onlydonewhen diskquotaisenabled)*a*bA@B!c&O14.2CBasicrepairactionsOOUThe/FIX qualifiercanbeusedtoperformsomebasicrepairFOactions.)UnlikeANALYZE/DISK/REPAIRthisdoesnotlockk @ `mJmBetter detectionofsomecasesof'lost'files.+CombinedKwiththe/FIX qualifierDFUmaybeabletorecoversuchPfilesintothecorrect directoryinsteadofmovingsuchfileswto [SYSLOST]. `HDetectsandfixesfile-id mismatchesbetween directories%Oandthe INDEXF.SYSfile. `<Usingthe/DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifiermakesDFU0'fully compatiblewith ANALYZE/DISK.lnNOPleasenotethatacomplete directoryscanmaytakeseveral Ominutesto complete.iiDCEOm! %$O14.5C InterpretingerrorsLOUOnasystem (cluster)widemounteddisktherewillproba-LOblybe concurrentdiskactivityduringtheVERIFYcommand.GO ThereforeVERIFYmayreportsomeerrorswhicharenotIO^reallyerrors.-TryrunningVERIFY2or3timestoseeMOiftheerrorsarereportedagain..Togetareallyconsis-KOtentreportfromVERIFYyoucanusethe/LOCK qualifier.JOhThiswill write-lockthediskduringtheVERIFYrun,soIOdon'tusethis qualifiertoooften..(The/REPAIRquali-JOfierof ANALYZE/DISKalso write-locksthedisk).+EvenifHOrDFUends ungracefullytheDFUexithandlerwillalwaysOUNLOCKthedisk.EDFpn, dF O14.6CError reporting&VERIFY%mydisk,O"%DFU-I-VERIFY,% Verifying%MYDISK::Oi%DFU-S-CHKHOME,%Home%block%info&verified&OK3O%DFU-I-IFSCAN,%Scanning% INDEXF.SYS&...4O%DFU-I-CHKBITMAP,%Checking% BITMAP.SYS...8OA%DFU-I-CHKLOST,%Checking%for&lost%files...2O%DFU-I-CHKQUOTA,&Checking& QUOTA.SYS...-ODFU>&VERIFY/REBUILD& sys$sysdevice4O:%DFU-W-LOCKED,%Volume%now&write&locked3O%DFU=I-VERIFY,% Verifying%SYS$SYSDEVICE::O%DFU-S-CHKHOME,%Home%block%info&verified&OK[O%DFU-W-DELETED,%file% (620,351,1)%RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3%marked&for%deleteUOZ%DFU-W-DELETED,%file% (6349,173,1)%DCLTABLES.EXE;937%marked&for%delete\O%DFU-W-DELETED,%file% (19745,35,1)%RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3&marked%for%delete4O%DFU-I-CHKBITMAP,%Checking% BITMAP.SYS...bO2%DFU-E-ALLOCCLR,&blocks%LBN%2667141%through&2667143% incorrectly%marked& allocatedbOz%DFU-E-ALLOCCLR,&blocks%LBN%2667153%through&2667161% incorrectly%marked& allocated . .=OR%DFU-S-RBDBITMAP,% BITMAP.SYS& succesfully&rebuild8O%DFU-I-CHKLOST,%Checking%for&lost%files...*O%DFU-I-UNLOCK,%Volume%unlockedOKDFU>`o66OVERIFYcanreportthe followingerrors:F EGp &\ 000000.DIR directoryonRVN1, thendo a SET4 FILE/REMOVEfromthewrong 000000.DIR.u.O DELETED,filemarkedfordelete,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:5Afilewasfoundmarkedfor deletion.O^SuchfilesusuallyexistsasaresultoffilebeingdeletedMwhileitwasstill INSTALLed,orasaresultofasystemLcrash.+Itisnot consideredasanerror.+Youcantryto5hdeletesuchfilesbyusing VERIFY/FIX.Sv k)/O ERRHOME,HomeblockinfonotOK,k Severity:PkERROR Explanation:4TheInfo containedintheHomeBlock.^wasnot consistentor corrupted. UserAction:4RunANALYZE/DISK/REPAIRtotrytofixRtheerror.uw ~K3O INVBAKFID,filehasinvalid backlink,k Severity:PkERROR Explanation:>Thefilesbacklinkfileidisnotfilledin.R^Thisislikelytobealostfile.'(NotethatonceVERIFYre-Nportsthiserror,itwillnotbereportedagainduringthePLOSTFILEcheck).'ButisalsopossiblethatthefileisinaUhvalid directory,butthattheBacklinkfileidisnotfilledin. UserAction:,RunANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR.IftheO\fileisinavalid directorythebacklinkwillbe repaired.K Otherwisethefilewillbemovedtothe [SYSLOST]direc-L tory.'Youcanalsouse VERIFY/FIXbutthenthefilewill4eunconditionallybemovedto [SYSLOST].wx kM.O LOCKED,fileisdeaccesslocked,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:<Thefileisdeaccesslocked.(Thismaybea'^resultofasystemcrash. UserAction:9TrytounlockthefilewiththeDFUSET2Rcommand,ortheDCLUNLOCKcommand.y =O LOSTHDR1,filefoundin nonexistent directory,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:<Duringthelostfilecheckafilewasdis-G^coveredina nonexistent directory.-ThiserrorcanbeJcausedasfollows:'seta directoryfileto NODIRECTORYanddeleteit. UserAction:7Run VERIFY/FIXtomovethefiletothe [SYSLOST] directory.z! &AO LOSTHDR2,filefoundin directorywithbadback-( link, Severity:PWARNING^ Explanation:<^Duringthelostfilecheckafilewasdis-Jcoveredinavalid directory.)However,the directoryhasLaninvalid backlink.(Thiserrorcanbecausedbydoinga3hSET FILE/REMOVEofa directoryfile. UserAction:7Run VERIFY/FIXtomovethe directorytoF\the [SYSLOST] directory.)Thenmovethe directorybackQtothecorrect location.'Thefilesinthe directoryshouldbe  accesibleagain.{uU9O LOSTHDR3,filefoundininvalid directory,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:<Duringthelostfilecheckafilewasdis-I^coveredina directorywhichisnotavalid directory.OEitherthefilehasawrong backlink,orthe directoryfile9hasthe directoryfile attributenotset. UserAction:6Lookupthe directoryanduseDFUSETPtosetthe directorybit.(Ifthe directoryfilewasOKthen8\run VERIFY/FIXtorecoverthelostfile.IGFH| 2O LOSTHDR4,notfoundina directory,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:/Whenthe/DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifierN^isused,DFUdetectsfileswhichhaveavalidbacklinkbutMwhicharenotseeninthe directory.(Thiscanberepairedwith/FIX. UserAction:9Using/FIXwillenterthesefilesinthecorrect directory.d} :2O MULTALLOC,blocksmultiple allocated,k Severity:PkERROR Explanation:9Afilehasblocks allocatedwhichalreadyG^belongtoanotherfile.+NotethatVERIFYwillmakeaHsecondpassthrough INDEXF.SYStoreportallthefilesQ involved.(Thisisaseriouserror,andmaybearesultofaGhdiskbeingmountedontwo seperated VAXClusters(ora# partitioned VAXCluster).\ UserAction:3\CopyallthefilesfoundtoanotherC location.1Nextallthefilesmustbedeleted.2RunA VERIFY/REBUILDtorepairtheBITMAP.Alltheaf-Neflictedfilesmustbemanually inspectedtoseewhichfiles1arevalidandwhichare corrupted.~km9O NOBITCLR,DeletedfileheadermarkedBUSY,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:9Afilewasdeleted.)The correspondingbitL^intheINDEXFbitmapshouldbeclearedbutisstillset.+Thisisnotaseriouserror.R UserAction:3RRunVERIFY/REBUILDtofixtheerror.! kV8O NOBITSET,indexfilebitmapbitnotset,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:<Avalidfilewasfound,butthe correspond-N^ingindexfilebitmapbitisclear.,Thisisnotaseriouserror.R UserAction:3RRunVERIFY/REBUILDtofixtheerror.O %)O NOOWNER,filehasnoowner,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:8AfilewasfoundwithUIC[0,0]asthe6^owner.'Thisisnotanormal situation. UserAction:=Lookupthefileandmodifythefileowner.n /D=O QUOTAERR,UIC[x,y]hasnblocksused,QUOTA( indicatesmblocks, Severity:PWARNING^ Explanation:7^Ifadiskhas diskquotaenabled,VERIFYG calculatestheblocksusedandcomparesthemwiththeHvalueinthe QUOTA.SYSfile.(Anymismatchis reported.JhThiserrorisoftenseenwhenVERIFYisrun,andthereMis concurrentfileactivityonthedisk.-Also,ifafteraAsystemcrashthediskismountedwith /NOREBUILDCrsuchQuota mismatchesmayexist.(ReRunVERIFYwith;/LOCKtoseeiftheerrorisstillthere.e UserAction:/eRunVERIFY/REBUILDtorebuildthe=QUOTAfile.)Orruna DISKQUOTA>REBUILDcom-mand. 3O SLFBAKFID,backlinkpointstoitself,k Severity:PkWARNING Explanation:7Thiserror indicatesthatDFUhasfoundO^a directorywithabacklinkpointingtoitself.'ThisfeatureJisonlyallowedfortheMFD 000000.DIR.ThiserrorwillEresultin ANALYZE/DISKgoingintoa COMputableloop. UserAction:3Run VERIFY/FIXtomovethe directoryFtothe [SYSLOST] directory.)Thenremovethe directoryB\entryfromitselfwithaSET FILE/REMOVEcommand.GThefilesinthe directoryshouldbe accesibleagain.  H G:OVERIFY*d::OVERIFYadevicefordisk structureerrors.U+OFormatOsVERIFYN device[:]vLO ParametersOsdevice(OThedevicetobe verified.HO QualifiersOs/APPEND=filenamePOThis qualifier redirectstheoutputtobeappendedtoanal-XO$readyexistingfile.)IftheoutputfiledoesnotexistsitwillbeHO|created.'Youcanuse/APPENDor/OUTPUTbutnotboth. O/DIRECTORY_SCANOO(Performsafull directoryscan.(Thismaytakeupsometime,OObutitallows detectionof mismatchesbetweenthe directoriesOand INDEXF.SYS.KO/FIXO(/NOFIX (default)IORepairerrorsonthedisk.0FilemarkedfordeletewillNObedeletedandlostfilesand directorieswillbemovedtoO2 [SYSLOST].t JO/LOCKO(/NOLOCK (default)QOLocksthediskforfileallocation/deletion.)Thisgivesacon-QOsistentreportforthedisk,butotherusersmay experienceaPO2delaywhen accessingthedisk.'Thedevicewillbeunlockeda-OtheendoftheVERIFYcommand.WO/OUTPUT=filenameRO(This qualifier redirectstheoutputtoafile.*TheoutputwillFOalsogoto SYS$OUTPUT.CAUTION:ify6ouuse/LOCKinHO combinationwith/OUTPUTbecarefultospecifyanout-MO2putfileonANOTHERdisk,orDFUwillfinishwithasevereOerror.O/REBUILDO( /NOREBUILD (default)JOPerformavolumerebuild.,Usingthis qualifierwilltem-7Oporarilylockthediskforotherusers.O /STATISTICSNO(This qualifierdisplaysthe performance statistics:(CPUtime,/OElapsedTime,I/Oand PageFaults.*e FF  !"""""################$%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&''''(((((((((((((((((((((((()**+++++++++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-.///01111233333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333455677777777777777777777777777777777778999::;;;;;;;;;<============>?@@@@@AAABBBBCCCDEEFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH""1. Introduction1. Introduction1. Introduction1. Introduction1.1 Support on DFU1.1 Support on DFU1.1 Support on DFU1.2 General description1.2 General description1.2 General description1.2 General description1.2 General description.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A.1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters&1.4 Restrictions and Parameters+1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features+1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features+1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features2. Using DFU!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure!2.1 Installation procedure2.2 Security and access2.2 Security and access2.2 Security and access2.2 Security and access2.2 Security and access2.2 Security and access2.2 Security and access2.3 Running DFU2.3 Running DFU2.3 Running DFU2.3 Running DFU2.3 Running DFU2.3 Running DFU&2.4 Using an indirect file list&2.4 Using an indirect file list"3. The SMG output interface!3.1 Enabling/Disabling SMG83.2 Automatic switching between SMG and Line mode#3.3 Layout of the SMG screen#3.3 Layout of the SMG screen#3.3 Layout of the SMG screen#3.3 Layout of the SMG screen"3.4 Special Screen commands"3.4 Special Screen commands"3.4 Special Screen commands"3.4 Special Screen commands"3.4 Special Screen commands"3.4 Special Screen commands3.5 Side effects3.5 Side effects4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics4. DFU basics5. ODS-5 features5. ODS-5 features5. ODS-5 features5. ODS-5 features6. DEFRAG6.1 Description6.1 Description6.1 Description6.2 Error messages6.2 Error messages6.2 Error messages DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG7. DELETE7.1 Introduction7.1 Introduction7.1 Introduction7.1 Introduction7.1 Introduction DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE8. DIRECTORY8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction8.1 Introduction.8.2 Discussion of directory compression.8.2 Discussion of directory compression.8.2 Discussion of directory compression.8.2 Discussion of directory compression.8.2 Discussion of directory compression8.3 Output formatting8.3 Output formatting8.3 Output formatting8.3 Output formattingDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORY9. REPORT9.1 Description9.1 Description9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output9.2 Syntax and Output REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT10. SEARCH10.1 Introduction10.2 Syntax and Output10.2 Syntax and Output10.2 Syntax and Output!10.3 Volume Set processing10.4 Output formatting10.4 Output formatting10.4 Output formatting10.4 Output formatting)10.5 UIC and identifier processing SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH11. SET11.1 Introduction11.1 Introduction)11.2 UIC and identifier processing SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET12. UNDELETE12.1 Introduction12.1 Introduction12.1 Introduction%12.2 File specification syntax%12.2 File specification syntax12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works12.3 How Undelete works#12.4 Files marked for deleteUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETEUNDELETE13. SPAWN14. VERIFY14.1 Introduction14.1 Introduction14.1 Introduction14.1 Introduction14.1 Introduction 14.2 Basic repair actions 14.2 Basic repair actions 14.2 Basic repair actions#14.3 Advanced repair actions#14.3 Advanced repair actions#14.3 Advanced repair actions#14.3 Advanced repair actions14.4 Directory scanning14.4 Directory scanning14.4 Directory scanning14.5 Interpreting errors14.6 Error reporting14.6 Error reporting5ALLOCCLR, blocks incorrectly marked allocated,0ALLOCSET, blocks incorrectly marked free,/BADBLOCK, file has suspected bad blocks,2BADEXTLNK, link to extension header broken,@BADMFDLNK, directory has backlink to 000000.DIR on RVN n,'DELETED, file marked for delete,'ERRHOME, Home block info not OK,,INVBAKFID, file has invalid backlink,'LOCKED, file is deaccess locked,5LOSTHDR1, file found in nonexistent directory,=LOSTHDR2, file found in directory with bad back- link,1LOSTHDR3, file found in invalid directory,*LOSTHDR4, not found in a directory,,MULTALLOC, blocks multiple allocated,1NOBITCLR, Deleted file header marked BUSY,/NOBITSET, index file bitmap bit not set,"NOOWNER, file has no owner,GQUOTAERR, UIC [x,y] has n blocks used, QUOTA indicates m blocks,,SLFBAKFID, backlink points to itself, VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY VERIFYF F ch1 hd1_0 hd1_1 hd1_2 hd1_3( hd1_4+ ch2, hd2_16 hd2_2= hd2_3C hd2_4E chnewFhdsmg_1Ghdsmg_1aHhdsmg_2Lhdsmg_3Rhdsmg_4T ch3`chods5d ch4e hd4_1h hd4_2kdefragv ch6w hd6_1|delete ch7 hd7_1 hd7_2 hd7_3directory ch8 hd8_1 hd8_2report ch9 hd9_1 hd9_2 hd9_3 hd9_4 hd9_5search ch10hd10_1hd10_2 set@ ch11Ahd11_1Dhd11_1aFhd11_2Ohd11_3Pundelete\ ch12] ch13^hd13_1chd13_2fhd13_3jhd13_4mhd13_5nhd13_6verify B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1/-ADOBE-Symbol-*-R-*--*-140-*-*-P-*-*-*@-ADOBE-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1M -ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1hzF"-NF/"1Vr" #%&|+-1`?46p7(890>=ptAB,NQQXS T YZx ^gzhL;rvriws T  @"2<L>0J+.f\ `(i    0[SYSHLP]DFU027A.DECW$BOOKSHELF  aged !ADBOOK\dfu027a\DFU V2.7-A0[SYSHLP]DFU027A.HTML@?@VZDt "? ?aged !AD>V'0);DFU V2.7-A"

DFU V2.7-A

3DFU Disk / File Utilities for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha

&Revision Information:This manual supersedes V2.6

Date:September 2000

"Operating System:OpenVMS V6.2 thru 7.3

Note:Part of the Freeware Software

(OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and AXP Systems

GThe OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM contains free software tools and utilities Eto aid software developers in creating applications and managing and using OpenVMS systems.

EMany of these tools are popular packages already widely known and in Fuse, while others are internally developed Compaq tools our engineers Hare making available to our OpenVMS customers. For example, the OpenVMS HFreeware CD-ROM includes Bliss-32 for OpenVMS VAX, Bliss-32 for OpenVMS "AXP, and Bliss-64 for OpenVMS AXP.

-Disclaimer on Testing, Quality, and Licensing

HThe OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and AXP Systems CD-ROM is provided "AS IS" Fwithout warranty. Compaq imposes no restrictions on its distribution, Enor on the redistribution of anything on it. Be aware, however, that Gsome of the packages on the CD-ROM may carry restrictions on their use Fimposed by the original authors. Therefore, you should carefully read ,the documentation accompanying the products.

FCOMPAQ COMPUTER Corporation is providing this software free of charge Fand without warranty. Included in the [FREEWARE] directory on this CD Eare the GNU software licenses. Unless otherwise stated in sources or Fsource packages, the GNU licenses cover all software supplied on this CD.

ACompaq makes no claims about the quality of this software. It is +provided to the customer as a free service.

Copyright ©2000




Chapter 1

BThe Disk / File utilities is a tool developed to help finding and Csolving disk , directory and file problems. The usage of low-level CVMS-I/O features have resulted in a powerfull and high-performance Gutility. Also, DFU provides many features which are not available with normal DCL commands.

BDFU supports all types of disk sets which comply to the VMS ODS-2 Fstandard such as volume sets, stripe sets, shadow sets and RAID sets, ;and combinations of these. Spiralog disks are NOT supported

FDFU also supports the new Extended File Specifications (also known as 3ODS-5) which is introduced in VMS 7.3 (Alpha-only).

!DFU is fully Year-2000 compliant.5

1.1 Support on DFU

:Although there is no official support on DFU you may mail <questions/remarks/bug reports to the author via internet at:


1.2 General description

>DFU provides the following functions (in alphabetical order) :
  • DEFRAG : This function allows simple defragmentation of a file or  files.J
  • DELETE : This function allows either a delete by file-id, or a fast @ delete of a complete directory or directory tree with all its  subdirectories./
  • DIRECTORY : This function has 8 options :
    1. COMPRESS a directory'
    2. DUMP a directory block by block3
    3. CREATE a directory with a preallocated size;
    4. REBUILD_MFD rebuilds the MFD (000000.dir) directory%
    5. RECOVER a corrupted directoryI
    6. Search all directories on the disk for files which have multiple versionsA
    7. Search all directories on the disk for alias file entries@
    8. Search all directories on the disk for empty directories
  • REPORT : Generates a file and free space report for a disk. Also a F disk space usage report, based on UIC/Identifier, can be generated, / even on a disk which has disk quota disabled.H
  • SEARCH : Look up files on a disk by specific file attributes (eg. + files sizes, dates, ownership, and so on)H
  • SET : This functions allows setting of vitually all possible file attributes./
  • UNDELETE : A safe file recovery function.I
  • VERIFY : This function performs a fast disk structure verification F and can optionally repair certain disk structure errors (comparable  with ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR).

    BEach function is described in detail in the corresponding chapter.

    >DFU is supported on OpenVMS V6.2 through V7.3 (VAX and Alpha).K

    1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A


    HThis version of DFU offers some improved and new features, as well as a Gcouple of bugfixes. If you are using DFU on VMS 7.2/7.3 it is strongly $recommended to install this version.

    (The table below lists all new features :

    • The performance on DELETE/DIR/TREE has been improved by some 30%.@
    • DIR : Added DIR/REBUILD_MFD qualifier to fix a broken MFD  (000000.DIR) directory.
    • New SEARCH qualifiers :
      1. /ORGANIZATION=(INDEXED | SEQUENTIAL | RELATIVE | DIRECT) : List all H files with RMS Organization Indexed, Sequential, Relative or Direct.F
      2. /NAME_TYPE=(ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS2): search for files with ODS2 , % Iso-Latin-1 or Unicode name type.
    • SET : /(NO)BCK to set file(s) to (NO)BACKUP.

      +The following bugs and problems are fixed :

      • Several ACCVIO's bugs have been fixed:
        1. A rare situation where we had an empty file name stringL
        2. Very large disks with low cluster sizes on VMS 7.2; this results in 1 larger BITMAP.SYS files which could crash DFUG
        3. With very long device names (eg through a logical name) VERIFY  could crash
      • Under rare circumstances a directory could become corrupt during a  compress operation.I
      • DELETE/DIRECTORY did not handle files correctly when the extension C was '.DIRxxx'. DFU erroneously handled such files as directories.H
      • DELETE/DIRECTORY did not handle files correctly when the filename I contained a space (ODS5 only). The result was a 'File not found' error # when trying to delete such files.H
      • Indirect input files were were not always read in correctly. This & resulted in 'File not found' errors.


        1.4 Restrictions and Parameters

        (The DFU program has a few restrictions :
        • DFU can not handle volume sets with more than 32 members.

        CThe following minimum process quotas are recommended for DFU usage:

        • WSQUOTA : 1500
        • WSEXTENT : 3000
        • DIOLM : 40
        • ASTLM : 40
        • FILLM : 40
        • BYTLM : 30000
        • PGFLQUOTA : 30000

        EIf you use DFU on volume sets with a large number of members you may 1need to increase the SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT.

        EIf you use the directory command on very large directory files (> H1000 blocks) and run into errors you may need to increase the following parameters:

        • WSQUOTA at least 1000 + size-of-largest directory file(
        • WSEXTENT : WSQUOTA + at least 10000
        • CTLPAGES (SYSGEN parameter) : at least 1002
        • WSMAX (SYSGEN parameter) : at least WSEXTENT

        EDo not change parameters unless you run into errors such as EXCEEDED )QUOTA or INSUFFICIENT WORKING SET LIMITS.G

        1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features


        EVMS 7.1 introduced a way to improve I/O performance, called FAST-IO. HThis feature does only work on Alpha. DFU will try to perform directory @processing using FAST-IO. If this fails DFU will switch back to E'normal' I/O. To enable FAST-IO the following conditions must be met:

        • The user must have the identifier VMS$BUFFER_OBJECT_USER granted.J
        • There must be sufficient free Buffer object space. This is governed J by the SYSGEN parameter MAXBOBMEM. DFU may require up to 1000 MAXBOBMEM  pages.

        HIf DFU can use FAST-IO then commands such as DIR/ALIAS, DIR/VERSION and 6VERIFY/DIR will gain a 10-15% performance improvement.


        Chapter 2
        Using DFU


        DThis chapter describes the installation procedure and other actions which must be taken to run DFU.=

        2.1 Installation procedure


        CDFU must be installed with the PRODUCT INSTALL utility. During the 0installation PRODUCT INSTALL does the following:

        • Moves the documentation to SYS$HELP (Optional)
        • Relinks DFUG
        • Creates the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier needed to perform the special ) privileged functions. (See chapter 2.2)

        /The DFU utility in fact contains just 2 files :

        1. SYS$SYSTEM:DFU.EXE : the DFU program1
        2. SYS$HELP:DFUHLP.HLB : the on-line help file

        =The installation no longer offers an opportunity for private Hinstallation. If you don't want DFU to be available systemwide you must Bmanually move DFU.EXE and the help file to your private directory.

        FTo install DFU log in into a privileged account. Next, copy the .PCSI Ginstallation kit to disk:[directory] (may be anywhere on your system). HNote that there are two different kits, one for the VAX and one for the <Alpha architecture, named DEC-VAXVMS-DFU-V0207-A-1.PCSI and @DEC-AXPVMS-DFU-V0207-A-1.PCSI. Next enter the following command:

        .$ Product Install DFU/SOURCE=disk:[directory]   )The following product has been selected: DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A  Do you want to continue? [YES]  

        0If you enter YES the installation will proceed :

         ?*** DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A: Disk and File Utilities for OpenVMS  ?    Do you want all the default values for this product? [YES]  

        FIf you enter YES DFU will be installed with all manuals. If you enter FNO you will be prompted for the manuals you want to install. Finally, 5Product Install will continue with the installation :

         ,%PCSIUI-I-DONEASK, execution phase starting )The following product will be installed: DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A  H%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OPENVMSVAX :-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 93 required; 373793 available; 373700 net  6Portion Done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...70%...80%...100%  *The following product has been installed: DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A  

        :If you installed DFU system wide you may manually execute BSYS$STARTUP:DFU$STARTUP.COM on any node in the cluster. Executing ADFU$STARTUP.COM adds DFU.EXE to the installed file list and thus Eimproves performance. if you want DFU Installed each time the system Dboots you must add the command @SYS$STARTUP:DFU$STARTUP to the file SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

        DNext you must grant any DFU user including yourself the DFU_ALLPRIV Gidentifiers if they must be able to use all DFU functions. See chapter '2.2 for the meaning of this identifier.:

        2.2 Security and access


        DDFU has some functions which must not be made available for general Gusage. Therefore DFU has a certain group of commands which require the >user to be granted the DFU_ALLPRIV qualifier. The DFU_ALLPRIV Eidentifier is created during the installation procedure. To enable a Fuser to perform these special functions the system manager must grant this identifier as follows :

        $ mc authorize &UAF> grant/id DFU_ALLPRIV username 

        GIf the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier is not granted then the functions listed below cannot be performed :

        1. DEFRAG
        2. DELETE/FILE
        3. SPAWN
        4. UNDELETE#

        ENote that this behaviour is different from previous versions of DFU. HSome commands which required the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier on previous DFU =versions have been removed from the list above. It is highly Arecommended that the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier is only granted to a limited number of users.

        2All DFU functions need SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.


        EPlease note that the DFU$STARTUP.COM procedure installs DFU.EXE with FBYPASS privilege. Because of the new SPAWN command you must not grant Hnon-privileged users the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier. Otherwise they can get Hthe BYPASS privilege simply by using the SPAWN command. As a workaround Cyou can change the DFU$STARTUP.COM procedure to remove the /BYPASS #privilege from the INSTALL command.2

        2.3 Running DFU


        To run DFU you can enter :

        $ RUN disk:[mydir]DFU 

        $or (if DFU is installed systemwide):

        	$ MC DFU 

        8You can also define and use a symbol for DFU as follows:

        $ DFU == "$disk:[dir]DFU" $ DFU 

        DFU now prompts with :

        3    Disk and File Utilities for OpenVMS DFU V2.7-A     Freeware version 3    Copyright (C) 2000 COMPAQ COMPUTER Corporation  DFU> 

        GYou can now enter DFU commands. HELP gives you online help. After each Ccommand DFU returns to the DFU> prompt. You can recall and edit Ecommands, just as with DCL (20 commands will be stored in the recall Gbuffer). Use EXIT or CTRL/Z to leave DFU. If you use a symbol for DFU, @you also process a single command and return to DCL immediately:

        $DFU SEARCH disk/qualifiers 

        EDuring a DFU run, you can interrupt DFU with CTRL/C or CTRL/Y. These Ginterrupts are caught by DFU to allow a correct rundown of the current Bcommand. It may therefore take some time before DFU responds to a CTRL/C or Y interrupt.B

        2.4 Using an indirect file list


        @There are 3 commands, DIRECTORY, DEFRAG and SET which accept an Hindirect file as input parameter. This is achieved by using the @ sign. FAn indirect file is a file containing a list of valid filenames (each Fline in such a file must contain exactly one filename). Such indirect ;files can be the output file of the DFU Search command eg.:




        Chapter 3
        The SMG output interface


        CDFU uses SMG (Screen management routines) to perform output for an Finteractive DFU session. This chapter describes the layout of the DFU Fscreen, the special commands used only in the SMG interface and other (items with respect to the SMG interface.=

        3.1 Enabling/Disabling SMG


        CDFU automatically selects SMG output if you run an interactive DFU Hsession on a t>erminal or workstation which supports SMG. In a batch job Hor a non-DEC terminal DFU will use normal line oriented output. You can Fexplicitly disable SMG by defining the logical DFU$NOSMG to any value.T

        3.2 Automatic switching between SMG and Line mode

        DYou may prefer to perform interactive DFU sessions in SMG mode, and Gsingle DFU commands in normal line mode. This can be done by using the command procedure listed below:
         0$! Procedure to switch beteen SMG and line mode $ DFU = "$DFU" $ if p1 .eqs. "" $ then $!Interactive session $$ define/user sys$input sys$command $ dfu $ else  $!Single command so disable SMG $ define/user dfu$nosmg x .$ dfu 'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6' 'p7' 'p8' $ endif $ exit 


        3.3 Layout of the SMG screen

        0After starting DFU the screen looks as follows :
        T+-----------------------< DFU V2.7-A (Freeware) >---------------------------+ N|                                                                           | N|     Disk and File Utilities for OpenVMS DFU V2.7-A                        | N|     Freeware version                                                      | N|     Copyright  2000 COMPAQ COMPUTER Corporation                          | N|                                                                           | N|     DFU functions are :                                                   | N|                                                                           | N|     DEFRAGMENT : Defragment files                                         | N|     DELETE     : Delete files by File-ID; delete directory (trees)        | N|     DIRECTORY  : Manipulate directories                                   | N|     REPORT     : Generate a complete disk report                          | N|     SEARCH     : Fast file search                                         | N|     SET        : Modify file attributes                                   | N|     UNDELETE   : Recover deleted files                                    | N|     VERIFY     : Check and repair disk structure                          | N|                                                                           | N|                                                                           | N+----------------------------------Statistics-------------------------------+ N|                                                                           | N|                                                                           | N+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ N DFU>                                                                      

        'This screen is divided into 3 sections:

        • Main Screen : the top part of the screen is used for the output E from DFU commands. Also broadcast messages are send to this window.G
        • Statistics : the lower part contains statistics from the current B command. During most of the commands this screen will contain a : progress indicator and a status for the current command.E
        • DFU prompt : the bottom line is used as the input command line.


        3.4 Special Screen commands

        :In SMG mode the following keys perform special functions :
        • DO : invokes a subprocess (same as the SPAWN command)F
        • HELP or PF2 : invokes a special SMG window for the help command.!
        • CTRL/W : redraws the screen>
        • PF4 : creates a screen dump into the file DFU_SCREEN.TXT3
        • PREV SCREEN : Scrolls back the output screen.5
        • NEXT SCREEN : Scrolls forward the output screen)
        • INSERT HERE : Scrolls back one line'
        • REMOVE : Scrolls forward one line2
        • SELECT : Toggles between 80 and 132 columns.

        HAlthough only some 20 lines are visible in the output (main) screen DFU Din fact remembers 500 output lines. You can scroll back and forward Dthrough one screen with the NEXT and PREV SCREEN keys, and one line Gwith the REMOVE and INSERT HERE keys. At the beginning of each new DFU command these lines are cleared.

        AIf you execute a command which produces a lot of output, you can 1paginate the output by using the /PAGE qualifier.

        GOn a workstation with DECwindows/Motif you can change the DECterm size =to be more than the standard 24 lines. DFU's SMG screen will :automatically adjust to the screen size of such a DecTerm.


        3.5 Side effects

        HThere are a few side effects when using SMG mode. CTRL/C and CTRL/Y are Dcatched but not echoed. Also all broadcast messages are trapped and Cwill be displayed in the main screen at the end of the current DFU Hcommand. Sometimes this may slightly disrupt the main screen, which can be repaired with the CTRL/W key.

        ?Further, during the execution of a DFU command the cursor will Fdisappear. After the command finishes the cursor will reappear at the DFU> prompt.


        Chapter 4
        DFU basics


        ANote : this chapter is meant for first time users of DFU. If you ;already used DFU before you may probably skip this chapter.

        FThis chapter gives a brief overview of the commands which can be used ?with DFU, and how they can provide the system manager with the necessary information.

        COne of most common actions by a system manager is trying to locate Fspecific files eg. files with a certain file size. Although a lot can Dbe done with the VMS DIRECTORY command this can be a time consuming Eprocess, especially if the complete disk must be scanned. The SEARCH Dcommand of DFU is exactly meant for this situation. It gives a very Hquick list of specific files, with their size, and if needed the number 4of file fragments. Some useful SEARCH commands are :

        ?DFU> SEARCH disk/SIZE=MINIMUM=1000 (files > 1000 blocks) 9DFU> SEARCH disk/IDENT=SYSTEM (files owned by SYSTEM) KDFU> SEARCH disk/FRAGMENT=MINIMUM=10 (files with at least 10 fragments) >DFU> SEARCH disk/CHAR=MARKED (all files marked for delete) PDFU> SEARCH disk/CREATED=SINCE=YESTERDAY (all files created since YESTERDAY) 

        HOf course these qualifiers can be combined to narrow the search. As the GSEARCH command scans INDEXF.SYS, not directories, the output generated Gby SEARCH may look a bit random (but it is just the order in which the Gfile headers are in the INDEXF.SYS file). To smooth the output use the /SORT qualifier.

        HAnother important action for a system manager is to gather some overall Edisk information, such as number of files, free space statistics and Hfragmentation information. The REPORT command will generate such a disk Breport. To get individual disk space usage information the /USAGE Equalifier can be used. This will work even if there is no disk quota enabled on the disk.

        DAt regular intervals a system manager may need to check a disk with DANALYZE/DISK. The DFU VERIFY command provides more or less the same Ffunctionality but many times faster. The /FIX qualifier provides some HREPAIR options which (unlike ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR) do NOT lock the disk, Hand thus do not interfere with other disk operations. However, the disk :can be rebuilt completely by using the /REBUILD qualifier.

        BOccasionaly a user will delete the wrong file, leaving the system Gmanager or operator with the tedious task of restoring the file from a Gbackup set. The UNDELETE command may be able to recover the file if it Fhas not yet been overwritten with a new one. Much care has been taken Hto make this command as safe as possible; therefore no disk corruptions Fwill be the result of an UNDELETE. If DFU encounters a problem with a +deleted file it will refuse to UNDELETE it.

        HAnother type of typical system manager problems deals with directories. BThe DFU command DIRECTORY can handle such problems. DIRECTORY can ?generate reports about empty directories (/EMPTY qualifier) or Bdirectories which contain files with a certain number of versions @(/VERSION=n qualifier). Also, directories may become internally Dfragmented. This can be quickly solved with the /COMPRESS qualifier.

        GA second problem with directories is in deleting a directory with many Hfiles. This may take several hours using a DCL DELETE *.* command. This Dproblem is solved by using DFU's DELETE/DIRECTORY command which can Edelete large directories some 10 times faster than the normal DELETE Acommand does. Also, using DELETE/DIR/TREE will delete a complete %directory tree with just one command.

        GThe last 2 commands deal with individual files. SET allows settings of Hsome special file attributes. Since VMS V6.0 this functionality is also Eprovided by the DCL SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE command, but DFU's SET offers Fsome more options. The DEFRAG command is an interface to the MOVEFILE =function offered by VMS 5.5 and higher. This allows a simple $defragmentation of individual files.

        FThe next chapters gives a detailed description of each individual DFU command.



        Chapter 5
        ODS-5 features


        HVMS 7.2 introduces an extension on the current ODS2 file system, called Fthe Extended File Specifications, or ODS-5. This feature is available Donly on Alpha systems. Also, VMS 7.2 adds support for 255 levels of Bsubdirectories. This is often called deep-directory support. Both Dfeatures are now fully supported by DFU V2.7-A. There is no need to Cperform any special action to execute DFU commands on ODS-5 disks. DNevertheless the following points are worth to be considered before %using DFU on VMS 7.2 and ODS-5 disks:

        1. It is highly recommended to add the following command to LOGIN.COM :
          This allows easy usage of the new file naming scheme (such as 8 lower-case character, multiple dots in a file name).C
        2. File names can become large, either trough the file name, or F because we can have 255 levels of subdirectories. A filename longer G than 255 characters will be abbreviated into a so-called DID-ed name.

        FA DID-ed name looks like 'device:[x,y,z]file.ext'. As can be seen the Hdirectory string has been replaced by the file id (x,y,z) of the parent directory.


        Chapter 6


        FThis chapter describes the DEFRAG command with the related parameters and qualifiers.2

        6.1 Description


        FThe DEFRAG command can be used to defragment a single file or a group Hof files. You can also enter an indirect command file containing a list Gof files. This feature allows you to create an output file with SEARCH #and use that as an input to DEFRAG.

        DDEFRAG makes use of the file-primitive MOVEFILE function. Therefore =files which are open, or which are marked NOMOVE will not be DEFRAGmented.


        6.2 Error messages

        /The most common errors returned by DEFRAG are :
        • ACCONFLICT: File is open by another userJ
        • DEVICEFULL: Device has not enough contiguous free space to move the entire file-
        • FILNOTACC: File has been set to NOMOVE.D
        • FILENUMCHK: You tried to move a reserved file (eg INDEXF.SYS).C
        • RMS Errors: Almost always caused by an invalid or wrong file  specifcation.





        1Defragment a file or a list of files on the disk.



        DEFRAG file1,file2,@file...





        EThe file(s) to be defragmented. You can also use an indirect command Efile (@file) which contains a list of files to be defragmented. This ?may be an output file generated with the SEARCH/OUTPUT command.




        CNormally DEFRAG tries to create a contiguous file. If there is not Henough contiguous free space the operation will fail. With the /BESTTRY Equalifier DEFRAG tries to move the file with the contiguous-best-try Fmethod. This means a maximum of 3 fragments. You should only use this Equalifier when a normal DEFRAG fails. If a DEFRAG/BESTTRY also fails Hthis is an indication that the disk's free space is too fragmented. Run Ea REPORT to see what the largest contiguous free space is, and check #the free space fragmentation index.


        FThe device on which the files reside. The device name is added to the Gfile name. If you generate a file list with the DFU SEARCH command you Hdon't need this qualifier anymore. However you may have a list of files Fproduced from another source and thus need to append a device name to it. Example:
        5  DFU> SEARCH mydisk/...../frag=min=50/output=x.x   DFU> DEFRAG @x.x 


        HForces a single file to be moved to the specified logical block number. :Do not use this qualifier when processing a list of files.


        FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


        ;Perform a writecheck on the resultant file. The default is E/NOWRITECHECK. Note that a writecheck doubles the number of involved disk I/O's.



        Chapter 7


        FThis chapter describes the DELETE command with the related parameters and qualifiers.3

        7.1 Introduction


        .The DELETE command is designed for 2 purposes:

        1. Delete a file by file id (with the /FILE qualifier). This J functionality is needed to be able to delete files which no longer have I a parent directory. This way 'lost' files and (sometimes) files marked ( for delete can be removed from a disk.G
        2. A fast method to delete a complete directory or even a directory I tree (with the /DIRECTORY and /TREE qualifier). First all entries of a J directory are deleted without removing the directory entry ; this saves E a lot of unnecessary directory updates. Finally the directory file D itself is deleted, unless the /KEEP qualifier is used. This way a I directory is cleaned up many times faster than with the DCL DELETE *.* H command. On large directories DFU may be even 10 or more times faster I than DCL. To delete a complete directory tree use the /TREE qualifier. F The DCL command DELETE [.SUBDIR...]*.*;* will almost always fail to G delete the intermediate subdirectory files forcing you to issue this J command several times. The DFU DELETE command is smart enough to delete F the files and the subdirectory files in the proper order; therefore F only one command is sufficient to delete a complete directory tree. I
          The /KEEP qualifier allows you to preserve the directory tree. The J contents are deleted but the directory file(s) remains intact.
          If a J file cannot be deleted for some reason (such as a file access conflict) E the file will stay at its place together with the parent directory.


        #Next/ | Contents0[SYSHLP]DFU027A.LINEx?ux| ?K* ĘRxuuaged !AD> > DFU V2.7-A DFU V2.7-A DFU V2.7-A= DFU Disk / File Utilities for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Revision Information: Revision Information: Revision Information: This manual supersedes, V2.6f Date: Date: Date: September 2000 Operating System: Operating System: Operating System: OpenVMS V6.2 thru 7.3l Note: Note: Note: Part of the Freeware0 Software  2 OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and AXP Systems< The OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM contains free software; tools and utilities to aid software developers in> creating applications and managing and using OpenVMS systems.: Many of these tools are popular packages already> widely known and in use, while others are internally9 developed Compaq tools our engineers are making: available to our OpenVMS customers. For example,; the OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM includes Bliss-32 for= OpenVMS VAX, Bliss-32 for OpenVMS AXP, and Bliss-64 for OpenVMS AXP.7 Disclaimer on Testing, Quality, and Licensing@ The OpenVMS Freeware for VAX and AXP Systems CD-ROM is; provided "AS IS" without warranty. Compaq imposes9 no restrictions on its distribution, nor on the> redistribution of anything on it. Be aware, however,; that some of the packages on the CD-ROM may carry; restrictions on their use imposed by the original; authors. Therefore, you should carefully read the2 documentation accompanying the products.@ COMPAQ COMPUTER Corporation is providing this software> free of charge and without warranty. Included in the> [FREEWARE] directory on this CD are the GNU software@ licenses. Unless otherwise stated in sources or source@ packages, the GNU licenses cover all software supplied on this CD.: Compaq makes no claims about the quality of this< software. It is provided to the customer as a free service. __________ Copyright 2000  A _______________________________________________________8 Contents Contents ContentsA _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1A _________________________________________________ 1.1 SUPPORT ON DFU 1-1 1.1 SUPPORT ON DFU 1-1 1.1 SUPPORT ON DFU 1-1A _________________________________________________ 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1A _________________________________________________ 1.3 NEW FEATURES AND BUGFIXES OF V2.7-A 1-3 1.3 NEW FEATURES AND BUGFIXES OF V2.7-A 1-3 1.3 NEW FEATURES AND BUGFIXES OF V2.7-A 1-3A _________________________________________________ 1.4 RESTRICTIONS AND PARAMETERS 1-4 1.4 RESTRICTIONS AND PARAMETERS 1-4 1.4 RESTRICTIONS AND PARAMETERS 1-4A _________________________________________________ 1.5 RESTRICTIONS ON FAST-IO FEATURES 1-5 1.5 RESTRICTIONS ON FAST-IO FEATURES 1-5 1.5 RESTRICTIONS ON FAST-IO FEATURES 1-5A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 USING DFU 2-1 CHAPTER 2 USING DFU 2-1 CHAPTER 2 USING DFU 2-1A _________________________________________________ 2.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 2-1 2.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 2-1 2.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 2-1A _________________________________________________ 2.2 SECURITY AND ACCESS 2-3 2.2 SECURITY AND ACCESS 2-3 2.2 SECURITY AND ACCESS 2-3A _________________________________________________ 2.3 RUNNING DFU 2-4 2.3 RUNNING DFU 2-4 2.3 RUNNING DFU 2-4A _________________________________________________ 2.4 USING AN INDIRECT FILE LIST 2-5 2.4 USING AN INDIRECT FILE LIST 2-5 2.4 USING AN INDIRECT FILE LIST 2-5 iii iii iii  8 Contents Contents ContentsA _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 THE SMG OUTPUT INTERFACE 3-1 CHAPTER 3 THE SMG OUTPUT INTERFACE 3-1 CHAPTER 3 THE SMG OUTPUT INTERFACE 3-1A _________________________________________________ 3.1 ENABLING/DISABLING SMG 3-1 3.1 ENABLING/DISABLING SMG 3-1 3.1 ENABLING/DISABLING SMG 3-1A _________________________________________________ 3.2 AUTOMATIC SWITCHING BETWEEN SMG AND 3.2 AUTOMATIC SWITCHING BETWEEN SMG AND 3.2 AUTOMATIC SWITCHING BETWEEN SMG AND LINE MODE 3-1 LINE MODE 3-1 LINE MODE 3-1A _________________________________________________ 3.3 LAYOUT OF THE SMG SCREEN 3-2 3.3 LAYOUT OF THE SMG SCREEN 3-2 3.3 LAYOUT OF THE SMG SCREEN 3-2A _________________________________________________ 3.4 SPECIAL SCREEN COMMANDS 3-3 3.4 SPECIAL SCREEN COMMANDS 3-3 3.4 SPECIAL SCREEN COMMANDS 3-3A _________________________________________________ 3.5 SIDE EFFECTS 3-4 3.5 SIDE EFFECTS 3-4 3.5 SIDE EFFECTS 3-4A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 DFU BASICS 4-1 CHAPTER 4 DFU BASICS 4-1 CHAPTER 4 DFU BASICS 4-1A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 5 ODS-5 FEATURES 5-1 CHAPTER 5 ODS-5 FEATURES 5-1 CHAPTER 5 ODS-5 FEATURES 5-1A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 6 DEFRAG 6-1 CHAPTER 6 DEFRAG 6-1 CHAPTER 6 DEFRAG 6-1A _________________________________________________ 6.1 DESCRIPTION 6-1 6.1 DESCRIPTION 6-1 6.1 DESCRIPTION 6-1A _________________________________________________ 6.2 ERROR MESSAGES 6-1 6.2 ERROR MESSAGES 6-1 6.2 ERROR MESSAGES 6-1 DEFRAG 6-2 DEFRAG 6-2 DEFRAG 6-2& iv iv iv  Contents Contents ContentsA _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 7 DELETE 7-1 CHAPTER 7 DELETE 7-1 CHAPTER 7 DELETE 7-1A _________________________________________________ 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7-1 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7-1 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7-1 DELETE 7-2 DELETE 7-2 DELETE 7-2A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 8 DIRECTORY 8-1 CHAPTER 8 DIRECTORY 8-1 CHAPTER 8 DIRECTORY 8-1A _________________________________________________ 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8-1 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8-1 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8-1A _________________________________________________ 8.2 DISCUSSION OF DIRECTORY COMPRESSION 8-4 8.2 DISCUSSION OF DIRECTORY COMPRESSION 8-4 8.2 DISCUSSION OF DIRECTORY COMPRESSION 8-4A _________________________________________________ 8.3 OUTPUT FORMATTING 8-5 8.3 OUTPUT FORMATTING 8-5 8.3 OUTPUT FORMATTING 8-5 DIRECTORY 8-5 DIRECTORY 8-5 DIRECTORY 8-5A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 9 REPORT 9-1 CHAPTER 9 REPORT 9-1 CHAPTER 9 REPORT 9-1A _________________________________________________ 9.1 DESCRIPTION 9-1 9.1 DESCRIPTION 9-1 9.1 DESCRIPTION 9-1A _________________________________________________ 9.2 SYNTAX AND OUTPUT 9-1 9.2 SYNTAX AND OUTPUT 9-1 9.2 SYNTAX AND OUTPUT 9-1 REPORT 9-5 REPORT 9-5 REPORT 9-5A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 10 SEARCH 10-1 CHAPTER 10 SEARCH 10-1 CHAPTER 10 SEARCH 10-1A _________________________________________________ 10.1 INTRODUCTION 10-1 10.1 INTRODUCTION 10-1 10.1 INTRODUCTION 10-1 v v v  8 Contents Contents ContentsA _________________________________________________ 10.2 SYNTAX AND OUTPUT 10-1 10.2 SYNTAX AND OUTPUT 10-1 10.2 SYNTAX AND OUTPUT 10-1A _________________________________________________ 10.3 VOLUME SET PROCESSING 10-2 10.3 VOLUME SET PROCESSING 10-2 10.3 VOLUME SET PROCESSING 10-2A _________________________________________________ 10.4 OUTPUT FORMATTING 10-2 10.4 OUTPUT FORMATTING 10-2 10.4 OUTPUT FORMATTING 10-2A _________________________________________________ 10.5 UIC AND IDENTIFIER PROCESSING 10-2 10.5 UIC AND IDENTIFIER PROCESSING 10-2 10.5 UIC AND IDENTIFIER PROCESSING 10-2 SEARCH 10-3 SEARCH 10-3 SEARCH 10-3A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 11 SET 11-1 CHAPTER 11 SET 11-1 CHAPTER 11 SET 11-1A _________________________________________________ 11.1 INTRODUCTION 11-1 11.1 INTRODUCTION 11-1 11.1 INTRODUCTION 11-1A _________________________________________________ 11.2 UIC AND IDENTIFIER PROCESSING 11-1 11.2 UIC AND IDENTIFIER PROCESSING 11-1 11.2 UIC AND IDENTIFIER PROCESSING 11-1 SET 11-2 SET 11-2 SET 11-2A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 12 UNDELETE 12-1 CHAPTER 12 UNDELETE 12-1 CHAP>TER 12 UNDELETE 12-1A _________________________________________________ 12.1 INTRODUCTION 12-1 12.1 INTRODUCTION 12-1 12.1 INTRODUCTION 12-1A _________________________________________________ 12.2 FILE SPECIFICATION SYNTAX 12-2 12.2 FILE SPECIFICATION SYNTAX 12-2 12.2 FILE SPECIFICATION SYNTAX 12-2.A _________________________________________________o 12.3 HOW UNDELETE WORKS 12-2 12.3 HOW UNDELETE WORKS 12-2 12.3 HOW UNDELETE WORKS 12-2 A _________________________________________________ 12.4 FILES MARKED FOR DELETE 12-5 12.4 FILES MARKED FOR DELETE 12-5 12.4 FILES MARKED FOR DELETE 12-5 UNDELETE 12-5 UNDELETE 12-5 UNDELETE 12-5& vi vi vi  Contents Contents Contents A _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 13 SPAWN 13-1 CHAPTER 13 SPAWN 13-1 CHAPTER 13 SPAWN 13-1oA _______________________________________________________s CHAPTER 14 VERIFY 14-1 CHAPTER 14 VERIFY 14-1 CHAPTER 14 VERIFY 14-1VA _________________________________________________a 14.1 INTRODUCTION 14-1 14.1 INTRODUCTION 14-1 14.1 INTRODUCTION 14-1 A _________________________________________________ 14.2 BASIC REPAIR ACTIONS 14-2 14.2 BASIC REPAIR ACTIONS 14-2 14.2 BASIC REPAIR ACTIONS 14-2 A _________________________________________________r 14.3 ADVANCED REPAIR ACTIONS 14-2 14.3 ADVANCED REPAIR ACTIONS 14-2 14.3 ADVANCED REPAIR ACTIONS 14-2 A _________________________________________________o 14.4 DIRECTORY SCANNING 14-3 14.4 DIRECTORY SCANNING 14-3 14.4 DIRECTORY SCANNING 14-3_A _________________________________________________t 14.5 INTERPRETING ERRORS 14-3 14.5 INTERPRETING ERRORS 14-3 14.5 INTERPRETING ERRORS 14-3 A _________________________________________________ 14.6 ERROR REPORTING 14-4 14.6 ERROR REPORTING 14-4 14.6 ERROR REPORTING 14-4 VERIFY 14-10 VERIFY 14-10 VERIFY 14-10 vii vii vii_ _ 1 1 1T T SA _______________________________________________________ D 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Introduction: The Disk / File utilities is a tool developed to< help finding and solving disk , directory and file; problems. The usage of low-level VMS-I/O featuresI; have resulted in a powerfull and high-performanceA= utility. Also, DFU provides many features which are_1 not available with normal DCL commands.E= DFU supports all types of disk sets which comply toE< the VMS ODS-2 standard such as volume sets, stripe> sets, shadow sets and RAID sets, and combinations of1 these. Spiralog disks are NOT supported_@ DFU also supports the new Extended File Specifications> (also known as ODS-5) which is introduced in VMS 7.3 (Alpha-only). + DFU is fully Year-2000 compliant.-L __________________________________________________________________J 1.1 Support on DFU 1.1 Support on DFU 1.1 Support on DFU> Although there is no official support on DFU you may> mail questions/remarks/bug reports to the author via internet at:! L __________________________________________________________________Y 1.2 General description 1.2 General description 1.2 General description ? DFU provides the following functions (in alphabetical_ order) :A o DEFRAG : This function allows simple defragmentation of a file or files. 1-1 1-1 1-1   D Introduction Introduction Introduction= o DELETE : This function allows either a delete by A file-id, or a fast delete of a complete directory or_8 directory tree with all its subdirectories.6 o DIRECTORY : This function has 8 options :# 1 COMPRESS a directory . 2 DUMP a directory block by block: 3 CREATE a directory with a preallocated size8 4 REBUILD_MFD rebuilds the MFD (000000.dir) directory, 5 RECOVER a corrupted directory; 6 Search all directories on the disk for filesS+ which have multiple versions @ 7 Search all directories on the disk for alias file entries; 8 Search all directories on the disk for emptyN directories@ o REPORT : Generates a file and free space report for= a disk. Also a disk space usage report, based on = UIC/Identifier, can be generated, even on a disk + which has disk quota disabled. > o SEARCH : Look up files on a disk by specific file? attributes (eg. files sizes, dates, ownership, and  so on) @ o SET : This functions allows setting of vitually all& possible file attributes.6 o UNDELETE : A safe file recovery function.8 o VERIFY : This function performs a fast disk= structure verification and can optionally repair ; certain disk structure errors (comparable withC" ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR).5 Each function is described in detail in the_ corresponding chapter.) 1-2 1-2 1-2   Introduction Introduction Introduction @ DFU is supported on OpenVMS V6.2 through V7.3 (VAX and Alpha). L __________________________________________________________________ 1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A 1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A 1.3 New features and bugfixes of V2.7-A : This version of DFU offers some improved and new? features, as well as a couple of bugfixes. If you are @ using DFU on VMS 7.2/7.3 it is strongly recommended to install this version. 2 The table below lists all new features :A o The performance on DELETE/DIR/TREE has been improved  by some 30%.F; o DIR : Added DIR/REBUILD_MFD qualifier to fix a_/ broken MFD (000000.DIR) directory.$ o New SEARCH qualifiers := 1 /ORGANIZATION=(INDEXED | SEQUENTIAL | RELATIVE ? | DIRECT) : List all files with RMS Organization 7 Indexed, Sequential, Relative or Direct._@ 2 /NAME_TYPE=(ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS2): search for files< with ODS2 , Iso-Latin-1 or Unicode name type.9 o SET : /(NO)BCK to set file(s) to (NO)BACKUP. 5 The following bugs and problems are fixed : 3 o Several ACCVIO's bugs have been fixed: ? 1 A rare situation where we had an empty file name  string = 2 Very large disks with low cluster sizes on VMS; 7.2; this results in larger BITMAP.SYS files $ which could crash DFU@ 3 With very long device names (eg through a logical' name) VERIFY could crash 1-3 1-3 1-3   -D Introduction Introduction Introduction> o Under rare circumstances a directory could become1 corrupt during a compress operation. A o DELETE/DIRECTORY did not handle files correctly when-A the extension was '.DIRxxx'. DFU erroneously handled' such files as directories. < o DELETE/DIRECTORY did not handle files correctlyA when the filename contained a space (ODS5 only). The ? result was a 'File not found' error when trying to_ delete such files.D> o Indirect input files were were not always read inA correctly. This resulted in 'File not found' errors.RL __________________________________________________________________q 1.4 Restrictions and Parameters 1.4 Restrictions and Parameters 1.4 Restrictions and Parameters.2 The DFU program has a few restrictions := o DFU can not handle volume sets with more than 32  members._> The following minimum process quotas are recommended for DFU usage: o WSQUOTA : 1500  o WSEXTENT : 3000 o DIOLM : 40  o ASTLM : 40I o FILLM : 40 o BYTLM : 30000 o PGFLQUOTA : 30000> If you use DFU on volume sets with a large number of? members you may need to increase the SYSGEN parameter  CHANNELCNT. ) 1-4 1-4 1-4   Introduction Introduction Introduction_8 If you use the directory command on very large= directory files (> 1000 blocks) and run into errorsR< you may need to increase the following parameters:> o WSQUOTA at least 1000 + size-of-largest directory file_/ o WSEXTENT : WSQUOTA + at least 1000.7 o CTLPAGES (SYSGEN parameter) : at least 100 9 o WSMAX (SYSGEN parameter) : at least WSEXTENT = Do not change parameters unless you run into errors < such as EXCEEDED QUOTA or INSUFFICIENT WORKING SET LIMITS..L __________________________________________________________________ 1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features 1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features 1.5 Restrictions on FAST-IO features> VMS 7.1 introduced a way to improve I/O performance,8 called FAST-IO. This feature does only work on= Alpha. DFU will try to perform directory processing_; using FAST-IO. If this fails DFU will switch back : to 'normal' I/O. To enable FAST-IO the following! conditions must be met: A o The user must have the identifier VMS$BUFFER_OBJECT_- USER granted.? o There must be sufficient free Buffer object space. @ This is governed by the SYSGEN parameter MAXBOBMEM.8 DFU may require up to 1000 MAXBOBMEM pages.6 If DFU can use FAST-IO then commands such as; DIR/ALIAS, DIR/VERSION and VERIFY/DIR will gain a ) 10-15% performance improvement. 1-5 1-5 1-5_ _ _A _______________________________________________________ ; 2 Using DFU 2 Using DFU 2 Using DFU ? This chapter describes the installation procedure and 7 other actions which must be taken to run DFU._L __________________________________________________________________b 2.1 Installation procedure 2.1 Installation procedure 2.1 Installation procedure8 DFU must be installed with the PRODUCT INSTALL? utility. During the installation PRODUCT INSTALL does  the following:; o Moves the documentation to SYS$HELP (Optional)  o Relinks DFUA o Creates the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier needed to perform @ the special privileged functions. (See chapter 2.2)9 The DFU utility in fact contains just 2 files :11 1 SYS$SYSTEM:DFU.EXE : the DFU programN8 2 SYS$HELP:DFUHLP.HLB : the on-line help file> The installation no longer offers an opportunity for; private installation. If you don't want DFU to be = available systemwide you must manually move DFU.EXE 6 and the help file to your private directory.@ To install DFU log in into a privileged account. Next,= copy the .PCSI installation kit to disk:[directory] ; (may be anywhere on your system). Note that there = are two different kits, one for the VAX and one for_? the Alpha architecture, named DEC-VAXVMS-DFU-V0207-A-D> 1.PCSI and DEC-AXPVMS-DFU-V0207-A-1.PCSI. Next enter the following command: 2-1 2-1 2-1  1 ; Us>ing DFU Using DFU Using DFU H $ Product Install DFU/SOURCE=disk:[directory]C The following product has been selected: 0 DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A9 Do you want to continue? [YES]_: If you enter YES the installation will proceed :Y *** DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A: Disk and File Utilities for OpenVMS Y Do you want all the default values for this product? [YES]9 If you enter YES DFU will be installed with all_? manuals. If you enter NO you will be prompted for the ? manuals you want to install. Finally, Product Install / will continue with the installation : F %PCSIUI-I-DONEASK, execution phase startingC The following product will be installed: 0 DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-Ab %PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OPENVMSVAXT -PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 93 required; 373793 available; 373700 netP Portion Done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...70%...80%...100%D The following product has been installed:0 DEC VAXVMS DFU V2.7-A; If you installed DFU system wide you may manually @ execute SYS$STARTUP:DFU$STARTUP.COM on any node in the@ cluster. Executing DFU$STARTUP.COM adds DFU.EXE to the? installed file list and thus improves performance. if ? you want DFU Installed each time the system boots youL> must add the command @SYS$STARTUP:DFU$STARTUP to the- file SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.i= Next you must grant any DFU user including yourself = the DFU_ALLPRIV identifiers if they must be able to @ use all DFU functions. See chapter 2.2 for the meaning of this identifier. ) 2-2 2-2 2-2_ _ _ Using DFU Using DFU Using DFU L __________________________________________________________________Y 2.2 Security and access 2.2 Security and access 2.2 Security and access 7 DFU has some functions which must not be made : available for general usage. Therefore DFU has a: certain group of commands which require the user; to be granted the DFU_ALLPRIV qualifier. The DFU_ ? ALLPRIV identifier is created during the installation 6 procedure. To enable a user to perform these> special functions the system manager must grant this! identifier as follows :) $ mc authorize = UAF> grant/id DFU_ALLPRIV username ? If the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier is not granted then the 6 functions listed below cannot be performed : 1 DEFRAG_ 2 DELETE/FILE 3 SPAWN 4 UNDELETE-* 5 VERIFY/FIX and VERIFY/REBUILD= Note that this behaviour is different from previousN@ versions of DFU. Some commands which required the DFU_? ALLPRIV identifier on previous DFU versions have beenI? removed from the list above. It is highly recommendedI> that the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier is only granted to a" limited number of users.< All DFU functions need SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege./ IMPORTANT *** IMPORTANT *** IMPORTANT 8 Please note that the DFU$STARTUP.COM procedure9 installs DFU.EXE with BYPASS privilege. BecauseR: of the new SPAWN command you must not grant non-@ privileged users the DFU_ALLPRIV identifier. Otherwise; they can get the BYPASS privilege simply by using ; the SPAWN command. As a workaround you can change4 2-3 2-3 2-3   ; Using DFU Using DFU Using DFU = the DFU$STARTUP.COM procedure to remove the /BYPASS - privilege from the INSTALL command. L __________________________________________________________________A 2.3 Running DFU 2.3 Running DFU 2.3 Running DFU$ To run DFU you can enter :0 $ RUN disk:[mydir]DFU. or (if DFU is installed systemwide):# $ MC DFU 9 You can also define and use a symbol for DFU as  follows:4 $ DFU == "$disk:[dir]DFU" $ DFU DFU now prompts with :M Disk and File Utilities for OpenVMS DFU V2.7-As/ Freeware versioneM Copyright (C) 2000 COMPAQ COMPUTER Corporationr DFU> ? You can now enter DFU commands. HELP gives you onlineo: help. After each command DFU returns to the DFU>@ prompt. You can recall and edit commands, just as with@ DCL (20 commands will be stored in the recall buffer).> Use EXIT or CTRL/Z to leave DFU. If you use a symbol? for DFU, you also process a single command and return  to DCL immediately: 6 $DFU SEARCH disk/qualifiers= During a DFU run, you can interrupt DFU with CTRL/Cc: or CTRL/Y. These interrupts are caught by DFU to< allow a correct rundown of the current command. It? may therefore take some time before DFU responds to au CTRL/C or Y interrupt.) 2-4 2-4 2-4s g p Using DFU Using DFU Using DFU2L __________________________________________________________________q 2.4 Using an indirect file list 2.4 Using an indirect file list 2.4 Using an indirect file liste? There are 3 commands, DIRECTORY, DEFRAG and SET which = accept an indirect file as input parameter. This is = achieved by using the @ sign. An indirect file is a > file containing a list of valid filenames (each line< in such a file must contain exactly one filename).? Such indirect files can be the output file of the DFU  Search command eg.:- $ DFUG DFU> SEARCH mydisk/CHAR=DIRECTORY/OUTPUT=x.x7 DFU> DIRECTORY/COMPRESS @x.x 2-5 2-5 2-5  C RA _______________________________________________________eh 3 The SMG output interface 3 The SMG output interface 3 The SMG output interface> DFU uses SMG (Screen management routines) to perform= output for an interactive DFU session. This chapter = describes the layout of the DFU screen, the special ; commands used only in the SMG interface and other 2 items with respect to the SMG interface.L __________________________________________________________________b 3.1 Enabling/Disabling SMG 3.1 Enabling/Disabling SMG 3.1 Enabling/Disabling SMG< DFU automatically selects SMG output if you run an> interactive DFU session on a terminal or workstation9 which supports SMG. In a batch job or a non-DECt< terminal DFU will use normal line oriented output.@ You can explicitly disable SMG by defining the logical! DFU$NOSMG to any value.rL __________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Automatic switching between SMG and Line mode 3.2 Automatic switching between SMG and Line mode 3.2 Automatic switching between SMG and Line mode ? You may prefer to perform interactive DFU sessions in @ SMG mode, and single DFU commands in normal line mode.@ This can be done by using the command procedure listed below: 3-1 3-1 3-11  eh The SMG output interface The SMG output interface The SMG output interfaceJ $! Procedure to switch beteen SMG and line mode) $ DFU = "$DFU" + $ if p1 .eqs. "" ! $ then 0 $!Interactive session> $ define/user sys$input sys$command $ dfu! $ else0: $!Single command so disable SMG4 $ define/user dfu$nosmg xH $ dfu 'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6' 'p7' 'p8'" $ endif! $ exit L __________________________________________________________________h 3.3 Layout of the SMG screen 3.3 Layout of the SMG screen 3.3 Layout of the SMG screen: After starting DFU the screen looks as follows :h +-----------------------< DFU V2.7-A (Freeware) >---------------------------+h | |h | Disk and File Utilities for OpenVMS DFU V2.7-A |h | Freeware version |h | Copyright 2000 COMPAQ COMPUTER Corporation |h | |h | DFU functions are : |h | |h | DEFRAGMENT : Defragment files |h | DELETE : Delete files by File-ID; delete directory (trees) |h | DIRECTORY : Manipulate directories |h | REPORT : Generate a complete disk report |h | SEARCH : Fast file search |h | SET : Modify file attributes |h | UNDELETE : Recover deleted files |h | VERIFY : Check and repair disk structure |h | |h | |h +----------------------------------Statistics-------------------------------+h | |) 3-2 3-2 3-2E T The SMG output interface The SMG output interface The SMG output interface h | |h +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DFU>1 This screen is divided into 3 sections:o= o Main Screen : the top part of the screen is useda= for the output from DFU commands. Also broadcast . messages are send to this window.A o Statistics : the lower part contains statistics fromu= the current command. During most of the commandsT@ this screen will contain a progress indicator and a, status for the current command.> o DFU prompt : the bottom line is used as the input command line.L __________________________________________________________________e 3.4 Special Screen commands 3.4 Special Screen commands 3.4 Special Screen commandsw8 In SMG mode the following keys perform special functions :U9 o DO : invokes a subprocess (same as the SPAWN- command) ? o HELP or PF2 : invokes a special SMG window for the  help command.( o CTRL/W : redraws the screen; o PF4 : creates a screen dump into the file DFU_  SCREEN.TXTt: o PREV SCREEN : Scrolls back the output screen.< o NEXT SCREEN : Scrolls forward the output screen0 o INSERT HERE : Scrolls back one line. o REMOVE : Scrolls forward one line9 o SELECT : Toggles between 80 and 132 columns. 3-3 3-3 3-3  _ _h The SMG output interface The SMG output interface The SMG output interface? Although only some 20 lines are visible in the output? (main) screen DFU in fact remembers 500 output lines. < You can scroll back and forward through one screen? with the NEXT and PREV SCREEN keys, and one line witho> the REMOVE and INSERT HERE keys. At the beginning of7 each new DFU command these lines are cleared.t: If you execute a command which produces a lot of@ output, you can paginate the output by using the /PAGE qualifier.? On a workstation with DECwindows/Motif you can change : the DECterm size to be more than the standard 24; lines. DFU's SMG screen will automatically adjust / to the screen size of such a DecTerm.EL __________________________________________________________________D 3.5 Side effects 3.5 Side effects 3.5 Side effects; There are a few side effects when using SMG mode. @ CTRL/C and CTRL/Y are catched but not echoed. Also all> broadcast messages are trapped and will be displayed: in the main screen at the end of the current DFU? command. Sometimes this may slightly disrupt the main <> screen, which can be repaired with the CTRL/W key.< Further, during the execution of a DFU command the? cursor will disappear. After the command finishes the 2 cursor will reappear at the DFU> prompt.) 3-4 3-4 3-4   A _______________________________________________________ > 4 DFU basics 4 DFU basics 4 DFU basics> Note : this chapter is meant for first time users of> DFU. If you already used DFU before you may probably skip this chapter.= This chapter gives a brief overview of the commandsu> which can be used with DFU, and how they can provide< the system manager with the necessary information.; One of most common actions by a system manager iso: trying to locate specific files eg. files with a< certain file size. Although a lot can be done with@ the VMS DIRECTORY command this can be a time consuming: process, especially if the complete disk must be= scanned. The SEARCH command of DFU is exactly meante; for this situation. It gives a very quick list ofr< specific files, with their size, and if needed the? number of file fragments. Some useful SEARCH commandss are : S DFU> SEARCH disk/SIZE=MINIMUM=1000 (files > 1000 blocks) P DFU> SEARCH disk/IDENT=SYSTEM (files owned by SYSTEM)b DFU> SEARCH disk/FRAGMENT=MINIMUM=10 (files with at least 10 fragments)U DFU> SEARCH disk/CHAR=MARKED (all files marked for delete)0g DFU> SEARCH disk/CREATED=SINCE=YESTERDAY (all files created since YESTERDAY) > Of course these qualifiers can be combined to narrow= the search. As the SEARCH command scans INDEXF.SYS,$= not directories, the output generated by SEARCH mayE> look a bit random (but it is just the order in which: the file headers are in the INDEXF.SYS file). To4 smooth the output use the /SORT qualifier. 4-1 4-1 4-1d i r> DFU basics DFU basics DFU basics= Another important action for a system manager is to > gather some overall disk information, such as number; of files, free space statistics and fragmentation < information. The REPORT command will generate such; a disk report. To get individual disk space usage< information the /USAGE qualifier can be used. This= will work even if there is no disk quota enabled oni the disk. ; At regular intervals a system manager may need toh@ check a disk with ANALYZE/DISK. The DFU VERIFY command? provides more or less the same functionality but manyh? times faster. The /FIX qualifier provides some REPAIRU; options which (unlike ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR) do NOTl= lock the disk, and thus do not interfere with other; disk operations. However, the disk can be rebuilts5 completely by using the /REBUILD qualifier. @ Occasionaly a user will delete the wrong file, leaving> the system manager or operator with the tedious task? of restoring the file from a backup set. The UNDELETEo? command may be able to recover the file if it has notI< yet been overwritten with a new one. Much care has> been taken to make this command as safe as possible;@ therefore no disk corruptions will be the result of an> UNDELETE. If DFU encounters a problem with a deleted- file it will refuse to UNDELETE it. ? Another type of typical system manager problems deals @ with directories. The DFU command DIRECTORY can handle= such problems. DIRECTORY can generate reports aboutR= empty directories (/EMPTY qualifier) or directories ? which contain files with a certain number of versionse> (/VERSION=n qualifier). Also, directories may become@ internally fragmented. This can be quickly solved with" the /COMPRESS qualifier.< A second problem with directories is in deleting a: directory with many files. This may take several< hours using a DCL DELETE *.* command. This problem; is solved by using DFU's DELETE/DIRECTORY command : which can delete large directories some 10 times) 4-2 4-2 4-2   DFU basics DFU basics DFU basics_; faster than the normal DELETE command does. Also, @ using DELETE/DIR/TREE will delete a complete directory% tree with just one command. = The last 2 commands deal with individual files. SETD: allows settings of some special file attributes.< Since VMS V6.0 this functionality is also provided> by the DCL SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE command, but DFU's SET< offers some more options. The DEFRAG command is an? interface to the MOVEFILE function offered by VMS 5.5s= and higher. This allows a simple defragmentation of  individual files.e@ The next chapters gives a detailed description of each! individual DFU command. 4-3 4-3 4-3  t rA _______________________________________________________ J 5 ODS-5 features 5 ODS-5 features 5 ODS-5 features= VMS 7.2 introduces an extension on the current ODS2e? file system, called the Extended File Specifications,/; or ODS-5. This feature is available only on Alphao? systems. Also, VMS 7.2 adds support for 255 levels of = subdirectories. This is often called deep-directory? support. Both features are now fully supported by DFU @ V2.7-A. There is no need to perform any special action> to execute DFU commands on ODS-5 disks. Nevertheless@ the following points are worth to be considered before/ using DFU on VMS 7.2 and ODS-5 disks:_: 1 It is highly recommended to add the following# command to LOGIN.COM :e; $ SET PROCESS/PARSE=EXTENDEDiA This allows easy usage of the new file naming schemeA> (such as lower-case character, multiple dots in a file name).; 2 File names can become large, either trough the 9 file name, or because we can have 255 levels : of subdirectories. A filename longer than 255< characters will be abbreviated into a so-called DID-ed name.e? A DID-ed name looks like 'device:[x,y,z]file.ext'. As ? can be seen the directory string has been replaced by 6 the file id (x,y,z) of the parent directory. 5-1 5-1 5-1   A ________________________________________________________2 6 DEFRAG 6 DEFRAG 6 DEFRAG< This chapter describes the DEFRAG command with the, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________A 6.1 Description 6.1 Description 6.1 Description ? The DEFRAG command can be used to defragment a single 9 file or a group of files. You can also enter an; indirect command file containing a list of files._? This feature allows you to create an output file witha4 SEARCH and use that as an input to DEFRAG.9 DEFRAG makes use of the file-primitive MOVEFILEn< function. Therefore files which are open, or which5 are marked NOMOVE will not be DEFRAGmented.oL __________________________________________________________________J 6.2 Error messages 6.2 Error messages 6.2 Error messages9 The most common errors returned by DEFRAG are :_5 o ACCONFLICT: File is open by another usert> o DEVICEFULL: Device has not enough contiguous free* space to move the entire file4 o FILNOTACC: File has been set to NOMOVE.> o FILENUMCHK: You tried to move a reserved file (eg INDEXF.SYS).n> o RMS Errors: Almost always caused by an invalid or% wrong file specifcation. 6-1 6-1 6-1   J DEFRAG command DEFRAG command DEFRAG command2 DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAGA _______________________________________________________e2 DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG; Defragment a file or a list of files on the disk. A _______________________________________________________ 2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG ____________________ file1,file2,@file... file1,file2,@file... file1,file2,@file...A _______________________________________________________ > PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERS{ ____________________ file1,file2,@file... file1,file2,@file... file1,file2,@file...S= The file(s) to be defragmented. You can also use an @ indirect command file (@file) which contains a list of> files to be defragmented. This may be an output file3 generated with the SEARCH/OUTPUT command. A _______________________________________________________ > QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSK ________ /BESTTRY /BESTTRY /BESTTRYF< Normally DEFRAG tries to create a contiguous file.: If there is not enough contiguous free space the: operation will fail. With the /BESTTRY qualifier< DEFRAG tries to move the file with the contiguous-? best-try method. This means a maximum of 3 fragments. : You should only use this qualifier when a normal; DEFRAG fails. If a DEFRAG/BESTTRY also fails this < is an indication that the disk's free space is too: fragmented. Run a REPORT to see what the largest< contiguous free space is, and check the free space fragmentation index.G _______ /DEVICE /DEVICE /DEVICE ? The device on which the files reside. The device name ; is added to the file name. If you generate a fileR> list with the DFU SEARCH command you don't need this; qualifier anymore. However you may have a list ofe) 6-2 6-2 6-2|  DEFRAG command DEFRAG command DEFRAG command| DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG = files produced from another source and thus need to . append a device name to it. Example:L DFU> SEARCH mydisk/...../frag=min=50/output=x.x- DFU> DEFRAG @x.x _________________________ /LBN=logical-block-number /LBN=logical-block-number /LBN=logical-block-number ; Forces a single file to be moved to the specified > logical block number. Do not use this qualifier when% processing a list of files. W ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICS = This qualifier displays the performance statistics: 5 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.-W ___________ /WRITECHECK /WRITECHECK /WRITECHECKr9 Perform a writecheck on the resultant file. Then: default is /NOWRITECHECK. Note that a writecheck4 doubles the number of involved disk I/O's. 6-3 6-3 6-3   2 DEFRAG DEFRAG DEFRAG) 6-4 6-4 6-4_ _ _A _______________________________________________________32 7 DELETE 7 DELETE 7 DELETE< This chapter describes the DELETE command with the, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________D 7.1 Introduction 7.1 Introduction 7.1 Introduction8 The DELETE command is designed for 2 purposes:A 1 Delete a file by file id (with the /FILE qualifier).E> This functionality is needed to be able to delete@ files which no longer have a parent directory. This> way 'lost' files and (sometimes) files marked for/ delete can be removed from a disk.e< 2 A fast method to delete a complete directory or; even a directory tree (with the /DIRECTORY and ? /TREE qualifier). First all entries of a directory ? are deleted without removing the directory entry ;M? this saves a lot of unnecessary directory updates.hA Finally the directory file itself is deleted, unlessi> the /KEEP qualifier is used. This way a directory> is cleaned up many times faster than with the DCL= DELETE *.* command. On large directories DFU mayV@ be even 10 or more times faster than DCL. To delete? a complete directory tree use the /TREE qualifier.eA The DCL command DELETE [.SUBDIR...]*.*;* will almostp@ always fail to delete the intermediate subdirectory< files forcing you to issue this command several= times. The DFU DELETE command is smart enough tot; delete the files and the subdirectory files inU< the proper order; therefore only one >command is< sufficient to delete a complete directory tree. 7-1 7-1 7-1a C /J DELETE command DELETE command DELETE commandD Introduction Introduction Introduction; The /KEEP qualifier allows you to preserve thet= directory tree. The contents are deleted but the/. directory file(s) remains intact.> If a file cannot be deleted for some reason (suchA as a file access conflict) the file will stay at itsp6 place together with the parent directory.A ________________________________________________________2 DELETE DELETE DELETE' Deletes files or directories.aA _______________________________________________________r2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT DELETE DELETE DELETE _________ __ _________________ device[:] or directory-file(s) device[:] or directory-file(s) device[:] or directory-file(s)A _______________________________________________________t> PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERSC ______ device device devicem@ The device on which to perform the DELETE/FILE=file-id command.o _________________ directory-file(s) directory-file(s) directory-file(s)r< The filespecification of the directory on which to= perform the DELETE/DIRECTORY command. Wildcard fileu< specifications may be used. DFU will automatically@ add .DIR to the filespecification if a filetype is not provided. A _______________________________________________________ > QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSS __________ /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORYl; Specify the directory file which must be deleted.H@ Wildcards may be used but must be used very carefully.) 7-2 7-2 7-2b o n DELETE command DELETE command DELETE commandh DELETE DELETE DELETE < Make sure that the directory does not contain non-7 empty subdirectories. Note that the directoryr< file itself will also be deleted, unless the /KEEP qualifier is used. Example:( $ DIR EXAMPLE5 Directory MYDISK:[RUBBISH] ( EXAMPLE.DIR;1 $ DFU< DFU> DELETE/DIRECTORY EXAMPLE.DIRT %DFU-I-CLEANUP, Deleting MYDISK:[RUBBISH]EXAMPLE.DIR;1...D %DFU-S-DELETED, File DBGINI.COM;3 deletedB %DFU-S-DELETED, File ICON.COM;1 deletedD %DFU-S-DELETED, File I_FOOL.COM;1 deletedG %DFU-S-DELETED, File LOGICALS.COM;51 deletedbD %DFU-S-DELETED, File LOGIN.COM;79 deletedD %DFU-S-DELETED, File LOGOUT.COM;4 deletedK %DFU-S-DELETED, File NOTE_COMPRESS.COM;3 deletedoD %DFU-S-DELETED, File SHOWCL.COM;3 deletedF %DFU-S-DELETED, File SYMBOLS.COM;89 deletedF %DFU-S-DELETED, File TPUBUILD.COM;5 deleted; %DFU-S-TOTAL, 11 file(s) deletedcE %DFU-S-DELETED, File EXAMPLE.DIR;1 deletedl_ _____________ /FILE=file-id /FILE=file-id /FILE=file-idn> Specify a complete file-id (num,seq,rvn) of the file: which must be deleted. This qualifier allows the< deletion of lost files or files marked for delete. Example :U 7-3 7-3 7-3R  J DELETE command DELETE command DELETE command2 DELETE DELETE DELETE $ DFU. DFU> VERIFY MYDISK:F %DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK@ %DFU-I-IFSCAN, Scanning INDEXF.SYS...c %DFU-E-INVBAKFID, file (86,17915,1) 0004CF04$BFS.;1 has invalid backlinkhe %DFU-W-DELETED, file (537,2878,1) APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1 marked for deleter . .  . ? DFU> DELETE MYDISK/FILE=(86,17915,1) G %DFU-S-DELETED, File 0004CF04$BFS.;1 deleted ? DFU> DELETE MYDISK/FILE=(537,2878,1) N %DFU-S-DELETED, File APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1 deleted? _____ /KEEP /KEEP /KEEPe@ Preserve the directory tree; only delete the contents.< /KEEP is only valid with the /DIRECTORY qualifier.9 /KEEP works for DELETE/DIR and DELETE/DIR/TREE.sC ______ /NOLOG /NOLOG /NOLOGS> Do not log succesfull deletes to SYS$OUTPUT. /LOG is the default.O _________ /NOREMOVE /NOREMOVE /NOREMOVEp? Can only be used with /FILE. Default DELETE/FILE will ; try to remove the file from the parent directory. < If the file's backlink no longer points to a valid> directory this will generate an error. The /NOREMOVE@ qualifier overrules this behaviour allowing such files to be deleted.W ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICS = This qualifier displays the performance statistics:5 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults. ) 7-4 7-4 7-4d s DELETE command DELETE command DELETE commandr DELETE DELETE DELETEn? _____ /TREE /TREE /TREEt6 Can only be used with /DIRECTORY. The delete; command will delete all subdirectories within thes; directory file specified. DFU will first sort outo< the subdirectory tree and than delete the files in= the proper order. Thus a complete directory tree isi# deleted with one command.a 7-5 7-5 7-5e e n2 DELETE DELETE DELETE) 7-6 7-6 7-6s  A _______________________________________________________ ; 8 DIRECTORY 8 DIRECTORY 8 DIRECTORY ? This chapter describes the DIRECTORY command with the , related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________D 8.1 Introduction 8.1 Introduction 8.1 Introduction; The DIRECTORY command offers 8 major functions. 3d< functions deal with all directories on a disk, the@ other 5 functions are used for manipulating individual? directories. These functions are activated by special1 qualifiers: - o Individual directory functions :n? 1 /COMPRESS : Rebuild one or more directory files.s= Directories are alphabetically sorted lists ofi: filenames and file id's. Because file names< are randomly inserted and deleted, holes will= occur in directory files. Such holes will onlyp? be reused if a file can be alphabetically fitted > into it. As a result directory files will grow.> Especially MAIL subdirectories suffer from this behaviour. > To make matters worse directory files above 127: blocks will no longer be cached by the file< system. This will degrade performance on such> directories dramatically. The COMPRESS function< will rebuild the complete directory file. The9 /TEST qualifier can be used to preview the 6 results of a possible COMPRESS command. 8-1 8-1 8-1   ; DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY ; 2 /CREATE/ALLOCATE=n : Create a directory with ; a preallocated size of 'n' blocks. Note thatc: 'n' will be rounded up to a multiple of the9 disk's cluster size. (This feature is also_: available on VMS 7.1/2 with the DCL command# CREATE/DIR/ALLOC=n).l> 3 /DUMP : Make a dump of the directory blocks and< formats the output. This option is useful for< debugging directory files which are suspected8 or corrupted. This function is equivalent9 to the previously undocumented VMS command @ DUMP/DIRECTORY, although the layout of the output is different.? 4 /REBUILD_MFD : Rebuild a corrupted disk's master @ file directory ( [000000]). This can also be used< if the MFD is entered in another directory in# stead of 000000.DIR. > 5 /RECOVER : Completely rebuild a directory. This> option should only be used to recover corrupted= directories. During the recovery procedure the ; directory will be inaccesible for some time._= Therefore this command should NEVER be used on = critical system directories. (DFU refuses this ? command on directory names containing the stringT0 'SYS' to avoid accidental usage)., o Disk-wide directory functions :< 1 /ALIAS : Scan all directories on the disk for" alias file entries.; 2 /EMPTY : Scan the disk for empty directoriese@ 3 /VERSION=n : Scan all directories on the disk for6 files which have at least 'n' versions.) 8-2 8-2 8-2i  DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY 9 The diskwide function qualifiers can be used in ; one command; other combinations of qualifiers are 8 not possible. Note that the diskwide directory@ functions can take several minutes to complete because: a complete directory scan uses a lot of disk I/O0 (approximately 2 I/O's per directory).= An indirect command file containing a list of files ; can be used as a parameter to /COMPRESS or /DUMP. ? Such a list can be generated with the SEARCH command.  Example:J DFU> SEARCH disk/FILE=*.DIR/SIZE=MIN=50/OUT=x.x7 DFU> DIRECTORY/COMPRESS @x.x 8 Caution: Care should be taken when compressing< critical system directories. To be safe you should: first use the /TEST qualifier before compressing9 the directory. Another problem may be caused byH: a systemcrash just when DFU is rewriting the new8 compressed directory (although the chance that< this happens is very small). When this happens you: can recover the files by executing the following procedure:< 1 Do a $SET FILE/NODIR of the corrupted directory6 2 Delete the directory and create a new one? 3 Do a $ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR ; this will move all the % lost files to [SYSLOST].? 4 Move the files from [SYSLOST] to the newly created  directory.i 8-3 8-3 8-3K o t; DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY/L __________________________________________________________________ 8.2 Discussion of directory compression 8.2 Discussion of directory compression 8.2 Discussion of directory compression 6 The DIRECTORY/COMPRESS function will improve: performance on large directories. There are some9 options which can further enhance performance : A o /TRUNCATE: When a directory is compressed , the free A space will be at the end of the directory. Therefore7= , if new files are added VMS is capable of using = this space, and avoid a directory entension. Thee< /TRUNCATE qualifier overrules this behaviour by> immediately truncating the free space back to the disk.< o /FILL_FACTOR: Normally DFU tries to compress as; much as possible. However, it may be better toi; deliberately create extra free space into each ? directory block. This can be done using the /FILL_w> FACTOR=n qualifier. Eg: a fill factor of 50% will= result in approximately half of each block beingt= free. Note that a fill_factor lower tha 100% may < result in an error DFU-E_EXTERR; in that case a+ higher factor must be choosen./; So, what strategy should be used when compressing  directories?> 1 Inactive directories : use DIR/COMPRESS/TRUNCATE.; 2 Not very active directories : use DIR/COMPRESSy (/TRUNCATE=n).s= 3 Active directories, files added at the end (suchy< as MAIL directories) : use DIR/COMPRESS without /TRUNCATE6 4 Active directories,> files added in randomA alphabetical order : use DIR/COMPRESS/FILL_FACTOR=n,c! n between 50 and 75.E) 8-4 8-4 8-4L  U DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY commandm Output formatting Output formatting Output formatting.L __________________________________________________________________S 8.3 Output formatting 8.3 Output formatting 8.3 Output formatting 0 The qualifier /FORMAT can be used with: DIRECTORY/VERSION. This allows the build up of a> command procedure directly from the output generated? by the DIR/VERSION command. /FORMAT has the following  restrictions :< 1 /FORMAT is only valid with the /VERSION and the /OUTPUT qualifier.t8 2 The format string used must contain the !AS= directive (in uppercase). The file found will bel, substituted at the !AS location Example:` DFU> DIR/VERSION=4/OUTPUT=PURGE.COM/FORMAT="$PURGE/KEEP=3 !AS" mydiskA _______________________________________________________a; DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY_' Performs directory functions. A _______________________________________________________E2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT  DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY _________ __ _________________ device[:] or directory-file(s) device[:] or directory-file(s) device[:] or directory-file(s)AA _______________________________________________________d> PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERSC ______ device device devicei< The device on which to perform one of the diskwide directory functions.s __________________ directory-files(s) directory-files(s) directory-files(s)c= The file specification of the directory on which toD; perform the /CREATE, /COMPRESS, /DUMP or /RECOVERr< function. /REBUILD_MFD requires a device name only 8-5 8-5 8-5  e iS DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command; DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY 8 (assumes 000000.DIR implicitly). Wildcard file< specifications may be used. DFU will automatically@ add .DIR to the filespecification if a filetype is not provided. A _______________________________________________________ > QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSC ______ /ALIAS /ALIAS /ALIAS 6 The /ALIAS qualifier directs DFU to scan all@ directories for alias file entries on a disk. Normally? only the system disk should contain alias files. Thise? qualifier can be combined with /VERSION=n and /EMPTY.PW ___________ /ALLOCATE=n /ALLOCATE=n /ALLOCATE=nE; Used in combination with /CREATE. Creates the new 9 directory with an allocated size of 'n' blocks. O _________ /COMPRESS /COMPRESS /COMPRESS < Performs the directory compression unless /TEST is= also specified. The output will show the results inl' terms of file sizes. Example:E: DFU> DIR/COMP OWN$:[000000]MAILf %DFU-S-DONE, OWN$:[000000]MAIL.DIR;1: 31 files; was : 4/9, now : 3/3 blocks DFU> G _______ /CREATE /CREATE /CREATE-@ Create a new, empty directory. The allocated size will5 be 1 cluster unless /ALLOCATE is specified. G _______ /DEVICE /DEVICE /DEVICE : The device on which the files reside. The device; name is added to the file name. If you generate ac> file list with the DFU SEARCH command you don't need> this qualifier. However you may have a list of files@ produced from another source and thus need to append a? device name to it. This qualifier can only be used inb. combination with /COMPRESS or /DUMP.) 8-6 8-6 8-6l . DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY ? _____ /DUMP /DUMP /DUMP ? Produce a block level dump of a directory. /DUMP will @ interpret the directory entries found in each block. A> directory entry contains a size, version-limit, type; and name field. Next the directory entry contains-: a list of versions and file ID's for this entry.> /DUMP will produce a rather low level output of this information. Example :. DFU> DIR/DUMP C.DIR4 DUMP of directory block 1T Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(10): CHKDSK.EXE= Version: 3, FID : (1027,1456,0)EW Size: 26, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(13): CHKDSK.READMEE> Version: 2, FID : (33892,1171,0)> Version: 3, FID : (1256,11234,0)T Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(10): CHKDSK.SAV= Version: 2, FID : (13947,100,0)SU Size: 24, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(11): CHKDSK.SAVE.> Version: 1, FID : (12531,2114,0)X Size: 26, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(14): CHKDSK_LNK.COM< Version: 2, FID : (12314,72,0)N Size: 18, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(5): C_D.C< Version: 3, FID : (32650,32,0)P Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D.EXE; Version: 9, FID : (2675,64,0) P Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D.OBJ< Version: 4, FID : (9835,117,0)P Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D_2.C= Version: 15, FID : (12428,84,0) R Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_2.OBJ< Version: 9, FID : (8439,119,0)R Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_3.CLD< Version: 3, FID : (9777,178,0)R Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_3.OBJ< Version: 2, FID : (9737,161,0)P Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D_4.C> Version: 3, FID : (10594,1580,0)R Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_4.OBJ= Version: 2, FID : (10177,109,0) 8-7 8-7 8-7   S DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command ; DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY4 DUMP of directory block 2N Size: 18, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(5): DFU.C> Version: 169, FID : (31123,52,0) .8 .  .RW %DFU-I-TOTAL, OWN$:[SOURCES.FORTRAN.DFUSRC]C.DIR;1: 42 files_C ______ /EMPTY /EMPTY /EMPTY ; The /EMPTY qualifier will produce a list of empty: directories. This qualifier can be combined with /ALIAS and /VERSION=n.c ______________ /FILL_FACTOR=n /FILL_FACTOR=n /FILL_FACTOR=n < Specifies ,in percentage, the filling of directory> blocks during a /COMPRESS operation. Fill factor may? be between 50 and 100. Omitting this qualifier is they< same as /FILL_FACTOR=100 (maximum compression). If< the directory has not enough allocated space a low; fill factor may result in failure of the Compresso= operation. DFU will issue a DFU-E-EXTERR error, andi2 the directory file will not be modified. _____________________ /FORMAT=format-string /FORMAT=format-string /FORMAT=format-stringe< Create an output file in a format described by the8 format string. The string must contain the !AS8 directive (this must be uppercase). At the !AS< location the resultant filename will be filled in., The /OUTPUT qualifier is required.k ________________ /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=filenameb< This qualifier redirects the output to a file. The, output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT.[ ____________ /REBUILD_MFD /REBUILD_MFD /REBUILD_MFD @ Syntax : DIRECTORY/REBUILD_MFD This qualifier> causes the master file directory (000000.DIR) of the5 device to be rebuild and entered in itself.E) 8-8 8-8 8-8   DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command DIRECTORY command/ DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY K ________ /RECOVER /RECOVER /RECOVER ? This qualifier rebuilds a corrupted directory. Do notn= use this command on critical or active directories.aW ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICS = This qualifier displays the performance statistics:05 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.s? _____ /TEST /TEST /TESTR8 The /TEST can only be used in conjunction with? /COMPRESS. The qualifier will show the results of thec= /COMPRESS but will not compress the directory file.dw ___________________ /TRUNCATE=blocksize /TRUNCATE=blocksize /TRUNCATE=blocksizeb< During a compress operation truncate the directory> back to the blocksize specified. If blocksize is not; specified, the file will be truncated back to thee= end-of-file block number. Truncation will always be ? rounded up to the next highest multiple of the disk's  cluster size. S __________ /VERSION=n /VERSION=n /VERSION=n 8 The /VERSION qualifier directs DFU to scan all> directories on the device to produce a list of files> which have at least 'n' versions. This qualifier can- be combined with /ALIAS and /EMPTY. 8-9 8-9 8-9a n f; DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORYd, 8-10 8-10 8-10  A _______________________________________________________a2 9 REPORT 9 REPORT 9 REPORT< This chapter describes the REPORT command with the, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________A 9.1 Description 9.1 Description 9.1 Description ? The REPORT command function generates a report of thel? file and free space fragmentation of the disk. Also ah> graph may be generated by the /GRAPH qualifier; this> visualises the free space distribution on your disk.> The /USAGE qualifier will generate a diskspace usage? report. This is especially useful if DISKQUOTA is note enabled on the disk.@ The default report contains information of the Volume,= files and the bitmap. This output can be suppressedy; by the /NOVOLUME, NOFILE and NOBITMAP qualifiers.= Also the /USAGE qualifier can be used by displaying ? information of a specific UIC or Identifier simply by 9 specifying /USAGE= or /USAGE=.rL __________________________________________________________________S 9.2 Syntax and Output 9.2 Syntax and Output 9.2 Syntax and Output . The syntax of the report command is:8 DFU> REPORT device/QUALIFIERS; Below follows an example and output of the report_ command: 9-1 9-1 9-1o i i2 REPORT REPORT REPORT9 DFU> REPORT USER3:/GRAPH/USAGE J %DFU-I-REPORT, Reporting on USER3: ($1$DUA102:)Q ***** Volume info for USER3: (from HOME block) *****iE Volume name : USER3oF Volume owner : SYSTEM> Volume set name :G Highwater mark. / Erase on del. : No / Nor> Structure name :A Clustersize : 3aF Maximum # files : 367618C First header VBN : 103oI Header count : 51547 (1)I Free headers : 10951 (2) J > ***** File statistics (from INDEXF.SYS) *****X INDEXF.SYS fragments /map_in_use : 21 / 61 (39% used) (3)I Total files (ODS2 / ODS5) : 40595 / 0CA Files with extension headers : 0yX Files marked for delete : 19 , size : 25/63 blocksD Directory files : 1957C Empty files : 177dE Files with allocation : 40418TI Contiguous files : 40326 (4) P Total size used /allocated : 2492431 /2533209E Total fragments : 40770mJ Average fragments per file : 1.009 (5)U File fragmentation index : 0.692 (excellent) (6) B Average size per fragment : 62> Most fragmented file :\ $1$DUA102:[LARGEUSER]A.DAT;1 ( 180/630 blocks; 30 fragments)P ***** Free space statistics (from BITMAP.SYS) *****G Total blocks on disk : 2940951uF Total free blocks : 407742B Percentage free (rounded) : 13C Total free extents : 260 ` Largest free extent : 42912 blocks at LBN: 2463597 (7)D Average extent size (rounded) : 1568U Free space fragmentation index : 0.191 (excellent) (6) ) 9-2 9-2 9-2R C F REPORT REPORT REPORTth LBN +------------------------------------------------------------+ %h 0->|***....***********.************.******...*********..********| 6%h 208360->|************************************************************| 13%h 416721->|************************************************************| 20%h 625081->|******************************************************.*****| 26%h 833442->|*******..*********************************..****************| 33%h 1041802->|******.**.*********...********.*****.*******...*.**..*.***..| 40%h 1250163->|.*..*****************....*.....**.*. ..*****.***..****. ..*| 46%h 1458523->|**********. .*******************************************.**.| 53%h 1666884->|.**... ....... .*******...**********.*..***********..******| 60%h 1875244->|***.. ....*...**********. ..*********. .**************| 66%h 2083605->|*********************************.*****.. .****... . .... | 73%h 2291965->| ..*******.... ......**************************************| 80%h 2500326->|****..*****.*****.**. .********...*.*****..*******.*..*| 86%h 2708686->|.*******..*******.***..*.****************.*. .*...**********| 93%h 2917047->|..**. .*********************.******.. .*******. |100%d +------------------------------------------------------------+h * : Fully allocated, . : Partial allocated, : Free, 3472 blocks eachP Free space distribution, each * = 2100 free blocksY ***** Disk Usage Table (from INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS) *****Te Identifier/UIC Used/Allocated Headers Quota Used/Permhe -------------------------------------------------------------------------Mb [SSG,MRX] 42079/46356 2259 48615/60000c [SSG,TESTJE] 189306/254742 4935 259677/300000eb [SSG,LARGEUSER] 47961/50238 1648 51886/65000d [SYSTEM] 499554/505626 4954 510580/2000000 ._ .  . 8 The various items have the following meaning :@ 1 The header count is calculated based on the size of> INDEXF.SYS. If more headers are needed INDEXF.SYS has to be extended.A 2 The free headers gives the number of free entries in 0 INDEXF.SYS before it has to extend. 9-3 9-3 9-3l e a2 REPORT REPORT REPORT? 3 The INDEXF.SYS number of fragments and mapwords in ? use are very important figures to determine if the = INDEXF.SYS file can be extended. The theoretical > maximum number of mapwords is 155. This value may; be less if there are ACL's on INDEXF.SYS. EachT@ fragment, and therefore each retrieval pointer must? be in the mapword area. As the size of a retrievalT? pointer depends on the physical size of a disk, it = is not easy to say how many fragments INDEXF.SYSr; can store in the mapwords area. If the mapwordn? area is full the INDEXF file can no longer extend,r= and creating new files may result in a SYSTEM-W-e HEADERFULL error.= 4 Files which have exactly 1 retrieval pointer arep@ considered to be contiguous. This doesn't mean that: the CONTIGUOUS bit is set in the file header.@ 5 The average fragments per file give some indication0 about the total file fragmentation.8 6 The file and free space fragmentation index. classifies your disk as follows : o 0-1 : Excellent o 1-2 : GoodA o 2-3 : Fair  o 3-4 : Poor2 o >4 : Bad @ If your index is greater than 3 you should consider@ defragmenting the disk using COMPAQ's DFO software,; by performing an Image BACKUP / Restore, or of7 course by using DFU's DEFRAG/DISK command.p; 7 The largest free extent is a useful figure fors> defragmentation purposes. You cannot defragment a; file when its size is greater than this value. ) 9-4 9-4 9-43 7 ) REPORT command REPORT command REPORT command: Syntax and Output Syntax and Output Syntax and Output> When using /GRAPH the disk's free space distribution@ is shown as a bitmap image. Each position in the graph? represents a certain number of blocks (in the example:= above 3472 blocks). This bitmap image gives a quick = impression about the free space distribution on the  disk.:> If you use the /USAGE qualifier a sorted usage table8 will be added. Per Identifier / UIC the blocks< used/allocated, and the number of file headers are< shown. If Diskquota is enabled a third column will; be included which shows the blocks used/permittedt> allowing to QUOTA.SYS. Normally quota should satisfy the following rule :M Quota used = blocks allocated + # of file headersJA _______________________________________________________ 2 REPORT REPORT REPORT? Create a file and free space report of a disk device. A _______________________________________________________ 2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT REPORT REPORT REPORT _________ device[:] device[:] device[:]A _______________________________________________________0> PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERSO _________ device[:] device[:] device[:]? Device to be reported. You may also specify a logical- devicename.RA _______________________________________________________ > QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSk ________________ /APPEND=filename /APPEND=filename /APPEND=filenamed< This qualifier redirects the output to be appended> to an already existing file. If the output file does 9-5 9-5 9-5  L AJ REPORT command REPORT command REPORT command2 REPORT REPORT REPORT? not exists it will be created. You can use /APPEND orX /OUTPUT but not both.iC ______ /GRAPH /GRAPH /GRAPH 6 This qualifier generates a graph table which= visualizes the free space distribution on the disk.p" /NOGRAPH is the default.O _________ /NOBITMAP /NOBITMAP /NOBITMAPi< The /NOBITMAP qualifier suppresses the "Free space statistics" output..G _______ /NOFILE /NOFILE /NOFILE_@ The /NOFILE qualifier suppressed the "File Statistics" output. O _________ /NOVOLUME /NOVOLUME /NOVOLUMEl> The /NOVOLUME qualifier suppresses the "Volume info" output.Bk ________________ /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=filenamea< This qualifier redirects the output to a file. The, output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT.W ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICS = This qualifier displays the performance statistics: 5 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults. ___________ __ ___________ /USAGE(=uic or identifier) /USAGE(=uic or identifier) /USAGE(=uic or identifier) > The /USAGE qualifier will generate a diskspace usage: report based on Identifiers/UIC. If diskquota is@ enabled on the disk the blocks used/permitted allowing@ to QUOTA.SYS will also be shown. /USAGE is very useful? when diskquota is not enabled on the disk. When a UIC = or identifier is specified only the information for 3 this UIC or identifier will be displayed. ) 9-6 9-6 9-6e i REPORT REPORT REPORTs 9-7 9-7 9-7z p fA _______________________________________________________h2 10 SEARCH 10 SEARCH 10 SEARCH< This chapter describes the SEARCH command with the, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________D 10.1 Introduction 10.1 Introduction 10.1 Introduction9 The search function allows very quick disk-wideh= searches for specific files. You can use almost anye8 possible file attribute as a search qualifier.L __________________________________________________________________S 10.2 Syntax and Output 10.2 Syntax and Output 10.2 Syntax and Output + The command syntax for SEARCH is:8 DFU> SEARCH device/qualifiers@ The output is displayed on your terminal. You can also> sort the output with the /SORT qualifier. The output( is shown in 2 or 3 columns eg:? DFU> SEARCH MYDISK/FILE=X.X/FRAGMENT  .  .sZ $1$DUA102:[USER.COMMAND]X.X;1 1/3 1/1 ._ ._@ The first column shows the full file name . The device? name is included in the file name. The second columnsa? shows the file size as actual/allocated size. The 3rd < column is optional and will only be shown when the= /FRAGMENT qualifier is used. It shows the number oft1 fileheaders / number of file fragments.i 10-1 10-1 10-1  2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCHL ___________________________________________________________________ 10.3 Volume Set processing 10.3 Volume Set processing 10.3 Volume Set processingy> SEARCH checks if the device to-be-searched is member> of a volume set. If so, the complete volume set will> be processed, starting with Relative Volume Number 1= up to the last member in set. You can override thiso1 behaviour with the /NOVOLSET qualifier. L __________________________________________________________________S 10.4 Output formatting 10.4 Output formatting 10.4 Output formatting = The qualifier /FORMAT can be used with SEARCH. This = allows the build up of a command procedure directly : from the output generated by the SEARCH command.2 /FORMAT has the following restrictions :> 1 /FORMAT is only valid with the /OUTPUT qualifier,? and can not be used together with the /FULL or the  /SORT qualifiers.8 2 The format string used must contain the !AS= directive (in uppercase). The file found will be , substituted at the !AS location Example:_ DFU> SEARCH/OUTP=DEL.COM/FORMAT="$D>ELETE/CONF !AS"/FILE=*.LOG mydisk L __________________________________________________________________w 10.5 UIC and identifier processing 10.5 UIC and identifier processing 10.5 UIC and identifier processing @ Version V2.4 introduced an improved handling of UIC's.> Previous versions of DFU only accepted a numeric UIC@ in the /OWNER qaulifier or an identifier in the /IDENT= qualifier. V2.4 and later now accepts all valid UIC > and identifier formats (numeric and alphanumeric) in@ the /OWNER and /IDENT qualifiers. Technically there is@ no longer any difference between these two qualifiers,= but they will be left in for compatibility reasons. , 10-2 10-2 10-2  SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH A _______________________________________________________ 2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH. Fast file search through INDEXF.SYS.A _______________________________________________________ 2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH _________ device[:] device[:] device[:]A _______________________________________________________ > PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERSO _________ device[:] device[:] device[:] ? Device to be searched. You may also specify a logical  devicename.eA _______________________________________________________eA DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONe8 The SEARCH command is used for quick disk-wide> searches for specific files. The qualifiers describe> the file attributes used as the search criteria. You< can combine almost all of the possible qualifiers,* unless otherwise specified. Eg.:Z DFU> SEARCH DISK1/SIZE=MIN=10/OWN=[1,4]/CREATED=SINCE=YESTERDAY? is a valid command. Note that qualifiers will be used < in a logical AND manner, that is, SEARCH will only> display files which match all qualifiers and options specified.A _______________________________________________________*> QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS _______________________ /ACCESS=option(,option) /ACCESS=option(,option) /ACCESS=option(,option)*7 The /ACCESS qualifier is used to search files = depending on their last ACCESS date (VMS 7.2 only).*$ The possible options are : o /ACCESS=BEFORE=date 10-3 10-3 10-3* * *J SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH command2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH o /ACCESS=SINCE=date  o /ACCESS=NONE.g _______________ /ACE=identifier /ACE=identifier /ACE=identifier.7 Search for files which have an ACE containing ; the specific identifier. Only ACE's of the format*9 "IDENTIFIER=,..." will be searched. S __________ /ALLOCATED /ALLOCATED /ALLOCATED 8 Default, SEARCH will use the actual file size.; The /ALLOCATED qualifier forces SEARCH to use the @ allocated filesize. This qualifier is only meaningfull' if you combine it with /SIZE. k ________________ /APPEND=filename /APPEND=filename /APPEND=filename < This qualifier redirects the output to be appended> to an already existing file. If the output file does? not exists it will be created. You can use /APPEND or  /OUTPUT but not both.d __________________________ /ATTRIBUTE=option(,option) /ATTRIBUTE=option(,option) /ATTRIBUTE=option(,option) : The /ATTRIBUTE qualifier is used to search files< depending on their last attribute change date (VMS/ 7.2 only). The possible options are :-# o /ATTRIBUTE=BEFORE=date " o /ATTRIBUTE=SINCE=date o /ATTRIBUTE=NONE _______________________ /BACKUP=option(,option) /BACKUP=option(,option) /BACKUP=option(,option) 7 The /BACKUP qualifier is used to search files > depending on their backup date. The possible options are :0 o /BACKUP=BEFORE=date o /BACKUP=SINCE=date , 10-4 10-4 10-4  SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH  o /BACKUP=NONE ? The NONE option gives files which don't have a backup : date recorded.The other 2 options can be used to< get files which have a backup date before or after= a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be " combined in one command. ________________________ /BAKFID=backlink-file-id /BAKFID=backlink-file-id /BAKFID=backlink-file-idv> You can use this qualifier to look for a file with a? specific backlink. Only the first part of the file ide? must be specified, that is, if the file id is (x,y,z)r? you must specify 'x' as the file id. You can use thiss> qualifier to get files from a specific directory. If? you use /BAKFID=0 you will get files not belonging tor. a directory (often temporary files). ________________________________ /CHARACTERISTIC=(char1,char2...) /CHARACTERISTIC=(char1,char2...) /CHARACTERISTIC=(char1,char2...)e; This qualifier is used to get files with specifict? file characteristics.The characteristics can have thea following values:a( o Directory : directory files- o Nobackup : files marked nobackup4 o Contiguous : files marked as contiguous/ o Erase : erase file before deletion o Spool : spool files9 o Badblock : files which contain suspected bad  block(s)20 o Badacl : files with a corrupted ACL7 o Besttry : files marked contiguous-best-tryd4 o Scratch : files marked as scratch files7 o Nocharge : files not charged against quota ) o Nomove : files marked NoMovec: o Locked : files with the deaccess lock bit set 10-5 10-5 10-5   J SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH command2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH/ o Marked : files marked for deletion 9 o Noshelvable : files which can not be shelvedt0 o Isshelved : files which are shelved< The several characteristics can be combined in one= command.If you want a logical OR behaviour in steadk? of the default AND behaviour, you can use the special  option MATCH=OR eg: C SEARCH disk/CHAR=(NOMOVE,DIR,MATCH=OR) ________________________ /CREATED=option(,option) /CREATED=option(,option) /CREATED=option(,option) 8 The /CREATED qualifier is used to search files= depending on their creation date. The options are : ! o /CREATED=BEFORE=date o /CREATED=SINCE=date= These 2 options can be used to get files which have : a creation date before or after a specific date.< The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command. _________________________ /EXCLUDE=(file1,file2...) /EXCLUDE=(file1,file2...) /EXCLUDE=(file1,file2...): This qualifier is used to exclude files from the? search. You can use wildcard filenames ; you can also # specifiy a list of files._ ________________________ /EXPIRED=option(,option) /EXPIRED=option(,option) /EXPIRED=option(,option) 8 The /EXPIRED qualifier is used to search files= depending on their expiration date. The options are_ :_! o /EXPIRED=BEFORE=date o /EXPIRED=SINCE=date o /EXPIRED=NONE, 10-6 10-6 10-6 i : SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH commandE SEARCH SEARCH SEARCHu8 The NONE option gives files which don't have a= expiration date recorded.The other 2 options can be ? used to get files which have a expiration date before ? or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option ) can be combined in one command. [ ____________ /FID=file-id /FID=file-id /FID=file-idP= The /FID qualifier is a special function of SEARCH.r; It directs SEARCH to go directly to the specifiedh= file without processing the rest of the Index file. @ Therefore, you cannot combine this qualifierwith other= search qualifiers such as /FILE. Normally a file-idp? consists is in the form (x,y,z) where x is the number @ of the file header within INDEXF.SYS y is the sequence? number, and z is the Relative Volume Number. You onlyt= need to specifiy the x value in the /FID qualifier. ______________________ /FILE=(file1,file2...) /FILE=(file1,file2...) /FILE=(file1,file2...)_; This qualifier is used to search for files with al= specific file name.You can use wildcard file names;"/ also you can specify a list of files._ _____________________ /FORMAT=format-string /FORMAT=format-string /FORMAT=format-stringo< Create an output file in a format described by the8 format string. The string must contain the !AS8 directive (this must be uppercase). At the !AS< location the resultant filename will be filled in., The /OUTPUT qualifier is required. _________________________________ /FRAGMENT=(MINIMUM=nr,MAXIMUM=nr) /FRAGMENT=(MINIMUM=nr,MAXIMUM=nr) /FRAGMENT=(MINIMUM=nr,MAXIMUM=nr)a= This qualifier displays the number of fragments and.@ file headers of each file found. You can further limit; the files found by using the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM=/ options. For example:h) DFU> disk/FRAG 0 DFU> disk/FRAG=min=10: DFU> disk/FRAG=(min=10,max=100) 10-7 10-7 10-7  P J SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH command2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH? _____ /FULL /FULL /FULL < If you use this qualifier, SEARCH will give a full< output for each file found. This output is a look-= alike of the output from DIRECTORY/FULL. You cannot_8 combine this qualifier with /SORT or /SUMMARY.? _____ /HOME /HOME /HOME ; This qualifier directs search to give output from ; the disk's home block. SEARCH uses the home block_? for calculating the free and used file headers within  INDEXF.SYS.I _____________________ __ ___ /(NO)IDENT=identifier or uic /(NO)IDENT=identifier or uic /(NO)IDENT=identifier or uice6 You can search for files owned by a specific? identifier or UIC. Any valid UIC or identifier format_? may be used. Another way is the /OWNER_UIC qualifier;a= you cannot combine these 2 qualifiers in one SEARCH > command. Issueing /NOIDENT directs DFU to search for= files NOT owned by this IDENTIFIER, eg: DFU> SEARCH ' sys$sysdevice/NOIDENT=SYSTEM.e _________________________ /LBN=logical-block-number /LBN=logical-block-number /LBN=logical-block-numberA= The /LBN qualifier is a special function of SEARCH. 9 This allows you to find a file which contains aX: specific LBN. This may be useful if you have bad< blocks logged in the error log. You cannot combine4 /LBN with search qualifiers such as /FILE. ______________________________ /LIMIT=(MINIMUM=n,MAXAXIMUM=m) /LIMIT=(MINIMUM=n,MAXAXIMUM=m) /LIMIT=(MINIMUM=n,MAXAXIMUM=m)n? Searches DIRECTORY files which have a default versionh; limit between n and m (including n and m). Eithera) MINIMUM or MAXIMUM is required. _______________ _ ____ _ ____ /NAME_TYPE=ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS2 /NAME_TYPE=ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS2 /NAME_TYPE=ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS2-= Search for files which have the specified name typeR@ attribute. ODS2 if for classic VMS file names, ISL1 is> for Iso-Latin-1 names and UCS2 is for Unicode names.; This qualifier is only meaningfull for ODS5 disks (requires VMS 7.2).d, 10-8 10-8 10-8 m e SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH commandS SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH __________________ __ __________ /(NO)OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier /(NO)OWNER_UIC=uic or identi>fier /(NO)OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier 8 This qualifier is used to get files owned by a6 specific UIC or identifier. Any valid UIC or@ identifier format may be used. You cannot combine this< qualifier with /IDENT. Specifying /NOOWNER directs: DFU to search for files NOT owned by this UIC or identifier.lO _________ /NOSEARCH /NOSEARCH /NOSEARCH = This qualifier can only be used in combination withF> /HOME. It is used to get the Homeblock info, without$ searching the entire disk.O _________ /NOVOLSET /NOVOLSET /NOVOLSETn: The default behaviour of SEARCH is to process an< entire volume set. You can override this behaviour> with /NOVOLSET. This may be useful when doing a /LBN search.f _________________________ /MODIFIED=option(,option) /MODIFIED=option(,option) /MODIFIED=option(,option)l9 The /MODIFIED qualifier is used to search files ? depending on their modification date. The options aret :i" o /MODIFIED=BEFORE=date! o /MODIFIED=SINCE=date = These 2 options can be used to get files which have > a modification date before or after a specific date.< The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.O _________ /MULTIPLE /MULTIPLE /MULTIPLE @ This qualifier searches for files which have more than 1 file header. _____________________ _ __________ _ ________ _ /ORGANIZATION=INDEXED | SEQUENTIAL | RELATIVE | /ORGANIZATION=INDEXED | SEQUENTIAL | RELATIVE | /ORGANIZATION=INDEXED | SEQUENTIAL | RELATIVE |IC ______ DIRECT DIRECT DIRECT_6 Search for files with the specified RMS file organization.R 10-9 10-9 10-9_ _ _J SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH command2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH[ ____________ /OUTPUT=file /OUTPUT=file /OUTPUT=file ? This qualifier redirects the output from SEARCH to an_= output file.This file can later be used as input to / the DEFRAG, DIRECTORY or SET _________________ /OVER_ALLOCATED=n /OVER_ALLOCATED=n /OVER_ALLOCATED=na= Searches for files where the difference between then9 used and allocated size is at least 'n' blocks.oG _______ /PLACED /PLACED /PLACEDZ9 Checks for files which have a placement controla< retrieval pointer.This is sometimes set by non-DEC( disk defragmentation programs. ___________________________________ /SIZE=(minimum=size1,maximum=size2) /SIZE=(minimum=size1,maximum=size2) /SIZE=(minimum=size1,maximum=size2)S: The /SIZE qualifier is used to limit files found; by their file size.You can either use minimum= or @ maximum= or use both options together. SEARCH will use? the actual file size for selecting files, except whene+ the /ALLOCATED qualifier is used.)? _____ /SORT /SORT /SORTF9 This qualifier will sort the files found before = being output. You can combine this with the /OUTPUT 7 qualifier (the default output is SYS$OUTPUT). W ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICS = This qualifier displays the performance statistics: 5 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.K ________ /SUMMARY /SUMMARY /SUMMARYt; This qualifier will limit the output to the total > number of files found, with their size (and optional; the fragmentation when /FRAG is used). You cannot & combine /SUMMARY with /FULL.[ ____________ /TYPE=option /TYPE=option /TYPE=optionE; The /TYPE qualifier has 2 options : /TYPE=ODS2 or> /TYPE=ODS5. This qualifier can be used to search for? files with either a ODS2 or an ODS5 file header. This < qualifier is only usefull on ODS5 disk (VMS V7.2)./ 10-10 10-10 10-10= e e SEARCH command SEARCH command SEARCH commandn SEARCH SEARCH SEARCHn _____________________________________ /VERSION_NUMBER=(minimum=n,maximum=m) /VERSION_NUMBER=(minimum=n,maximum=m) /VERSION_NUMBER=(minimum=n,maximum=m)=@ The /VERSION_NUMBER qualifier is used search for files< within a range (n thru m) of file version numbers.< Logfiles which are produced with the same name may; pose problems when they reach the maximum versionf= number (32767). Using /VERSION=MIN=32000 is a quicku! way to find such files. 10-11 10-11 10-11C o n2 SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH/ 10-12 10-12 10-12S C A _______________________________________________________ ) 11 SET 11 SET 11 SET 9 This chapter describes the SET command with theh, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________D 11.1 Introduction 11.1 Introduction 11.1 Introduction> The SET command allows you to modify file attributes< which can't be modified through DCL commands. Note? that you should be careful about using this function;f8 you may easily corrupt files. This much wanted@ functionality was introduced in VMS 6.0 with a new DCL@ command $SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES. Still DFU's SET has some? options which are not in SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES (such asf! setting a BACKUP date). > The new qualifier, /IGNORE=INTERLOCK, allows setting7 file attributes even on open or locked files._L __________________________________________________________________w 11.2 UIC and identifier processing 11.2 UIC and identifier processing 11.2 UIC and identifier processingi9 As of version V2.4 of DFU the /OWNER and /IDENTh; qualifier now accepts all valid UIC or identifiero0 formats. See chapter 10.5 for details. 11-1 11-1 11-1p e aA SET command SET command SET commandt) SET SET SETeA _______________________________________________________l) SET SET SETe! Modify file attributes.vA _______________________________________________________c2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT SET SET SET _____________________ file1,file2,...,@file file1,file2,...,@file file1,file2,...,@fileHA _______________________________________________________ > PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERS _____________________ file1,file2,...,@file file1,file2,...,@file file1,file2,...,@filew8 The files to be modified. The attributes to be@ modified are specified with qualifiers. Wildcards area? allowed in the filename. An indirect file can be used ? by using the @ sign. This allows processing of a file 0 list produced by a DFU SEARCH command.A _______________________________________________________i> QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSo _________________ /ACCESS_DATE=date /ACCESS_DATE=date /ACCESS_DATE=date c ______________ /NOACCESS_DATE /NOACCESS_DATE /NOACCESS_DATE= Controls whether a new last-access date is assigned> to the specified files. (V7.2 only) Specify the date> according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the= VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords areE= allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date @ is used. If you specify /NOACCESS_DATE the last access% date field will be cleared.e{ ____________________ /ATTRIBUTE_DATE=date /ATTRIBUTE_DATE=date /ATTRIBUTE_DATE=date_o _________________ /NOATTRIBUTE_DATE /NOATTRIBUTE_DATE /NOATTRIBUTE_DATE > Controls whether a new last attribute change date is> assigned to the specified files (V7.2 only). Specify@ the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1@ of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords< are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's, 11-2 11-2 11-2  SET command SET command SET command SET SET SETd< date is used. If you specify /NOATTRIBUTE_DATE the; last attribute change date field will be cleared.eo _________________ /BACKUP_DATE=date /BACKUP_DATE=date /BACKUP_DATE=date c ______________ /NOBACKUP_DATE /NOBACKUP_DATE /NOBACKUP_DATEp? Controls whether a new backup date is assigned to thee< specified files. Specify the date according to the> rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts< Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you= specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. If you > specify /NOBACKUP_DATE the Backup date field will be cleared.G _______ /BADACL /BADACL /BADACLlO _________ /NOBADACL /NOBADACL /NOBADACL_> Sets or resets the 'BADACL' flag in the file header.? This enables deletion of a file with a corrupted ACL. ; ____ /BCK /BCK /BCK C ______ /NOBCK /NOBCK /NOBCKy? Clears or sets the files NOBACKUP bit. Setting a file_> to NOBACKUP with /NOBCK causes it to be skipped by a BACKUP operation.rk ________________ /BUCKETSIZE=size /BUCKETSIZE=size /BUCKETSIZE=sizen: Sets a new value for the bucket size in the file header. K ________ /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /CONFIRMl{ __________ _________ /NOCONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM (default)M: Controls whether a request is issued before each@ individual SET operation to confirm that the operation; should be performed on that file. When the systemn? issues the prompt, you can issue any of the followingd responses:1 YES NO QUITD3 TRUE FALSE CTRL/ZF0 1 0 ALL+ 11-3 11-3 11-3  R cA SET command SET command SET commandR) SET SET SET= You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase ; letters for word responses. Word responses can be = abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, < TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES,= TRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and ? . QUIT or CTRL/Z indicates that you want to stop @ processing the command at that point. When you respond< with ALL, the command continues to process, but no; further prompts are given. If you type a response > other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued.{ ____________________ /CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY /CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY /CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRYd ______________________ /NOCONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY /NOCONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY /NOCONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRYC= Sets or resets the 'CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY' bit in then file header.w ___________________ /CREATION_DATE=date /CREATION_DATE=date /CREATION_DATE=date k ________________ /NOCREATION_DATE /NOCREATION_DATE /NOCREATION_DATE = Controls whether a new creation date is assigned tok@ the specified files. Specify the date according to the> rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts< Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you6 specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.S __________ /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY_[ ____________ /NODIRECTORY /NODIRECTORY /NODIRECTORYU; Sets or resets the directory attribute of a file.r< This qualifier allows you to set the directory bit; of a file which was mistakingly reset by the 'SET < FILE/NODIRECTORY' command. If it is done on a non-< directory file, then access to that directory will% give a 'BADIRECTORY' error. g _______________ /EBLOCK[=block] /EBLOCK[=block] /EBLOCK[=block] ; This qualifier will reset the end-of-file mark to : the highest block allocated if no block has been? specified. Otherwise the end-of-file mark will be set ! to the specified block. , 11-4 11-4 11-4  > SET command SET command SET command SET SET SET _ _____________ /EBYTE[=byte] /EBYTE[=byte] /EBYTE[=byte]U; This qualifier will set the end-of-file byte marke; to the highest byte if it has not been specified.@ Otherwise the end-of-file byte mark will be set to the specified byte.e _____________________ /EXPIRATION_DATE=date /EXPIRATION_DATE=date /EXPIRATION_DATE=datees __________________ /NOEXPIRATION_DATE /NOEXPIRATION_DATE /NOEXPIRATION_DATES< Controls whether an expiration date is assigned to@ the specified files. Specify the date according to the> rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts< Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you6 specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. _________________ __ ___ /IDENT=identifier or uic /IDENT=identifier or uic /IDENT=identifier or uic > Modify the file ownership. See also /OWNER_UIC. This; allows modification of the file-ownership even if ? the file is open, eg. INDEXF.SYS. You cannot use both /IDENT and /OWNER_UIC.o _________________ /IGNORE=INTERLOCK /IGNORE=INTERLOCK /IGNORE=INTERLOCK : Perform the SET command on open or locked files.@ Default DFU will return a %SYSTEM-E-ACCONFLICT on open? files. The /IGNORE=INTERLOCK option can overrule thisE behaviour.G _______ /LOCKED /LOCKED /LOCKED O _________ /NOLOCKED /NOLOCKED /NOLOCKED 9 This qualifier will lock a file for future use. < Nothing else can then be done with the file, until= it is unlocked (which can also be done with the VMST 'UNLOCK' command.Lc ____ _________ /LOG (default) /LOG (default) /LOG (default) C ______ /NOLOG /NOLOG /NOLOG < Controls whether the SET command displays the file> specification of each file after the modification is made. 11-5 11-5 11-5E H A SET command SET command SET command ) SET SET SET c ______________ /MAXREC=record /MAXREC=record /MAXREC=records? Sets a new value for the maximum record number in theT file header.G _______ /NOMOVE /NOMOVE /NOMOVEO< This qualifier disables or enables (/NONOMOVE) the< MoveFile attribute on files. It is the same as the> DCL command SET FILE/NOMOVE, but in conjunction with> /IGNORE=INTERLOCK DFU can change the setting on Open or Locked files. _____________________ /ORGANIZATION=keyword /ORGANIZATION=keyword /ORGANIZATION=keyword ? The following keywords are used as parameters for thez? ORGANIZATION qualifier: DIRECT, INDEXED, RELATIVE and < SEQUENTIAL. This will allow you to modify the file> organization type in the file header. Of course this9 won't change the real organization of the file.= ______________ __ __________ /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier< Modify the file ownership to an UIC or identifier.@ See also /IDENT. This allows modification of the file-= ownership even if the file is open, eg. INDEXF.SYS.4 You cannot use both /IDENT and /OWNER_UIC. ______________________ /RECATTRIBUTES=keyword /RECATTRIBUTES=keyword /RECATTRIBUTES=keyworde; The following keywords are used as parameters for > the RECATTRIBUTES qualifier: NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED,= PRINT and NOSPAN. This will allow you to modify the < file's record attributes in the file header. NONE,@ FORTRAN, IMPLIED and PRINT are mutually exclusive, but= can be used in combination with NOSPAN. When NOSPANF= is omitted SPAN is assumed (the default is to allow - records to cross block boundaries). _ _____________ /RECSIZE=size /RECSIZE=size /RECSIZE=sized: Sets a new value for the record size in the file header. , 11-6 11-6 11-6  2 SET command SET command SET command SET SET SET k ________________ /RECTYPE=keyword /RECTYPE=keyword /RECTYPE=keyword_? The following keywords are used as parameters for theI? RECTYPE qualifier: FIXED, STREAM, STREAMCR, STREAMLF,m= UNDEFINED, VARIABLE and VFC. This will allow you to ; modify the file's record type in the file header. w ___________________ /REVISION_DATE=date /REVISION_DATE=date /REVISION_DATE=date k ________________ /NOREVISION_DATE /NOREVISION_DATE /NOREVISION_DATEf= Controls whether a revision date is assigned to the< specified files. Specify the date according to the> rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts< Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you6 specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.c ______________ /RVCOUNT=count /RVCOUNT=count /RVCOUNT=count= Sets a new value for the revision count in the fileS header.G _______ /UPDATE /UPDATE /UPDATEw _________ _________ /NOUPDATE (default) /NOUPDATE (default) /NOUPDATE (default)e; Normally the file's revision date will be updated_< after any modification to it. SET however disables? this update (otherwise the REVISION date could not be ? set). Specify this qualifier if you want the revision  date to be updated.h_ _____________ /VFCSIZE=size /VFCSIZE=size /VFCSIZE=size ? Sets a new value for the VFC size in the file header.i@ This value will only be used with the VFC record type. 11-7 11-7 11-7   i) SET SET SET, 11-8 11-8 11-8 d iA _______________________________________________________ 8 12 UNDELETE 12 UNDELETE 12 UNDELETE> This chapter describes the UNDELETE command with the, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________D 12.1 Introduction 12.1 Introduction 12.1 Introduction> The UNDELETE function is designed to recover deleted> files, if possible. UNDELETE operates in a safe mode> such that it first checks if the deleted file header? and diskblocks are still available. Only in that case = will the file be recovered. Otherwise UNDELETE will @ leave the disk unmodified. UNDELETE has some powerfull options:@ o Generate a list of recoverable files with the /LIST< qualifier. This qualifier will not undelete any> file, and therefore it does not lock up the disk.1 o Undelete multiple files in one pass._= o Make file selections based on the owner with theA( /OWNER or /IDENT qualifier.< o Undeleted files which cannot be entered back in: their original directory will be moved to the: [SYSLOST] directory. This saves an additional( ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR action. 12-1 12-1 12-1m . 8 UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETEL __________________________________________________________________k 12.2 File specification syntax 12.2 File specification syntax 12.2 File specification syntax_= Because a deleted file no longer 'knows' its parent @ directory you must NOT enter a directory specification@ in the file name. Therefore , the syntax to undelete a specific file is :I DFU> UNDELETE /file=p eg:rA DFU> UNDELETE $1$DIA1:/file=FOO.BAR ; DFU will try to re-enter the file in its original> directory; it that fails the file will be entered in" the [SYSLOST] directory.L __________________________________________________________________V 12.3 How Undelete works 12.3 How Undelete works 12.3 How Undelete works4 The UNDELETE command operates as follows :3 1 Lock the volume. In the same manner as A ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR and SET VOLUME /REBUILD Undeletee: locks the disk for other writers such that no> modifications to the INDEXF, BITMAP or QUOTA file can be made.s@ 2 Search the INDEXF.SYS file if the requested file isA still there. A check is made if it really is a valid ! deleted file header. ? 3 Checks if the deleted file header and all possible / extension headers are still valid. ? 4 Checks if the blocks previously owned by this file  are still free.A 5 If all these conditions are met DFU will display theE. file and asks for a confirmation.A 6 Rebuilds all of the deleted file headers and bitmapsw; in memory. If no errors are found all the fileC> headers and bitmaps are written back to disk. The; files original backlink is saved in a table in  memory., 12-2 12-2 12-2 r n UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETEa= 7 If appropiate the blocks and headers are charged. against diskquota.C? 8 When all of INDEXF.SYS has been scanned the volume  is unlocked.C9 9 The file(s) is (are) entered in the original ? directory if possible, using the table build up in A memory. If the enter command fails (probably because = the original directory is gone) the file will be A entered in [SYSLOST]. DFU will create this directory_ if needed. @ If the /LIST qualifier is used, DFU will just list the@ recoverable files without performing any action on the, disk. The disk will not be locked.< It is important to note that during the bitmap and; file header processing any error will immediately > terminate the recovery process, and unlock the disk.? Files which have been recovered up to that point willC= still be entered in the appropiate directory. As no = wrong information has been written back to the disk 7 this should leave the disk in a proper state.q; NOTE: The blocks recovered will NOT be subtractedt8 from the Volume's free block count. To get the; actual freeblock count a SET VOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE,> is necessary. Also a complete reMOUNT will reset the freeblock count.? IMPORTANT: DFU takes care to recover only files whoseC< original blocks are free. However these blocks may< have been modified in the meantime by another file? which also has been deleted. Therefore each recovered ? file must be checked manually to check its integrity. 12-3 12-3 12-3  b t8 UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETE) Example of a Undelete session :o5 DFU> undel $1$dua102:/listTH Recoverable file [TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2 foundF Recoverable file [TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1 foundG Recoverable file [TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1 found D Recoverable file [TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1 found; DFU> undel/file=*.for $1$DUA102:sA %DFU-I-READBMAP, Reading BITMAP.SYS...lE %DFU-W-LOCKED, Volume now LOCKED for writeOC %DFU-I-UNDEL, Start search on $1$DUA102:SH Recoverable file [TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2 found; Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : nSF Recoverable file [TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1 found; Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : y E %DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recoveredOA %DFU-I-ADDQUOTA, updating diskquota... G Recoverable file [TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1 foundw; Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : ncD Recoverable file [TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1 found; Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : ybE %DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recovered,A %DFU-I-ADDQUOTA, updating diskquota... 9 %DFU-I-UNLOCK, Volume unlocked_I %DFU-I-ENTER, Entering file(s) in directory...UZ %DFU-S-ENTERED, File CHECK_ID.FOR entered in original directoryX %DFU-S-ENTERED, File CHRLEN.FOR entered in original directory$ DFU> EXIT, > 12-4 12-4 12-4 a s UNDELETE command UNDELETE command UNDELETE command Files marked for delete Files marked for delete Files marked for deleteL __________________________________________________________________e 12.4 Files marked for delete 12.4 Files marked for delete 12.4 Files marked for delete 9 Normally DFU does not undelete files marked for= delete. To recover files marked for delete you mustE; use the /MARKED qualifier. This will specifically ; undelete files marked for delete. This allows the = recovery of files which are deleted but still open,y: such as INSTALLed files, or even recovery of the; system dump file SYSDUMP.DMP whenever such a file # is accidentially deleted. A _______________________________________________________b8 UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETE8 Recover one or more deleted files on a device.A ________________________________________________________2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETE _________ device[:] device[:] device[:]A _______________________________________________________ > PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERSC ______ device device device_< The device on which to undelete one or more files.= The device will be write-locked during the undelete  process.A _______________________________________________________e> QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSc ______________ /FILE=filename /FILE=filename /FILE=filenameI: The file to be recovered. Wildcards may be used.9 If a matching file is found Undelete will ask al< confirmation. If a certain file is confirmed, that> file will be recovered if possible, and control will@ be returned to the DFU> prompt. If the /FILE qualifier, is omitted DFU will assume *.*;* . 12-5 12-5 12-5, t P UNDELETE command UNDELETE command UNDELETE command8 UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETE _________________ __ ___ /IDENT=identifier or uic /IDENT=identifier or uic /IDENT=identifier or uicr6 You can search for files owned by a specific: identifier or UIC. Another way is the /OWNER_UIC< qualifier; you cannot combine these 2 qualifier in one UNDELETE command. ________________________ /LIST(=output-file-name) /LIST(=output-file-name) /LIST(=output-file-name) ; Generate a list of recoverable files. No undelete ? will take place, and the disk will not be locked. The & defaultoutput is SYS$OUTPUT.G _______ /MARKED /MARKED /MARKEDr? Consider only files marked-for-delete. Such files are @ usuallly still open by some utility, such as INSTALLed( files or the system dump file. ______________ __ __________ /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifierL< This qualifier is used to select files by a UIC or= identifier . You cannot combine this qualifier with= /IDENT.OW ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICSu= This qualifier displays the performance statistics:I5 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.s, 12-6 12-6 12-6 r f UNDELETE UNDELETE UNDELETE/ 12-7 12-7 12-7_ _ _A _______________________________________________________ / 13 SPAWN 13 SPAWN 13 SPAWNn6 The new SPAWN command creates an interactive; subprocess. This allows a quick escape to the DCL ? level from an interactive DFU session. The subprocessr= has a default prompt DFU_sub$. In SMG mode the I< key also performs a SPAWN command. You must logout2 explicitly to return to the DFU session. 13-1 13-1 13-1h i A _______________________________________________________2 14 VERIFY 14 VERIFY 14 VERIFY< This chapter describes the VERIFY command with the, related parameters and qualifiers.L __________________________________________________________________D 14.1 Introduction 14.1 Introduction 14.1 Introduction; The VERIFY command makes an analysis of the disk, = scanning for file and disk structure errors. VERIFYE< performs almost all of the checks normally done by= a ANALYZE/DISK command. But VERIFY is several times < faster than ANALYZE/DISK, and uses less resources.9 VERIFY checks and reports the following errors:l< o Checks the logical information contained in the disk's HOME block. o Reports files marked for deletion: o Reports mismatches in the index file's bitmap? o Checks the VMS$COMMON.DIR backlink on system disksO" o Checks all backlinks.. o Reports multiple allocated blocksA o Reports blocks incorrectly marked free and allocatedt# o Reports all lost filesrA o Checks for mismatches between blocks used and blocksa? charged in QUOTA.SYS. (Only done when diskquota is  enabled)_ 14-1 14-1 14-1  U T2 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFYL __________________________________________________________________\ 14.2 Basic repair actions 14.2 Basic repair actions 14.2 Basic repair actions> The /FIX qualifier can be used to perform some basic> repair actions. Unlike ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR this does? not lock the disk! /FIX repairs the following errors:t: o Deletes file marked for delete (if possible).@ o Recovers lost files and directories into [SYSLOST].8 o Recovers a very rare problem which will get= ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR into a computable loop (This@ problem is fixed in VMS V6.2 or with the VERI02_061 patch kit).> o Recovers a corrupted backlink for the Master File" Directory 000000.DIR.? o Recovers a wrong backlink for VMS$COMMON.DIR files  on the system diskL __________________________________________________________________e 14.3 Advanced repair actions 14.3 Advanced repair actions 14.3 Advanced repair actions_< The /REBUILD qualifier can be used to perform some> more repair actions. This will however lock the disk> (like a DCL $SET VOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE command) for a> short period of time (usually less than 30 seconds).1 /REBUILD repairs the following errors : @ o Mismatches in the INDEXF.SYS bitmap (files reported3 with the NOBITSET and NOBITCLR errors)i? o Blocks incorrectly marked allocated or free in thet BITMAP.SYS.. o Mismatches in the diskquota file.< Note that /REBUILD does NOT change the disk's free block count., 14-2 14-2 14-2 T a VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY L __________________________________________________________________V 14.4 Directory scanning 14.4 Directory scanning 14.4 Directory scanning9 The /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier will force DFU toe< also verify and repair (when using /FIX) directory: problems. This qualifier directs DFU to scan all= directories on the disk. This has some advantages :< o Better detection of some cases of 'lost' files.= Combined with the /FIX qualifier DFU may be able = to recover such files into the correct directory 7 instead of moving such files to [SYSLOST].L9 o Detects and fixes file-id mismatches between_1 directories and the INDEXF.SYS file. @ o Using the /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier makes DFU fully* compatible with ANALYZE/DISK.= Please note that a complete directory scan may take & several minutes to complete.L __________________________________________________________________Y 14.5 Interpreting errors 14.5 Interpreting errors 14.5 Interpreting errors/< On a system (cluster) wide mounted disk there will@ probably be concurrent disk activity during the VERIFY@ command. Therefore VERIFY may report some errors which@ are not really errors. Try running VERIFY 2 or 3 times; to see if the errors are reported again. To get a_> really consistent report from VERIFY you can use the? /LOCK qualifier. This will write-lock the disk duringe@ the VERIFY run, so don't use this qualifier too often.< (The /REPAIR qualifier of ANALYZE/DISK also write-@ locks the disk). Even if DFU ends ungracefully the DFU3 exit handler will always UNLOCK the disk. 14-3 14-3 14-3i e y2 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFYL __________________________________________________________________M 14.6 Error reporting 14.6 Error reporting 14.6 Error reporting 5 An example of a typical VERIFY run follows:I- DFU> VERIFY mydiskh; %DFU-I-VERIFY, Verifying MYDISK: F %DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OKA %DFU-I-IFSCAN, Scanning INDEXF.SYS ...eC %DFU-I-CHKBITMAP, Checking BITMAP.SYS...iE %DFU-I-CHKLOST, Checking for lost files... A %DFU-I-CHKQUOTA, Checking QUOTA.SYS... < DFU> VERIFY/REBUILD sys$sysdeviceA %DFU-W-LOCKED, Volume now write locked B %DFU=I-VERIFY, Verifying SYS$SYSDEVICE:F %DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OKf %DFU-W-DELETED, file (620,351,1) RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3 marked for delete` %DFU-W-DELETED, file (6349,173,1) DCLTABLES.EXE;937 marked for deleteg %DFU-W-DELETED, file (19745,35,1) RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3 marked for deleteC %DFU-I-CHKBITMAP, Checking BITMAP.SYS... k %DFU-E-ALLOCCLR, blocks LBN 2667141 through 2667143 incorrectly marked allocatedIk %DFU-E-ALLOCCLR, blocks LBN 2667153 through 2667161 incorrectly marked allocatede . .K %DFU-S-RBDBITMAP, BITMAP.SYS succesfully rebuildiE %DFU-I-CHKLOST, Checking for lost files...s9 %DFU-I-UNLOCK, Volume unlockedo DFU> 1 VERIFY can report the following errors:n5 ALLOCCLR, blocks incorrectly marked allocated,tU Severity: Severity: Severity: ERROR Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: Blocks were found which are not allocatedT= by a file but set in the BITMAP file. This error is ? often seen when VERIFY is run and there is concurrentM< file activity on the disk. Also, if after a system? crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such blocksa, 14-4 14-4 14-4  VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY @ may exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the BITMAP file. 0 ALLOCSET, blocks incorrectly marked free,U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERROR Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: Blocks were found which are allocated by> a file but not set in the BITMAP file. This error is? often seen when VERIFY is run and there is concurrents< file activity on the disk. Also, if after a system? crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such blocksC@ may exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the BITMAP file. / BADBLOCK, file has suspected bad blocks, U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERROR- Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A file has suspected bad blocks. This is= likely to be caused by hardware errors on the disk. User Action: User Action: User Action: Try to copy the file to another location. # Also check the Error Log.b2 > BADEXTLNK, link to extension header broken,U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERROR Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: VERIFY tries to follow the extension link ? of the file and it failed, or the extension header isd invalid. User Action: User Action: User Action: Try ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR. However, this> may be an unrepairable error, in which case the file+ will be corrupted and unreliable. 14-5 14-5 14-5F s r2 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY@ BADMFDLNK, directory has backlink to 000000.DIR on RVN n,U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERROR_ Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A directory has a backlink to a Master= file directory other than the one on RVN 1. This is > incorrect, but the only way to recover is to reenter> the directory manually into the 000000.DIR on RVN 1. User Action: User Action: User Action: Do a SET FILE/ENTER into the 000000.DIRi@ directory on RVN 1, then do a SET FILE/REMOVE from the wrong 000000.DIR. ' DELETED, file marked for delete, W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNINGU Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A file was found marked for deletion._= Such files usually exists as a result of file being > deleted while it was still INSTALLed, or as a result> of a system crash. It is not considered as an error.? You can try to delete such files by using VERIFY/FIX.' ERRHOME, Home block info not OK,_U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERRORS Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: The Info contained in the Home Block was& not consistent or corrupted. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to try to fix the  error., INVBAKFID, file has invalid backlink,U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERROR Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: The files backlink file id is not filled? in. This is likely to be a lost file. (Note that oncei< VERIFY reports this error, it will not be reported@ again during the LOSTFILE check). But is also possible= that the file is in a valid directory, but that the , Backlink file id is not filled in. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR. If the file isE= in a valid directory the backlink will be repaired., 14-6 14-6 14-6 E E VERIFY VERIFY VERIFYf; Otherwise the file will be moved to the [SYSLOST] = directory. You can also use VERIFY/FIX but then the : file will unconditionally be moved to [SYSLOST].' LOCKED, file is deaccess locked, W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNINGf Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: The file is deaccess locked. This may be% a result of a system crash.E User Action: User Action: User Action: Try to unlock the file with the DFU SET - command, or the DCL UNLOCK command.i5 LOSTHDR1, file found in nonexistent directory,_W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNING Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: During the lost file check a file waso; discovered in a nonexistent directory. This error < can be caused as follows : set a directory file to$ NODIRECTORY and delete it. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the file to the [SYSLOST] directory.; LOSTHDR2, file found in directory with bad backlink, W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNINGT} Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: During the lost file check a file; was discovered in a valid directory. However, the > directory has an invalid backlink. This error can be@ caused by doing a SET FILE/REMOVE of a directory file. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the directory to1? the [SYSLOST] directory. Then move the directory back = to the correct location. The files in the directory $ should be accesible again. 14-7 14-7 14-7  x c2 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY1 LOSTHDR3, file found in invalid directory, W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNING Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: During the lost file check a file was_8 discovered in a directory which is not a valid= directory. Either the file has a wrong backlink, orr= the directory file has the directory file attributee not set. User Action: User Action: User Action: Look up the directory and use DFU SET to= set the directory bit. If the directory file was OKs7 then run VERIFY/FIX to recover the lost file.r* LOSTHDR4, not found in a directory,W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNINGe Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: When the /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier isl= used, DFU detects files which have a valid backlinke> but which are not seen in the directory. This can be repaired with /FIX. User Action: User Action: User Action: Using /FIX will enter these files in the correct directory., MULTALLOC, blocks multiple allocated,U Severity: Severity: Severity: ERRORl Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A file has blocks allocated which alreadyq> belong to another file. Note that VERIFY will make a@ second pass through INDEXF.SYS to report all the files@ involved. This is a serious error, and may be a result> of a disk being mounted on two seperated VAXClusters( (or a partitioned VAXCluster). User Action: User Action: User Action: Copy all the files found to anotherc; location. Next all the files must be deleted. Runh@ VERIFY/REBUILD to repair the BITMAP. All the afflicted= files must be manually inspected to see which files , are valid and which are corrupted., 14-8 14-8 14-8  VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY1 NOBITCLR, Deleted file header marked BUSY,0W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNINGi Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A file was deleted. The corresponding bits= in the INDEXF bitmap should be cleared but is still_+ set. This is not a serious error.i User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to fix the error./ NOBITSET, index file bitmap bit not set,lW Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNING { Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A valid file was found, but theM< corresponding index file bitmap bit is clear. This! is not a serious error.r User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to fix the error." NOOWNER, file has no owner,W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNING Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: A file was found with UIC [0,0] as the0 owner. This is not a normal situation. User Action: User Action: User Action: Look up the file and modify the file owner.G QUOTAERR, UIC [x,y] has n blocks used, QUOTA indicates m blocks,iW Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNING Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: If a disk has diskquota enabled, VERIFY ; calculates the blocks used and compares them withm: the value in the QUOTA.SYS file. Any mismatch is@ reported. This error is often seen when VERIFY is run,< and there is concurrent file activity on the disk.; Also, if after a system crash the disk is mounted-@ with /NOREBUILD such Quota mismatches may exist. ReRun? VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.s User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the QUOTAe4 file. Or run a DISKQUOTA> REBUILD command. 14-9 14-9 14-9r i J VERIFY command VERIFY command VERIFY commandM Error reporting Error reporting Error reportingr, SLFBAKFID, backlink points to itself,W Severity: Severity: Severity: WARNINGY Explanation: Explanation: Explanation: This error indicates that DFU has found a < directory with a backlink pointing to itself. This9 feature is only allowed for the MFD 000000.DIR.r= This error will result in ANALYZE/DISK going into a  COMputable loop. User Action: User Action: User Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the directory to < the [SYSLOST] directory. Then remove the directory? entry from itself with a SET FILE/REMOVE command. The ; files in the directory should be accesible again._A _______________________________________________________.2 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY4 VERIFY a device for disk structure errors.A _______________________________________________________n2 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY _________ device[:] device[:] device[:]A _______________________________________________________.> PARAMETERS PARAMETERS PARAMETERSC ______ device device device$ The device to be verified.A _______________________________________________________Y> QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERS QUALIFIERSk ________________ /APPEND=filename /APPEND=filename /APPEND=filenameE< This qualifier redirects the output to be appended> to an already existing file. If the output file does? not exists it will be created. You can use /APPEND orD /OUTPUT but not both.l/ 14-10 14-10 14-10C k VERIFY command VERIFY command VERIFY command1 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY g _______________ /DIRECTORY_SCAN /DIRECTORY_SCAN /DIRECTORY_SCAN ? Performs a full directory scan. This may take up somel= time, but it allows detection of mismatches betweenl) the directories and INDEXF.SYS.e; ____ /FIX /FIX /FIX k ______ _________ /NOFIX (default) /NOFIX (default) /NOFIX (default) ; Repair errors on the disk. File marked for delete @ will be deleted and lost files and directories will be moved to [SYSLOST]. ? _____ /LOCK /LOCK /LOCK o _______ _________ /NOLOCK (default) /NOLOCK (default) /NOLOCK (default) ; Locks the disk for file allocation/deletion. This ; gives a consistent report for the disk, but otherR? users may experience a delay when accessing the disk.R= The device will be unlocked a the end of the VERIFY  command.k ________________ /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=filename < This qualifier redirects the output to a file. The< output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT. CAUTION: if you= use /LOCK in combination with /OUTPUT be careful to < specify an outputfile on ANOTHER disk, or DFU will% finish with a severe error. K ________ /REBUILD /REBUILD /REBUILDt{ __________ _________ /NOREBUILD (default) /NOREBUILD (default) /NOREBUILD (default)v= Perform a volume rebuild. Using this qualifier willi4 temporarily lock the disk for other users.W ___________ /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /STATISTICS = This qualifier displays the performance statistics: 5 CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.  14-11 14-11 14-11i  2 VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY/ 14-12 14-12 14-12 0[SYSHLP]DFU027A.PS0.00Z(..aged !AD>%!PS-Adobe-3.0%%Title: DFU027A%%Creator: DECdocument V3.1H/%%Copyright: 1995-1996 Touch Technologies, Inc.%%+All Rights Reserved.(%%CreationDate: Tue Sep 19 2000 14:08:51%%For: DORLAND %%BoundingBox: (atend)%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit%%LanguageLevel: 1%%Orientation: Portrait%%Pages: (atend)%%PageOrder: Ascend%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend) &%%DocumentProcSets: Underlay Color5044.%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Underlay Color5044 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend)%%DocumentCustomColors: (atend) %%EndComments$%+++TTI changes : added ROTB back in>%+++ : added 1000 ROTB = begin special code example<%+++ : added 1001 ROTB = end special code example0%+++ : added 1002 ROTB = digital logo%!%%BeginResource: procset Underlay%%CreationDate: (2/10/92)%C% In VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1, simple EPSF files up to 65,000 bytes long@% may be an underlay. Define the EPSF as a PostScript proceedureD% called /UNDERLAY and prefix to DOCUMENT's PS output For example:.&% /UNDERLAY ( EPSF code here ) cvx def%=% To create a "DRAFT" underlay change /UNDERLAY* to /UNDERLAY /UNDERLAY* ( /Note (DRAFT) def /NoteSize 120 def6 /NoteFont /Helvetica findfont NoteSize scalefont def& /Note where { pop Note length 0 gt {8 /NoteWidth NoteFont setfont Note stringwidth pop def/ PaperWidth 36 mul PaperHeight 36 mul moveto& PaperHeight PaperWidth atan rotate6 NoteWidth -2 div NoteSize .729 mul -2 div rmoveto 2 Note true charpath .075 setseparationgray fill }if }if ) cvx def %%EndResource%"%%BeginResource: procset Color5044%%CreationDate: (1/21/91)%%Version:1.0 31%Implementation of Adobe 5044 color specification5%/ndf allows command override during color separation/Color5044Dict 100 dict defColor5044Dict begin/bdf {bind def} def/ndf {1 index where {pop pop pop } {dup xcheck {bind} if def } ifelse } bdf /setcmykcolor {1 exch sub 3 " {dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 2 copy lt {exch} if pop exch } repeat pop setrgbcolor }ndf/setcmykcoloroverprint {4 {dup -1 eq {pop 0} if 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor } ndf/findcmykcustomcolor {5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray } {array astore readonly } ifelse } ndf/setcustomcolor {exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop } ndf/setseparationgray* {1 exch sub systemdict /setgray get exec } ndf/setoverprint {pop} ndf/currentoverprint false ndf%CMYK multi-proc colorimage /colorimage {4 neH {(\nUnsupported number of colors for colorimage.\n) print flush quit } if notJ {(\nSingle procedure form colorimage unsupported.\n) print flush quit } if' save 20 dict begin /&saveobj exch defE /&Kproc exch def /&Yproc exch def /&Mproc exch def /&Cproc exch def {&Cproc &Mproc &Yproc &Kproc7 /&K exch def /&Y exch def /&M exch def /&C exch def 0 1 &K length 1 sub {/&i exch def &K &i 255 &C &i get 30 mul &M &i get 59 mul add &Y &i get 11 mul add &K &i get 100 mul add 100 idiv dup 255 gt {pop 255} if sub put } for &K } image &saveobj end restore } ndf/customcolorimage! {pop systemdict /image get exec } ndf/separationimage {systemdict /image get exec } ndfend %%EndResourceColor5044Dict begin%/DEC_DVC$dict 300 dict defDEC_DVC$dict begin%/DVC$PSJob save def%5mark % CREATE ISOLatin1Encoding if not there already/ISOLatin1Encoding0 8#000 1 8#054 {StandardEncoding exch get} for  /minus0 8#056 1 8#217 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /dotlessi 0 8#301 1 8#317 {StandardEncoding exch get} for H /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section G /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen L /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute E /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine L /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave O /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute O /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde L /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave M /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute G /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute N /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntildeJ /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave < /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis 9 /ISOLatin1Encoding where not {256 array astore def} if cleartomark%,/DOCPSE ISOLatin1Encoding 256 array copy def"mark % CREATE DOCPSE ENCODING 8#055 /hyphenC 8#201 /bullet 8#202 /emdash 8#203 /endash 8#204 /daggerC 8#205 /daggerdbl 8#206 /registered 8#207 /trademark %8#210 /Delta? 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{UNDERLAY} stopped {(Error executing /UNDERLAY)== quit}ifD countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack/ clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack%* eps_save restore % restore after EPSF }ifA PageSetupe}def%%%Setup page coordinates2 /PageSetup{%.% /DVC$PSPage {save} def % ++cjb: fix VME bug /DVC$PSPage save def9 PortraitMode not {PaperWidth 0 translate 90 rotate} ifn /Xpos 0 def: /Ypos 0 defu}def%:)% Begin EPS file: SPB/SPB {8 Yadjust transform % convert from DVC to device coords EP % page-level restore( /eps_save save def % save before EPSF8 Resolution 72 div dup scale % Revert coords to points2 itransform % convert position back to points % translate % set position for EPSF 3 PortraitMode not {90 rotate} if % rotate for EPSF+7 count array astore /DVCstack exch def % save op stackR- /dict_count countdictstack def % # of dicts1 userdict begin % default dict% /showpage {}def % disable showpages 0 setgray }def%e% End EPS file/SPE {B countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack- clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stackc( eps_save restore % restore after EPSF" PageSetup % restore DVC coords}def%!% Print-Page Routine: PP/PP {S gsavee showpage grestore}def%n&/DMF { % /font-name DMF& exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}def% 3/concatnam { % /abcd (xxx) concatnam ==> /abcdxxxu /xxx exch defm /namstr exch cvsstr cvs defe1 /newnam namstr length xxx length add string def7 newnam 0 namstr putintervale& newnam namstr length xxx putinterval newnam cvn }def%%/strip { % /abcdef 2 strip ==> /cdefp /num exch def /nam exch def /namstr nam cvsstr cvs def# /newlen namstr length num sub def $ namstr num newlen getinterval cvn}def/% ROUTINES TO HANDLE PACKING/UNPACKING NUMBERSc8/PackHW { % PackHW --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#0000FFFF and 1 pos sub 16 mul bitshift target or}def</PackByte { % PackByte --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#000000FF and 3 pos sub 8 mul bitshift target or}def4/UnpkHW { % UnpkHW -->  /num exch def /pos exch def0 num 1 pos sub -16 mul bitshift 16#0000FFFF and) dup 16#00007FFF gt {16#00010000 sub} ifr}def8/UnpkByte { % UnpkByte -->  /num exch def /pos exch def/ num 3 pos sub -8 mul bitshift 16#000000FF andc) dup 16#0000007F gt {16#00000100 sub} if}def% /ps-scalefont {eJ % FOR PS FONTS, LOOK AT SIZE REQUESTED. 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27427 X(6\2031)S 11371 X 598 y F40(DEFRAG)SfF24820 X(6\2031)S 5094 20412 XY 23160 144 R 5094 21109 XY F28(CHAPTER)SP164 x(7)S 599 x(DELETE)S 27260 X(7\2031)S 7187 22305 XY 21072 72 R 7187 22903 XYFF36(7.1)S 9279 X(INTRODUC)S -2 x(TION)S 27427 X(7\2031)S 11371 X 597 yEF40(DELETE)S 24820 X(7\2031)S 5094 25294 XY 23160 144 R 5094 25991 XY)CF28(CHAPTER)S 164 x(8)S 599 x(DIREC)S -2 x(T)S -10 x(OR)S -23 x(Y)SCH27260 X(8\2031)S 7187 27187 XY 21072 72 R 7187 27784 XY F36(8.1)S 9279 XO(INTRODUC)S -2 x(TION)S 27427 X(8\2031)S 7187 28980 XY 21072 72 R 7187 29578 XY5D(8.2)S 9279 X(DISCUSSION)S 166 x(OF)S 166 x(DIRECT)S -9 x(OR)S -20 xP(Y)S 167 x(COMPRESSION)S 27427 X(8\2032)S 7187 30773 XY 21072 72 R 7187 31371 XYC(8.3)S 9279 X(OUTPUT)S 166 x(FORMA)S -38 x(TTING)S 27427 X(8\2033)S)N11371 X 598 y F40(DIRECT)S -10 x(OR)S -17 x(Y)S 24820 X(8\2033)S 5094 36925 XYF36(iv)SEP PP %%PageTrailer7%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Boldo%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)6%( %%Page: (V) 5x%%PageFonts: 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27150 X(10\2031)S 7187 20387 XYpH21072 72 R 7187 20985 XY(10.5)S 9279 X(UIC)S 166 x(AND)S 164 x(IDENTIF)SI2 x(IER)S 166 x(PROCESSING)S 27150 X(10\2032)S 11371 X 598 y F40(SEARCH)SSG24571 X(10\2032)S 5094 23376 XY 23160 144 R 5094 24073 XY F28(CHAPTER)S1H164 x(1)S -32 x(1)S 598 x(SET)S 26961 X(1)S -33 x(1\2031)S 7187 25269 XYC21072 72 R 7187 25867 XY F36(1)S -28 x(1.1)S 9279 X(INTRODUC)S -2 x-I(TION)S 27177 X(1)S -27 x(1\2031)S 7187 27062 XY 21072 72 R 7187 27660 XY(C(1)S -28 x(1.2)S 9279 X(UIC)S 166 x(AND)S 164 x(IDENTIF)S 2 x(IER)S E166 x(PROCESSING)S 27177 X(1)S -27 x(1\2031)S 11371 X 598 y F40(SET)S)F24595 X(1)S -24 x(1\2031)S 5094 30051 XY 23160 144 R 5094 30748 XY F28N(CHAPTER)S 164 x(12)S 599 x(UNDE)S -2 x(LETE)S 26928 X(12\2031)S 7187 31944 XYI21072 72 R 7187 32541 XY F36(12.1)S 9279 X(INTRODUC)S -2 x(TION)S 27150 X F(12\2031)S 7187 33737 XY 21072 72 R 7187 34335 XY(12.2)S 9279 X(FILE)SE167 x(SPECIFI)S 2 x(CA)S -38 x(TION)S 166 x(SYNT)S -36 x(AX)S 27150 XS(12\2031)S -277 x 36925 Y(v)SsEP PPx %%PageTrailer)%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)r%t%%Page: (VI) 6%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)e PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Contents)S -496 x 4571 Y 21072 72 R 7187 5169 XYHF36(12.3)S 9279 X(HOW)S 165 x(UNDELETE)S 167 x(WORKS)S 27150 X(12\2031)SI7187 6365 XY 21072 72 R 7187 6962 XY(12.4)S 9279 X(FILES)S 167 x(MARKED)S1I165 x(FOR)S 166 x(DELETE)S 27150 X(12\2033)S 11371 X 598 y F40(UNDELETE)S,F24571 X(12\2033)S 5094 9353 XY 23160 144 R 5094 10051 XY F28(CHAPTER)SJ164 x(13)S 599 x(SP)S -45 x(A)S -33 x(WN)S 26928 X(13\2031)S 5094 11844 XYE23160 144 R 5094 12541 XY(CHAPTER)S 164 x(14)S 599 x(VERIFY)S 26928 XRC(14\2031)S 7187 13737 XY 21072 72 R 7187 14335 XY F36(14.1)S 9279 X P(INTRODUC)S -2 x(TION)S 27150 X(14\2031)S 7187 15530 XY 21072 72 R 7187 16128 XYF(14.2)S 9279 X(BASIC)S 165 x(REP)S -36 x(AIR)S 166 x(ACTIONS)S 27150 XE(14\2031)S 7187 17324 XY 21072 72 R 7187 17921 XY(14.3)S 9279 X(ADV)ShG-38 x(ANCED)S 165 x(REP)S -36 x(AIR)S 165 x(ACTIONS)S 27150 X(14\2032)SaG7187 19117 XY 21072 72 R 7187 19715 XY(14.4)S 9279 X(DIRECT)S -9 x(OR)S1E-19 x(Y)S 166 x(SCANNING)S 27150 X(14\2032)S 7187 20910 XY 21072 72 RgK7187 21508 XY(14.5)S 9279 X(INTERPRETING)S 166 x(ERRORS)S 27150 X(14\2032)S N7187 22703 XY 21072 72 R 7187 23301 XY(14.6)S 9279 X(ERROR)S 164 x(REPORTING)SL27150 X(14\2033)S 11371 X 598 y F40(VERIFY)S 24571 X(14\2037)S 5094 36925 XYF36(vi)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Boldx%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)b%82% < End of included file DFU027A_CONTENTS.DVI_PS > %%Page: (1) 7%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XY0 SC 27981 36925 XY F36(1)SHEP PPa %%PageTrailerC%%PageFonts: Helvetica-BoldB%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)C%E%%Page: (1-1) 8a%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)o PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYQ0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(1)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(Introduction)S0M447 x 8652 Y F151(The)S 183 x(Disk)S 182 x(/)S 182 x(File)S 183 x(utilities)SND181 x(is)S 182 x(a)S 182 x(tool)S 182 x(developed)S 183 x(to)S 182 xC(help)S 183 x(\211nding)S 183 x(and)S 183 x(solving)S 10773 X 598 yD(disk)S 195 x(,)S 202 x(directory)S 195 x(and)S 195 x(\211le)S 195 xC(problems.)S 306 x(The)S 195 x(usage)S 195 x(of)S 195 x(low-level)SF194 x(VMS-I/O)S 10773 X 597 y(features)S 173 x(have)S 175 x(resulted)SC173 x(in)S 173 x(a)S 174 x(powerfull)S 173 x(and)S 173 x(high)S 2 x0E(-performance)S 173 x(utility)S -55 x(.)S 264 x(Also,)S 10773 X 598 ySC(DFU)S 178 x(provides)S 178 x(many)S 178 x(features)S 178 x(which)S9E179 x(are)S 178 x(not)S 178 x(available)S 178 x(with)S 177 x(normal)SFJ179 x(DCL)S 10773 X 598 y(commands.)S 10773 X 896 y(DFU)S 185 x(supports)SD185 x(all)S 185 x(types)S 186 x(of)S 185 x(disk)S 185 x(sets)S 185 xH(which)S 186 x(comply)S 185 x(to)S 186 x(the)S 185 x(VMS)S 185 x(ODS-2)SE10773 X 598 y(standard)S 166 x(such)S 167 x(as)S 166 x(volume)S 167 x G(sets,)S 167 x(stripe)S 166 x(sets,)S 166 x(shadow)S 166 x(sets)S 165 xCJ(and)S 167 x(RAID)S 165 x(sets,)S 166 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(combinations)SD166 x(of)S 166 x(these.)S 250 x(Spiralog)S 166 x(disks)S 165 x(are)SD167 x(NOT)S 165 x(supported)S 10773 X 897 y(DFU)S 176 x(also)S 176 xG(supports)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(new)S 176 x(Extended)S 177 x(File)S 176 x9C(Speci\211cations)S 176 x(\(also)S 176 x(known)S 177 x(as)S 10773 XTF597 y(ODS-5\))S 165 x(which)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(introduced)S 166 x(in)SC167 x(VMS)S 165 x(7.3)S 167 x(\(Alpha-only\).)S 10773 X 897 y(DFU)S N166 x(is)S 165 x(fully)S 167 x(Y)S -56 x(ear)S -8 x(-2000)S 165 x(compliant.)SG5094 16472 XY 23160 96 R 2404 17170 XY F24(1.1)S 5094 X(Support)S 167 xSF(on)S 167 x(DFU)S 387 x 897 y F151(Although)S 220 x(there)S 219 x(is)SD219 x(no)S 219 x(of\211cial)S 219 x(support)S 219 x(on)S 219 x(DFU)SJ219 x(you)S 220 x(may)S 219 x(mail)S 10773 X 597 y(questions/remarks/bug)SG168 x(reports)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(author)S 167 x(via)S 166 xlF(internet)S 166 x(at:)S 10773 X 897 y(ton.dorland@compaq.)S 2 x(com.)SG5094 21487 XY 23160 96 R 2404 22184 XY F24(1.2)S 5094 X(General)S 165 xiC(description)S -843 x 897 y F151(DFU)S 166 x(provides)S 166 x(the)S1E166 x(following)S 167 x(functions)S 166 x(\(in)S 166 x(alphabetical)S6E166 x(order\))S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(DEFRA)S -2 x(G)S6E180 x(:)S 181 x(This)S 180 x(function)S 181 x(allows)S 179 x(simple)S9F180 x(defragmentation)S 180 x(of)S 181 x(a)S 180 x(\211le)S 180 x(or)SF11670 X 597 y(\211les.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(DELETE)S 197 x(:)SE200 x(This)S 198 x(function)S 200 x(allows)S 198 x(either)S 199 x(a)S(I198 x(delete)S 199 x(by)S 199 x(\211le-id,)S 207 x(or)S 199 x(a)S 11670 X(G598 y(fast)S 194 x(delete)S 194 x(of)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(complete)S 194 xYC(directory)S 196 x(or)S 195 x(directory)S 195 x(tree)S 195 x(with)S2E195 x(all)S 194 x(its)S 11670 X 598 y(subdirectories.)S 10773 X 896 y0G(\201)S 595 x(DIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 166 x(:)S 166 x(This)S 166 x4C(function)S 167 x(has)S 166 x(8)S 166 x(options)S 166 x(:)S 11670 X3D897 y(1)S 619 x(COMPRESS)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S 11670 X 897 yF(2)S 619 x(DUMP)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(block)S 167 x(by)SG166 x(block)S 11670 X 896 y(3)S 619 x(CREA)S -28 x(TE)S 166 x(a)S 166 x E(directory)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(preallocated)S 166 x(size)SYH11670 X 897 y(4)S 619 x(REBUILD_MFD)S 165 x(rebuilds)S 166 x(the)S 166 xG(MFD)S 166 x(\(000000.dir\))S 166 x(directory)S 11670 X 896 y(5)S 619 xIH(RECOVE)S -2 x(R)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(corrupted)S 167 x(directory)S 11670 XC897 y(6)S 619 x(Search)S 183 x(all)S 183 x(directories)S 182 x(on)S(H183 x(the)S 183 x(disk)S 182 x(for)S 183 x(\211les)S 182 x(which)S 183 xC(have)S 183 x(multiple)S 12566 X 598 y(versions)S 11670 X 896 y(7)SSE619 x(Search)S 167 x(all)S 166 x(directories)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)SlE166 x(disk)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(alias)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(entries)StF11670 X 897 y(8)S 619 x(Search)S 167 x(all)S 166 x(directories)S 166 xL(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(empty)S 166 x(directories)S27427 36925 XY F36(1\2031)STEP PP4 %%PageTrailerP2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)4%X%%Page: (1-2) 98%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Introducti)S 2 x(on)S 10773 4866 XY F151(\201)S1K595 x(REPOR)S -2 x(T)S 180 x(:)S 180 x(Generates)S 179 x(a)S 180 x(\211le)S1G180 x(and)S 179 x(free)S 180 x(space)S 179 x(report)S 180 x(for)S 180 xSD(a)S 179 x(disk.)S 277 x(Also)S 178 x(a)S 11670 X 598 y(disk)S 179 xE(space)S 180 x(usage)S 180 x(report,)S 184 x(based)S 180 x(on)S 180 x F(UIC/Identi\211er)S -37 x(,)S 184 x(can)S 181 x(be)S 179 x(gener)S 2 xE(ated,)S 11670 X 598 y(even)S 167 x(on)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(disk)S 166 x9I(which)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(disk)S 166 x(quota)S 166 x(disabled.)S 10773 X E896 y(\201)S 595 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 174 x(:)S 175 x(Look)S 175 x(up)SSO174 x(\211les)S 174 x(on)S 175 x(a)S 174 x(disk)S 174 x(by)S 175 x(speci\211c)S0G174 x(\211le)S 175 x(attributes)S 173 x(\(eg.)S 266 x(\211les)S 11670 X(G598 y(sizes,)S 165 x(dates,)S 166 x(ownership,)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(so)S8D166 x(on\))S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(SET)S 197 x(:)S 199 x(This)SL198 x(functions)S 199 x(allows)S 197 x(setting)S 198 x(of)S 198 x(vitually)SG199 x(all)S 198 x(possible)S 197 x(\211le)S 11670 X 597 y(attributes.)SEF10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(UNDELETE)S 165 x(:)S 166 x(A)S 166 x(safe)SF165 x(\211le)S 167 x(recovery)S 168 x(function.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SD595 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY)S 168 x(:)S 168 x(This)S 168 x(function)S 168 xG(performs)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(fast)S 167 x(disk)S 168 x(structure)S 168 xxD(veri\211cation)S 169 x(and)S 11670 X 597 y(can)S 177 x(optionally)SC178 x(repair)S 177 x(certain)S 178 x(disk)S 177 x(structure)S 178 xSF(errors)S 177 x(\(comparable)S 177 x(with)S 11670 X 598 y(ANAL)S -47 xE(YZE/DISK/REP)S -38 x(AIR\).)S 10773 13135 XY(Each)S 166 x(function)SoG167 x(is)S 166 x(described)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(detail)S 165 x(in)S 167 xlD(the)S 166 x(corresponding)S 167 x(chapter)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 yD(DFU)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(supported)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(OpenVMS)S 165 xG(V6.2)S 167 x(through)S 167 x(V7.3)S 166 x(\(V)S -56 x(AX)S 166 x(and)S1H166 x(Alpha\).)S 5094 14978 XY 23160 96 R 2404 15675 XY F24(1.3)S 5094 XG(New)S 165 x(features)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(bug\211xes)S 166 x(of)S 166 x0D(V2.7-A)S 10773 X 897 y F151(This)S 178 x(version)S 178 x(of)S 178 xE(DFU)S 177 x(offers)S 177 x(some)S 177 x(improved)S 178 x(and)S 178 x0C(new)S 178 x(features,)S 181 x(as)S 177 x(well)S 177 x(as)S 10773 X9H598 y(a)S 175 x(couple)S 176 x(of)S 176 x(bug\211xes.)S 269 x(If)S 175 xC(you)S 177 x(are)S 175 x(using)S 177 x(DFU)S 175 x(on)S 176 x(VMS)S0D175 x(7.2/7.3)S 176 x(it)S 176 x(is)S 174 x(strongly)S 10773 X 598 yG(recommended)S 167 x(to)S 165 x(install)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(version.)S1C10773 X 896 y(The)S 167 x(table)S 166 x(below)S 165 x(lists)S 165 x6H(all)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(features)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xC(The)S 172 x(performance)S 173 x(on)S 172 x(DELETE/DIR/TREE)S 170 x1D(has)S 172 x(been)S 172 x(improved)S 173 x(by)S 172 x(some)S 11670 XE598 y(30%.)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(DIR)S 188 x(:)S 189 x(Added)S8D188 x(DIR/REBUI)S -2 x(LD_MFD)S 189 x(quali\211er)S 190 x(to)S 189 xL(\211x)S 189 x(a)S 189 x(broken)S 190 x(MFD)S 11670 X 598 y(\(000000.DIR\))SK165 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(New)S 165 x(SEARCH)StH165 x(quali\211ers)S 166 x(:)S 11670 X 896 y(1)S 619 x(/ORGANIZA)S -28 xD(TION=\(IND)S -2 x(EXED)S 261 x(|)S 263 x(SEQUE)S -2 x(NTIAL)S 263 xC(|)S 262 x(RELA)S -28 x(TIVE)S 12566 X 598 y(|)S 276 x(DIREC)S -2 x2F(T\))S 193 x(:)S 194 x(List)S 192 x(all)S 193 x(\211les)S 193 x(with)SM193 x(RMS)S 192 x(Organization)S 193 x(Indexed,)S 12566 X 598 y(Sequential,)SC167 x(Relative)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(Direct.)S 11670 X 896 y(2)S 619 xsE(/NAME_TYPE=\(ODS2)S 266 x(|)S 267 x(ISL1)S 267 x(|)S 267 x(UCS2\):)S E285 x(search)S 184 x(for)S 184 x(\211les)S 184 x(with)S 12566 X 598 yFF(ODS2)S 165 x(,)S 167 x(Iso-Latin-1)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(Unicode)S 167 xF(name)S 166 x(type.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(SET)S 165 x(:)S 167 xC(/\(NO\)BCK)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(set)S 165 x(\211le\(s\))S 166 x(to)S M166 x(\(NO\)BA)S -2 x(CKUP)S -65 x(.)S 10773 28129 XY(The)S 167 x(following)SxE166 x(bugs)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(problems)S 165 x(are)S 167 x(\211xed)S7F166 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Several)S 166 x(ACCVIO)S -2 x(')SI-19 x(s)S 166 x(bugs)S 166 x(have)S 167 x(been)S 167 x(\211xed:)S 11670 XlF897 y(1)S 619 x(A)S 166 x(rare)S 166 x(situation)S 166 x(where)S 166 xF(we)S 166 x(had)S 166 x(an)S 167 x(empty)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(name)SD166 x(string)S 11670 X 897 y(2)S 619 x(V)S -46 x(ery)S 171 x(large)SD171 x(disks)S 169 x(with)S 170 x(low)S 170 x(cluster)S 170 x(sizes)SF169 x(on)S 170 x(VMS)S 170 x(7.2;)S 173 x(this)S 170 x(results)S 169 xH(in)S 12566 X 597 y(larger)S 167 x(BITMAP)S -64 x(.SYS)S 166 x(\211les)SC166 x(which)S 166 x(could)S 166 x(crash)S 167 x(DFU)S 11670 X 897 ypC(3)S 619 x(W)S -18 x(ith)S 170 x(very)S 171 x(long)S 171 x(device)SID171 x(names)S 170 x(\(eg)S 171 x(through)S 172 x(a)S 170 x(logical)SP171 x(name\))S 170 x(VERIFY)S 12566 X 598 y(could)S 167 x(crash)S 10773 34704 XYH(\201)S 595 x(Under)S 175 x(rare)S 176 x(circumstances)S 175 x(a)S 175 xH(directory)S 176 x(could)S 175 x(become)S 175 x(corrupt)S 176 x(during)SC176 x(a)S 11670 X 598 y(compress)S 165 x(operation.)S 5094 36925 XYc F36(1\2032)SEP PPi %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%x%%Page: (1-3) 10%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)5 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 24771 1807 XY F28(Introduction)S 10773 4866 XY F151(\201)S 595 xSK(DELETE/DIR)S -2 x(ECTOR)S -20 x(Y)S 197 x(did)S 197 x(not)S 198 x(handle)S(H197 x(\211les)S 198 x(correctly)S 198 x(when)S 197 x(the)S 11670 X 598 yH(extension)S 190 x(was)S 189 x('.DIRxxx'.)S 298 x(DFU)S 189 x(erroneou)SI2 x(sly)S 189 x(handled)S 191 x(such)S 190 x(\211les)S 190 x(as)S 11670 X I598 y(directories.)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(DELETE/DIR)S -2 x(ECTOR)S F-20 x(Y)S 158 x(did)S 158 x(not)S 159 x(handle)S 159 x(\211les)S 158 xF(correctly)S 159 x(when)S 159 x(the)S 158 x(\211lename)S 11670 X 598 yC(contained)S 169 x(a)S 168 x(space)S 169 x(\(ODS5)S 167 x(only\).)SSD255 x(The)S 170 x(result)S 168 x(was)S 168 x(a)S 168 x('File)S 169 xG(not)S 169 x(found')S 168 x(error)S 11670 X 598 y(when)S 166 x(trying)S.E167 x(to)S 166 x(delete)S 166 x(such)S 167 x(\211les.)S 10773 X 896 ynC(\201)S 595 x(Indirect)S 189 x(input)S 190 x(\211les)S 190 x(were)SxE189 x(were)S 189 x(not)S 190 x(always)S 189 x(read)S 189 x(in)S 190 x4G(correctly)S -54 x(.)S 296 x(This)S 11670 X 598 y(resulted)S 166 x(in)S6F166 x('File)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(found')S 166 x(errors.)S 5094 11773 XYD23160 96 R 2404 12471 XY F24(1.4)S 5094 X(Restrictions)S 166 x(and)SG166 x(Parameters)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 167 x(DFU)S 166 x(program)S H166 x(has)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(few)S 166 x(restrictions)S 165 x(:)S 10773 XE897 y(\201)S 595 x(DFU)S 166 x(can)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(handle)S 167 x C(volume)S 167 x(sets)S 165 x(with)S 165 x(more)S 167 x(than)S 166 x C(32)S 166 x(members.)S 10773 15360 XY(The)S 167 x(following)S 166 x6I(minimum)S 166 x(process)S 166 x(quotas)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(recommended)S1I166 x(for)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(usage:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(WSQUO)S.D-2 x(T)S -27 x(A)S 166 x(:)S 166 x(1500)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xE(WSEXTE)S -2 x(NT)S 167 x(:)S 166 x(3000)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(F(DIOLM)S 165 x(:)S 167 x(40)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(ASTLM)S 166 xG(:)S 166 x(40)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(FILLM)S 167 x(:)S 166 x(40)StH10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(BYTLM)S 166 x(:)S 166 x(30000)S 10773 X 896 yI(\201)S 595 x(PGFLQUOT)S -28 x(A)S 166 x(:)S 166 x(30000)S 10773 22732 XY1C(If)S 170 x(you)S 171 x(use)S 170 x(DFU)S 170 x(on)S 171 x(v>olume)S(F171 x(sets)S 169 x(with)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(large)S 171 x(number)S 171 xH(of)S 170 x(members)S 170 x(you)S 171 x(may)S 10773 X 598 y(need)S 167 xC(to)S 165 x(increase)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(SYSGEN)S 165 x(parameter)SuG165 x(CHANNELCNT)S -46 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 182 x(you)S 183 x(use)S%E183 x(the)S 182 x(directory)S 183 x(command)S 182 x(on)S 183 x(very)SaH184 x(large)S 183 x(directory)S 183 x(\211les)S 182 x(\(>)S 182 x(1000)SC10773 X 598 y(blocks\))S 194 x(and)S 194 x(run)S 195 x(into)S 194 x)J(errors)S 194 x(you)S 195 x(may)S 194 x(need)S 194 x(to)S 194 x(increase)SG194 x(the)S 194 x(following)S 10773 X 597 y(parameters:)S 10773 X 897 yxG(\201)S 595 x(WSQUO)S -2 x(T)S -27 x(A)S 166 x(at)S 166 x(least)S 165 xxJ(1000)S 166 x(+)S 166 x(size-of-largest)S 165 x(directory)S 166 x(\211le)SF10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(WSEXTE)S -2 x(NT)S 167 x(:)S 166 x(WSQUOT)SG-28 x(A)S 165 x(+)S 166 x(at)S 166 x(least)S 165 x(1000)S 10773 X 896 ySN(\201)S 595 x(CTLP)S -37 x(AGES)S 165 x(\(SYSGE)S -2 x(N)S 166 x(parameter\))SC166 x(:)S 250 x(at)S 166 x(least)S 165 x(100)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S(D595 x(WSMAX)S 165 x(\(SYSGE)S -2 x(N)S 166 x(parameter\))S 166 x(:)SE250 x(at)S 165 x(least)S 166 x(WSEXTE)S -2 x(NT)S 10773 30105 XY(Do)SiC167 x(not)S 167 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 167 x(parameters)S 167 x(unless)S F167 x(you)S 168 x(run)S 169 x(into)S 167 x(errors)S 167 x(such)S 168 xC(as)S 167 x(EXCEE)S -2 x(DED)S 10773 X 597 y(QUOT)S -28 x(A)S 166 xSD(or)S 166 x(INSUFFICIENT)S 165 x(WORK)S -2 x(ING)S 166 x(SET)S 165 x&(LIMITS.)S 27427 36925 XY F36(1\2033)SEP PP %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%S%%Page: (1-4) 11%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Introducti)S 2 x(on)S 5094 4596 XY 23160 96 RrG2404 5294 XY F24(1.5)S 5094 X(Restrictions)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(F)S -38 x(H(AST)S -39 x(-IO)S 166 x(features)S 10773 X 896 y F151(VMS)S 176 x(7.1)SC177 x(introduced)S 178 x(a)S 176 x(way)S 177 x(to)S 176 x(improve)SxE177 x(I/O)S 177 x(performance,)S 180 x(called)S 177 x(F)S -37 x(AST)ScD-46 x(-IO.)S 10773 X 598 y(This)S 173 x(feature)S 173 x(does)S 173 xG(only)S 173 x(work)S 173 x(on)S 173 x(Alpha.)S 263 x(DFU)S 173 x(will)SoF172 x(try)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(perform)S 173 x(directory)S 10773 X 598 yD(processing)S 177 x(using)S 177 x(F)S -36 x(AST)S -47 x(-IO.)S 177 xH(If)S 176 x(this)S 176 x(fails)S 176 x(DFU)S 176 x(will)S 175 x(switch)SC176 x(back)S 177 x(to)S 177 x('normal')S 10773 X 598 y(I/O.)S 166 xxE(T)S -45 x(o)S 166 x(enable)S 166 x(F)S -36 x(AST)S -46 x(-IO)S 165 xxC(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(conditions)S 166 x(must)S 166 x(be)S7G166 x(met:)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(The)S 181 x(user)S 181 x(must)SxC181 x(have)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(identi\211er)S 181 x(VMS$BUFFER_OB)S.D-2 x(JECT_USER)S 11670 X 598 y(granted.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xH(There)S 172 x(must)S 170 x(be)S 171 x(suf\211cient)S 172 x(free)S 171 xE(Buffer)S 171 x(object)S 171 x(space.)S 259 x(This)S 171 x(is)S 171 xnK(governed)S 172 x(by)S 11670 X 597 y(the)S 168 x(SYSGEN)S 167 x(parameter)SoH168 x(MAXBO)S -2 x(BMEM.)S 169 x(DFU)S 167 x(may)S 169 x(require)S 168 xE(up)S 169 x(to)S 168 x(1000)S 11670 X 598 y(MAXBOB)S -2 x(MEM)S 166 x6G(pages.)S 10773 12666 XY(If)S 210 x(DFU)S 209 x(can)S 211 x(use)S 210 x_G(F)S -37 x(AST)S -46 x(-IO)S 209 x(then)S 211 x(commands)S 209 x(such)SeG211 x(as)S 209 x(DIR/ALIAS,)S 10773 X 598 y(DIR/VER)S -2 x(SION)S 199 x)E(and)S 199 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/DIR)S 199 x(will)S 198 x(gain)S 200 x(a)SSM199 x(10-15%)S 198 x(performance)S 10773 X 598 y(improvement.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(1\2034)SEP PP) %%PageTrailer22%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%9%%Page: (2-1) 12%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: 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y(\201)S 595 x0E(Creates)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 176 x(identi\211er)S 177 x2H(needed)S 177 x(to)S 177 x(perform)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(special)S 11670 XC598 y(privileged)S 167 x(functions.)S 250 x(\(See)S 166 x(chapter)S6D166 x(2.2\))S 10773 16854 XY(The)S 167 x(DFU)S 166 x(utility)S 166 xJ(in)S 166 x(fact)S 166 x(contains)S 166 x(just)S 166 x(2)S 166 x(\211les)SD166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(SYS$SYS)S -2 x(TEM:DFU.EXE)S 166 xD(:)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(program)S 10773 X 897 y(2)S 620 xE(SYS$HELP:DFUHLP)S -64 x(.HLB)S 166 x(:)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(on-line)SuE166 x(help)S 167 x(\211le)S 10773 19744 XY(The)S 169 x(installation)S9G168 x(no)S 169 x(longer)S 169 x(offers)S 169 x(an)S 168 x(opportunity)S%D170 x(for)S 168 x(private)S 169 x(installation.)S 254 x(If)S 10773 XE597 y(you)S 171 x(don')S -9 x(t)S 170 x(want)S 169 x(DFU)S 170 x(to)S%H170 x(be)S 170 x(available)S 170 x(systemwide)S 169 x(you)S 170 x(must)SG170 x(manually)S 171 x(move)S 10773 X 598 y(DFU.EXE)S 165 x(and)S 167 xoJ(the)S 166 x(help)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(to)S 165 x(your)S 168 x(private)SG166 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(T)S -45 x(o)S 184 x(install)S L185 x(DFU)S 184 x(log)S 186 x(in)S 185 x(into)S 185 x(a)S 184 x(privileged)SE186 x(account.)S 288 x(Next,)S 190 x(copy)S 186 x(the)S 185 x(.PCSI)ShL10773 X 597 y(installation)S 184 x(kit)S 185 x(to)S 185 x(disk:[directory])SG185 x(\(may)S 185 x(be)S 185 x(anywhere)S 185 x(on)S 185 x(your)S 186 x5H(system\).)S 10773 X 598 y(Note)S 180 x(that)S 180 x(there)S 180 x(are)SC180 x(two)S 180 x(different)S 180 x(kits,)S 184 x(one)S 180 x(for)SSD180 x(the)S 180 x(V)S -55 x(AX)S 179 x(and)S 180 x(one)S 181 x(for)SE180 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(Alpha)S 188 x(architecture,)S 194 x(named)S1D188 x(DEC-)S -2 x(V)S -55 x(AXVMS-D)S -2 x(FU-V0207-A-1.PCSI)S 187 xE(and)S 10773 X 598 y(DEC-A)S -2 x(XPVMS-DFU-V0207-A-1.PCSI)S -2 x(.)SpI167 x(Next)S 166 x(enter)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(command:)S N10773 X 896 y F102($)S 239 x(Product)S 240 x(Install)S 240 x(DFU/SOURCE=disk)SI2 x(:[directory])S 10773 26169 XY(The)S 240 x(following)S 240 x(product)SrD239 x(has)S 240 x(been)S 239 x(selected:)S 10773 X 449 y(DEC)S 240 xC(VAXVMS)S 239 x(DFU)S 240 x(V2.7-A)S 10773 X 747 y(Do)S 239 x(you)S E240 x(want)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(continue?)S 240 x([YES])S 10773 X 897 yiPF151(If)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(enter)S 166 x(YES)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(installation)SF165 x(will)S 165 x(proceed)S 167 x(:)S 10773 29457 XY F102(***)S 240 xD(DEC)S 239 x(VAXVMS)S 240 x(DFU)S 239 x(V2.7-A:)S 240 x(Disk)S 239 xI(and)S 240 x(File)S 239 x(Utilities)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 11730 X(K747 y(Do)S 239 x(you)S 239 x(want)S 240 x(all)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(default)S9F239 x(values)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(this)S 239 x(product?)S 240 x([YES])SC10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 168 x(you)S 169 x(enter)S 169 x(YES)S 167 x\C(DFU)S 168 x(will)S 167 x(be)S 168 x(installed)S 168 x(with)S 168 xxG(all)S 168 x(manuals.)S 253 x(If)S 168 x(you)S 169 x(enter)S 169 x(NO)S:H10773 X 598 y(you)S 167 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 167 x(prompted)S 166 x(for)SE166 x(the)S 167 x(manuals)S 166 x(you)S 168 x(want)S 166 x(to)S 166 x0C(install.)S 250 x(Finally)S -55 x(,)S 167 x(Product)S 10773 X 597 ynG(Install)S 165 x(will)S 166 x(continue)S 167 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 167 x 5(installation)S 165 x(:)S 27427 36925 XY F36(2\2031)S EP PP %%PageTrailere2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)X%7%%Page: (2-2) 13%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)r PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYM0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Using)S 167 x(DFU)S 10773 4766 XY F102(%PCSIUI-I-DONE)SdC2 x(ASK,)S 239 x(execution)S 240 x(phase)S 240 x(starting)S 10773 X E448 y(The)S 240 x(following)S 240 x(product)S 239 x(will)S 240 x(be)S G239 x(installed:)S 10773 X 448 y(DEC)S 240 x(VAXVMS)S 239 x(DFU)S 240 xSC(V2.7-A)S 10773 X 747 y(%PCSI-I-VOLINF)S 2 x(O,)S 239 x(estimated)SiT240 x(space)S 240 x(information)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(volume)S 240 x(DISK$OPENVMSVAX)SC10773 X 449 y(-PCSI-I-VOLSPC)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(93)S 239 x(required;)S6D240 x(373793)S 240 x(available;)S 240 x(373700)S 240 x(net)S 10773 XT747 y(Portion)S 240 x(Done:)S 240 x(0%...10%...20%...30)S 2 x(%...70%...80%...100%)SG10773 X 747 y(The)S 240 x(following)S 240 x(product)S 239 x(has)S 240 x1C(been)S 239 x(installed:)S 10773 X 448 y(DEC)S 240 x(VAXVMS)S 239 x K(DFU)S 240 x(V2.7-A)S 10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 213 x(you)S 214 x(installed)SeE212 x(DFU)S 213 x(system)S 212 x(wide)S 213 x(you)S 214 x(may)S 213 xrG(manually)S 214 x(execute)S 10773 X 598 y(SYS$ST)S -28 x(ARTUP:DFU$ST)S)D-27 x(ARTUP)S -65 x(.COM)S 228 x(on)S 229 x(any)S 229 x(node)S 229 xE(in)S 229 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(cluster)S -37 x(.)S 359 x(Executing)SaF222 x(DFU$ST)S -27 x(ARTUP)S -65 x(.COM)S 221 x(adds)S 220 x(DFU.EXE)SE220 x(to)S 10773 X 597 y(the)S 217 x(installed)S 216 x(\211le)S 216 xeF(list)S 216 x(and)S 217 x(thus)S 216 x(improves)S 217 x(performance.)SI351 x(if)S 216 x(you)S 10773 X 598 y(want)S 224 x(DFU)S 223 x(Installed)SxH224 x(each)S 224 x(time)S 224 x(the)S 224 x(system)S 223 x(boots)S 224 xC(you)S 225 x(must)S 10773 X 598 y(add)S 208 x(the)S 209 x(command)S0C208 x(@SYS$ST)S -28 x(ARTUP:DFU$ST)S -27 x(ARTUP)S 208 x(to)S 208 xxE(the)S 208 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 y(SYS$ST)S -28 x(ARTUP:SYST)S -27 x0E(ARTUP_VMS.COM.)S 10773 X 896 y(Next)S 167 x(you)S 168 x(must)S 167 x7E(grant)S 168 x(any)S 168 x(DFU)S 166 x(user)S 168 x(including)S 168 x(I(yourself)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 10773 X 598 y(identi\211ers)S1G172 x(if)S 172 x(they)S 172 x(must)S 172 x(be)S 171 x(able)S 172 x(to)S H172 x(use)S 172 x(all)S 171 x(DFU)S 172 x(functions.)S 261 x(See)S 172 xF(chapter)S 172 x(2.2)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(meaning)SD167 x(of)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(identi\211er)S -36 x(.)S 5094 16322 XYF23160 96 R 2404 17020 XY F24(2.2)S 5094 X(Security)S 166 x(and)S 166 xM(access)S 10773 X 896 y F151(DFU)S 178 x(has)S 179 x(some)S 178 x(functions)SsD179 x(which)S 179 x(must)S 178 x(not)S 179 x(be)S 178 x(made)S 179 xE(available)S 178 x(for)S 179 x(general)S 10773 X 598 y(usage.)S 277 x9D(Therefore)S 180 x(DFU)S 179 x(has)S 180 x(a)S 179 x(certain)S 180 xJ(group)S 180 x(of)S 179 x(commands)S 179 x(which)S 180 x(require)S 10773 XD598 y(the)S 172 x(user)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(be)S 171 x(granted)S 173 xD(the)S 172 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 171 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 261 x(The)SK172 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 10773 X 598 y(identi\211er)S 178 x(is)S 178 x(created)SBH178 x(during)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(installation)S 177 x(procedure.)S 274 xG(T)S -46 x(o)S 178 x(enable)S 178 x(a)S 178 x(user)S 10773 X 597 y(to)SoE179 x(perform)S 179 x(these)S 178 x(special)S 178 x(functions)S 180 x/F(the)S 179 x(system)S 178 x(manager)S 179 x(must)S 179 x(grant)S 179 xE(this)S 10773 X 598 y(identi\211er)S 167 x(as)S 165 x(follows)S 165 x8F(:)S 10773 X 897 y F102($)S 239 x(mc)S 240 x(authorize)S 10773 X 448 yE(UAF>)S 240 x(grant/id)S 240 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 240 x(username)S 10773 X:D897 y F151(If)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 176 x(identi\211er)SE178 x(is)S 177 x(not)S 178 x(granted)S 178 x(then)S 178 x(the)S 178 xHF(functions)S 178 x(listed)S 10773 X 597 y(below)S 166 x(cannot)S 166 xF(be)S 166 x(performed)S 167 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(DEFRA)S -2 xG(G)S 10773 X 897 y(2)S 620 x(DELETE/FILE)S 10773 X 896 y(3)S 620 x(SP)SpE-37 x(A)S -46 x(WN)S 10773 X 897 y(4)S 620 x(UNDELETE)S 10773 X 897 y7J(5)S 620 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/FIX)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(VERIFY)S -2 x(/REBUILD)SG10773 29324 XY(Note)S 168 x(that)S 168 x(this)S 167 x(behaviour)S 169 x)F(is)S 168 x(different)S 168 x(from)S 168 x(previous)S 168 x(versions)SC168 x(of)S 168 x(DFU.)S 168 x(Some)S 10773 X 597 y(commands)S 169 x7N(which)S 169 x(required)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 168 x(identi\211er)SF170 x(on)S 169 x(previous)S 169 x(DFU)S 10773 X 598 y(versions)S 167 xC(have)S 168 x(been)S 167 x(removed)S 168 x(from)S 167 x(the)S 167 x)O(list)S 166 x(above.)S 251 x(It)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(highly)S 169 x(recommended)S1I10773 X 598 y(that)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)S 172 x(identi\211er)S3L172 x(is)S 172 x(only)S 173 x(granted)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(limited)SD172 x(number)S 173 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y(users.)S 10773 X 896 y(All)SH166 x(DFU)S 165 x(functions)S 167 x(need)S 166 x(SYSPR)S -19 x(V)S 166 xG(or)S 166 x(BYP)S -37 x(ASS)S 165 x(privilege.)S 10773 X 897 y(IMPORT)SiD-28 x(ANT)S 166 x(***)S 167 x(IMPORT)S -28 x(ANT)S 166 x(***)S 166 x0(IMPORT)S -28 x(ANT)S 5094 36925 XY F36(2\2032)SEP PP$ %%PageTrailerD#%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Courierx%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Page: (2-3) 14%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)t PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 25203 1807 XY F28(Using)S 166 x(DFU)S 10773 4897 XY F151(Please)SH176 x(note)S 177 x(that)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(DFU$ST)S -27 x(ARTUP)S -65 xH(.COM)S 176 x(procedure)S 178 x(installs)S 175 x(DFU.EXE)S 10773 X 598 yH(with)S 173 x(BYP)S -37 x(ASS)S 173 x(privilege.)S 265 x(Because)S 173 xC(of)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(new)S 173 x(SP)S -37 x(A)S -46 x(WN)S 173 x(E(command)S 174 x(you)S 174 x(must)S 10773 X 598 y(not)S 176 x(grant)S D177 x(non-privileged)S 177 x(users)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(DFU_ALLPRIV)SE175 x(identi\211er)S -36 x(.)S 269 x(Otherwise)S 10773 X 597 y(they)SnM168 x(can)S 168 x(get)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(BYP)S -37 x(ASS)S 166 x(privilege)SlD169 x(simply)S 167 x(by)S 168 x(using)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(SP)S -37 xC(A)S -46 x(WN)S 167 x(command.)S 10773 X 598 y(As)S 173 x(a)S 173 x\G(workaround)S 174 x(you)S 174 x(can)S 174 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 173 x(the)SwF173 x(DFU$ST)S -27 x(ARTUP)S -65 x(.COM)S 174 x(procedure)S 174 x(to)SM10773 X 598 y(remove)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(/BYP)S -37 x(ASS)S 166 x(privilege)S O167 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(INST)S -28 x(ALL)S 166 x(command.)S 5094 8832 XYXF23160 96 R 2404 9530 XY F24(2.3)S 5094 X(Running)S 166 x(DFU)S 10773 XH896 y F151(T)S -45 x(o)S 166 x(run)S 167 x(DFU)S 165 x(you)S 167 x(can)SR167 x(enter)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y F102($)S 239 x(RUN)S 240 x(disk:[mydir]DFU)SM10773 X 897 y F151(or)S 166 x(\(if)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(installed)S4C166 x(systemwide\):)S 10773 X 896 y F102($)S 239 x(MC)S 240 x(DFU)ScK10773 X 897 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(also)S 166 x(de\211ne)SXH167 x(and)S 166 x(use)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(symbol)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(DFU)SD166 x(as)S 166 x(follows:)S 10773 X 897 y F102($)S 239 x(DFU)S 240 xC(==)S 239 x("$disk:[dir]DFU)S 2 x(")S 10773 X 448 y($)S 239 x(DFU)SxG10773 X 897 y F151(DFU)S 166 x(now)S 166 x(prompts)S 165 x(with)S 166 x3I(:)S 11730 X 896 y F102(Disk)S 239 x(and)S 239 x(File)S 240 x(Utilities)S D240 x(for)S 239 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(DFU)S 240 x(V2.7-A)S 11730 X 449 yC(Freeware)S 239 x(version)S 11730 X 44>8 y(Copyright)S 240 x(\(C\))S2H239 x(2000)S 239 x(COMPAQ)S 240 x(COMPUTER)S 240 x(Corporation)S 10773 XF747 y(DFU>)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 178 x(can)S 177 x(now)SF177 x(enter)S 177 x(DFU)S 177 x(commands.)S 271 x(HELP)S 177 x(gives)SD177 x(you)S 178 x(online)S 177 x(help.)S 272 x(After)S 10773 X 597 yD(each)S 169 x(command)S 168 x(DFU)S 168 x(returns)S 169 x(to)S 168 xD(the)S 169 x(DFU>)S 168 x(prompt.)S 253 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 168 x(can)SG169 x(recall)S 169 x(and)S 168 x(edit)S 10773 X 598 y(commands,)S 182 x I(just)S 179 x(as)S 178 x(with)S 179 x(DCL)S 178 x(\(20)S 178 x(commands)S2C179 x(will)S 178 x(be)S 179 x(stored)S 178 x(in)S 179 x(the)S 179 xiG(recall)S 10773 X 598 y(buffer\).)S 257 x(Use)S 170 x(EXIT)S 169 x(or)SeE170 x(CTRL/Z)S 170 x(to)S 170 x(leave)S 170 x(DFU.)S 170 x(If)S 169 xaD(you)S 171 x(use)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(symbol)S 169 x(for)S 170 x(DFU,)SI10773 X 598 y(you)S 167 x(also)S 166 x(process)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(single)S G167 x(command)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(return)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(DCL)S 165 xsM(immediately:)S 10773 X 896 y F102($DFU)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(disk/qualifi)S2H2 x(ers)S 10773 X 897 y F151(During)S 157 x(a)S 156 x(DFU)S 156 x(run,)SH160 x(you)S 157 x(can)S 156 x(interrupt)S 157 x(DFU)S 156 x(with)S 155 xC(CTRL/C)S 157 x(or)S 156 x(CTRL/Y)S -55 x(.)S 156 x(These)S 10773 X2D598 y(interrupts)S 176 x(are)S 176 x(caught)S 176 x(by)S 176 x(DFU)SH176 x(to)S 175 x(allow)S 175 x(a)S 176 x(correct)S 176 x(rundown)S 176 xG(of)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(curren)S 2 x(t)S 10773 X 597 y(command.)S 283 x3C(It)S 182 x(may)S 182 x(therefore)S 184 x(take)S 182 x(some)S 182 x D(time)S 182 x(before)S 183 x(DFU)S 182 x(responds)S 183 x(to)S 182 xC(a)S 10773 X 598 y(CTRL/C)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(Y)S 166 x(interrupt.)S E5094 26616 XY 23160 96 R 2404 27313 XY F24(2.4)S 5094 X(Using)S 166 x2E(an)S 166 x(indirect)S 166 x(\211le)S 165 x(list)S 10773 X 897 y F151 C(There)S 170 x(are)S 170 x(3)S 169 x(commands,)S 170 x(DIREC)S -2 xMC(TOR)S -19 x(Y)S -55 x(,)S 170 x(DEFRA)S -2 x(G)S 169 x(and)S 170 x G(SET)S 168 x(which)S 170 x(accept)S 169 x(an)S 10773 X 597 y(indirect)SPC170 x(\211le)S 170 x(as)S 170 x(input)S 170 x(parameter)S -37 x(.)SyG257 x(This)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(achieved)S 171 x(by)S 170 x(using)S 171 x(H(the)S 170 x(@)S 170 x(sign.)S 257 x(An)S 10773 X 598 y(indirect)S 173 xF(\211le)S 172 x(is)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(containing)S 174 xD(a)S 172 x(list)S 172 x(of)S 172 x(valid)S 172 x(\211lenames)S 172 xF(\(each)S 173 x(line)S 172 x(in)S 173 x(such)S 10773 X 598 y(a)S 178 xH(\211le)S 178 x(must)S 178 x(contain)S 178 x(exactly)S 179 x(one)S 179 xD(\211lename\).)S 274 x(Such)S 178 x(indirect)S 178 x(\211les)S 178 xC(can)S 179 x(be)S 178 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(output)S 166 x(\211le)S1G167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(Search)S 166 x(command)S 167 x E(eg.:)S 10773 X 896 y F102($)S 239 x(DFU)S 10773 X 449 y(DFU>)S 240 xeH(SEARCH)S 239 x(mydisk/CHAR=)S 2 x(DIRECTORY/OUTPUT=x.)S 2 x(x)S 10773 XC448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(DIRECTORY/COMPRESS)S 241 x(@x.x)S 27427 36925 XYx F36(2\2033)SEP PPf %%PageTrailerS2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier6%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2%S%%Page: (3-1) 15%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)7 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(3)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(The)SG166 x(SMG)S 165 x(output)S 165 x(interf)S -2 x(ace)S 10773 8652 XY F151UC(DFU)S 176 x(uses)S 175 x(SMG)S 175 x(\(Screen)S 177 x(management)S7H176 x(routines\))S 176 x(to)S 175 x(perform)S 176 x(output)S 176 x(for)SC176 x(an)S 10773 X 598 y(interactive)S 180 x(DFU)S 179 x(session.)SLI276 x(This)S 180 x(chapter)S 180 x(describes)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(layout)S F180 x(of)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(DFU)S 10773 X 597 y(screen,)S 180 x(the)SE176 x(special)S 176 x(commands)S 175 x(used)S 176 x(only)S 177 x(in)S8C177 x(the)S 176 x(SMG)S 176 x(interface)S 176 x(and)S 176 x(other)S)C10773 X 598 y(items)S 165 x(with)S 166 x(respect)S 166 x(to)S 166 xxL(the)S 166 x(SMG)S 166 x(interface.)S 5094 11392 XY 23160 96 R 2404 12089 XYDF24(3.1)S 5094 X(Enabling/Disabling)S 165 x(SMG)S 10773 X 897 y F151G(DFU)S 182 x(automatically)S 182 x(selects)S 181 x(SMG)S 182 x(output)SnG182 x(if)S 182 x(you)S 183 x(run)S 183 x(an)S 182 x(interactive)S 183 x D(DFU)S 10773 X 597 y(session)S 170 x(on)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(terminal)SC171 x(or)S 171 x(workstation)S 171 x(which)S 171 x(supports)S 171 xxD(SMG.)S 171 x(In)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(batch)S 172 x(job)S 10773 X 598 yI(or)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(non-DEC)S 165 x(terminal)S 167 x(DFU)S 166 x(will)S2H165 x(use)S 166 x(normal)S 167 x(line)S 166 x(oriented)S 167 x(output.)SK250 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 10773 X 598 y(explicitly)S 162 x(disable)S/E161 x(SMG)S 161 x(by)S 162 x(de\211ning)S 163 x(the)S 162 x(logical)S E162 x(DFU$NOSMG)S 160 x(to)S 162 x(any)S 162 x(value.)S 5094 15725 XYnG23160 96 R 2404 16423 XY F24(3.2)S 5094 X(Automatic)S 166 x(switching)S)H165 x(between)S 166 x(SMG)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(Line)S 166 x(mode)S 5094 XE896 y F151(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 172 x(may)S 171 x(prefer)S 172 x(to)S 171 xpF(perform)S 171 x(interactive)S 172 x(DFU)S 171 x(sessions)S 170 x(in)SF172 x(SMG)S 171 x(mode,)S 173 x(and)S 171 x(single)S 172 x(DFU)S 171 xG(commands)S 171 x(in)S 5094 X 598 y(normal)S 167 x(line)S 166 x(mode.)S I249 x(This)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(done)S 167 x(by)S 166 x(using)S1K167 x(the)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(procedure)S 167 x(listed)S 166 x(below:)SrC10773 X 747 y F102($!)S 239 x(Procedure)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(switch)S H239 x(beteen)S 240 x(SMG)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(line)S 240 x(mode)S 10773 XF449 y($)S 239 x(DFU)S 240 x(=)S 239 x("$DFU")S 10773 X 448 y($)S 239 xH(if)S 240 x(p1)S 239 x(.eqs.)S 240 x("")S 10773 X 448 y($)S 239 x(then)SE10773 X 449 y($!Interactive)S 241 x(session)S 10773 X 448 y($)S 239 x:F(define/user)S 241 x(sys$input)S 240 x(sys$command)S 10773 X 448 y($)SC239 x(dfu)S 10773 X 448 y($)S 239 x(else)S 10773 X 449 y($!Single)S(D240 x(command)S 240 x(so)S 239 x(disable)S 240 x(SMG)S 10773 X 448 yF($)S 239 x(define/user)S 241 x(dfu$nosmg)S 240 x(x)S 10773 X 448 y($)SE239 x(dfu)S 240 x('p1')S 239 x('p2')S 240 x('p3')S 239 x('p4')S 240 x7F('p5')S 239 x('p6')S 240 x('p7')S 239 x('p8')S 10773 X 449 y($)S 239 xN(endif)S 10773 X 448 y($)S 239 x(exit)S 5094 25970 XY 23160 96 R 2404 26668 XYKF24(3.3)S 5094 X(Layout)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(SMG)S 166 x(screen)SAC10773 X 896 y F151(After)S 166 x(starting)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(the)S P166 x(screen)S 166 x(looks)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(follows)S 165 x(:)S 27427 36925 XY F36(3\2031)SEP PPn %%PageTrailerx2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Couriere%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)l%)%%Page: (3-2) 16%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)m PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(SMG)S 166 x(output)S 167 x(interface)SG10773 4753 XY F102(+-------------)S 2 x(----------<)S 240 x(DFU)S 239 x K(V2.7-A)S 240 x(\(Freeware\))S 240 x(>-------------)S 2 x(--------------+)SvD10773 X 449 y(|)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X(Disk)S 239 xG(and)S 240 x(File)S 239 x(Utilities)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 239 x1F(DFU)S 240 x(V2.7-A)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X(Freeware)SG240 x(version)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 449 y(|)S 12208 X(Copyright)S 240 xxH(\251)S 239 x(2000)S 239 x(COMPAQ)S 240 x(COMPUTER)S 240 x(Corporation)SC28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X9H(DFU)S 239 x(functions)S 240 x(are)S 240 x(:)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 449 yG(|)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X(DEFRAGMENT)S 240 x(:)S 239 x)J(Defragment)S 240 x(files)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X(DELETE)SD14838 X(:)S 239 x(Delete)S 240 x(files)S 239 x(by)S 240 x(File-ID;)SF240 x(delete)S 239 x(directory)S 240 x(\(trees\))S 28945 X(|)S 10773 XN449 y(|)S 12208 X(DIRECTORY)S 479 x(:)S 239 x(Manipulate)S 240 x(directories)SK28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X(REPORT)S 14838 X(:)S 239 x(Generate)S J240 x(a)S 239 x(complete)S 240 x(disk)S 240 x(report)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 XF448 y(|)S 12208 X(SEARCH)S 14838 X(:)S 239 x(Fast)S 240 x(file)S 239 xG(search)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 449 y(|)S 12208 X(SET)S 14838 X(:)S 239 xxC(Modify)S 240 x(file)S 239 x(attributes)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(G(|)S 12208 X(UNDELETE)S 718 x(:)S 239 x(Recover)S 240 x(deleted)S 240 xrC(files)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 12208 X(VERIFY)S 14838 X(:)S G239 x(Check)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(repair)S 240 x(disk)S 239 x(structure)SSC28945 X(|)S 10773 X 449 y(|)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(|)S 28945 XoX(|)S 10773 X 448 y(+-------------)S 2 x(-------------------)S 2 x(--Statistics--------)SC2 x(-------------------)S 2 x(----+)S 10773 X 449 y(|)S 28945 X(|)S V10773 X 448 y(|)S 28945 X(|)S 10773 X 448 y(+-------------)S 2 x(-------------------)SH2 x(--------------------)S 2 x(-------------------)S 2 x(----+)S 11012 XF448 y(DFU>)S 10773 X 897 y F151(This)S 166 x(screen)S 167 x(is)S 165 xH(divided)S 167 x(into)S 166 x(3)S 166 x(sections:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SC595 x(Main)S 176 x(Screen)S 176 x(:)S 270 x(the)S 176 x(top)S 175 xaE(part)S 176 x(of)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(screen)S 177 x(is)S 175 x(used)SG176 x(for)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(output)S 176 x(from)S 11670 X 598 y(DFU)SG166 x(commands.)S 249 x(Also)S 165 x(broadcast)S 166 x(messages)S 165 xD(are)S 166 x(send)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(window)S -46 x(.)SE10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Statist)S -2 x(ics)S 197 x(:)S 311 x(the)S7F197 x(lower)S 196 x(part)S 197 x(contains)S 197 x(statist)S -2 x(ics)SG197 x(from)S 197 x(the)S 197 x(current)S 11670 X 598 y(command.)S 275 xD(During)S 180 x(most)S 178 x(of)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(commands)S 179 xE(this)S 178 x(screen)S 180 x(will)S 178 x(contain)S 179 x(a)S 11670 XaG598 y(progress)S 166 x(indicator)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(status)S2F166 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(command.)S 10773 X 896 yG(\201)S 595 x(DFU)S 166 x(prompt)S 165 x(:)S 250 x(the)S 166 x(bottom)SSI166 x(line)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(used)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(input)SYD167 x(command)S 166 x(line.)S 5094 22122 XY 23160 96 R 2404 22819 XYHF24(3.4)S 5094 X(Special)S 166 x(Screen)S 165 x(commands)S 10773 X 897 yFF151(In)S 166 x(SMG)S 166 x(mode)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 xC(keys)S 167 x(perform)S 166 x(special)S 166 x(functions)S 166 x(:)SxF10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(DO)S 165 x(:)S 166 x(invok)S 2 x(es)S 165 xC(a)S 166 x(subprocess)S 166 x(\(same)S 165 x(as)S 166 x(the)S 166 x2G(SP)S -37 x(A)S -46 x(WN)S 166 x(command\))S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x7H(HELP)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(PF2)S 167 x(:)S 249 x(invokes)S 167 x(a)S 166 xC(special)S 166 x(SMG)S 165 x(window)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 166 xmF(help)S 166 x(command.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(CTRL/W)S 166 x(:)SE166 x(redraws)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(screen)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x6F(PF4)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(creates)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(screen)S 166 x(dump)SF166 x(into)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(DFU_SCREE)S -2 x(N.TXT)SH10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(PREV)S 165 x(SCREE)S -2 x(N)S 166 x(:)S 167 xJ(Scrolls)S 166 x(back)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(output)S 167 x(screen.)S 10773 XH897 y(\201)S 595 x(NEXT)S 165 x(SCREEN)S 165 x(:)S 166 x(Scrolls)S 166 xI(forward)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(output)S 166 x(screen)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S H595 x(INSERT)S 165 x(HERE)S 165 x(:)S 166 x(Scrolls)S 166 x(back)S 167 xE(one)S 166 x(line)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(REMOV)S -2 x(E)S 166 x1E(:)S 167 x(Scrolls)S 165 x(forward)S 166 x(one)S 167 x(line)S 10773 X(D896 y(\201)S 595 x(SELECT)S 165 x(:)S 167 x(T)S -46 x(oggles)S 167 xM(between)S 166 x(80)S 165 x(and)S 167 x(132)S 166 x(columns.)S 10773 32881 XYxD(Although)S 173 x(only)S 174 x(some)S 172 x(20)S 172 x(lines)S 172 xM(are)S 173 x(visible)S 172 x(in)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(output)S 173 x(\(main\))S1L172 x(screen)S 173 x(DFU)S 10773 X 598 y(in)S 186 x(fact)S 186 x(remembers)SD186 x(500)S 186 x(output)S 186 x(lines.)S 290 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 187 xF(can)S 186 x(scroll)S 186 x(back)S 187 x(and)S 186 x(forward)S 10773 XC598 y(through)S 166 x(one)S 164 x(screen)S 165 x(with)S 163 x(the)SiJ165 x(NEXT)S 163 x(and)S 164 x(PREV)S 164 x(SCRE)S -2 x(EN)S 164 x(keys,)SE166 x(and)S 164 x(one)S 164 x(line)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 178 x(the)SaD179 x(REMOVE)S 178 x(and)S 179 x(INSER)S -2 x(T)S 179 x(HERE)S 178 xI(keys.)S 276 x(At)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(beginning)S 181 x(of)S 178 x(each)SnC10773 X 597 y(new)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(these)S 166 xn@(lines)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(cleared.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(3\2032)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer1#%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Couriern%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)-%)%%Page: (3-3) 17%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)d PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYI0 SC 20984 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(SMG)S 166 x(output)S 167 x(interface)S C10773 4866 XY F151(If)S 157 x(you)S 158 x(execute)S 158 x(a)S 157 x$E(command)S 157 x(which)S 157 x(produces)S 157 x(a)S 157 x(lot)S 157 xRF(of)S 157 x(output,)S 160 x(you)S 158 x(can)S 157 x(paginate)S 10773 XE598 y(the)S 166 x(output)S 167 x(by)S 166 x(using)S 167 x(the)S 166 x H(/P)S -36 x(AGE)S 165 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(On)S 174 xF(a)S 173 x(workstation)S 174 x(with)S 173 x(DECw)S -2 x(indows/Motif)SD174 x(you)S 174 x(can)S 175 x(change)S 175 x(the)S 174 x(DECt)S -2 xD(erm)S 10773 X 598 y(size)S 190 x(to)S 190 x(be)S 190 x(more)S 190 xD(than)S 191 x(the)S 190 x(standard)S 190 x(24)S 190 x(lines.)S 298 xG(DFU')S -19 x(s)S 190 x(SMG)S 190 x(screen)S 190 x(will)S 10773 X 598 ylE(automatically)S 166 x(adjust)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(screen)ScH167 x(size)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(such)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(DecT)S -46 x(erm.)SC5094 9482 XY 23160 96 R 2404 10179 XY F24(3.5)S 5094 X(Side)S 166 xSG(effects)S 10773 X 897 y F151(There)S 169 x(are)S 169 x(a)S 168 x(few)S(C168 x(side)S 167 x(effects)S 168 x(when)S 169 x(using)S 169 x(SMG)S)E167 x(mode.)S 254 x(CTRL/C)S 168 x(and)S 169 x(CTRL/Y)S 10773 X 598 y4D(are)S 187 x(catched)S 187 x(but)S 187 x(not)S 187 x(echoed.)S 292 xH(Also)S 186 x(all)S 187 x(broadcast)S 187 x(messages)S 186 x(are)S 187 xH(trapped)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 177 x(will)S 176 x(be)S 177 x(displayed)SC176 x(in)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(main)S 177 x(screen)S 177 x(at)S 176 x4E(the)S 177 x(end)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(current)S 177 x(DFU)S2C10773 X 597 y(command.)S 273 x(Sometimes)S 177 x(this)S 177 x(may)SRI178 x(slightly)S 178 x(disrupt)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(main)S 178 x(screen,)SSC181 x(which)S 10773 X 598 y(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(repaired)S 166 xFF(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(CTRL/W)S 166 x(key)S -55 x(.)S 10773 X 897 yG(Further)S -36 x(,)S 208 x(during)S 200 x(the)S 200 x(execution)S 200 xoF(of)S 199 x(a)S 199 x(DFU)S 199 x(command)S 199 x(the)S 199 x(cursor)SD200 x(will)S 10773 X 597 y(disappear)S -37 x(.)S 280 x(After)S 181 xD(the)S 182 x(command)S 181 x(\211nishes)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(cursor)SI182 x(will)S 180 x(reappear)S 182 x(at)S 181 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(DFU>)S +166 x(prompt.)S 27427 36925 XY F36(3\2033)SXEP PP+ %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)-%-%%Page: (4-1) 18%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)3 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(4)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(DFU)SD167 x(basics)S 877 x 8652 Y F151(Note)S 178 x(:)S 273 x(this)S 177 xE(chapter)S 178 x(is)S 178 x(meant)S 177 x(for)S 178 x(\211rst)S 178 xSD(time)S 177 x(users)S 178 x(of)S 178 x(DFU.)S 178 x(If)S 177 x(you)SE179 x(already)S 10773 X 598 y(used)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(before)S 166 x9C(you)S 167 x(may)S 166> x(probably)S 167 x(skip)S 166 x(this)S 166 xFG(chapter)S -37 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(This)S 177 x(chapter)S 177 x(gives)S E177 x(a)S 177 x(brief)S 176 x(overview)S 178 x(of)S 176 x(the)S 177 x2E(commands)S 176 x(which)S 177 x(can)S 177 x(be)S 177 x(used)S 10773 XeD598 y(with)S 191 x(DFU,)S 192 x(and)S 192 x(how)S 192 x(they)S 192 xG(can)S 192 x(provide)S 193 x(the)S 191 x(system)S 192 x(manager)S 192 x J(with)S 191 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(necessary)S 167 x(information.)S 10773 XH896 y(One)S 186 x(of)S 185 x(most)S 185 x(common)S 186 x(actions)S 186 xH(by)S 186 x(a)S 186 x(system)S 185 x(manager)S 186 x(is)S 186 x(trying)SD186 x(to)S 186 x(locate)S 10773 X 598 y(speci\211c)S 175 x(\211les)SH175 x(eg.)S 269 x(\211les)S 175 x(with)S 174 x(a)S 175 x(certain)S 176 xD(\211le)S 175 x(size.)S 267 x(Although)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(lot)S 175 xE(can)S 175 x(be)S 175 x(done)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(F(VMS)S 188 x(DIREC)S -2 x(TOR)S -19 x(Y)S 188 x(command)S 189 x(this)SG188 x(can)S 189 x(be)S 189 x(a)S 188 x(time)S 188 x(consuming)S 10773 X)K598 y(process,)S 181 x(especially)S 177 x(if)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(complete)S-G177 x(disk)S 178 x(must)S 177 x(be)S 177 x(scanned.)S 273 x(The)S 178 x(C(SEARCH)S 10773 X 597 y(command)S 188 x(of)S 188 x(DFU)S 187 x(is)S-I187 x(exactly)S 189 x(meant)S 187 x(for)S 188 x(this)S 188 x(situation.)S>E292 x(It)S 187 x(gives)S 189 x(a)S 187 x(very)S 10773 X 598 y(quick)SSH171 x(list)S 170 x(of)S 171 x(speci\211c)S 170 x(\211les,)S 173 x(with)SG170 x(their)S 171 x(size,)S 171 x(and)S 171 x(if)S 170 x(needed)S 171 x(J(the)S 171 x(number)S 171 x(of)S 170 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 y(fragments.)SC250 x(Some)S 166 x(useful)S 166 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 166 x(commands)SsD166 x(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 xG(disk/SIZE=MI)S 2 x(NIMUM=1000)S 240 x(\(files)S 239 x(>)S 240 x(1000)S(I239 x(blocks\))S 10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(disk/IDENT=S)S E2 x(YSTEM)S 239 x(\(files)S 240 x(owned)S 240 x(by)S 239 x(SYSTEM\))SxK10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(disk/FRAGMEN)S 2 x(T=MINIMUM=10)SSF240 x(\(files)S 240 x(with)S 239 x(at)S 239 x(least)S 240 x(10)S 239 xG(fragments\))S 10773 X 449 y(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(disk/CHAR=MA)SdG2 x(RKED)S 239 x(\(all)S 240 x(files)S 239 x(marked)S 240 x(for)S 239 x6D(delete\))S 10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(disk/CREATED)SH2 x(=SINCE=YESTERDAY)S 240 x(\(all)S 240 x(files)S 239 x(created)S 240 xC(since)S 240 x(YESTERDAY\))S 10773 X 896 y F151(Of)S 187 x(course)S6J188 x(these)S 187 x(quali\211ers)S 188 x(can)S 188 x(be)S 188 x(combined)SH187 x(to)S 188 x(narrow)S 187 x(the)S 188 x(search.)S 293 x(As)S 10773 XF598 y(the)S 180 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 180 x(command)S 179 x(scans)S 179 xD(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS,)S 180 x(not)S 179 x(directories,)S 184 x(the)SF179 x(output)S 10773 X 598 y(generated)S 174 x(by)S 174 x(SEARC)S -2 xH(H)S 174 x(may)S 173 x(look)S 174 x(a)S 173 x(bit)S 173 x(random)S 174 xE(\(but)S 173 x(it)S 173 x(is)S 173 x(just)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(order)SPK174 x(in)S 10773 X 598 y(which)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(headers)SwF169 x(are)S 169 x(in)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 x(.SYS)SF169 x(\211le\).)S 255 x(T)S -45 x(o)S 169 x(smooth)S 168 x(the)S 169 xK(output)S 10773 X 597 y(use)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/SORT)S 166 x(quali\211er)SxH-36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(Another)S 172 x(important)S 171 x(action)S 172 xE(for)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(system)S 171 x(manager)S 173 x(is)S 171 x(to)S(F171 x(gather)S 172 x(some)S 172 x(overall)S 10773 X 598 y(disk)S 195 xG(information,)S 203 x(such)S 195 x(as)S 195 x(number)S 195 x(of)S 195 xEE(\211les,)S 202 x(free)S 196 x(space)S 194 x(statistics)S 193 x(and)SuD10773 X 598 y(fragmentation)S 180 x(information.)S 277 x(The)S 180 xE(REPOR)S -2 x(T)S 180 x(command)S 180 x(will)S 178 x(generate)S 181 x F(such)S 10773 X 597 y(a)S 169 x(disk)S 168 x(report.)S 255 x(T)S -46 xD(o)S 169 x(get)S 168 x(individual)S 170 x(disk)S 168 x(space)S 168 xE(usage)S 169 x(information)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(/USAGE)S 10773 X 598 y F(quali\211er)S 162 x(can)S 162 x(be)S 161 x(used.)S 249 x(This)S 162 xE(will)S 160 x(work)S 162 x(even)S 162 x(if)S 161 x(there)S 162 x(is)SeC160 x(no)S 162 x(disk)S 161 x(quota)S 161 x(enabled)S 10773 X 598 yeH(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(disk.)S 10773 X 897 y(At)S 182 x(regular)S 183 xG(intervals)S 182 x(a)S 182 x(system)S 182 x(manager)S 183 x(may)S 182 x6D(need)S 183 x(to)S 181 x(check)S 184 x(a)S 182 x(disk)S 182 x(with)SD10773 X 597 y(ANAL)S -46 x(YZE/DISK.)S 174 x(The)S 175 x(DFU)S 175 xH(VERIFY)S 173 x(command)S 175 x(provides)S 175 x(more)S 175 x(or)S 175 xD(less)S 174 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(same)S 182 x(functionality)S 184 xF(but)S 183 x(many)S 183 x(times)S 182 x(faster)S -37 x(.)S 283 x(The)SF184 x(/FIX)S 183 x(quali\211er)S 183 x(provides)S 10773 X 598 y(some)SF177 x(REP)S -37 x(AIR)S 177 x(options)S 177 x(which)S 178 x(\(unlike)SF179 x(ANAL)S -47 x(YZE/DISK/REP)S -38 x(AIR\))S 177 x(do)S 178 x(NOT)SG10773 X 598 y(lock)S 193 x(the)S 193 x(disk,)S 200 x(and)S 193 x(thus)SRC193 x(do)S 193 x(not)S 193 x(interfere)S 193 x(with)S 192 x(other)S H193 x(disk)S 193 x(operations.)S 10773 X 597 y(However)S -36 x(,)S 193 xM(the)S 188 x(disk)S 187 x(can)S 188 x(be)S 187 x(rebuilt)S 188 x(completely)SSC188 x(by)S 188 x(using)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(/REBUILD)S 10773 X 598 y)D(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(Occasionaly)S 170 x(a)S 170 xC(user)S 170 x(will)S 170 x(delete)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(wrong)S 171 x)E(\211le,)S 172 x(leaving)S 171 x(the)S 170 x(system)S 169 x(manager)SuL10773 X 598 y(or)S 175 x(operator)S 176 x(with)S 174 x(the)S 176 x(tedious)SD174 x(task)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(restoring)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(\211le)SF175 x(from)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(backup)S 176 x(set.)S 10773 X 597 y(The)SD180 x(UNDELETE)S 179 x(command)S 180 x(may)S 180 x(be)S 179 x(able)SF180 x(to)S 179 x(recover)S 181 x(the)S 180 x(\211le)S 180 x(if)S 179 xD(it)S 179 x(has)S 180 x(not)S 10773 X 598 y(yet)S 171 x(been)S 172 xD(overwritten)S 171 x(with)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(new)S 171 x(one.)S 260 xF(Much)S 172 x(care)S 172 x(has)S 171 x(been)S 171 x(taken)S 172 x(to)SI171 x(make)S 10773 X 598 y(this)S 167 x(command)S 167 x(as)S 167 x(safe)S F166 x(as)S 167 x(possible;)S 167 x(therefore)S 168 x(no)S 168 x(disk)SE166 x(corruptions)S 168 x(will)S 167 x(be)S 167 x(the)S 10773 X 598 yfH(result)S 169 x(of)S 168 x(an)S 169 x(UNDELETE.)S 168 x(If)S 168 x(DFU)SF168 x(encoun)S 2 x(ters)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(problem)S 169 x(with)S 168 xC(a)S 168 x(deleted)S 168 x(\211le)S 10773 X 597 y(it)S 166 x(will)S(E165 x(refuse)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(UNDELETE)S 165 x(it.)S 27427 36925 XYy F36(4\2031)SEP PP7 %%PageTrailerd2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier7%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%)%%Page: (4-2) 19%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)R PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(DFU)S 166 x(basics)S 10773 4866 XY F151(Another)SaF175 x(type)S 174 x(of)S 174 x(typical)S 174 x(system)S 174 x(manager)SH175 x(problems)S 173 x(deals)S 174 x(with)S 174 x(directories.)S 10773 XF598 y(The)S 165 x(DFU)S 163 x(command)S 164 x(DIRECTO)S -2 x(R)S -18 xD(Y)S 163 x(can)S 165 x(handle)S 164 x(such)S 164 x(problems.)S 250 xH(DIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 10773 X 598 y(can)S 193 x(generate)S 193 xK(reports)S 192 x(about)S 193 x(empty)S 192 x(directories)S 192 x(\(/EMPTY)S1J193 x(quali\211er\))S 193 x(or)S 10773 X 597 y(directories)S 202 x(which)SF202 x(contain)S 202 x(\211les)S 202 x(with)S 201 x(a)S 202 x(certain)SE202 x(number)S 203 x(of)S 202 x(versions)S 10773 X 598 y(\(/VERSION)S H-2 x(=n)S 201 x(quali\211er\).)S 319 x(Also,)S 209 x(directories)S 201 xD(may)S 201 x(become)S 200 x(internally)S 10773 X 598 y(fragmented.)SH250 x(This)S 166 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(quickly)S 167 x(solved)S 166 xC(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/COMPRESS)S 165 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)SiC10773 X 896 y(A)S 180 x(second)S 180 x(problem)S 181 x(with)S 179 xsE(directories)S 181 x(is)S 179 x(in)S 181 x(deleting)S 181 x(a)S 180 x0E(directory)S 181 x(with)S 180 x(many)S 10773 X 598 y(\211les.)S 271 xSD(This)S 176 x(may)S 177 x(take)S 177 x(several)S 177 x(hours)S 177 xJ(using)S 177 x(a)S 177 x(DCL)S 176 x(DELETE)S 175 x(*.*)S 178 x(command.)SD10773 X 598 y(This)S 175 x(problem)S 175 x(is)S 174 x(solved)S 175 xJ(by)S 176 x(using)S 175 x(DFU')S -19 x(s)S 175 x(DELETE/DIR)S -2 x(ECTOR)SJ-19 x(Y)S 174 x(command)S 10773 X 598 y(which)S 176 x(can)S 176 x(delete)SG175 x(large)S 177 x(directories)S 175 x(some)S 175 x(10)S 176 x(times)S D174 x(faster)S 175 x(than)S 177 x(the)S 175 x(normal)S 10773 X 597 yC(DELETE)S 178 x(command)S 179 x(does.)S 274 x(Also,)S 182 x(using)S8E179 x(DELETE/DIR/TREE)S 177 x(will)S 178 x(delete)S 179 x(a)S 10773 XxI598 y(complete)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(tree)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(just)S1C167 x(one)S 166 x(command.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 180 x(last)S 179 xiH(2)S 179 x(commands)S 179 x(deal)S 179 x(with)S 179 x(individual)S 180 xJ(\211les.)S 276 x(SET)S 179 x(allows)S 178 x(settings)S 179 x(of)S 10773 XE598 y(some)S 184 x(special)S 183 x(\211le)S 184 x(attributes.)S 285 x9D(Since)S 184 x(VMS)S 184 x(V6.0)S 183 x(this)S 184 x(functionality)SG185 x(is)S 183 x(also)S 10773 X 597 y(provided)S 176 x(by)S 176 x(the)SxH175 x(DCL)S 175 x(SET)S 175 x(FILE/A)S -27 x(TTRIBUTE)S 175 x(command,)SE178 x(but)S 176 x(DFU')S -19 x(s)S 175 x(SET)S 10773 X 598 y(offers)S D175 x(some)S 175 x(more)S 175 x(options.)S 268 x(The)S 176 x(DEFRA)SF-2 x(G)S 175 x(command)S 175 x(is)S 175 x(an)S 176 x(interface)S 175 xK(to)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(MOVEFILE)S 167 x(function)S 169 x(offered)S C168 x(by)S 169 x(VMS)S 168 x(5.5)S 168 x(and)S 169 x(higher)S -36 xnG(.)S 254 x(This)S 168 x(allows)S 167 x(a)S 168 x(simple)S 10773 X 598 ySI(defragmentation)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(individual)S 166 x(\211les.)S 10773 X(G896 y(The)S 183 x(next)S 183 x(chapters)S 182 x(gives)S 183 x(a)S 183 xIJ(detailed)S 181 x(description)S 183 x(of)S 182 x(each)S 183 x(individual)S?183 x(DFU)S 10773 X 598 y(command.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(4\2032)S3EP PPi %%PageTrailere2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)M%)%%Page: (5-1) 20%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)4 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYJ0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(5)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(ODS-5)SC166 x(fea)S -2 x(tures)S -717 x 8652 Y F151(VMS)S 172 x(7.2)S 172 xiG(introduces)S 173 x(an)S 172 x(extension)S 173 x(on)S 172 x(the)S 173 xeE(current)S 173 x(ODS2)S 171 x(\211le)S 172 x(system,)S 173 x(called)SxK10773 X 598 y(the)S 187 x(Extended)S 187 x(File)S 187 x(Speci\211cations,)SoG193 x(or)S 187 x(ODS-5.)S 290 x(This)S 187 x(feature)S 187 x(is)S 186 xSK(available)S 10773 X 597 y(only)S 187 x(on)S 187 x(Alpha)S 187 x(systems.)S9H289 x(Also,)S 191 x(VMS)S 187 x(7.2)S 186 x(adds)S 186 x(support)S 187 xL(for)S 186 x(255)S 187 x(levels)S 186 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y(subdirectories.)SK263 x(This)S 173 x(is)S 172 x(often)S 173 x(called)S 173 x(deep-directory)S1H174 x(support.)S 263 x(Both)S 172 x(features)S 10773 X 598 y(are)S 172 xC(now)S 171 x(fully)S 172 x(supported)S 171 x(by)S 171 x(DFU)S 171 x F(V2.7-A.)S 172 x(There)S 172 x(is)S 171 x(no)S 171 x(need)S 172 x(to)SH171 x(perform)S 172 x(any)S 10773 X 598 y(special)S 176 x(action)S 177 xC(to)S 177 x(execute)S 177 x(DFU)S 177 x(commands)S 176 x(on)S 177 xxF(ODS-5)S 175 x(disks.)S 271 x(Nevertheless)S 10773 X 597 y(the)S 169 xF(following)S 169 x(points)S 169 x(are)S 169 x(worth)S 169 x(to)S 168 xG(be)S 169 x(considered)S 170 x(before)S 169 x(using)S 169 x(DFU)S 169 xxE(on)S 169 x(VMS)S 10773 X 598 y(7.2)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(ODS-5)S 165 x F(disks:)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(It)S 207 x(is)S 207 x(highly)S 208 xC(recommended)S 208 x(to)S 208 x(add)S 207 x(the)S 207 x(following)S0F208 x(command)S 207 x(to)S 11670 X 598 y(LOGIN.CO)S -2 x(M)S 167 x(:)SH11909 X 896 y F102($)S 239 x(SET)S 239 x(PROCESS/PAR)S 2 x(SE=EXTENDED)SC11670 X 897 y F151(This)S 171 x(allows)S 169 x(easy)S 171 x(usage)SxF172 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(new)S 171 x(\211le)S 171 x(naming)S 172 xC(scheme)S 171 x(\(such)S 171 x(as)S 171 x(lower)S -10 x(-)S 11670 X2F598 y(case)S 166 x(character)S -36 x(,)S 166 x(multiple)S 166 x(dots)SE165 x(in)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(name\).)S 10773 X 896 y(2)SeD620 x(File)S 173 x(names)S 173 x(can)S 173 x(become)S 173 x(large,)SF176 x(either)S 174 x(trough)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(name,)SF176 x(or)S 173 x(because)S 11670 X 598 y(we)S 172 x(can)S 174 x(have)SC174 x(255)S 172 x(levels)S 173 x(of)S 173 x(subdirectories.)S 264 x1G(A)S 172 x(\211lename)S 174 x(longer)S 174 x(than)S 173 x(255)S 11670 X1D598 y(characters)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(abbreviated)S 166 xH(into)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(so-called)S 166 x(DID)S -2 x(-ed)S 166 x(name.)SI10773 19910 XY(A)S 192 x(DID-ed)S 192 x(name)S 193 x(looks)S 193 x(like)SD193 x('device:[x,y)S -54 x(,z]\211le.ex)S 2 x(t'.)S 302 x(As)S 192 xD(can)S 193 x(be)S 193 x(seen)S 193 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(directory)SC191 x(string)S 191 x(has)S 190 x(been)S 191 x(replaced)S 190 x(by)StF191 x(the)S 191 x(\211le)S 190 x(id)S 190 x(\(x,y)S -54 x(,z\))S 191 xD(of)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(parent)S 10773 X 598 y(directory)S -54 x(.)S27427 36925 XY F36(5\2031)S EP PPa %%PageTrailer12%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courierx%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)r%-%%Page: (6-1) 21%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 21740 1807 XY F24(DEFRAG)S 278 x(command)S 2404 5875 XY F12(6)SD5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(DEFRAG)S 10773 8652 XY F151D(This)S 206 x(chapter)S 206 x(describes)S 204 x(the)S 206 x(DEFRAG)SF204 x(command)S 205 x(with)S 205 x(the)S 206 x(related)S 10773 X 598 yH(parameters)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(quali\211ers.)S 5094 10196 XY 23160 96 RE2404 10893 XY F24(6.1)S 5094 X(Description)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S)H168 x(DEFRAG)S 166 x(command)S 168 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 167 x(used)S 168 xF(to)S 167 x(defragment)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(single)S 168 x(\211le)S 168 xG(or)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(group)S 10773 X 598 y(of)S 177 x(\211les.)S 271 xSG(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 178 x(can)S 177 x(also)S 176 x(enter)S 177 x(an)S 177 xSC(indirect)S 178 x(command)S 177 x(\211le)S 177 x(containing)S 178 xoH(a)S 177 x(list)S 176 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y(\211les.)S 266 x(This)S 175 xE(feature)S 175 x(allows)S 173 x(you)S 175 x(to)S 175 x(create)S 174 xnE(an)S 175 x(output)S 175 x(\211le)S 174 x(with)S 174 x(SEARCH)S 173 x8C(and)S 10773 X 597 y(use)S 166 x(that)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(an)S 166 xeH(input)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(DEFRAG.)S 10773 X 897 y(DEFRAG)S 170 x(makes)SL171 x(use)S 171 x(of)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(\211le-primitive)S 172 x(MOVEFILE)SI170 x(function.)S 261 x(Therefore)S 10773 X 598 y(\211les)S 201 x(which)SaD202 x(are)S 201 x(open,)S 211 x(or)S 201 x(which)S 202 x(are)S 201 xD(marked)S 202 x(NOMOVE)S 199 x(will)S 201 x(not)S 201 x(be)S 10773 XD597 y(DEFRAG)S -2 x(mented.)S 5094 17602 XY 23160 96 R 2404 18299 XYHF24(6.2)S 5094 X(Error)S 168 x(messa)S -2 x(ges)S 435 x 897 y F151(The)SF167 x(most)S 165 x(common)S 167 x(errors)S 166 x(returned)S 167 x(by)SF166 x(DEFRAG)S 165 x(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(ACCO)SG-2 x(NFLICT)S -27 x(:)S 166 x(File)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(open)S 167 x(by)S2C166 x(another)S 167 x(user)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(DEVI)S -2 xrF(CEFULL:)S 174 x(Device)S 173 x(has)S 173 x(not)S 173 x(enough)S 174 xG(contiguo)S 2 x(us)S 172 x(free)S 173 x(space)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(move)SSF11670 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(entire)S 166 x(\211le)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)SG595 x(FILNOT)S -28 x(ACC:)S 166 x(File)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(been)>S 166 xD(set)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(NOMOVE)S -2 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xI(FILENUMCHK:)S 165 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 166 x(tried)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(move)S5E167 x(a)S 166 x(reserved)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(\(eg)S 166 x(INDEXF)SF-56 x(.SYS\).)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(RMS)S 192 x(Errors:)S 304 xC(Almost)S 192 x(always)S 193 x(caused)S 193 x(by)S 193 x(an)S 194 xdP(invalid)S 193 x(or)S 194 x(wrong)S 193 x(\211le)S 11670 X 597 y(specifcation.)SF5094 26900 XY 23160 48 R 5094 27896 XY F20(DEFRAG)S 10773 29391 XY F34H(Defragment)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(list)SM166 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk.)S 5094 30586 XYSF23160 204 R 5094 31604 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(DEFRAG)S 696 xJF23(\211le1,\211)S -2 x(le2,@\211le..)S -2 x(.)S 5094 32800 XY 23160 204 RS5094 33618 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x F25(\211le1,\211le2,@\211le)S)H-2 x(...)S 10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 171 x(\211le\(s\))S 170 x(to)S 170 xI(be)S 170 x(defragmented.)S 258 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 170 x(can)S 171 x(also)S)F169 x(use)S 171 x(an)S 170 x(indirect)S 170 x(command)S 171 x(\211le)SD10773 X 548 y(\(@\211le\))S 176 x(which)S 177 x(contains)S 176 x(a)SC176 x(list)S 175 x(of)S 176 x(\211les)S 176 x(to)S 175 x(be)S 176 x7G(defragmented.)S 270 x(This)S 176 x(may)S 177 x(be)S 176 x(an)S 10773 X1H548 y(output)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(generated)S 167 x(with)S 165 x(the)SB166 x(SEARCH/OUTPUT)S 166 x(command.)S 27427 36925 XY F36(6\2031)SEP PP\ %%PageTrailert2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman5%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliquea%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%%%Page: (6-2) 22%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)- PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(DEFRAG)S 278 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(DEFRAG)SL5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 5515 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/BESTTR)SD-13 x(Y)S 10773 X 547 y F151(Normally)S 168 x(DEFRAG)S 166 x(tries)SC168 x(to)S 168 x(create)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(contigu)S 2 x(ous)S 167 x)H(\211le.)S 254 x(If)S 167 x(there)S 169 x(is)S 167 x(not)S 168 x(enoug)SD2 x(h)S 10773 X 548 y(contiguou)S 2 x(s)S 166 x(free)S 168 x(space)SH167 x(the)S 167 x(operation)S 167 x(will)S 167 x(fail.)S 251 x(W)S -19 xH(ith)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(/BESTTR)S -19 x(Y)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 10773 XF548 y(DEFRAG)S 168 x(tries)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(move)S 171 x(the)S 170 xE(\211le)S 170 x(with)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(contiguo)S 2 x(us-best-try)SuL169 x(method.)S 257 x(This)S 10773 X 548 y(means)S 184 x(a)S 184 x(maximum)SK185 x(of)S 184 x(3)S 184 x(fragments.)S 286 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 185 x(should)SoG184 x(only)S 185 x(use)S 184 x(this)S 184 x(quali\211er)S 10773 X 548 y)D(when)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(normal)S 174 x(DEFRAG)S 172 x(fails.)S 264 xD(If)S 174 x(a)S 173 x(DEFRAG/BE)S -2 x(STTR)S -18 x(Y)S 173 x(also)SK174 x(fails)S 173 x(this)S 173 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(an)S 168 x(indication)S)C168 x(that)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(disk')S -19 x(s)S 167 x(free)S 168 x E(space)S 167 x(is)S 168 x(too)S 167 x(fragmented.)S 254 x(Run)S 168 x7G(a)S 168 x(REPOR)S -2 x(T)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 172 x(see)S 172 x(what)S1I171 x(the)S 173 x(largest)S 172 x(contiguous)S 173 x(free)S 172 x(space)S)D172 x(is,)S 173 x(and)S 173 x(check)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(free)S 172 xD(space)S 10773 X 548 y(fragmentation)S 167 x(index.)S 10773 10994 XYFF25(/DEVICE)S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 172 x(device)S 171 x(on)S 171 xF(which)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(\211les)S 171 x(reside.)S 259 x(The)S 171 xF(device)S 171 x(name)S 171 x(is)S 171 x(added)S 170 x(to)S 171 x(the)SL171 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(name.)S 276 x(If)S 178 x(you)S 180 x(generate)SD180 x(a)S 179 x(\211le)S 179 x(list)S 179 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 179 xG(DFU)S 179 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 179 x(command)S 179 x(you)S 10773 X 548 yD(don')S -9 x(t)S 178 x(need)S 179 x(this)S 178 x(quali\211er)S 179 xF(anymore.)S 275 x(However)S 179 x(you)S 179 x(may)S 179 x(have)S 179 xE(a)S 178 x(list)S 178 x(of)S 178 x(\211les)S 10773 X 548 y(produced)S D174 x(from)S 172 x(another)S 174 x(source)S 173 x(and)S 174 x(thus)SE173 x(need)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(append)S 173 x(a)S 173 x(device)S 173 x2E(name)S 173 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(it.)S 249 x(Example:)S 11251 X 896 y)MF102(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 240 x(mydisk/...../frag=m)S 2 x(in=50/output=x.x)S0C11251 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(DEFRAG)S 240 x(@x.x)S 10773 16224 XY F25F(/LBN=logical-block)S -2 x(-number)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Forces)S 174 xF(a)S 173 x(single)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x(to)S 173 x(be)S 173 x(moved)SH174 x(to)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(speci\211ed)S 173 x(logical)S 174 x(block)SC173 x(number)S -36 x(.)S 264 x(Do)S 10773 X 548 y(not)S 166 x(use)S F166 x(this)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(when)S 166 x(processing)S 167 xF(a)S 166 x(list)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(\211les.)S 10773 18466 XY F25(/ST)SG-51 x(A)S -52 x(TISTICS)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 184 x(quali\211er)SrC185 x(displays)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(performance)S 184 x(statistics)S(D-2 x(:)S 285 x(CPU)S 184 x(time,)S 188 x(Elapsed)S 10773 X 548 y(T)SN-12 x(ime,)S 166 x(I/O)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(PageFau)S 2 x(lts.)S 10773 20708 XYKF25(/WRITECHECK)S 10773 X 597 y F151(Perform)S 225 x(a)S 224 x(writecheck)S6D224 x(on)S 225 x(the)S 224 x(resultant)S 224 x(\211le.)S 366 x(The)SG225 x(default)S 224 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(/NOWRITECHE)S -2 x(CK.)S 194 x:G(Note)S 194 x(that)S 194 x(a)S 194 x(writecheck)S 194 x(doubles)S 194 x F(the)S 195 x(number)S 194 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(involved)S 167 x(disk)S2166 x(I/O')S -19 x(s.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(6\2032)SEP PP) %%PageTrailerS1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique "%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)3% %%Page: (6-3) 23%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)r PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 25734 1807 XY F28(DEFRA)S -2 x(G)S -830 x 36925 Y F36(6\2033)SlEP PPt %%PageTrailert%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Boldh%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)A% %%Page: (7-1) 24%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)X PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 21934 1807 XY F24(DELETE)S 279 x(command)S 2404 5875 XY F12(7)SD5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(DELETE)S 10773 8652 XY F151D(This)S 157 x(chapter)S 158 x(describes)S 157 x(the)S 157 x(DELETE)SK156 x(command)S 158 x(with)S 157 x(the)S 157 x(related)S 157 x(parameters)SaP10773 X 598 y(and)S 166 x(quali\211ers.)S 5094 10196 XY 23160 96 R 2404 10893 XYGF24(7.1)S 5094 X(Introduction)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 167 x(DELETE)S G165 x(command)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(designed)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(2)S 166 xlF(purposes:)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(Delete)S 179 x(a)S 179 x(\211le)SE180 x(by)S 179 x(\211le)S 180 x(id)S 179 x(\(with)S 179 x(the)S 180 xXJ(/FILE)S 179 x(quali\211er\).)S 277 x(This)S 180 x(functionality)S 11670 XG597 y(is)S 185 x(needed)S 186 x(to)S 186 x(be)S 186 x(able)S 185 x(to)S F186 x(delete)S 185 x(\211les)S 186 x(which)S 186 x(no)S 186 x(longer)SE187 x(have)S 187 x(a)S 186 x(parent)S 11670 X 598 y(directory)S -55 x H(.)S 261 x(This)S 171 x(way)S 172 x('lost')S 170 x(\211les)S 171 x(and)SF172 x(\(sometimes\))S 170 x(\211les)S 172 x(marked)S 172 x(for)S 171 xE(delete)S 11670 X 598 y(can)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(removed)S 167 x(from)S(F166 x(a)S 166 x(disk.)S 10773 X 897 y(2)S 620 x(A)S 174 x(fast)S 174 xD(method)S 175 x(to)S 175 x(delete)S 174 x(a)S 175 x(complete)S 175 xF(directory)S 175 x(or)S 175 x(even)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(directory)S 175 xF(tree)S 11670 X 597 y(\(with)S 179 x(the)S 180 x(/DIRECTOR)S -20 x(Y)SD179 x(and)S 180 x(/TREE)S 180 x(quali\211er\).)S 278 x(First)S 179 xE(all)S 180 x(entries)S 179 x(of)S 180 x(a)S 11670 X 598 y(directory)SiH169 x(are)S 169 x(deleted)S 168 x(without)S 168 x(removing)S 170 x(the)SD168 x(directory)S 170 x(entry)S 169 x(;)S 170 x(this)S 168 x(saves)SN11670 X 598 y(a)S 170 x(lot)S 171 x(of)S 171 x(unnecessary)S 172 x(directory)SD171 x(updates.)S 259 x(Finally)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(directory)S 172 xK(\211le)S 171 x(itself)S 11670 X 598 y(is)S 177 x(deleted,)S 181 x(unless)S1F177 x(the)S 178 x(/KEEP)S 177 x(quali\211er)S 179 x(is)S 177 x(used.)SG273 x(This)S 178 x(way)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(directory)S 11670 X 597 y(is)SrD185 x(cleaned)S 187 x(up)S 186 x(many)S 187 x(times)S 185 x(faster)SF186 x(than)S 186 x(with)S 186 x(the)S 186 x(DCL)S 186 x(DELETE)S 185 xL(*.*)S 11670 X 598 y(command.)S 273 x(On)S 178 x(large)S 178 x(directories)SE178 x(DFU)S 178 x(may)S 178 x(be)S 178 x(even)S 178 x(10)S 178 x(or)S1D178 x(more)S 178 x(times)S 11670 X 598 y(faster)S 177 x(than)S 178 xE(DCL.)S 177 x(T)S -45 x(o)S 178 x(delete)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(complete)S1D177 x(directory)S 178 x(tree)S 178 x(use)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(/TREE)SC11670 X 598 y(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 268 x(The)S 176 x(DCL)S 174 x6F(command)S 176 x(DELETE)S 174 x([.SUBDIR...]*.*;*)S 176 x(will)S 175 xG(almost)S 11670 X 597 y(always)S 179 x(fail)S 180 x(to)S 180 x(delete)S(E179 x(the)S 181 x(intermediate)S 179 x(subdirectory)S 181 x(\211les)SxI180 x(forcing)S 181 x(you)S 11670 X 598 y(to)S 170 x(issue)S 170 x(this)S F170 x(command)S 170 x(several)S 171 x(times.)S 257 x(The)S 171 x(DFU)SE170 x(DELETE)S 170 x(command)S 170 x(is)S 11670 X 598 y(smart)S 155 x0F(enoug)S 2 x(h)S 156 x(to)S 156 x(delete)S 156 x(the)S 157 x(\211les)SG156 x(and)S 157 x(the)S 156 x(subdirectory)S 157 x(\211les)S 156 x(in)SmC157 x(the)S 156 x(proper)S 11670 X 598 y(order;)S 183 x(therefore)S H178 x(only)S 178 x(one)S 178 x(command)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(suf\211cient)SN178 x(to)S 177 x(delete)S 177 x(a)S 177 x(complete)S 11670 X 597 y(directory)SC167 x(tree.)S 11670 X 897 y(The)S 180 x(/KEEP)S 180 x(quali\211er)StH181 x(allows)S 179 x(you)S 180 x(to)S 180 x(preserve)S 181 x(the)S 180 xE(directory)S 181 x(tree.)S 277 x(The)S 11670 X 598 y(contents)S 166 xaF(are)S 166 x(deleted)S 166 x(but)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(directory)S 167 xG(\211le\(s\))S 166 x(remains)S 166 x(intact.)S 11670 X 896 y(If)S 155 x9C(a)S 156 x(\211le)S 156 x(cannot)S 156 x(be)S 156 x(deleted)S 155 xSF(for)S 156 x(some)S 155 x(reason)S 156 x(\(such)S 157 x(as)S 155 x(a)SF155 x(\211le)S 157 x(access)S 155 x(con\212ict\))S 11670 X 598 y(the)SE166 x(\211le)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(stay)S 166 x(at)S 165 x(its)S 166 x7G(place)S 166 x(together)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(parent)S 167 xrJ(directory)S -55 x(.)S 5094 28162 XY 23160 48 R 5094 29158 XY F20(DELETE)SL10773 30653 XY F34(Deletes)S 166 x(\211les)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(directories.)SE5094 31848 XY 23160 204 R 5094 32866 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XxN-21 y(DELETE)S 698 x F23(devic)S -2 x(e[:])S 249 x(or)S 166 x(directory-\211)S*-2 x(le\(s\))S 27427 36925 XY F36(7\2031)SEP PPa %%PageTrailer12%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-Obliqueo%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%l%%Page: (7-2) 25%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(DELETE)S 280 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(DELETE)SG5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 5515 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)SSF849 x -22 y F25(device)S 10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 167 x(device)S 166 xX(on)S 167 x(which)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(perform)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(DELETE/FILE=\211le-id)SH165 x(command.)S 10773 7137 XY F25(directory-\211le\(s\))S 10773 X 597 yEF151(The)S 216 x(\211lespeci\211cation)S 215 x(of)S 215 x(the)S 215 x F(directory)S 215 x(on)S 215 x(which)S 215 x(to)S 215 x(perform)S 215 xI(the)S 10773 X 548 y(DELETE/DIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 185 x(command.)SnG289 x(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 186 x(\211le)S 186 x(speci\211cations)S 185 xSF(may)S 186 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(used.)S 256 x(DFU)S 168 x(will)S 169 xF(automatically)S 169 x(add)S 169 x(.DIR)S 168 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 169 xH(\211lespeci\211cation)S 170 x(if)S 168 x(a)S 169 x(\211letype)S 10773 XP548 y(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(provided.)S 5094 10574 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11392 XYCF24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/DIRECT)S -14 x(OR)S -13 x(Y)S 10773 XxG548 y F151(Specify)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(directory)S 175 x(\211le)S 175 xL(which)S 175 x(must)S 175 x(be)S 174 x(deleted.)S 267 x(W)S -19 x(ildcards)SD174 x(may)S 175 x(be)S 175 x(used)S 10773 X 548 y(but)S 179 x(must)SF178 x(be)S 179 x(used)S 178 x(very)S 180 x(carefully)S -54 x(.)S 274 xE(Make)S 180 x(sure)S 178 x(that)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(directory)S 179 xDC(does)S 178 x(not)S 10773 X 548 y(contain)S 177 x(non-empty)S 178 x)J(subdirectories.)S 271 x(Note)S 176 x(that)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(directory)SE178 x(\211le)S 177 x(itself)S 176 x(will)S 10773 X 548 y(also)S 166 xaE(be)S 166 x(deleted,)S 166 x(unless)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/KEEP)S 166 x7H(quali\211er)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(used.)S 10773 X 897 y(Example:)S 10773 XD897 y F102($)S 239 x(DIR)S 240 x(EXAMPLE)S 10773 X 747 y(Directory)SE240 x(MYDISK:[RUBBIS)S 2 x(H])S 10773 X 747 y(EXAMPLE.DIR;1)S 10773 XaC747 y($)S 239 x(DFU)S 10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(DELETE/DIRECTORY)SK240 x(EXAMPLE.DIR)S 10773 X 748 y(%DFU-I-CLEANUP)S 2 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x(deleted)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-S-TOTAL,)S 241 x(11)S 239 xC(file\(s\))S 240 x(deleted)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-S-DELETED)S 2 x(,)SH239 x(File)S 239 x(EXAMPLE.DIR;)S 2 x(1)S 239 x(deleted)S 10773 26187 XYMF25(/FILE=\211le-id)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Specify)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(complete)SFG172 x(\211le-id)S 171 x(\(num,seq,r)S 2 x(vn\))S 172 x(of)S 171 x(the)S E172 x(\211le)S 172 x(which)S 172 x(must)S 171 x(be)S 172 x(deleted.)S5C10773 X 548 y(This)S 179 x(quali\211er)S 180 x(allows)S 178 x(the)ShC180 x(deletion)S 179 x(of)S 179 x(lost)S 179 x(\211les)S 179 x(or)S)H179 x(\211les)S 179 x(marked)S 180 x(for)S 179 x(delete.)S 10773 X 548 yE(Example)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y F102($)S 239 x(DFU)S 10773 X 449 yoE(DFU>)S 240 x(VERIFY)S 239 x(MYDISK:)S 10773 X 747 y(%DFU-S-CHKHOME)SoF2 x(,)S 239 x(Home)S 239 x(block)S 240 x(info)S 239 x(verified)S 240 xK(OK)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-IFSCAN,)S 241 x(Scanning)S 240 x(INDEXF.SYS...)S9I10773 X 448 y(%DFU-E-INVBAKF)S 2 x(ID,)S 239 x(file)S 239 x(\(86,17915,)S1C2 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y(subdirectories)S 177 x(within)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(directory)SL177 x(\211le)S 177 x(speci\211ed.)S 272 x(DFU)S 176 x(will)S 176 x(\211rst)SG177 x(sort)S 177 x(out)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 169 x(subdirectory)S 169 x1K(tree)S 169 x(and)S 169 x(than)S 169 x(delete)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(\211les)S1C168 x(in)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(proper)S 169 x(order)S -37 x(.)S 255 xxI(Thus)S 169 x(a)S 10773 X 548 y(complete)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(tree)S5D166 x(is)S 165 x(deleted)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(one)S 166 x(command.)S27427 36925 XY F36(7\2033)SlEP PP5 %%PageTraileri1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqueX%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2%x%%Page: (7-4) 27%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)% PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XY90 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(DELETE)S 5094 36925 XY F36(7\2034)ScEP PPr %%PageTrailerm%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK):%t%%Page: (8-1) 28%%PageFonts: 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x(special)S 166 x(quali\211ers:)SEK10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Individual)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(functions)SrG167 x(:)S 11670 X 897 y(1)S 619 x(/COMPRESS)S 183 x(:)S 184 x(Rebuild)SlF183 x(one)S 184 x(or)S 184 x(more)S 183 x(directory)S 184 x(\211les.)SD285 x(Directories)S 12566 X 598 y(are)S 177 x(alphabetically)S 176 xH(sorted)S 176 x(lists)S 176 x(of)S 176 x(\211lenames)S 176 x(and)S 177 xG(\211le)S 176 x(id')S -19 x(s.)S 270 x(Because)S 12566 X 597 y(\211le)SiG184 x(names)S 183 x(are)S 184 x(randomly)S 184 x(inserted)S 183 x(and)SSG184 x(deleted,)S 188 x(holes)S 183 x(will)S 183 x(occur)S 12566 X 598 ySC(in)S 180 x(directory)S 180 x(\211les.)S 275 x(Such)S 180 x(holes)S6D179 x(will)S 179 x(only)S 180 x(be)S 179 x(reused)S 179 x(if)S 179 xI(a)S 179 x(\211le)S 180 x(can)S 179 x(be)S 12566 X 598 y(alphabetically)SED177 x(\211tted)S 177 x(into)S 177 x(it.)S 271 x(As)S 176 x(a)S 177 xE(result)S 176 x(directory)S 178 x(\211les)S 177 x(will)S 176 x(grow)S>H-46 x(.)S 12566 X 598 y(Especially)S 166 x(MAIL)S 166 x(subdirectories)SG166 x(suffer)S 166 x(from)S 166 x(this)S 165 x(behaviou)S 2 x(r)S -37 xRC(.)S 12566 X 896 y(T)S -45 x(o)S 181 x(make)S 182 x(matters)S 181 xGD(worse)S 181 x(directory)S 182 x(\211les)S 182 x(above)S 182 x(127)SC181 x(blocks)S 182 x(will)S 181 x(no)S 12566 X 598 y(longer)S 168 xSJ(be)S 167 x(cached)S 168 x(by)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 167 x(system.)SE251 x(This)S 166 x(will)S 167 x(degrade)S 167 x(performance)S 12566 XxF598 y(on)S 179 x(such)S 179 x(directories)S 178 x(dramatically)S -55 xG(.)S 274 x(The)S 179 x(COMPRESS)S 177 x(function)S 180 x(will)S 12566 X)D598 y(rebuild)S 183 x(the)S 182 x(complete)S 182 x(directory)S 182 xD(\211le.)S 282 x(The)S 183 x(/TEST)S 182 x(quali\211er)S 183 x(can)SF182 x(be)S 12566 X 597 y(used)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(preview)S 166 x(the)SF167 x(results)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(possible)S 165 x(COMPRESS)SH165 x(command.)S 11670 X 897 y(2)S 619 x(/CREA)S -28 x(TE/ALLOCA)S -28 xI(TE=n)S 173 x(:)S 264 x(Create)S 173 x(a)S 174 x(directory)S 174 x(with)SD172 x(a)S 174 x(preallocated)S 12566 X 598 y(size)S 171 x(of)S 171 xI('n')S 171 x(blocks.)S 260 x(Note)S 171 x(that)S 171 x('n')S 171 x(will)S(K170 x(be)S 171 x(rounded)S 172 x(up)S 172 x(to)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(multiple)S=F171 x(of)S 12566 X 597 y(the)S 168 x(disk')S -19 x(s)S 167 x(cluster)SD168 x(size.)S 252 x(\(This)S 167 x(feature)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(also)SD167 x(available)S 168 x(on)S 168 x(VMS)S 167 x(7.1/2)S 12566 X 598 yV(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(DCL)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(CREA)S -29 x(TE/DIR/ALLOC=n\).)SF11670 X 897 y(3)S 619 x(/DUMP)S 182 x(:)S 181 x(Make)S 182 x(a)S 180 xE(dump)S 181 x(of)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(directory)S 182 x(blocks)S 181 x6G(and)S 181 x(formats)S 180 x(the)S 12566 X 598 y(output.)S 273 x(This)SEE177 x(option)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(useful)S 178 x(for)S 177 x(debuggin)SoE2 x(g)S 177 x(directory)S 178 x(\211les)S 177 x(which)S 12566 X 597 y4C(are)S 186 x(suspected)S 184 x(or)S 186 x(corrupted.)S 288 x(This)S E186 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x(corrupted)SG201 x(directories.)S 319 x(During)S 201 x(the)S 12566 X 598 y(recover)SoD2 x(y)S 190 x(procedure)S 191 x(the)S 190 x(directory)S 191 x(will)SE189 x(be)S 190 x(inaccesible)S 190 x(for)S 190 x(some)S 12566 X 598 y F(time.)S 262 x(Therefore)S 174 x(this)S 172 x(command)S 173 x(should)SI173 x(NEVER)S 171 x(be)S 172 x(used)S 173 x(on)S 173 x(critical)S 12566 XxG598 y(system)S 154 x(directories.)S 250 x(\(DFU)S 153 x(refuses)S 155 x)J(this)S 153 x(command)S 155 x(on)S 155 x(directory)S 155 x(names)S 12566 XF597 y(containing)S 168 x(the)S 166 x(string)S 166 x('SYS')S 165 x(to)SG166 x(avoid)S 166 x(accidental)S 166 x(usage\).)S 10773 34804 XY(\201)SSC595 x(Disk-wid)S -2 x(e)S 167 x(directory)S 166 x(functions)S 167 x H(:)S 11670 X 896 y(1)S 619 x(/ALIAS)S 166 x(:)S 167 x(Scan)S 166 x(all)SC166 x(directories)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk)S 166 x(for)S7H166 x(alias)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(entries.)S 590 x 36925 Y F36(8\2031)SEP PP( %%PageTrailerv2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold 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x(functions)S 194 x(can)S 193 x(take)S 193 x(several)SE194 x(minutes)S 193 x(to)S 193 x(complete)S 193 x(because)S 193 x(a)SrD10773 X 598 y(complete)S 190 x(directory)S 190 x(scan)S 190 x(uses)SQ190 x(a)S 190 x(lot)S 189 x(of)S 190 x(disk)S 190 x(I/O)S 189 x(\(approximately)S I191 x(2)S 189 x(I/O')S -19 x(s)S 10773 X 598 y(per)S 166 x(directory\).)SeH10773 X 897 y(An)S 193 x(indirect)S 193 x(command)S 193 x(\211le)S 193 xE(containing)S 194 x(a)S 193 x(list)S 192 x(of)S 192 x(\211les)S 193 xeM(can)S 193 x(be)S 193 x(used)S 193 x(as)S 192 x(a)S 10773 X 597 y(parameter)S2E175 x(to)S 175 x(/COMPRESS)S 175 x(or)S 175 x(/DUMP)S -63 x(.)S 175 xaG(Such)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(list)S 174 x(can)S 176 x(be)S 175 x(generated)SlF176 x(with)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(SEARCH)S 165 x(command.)S 249 xI(Example:)S 10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(disk/FILE=*.)SiT2 x(DIR/SIZE=MIN=50/OUT)S 2 x(=x.x)S 10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(DIRECTORY/COMPRESS)SF241 x(@x.x)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Caution:)S 316 x(Care)S 199 x(should)SJ199 x(be)S 199 x(taken)S 200 x(when)S 199 x(compressing)S 200 x(critical)SE199 x(system)S 10773 X 597 y(directories.)S 287 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 185 xhC(be)S 185 x(safe)S 184 x(you)S 186 x(should)S 185 x(\211rst)S 185 x4C(use)S 185 x(the)S 185 x(/TEST)S 185 x(quali\211er)S 185 x(before)S C10773 X 598 y(compressing)S 202 x(the)S 202 x(directory)S -55 x(.)SIE321 x(Another)S 202 x(problem)S 201 x(may)S 202 x(be)S 202 x(caused)StC201 x(by)S 202 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(systemcrash)S 179 x(just)S 179 x0H(when)S 180 x(DFU)S 179 x(is)S 179 x(rewriting)S 179 x(the)S 180 x(new)SE179 x(compressed)S 179 x(directory)S 10773 X 598 y(\(although)S 169 xSE(the)S 167 x(chance)S 169 x(that)S 167 x(this)S 168 x(happens)S 167 x C(is)S 167 x(very)S 169 x(small\).)S 252 x(When)S 168 x(this)S 167 xxF(happens)S 10773 X 598 y(you)S 167 x(can)S 167 x(recover)S 167 x(the)SJ166 x(\211les)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(executing)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(following)SF167 x(procedure:)S 10773 X 896 y(1)S 620 x(Do)S 165 x(a)S 166 x($SET)SM166 x(FILE/NODIR)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(corrupted)S 167 x(directory)SpD10773 X 897 y(2)S 620 x(Delete)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(directory)S 167 xE(and)S 166 x(create)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(one)S 10773 X 896 y H(3)S 620 x(Do)S 179 x(a)S 180 x($ANAL)S -46 x(YZE/DISK/REP)S -38 x(AIR)SH179 x(;)S 181 x(this)S 179 x(will)S 180 x(move)S 180 x(all)S 180 x(the)SJ180 x(lost)S 180 x(\211les)S 180 x(to)S 11670 X 598 y([SYSLOST].)S 10773 XE897 y(4)S 620 x(Move)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(from)S 166 xxG([SYSLOST])S 165 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(newly)S 166 x(created)S 166 xmG(directory)S -54 x(.)S 5094 24376 XY 23160 96 R 2404 25074 XY F24(8.2)SwD5094 X(Discussion)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(directory)S 166 x(compression)SC10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 188 x(DIREC)S -2 x(TOR)S -18 x(Y/COMPRES)SeJ-2 x(S)S 188 x(function)S 188 x(will)S 187 x(improve)S 188 x(performance)SC188 x(on)S 10773 X 598 y(large)S 188 x(directories.)S 291 x(There)S H188 x(are)S 187 x(some)S 187 x(options)S 187 x(which)S 187 x(can)S 188 xH(further)S 188 x(enhance)S 10773 X 598 y(performance)S 167 x(:)S 10773 XE896 y(\201)S 595 x(/TRUNCA)S -28 x(TE:)S 182 x(When)S 183 x(a)S 182 xsF(directory)S 183 x(is)S 181 x(compressed)S 182 x(,)S 187 x(the)S 182 xF(free)S 182 x(space)S 182 x(will)S 11670 X 598 y(be)S 189 x(at)S 189 xE(the)S 190 x(end)S 190 x(of)S 189 x(the)S 190 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S1I296 x(Therefor)S 2 x(e)S 189 x(,)S 196 x(if)S 189 x(new)S 189 x(\211les)S6H190 x(are)S 189 x(added)S 11670 X 598 y(VMS)S 175 x(is)S 175 x(capable)SF176 x(of)S 176 x(using)S 176 x(this)S 176 x(space,)S 178 x(and)S 176 xE(avoid)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(directory)S 177 x(entension.)S 11670 X 598 ycD(The)S 178 x(/TRUNCA)S -27 x(TE)S 178 x(quali\211er)S 178 x(overru)SG2 x(les)S 177 x(this)S 178 x(behaviour)S 179 x(by)S 179 x(immediately)SqG11670 X 597 y(truncating)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(free)S 167 x(space)S 165 xxG(back)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xlD(/FILL_F)S -36 x(ACTOR:)S 167 x(Normally)S 167 x(DFU)S 167 x(tries)SD167 x(to)S 167 x(compress)S 167 x(as)S 167 x(much)S 168 x(as)S 166 xE(possible.)S 11670 X 598 y(However)S -37 x(,)S 176 x(it)S 173 x(may)S5H173 x(be)S 174 x(better)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(deliberately)S 173 x(create)SC174 x(extra)S 174 x(free)S 173 x(space)S 173 x(into)S 11670 X 598 y G(each)S 178 x(directory)S 178 x(block.)S 274 x(This)S 178 x(can)S 178 x8L(be)S 177 x(done)S 179 x(using)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(/FILL_F)S -36 x(ACTOR=n)SJ11670 X 597 y(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 284 x(Eg:)S 284 x(a)S 183 x(\211ll)SG184 x(factor)S 183 x(of)S 184 x(50%)S 183 x(will)S 182 x(result)S 184 x6H(in)S 183 x(approximately)S 184 x(half)S 11670 X 598 y(of)S 176 x(each)SC177 x(block)S 177 x(being)S 177 x(free.)S 271 x(Note)S 176 x(that)S1F176 x(a)S 176 x(\211ll_factor)S 177 x(lower)S 176 x(tha)S 177 x(100%)SF176 x(may)S 11670 X 598 y(result)S 171 x(in)S 171 x(an)S 171 x(error)SH172 x(DFU-E_EXTE)S -2 x(RR;)S 171 x(in)S 172 x(that)S 170 x(case)S 171 xH(a)S 171 x(higher)S 173 x(factor)S 171 x(must)S 11670 X 598 y(be)S 166 x&(choosen.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(8\2032)SEP PPn %%PageTrailer82%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Couriery%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %8%%Page: (8-3) 30%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 >XYD0 SC 20616 1807 XY F24(DIRECT)S -14 x(OR)S -26 x(Y)S 279 x(command)SH17389 X 797 y F28(Discuss)S 2 x(ion)S 279 x(of)S 279 x(directory)S 280 xL(compres)S 2 x(sion)S 10773 4866 XY F151(So,)S 166 x(what)S 166 x(strategy)SG167 x(should)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(used)S 166 x(when)S 166 x(compressing)SSK167 x(directories?)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(Inactive)S 166 x(directories)SE166 x(:)S 250 x(use)S 166 x(DIR/CO)S -2 x(MPRESS/TRUNCA)S -28 x(TE.)SM10773 X 896 y(2)S 620 x(Not)S 166 x(very)S 167 x(active)S 166 x(directories)S D166 x(:)S 250 x(use)S 166 x(DIR/CO)S -2 x(MPRESS)S 166 x(\(/TRUNCA)SE-28 x(TE=n\).)S 10773 X 897 y(3)S 620 x(Active)S 173 x(directories,)S)F176 x(\211les)S 173 x(added)S 173 x(at)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(end)S 173 xI(\(such)S 174 x(as)S 173 x(MAIL)S 173 x(directories\))S 173 x(:)S 11670 XH598 y(use)S 166 x(DIR/CO)S -2 x(MPRESS)S 166 x(without)S 166 x(/TRUNCA)SF-28 x(TE)S 10773 X 896 y(4)S 620 x(Active)S 186 x(directories,)S 192 xG(\211les)S 187 x(added)S 186 x(in)S 187 x(random)S 187 x(alphabetical)S(O186 x(order)S 187 x(:)S 291 x(use)S 11670 X 598 y(DIR/CO)S -2 x(MPRESS/FILL_F)SmG-36 x(ACTOR=n,)S 166 x(n)S 166 x(between)S 166 x(50)S 166 x(and)S 166 x G(75.)S 5094 11773 XY 23160 96 R 2404 12471 XY F24(8.3)S 5094 X(Output)StD167 x(formatting)S -220 x 896 y F151(The)S 178 x(quali\211er)S 178 xD(/FORMA)S -28 x(T)S 178 x(can)S 177 x(be)S 178 x(used)S 177 x(with)SH177 x(DIR)S -2 x(ECTOR)S -19 x(Y/VERSI)S -2 x(ON.)S 178 x(This)S 10773 XD598 y(allows)S 184 x(the)S 186 x(build)S 185 x(up)S 186 x(of)S 185 xD(a)S 186 x(command)S 185 x(procedure)S 186 x(directly)S 186 x(from)SE185 x(the)S 186 x(output)S 10773 X 598 y(generated)S 176 x(by)S 176 xPH(the)S 176 x(DIR)S -2 x(/VERSION)S 174 x(command.)S 269 x(/FORMA)S -28 xK(T)S 175 x(has)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(following)S 10773 X 598 y(restrictions)SaE166 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y(1)S 620 x(/FORMA)S -28 x(T)S 195 x(is)S 194 xeC(only)S 195 x(valid)S 195 x(with)S 194 x(the)S 195 x(/VERSIO)S -2 xSH(N)S 195 x(and)S 195 x(the)S 194 x(/OUTPUT)S 11670 X 598 y(quali\211er)SE-36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(2)S 620 x(The)S 171 x(format)S 171 x(string)SiG171 x(used)S 171 x(must)S 171 x(contain)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(!AS)S 171 xSH(directive)S 172 x(\(in)S 171 x(uppercase\).)S 11670 X 598 y(The)S 166 xC(\211le)S 167 x(found)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(substituted)StM165 x(at)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(!AS)S 166 x(location)S 10773 19245 XY(Example:)SwO10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(DIR/VERSION=4/OUTPU)S 2 x(T=PURGE.COM/FORMAT=)S I2 x("$PURGE/KEEP=3)S 240 x(!AS")S 240 x(mydisk)S 5094 21969 XY 23160 48 RnD5094 22965 XY F20(DIREC)S 2 x(T)S -16 x(OR)S -34 x(Y)S 448 x 24459 YMF34(Performs)S 167 x(directory)S 165 x(functions.)S 5094 25655 XY 23160 204 R5E5094 26673 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(DIRECT)S -14 x(OR)S -27 xeF(Y)S 698 x F23(device)S -2 x([:])S 249 x(or)S 166 x(directory-\211le)SH-2 x(\(s\))S 5094 27868 XY 23160 204 R 5094 28687 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)SE-2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(device)S 10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 167 xpC(device)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(which)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(perform)S 166 x1F(one)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(diskwide)S 165 x(directory)S 167 xG(functions.)S 10773 30309 XY F25(directory-\211les\(s\))S 10773 X 598 y9HF151(The)S 176 x(\211le)S 176 x(speci\211cation)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(the)SE176 x(directory)S 175 x(on)S 176 x(which)S 176 x(to)S 175 x(perform)S F175 x(the)S 175 x(/CREA)S -28 x(TE,)S 10773 X 548 y(/COMPRESS,)S 172 xD(/DUMP)S 172 x(or)S 173 x(/RECOVE)S -2 x(R)S 172 x(function.)S 263 xG(/REBUILD_MFD)S 171 x(requires)S 10773 X 548 y(a)S 194 x(device)S 195 x O(name)S 195 x(only)S 195 x(\(assumes)S 193 x(000000.DIR)S 194 x(implicitly\).)S8I305 x(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 195 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(speci\211cations)SoC189 x(may)S 190 x(be)S 189 x(used.)S 296 x(DFU)S 189 x(will)S 189 x)H(automatically)S 189 x(add)S 190 x(.DIR)S 188 x(to)S 189 x(the)S 10773 XE548 y(\211lespeci\211cation)S 167 x(if)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211letype)S6D166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(provided.)S 27427 36925 XY F36(8\2033)SEP PPa %%PageTrailerx2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman'%%+ Courier Helvetica Helvetica-Obliquee%%+ Helvetica-BoldObliquea%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%7%%Page: (8-4) 31%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)x PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(DIRECT)S -13 x(OR)S -27 x(Y)S 279 x(command)SxG5094 X 797 y F28(DIRECT)S -12 x(OR)S -22 x(Y)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 ReE5094 5515 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/ALIAS)S 10773 X 547 y F1513E(The)S 188 x(/ALIAS)S 186 x(quali\211er)S 188 x(directs)S 187 x(DFU)S C186 x(to)S 187 x(scan)S 187 x(all)S 187 x(directories)S 187 x(for)ScE187 x(alias)S 186 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(entries)S 163 x(on)S 163 xEK(a)S 163 x(disk.)S 249 x(Normally)S 164 x(only)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(system)S J163 x(disk)S 162 x(should)S 163 x(contain)S 164 x(alias)S 162 x(\211les.)SE10773 X 548 y(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x)E(combined)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(/VERSIO)S -2 x(N=n)S 166 x(and)S 167 x8D(/EMPTY)S -55 x(.)S 10773 8254 XY F25(/ALLOCA)S -53 x(TE=n)S 10773 XC598 y F151(Used)S 177 x(in)S 177 x(combination)S 178 x(with)S 177 x9N(/CREA)S -29 x(TE.)S 178 x(Creates)S 176 x(the)S 178 x(new)S 177 x(directory)SD178 x(with)S 176 x(an)S 10773 X 548 y(allocated)S 166 x(size)S 165 xH(of)S 166 x('n')S 166 x(blocks.)S 10773 10496 XY F25(/COMPRESS)S 10773 XG598 y F151(Performs)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(directory)S 179 x(compression)S9I178 x(unless)S 179 x(/TEST)S 179 x(is)S 178 x(also)S 178 x(speci\211ed.)SfH275 x(The)S 10773 X 548 y(output)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(show)S 165 x(the)SH167 x(results)S 165 x(in)S 166 x(terms)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 xE(sizes.)S 249 x(Example:)S 10773 X 896 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(DIR/COMP)SxJ240 x(OWN$:[000000]MAIL)S 10773 X 747 y(%DFU-S-DONE,)S 240 x(OWN$:[00000)SC2 x(0]MAIL.DIR;1:)S 240 x(31)S 239 x(files;)S 240 x(was)S 239 x(:)S3E240 x(4/9,)S 239 x(now)S 240 x(:)S 239 x(3/3)S 239 x(blocks)S 10773 XpE748 y(DFU>)S 10773 16025 XY F25(/CREA)S -53 x(TE)S 10773 X 598 y F151dI(Create)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(new)S -46 x(,)S 174 x(empty)S 172 x(directory)SxG-55 x(.)S 261 x(The)S 173 x(allocated)S 171 x(size)S 171 x(will)S 171 x(F(be)S 172 x(1)S 172 x(cluster)S 171 x(unless)S 10773 X 548 y(/ALLOCA)SG-28 x(TE)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)S 10773 18267 XY F25(/DEVICE)SSF10773 X 597 y F151(The)S 172 x(device)S 171 x(on)S 171 x(which)S 171 xG(the)S 171 x(\211les)S 171 x(reside.)S 259 x(The)S 171 x(device)S 171 xSF(name)S 171 x(is)S 171 x(added)S 170 x(to)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(\211le)SC10773 X 548 y(name.)S 276 x(If)S 178 x(you)S 180 x(generate)S 180 xoE(a)S 179 x(\211le)S 179 x(list)S 179 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(DFU)S6G179 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 179 x(command)S 179 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(don')ScF-9 x(t)S 177 x(need)S 178 x(this)S 178 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 272 xF(However)S 178 x(you)S 179 x(may)S 177 x(have)S 179 x(a)S 177 x(list)SF177 x(of)S 178 x(\211les)S 177 x(produced)S 10773 X 548 y(from)S 177 xE(another)S 178 x(source)S 178 x(and)S 178 x(thus)S 177 x(need)S 178 xtE(to)S 177 x(append)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(device)S 178 x(name)S 177 x(to)SSF177 x(it.)S 272 x(This)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211er)S 167 x(can)S 166 xD(only)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(used)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(combination)S 166 xK(with)S 166 x(/COMPRESS)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(/DUMP)S -64 x(.)S 10773 22152 XY FF25(/DUMP)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Produce)S 189 x(a)S 188 x(block)S 189 xF(level)S 188 x(dump)S 188 x(of)S 188 x(a)S 188 x(directory)S -55 x(.)SF294 x(/DUMP)S 188 x(will)S 188 x(interpret)S 188 x(the)S 10773 X 548 yH(directory)S 179 x(entries)S 178 x(found)S 178 x(in)S 178 x(each)S 179 xD(block.)S 273 x(A)S 178 x(directory)S 179 x(entry)S 178 x(contains)SC178 x(a)S 178 x(size,)S 10773 X 548 y(version-limit,)S 168 x(type)SoH168 x(and)S 167 x(name)S 168 x(\211eld.)S 252 x(Next)S 168 x(the)S 168 xJ(directory)S 168 x(entry)S 168 x(contains)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(list)S 10773 XH548 y(of)S 175 x(versions)S 175 x(and)S 175 x(\211le)S 175 x(ID')S -19 xC(s)S 174 x(for)S 175 x(this)S 175 x(entry)S -55 x(.)S 267 x(/DUMP)S I175 x(will)S 175 x(produce)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(rather)S 175 x(low)S 10773 X2I548 y(level)S 167 x(output)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(information.)ScD249 x(Example)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(DIR/DUMP)S(240 x(C.DIR)S 5094 36925 XY F36(8\2034)SEP PP6 %%PageTrailerx1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique1"%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)/%S%%Page: (8-5) 32%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 20616 1807 XY F24(DIRECT)S -14 x(OR)S -26 x(Y)S 279 x(command)SI24770 X 797 y F28(DIRECT)S -12 x(OR)S -22 x(Y)S 10773 4766 XY F102(DUMP)S(J240 x(of)S 239 x(directory)S 240 x(block)S 240 x(1)S 10773 X 448 y(Size:)SC240 x(22,)S 239 x(Version)S 240 x(limit:)S 240 x(3,)S 239 x(Type:)SIJ240 x(0,)S 239 x(Name\(10\):)S 240 x(CHKDSK.EXE)S 11490 X 448 y(Version:)SG240 x(3,)S 240 x(FID)S 239 x(:)S 239 x(\(1027,1456,0)S 2 x(\))S 10773 XSC449 y(Size:)S 240 x(26,)S 239 x(Version)S 240 x(limit:)S 240 x(3,)S(J239 x(Type:)S 240 x(0,)S 239 x(Name\(13\):)S 240 x(CHKDSK.README)S 11490 XG448 y(Version:)S 240 x(2,)S 240 x(FID)S 239 x(:)S 239 x(\(33892,1171,)S1C2 x(0\))S 11490 X 448 y(Version:)S 240 x(3,)S 240 x(FID)S 239 x(:)SmG239 x(\(1256,11234,)S 2 x(0\))S 10773 X 449 y(Size:)S 240 x(22,)S 239 x C(Version)S 240 x(limit:)S 240 x(3,)S 239 x(Type:)S 240 x(0,)S 239 x2E(Name\(10\):)S 240 x(CHKDSK.SAV)S 11490 X 448 y(Version:)S 240 x(2,)SsJ240 x(FID)S 239 x(:)S 239 x(\(13947,100,0)S 2 x(\))S 10773 X 448 y(Size:)SC240 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x(QUOTA.SYS\))S 240 x(*****)S 11012 X 448 y(Identifier/UI)SoE2 x(C)S 18424 X(Used/Alloca)S 2 x(ted)S 717 x(Headers)S 718 x(Quota)S1I240 x(Used/Perm)S 11012 X 448 y(-------------)S 2 x(-------------------)S)E2 x(--------------------)S 2 x(-------------------)S 2 x(--)S 11012 X L449 y([SSG,MRX])S 18664 X(42079/46356)S 22728 X(2259)S 25119 X(48615/60000)SC11012 X 448 y([SSG,TESTJE])S 18424 X(189306/2547)S 2 x(42)S 22728 XXF(4935)S 24880 X(259677/300000)S 11012 X 448 y([SSG,LARGEUSE)S 2 x(R])SH18664 X(47961/50238)S 22728 X(1648)S 25119 X(51886/65000)S 11012 X 449 yQ([SYSTEM])S 18424 X(499554/5056)S 2 x(26)S 22728 X(4954)S 24880 X(510580/200000)S1H2 x(0)S 11012 X 448 y(.)S -239 x 448 y(.)S -239 x 449 y(.)S -478 x 896 yGF151(The)S 167 x(various)S 166 x(items)S 166 x(have)S 167 x(the)S 166 xiD(following)S 166 x(meaning)S 167 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(The)SH177 x(header)S 178 x(count)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(calculated)S 177 x(based)SC176 x(on)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(size)S 176 x(of)S 177 x(INDEXF)S -56 x D(.SYS.)S 177 x(If)S 11670 X 598 y(more)S 166 x(headers)S 166 x(are)SD166 x(needed)S 167 x(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 x(.SYS)S 166 x(has)S 166 xF(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(extended.)S 10773 X 896 y(2)S 620 x(The)S 183 xF(free)S 183 x(headers)S 182 x(gives)S 184 x(the)S 182 x(number)S 184 xI(of)S 182 x(free)S 183 x(entries)S 182 x(in)S 183 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS)S)H11670 X 598 y(before)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(extend.)S5094 36925 XY F36(9\2032)SEP PPe %%PageTrailerl#%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Courier6%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%7%%Page: (9-3) 37%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)P PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 25767 1807 XY F28(REPOR)S -2 x(T)S 10773 4866 XY F151(3)S 620 xN(The)S 185 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS)S 185 x(number)S 185 x(of)S 185 x(fragments)SG185 x(and)S 185 x(mapwords)S 184 x(in)S 185 x(use)S 185 x(are)S 11670 XXM598 y(very)S 182 x(important)S 180 x(\211gures)S 181 x(to)S 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186 x(can)S 11670 XSC597 y(store)S 171 x(in)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(mapwords)S 170 x(area.)SED260 x(If)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(mapword)S 171 x(area)S 171 x(is)S 171 xE(full)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(INDEXF)S 11670 X 598 y(\211le)S 189 x(can)S2F190 x(no)S 189 x(longer)S 191 x(extend,)S 196 x(and)S 189 x(creating)SG190 x(new)S 189 x(\211les)S 190 x(may)S 189 x(result)S 189 x(in)S 190 x G(a)S 11670 X 598 y(SYSTEM-W)S -20 x(-HEADER)S -2 x(FULL)S 167 x(error)SXD-36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(4)S 620 x(Files)S 188 x(which)S 190 x(have)SG189 x(exactly)S 190 x(1)S 189 x(retrieval)S 189 x(pointer)S 189 x(are)SkD189 x(considered)S 190 x(to)S 188 x(be)S 11670 X 598 y(contiguous.)SD>250 x(This)S 162 x(doesn')S -9 x(t)S 161 x(mean)S 162 x(that)S 161 xG(the)S 161 x(CONTIGUOUS)S 160 x(bit)S 161 x(is)S 161 x(set)S 161 x(in)S8C161 x(the)S 11670 X 598 y(\211le)S 166 x(header)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X6D897 y(5)S 620 x(The)S 166 x(averag)S 2 x(e)S 166 x(fragments)S 166 xH(per)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(give)S 167 x(some)S 165 x(indication)S 167 xP(about)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(total)S 165 x(\211le)S 11670 X 597 y(fragmentation.)SE10773 X 897 y(6)S 620 x(The)S 183 x(\211le)S 183 x(and)S 183 x(free)S F183 x(space)S 183 x(fragmentation)S 183 x(index)S 184 x(classi\211es)SF182 x(your)S 184 x(disk)S 182 x(as)S 11670 X 598 y(follows)S 165 x(:)SD11670 X 896 y(\201)S 594 x(0-1)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(Excellent)S 11670 XD897 y(\201)S 594 x(1-2)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(Good)S 11670 X 897 y(\201)SC594 x(2-3)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(Fair)S 11670 X 896 y(\201)S 594 x(3-4)SSF166 x(:)S 250 x(Poor)S 11670 X 897 y(\201)S 594 x(>4)S 166 x(:)S 250 xE(Bad)S 11670 X 897 y(If)S 182 x(your)S 184 x(index)S 184 x(is)S 182 x(M(greater)S 183 x(than)S 184 x(3)S 183 x(you)S 183 x(should)S 183 x(consider)SSD183 x(defragmenting)S 11670 X 597 y(the)S 183 x(disk)S 183 x(using)SF184 x(COMP)S -37 x(AQ')S -20 x(s)S 183 x(DFO)S 183 x(software,)S 187 xF(by)S 184 x(performing)S 184 x(an)S 183 x(Image)S 11670 X 598 y(BACK)SI-2 x(UP)S 190 x(/)S 190 x(Restore,)S 196 x(or)S 189 x(of)S 190 x(course)S2C190 x(by)S 190 x(using)S 191 x(DFU')S -19 x(s)S 189 x(DEFRAG)S -2 x E(/DISK)S 11670 X 598 y(command.)S 10773 X 897 y(7)S 620 x(The)S 167 x2J(largest)S 166 x(free)S 166 x(extent)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(useful)SM166 x(\211gur)S 2 x(e)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(defragmentation)S 167 x(purposes.)S(D11670 X 597 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(cannot)S 166 x(defragment)S 167 xD(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(when)S 167 x(its)S 165 x(size)S 165 x(is)SG166 x(greater)S 166 x(than)S 167 x(this)S 166 x(value.)S 10773 25090 XY)D(When)S 188 x(using)S 188 x(/GRAPH)S 186 x(the)S 188 x(disk')S -19 xE(s)S 186 x(free)S 188 x(space)S 187 x(distribution)S 186 x(is)S 187 xC(shown)S 187 x(as)S 187 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(bitmap)S 178 x(image.)SH275 x(Each)S 179 x(position)S 178 x(in)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(graph)S 180 xD(represents)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(certain)S 179 x(number)S 10773 X 598 yC(of)S 174 x(blocks)S 175 x(\(in)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(example)S 174 x*C(above)S 175 x(3472)S 174 x(blocks\).)S 266 x(This)S 174 x(bitmap)SSN174 x(image)S 174 x(gives)S 175 x(a)S 10773 X 597 y(quick)S 167 x(impression)SI165 x(about)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(free)S 166 x(space)S 166 x(distribution)S C166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 175 x(you)S.D177 x(use)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(/USAGE)S 174 x(quali\211er)S 177 x(a)SH175 x(sorted)S 176 x(usage)S 176 x(table)S 175 x(will)S 175 x(be)S 176 xH(added.)S 268 x(Per)S 10773 X 598 y(Identi\211er)S 173 x(/)S 172 x(UIC)SD172 x(the)S 172 x(blocks)S 172 x(used/allocated,)S 175 x(and)S 172 xG(the)S 173 x(number)S 173 x(of)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(headers)S 10773 X.H598 y(are)S 170 x(shown.)S 257 x(If)S 170 x(Diskquota)S 169 x(is)S 170 xD(enabled)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(third)S 170 x(column)S 170 x(will)S 169 xF(be)S 170 x(included)S 171 x(which)S 10773 X 597 y(shows)S 167 x(the)SG168 x(blocks)S 168 x(used/permitted)S 167 x(allowing)S 168 x(to)S 168 x*C(QUOT)S -28 x(A.SYS.)S 167 x(Normally)S 168 x(quota)S 10773 X 598 y D(should)S 166 x(satisfy)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(rule)SJ167 x(:)S 11012 X 897 y F102(Quota)S 240 x(used)S 239 x(=)S 240 x(blocks)SC239 x(allocated)S 240 x(+)S 240 x(#)S 239 x(of)S 239 x(file)S 240 x*&(headers)S 27427 36925 XY F36(9\2033)SEP PP* %%PageTrailerS2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier*%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)3%(%%Page: (9-4) 38%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)* PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(REPORT)S 278 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(REPORT)SC5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(REPORT)S 10773 7037 XY F344I(Create)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(free)S 166 x(space)S9M166 x(report)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(disk)S 165 x(device.)S 5094 8233 XYxE23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(REPORT)S 696 x EF23(device[:])S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY F24(P)S -51 x2C(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(device[:])S 10773 X 548 y F151SF(Device)S 166 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x(disk.)S 249 x(/NOGRAPH)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(default.)S5E10773 18765 XY F25(/NOBI)S -2 x(TMAP)S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 167 xeE(/NOBITMAP)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 166 x(suppresses)S 165 x(the)S 167 xxQ("Free)S 166 x(space)S 166 x(statis)S -2 x(tics")S 166 x(output.)S 10773 20458 XY8JF25(/NOFILE)S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 167 x(/NOFILE)S 166 x(quali\211er)SD166 x(suppressed)S 166 x(the)S 166 x("File)S 166 x(Statistics)S -2 xC(")S 166 x(output.)S 10773 22152 XY F25(/NOVOLU)S -2 x(ME)S 10773 X4I598 y F151(The)S 167 x(/NOVOLUME)S 165 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(suppresses)S Q165 x(the)S 166 x("V)S -46 x(olume)S 166 x(info")S 166 x(output.)S 10773 23846 XYAFF25(/OUTPUT=\211lename)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 183 x(quali\211er)SG184 x(redirects)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(output)S 183 x(to)S 182 x(a)S 183 x E(\211le.)S 284 x(The)S 184 x(output)S 183 x(will)S 182 x(also)S 182 xeD(go)S 184 x(to)S 10773 X 547 y(SYS$OUTPUT)S -46 x(.)S 10773 26087 XYCF25(/ST)S -51 x(A)S -52 x(TISTICS)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 184 x E(quali\211er)S 185 x(displays)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(performance)S 184 x8H(statistics)S -2 x(:)S 285 x(CPU)S 184 x(time,)S 188 x(Elapsed)S 10773 XI548 y(T)S -12 x(ime,)S 166 x(I/O)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(PageFau)S 2 x(lts.)STC10773 28329 XY F25(/USAGE\(=uic)S 165 x(or)S 167 x(identi\211er\))S6H10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 192 x(/USAGE)S 191 x(quali\211er)S 192 x(will)SI190 x(generate)S 192 x(a)S 192 x(diskspace)S 191 x(usage)S 192 x(report)S F191 x(based)S 10773 X 548 y(on)S 200 x(Identi\211ers/UIC.)S 200 x(If)SC200 x(diskquota)S 199 x(is)S 199 x(enabled)S 200 x(on)S 200 x(the)SrF200 x(disk)S 200 x(the)S 200 x(blocks)S 10773 X 548 y(used/permitted)SC186 x(allowing)S 185 x(to)S 186 x(QUOT)S -28 x(A.SYS)S 185 x(will)S C184 x(also)S 186 x(be)S 185 x(shown.)S 289 x(/USAGE)S 10773 X 548 y)F(is)S 170 x(very)S 172 x(useful)S 171 x(when)S 171 x(diskquota)S 171 xF(is)S 170 x(not)S 171 x(enabled)S 171 x(on)S 172 x(the)S 170 x(disk.)SJ259 x(When)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(UIC)S 170 x(or)S 10773 X 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x(the)S 153 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 154 x(command)S 153 x(with)S 153 xaC(the)S 153 x(related)S 153 x(parameters)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 166 xtI(quali\211ers.)S 5094 10196 XY 23160 96 R 2404 10893 XY F24(10.1)S 5094 XeH(Introduction)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 170 x(search)S 170 x(function)SL170 x(allows)S 169 x(very)S 170 x(quick)S 170 x(disk-wide)S 169 x(searches)SG169 x(for)S 170 x(speci\211c)S 170 x(\211les.)S 10773 X 598 y(Y)S -56 x(I(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(use)S 167 x(almost)S 165 x(any)S 167 x(possible)S D165 x(\211le)S 166 x(attribute)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(search)SD167 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 5094 13334 XY 23160 96 R 2404 14032 XYGF24(10.2)S 5094 X(Syntax)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(Output)S -465 x 896 y F1511D(The)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(syntax)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(SEARC)S -2 xN(H)S 166 x(is:)S 10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(device/quali)SD2 x(fiers)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 180 x(output)S 179 x(is)S 178 xF(displayed)S 179 x(on)S 179 x(your)S 180 x(terminal.)S 275 x(Y)S -56 xF(ou)S 180 x(can)S 179 x(also)S 178 x(sort)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(output)SH10773 X 597 y(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/SORT)S 166 x(quali\211er)S -36 xC(.)S 249 x(The)S 167 x(output)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(shown)S 166 x(in)StH166 x(2)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(3)S 166 x(columns)S 167 x(eg:)S 10773 X 897 yJF102(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(MYDISK/FILE=)S 2 x(X.X/FRAGMENT)S 11012 XN448 y(.)S -239 x 449 y(.)S -478 x 448 y($1$DUA102:[USE)S 2 x(R.COMMAND]X.X;1)SE20815 X(1/3)S 25119 X(1/1)S 11012 X 448 y(.)S -239 x 449 y(.)S -478 x)C896 y F151(The)S 168 x(\211rst)S 168 x(column)S 168 x(shows)S 166 x8E(the)S 168 x(full)S 167 x(\211le)S 168 x(name)S 168 x(.)S 252 x(The)SfJ168 x(device)S 168 x(name)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(included)S 168 x(in)S 10773 XC598 y(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(name.)S 264 x(The)S 173 x(second)S9E173 x(columns)S 174 x(shows)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(size)S E172 x(as)S 172 x(actual/allocated)S 10773 X 598 y(size.)S 306 x(The)ScH195 x(3rd)S 195 x(column)S 195 x(is)S 195 x(optional)S 194 x(and)S 195 xF(will)S 194 x(only)S 195 x(be)S 195 x(shown)S 195 x(when)S 195 x(the)SF10773 X 597 y(/FRAGMENT)S 189 x(quali\211er)S 189 x(is)S 189 x(used.)SD295 x(It)S 189 x(shows)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(number)S 190 x(of)S 189 xK(\211leheaders)S 189 x(/)S 10773 X 598 y(number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(\211le)S D166 x(fragments.)S 5094 24692 XY 23160 96 R 2404 25389 XY F24(10.3)SE5094 X(V)S -51 x(olume)S 166 x(Set)S 166 x(processing)S 10773 X 897 y HF151(SEARCH)S 174 x(checks)S 177 x(if)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(device)S 176 xF(to-be-searched)S 176 x(is)S 175 x(member)S 176 x(of)S 176 x(a)S 175 xG(volume)S 177 x(set.)S 10773 X 597 y(If)S 180 x(so,)S 183 x(the)S 180 x D(complete)S 180 x(volume)S 180 x(set)S 180 x(will)S 179 x(be)S 180 xD(processed,)S 183 x(starting)S 180 x(with)S 180 x(Relative)S 10773 XF598 y(V)S -46 x(olume)S 181 x(Number)S 182 x(1)S 181 x(up)S 181 x(to)SE181 x(the)S 182 x(last)S 180 x(member)S 181 x(in)S 182 x(set.)S 279 x2G(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 182 x(can)S 182 x(override)S 182 x(this)S 10773 X 598 y K(behaviour)S 167 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/NOVOLSET)S 166 x(quali\211er)S K-37 x(.)S 5094 29025 XY 23160 96 R 2404 29723 XY F24(10.4)S 5094 X(Output)S(D167 x(formatting)S -220 x 896 y F151(The)S 171 x(quali\211er)S 171 xD(/FORMA)S -27 x(T)S 171 x(can)S 171 x(be)S 170 x(used)S 170 x(with)SE171 x(SEAR)S -2 x(CH.)S 171 x(This)S 171 x(allows)S 169 x(the)S 171 xoF(build)S 10773 X 598 y(up)S 183 x(of)S 182 x(a)S 183 x(command)S 182 xE(procedure)S 184 x(directly)S 183 x(from)S 182 x(the)S 183 x(output)SPF182 x(gener)S 2 x(ated)S 182 x(by)S 183 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(SEARCH)SG164 x(command.)S 250 x(/FORMA)S -27 x(T)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(the)S 166 xXC(following)S 166 x(restrictions)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x6F(/FORMA)S -28 x(T)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(only)S 178 x(valid)S 177 x(with)SE177 x(the)S 177 x(/OUTPUT)S 178 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S 180 x(and)S7H177 x(can)S 178 x(not)S 177 x(be)S 11670 X 597 y(used)S 166 x(together)SC167 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(/FULL)S 168 x(or)S 166 x(the)S 166 x1K(/SORT)S 166 x(quali\211ers.)S 10773 X 897 y(2)S 620 x(The)S 171 x(format)S)D171 x(string)S 171 x(used)S 171 x(must)S 171 x(contain)S 171 x(the)SG171 x(!AS)S 171 x(directive)S 172 x(\(in)S 171 x(uppercase\).)S 11670 XFF598 y(The)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(found)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 xQ(substituted)S 165 x(at)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(!AS)S 166 x(location)S 27150 36925 XY( F36(10\2031)SSEP PPa %%PageTrailer(2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier(%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)8%(%%Page: (10-2) 41)%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(SEARCH)S 278 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(Output)SI280 x(formatting)S 487 x 4866 Y F151(Example:)S 10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S1D240 x(SEARCH/OUTP=DEL.COM)S 2 x(/FORMAT="$DELETE/CO)S 2 x(NF)S 239 xF(!AS"/FILE=*.LOG)S 241 x(mydisk)S 5094 7689 XY 23160 96 R 2404 8386 XYKF24(10.5)S 5094 X(UIC)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(identi\211er)S 166 x(processing)S7E10773 X 897 y F151(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 168 x(V2.4)S 167 x(introduced)S0D169 x(an)S 167 x(improved)S 168 x(handling)S 169 x(of)S 168 x(UIC')SF-20 x(s.)S 252 x(Previou)S 2 x(s)S 167 x(versions)S 10773 X 598 y(of)SC187 x(DFU)S 186 x(only)S 188 x(accepted)S 187 x(a)S 187 x(numeric)S7E188 x(UIC)S 186 x(in)S 187 x(the)S 187 x(/OWNER)S 186 x(qauli\211er)S6C187 x(or)S 187 x(an)S 10773 X 597 y(identi\211er)S 181 x(in)S 180 xSF(the)S 180 x(/IDENT)S 179 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 277 x(V2.4)S 180 xJ(and)S 181 x(later)S 179 x(now)S 180 x(accepts)S 180 x(all)S 179 x(valid)SD10773 X 598 y(UIC)S 174 x(and)S 175 x(identi\211er)S 176 x(formats)SE174 x(\(numeric)S 175 x(and)S 175 x(alphanumeric\))S 176 x(in)S 175 x5N(the)S 175 x(/OWNER)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 189 x(/IDENT)S 188 x(quali\211ers.)SF295 x(T)S -46 x(echnically)S 190 x(there)S 189 x(is)S 188 x(no)S 189 xF(longer)S 189 x(any)S 190 x(difference)S 10773 X 598 y(between)S 184 xC(these)S 184 x(two)S 184 x(quali\211ers,)S 190 x(but)S 184 x(they)S Q185 x(will)S 184 x(be)S 184 x(left)S 184 x(in)S 185 x(for)S 184 x(compatibility)S)J10773 X 597 y(reasons.)S 5094 X 847 y 23160 48 R 5094 14712 XY F20(SEARC)SE2 x(H)S 10773 16207 XY F34(Fast)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(search)S 166 x2O(through)S 166 x(INDEXF)S -55 x(.SYS.)S 5094 17402 XY 23160 204 R 5094 18420 XYDF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SEARCH)S 696 x F23(device)S -2 x([:])SI5094 19616 XY 23160 204 R 5094 20434 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S)H849 x -21 y F25(device[:])S 10773 X 548 y F151(Device)S 166 x(to)S 166 xE(be)S 166 x(searched.)S 250 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 166 x(may)S 166 x(also)SK166 x(specify)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(logical)S 167 x(devicename.)S 5094 22156 XY(E23160 204 R 5094 22975 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(The)SlD177 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 176 x(command)S 176 x(is)S 176 x(used)S 176 xC(for)S 176 x(quick)S 177 x(disk-wide)S 175 x(searches)S 176 x(for)S L176 x(speci\211c)S 10773 X 598 y(\211les.)S 253 x(The)S 168 x(quali\211ers)SD169 x(describe)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(\211le)S 168 x(attributes)S 167 xG(used)S 168 x(as)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(search)S 168 x(criteria.)S 10773 X6E598 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 183 x(can)S 182 x(combine)S 182 x(almost)S 181 x D(all)S 181 x(of)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(possible)S 180 x(quali\211ers,>)SC187 x(unless)S 182 x(otherwise)S 10773 X 597 y(speci\211ed.)S 250 xaE(Eg.:)S 10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(SEARCH)S 239 x(DISK1/SIZE=M)SmC2 x(IN=10/OWN=[1,4]/CRE)S 2 x(ATED=SINCE=YESTERDA)S 2 x(Y)S 10773 X9E897 y F151(is)S 179 x(a)S 180 x(valid)S 179 x(command.)S 277 x(Note)SmF179 x(that)S 180 x(quali\211ers)S 180 x(will)S 178 x(be)S 180 x(used)SG179 x(in)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(logical)S 180 x(AND)S 10773 X 597 y(manner)SD-36 x(,)S 168 x(that)S 167 x(is,)S 167 x(SEARCH)S 166 x(will)S 166 xC(only)S 168 x(display)S 167 x(\211les)S 167 x(which)S 167 x(match)SsD167 x(all)S 167 x(quali\211ers)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 166 x(options)SM166 x(speci\211ed.)S 5094 28797 XY 23160 204 R 5094 29615 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S F10773 X F25(/ACCESS=option\(,option\))S 10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 186 xG(/ACCESS)S 184 x(quali\211er)S 185 x(is)S 185 x(used)S 185 x(to)S 185 x5D(search)S 185 x(\211les)S 185 x(depending)S 186 x(on)S 186 x(their)SD185 x(last)S 10773 X 548 y(ACCESS)S 164 x(date)S 166 x(\(VMS)S 166 xC(7.2)S 166 x(only\).)S 250 x(The)S 167 x(possible)S 165 x(options)S7M166 x(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(/ACCESS)S -2 x(=BEFORE=dat)S H-2 x(e)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(/ACCESS)S -2 x(=SINCE=date)S 10773 XE897 y(\201)S 595 x(/ACCESS)S -2 x(=NONE)S 5094 36925 XY F36(10\2032)S1EP PPs %%PageTrailer(2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman'%%+ Courier Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique %%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique0%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%x%%Page: (10-3) 426%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)H PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 21740 1807 XY F24(SEARCH)S 278 x(command)S 25734 X 797 y F28(SEAR)SK-2 x(CH)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/ACE=identi\211er)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Search)S1G168 x(for)S 167 x(\211les)S 167 x(which)S 168 x(have)S 168 x(an)S 168 xrM(ACE)S 166 x(containing)S 169 x(the)S 167 x(speci\211c)S 167 x(identi\211er)S1F-36 x(.)S 252 x(Only)S 10773 X 547 y(ACE')S -20 x(s)S 166 x(of)S 166 xD(the)S 166 x(format)S 166 x("IDENTI)S -2 x(FIER=,...)SC2 x(")S 166 x(will)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(searched.)S 10773 7263 XY F25IG(/ALLOCA)S -53 x(TED)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Default,)S 204 x(SEARC)S -2 x(G(H)S 196 x(will)S 196 x(use)S 196 x(the)S 196 x(actual)S 196 x(\211le)S C197 x(size.)S 309 x(The)S 197 x(/ALLOCA)S -28 x(TED)S 10773 X 548 ySE(quali\211er)S 183 x(forces)S 183 x(SEAR)S -2 x(CH)S 182 x(to)S 183 xSE(use)S 182 x(the)S 183 x(allocated)S 182 x(\211lesize.)S 282 x(This)S(G183 x(quali\211er)S 183 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(only)S 167 x(meaningfull)SxD167 x(if)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(combine)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(with)S 166 xD(/SIZE.)S 10773 10053 XY F25(/APPEND=\211lename)S 10773 X 598 y F151H(This)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 175 x(redirects)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(output)SL175 x(to)S 174 x(be)S 175 x(appended)S 174 x(to)S 175 x(an)S 175 x(already)SE175 x(existing)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le.)S 294 x(If)S 188 x(the)S 189 xlF(output)S 188 x(\211le)S 189 x(does)S 188 x(not)S 188 x(exists)S 188 xC(it)S 188 x(will)S 188 x(be)S 188 x(created.)S 294 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S5J188 x(can)S 189 x(use)S 10773 X 548 y(/APPEND)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(/OUTPUT)SC167 x(but)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(both.)S 10773 12842 XY F25(/A)S -52 xtE(TTRIBU)S -2 x(TE=option)S 2 x(\(,option\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)SxG172 x(/A)S -27 x(TTRIBUTE)S 171 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(is)S 171 x(used)SxF171 x(to)S 172 x(search)S 172 x(\211les)S 172 x(depending)S 172 x(on)SC172 x(their)S 172 x(last)S 10773 X 548 y(attribute)S 166 x(change)S0H167 x(date)S 166 x(\(VMS)S 166 x(7.2)S 166 x(only\).)S 250 x(The)S 167 xF(possible)S 165 x(options)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SD595 x(/A)S -28 x(TTRIBUTE=BEFORE)S -2 x(=date)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)SC595 x(/A)S -28 x(TTRIBUTE=SINCE=)S -2 x(date)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S W595 x(/A)S -28 x(TTRIBUTE=NONE)S 10773 18870 XY F25(/BACK)S -2 x(UP=option\(,option\))SVG10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 173 x(/BACKUP)S 171 x(quali\211er)S 172 x(is)S2H171 x(used)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(search)S 172 x(\211les)S 172 x(depending)SC173 x(on)S 172 x(their)S 172 x(backup)S 10773 X 548 y(date.)S 249 xeE(The)S 167 x(possible)S 165 x(options)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 XxE896 y(\201)S 595 x(/BACKUP=B)S -2 x(EFORE=date)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S2J595 x(/BACKUP=SI)S -2 x(NCE=date)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(/BACKUP=NO)SH-2 x(NE)S 10773 23801 XY(The)S 168 x(NONE)S 167 x(option)S 168 x(gives)SF168 x(\211les)S 168 x(which)S 168 x(don')S -9 x(t)S 167 x(have)S 169 xD(a)S 167 x(backup)S 169 x(date)S 167 x(recorded.Th)S 2 x(e)S 10773 XD548 y(other)S 167 x(2)S 167 x(options)S 166 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 167 xI(used)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(get)S 166 x(\211les)S 167 x(which)S 167 x(have)S G167 x(a)S 167 x(backup)S 167 x(date)S 166 x(before)S 167 x(or)S 10773 XuD548 y(after)S 169 x(a)S 170 x(speci\211c)S 169 x(date.)S 256 x(The)SC170 x(BEFORE)S 168 x(and)S 170 x(SINCE)S 168 x(option)S 169 x(can)S2K170 x(be)S 169 x(combined)S 170 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(one)S 167 x(command.)SxE10773 26541 XY F25(/BAKFI)S -2 x(D=backlink-\211le-id)S 10773 X 598 yxLF151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 174 x(can)S 175 x(use)S 173 x(this)S 173 x(quali\211er)SI175 x(to)S 173 x(look)S 174 x(for)S 174 x(a)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x(with)S(C173 x(a)S 174 x(speci\211c)S 174 x(backlink.)S 265 x(Only)S 10773 X%E548 y(the)S 172 x(\211rst)S 171 x(part)S 171 x(of)S 172 x(the)S 171 xrG(\211le)S 172 x(id)S 171 x(must)S 171 x(be)S 172 x(speci\211ed,)S 173 xeD(that)S 172 x(is,)S 172 x(if)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(\211le)S 172 x(id)SF171 x(is)S 171 x(\(x,y)S -54 x(,z\))S 10773 X 548 y(you)S 180 x(must)SG178 x(specify)S 179 x('x')S 178 x(as)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(\211le)S 179 x F(id.)S 275 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 180 x(can)S 179 x(use)S 179 x(this)S 178 xC(quali\211er)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(get)S 179 x(\211les)S 10773 X 548 ydF(from)S 186 x(a)S 185 x(speci\211c)S 186 x(directory)S -54 x(.)S 289 xC(If)S 185 x(you)S 187 x(use)S 186 x(/BAKFID)S -2 x(=0)S 186 x(you)SVN187 x(will)S 185 x(get)S 186 x(\211les)S 185 x(not)S 10773 X 548 y(belonging)SH168 x(to)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S 166 x(\(often)S 166 x(temporary)SD167 x(\211les\).)S 10773 30427 XY F25(/CHAR)S -2 x(ACTERISTIC)S -2 xD(=\(char1,char2...\))S 10773 X 597 y F151(This)S 187 x(quali\211er)SD188 x(is)S 187 x(used)S 187 x(to)S 187 x(get)S 188 x(\211les)S 187 xE(with)S 187 x(speci\211c)S 187 x(\211le)S 187 x(characteristics.The)SuD10773 X 548 y(characteristics)S 166 x(can)S 166 x(have)S 167 x(the)SH167 x(following)S 166 x(values:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Directory)SF166 x(:)S 250 x(directory)S 166 x(\211les)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xE(Nobackup)S 167 x(:)S 249 x(\211les)S 166 x(marked)S 167 x(nobackup)S G10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Contiguous)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(\211les)S 166 xcC(marked)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(contiguou)S 2 x(s)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S)C595 x(Erase)S 165 x(:)S 250 x(erase)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(before)So-166 x(deletion)S 27150 36925 XY F36(10\2033)S)EP PP %%PageTrailerb1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliquet%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%C%%Page: (10-4) 436%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(SEARCH)S 278 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(SEARCH)SE10773 4866 XY F151(\201)S 595 x(Spool)S 166 x(:)S 249 x(spool)S 166 x(J(\211les)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Badblock)S 166 x(:)S 249 x(\211les)SN166 x(which)S 167 x(contain)S 166 x(suspected)S 166 x(bad)S 166 x(block\(s\))SC10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Badacl)S 165 x(:)S 250 x(\211les)S 166 xeD(with)S 166 x(a)S 165 x(corrupted)S 167 x(ACL)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SJ595 x(Besttry)S 165 x(:)S 250 x(\211les)S 166 x(marked)S 166 x(contiguou)SC2 x(s-best-t)S -2 x(ry)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Scratch)S 166 x)D(:)S 250 x(\211les)S 166 x(marked)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(scratch)S 166 xJ(\211les)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Nocharge)S 167 x(:)S 250 x(\211les)SG166 x(not)S 166 x(charged)S 167 x(against)S 166 x(quota)S 10773 X 897 ytE(\201)S 595 x(Nomove)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(\211les)S 166 x(marked)S 166 xxG(NoMove)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Locked)S 167 x(:)S 249 x(\211les)SaH166 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(deaccess)S 166 x(lock)S 166 x(bit)S 166 xD(set)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Marked)S 167 x(:)S 249 x(\211les)SF166 x(marked)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(deletion)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xH(Noshelvable)S 166 x(:)S 250 x(\211les)S 166 x(which)S 166 x(can)S 167 xH(not)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(shelved)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Isshelved)SC166 x(:)S 249 x(\211les)S 166 x(which)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(shelved)SmH10773 14928 XY(The)S 173 x(several)S 172 x(characteristics)S 172 x(can)SE172 x(be)S 172 x(combined)S 173 x(in)S 172 x(one)S 173 x(command.If)S)E172 x(you)S 173 x(want)S 10773 X 548 y(a)S 167 x(logical)S 167 x(OR)SSG166 x(behaviour)S 168 x(in)S 167 x(stead)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 xID(default)S 167 x(AND)S 166 x(behaviour)S -36 x(,)S 168 x(you)S 167 xE(can)S 167 x(use)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(special)S 166 x(option)StG166 x(MA)S -27 x(TCH=OR)S 164 x(eg:)S 11251 X 897 y F102(SEARCH)S 240 xtF(disk/CHAR=\(NOMO)S 2 x(VE,DIR,MATCH=OR\))S 10773 18913 XY F25(/CREA)SD-53 x(TED=option\(,option\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 159 x(/CREA)SH-29 x(TED)S 158 x(quali\211er)S 159 x(is)S 157 x(used)S 158 x(to)S 158 xD(search)S 158 x(\211les)S 158 x(depending)S 159 x(on)S 159 x(their)SH158 x(creation)S 10773 X 548 y(date.)S 249 x(The)S 167 x(options)S 166 xF(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED=BEFORE)SG-2 x(=date)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED=SINCE=)S -2 x-D(date)S 10773 22948 XY(These)S 171 x(2)S 170 x(options)S 170 x(can)SD171 x(be)S 170 x(used)S 171 x(to)S 170 x(get)S 170 x(\211les)S 171 xC(which)S 170 x(have)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(creation)S 170 x(date)S 171 xCG(before)S 10773 X 548 y(or)S 170 x(after)S 169 x(a)S 169 x(speci\211c)SxH169 x(date.)S 256 x(The)S 170 x(BEFORE)S 168 x(and)S 169 x(SINCE)S 168 xD(option)S 170 x(can)S 169 x(be)S 169 x(combined)S 10773 X 548 y(in)SL166 x(one)S 167 x(command.)S 10773 25140 XY F25(/EXCLUDE=\(\211le1,\211le2)SE-2 x(...\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 193 x(quali\211er)S 194 x(is)S1D192 x(used)S 193 x(to)S 193 x(exclude)S 194 x(\211les)S 192 x(from)SH193 x(the)S 193 x(search.)S 304 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 194 x(can)S 193 x(use)SH10773 X 548 y(wildcard)S 166 x(\211lenames)S 166 x(;)S 166 x(you)S 167 xC(can)S 167 x(also)S 165 x(speci\211y)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(list)S 165 xlF(of)S 166 x(\211les.)S 10773 27382 XY F25(/EXPIRED=option\(,option\))SC10773 X 597 y F151(The)S 197 x(/EXPIRED)S 194 x(quali\211er)S 197 x8N(is)S 195 x(used)S 196 x(to)S 196 x(search)S 196 x(\211les)S 196 x(depending)SG197 x(on)S 196 x(their)S 10773 X 548 y(expiration)S 167 x(date.)S 249 x6G(The)S 167 x(options)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xEM(/EXPIRED)S -2 x(=BEFORE=d)S -2 x(ate)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(/EXPIRED)SuE-2 x(=SINCE=date)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(/EXPIRED)S -2 x(=NONE)S4D10773 32313 XY(The)S 204 x(NONE)S 202 x(option)S 203 x(gives)S 203 xE(\211les)S 203 x(which)S 204 x(don')S -9 x(t)S 202 x(have)S 204 x(a)SuC203 x(expiration)S 204 x(date)S 10773 X 548 y(recorded.Th)S 2 x(e)S)D195 x(other)S 195 x(2)S 195 x(options)S 195 x(can)S 195 x(be)S 195 xI(used)S 195 x(to)S 195 x(get)S 195 x(\211les)S 195 x(which)S 195 x(have)S F196 x(a)S 10773 X 548 y(expiration)S 175 x(date)S 174 x(before)S 174 xD(or)S 174 x(after)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(speci\211c)S 174 x(date.)S 265 xF(The)S 175 x(BEFORE)S 173 x(and)S 174 x(SINCE)S 10773 X 548 y(option)SD166 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(combined)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(one)S 167 x'(command.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(10\2034)SaEP PPe %%PageTrailer)2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman!%%+ Courier Helvetica-BoldOblique)%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %2%%Page: (10-5) 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x(where)S 180 x(x)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 180 xJ(the)S 180 x(number)S 181 x(of)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(\211le)S 180 x(header)SG181 x(within)S 180 x(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 x(.SYS)S 180 x(y)S 181 x(is)StC179 x(the)S 180 x(sequence)S 10773 X 548 y(number)S -36 x(,)S 176 x8H(and)S 174 x(z)S 174 x(is)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(Relative)S 173 x(V)S -46 xC(olume)S 174 x(Number)S -36 x(.)S 265 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 174 x(only)S D175 x(need)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(speci\211y)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 xJ(x)S 167 x(value)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/FID)S 166 x(quali\211er)SH-36 x(.)S 10773 9981 XY F25(/FILE=\(\211le1,\211le2...\))S 10773 X 598 yHF151(This)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 175 x(is)S 174 x(used)S 174 x(to)S 174 xO(search)S 175 x(for)S 175 x(\211les)S 174 x(with)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(speci\211c)S\H175 x(\211le)S 175 x(name.Y)S -55 x(ou)S 175 x(can)S 10773 X 548 y(use)SG166 x(wildcard)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(names;)S 166 x(also)S 166 x(you)SxC167 x(can)S 167 x(specify)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(list)S 165 x(of)S 166 x G(\211les.)S 10773 12223 XY F25(/FORMA)S -53 x(T=format-string)S 10773 X G598 y F151(Create)S 184 x(an)S 185 x(output)S 184 x(\211le)S 185 x(in)S4G184 x(a)S 185 x(format)S 184 x(described)S 184 x(by)S 184 x(the)S 185 x I(format)S 184 x(string.)S 286 x(The)S 10773 X 548 y(string)S 168 x(must)SyH167 x(contain)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(!AS)S 167 x(directive)S 168 x(\(this)SC166 x(must)S 167 x(be)S 167 x(uppercase\).)S 253 x(At)S 166 x(the)SRH168 x(!AS)S 10773 X 548 y(location)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(resultant)S 169 xH(\211lename)S 170 x(will)S 168 x(be)S 169 x(\211lled)S 169 x(in.)S 256 xC(The)S 170 x(/OUTPUT)S 170 x(quali\211er)S 169 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y.F(required.)S 10773 15561 XY F25(/FRAGMEN)S -2 x(T=\(MINIMUM=nr)S -38 xF(,MAXIMU)S -2 x(M=nr\))S 10773 X 597 y F151(This)S 175 x(quali\211er)SH176 x(displays)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(number)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(fragments)SJ175 x(and)S 175 x(\211le)S 175 x(headers)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(each)S 10773 XD548 y(\211le)S 175 x(found.)S 268 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 175 x(can)S 176 xH(further)S 175 x(limit)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(\211les)S 175 x(found)S 175 xC(by)S 176 x(using)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(MINIMUM)S 10773 X 548 y(and)SoF166 x(MAXIMUM=)S 166 x(options.)S 249 x(For)S 167 x(example:)S 10773 XQ897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(disk/FRAG)S 10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(disk/FRAG=min=10)S%O10773 X 448 y(DFU>)S 240 x(disk/FRAG=\(min=10,m)S 2 x(ax=100\))S 10773 21040 XYoHF25(/FULL)S 10773 X 598 y F151(If)S 186 x(you)S 187 x(use)S 186 x(this)SG185 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S 192 x(SEAR)S -2 x(CH)S 186 x(will)S 185 xmF(give)S 187 x(a)S 186 x(full)S 186 x(output)S 186 x(for)S 186 x(each)SG187 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(found.)S 258 x(This)S 171 x(output)S 170 xaH(is)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(look-alike)S 170 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(output)SC170 x(from)S 170 x(DIREC)S -2 x(TOR)S -19 x(Y/FULL.)S 10773 X 548 yBO(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(cannot)S 167 x(combine)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(quali\211er)S E166 x(with)S 166 x(/SORT)S 166 x(or)>S 166 x(/SUMMAR)S -18 x(Y)S -56 x M(.)S 10773 23830 XY F25(/HOME)S 10773 X 597 y F151(This)S 181 x(quali\211er)S E181 x(directs)S 180 x(search)S 180 x(to)S 181 x(give)S 181 x(output)S1C181 x(from)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(disk')S -18 x(s)S 180 x(home)S 180 xSF(block.)S 10773 X 548 y(SEARCH)S 152 x(uses)S 153 x(the)S 153 x(home)SF154 x(block)S 154 x(for)S 153 x(calculating)S 155 x(the)S 153 x(free)SE154 x(and)S 153 x(used)S 154 x(\211le)S 153 x(headers)S 10773 X 548 yeU(within)S 166 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS.)S 10773 26619 XY F25(/\(NO\)IDENT=identi\211er)S1D165 x(or)S 166 x(uic)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 179 x(can)SC178 x(search)S 178 x(for)S 178 x(\211les)S 177 x(owned)S 178 x(by)S I178 x(a)S 178 x(speci\211c)S 178 x(identi\211er)S 178 x(or)S 178 x(UIC.)S1M178 x(Any)S 178 x(valid)S 10773 X 548 y(UIC)S 172 x(or)S 172 x(identi\211er)SIC173 x(format)S 171 x(may)S 173 x(be)S 172 x(used.)S 262 x(Another)S(C172 x(way)S 172 x(is)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(/OWNER_UIC)S 10773 X 548 ysH(quali\211er;)S 167 x(you)S 166 x(cannot)S 166 x(combine)S 166 x(these)SD165 x(2)S 166 x(quali\211ers)S 166 x(in)S 165 x(one)S 166 x(SEARCH)SJ164 x(command.)S 10773 X 548 y(Issueing)S 178 x(/NOIDENT)S 178 x(directs)SG177 x(DFU)S 178 x(to)S 178 x(search)S 178 x(for)S 178 x(\211les)S 178 xuG(NOT)S 178 x(owned)S 178 x(by)S 179 x(this)S 10773 X 548 y(IDENTIFIER)StZ-2 x(,)S 167 x(eg:)S 250 x(DFU>)S 166 x(SEAR)S -2 x(CH)S 166 x(sys$sysdevice/NOIDENT=SYS)SJ-2 x(TEM.)S 10773 30505 XY F25(/LBN=logical-block)S -2 x(-number)S 10773 XF597 y F151(The)S 178 x(/LBN)S 178 x(quali\211er)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(a)SH177 x(special)S 177 x(function)S 178 x(of)S 177 x(SEARCH.)S 177 x(This)SF177 x(allows)S 177 x(you)S 178 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(\211nd)S 175 x(a)SJ174 x(\211le)S 174 x(which)S 175 x(contains)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(speci\211c)SE174 x(LBN.)S 175 x(This)S 174 x(may)S 174 x(be)S 174 x(useful)S 174 xXG(if)S 174 x(you)S 175 x(have)S 10773 X 548 y(bad)S 171 x(blocks)S 172 x E(logged)S 173 x(in)S 171 x(the)S 172 x(error)S 172 x(log.)S 261 x(Y)S)C-55 x(ou)S 171 x(cannot)S 173 x(combine)S 172 x(/LBN)S 171 x(with)S C172 x(search)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211ers)S 166 x(such)S 167 x(as)S L166 x(/FILE.)S 10773 33842 XY F25(/LIMIT=\(MINIMUM=n,MAXA)S -2 x(XIMUM=m\))SF10773 X 598 y F151(Searches)S 171 x(DIRECTO)S -2 x(R)S -18 x(Y)S 170 xE(\211les)S 172 x(which)S 171 x(have)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(default)S 171 x.F(version)S 172 x(limit)S 170 x(between)S 171 x(n)S 10773 X 548 y(and)SF166 x(m)S 166 x(\(including)S 168 x(n)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(m\).)S 249 xE(Either)S 166 x(MINIMUM)S 167 x(or)S 166 x(MAXIMUM)S 166 x(is)S 165 xr)(required.)S -888 x 36925 Y F36(10\2035)SxEP PP %%PageTraileri1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique1"%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%1%%Page: (10-6) 45X%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(SEARCH)S 278 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(SEARCH)SD10773 5022 XY F25(/NAME_TYPE=ODS2)S 281 x(|)S 282 x(ISL1)S 283 x(|)SD282 x(UCS2)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Search)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(\211les)SG180 x(which)S 181 x(have)S 182 x(the)S 180 x(speci\211ed)S 181 x(name)SXE181 x(type)S 181 x(attribute.)S 278 x(ODS2)S 179 x(if)S 10773 X 547 y(F(for)S 181 x(classic)S 180 x(VMS)S 180 x(\211le)S 181 x(names,)S 184 xF(ISL1)S 180 x(is)S 180 x(for)S 181 x(Iso-Latin-1)S 180 x(names)S 180 xH(and)S 181 x(UCS2)S 180 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(for)S 184 x(Unicode)S 184 xH(names.)S 286 x(This)S 184 x(quali\211er)S 184 x(is)S 183 x(only)S 185 xC(meaningfull)S 185 x(for)S 184 x(ODS5)S 183 x(disks)S 10773 X 548 yvJ(\(requires)S 166 x(VMS)S 166 x(7.2\).)S 10773 8359 XY F25(/\(NO\)OWNER_)SH-2 x(UIC=uic)S 165 x(or)S 167 x(identi\211er)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)SH182 x(quali\211er)S 183 x(is)S 182 x(used)S 182 x(to)S 182 x(get)S 182 xF(\211les)S 183 x(owned)S 182 x(by)S 182 x(a)S 182 x(speci\211c)S 183 xD(UIC)S 181 x(or)S 182 x(identi\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(Any)SH171 x(valid)S 171 x(UIC)S 169 x(or)S 171 x(identi\211er)S 171 x(format)SH170 x(may)S 171 x(be)S 170 x(used.)S 258 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 170 x(cannot)SE171 x(combine)S 171 x(this)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211er)S 174 x(with)SoL173 x(/IDENT)S -46 x(.)S 173 x(Specifying)S 174 x(/NOOWNER)S 172 x(directs)SI173 x(DFU)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(search)S 173 x(for)S 10773 X 548 y(\211les)SFC166 x(NOT)S 166 x(owned)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(UIC)S 165 x1F(or)S 167 x(identi\211er)S -37 x(.)S 10773 11697 XY F25(/NOSEAR)S -2 xE(CH)S 10773 X 597 y F151(This)S 172 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(can)S 172 x(D(only)S 173 x(be)S 172 x(used)S 172 x(in)S 173 x(combination)S 172 xD(with)S 172 x(/HOME.)S 172 x(It)S 171 x(is)S 172 x(used)S 172 x(to)SE10773 X 548 y(get)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(Homeblock)S 166 x(info,)S 167 x E(without)S 166 x(searching)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(entire)S 166 x(disk.)S1G10773 13938 XY F25(/NOVOLSET)S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 170 x(default)S(D168 x(behaviour)S 170 x(of)S 169 x(SEARC)S -2 x(H)S 169 x(is)S 168 xD(to)S 169 x(process)S 168 x(an)S 169 x(entire)S 169 x(volume)S 170 xG(set.)S 254 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 175 x(override)S 175 x\H(this)S 174 x(behaviour)S 176 x(with)S 174 x(/NOVOLSET)S -47 x(.)S 175 xH(This)S 175 x(may)S 174 x(be)S 175 x(useful)S 174 x(when)S 10773 X 548 yN(doing)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(/LBN)S 166 x(search.)S 10773 16728 XY F25(/MODIFIED)SK-2 x(=option\()S 2 x(,option\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 191 x(/MODIFIED)S E189 x(quali\211er)S 192 x(is)S 190 x(used)S 190 x(to)S 190 x(search)S(H191 x(\211les)S 191 x(depending)S 191 x(on)S 191 x(their)S 10773 X 548 yG(modi\211cation)S 166 x(date.)S 250 x(The)S 166 x(options)S 166 x(are)ShC166 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(/MODIFIED)S -2 x(=BEFORE=dat)SLQ-2 x(e)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(/MODIFIED)S -2 x(=SINCE=date)S 10773 20763 XYSF(These)S 179 x(2)S 179 x(options)S 178 x(can)S 179 x(be)S 179 x(used)SG179 x(to)S 178 x(get)S 179 x(\211les)S 179 x(which)S 179 x(have)S 180 x5E(a)S 178 x(modi\211cation)S 179 x(date)S 10773 X 548 y(before)S 180 x)D(or)S 180 x(after)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(speci\211c)S 180 x(date.)S 277 xD(The)S 180 x(BEFORE)S 179 x(and)S 180 x(SINCE)S 178 x(option)S 180 xG(can)S 181 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(combined)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(one)S 166 x(F(command.)S 10773 22955 XY F25(/MUL)S -52 x(TIPLE)S 10773 X 597 y F151H(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(searches)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(\211les)SD166 x(which)S 167 x(have)S 167 x(more)S 166 x(than)S 166 x(1)S 166 xI(\211le)S 167 x(header)S -37 x(.)S 10773 24648 XY F25(/ORGA)S -2 x(NIZA)SbG-52 x(TION=IN)S -2 x(DEXED)S 325 x(|)S 326 x(SEQUENTIA)S -2 x(L)S 326 x C(|)S 10773 X 797 y(RELA)S -52 x(TIVE)S 282 x(|)S 283 x(DIREC)S -2 x(I(T)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Search)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(with)SSP165 x(the)S 167 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(RMS)S 165 x(\211le)S 167 x(organization.)SC10773 27139 XY F25(/OUTPUT=\211le)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 179 xXH(quali\211er)S 179 x(redirects)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(output)S 179 x(from)SG178 x(SEARCH)S 177 x(to)S 178 x(an)S 179 x(output)S 179 x(\211le.This)ShH10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 187 x(can)S 187 x(later)S 186 x(be)S 186 x(used)SG186 x(as)S 186 x(input)S 187 x(to)S 186 x(the)S 187 x(DEFRA)S -2 x(G,)SSG187 x(DIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 186 x(or)S 187 x(SET)S 10773 X 547 y C(command.)S 10773 29928 XY F25(/OVER_ALLO)S -2 x(CA)S -52 x(TED=n)S4G10773 X 598 y F151(Searches)S 167 x(for)S 167 x(\211les)S 167 x(where)S0G167 x(the)S 167 x(difference)S 167 x(between)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(used)SdC167 x(and)S 167 x(allocated)S 166 x(size)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 166 x7L(at)S 165 x(least)S 166 x('n')S 165 x(blocks.)S 10773 32170 XY F25(/PLACED)SE10773 X 598 y F151(Checks)S 176 x(for)S 176 x(\211les)S 176 x(which)S J177 x(have)S 177 x(a)S 175 x(placement)S 177 x(control)S 176 x(retrieval)SH176 x(pointer)S -36 x(.This)S 177 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(sometimes)S 165 xF(set)S 165 x(by)S 167 x(non-DEC)S 165 x(disk)S 166 x(defragmentation)S-167 x(programs.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(10\2036)SBEP PP- %%PageTrailer(1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique1%%+ 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185 x(size)SxF185 x(\(and)S 185 x(optional)S 185 x(the)S 185 x(fragmentation)S 186 xE(when)S 185 x(/FRAG)S 185 x(is)S 184 x(used\).)S 288 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)SrF10773 X 548 y(cannot)S 167 x(combine)S 166 x(/SUMMAR)S -18 x(Y)S 166 xF(with)S 165 x(/FULL.)S 10773 16180 XY F25(/TYPE=option)S 10773 X 598 yHF151(The)S 173 x(/TYPE)S 172 x(quali\211er)S 172 x(has)S 172 x(2)S 172 xF(options)S 172 x(:)S 261 x(/TYPE=ODS2)S 171 x(or)S 172 x(/TYPE=ODS5.)SE260 x(This)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211er)S 163 x(can)S 162 x(be)S 162 x)C(used)S 162 x(to)S 162 x(search)S 162 x(for)S 162 x(\211les)S 162 xSC(with)S 161 x(either)S 162 x(a)S 162 x(ODS2)S 161 x(or)S 162 x(an)S0I162 x(ODS5)S 161 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(header)S -36 x(.)S 249 x(This)SdF167 x(quali\211er)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(only)S 167 x(usefull)S 166 x(on)SF166 x(ODS5)S 165 x(disk)S 166 x(\(VMS)S 166 x(V7.2\).)S 10773 18969 XYCF25(/VERSION_N)S -2 x(UMBER=\(minimum=n,maximum=m\))S 10773 X 598 yhDF151(The)S 170 x(/VERSIO)S -2 x(N_NUMBER)S 169 x(quali\211er)S 170 xC(is)S 168 x(used)S 169 x(search)S 170 x(for)S 169 x(\211les)S 169 x(H(within)S 169 x(a)S 169 x(range)S 10773 X 548 y(\(n)S 174 x(thru)S 174 xG(m\))S 173 x(of)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(version)S 174 x(numbers.)S 265 xiE(Log\211les)S 174 x(which)S 174 x(are)S 173 x(produced)S 174 x(with)S9F173 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(same)S 179 x(name)S 180 x(may)S 180 x(pose)SD179 x(problems)S 179 x(when)S 180 x(they)S 180 x(reach)S 180 x(the)SI180 x(maximum)S 180 x(version)S 10773 X 548 y(number)S 183 x(\(32767\).)SSC280 x(Using)S 182 x(/VERSION=MIN=32000)S 180 x(is)S 182 x(a)S 181 x4C(quick)S 183 x(way)S 182 x(to)S 181 x(\211nd)S 10773 X 548 y(such)S8-167 x(\211les.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(10\2037)S(EP PP6 %%PageTrailer71%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliquex%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%S%%Page: (10-8) 47(%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)\ PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XY:0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(SEARCH)S 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x(careful)S 173 x(about)S 10773 X 598 y(using)S 190 x(this)SH188 x(function;)S 202 x(you)S 190 x(may)S 189 x(easily)S 189 x(corrupt)SG190 x(\211les.)S 295 x(This)S 189 x(much)S 190 x(wanted)S 10773 X 597 yxF(functionality)S 170 x(was)S 168 x(introduced)S 169 x(in)S 169 x(VMS)SJ169 x(6.0)S 169 x(with)S 168 x(a)S 169 x(new)S 169 x(DCL)S 168 x(command)SD169 x($SET)S 10773 X 598 y(FILE/A)S -27 x(TTRIBUTES.)S 174 x(Still)SK174 x(DFU')S -20 x(s)S 174 x(SET)S 175 x(has)S 174 x(some)S 174 x(options)SoD174 x(which)S 175 x(are)S 174 x(not)S 175 x(in)S 10773 X 598 y(SET)SJ166 x(FILE/A)S -28 x(TTRIBUTES)S 166 x(\(such)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(setting)SD166 x(a)S 166 x(BACK)S -2 x(UP)S 167 x(date\).)S 10773 X 896 y(The)SL175 x(new)S 175 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S 177 x(/IGNORE=)S -2 x(INTERLOCK,)SH174 x(allows)S 173 x(setting)S 175 x(\211le)S 175 x(attributes)S 10773 XD598 y(even)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(open)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(locked)S 167 xF(\211les.)S 5094 17220 XY 23160 96 R 2404 17917 XY F24(1)S -38 x(1.2)SH5094 X(UIC)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(identi\211er)S 166 x(processing)S 10773 XH897 y F151(As)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(version)S 168 x(V2.4)S 167 x(of)S 167 xP(DFU)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(/OWNER)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(/IDENT)S 167 x(quali\211er)SC167 x(now)S 167 x(accepts)S 10773 X 597 y(all)S 166 x(valid)S 166 x7C(UIC)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(identi\211er)S 166 x(formats.)S 249 x(See)SrF166 x(chapter)S 167 x(10.5)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(details.)S 5094 X 847 yD23160 48 R 5094 21255 XY F20(SET)S 10773 22749 XY F34(Modify)S 166 xE(\211le)S 166 x(attributes.)S 5094 23944 XY 23160 204 R 5094 24962 XYQSF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 698 x F23(\211le1,\211)S -2 x(le2,...,@\211le)SCI5094 26158 XY 23160 204 R 5094 26976 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)SxH849 x F25(\211le1,\211le2,...)S -2 x(,@\211le)S 10773 X 548 y F151(The)SE175 x(\211les)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(be)S 175 x(modi\211ed.)S 266 x(The)S1G175 x(attributes)S 173 x(to)S 175 x(be)S 174 x(modi\211ed)S 174 x(are)S)D175 x(speci\211ed)S 174 x(with)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211ers.)S 257 xC(W)S -19 x(ildcards)S 170 x(area)S 169 x(allowed)S 169 x(in)S 170 x1E(the)S 170 x(\211lename.)S 257 x(An)S 170 x(indirect)S 170 x(\211le)S D170 x(can)S 170 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(used)S 170 x(by)S 171 x(using)SE170 x(the)S 171 x(@)S 170 x(sign.)S 258 x(This)S 170 x(allows)S 169 x)D(processing)S 170 x(of)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(\211le)S 171 x(list)S 169 xG(produced)S 171 x(by)S 10773 X 548 y(a)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(SEARC)S -2 xeN(H)S 166 x(command.)S 5094 30364 XY 23160 204 R 5094 31182 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)SF10773 X F25(/ACCESS_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE=date>)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAC)SG-2 x(CESS_DA)S -53 x(TE)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Controls)S 190 x(whether)S(G191 x(a)S 190 x(new)S 191 x(last-access)S 189 x(date)S 190 x(is)S 190 xcD(assigned)S 191 x(to)S 190 x(the)S 191 x(speci\211ed)S 10773 X 548 yE(\211les.)S 292 x(\(V7.2)S 187 x(only\))S 188 x(Specify)S 188 x(the)S(C187 x(date)S 187 x(according)S 188 x(to)S 188 x(the)S 187 x(rules)S0D187 x(described)S 187 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(Chapter)S 167 x(1)S 166 xJ(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(VMS)S 167 x(DCL)S 166 x(Concepts)S 166 x(Manual.)SH251 x(Absolute)S 166 x(date)S 167 x(keywords)S 167 x(are)S 10773 X 548 yG(allowed.)S 267 x(If)S 175 x(you)S 176 x(specify)S 175 x(0)S 175 x(as)ShE175 x(the)S 176 x(date,)S 177 x(today')S -18 x(s)S 174 x(date)S 175 x H(is)S 175 x(used.)S 268 x(If)S 174 x(you)S 176 x(specify)S 10773 X 548 yJ(/NOACCESS)S -2 x(_DA)S -28 x(TE)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(last)S 166 x(access)SE165 x(date)S 166 x(\211eld)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(cleared.)S9%27177 36925 XY F36(1)S -27 x(1\2031)S1EP PP1 %%PageTrailere2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman5%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliquem%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)n% %%Page: (11-2) 49 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)u PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYP0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(SET)S 280 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 10773 5000 XYIF25(/A)S -52 x(TTRIBU)S -2 x(TE_DA)S -52 x(TE=date)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOA)S1D-53 x(TTRIBUTE_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)SD186 x(whether)S 186 x(a)S 187 x(new)S 186 x(last)S 185 x(attribute)SD186 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 186 x(date)S 186 x(is)S 186 x(assigned)S 186 xC(to)S 186 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(speci\211ed)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 xiH(\(V7.2)S 166 x(only\).)S 251 x(Specify)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(date)S 166 xC(according)S 168 x(to)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(rules)S 166 x(described)SOC10773 X 548 y(in)S 171 x(Chapter)S 170 x(1)S 171 x(of)S 170 x(the)S I171 x(VMS)S 170 x(DCL)S 170 x(Concepts)S 171 x(Manual.)S 259 x(Absolute)S H170 x(date)S 170 x(keywords)S 10773 X 548 y(are)S 186 x(allowed.)S 289 xH(If)S 186 x(you)S 187 x(specify)S 186 x(0)S 186 x(as)S 186 x(the)S 186 xG(date,)S 191 x(today')S -19 x(s)S 186 x(date)S 186 x(is)S 185 x(used.)S5O290 x(If)S 186 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(specify)S 168 x(/NOA)S -28 x(TTRIBUTE_DA)S D-28 x(TE)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(last)S 167 x(attribute)S 168 x(change)SM169 x(date)S 168 x(\211eld)S 168 x(will)S 167 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(cleared.)SsE10773 10231 XY F25(/BACK)S -2 x(UP_DA)S -53 x(TE=date)S 10773 X 797 ySH(/NOBA)S -2 x(CKUP_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE)S 10773 X 597 y F151(Controls)SG183 x(whether)S 185 x(a)S 183 x(new)S 184 x(backup)S 184 x(date)S 184 x6G(is)S 183 x(assigned)S 184 x(to)S 184 x(the)S 183 x(speci\211ed)S 184 xyN(\211les.)S 10773 X 548 y(Specify)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(date)S 169 x(according)SG171 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(rules)S 169 x(described)S 170 x(in)S 169 x(E(Chapter)S 170 x(1)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(VMS)S 10773 X 548 y)E(DCL)S 157 x(Concepts)S 157 x(Manual.)S 250 x(Absolute)S 157 x(date)S D157 x(keywords)S 157 x(are)S 158 x(allowed.)S 248 x(If)S 157 x(you)SF158 x(specify)S 10773 X 548 y(0)S 169 x(as)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(date,)SD171 x(today')S -19 x(s)S 169 x(date)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(used.)S 256 xD(If)S 168 x(you)S 170 x(specify)S 170 x(/NOBACK)S -2 x(UP_DA)S -28 xE(TE)S 169 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(Backup)S 167 x(date)S 165 x(\211eld)S1C167 x(will)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(cleared.)S 10773 14913 XY F25(/BADA)SiE-2 x(CL)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOBA)S -2 x(DACL)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Sets)StC171 x(or)S 172 x(resets)S 172 x(the)S 172 x('BAD)S -2 x(ACL)S -28 xH(')S 172 x(\212ag)S 172 x(in)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(header)SE-36 x(.)S 261 x(This)S 172 x(enables)S 172 x(deletion)S 10773 X 548 yG(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(corrupted)S7E167 x(ACL.)S 10773 17952 XY F25(/BCK)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOBC)S -2 x(K)S E10773 X 597 y F151(Clears)S 160 x(or)S 160 x(sets)S 160 x(the)S 160 xF(\211les)S 161 x(NOBAC)S -2 x(KUP)S 160 x(bit.)S 250 x(Setting)S 160 xD(a)S 160 x(\211le)S 161 x(to)S 160 x(NOBACK)S -2 x(UP)S 161 x(with)SF10773 X 548 y(/NOBCK)S 165 x(causes)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(to)S 165 x(be)SN166 x(skipped)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(BACK)S -2 x(UP)S 167 x(operation.)SG10773 20990 XY F25(/BUCK)S -2 x(ETSIZE=size)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Sets)SJ165 x(a)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(value)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(bucket)SG166 x(size)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(header)S -36 x9E(.)S 10773 22684 XY F25(/CONFIR)S -2 x(M)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 xaJ(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 167 x(whether)SH168 x(a)S 167 x(request)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(issued)S 167 x(before)S 167 xF(each)S 168 x(individual)S 168 x(SET)S 167 x(operation)S 10773 X 548 yH(to)S 172 x(con\211rm)S 173 x(that)S 171 x(the)S 173 x(operation)S 172 xD(should)S 172 x(be)S 172 x(performed)S 172 x(on)S 172 x(that)S 172 xI(\211le.)S 262 x(When)S 172 x(the)S 10773 X 547 y(system)S 166 x(issues)S)G165 x(the)S 166 x(prompt,)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(can)S 167 x(issue)S 165 x J(any)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 167 x(responses:)S 11251 XI897 y F102(YES)S 13403 X(NO)S 15077 X(QUIT)S 11251 X 448 y(TRUE)S 13403 XdC(FALSE)S 479 x(CTRL/Z)S 11251 X 449 y(1)S 13403 X(0)S 15077 X(ALL)SeC13403 X 448 y()S 10773 X 897 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 184 x(can)SSD184 x(use)S 184 x(any)S 184 x(combination)S 184 x(of)S 184 x(upper)SH-9 x(-)S 183 x(and)S 184 x(lowercase)S 183 x(letters)S 183 x(for)S 184 xJ(word)S 10773 X 548 y(responses.)S 290 x(W)S -28 x(ord)S 187 x(responses)SG186 x(can)S 187 x(be)S 187 x(abbreviated)S 186 x(to)S 187 x(one)S 187 x1I(or)S 186 x(more)S 187 x(letters)S 10773 X 548 y(\(for)S 182 x(example,)SiH186 x(T)S -45 x(,)S 182 x(TR,)S 182 x(or)S 182 x(TRU)S 182 x(for)S 181 xI(TRUE\).)S 182 x(Af\211rmative)S 182 x(answers)S 181 x(are)S 182 x(YES,)S1C10773 X 548 y(TRUE,)S 168 x(and)S 168 x(1.)S 253 x(Negative)S 168 x-E(answers)S 167 x(are)S 168 x(NO,)S 168 x(F)S -37 x(ALSE,)S 168 x(0,)ShI169 x(and)S 168 x(.)S 252 x(QUIT)S 167 x(or)S 10773 X 548 y(CTRL/Z)SSH175 x(indicates)S 174 x(that)S 174 x(you)S 175 x(want)S 173 x(to)S 174 xG(stop)S 174 x(processing)S 175 x(the)S 174 x(command)S 174 x(at)S 174 x G(that)S 10773 X 547 y(point.)S 271 x(When)S 177 x(you)S 178 x(respond)SsG177 x(with)S 176 x(ALL,)S 178 x(the)S 177 x(command)S 176 x(continues)SSJ178 x(to)S 176 x(process,)S 10773 X 548 y(but)S 167 x(no)S 167 x(further)SH168 x(prompts)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(given)S 2 x(.)S 251 x(If)S 166 x(you)SH168 x(type)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(response)S 167 x(other)S 167 x(than)S 167 xD(one)S 167 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(those)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 xM(list,)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(prompt)S 165 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(reissued.)S6J10773 33244 XY F25(/CONTIG)S -2 x(UOUS_B)S -2 x(EST_TR)S -13 x(Y)S 10773 XE797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NTIGUO)S -2 x(US_BEST_TR)S -14 x(Y)S 10773 X 598 y(CF151(Sets)S 165 x(or)S 167 x(resets)S 165 x(the)S 166 x('CONTIGUO)S5E-2 x(US_BEST_TR)S -19 x(Y')S 165 x(bit)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 xbG(\211le)S 167 x(header)S -37 x(.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(1)S -27 x(1\2032)S0EP PPE %%PageTrailer21%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique "%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK),%)%%Page: (11-3) 500%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 23328 1807 XY F24(SET)S 280 x(command)S 27095 X 797 y F28(SET)SI10773 5022 XY F25(/CREA)S -53 x(TION_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE=date)S 10773 X H797 y(/NOCR)S -2 x(EA)S -52 x(TION_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE)S 10773 X 598 yFF151(Controls)S 180 x(whether)S 182 x(a)S 180 x(new)S 181 x(creation)SE181 x(date)S 181 x(is)S 180 x(assigned)S 181 x(to)S 180 x(the)S 181 x(C(speci\211ed)S 181 x(\211les.)S 10773 X 547 y(Specify)S 170 x(the)S1C169 x(date)S 169 x(according)S 171 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(rules)S7G169 x(described)S 170 x(in)S 169 x(Chapter)S 170 x(1)S 169 x(of)S 169 x4G(the)S 170 x(VMS)S 10773 X 548 y(DCL)S 157 x(Concepts)S 157 x(Manual.)S_K250 x(Absolute)S 157 x(date)S 157 x(keywords)S 157 x(are)S 158 x(allowed.)S C248 x(If)S 157 x(you)S 158 x(specify)S 10773 X 548 y(0)S 166 x(as)S E166 x(the)S 166 x(date,)S 166 x(today')S -18 x(s)S 165 x(date)S 166 xoD(is)S 166 x(used.)S 10773 9156 XY F25(/DIRECT)S -14 x(OR)S -13 x(Y)SD10773 X 797 y(/NODI)S -2 x(RECT)S -13 x(OR)S -13 x(Y)S 10773 X 598 yCF151(Sets)S 178 x(or)S 179 x(resets)S 177 x(the)S 179 x(directory)S C179 x(attribute)S 178 x(of)S 179 x(a)S 178 x(\211le.)S 275 x(This)S G179 x(quali\211er)S 179 x(allows)S 177 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 175 xSE(set)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(directory)S 175 x(bit)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(a)S6J175 x(\211le)S 175 x(which)S 175 x(was)S 173 x(mistakingly)S 176 x(reset)SE174 x(by)S 175 x(the)S 175 x('SET)S 10773 X 548 y(FILE/NODIREC)S -2 xdC(TOR)S -19 x(Y')S 166 x(command.)S 250 x(If)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)SSG166 x(done)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(non-directory)S 168 x(\211le,)SeM167 x(then)S 10773 X 548 y(access)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(that)S 166 x(directory)S6E166 x(will)S 166 x(give)S 167 x(a)S 166 x('BAD)S -2 x(IRECTOR)S -20 xlJ(Y')S 165 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 10773 13291 XY F25(/EBLOCK)S -2 x([=block])SH10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 170 x(quali\211er)S 170 x(will)S 169 x(reset)SE169 x(the)S 169 x(end-of-\211le)S 170 x(mark)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(the)SmH170 x(highest)S 170 x(block)S 170 x(allocated)S 10773 X 547 y(if)S 165 xG(no)S 166 x(block)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(been)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)S 249 xxH(Otherwise)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(end-of-\211le)S 166 x(mark)S 165 x(will)SI165 x(be)S 166 x(set)S 165 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S8D166 x(block.)S 10773 16080 XY F25(/EBYTE[=byte])S 10773 X 598 y F151F(This)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(will)S 165 x(set)S 166 x(the)S 166 xG(end-of-\211le)S 167 x(byte)S 167 x(mark)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(the)S 166 x)G(highest)S 167 x(byte)S 167 x(if)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(has)S 10773 X 548 y F(not)S 174 x(been)S 174 x(speci\211ed.)S 265 x(Otherwise)S 173 x(the)SG174 x(end-of-\211le)S 174 x(byte)S 174 x(mark)S 175 x(will)S 173 x(be)S(D173 x(set)S 174 x(to)S 173 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(speci\211ed)S 166 xC(byte.)S 10773 18870 XY F25(/EXPIRA)S -52 x(TION_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x8G(TE=date)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOEXPIRA)S -53 x(TION_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE)SyK10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 185 x(whether)S 186 x(an)S 186 x(expiration)S1E186 x(date)S 185 x(is)S 185 x(assigned)S 185 x(to)S 186 x(the)S 185 x7C(speci\211ed)S 186 x(\211les.)S 10773 X 548 y(Specify)S 170 x(the)S1C169 x(date)S 169 x(according)S 171 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(rules)S7G169 x(described)S 170 x(in)S 169 x(Chapter)S 170 x(1)S 169 x(of)S 169 xAG(the)S 170 x(VMS)S 10773 X 547 y(DCL)S 157 x(Concepts)S 157 x(Manual.)S(K250 x(Absolute)S 157 x(date)S 157 x(keywords)S 157 x(are)S 158 x(allowed.)S C248 x(If)S 157 x(you)S 158 x(specify)S 10773 X 548 y(0)S 166 x(as)SlE166 x(the)S 166 x(date,)S 166 x(today')S -18 x(s)S 165 x(date)S 166 xSG(is)S 166 x(used.)S 10773 23004 XY F25(/IDENT=identi\211er)S 165 x(or)S(H167 x(uic)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Modify)S 207 x(the)S 207 x(\211le)S 206 xG(ownership.)S 331 x(See)S 206 x(also)S 206 x(/OWNER_UIC.)S 206 x(This)S5D206 x(allows)S 10773 X 548 y(modi\211cation)S 161 x(of)S 161 x(the)SK161 x(\211le-ownership)S 161 x(even)S 161 x(if)S 161 x(the)S 161 x(\211le)SoI161 x(is)S 160 x(open,)S 163 x(eg.)S 250 x(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 x(.SYS.)SoD10773 X 548 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(cannot)S 167 x(use)S 166 x(both)SE166 x(/IDENT)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(/OWNER_UIC)S -2 x(.)S 10773 25794 XY1HF25(/IGNO)S -2 x(RE=INTERLOCK)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Perform)S 200 x(the)SD200 x(SET)S 199 x(command)S 199 x(on)S 200 x(open)S 200 x(or)S 200 xD(locked)S 200 x(\211les.)S 316 x(Default)S 199 x(DFU)S 10773 X 548 yE(will)S 214 x(return)S 216 x(a)S 215 x(%SYSTEM-E-A)S -2 x(CCONFLICT)S N214 x(on)S 216 x(open)S 215 x(\211les.)S 347 x(The)S 10773 X 548 y(/IGNORE=I)SH-2 x(NTERLOCK)S 165 x(option)S 166 x(can)S 167 x(overrule)S 167 x(this)SF166 x(behaviour)S -36 x(.)S 10773 28583 XY F25(/LOCKED)S 10773 X 797 yH(/NOLOC)S -2 x(KED)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 168 x(quali\211er)S 168 xH(will)S 167 x(lock)S 167 x(a)S 168 x(\211le)S 168 x(for)S 167 x(future)SH168 x(use.)S 253 x(Nothing)S 168 x(else)S 167 x(can)S 168 x(then)S 168 xC(be)S 167 x(done)S 10773 X 548 y(with)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(\211le,)S1K181 x(until)S 177 x(it)S 176 x(is)S 176 x(unlock)S 2 x(ed)S 176 x(\(which)SSC177 x(can)S 178 x(also)S 176 x(be)S 177 x(done)S 177 x(with)S 176 x K(the)S 177 x(VMS)S 10773 X 548 y('UNLOCK')S 164 x(command.)S 10773 32170 XY CF25(/LOG)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 598 y GF151(Controls)S 170 x(whether)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(SET)S 170 x(command)SuC170 x(displays)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(\211le)S 171 x(speci\211cation)S(H170 x(of)S 171 x(each)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 166 x(after)S 166 x(the)SS167 x(modi\211cation)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(made.)S 10773 35209 XY F25(/MAXREC=record)S(C10773 X 597 y F151(Sets)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(value)S 167 xxF(for)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(maximum)S 166 x(record)S 166 x(number)S 167 xG(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(header)S -36 x(.)S 381 x 36925 Y)F36(1)S -27 x(1\2033)SEP PP( %%PageTrailer1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)8%T%%Page: (11-4) 51L%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)R PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYP0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(SET)S 280 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 10773 5022 XYLF25(/NOMOVE)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 174 x(quali\211er)S 175 x(disables)SM172 x(or)S 174 x(enables)S 174 x(\(/NONOMOVE\))S 172 x(the)S 174 x(MoveFile)SF175 x(attribute)S 10773 X 547 y(on)S 169 x(\211les.)S 255 x(It)S 169 xG(is)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(same)S 168 x(as)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(DCL)S 168 x)J(command)S 169 x(SET)S 169 x(FILE/NOMOVE,)S 168 x(but)S 169 x(in)S 10773 XI548 y(conju)S 2 x(nction)S 171 x(with)S 171 x(/IGNORE)S -2 x(=INTERLOCK)S1H169 x(DFU)S 171 x(can)S 172 x(change)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(setting)S 171 xE(on)S 10773 X 548 y(Open)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(Locked)S 167 x(\211les.)S6J10773 8359 XY F25(/ORGA)S -2 x(NIZA)S -52 x(TION=ke)S -2 x(yword)S 10773 XE598 y F151(The)S 173 x(following)S 172 x(keywords)S 172 x(are)S 172 xC(used)S 172 x(as)S 171 x(parameters)S 171 x(for)S 172 x(the)S 172 x C(ORGANI)S -2 x(ZA)S -27 x(TION)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211er:)S 265 xpG(DIR)S -2 x(ECT)S -46 x(,)S 174 x(INDEX)S -2 x(ED,)S 173 x(RELA)S -28 xnI(TIVE)S 172 x(and)S 174 x(SEQUE)S -2 x(NTIAL.)S 174 x(This)S 173 x(will)SrG10773 X 548 y(allow)S 168 x(you)S 170 x(to)S 168 x(modify)S 169 x(the)SxG169 x(\211le)S 169 x(organization)S 169 x(type)S 169 x(in)S 169 x(the)SSI169 x(\211le)S 169 x(header)S -36 x(.)S 255 x(Of)S 168 x(course)S 10773 XxE548 y(this)S 166 x(won')S -10 x(t)S 166 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 x(the)SsH166 x(real)S 166 x(organization)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le.)SK10773 11697 XY F25(/OWNER_U)S -2 x(IC=uic)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(identi\211er)S9H10773 X 597 y F151(Modify)S 192 x(the)S 191 x(\211le)S 191 x(ownership)SG191 x(to)S 191 x(an)S 192 x(UIC)S 190 x(or)S 191 x(identi\211er)S -36 xD(.)S 300 x(See)S 191 x(also)S 190 x(/IDENT)S -46 x(.)S 10773 X 548 yD(This)S 187 x(allows)S 185 x(modi\211cation)S 187 x(of)S 186 x(the)SK186 x(\211le-ownership)S 187 x(even)S 187 x(if)S 187 x(the)S 186 x(\211le)StI187 x(is)S 186 x(open,)S 10773 X 548 y(eg.)S 250 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS.)ScK166 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(cannot)S 167 x(use)S 166 x(both)S 166 x(/IDENT)S H166 x(and)S 166 x(/OWNER_UIC)S -2 x(.)S 10773 14486 XY F25(/RECA)S -53 xG(TTRIBUTES=keyw)S -2 x(ord)S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 168 x(following)S G167 x(keywords)S 167> x(are)S 167 x(used)S 167 x(as)S 166 x(parameters)S8D167 x(for)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(RECA)S -29 x(TTRIBUTES)S 10773 X 548 yE(quali\211er:)S 265 x(NONE,)S 173 x(FORTRAN,)S 172 x(IMPLIED,)S 174 x8G(PRINT)S 173 x(and)S 173 x(NOSP)S -37 x(AN.)S 173 x(This)S 174 x(will)S1G10773 X 548 y(allow)S 173 x(you)S 174 x(to)S 173 x(modify)S 173 x(the)S6F174 x(\211le')S -19 x(s)S 173 x(record)S 174 x(attributes)S 173 x(in)SI173 x(the)S 174 x(\211le)S 173 x(header)S -36 x(.)S 264 x(NONE,)S 10773 X5F548 y(FORTRAN,)S 185 x(IMPLIED)S 184 x(and)S 186 x(PRINT)S 185 x(are)SF186 x(mutually)S 185 x(exclusive,)S 192 x(but)S 185 x(can)S 186 x(be)SF10773 X 548 y(used)S 176 x(in)S 176 x(combination)S 176 x(with)S 175 xC(NOSP)S -37 x(AN.)S 176 x(When)S 176 x(NOSP)S -38 x(AN)S 176 x(is)SSH175 x(omitted)S 175 x(SP)S -37 x(AN)S 175 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(assumed)SG166 x(\(the)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(allow)S 165 x(G(records)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(cross)S 165 x(block)S 167 x(boundaries\).)SlF10773 18920 XY F25(/RECSIZE=size)S 10773 X 597 y F151(Sets)S 165 x(a)SF166 x(new)S 166 x(value)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(record)S 166 xF(size)S 165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(header)S -36 x(.)SD10773 20613 XY F25(/RECTYPE=keyword)S 10773 X 598 y F151(The)S 196 xG(following)S 195 x(keywords)S 196 x(are)S 195 x(used)S 196 x(as)S 194 x(C(parameters)S 195 x(for)S 195 x(the)S 196 x(RECTYPE)S 10773 X 548 y6F(quali\211er:)S 281 x(FIXED,)S 180 x(STREAM,)S 181 x(STREAMCR,)S 180 xJ(STREAMLF)S -55 x(,)S 181 x(UNDEFINED,)S 10773 X 548 y(V)S -56 x(ARIABLE)SF165 x(and)S 166 x(VFC.)S 167 x(This)S 166 x(will)S 165 x(allow)S 166 xF(you)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(modify)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211le')S -19 x(s)SI166 x(record)S 167 x(type)S 167 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(\211le)S)H167 x(header)S -37 x(.)S 10773 23951 XY F25(/REVISION_D)S -2 x(A)S -52 xD(TE=date)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOREVISIO)S -2 x(N_DA)S -53 x(TE)S 10773 XF598 y F151(Controls)S 170 x(whether)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(revision)S 170 xN(date)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(assigned)S 170 x(to)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(speci\211ed)SG170 x(\211les.)S 258 x(Specify)S 10773 X 547 y(the)S 178 x(date)S 177 x1C(according)S 178 x(to)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(rules)S 177 x(described)S6G178 x(in)S 177 x(Chapter)S 177 x(1)S 178 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(VMS)S E177 x(DCL)S 10773 X 548 y(Concepts)S 167 x(Manual.)S 252 x(Absolute)S4E166 x(date)S 166 x(keywords)S 167 x(are)S 167 x(allowed.)S 251 x(If)StD166 x(you)S 168 x(specify)S 167 x(0)S 167 x(as)S 10773 X 548 y(the)SD166 x(date,)S 167 x(today')S -19 x(s)S 166 x(date)S 165 x(is)S 166 xG(used.)S 10773 28085 XY F25(/RVCOU)S -2 x(NT=count)S 10773 X 598 y F1515C(Sets)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(value)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(the)S2D167 x(revision)S 166 x(count)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)SF166 x(header)S -36 x(.)S 10773 29779 XY F25(/UPDA)S -53 x(TE)S 10773 XD797 y(/NOUPD)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TE)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 yFF151(Normally)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(\211le')S -18 x(s)S 179 x(revision)SH181 x(date)S 180 x(will)S 179 x(be)S 180 x(updated)S 180 x(after)S 179 xH(any)S 181 x(modi\211cation)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 177 x(it.)S 271 x(SET)SP177 x(however)S 178 x(disables)S 176 x(this)S 176 x(update)S 177 x(\(otherwise)SG177 x(the)S 177 x(REVI)S -2 x(SION)S 177 x(date)S 10773 X 548 y(could)SxH170 x(not)S 170 x(be)S 169 x(set\).)S 256 x(Specify)S 169 x(this)S 169 xD(quali\211er)S 170 x(if)S 170 x(you)S 170 x(want)S 169 x(the)S 169 xG(revision)S 170 x(date)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(updated.)SeF10773 33913 XY F25(/VFCSIZE=size)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Sets)S 171 x(a)SC171 x(new)S 172 x(value)S 172 x(for)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(VFC)S 171 x1F(size)S 170 x(in)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(header)S -37 x(.)SG261 x(This)S 172 x(value)S 172 x(will)S 171 x(only)S 10773 X 548 y(be)S(F166 x(used)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(VFC)S 166 x(record)S 166 x-(type.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(1)S -27 x(1\2034)S6EP PPE %%PageTrailerS1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2%x%%Page: (11-5) 522%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYB0 SC 27095 1807 XY F28(SET)S 27177 36925 XY F36(1)S -27 x(1\2035)SEP PP7 %%PageTrailerX%%PageFonts: Helvetica-BoldL%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)6%(%%Page: (12-1) 53i%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)1 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(12)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(M(UND)S 2 x(ELETE)S 846 x 8652 Y F151(This)S 195 x(chapter)S 194 x(describes)S E194 x(the)S 195 x(UNDELETE)S 193 x(command)S 194 x(with)S 194 x(the)S L195 x(related)S 10773 X 598 y(parameters)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(quali\211ers.)SG5094 10196 XY 23160 96 R 2404 10893 XY F24(12.1)S 5094 X(Introduction)S)E10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 174 x(UNDELETE)S 172 x(function)S 175 x(is)S1L172 x(designed)S 174 x(to)S 173 x(recover)S 175 x(deleted)S 173 x(\211les,)SF175 x(if)S 173 x(possible.)S 10773 X 598 y(UNDELETE)S 161 x(operates)SH162 x(in)S 162 x(a)S 162 x(safe)S 162 x(mode)S 162 x(such)S 162 x(that)SF162 x(it)S 162 x(\211rst)S 162 x(checks)S 163 x(if)S 162 x(the)S 162 xO(deleted)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le)S 178 x(header)S 178 x(and)S 178 x(diskblocks)SCD177 x(are)S 178 x(still)S 177 x(available.)S 273 x(Only)S 177 x(in)SI178 x(that)S 178 x(case)S 177 x(will)S 177 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(\211le)SSF174 x(be)S 173 x(recovered.)S 265 x(Otherwise)S 172 x(UNDELETE)S 172 xD(will)S 173 x(leave)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(disk)S 173 x(unmodi\211ed.)SC10773 X 598 y(UNDELETE)S 165 x(has)S 166 x(some)S 166 x(powerfull)S%F166 x(options:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Generate)S 187 x(a)S 188 xC(list)S 186 x(of)S 188 x(recoverable)S 188 x(\211les)S 188 x(with)SoD187 x(the)S 188 x(/LIST)S 188 x(quali\211er)S -37 x(.)S 293 x(This)SE11670 X 597 y(quali\211er)S 177 x(will)S 176 x(not)S 176 x(undelete)S)D178 x(any)S 177 x(\211le,)S 180 x(and)S 177 x(therefore)S 177 x(it)SD176 x(does)S 176 x(not)S 177 x(lock)S 177 x(up)S 11670 X 598 y(the)SD166 x(disk.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Undelete)S 166 x(multiple)SI166 x(\211les)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(one)S 166 x(pass.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S6G595 x(Make)S 170 x(\211le)S 170 x(selections)S 169 x(based)S 170 x(on)S1G170 x(the)S 170 x(owner)S 170 x(with)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(/OWNER)S 168 xEH(or)S 170 x(/IDENT)S 11670 X 597 y(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 yF(\201)S 595 x(Undeleted)S 155 x(\211les)S 155 x(which)S 156 x(cannot)SF155 x(be)S 156 x(entered)S 155 x(back)S 156 x(in)S 155 x(their)S 156 xC(original)S 156 x(directory)S 11670 X 598 y(will)S 176 x(be)S 176 x C(moved)S 177 x(to)S 176 x(the)S 177 x([SYSLOST])S 176 x(directory)S J-55 x(.)S 271 x(This)S 176 x(saves)S 177 x(an)S 177 x(additional)S 11670 XK597 y(ANAL)S -47 x(YZE/DISK/REP)S -38 x(AIR)S 166 x(action.)S 5094 22882 XY2I23160 96 R 2404 23579 XY F24(12.2)S 5094 X(File)S 166 x(speci\211cation)SlE165 x(syntax)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Because)S 164 x(a)S 164 x(deleted)S(D164 x(\211le)S 164 x(no)S 165 x(longer)S 165 x('knows')S 163 x(its)SE163 x(parent)S 164 x(directory)S 165 x(you)S 165 x(must)S 164 x(NOT)SuI10773 X 598 y(enter)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(directory)S 174 x(speci\211cation)S6E174 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(\211le)S 174 x(name.)S 265 x(Therefore)S6H175 x(,)S 176 x(the)S 173 x(syntax)S 175 x(to)S 10773 X 597 y(undelete)SH167 x(a)S 166 x(speci\211c)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(:)S 11490 XO897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(UNDELETE)S 240 x(/file=<)S 2 x(filename.ext>)S)Q11012 X 747 y(eg:)S -239 x 747 y(DFU>)S 240 x(UNDELETE)S 240 x($1$DIA1:/file=FO)SiC2 x(O.BAR)S 10773 X 897 y F151(DFU)S 175 x(will)S 174 x(try)S 175 x H(to)S 174 x(re-enter)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(\211le)S 175 x(in)S 175 x(its)SI174 x(original)S 175 x(directory;)S 181 x(it)S 174 x(that)S 175 x(fails)SJ174 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(entered)SD166 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x([SYSLOST])S 165 x(directory)S -55 x(.)SD5094 30503 XY 23160 96 R 2404 31201 XY F24(12.3)S 5094 X(How)S 166 xC(Undelete)S 165 x(works)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 167 x(UNDELETE)SpE165 x(command)S 166 x(operates)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(follows)S 165 x(:)S7E10773 X 897 y(1)S 620 x(Lock)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(volume.)S 274 x(In)SDE179 x(the)S 178 x(same)S 177 x(manner)S 179 x(as)S 178 x(ANAL)S -46 x1C(YZE/DISK)S -2 x(/REP)S -36 x(AIR)S 11670 X 598 y(and)S 188 x(SET)SfD188 x(VOLUME)S 188 x(/REBUILD)S 187 x(Undelete)S 189 x(locks)S 189 xE(the)S 188 x(disk)S 188 x(for)S 189 x(other)S 11670 X 597 y(writers)S G158 x(such)S 159 x(that)S 159 x(no)S 159 x(modi\211cations)S 159 x(to)SxD158 x(the)S 159 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(,)S 159 x(BITMAP)S 159 x(or)S 159 xE(QUOT)S -28 x(A)S 11670 X 598 y(\211le)S 166 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 xo%(made.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(12\2031)SNEP PP %%PageTrailerN2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier)%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Page: (12-2) 54s%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)c PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(UNDELETE)S 10773 4866 XY F151(2)S 620 x(Search)SD167 x(the)S 167 x(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 x(.SYS)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 xC(if)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(requested)S 167 x(\211le)S 167 x(is)S 166 x0H(still)S 166 x(there.)S 251 x(A)S 166 x(check)S 11670 X 598 y(is)S 165 xG(made)S 166 x(if)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(really)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 xmH(valid)S 166 x(deleted)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(header)S -36 x(.)S 10773 XE896 y(3)S 620 x(Checks)S 166 x(if)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(deleted)S 166 x)G(\211le)S 166 x(header)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(all)S 166 x(possible)S 165 xnD(extension)S 167 x(headers)S 166 x(are)S 11670 X 598 y(still)S 165 xG(valid.)S 10773 X 897 y(4)S 620 x(Checks)S 166 x(if)S 166 x(the)S 166 xeH(blocks)S 166 x(previously)S 167 x(owned)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(this)S 165 xC(\211le)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(still)S 165 x(free.)S 10773 X 896 y(5)STC620 x(If)S 168 x(all)S 168 x(these)S 168 x(conditions)S 169 x(are)S9F168 x(met)S 169 x(DFU)S 168 x(will)S 167 x(display)S 169 x(the)S 168 xF(\211le)S 169 x(and)S 169 x(asks)S 168 x(for)S 168 x(a)S 11670 X 598 yG(con\211rmation.)S 10773 X 897 y(6)S 620 x(Rebuilds)S 172 x(all)S 172 x7F(of)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(deleted)S 172 x(\211le)S 173 x(headers)S 173 xE(and)S 172 x(bitmaps)S 172 x(in)S 173 x(memory)S -55 x(.)S 262 x(If)SMG172 x(no)S 11670 X 598 y(errors)S 174 x(are)S 174 x(found)S 175 x(all)S)F174 x(the)S 174 x(\211le)S 175 x(headers)S 174 x(and)S 174 x(bitmaps)SI174 x(are)S 174 x(written)S 174 x(back)S 174 x(to)S 11670 X 597 y(disk.)S6C249 x(The)S 167 x(\211les)S 166 x(original)S 167 x(backlink)S 167 xuG(is)S 165 x(saved)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(table)S 165 x(in)S 167 xSC(memory)S -55 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(7)S 620 x(If)S 165 x(appropiate)S6H166 x(the)S 166 x(blocks)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(headers)S 166 x(are)S 166 xE(charged)S 167 x(against)S 166 x(diskquota.)S 10773 X 897 y(8)S 620 x(F(When)S 166 x(all)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS)S 165 x(has)SH166 x(been)S 167 x(scanned)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(volume)S 166 x(is)S 166 xD(unlocked.)S 10773 X 896 y(9)S 620 x(The)S 177 x(\211le\(s\))S 177 xM(is)S 176 x(\(are\))S 176 x(entered)S 177 x(in)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(original)SeD178 x(directory)S 177 x(if)S 177 x(possible,)S 179 x(using)S 11670 XC598 y(the)S 178 x(table)S 178 x(build)S 178 x(up)S 178 x(in)S 179 x)H(memory)S -55 x(.)S 274 x(If)S 177 x(the)S 179 x(enter)S 178 x(command)SD178 x(fails)S 178 x(\(probably)S 11670 X 598 y(because)S 190 x(the)SH189 x(original)S 191 x(directory)S 190 x(is)S 189 x(gone\))S 191 x(the)SI189 x(\211le)S 190 x(will)S 189 x(be)S 190 x(entered)S 190 x(in)S 11670 XG598 y([SYSLOST].)S 165 x(DFU)S 166 x(will)S 165 x(create)S 167 x(this)SzF165 x(directory)S 167 x(if)S 166 x(needed.)S 10773 17020 XY(If)S 188 xG(the)S 188 x(/LIST)S 189 x(quali\211er)S 188 x(is)S 188 x(used,)S 194 x M(DFU)S 188 x(will)S 187 x(just)S 188 x(list)S 187 x(the)S 189 x(recoverable)S9F189 x(\211les)S 10773 X 598 y(without)S 166 x(performing)S 167 x(any)SE167 x(action)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(disk.)S 249 x(The)S 167 xaC(disk)S 166 x(will)S 165 x(not)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(locked.)S 10773 X2E897 y(It)S 172 x(is)S 172 x(important)S 173 x(to)S 172 x(note)S 173 xsC(that)S 173 x(during)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(bitmap)S 172 x(and)S 173 xSE(\211le)S 173 x(header)S 173 x(processing)S 10773 X 598 y(any)S 169 xaG(error)S 168 x(will)S 167 x(immediately)S 168 x(terminate)S 167 x(the)SKC168 x(recover)S 2 x(y)S 168 x(process,)S 168 x(and)S 168 x(unlock)S:C169 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(disk.)S 250 x(Files)S 166 x(which)S 167 x I(have)S 167 x(been)S 167 x(recovered)S 167 x(up)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(that)SUC166 x(point)S 167 x(will)S 165 x(still)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(entered)SiC10773 X 598 y(in)S 181 x(the)S 180 x(appropiate)S 180 x(directory)S G-55 x(.)S 278 x(As)S 180 x(no)S 181 x(wrong)S 181 x(information)S 180 xaC(has)S 180 x(been)S 181 x(written)S 10773 X 598 y(back)S 167 x(to)SXH165 x(the)S 167 x(disk)S 166 x(this)S 165 x(should)S 167 x(leave)S 166 xF(the)S 166 x(disk)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(proper)S 166 x(state.)SD10773 X 896 y(NOTE:)S 210 x(The)S 211 x(blocks)S 210 x(recover)S 2 xI(ed)S 210 x(will)S 209 x(NOT)S 210 x(be)S 210 x(subtracted)S 210 x(from)SxC211 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(V)S -46 x(olume')S -19 x(s)S 194 x(free)S(H193 x(block)S 195 x(count.)S 305 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 194 x(get)S 194 x(the)SD194 x(actual)S 194 x(freeblock)S 194 x(count)S 194 x(a)S 194 x(SET)SI10773 X 598 y(VOLUME/REBUILD)S -2 x(=FORCE)S 179 x(is)S 179 x(necessary)SxI-54 x(.)S 277 x(Also)S 179 x(a)S 180 x(complete)S 180 x(reMOUNT)S 10773 XsG598 y(will)S 165 x(reset)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(freeblock)S 167 x(count.)SSF10773 X 896 y(IMPORT)S -28 x(ANT)S -27 x(:)S 174 x(DFU)S 174 x(takes)SD173 x(care)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(recover)S 175 x(only)S 174 x(\211les)SG174 x(whose)S 173 x(original)S 175 x(blocks)S 10773 X 598 y(are)S 173 xlG(free.)S 262 x(However)S 172 x(these)S 172 x(blocks)S 173 x(may)S 172 x)D(have)S 173 x(been)S 173 x(modi\211ed)S 172 x(in)S 173 x(the)S 172 xC(meantime)S 10773 X 598 y(by)S 171 x(another)S 171 x(\211le)S 171 xfE(which)S 171 x(also)S 170 x(has)S 170 x(been)S 171 x(deleted.)S 258 x0H(Therefore)S 172 x(each)S 171 x(recovered)S 171 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 yD(must)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(checked)S 167 x(manually)S 167 x(to)S 166 xI(check)S 167 x(its)S 165 x(integrity)S -54 x(.)S 10773 28079 XY(Example)SdG166 x(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(Undelete)S 166 x(session)S 165 x(:)S 10773 X/F897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(undel)S 239 x($1$dua102:/li)S 2 x(st)S 10773 XF747 y(Recoverable)S 240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHANGE_UIC)S 2 x(.FOR;2)SO239 x(found)S 10773 X 448 y(Recoverable)S 240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHECK_ID.F)SSG2 x(OR;1)S 239 x(found)S 10773 X 448 y(Recoverable)S 240 x(file)S 240 x I([TEST]CHKPRDIMG.)S 2 x(FOR;1)S 239 x(found)S 10773 X 449 y(Recoverable)S5D240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHRLEN.FOR)S 2 x(;1)S 239 x(found)S 10773 XF747 y(DFU>)S 240 x(undel/file=*.for)S 240 x($1$DUA102:)S 10773 X 747 yH(%DFU-I-READBMA)S 2 x(P,)S 239 x(Reading)S 240 x(BITMAP.SYS...)S 10773 XF448 y(%DFU-W-LOCKED,)S 241 x(Volume)S 239 x(now)S 240 x(LOCKED)S 240 xF(for)S 239 x(write)S 10773 X 449 y(%DFU-I-UNDEL,)S 241 x(Start)S 239 xC(search)S 240 x(on)S 239 x($1$DUA102:)S 5094 36925 XY F36(12\2032)S6EP PP) %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier7%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)6%(%%Page: (12-3) 55(%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 20927 1807 XY F24(UND)S -2 x(ELETE)S 280 x(command)S 22186 X 797 yeIF28(How)S 279 x(Undelete)S 280 x(works)S 10773 4766 XY F102(Recovera>ble)S4H240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHANGE_UIC)S 2 x(.FOR;2)S 239 x(found)S 10773 XF448 y(Recover)S 240 x(this)S 239 x(file?)S 240 x(\(Y/N\))S 240 x([N])SU239 x(:)S 239 x(n)S 10773 X 448 y(Recoverable)S 240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHECK_ID.F)S1C2 x(OR;1)S 239 x(found)S 10773 X 449 y(Recover)S 240 x(this)S 239 xwF(file?)S 240 x(\(Y/N\))S 240 x([N])S 239 x(:)S 239 x(y)S 10773 X 448 yL(%DFU-S-RECOVER)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(File)S 239 x(succesfully)S 241 x(recovered)SM10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-ADDQUOT)S 2 x(A,)S 239 x(updating)S 240 x(diskquota...)SxE10773 X 747 y(Recoverable)S 240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHKPRDIMG.)S 2 x)I(FOR;1)S 239 x(found)S 10773 X 449 y(Recover)S 240 x(this)S 239 x(file?)S4K240 x(\(Y/N\))S 240 x([N])S 239 x(:)S 239 x(n)S 10773 X 448 y(Recoverable)S D240 x(file)S 240 x([TEST]CHRLEN.FOR)S 2 x(;1)S 239 x(found)S 10773 XF448 y(Recover)S 240 x(this)S 239 x(file?)S 240 x(\(Y/N\))S 240 x([N])SG239 x(:)S 239 x(y)S 10773 X 748 y(%DFU-S-RECOVER)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(File)SD239 x(succesfully)S 241 x(recovered)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-ADDQUOT)SM2 x(A,)S 239 x(updating)S 240 x(diskquota...)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-UNLOCK,)S)C241 x(Volume)S 239 x(unlocked)S 10773 X 449 y(%DFU-I-ENTER,)S 241 xdE(Entering)S 239 x(file\(s\))S 240 x(in)S 240 x(directory...)S 10773 X:F448 y(%DFU-S-ENTERED)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(File)S 239 x(CHECK_ID.FOR)S 241 xF(entered)S 239 x(in)S 240 x(original)S 240 x(directory)S 10773 X 448 yI(%DFU-S-ENTERED)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(File)S 239 x(CHRLEN.FOR)S 240 x(entered)SiH240 x(in)S 240 x(original)S 239 x(directory)S 10773 X 747 y(DFU>)S 240 xH(EXIT)S 5094 14761 XY 23160 96 R 2404 15459 XY F24(12.4)S 5094 X(Files)SG166 x(marked)S 165 x(for)S 167 x(delete)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Normally)S7E189 x(DFU)S 188 x(does)S 189 x(not)S 188 x(undelete)S 189 x(\211les)S D189 x(marked)S 189 x(for)S 188 x(delete.)S 295 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 189 xC(recover)S 10773 X 597 y(\211les)S 179 x(marked)S 179 x(for)S 179 xeJ(delete)S 179 x(you)S 180 x(must)S 178 x(use)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(/MARKED)SE178 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 275 x(This)S 179 x(will)S 10773 X 598 y1G(speci\211cally)S 177 x(undelete)S 178 x(\211les)S 176 x(marked)S 177 x5D(for)S 177 x(delete.)S 271 x(This)S 177 x(allows)S 176 x(the)S 177 xH(recovery)S 178 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y(\211les)S 178 x(which)S 179 x(are)SD178 x(deleted)S 178 x(but)S 179 x(still)S 177 x(open,)S 183 x(such)SG178 x(as)S 178 x(INST)S -27 x(ALLed)S 178 x(\211les,)S 182 x(or)S 178 xiF(even)S 10773 X 598 y(recovery)S 173 x(of)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(system)SI171 x(dump)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(SYSDUMP)S -65 x(.DMP)S 172 x(whenever)SSN173 x(such)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(is)S 10773 X 597 y(accidentially)SD167 x(deleted.)S 5094 X 847 y 23160 48 R 5094 21187 XY F20(UND)S 2 xH(ELETE)S 846 x 22682 Y F34(Recover)S 166 x(one)S 166 x(or)S 165 x(more)SD166 x(deleted)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(device.)SE5094 23877 XY 23160 204 R 5094 24895 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X4H-20 y(UNDELETE)S 697 x F23(devic)S -2 x(e[:])S 5094 26070 XY 23160 204 RH5094 26889 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(device)SF10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 185 x(device)S 185 x(on)S 185 x(which)S 184 xK(to)S 184 x(undelete)S 185 x(one)S 185 x(or)S 185 x(more)S 184 x(\211les.)StO286 x(The)S 185 x(device)S 185 x(will)S 183 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(write-locked)ScJ166 x(during)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(undelete)S 167 x(process.)S 5094 29159 XYO23160 204 R 5094 29977 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -21 y F25(/FILE=\211lename)S7C10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 184 x(\211le)S 184 x(to)S 183 x(be)S 184 xSE(recovered.)S 285 x(W)S -19 x(ildcards)S 183 x(may)S 184 x(be)S 184 x(C(used.)S 284 x(If)S 183 x(a)S 183 x(matching)S 185 x(\211le)S 183 x E(is)S 10773 X 547 y(found)S 170 x(Undelete)S 170 x(will)S 169 x(ask)S(C169 x(a)S 169 x(con\211r)S 2 x(mation.)S 256 x(If)S 169 x(a)S 169 xrF(certain)S 170 x(\211le)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(con\211rmed,)S 172 x(that)SF10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 170 x(will)S 168 x(be)S 169 x(recovered)S 170 xF(if)S 169 x(possible,)S 170 x(and)S 169 x(control)S 170 x(will)S 168 xH(be)S 169 x(returned)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(DFU>)S 10773 X 548 yC(prompt.)S 249 x(If)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/FILE)S 167 x(quali\211er)SzH166 x(is)S 166 x(omitted)S 165 x(DFU)S 166 x(will)S 165 x(assume)S 166 xF(*.*;*)S 167 x(.)S 10773 33243 XY F25(/IDENT=identi\211er)S 165 x(or)SH167 x(uic)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 169 x(can)S 168 x(search)SD168 x(for)S 167 x(\211les)S 168 x(owned)S 167 x(by)S 169 x(a)S 167 xJ(speci\211c)S 168 x(identi\211er)S 168 x(or)S 168 x(UIC.)S 167 x(Another)SE168 x(way)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(/OWNER_UI)S -2 x(C)S E167 x(quali\211er;)S 170 x(you)S 168 x(cannot)S 168 x(combine)S 168 x E(these)S 167 x(2)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 168 x(in)S 168 x(one)S 10773 XS>548 y(UNDELETE)S 165 x(command.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(12\2033)SEP PPa %%PageTrailerx#%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Courierm$%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliquel%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e% %%Page: (12-4) 56 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(UNDELETE)S 279 x(command)S 5094 X 797 y F28(UNDELETE)SE10773 5022 XY F25(/LIST\(=output)S 2 x(-\211le-name\))S 10773 X 598 y8EF151(Generate)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(list)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(recoverable)S9F176 x(\211les.)S 268 x(No)S 175 x(undelete)S 176 x(will)S 174 x(take)SH175 x(place,)S 178 x(and)S 176 x(the)S 10773 X 547 y(disk)S 166 x(will)SH165 x(not)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(locked.)S 250 x(The)S 166 x(defaultoutput)SF167 x(is)S 165 x(SYS$OUTPUT)S -46 x(.)S 10773 7263 XY F25(/MARK)S -2 xF(ED)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Consider)S 170 x(only)S 171 x(\211les)S 170 xF(marked-for)S -8 x(-delete.)S 257 x(Such)S 171 x(\211les)S 171 x(are)SD170 x(usuallly)S 171 x(still)S 169 x(open)S 171 x(by)S 10773 X 548 yF(some)S 166 x(utility)S -55 x(,)S 166 x(such)S 167 x(as)S 165 x(INST)SC-27 x(ALLed)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(system)SmG166 x(dump)S 166 x(\211le.)S 10773 9505 XY F25(/OWNER_U)S -2 x(IC=uic)S1M166 x(or)S 166 x(identi\211er)S 10773 X 598 y F151(This)S 180 x(quali\211er)S1G181 x(is)S 179 x(used)S 180 x(to)S 180 x(select)S 180 x(\211les)S 180 xnE(by)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(UIC)S 179 x(or)S 181 x(identi\211er)S 180 x(.)S7H278 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 180 x(cannot)S 10773 X 548 y(combine)S 167 x(this)SH165 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(with)S 166 x(/IDENT)S -47 x(.)S 10773 11747 XYCF25(/ST)S -51 x(A)S -52 x(TISTICS)S 10773 X 597 y F151(This)S 184 x1E(quali\211er)S 185 x(displays)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(performance)S 184 xxH(statistics)S -2 x(:)S 285 x(CPU)S 184 x(time,)S 188 x(Elapsed)S 10773 XI548 y(T)S -12 x(ime,)S 166 x(I/O)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(PageFau)S 2 x(lts.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(12\2034)SiEP PP5 %%PageTrailer-1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliquex%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %n%%Page: (12-5) 570%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XY>0 SC 25036 1807 XY F28(UNDELETE)S 27150 36925 XY F36(12\2035)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailerS%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold2%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Page: (13-1) 584%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)1 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(13)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20,E(SP)S -66 x(A)S -49 x(WN)S 10773 8652 XY F151(The)S 170 x(new)S 169 xSE(SP)S -37 x(A)S -46 x(WN)S 168 x(command)S 169 x(creates)S 169 x(an)S1C170 x(interactive)S 169 x(subprocess.)S 255 x(This)S 169 x(allows)SSE10773 X 598 y(a)S 181 x(quick)S 181 x(escape)S 180 x(to)S 181 x(the)S E181 x(DCL)S 180 x(level)S 181 x(from)S 180 x(an)S 181 x(interactive)SaC181 x(DFU)S 181 x(session.)S 278 x(The)S 10773 X 597 y(subprocess)S(F169 x(has)S 169 x(a)S 169 x(default)S 169 x(prompt)S 169 x(DFU_sub$.)SH256 x(In)S 169 x(SMG)S 169 x(mode)S 169 x(the)S 170 x()S 168 x(key)SD10773 X 598 y(also)S 169 x(performs)S 168 x(a)S 169 x(SP)S -37 x(A)SC-46 x(WN)S 169 x(command.)S 255 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 170 x(must)S 168 xxI(logout)S 170 x(explicitly)S 169 x(to)S 169 x(return)S 170 x(to)S 10773 X E598 y(the)S 166 x(DFU)S 166 x(session.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(13\2031)S EP PP %%PageTrailerl2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%3%%Page: (14-1) 59x%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(14)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20aE(VERIFY)S 10773 8652 XY F151(This)S 168 x(chapter)S 167 x(describes)S2E167 x(the)S 168 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY)S 167 x(command)S 168 x(with)S 167 xvC(the)S 167 x(related)S 167 x(parameters)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 166 x)I(quali\211ers.)S 5094 10196 XY 23160 96 R 2404 10893 XY F24(14.1)S 5094 XOE(Introduction)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 158 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY)S 157 xfE(command)S 157 x(makes)S 157 x(an)S 157 x(analysis)S 157 x(of)S 157 xDF(the)S 157 x(disk,)S 159 x(scanning)S 158 x(for)S 157 x(\211le)S 157 xC(and)S 10773 X 598 y(disk)S 168 x(structure)S 169 x(errors.)S 255 xiF(VERIFY)S 167 x(performs)S 168 x(almost)S 168 x(all)S 168 x(of)S 168 xF(the)S 169 x(checks)S 169 x(normally)S 10773 X 598 y(done)S 169 x(by)SD168 x(a)S 168 x(ANAL)S -46 x(YZE/DISK)S 167 x(command.)S 253 x(But)SF168 x(VERIFY)S 167 x(is)S 167 x(several)S 169 x(times)S 167 x(faster)SE10773 X 597 y(than)S 167 x(ANAL)S -47 x(YZE/DISK,)S 166 x(and)S 166 x D(uses)S 166 x(less)S 165 x(resources.)S 10773 X 897 y(VERIFY)S 165 xC(checks)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(reports)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S7E166 x(errors:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Checks)S 166 x(the)S 166 xSG(logical)S 167 x(information)S 166 x(contained)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(the)S8G166 x(disk')S -19 x(s)S 166 x(HOME)S 165 x(block)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S1K595 x(Reports)S 165 x(\211les)S 166 x(marked)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(deletion)SyH10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Reports)S 165 x(mismatches)S 165 x(in)S 167 xE(the)S 166 x(index)S 167 x(\211le')S -19 x(s)S 166 x(bitmap)S 10773 X D897 y(\201)S 595 x(Checks)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(VMS$COMMON.DIR)S 165 xH(backlink)S 167 x(on)S 166 x(system)S 166 x(disks)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)SH595 x(Checks)S 166 x(all)S 166 x(backlinks.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xD(Reports)S 165 x(multiple)S 166 x(allocated)S 166 x(blocks)S 10773 XE896 y(\201)S 595 x(Reports)S 165 x(blocks)S 166 x(incorrectly)S 168 x I(marked)S 166 x(free)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(allocated)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SoF595 x(Reports)S 165 x(all)S 166 x(lost)S 165 x(\211les)S 10773 X 897 yE(\201)S 595 x(Checks)S 181 x(for)S 182 x(mismatches)S 180 x(between)SSF181 x(blocks)S 182 x(used)S 181 x(and)S 182 x(blocks)S 181 x(charged)SC182 x(in)S 11670 X 597 y(QUOT)S -28 x(A.SYS.)S 166 x(\(Only)S 166 xxC(done)S 166 x(when)S 167 x(diskquota)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(enabled\))SeF5094 26169 XY 23160 96 R 2404 26867 XY F24(14.2)S 5094 X(Basic)S 165 xD(repair)S 166 x(actions)S -894 x 896 y F151(The)S 189 x(/FIX)S 189 xC(quali\211er)S 190 x(can)S 189 x(be)S 189 x(used)S 188 x(to)S 189 x2E(perform)S 189 x(some)S 188 x(basic)S 188 x(repair)S 189 x(actions.)S7F10773 X 598 y(Unlike)S 171 x(ANAL)S -46 x(YZE/DISK/RE)S -2 x(P)S -36 xE(AIR)S 169 x(this)S 170 x(does)S 170 x(not)S 171 x(lock)S 171 x(the)StD171 x(disk!)S 258 x(/FIX)S 170 x(repairs)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 xG(following)S 166 x(errors:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Deletes)S 165 xSF(\211le)S 166 x(marked)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(delete)S 166 x(\(if)S 165 xG(possible\).)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Recovers)S 166 x(lost)S 165 xoJ(\211les)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(directories)S 166 x(into)S 166 x([SYSLOST].)SI10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Recovers)S 169 x(a)S 169 x(very)S 170 x(rare)SlC170 x(problem)S 169 x(which)S 169 x(will)S 168 x(get)S 170 x(ANAL)S C-46 x(YZE/DISK)S -2 x(/REP)S -36 x(AIR)S 11670 X 598 y(into)S 168 x C(a)S 168 x(computable)S 169 x(loop)S 168 x(\(This)S 168 x(problem)S)D169 x(is)S 168 x(\211xed)S 169 x(in)S 168 x(VMS)S 168 x(V6.2)S 169 xG(or)S 168 x(with)S 168 x(the)S 11670 X 597 y(VERI)S -2 x(02_061)S 166 x C(patch)S 167 x(kit\).)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Recovers)S 205 xFE(a)S 204 x(corrupted)S 206 x(backlink)S 206 x(for)S 204 x(the)S 205 x D(Master)S 205 x(File)S 205 x(Directory)S 11670 X 598 y(000000.DIR.)S27150 36925 XY F36(14\2031)SEP PP. %%PageTrailerX2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%r%%Page: (14-2) 606%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)i PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYI0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(VERIFY)S 10773 4897 XY F151(\201)S 595 x(Recovers)SSK152 x(a)S 152 x(wrong)S 152 x(backlink)S 153 x(for)S 152 x(VMS$COMMON.DIR)S6C151 x(\211les)S 152 x(on)S 152 x(the)S 152 x(system)S 11670 X 598 y0I(disk)S 5094 7620 XY 23160 96 R 2404 8318 XY F24(14.3)S 5094 X(Advanced)SPH165 x(repair)S 166 x(actions)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 219 x(/REBUILD)SH217 x(quali\211er)S 219 x(can)S 219 x(be)S 218 x(used)S 218 x(to)S 218 xL(perform)S 219 x(some)S 217 x(more)S 10773 X 598 y(repair)S 198 x(actions.)SH313 x(This)S 198 x(will)S 197 x(however)S 198 x(lock)S 198 x(the)S 198 xG(disk)S 198 x(\(like)S 198 x(a)S 197 x(DCL)S 197 x($SET)S 10773 X 598 ycC(VOLUME/REBUILD)S -2 x(=FORCE)S 156 x(command\))S 156 x(for)S 157 xtK(a)S 156 x(short)S 157 x(period)S 156 x(of)S 157 x(time)S 156 x(\(usually)SSE10773 X 598 y(less)S 165 x(than)S 167 x(30)S 166 x(seconds\).)S 249 xeH(/REBUILD)S 165 x(repairs)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(errors)SH167 x(:)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Mismatches)S 190 x(in)S 191 x(the)SM191 x(INDEXF)S -56 x(.SYS)S 191 x(bitmap)S 190 x(\(\211les)S 191 x(reported)S E191 x(with)S 190 x(the)S 11670 X 598 y(NOBITSE)S -2 x(T)S 167 x(and)SyE166 x(NOBITCLR)S 165 x(errors\))S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Blocks)S1E166 x(incorrectly)S 167 x(marked)S 166 x(allocated)S 166 x(or)S 166 x7C(free)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(BITMAP)S -64 x(.SYS.)S 10773 XSH896 y(\201)S 595 x(Mismatches)S 165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(diskquota)SC166 x(\211le.)S 10773 15391 XY(Note)S 166 x(that)S 166 x(/REBUILD)S/H165 x(does)S 166 x(NOT)S 165 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk')SL-19 x(s)S 166 x(free)S 166 x(block)S 167 x(count.)S 5094 17317 XY 23160 96 RC2404 18015 XY F24(14.4)S 5094 X(Directory)S 166 x(scanning)S -611 x1E896 y F151(The)S 167 x(/DIRECTOR)S -20 x(Y_SCAN)S 165 x(quali\211er)S D167 x(will)S 166 x(force)S 167 x(DFU)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(also)S 166 xI(verify)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(repair)S 10773 X 598 y(\(when)S 172 x(using)S7E173 x(/FIX\))S 172 x(directory)S 173 x(problems.)S 261 x(This)S 172 x)J(quali\211er)S 173 x(directs)S 172 x(DFU)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(scan)S 10773 XD598 y(all)S 166 x(directories)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(disk.)SJ250 x(This)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(some)S 166 x(advantages)S 166 x(:)S 10773 XE896 y(\201)S 595 x(Better)S 191 x(detection)S 192 x(of)S 192 x(some)SCI192 x(cases)S 191 x(of)S 192 x('lost')S 190 x(\211les.)S 302 x(Combined)SG191 x(with)S 192 x(the)S 11670 X 598 y(/FIX)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 176 x%E(DFU)S 176 x(may)S 175 x(be)S 176 x(able)S 175 x(to)S 175 x(recover)S6E177 x(such)S 176 x(\211les)S 175 x(into)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(correct)SiC11670 X 598 y(directory)S 167 x(instead)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(moving)SmH167 x(such)S 167 x(\211les)S 166 x(to)S 166 x([SYSLOST].)S 10773 X 897 yE(\201)S 595 x(Detects)S 188 x(and)S 190 x(\211xes)S 190 x(\211le-id)ShH189 x(mismatches)S 189 x(between)S 189 x(directories)S 189 x(and)S 190 xJ(the)S 11670 X 597 y(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 x(.SYS)S 166 x(\211le.)S 10773 XF897 y(\201)S 595 x(Using)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(/DIREC)S -2 x(TOR)S -19 xE(Y_SCAN)S 169 x(quali\211er)S 17>1 x(makes)S 170 x(DFU)S 170 x(fully)SSF171 x(compatible)S 11670 X 598 y(with)S 165 x(ANAL)S -46 x(YZE/DISK.)SL10773 26284 XY(Please)S 177 x(note)S 178 x(that)S 177 x(a)S 177 x(complete)SG177 x(directory)S 178 x(scan)S 177 x(may)S 178 x(take)S 177 x(several)SaM178 x(minutes)S 177 x(to)S 10773 X 597 y(complete.)S 5094 27828 XY 23160 96 RxD2404 28525 XY F24(14.5)S 5094 X(Interpreting)S 167 x(errors)S -377 xI897 y F151(On)S 165 x(a)S 164 x(system)S 165 x(\(cluster\))S 164 x(wide)ScH164 x(mounted)S 165 x(disk)S 165 x(there)S 165 x(will)S 164 x(probably)SJ165 x(be)S 165 x(concurren)S 2 x(t)S 10773 X 598 y(disk)S 163 x(activity)SL164 x(during)S 164 x(the)S 163 x(VERIFY)S 162 x(command.)S 250 x(Therefore)SD164 x(VERIFY)S 162 x(may)S 163 x(report)S 10773 X 597 y(some)S 166 xD(errors)S 167 x(which)S 167 x(are)S 167 x(not)S 166 x(really)S 167 xD(errors.)S 251 x(T)S -30 x(ry)S 167 x(running)S 168 x(VERIFY)S 165 xF(2)S 167 x(or)S 167 x(3)S 166 x(times)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 178 x(see)SH178 x(if)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(errors)S 179 x(are)S 178 x(reported)S 178 xH(again.)S 274 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 178 x(get)S 179 x(a)S 177 x(really)S 179 xF(consistent)S 178 x(report)S 10773 X 598 y(from)S 177 x(VERIFY)S 176 xL(you)S 178 x(can)S 177 x(use)S 178 x(the)S 177 x(/LOCK)S 176 x(quali\211er)SJ-36 x(.)S 272 x(This)S 177 x(will)S 177 x(write-lock)S 177 x(the)S 10773 XD598 y(disk)S 179 x(during)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(VER)S -2 x(IFY)S 179 xG(run,)S 184 x(so)S 179 x(don')S -9 x(t)S 178 x(use)S 180 x(this)S 178 x(E(quali\211er)S 180 x(too)S 179 x(often.)S 276 x(\(The)S 10773 X 597 yoE(/REP)S -37 x(AIR)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 176 x(of)S 175 x(ANAL)S -46 x H(YZE/DISK)S 174 x(also)S 175 x(write-locks)S 174 x(the)S 176 x(disk\).)SE268 x(Even)S 176 x(if)S 10773 X 598 y(DFU)S 176 x(ends)S 176 x(ungr)S3C2 x(acefully)S 177 x(the)S 176 x(DFU)S 176 x(exit)S 176 x(handler)S D177 x(will)S 176 x(always)S 176 x(UNLOCK)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y$(disk.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(14\2032)SEP PPu %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)s% %%Page: (14-3) 61S%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)d PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 26098 1807 XY F28(VERIFY)S 5094 4596 XY 23160 96 R 2404 5294 XYGF24(14.6)S 5094 X(Error)S 168 x(reporting)S 747 x 896 y F151(An)S 166 xyF(example)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(typical)S 167 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY)SE166 x(run)S 167 x(follows:)S 10773 X 897 y F102(DFU>)S 240 x(VERIFY)S E239 x(mydisk)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-VERIFY,)S 241 x(Verifying)S 240 xxD(MYDISK:)S 10773 X 449 y(%DFU-S-CHKHOME)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(Home)S 239 xP(block)S 240 x(info)S 239 x(verified)S 240 x(OK)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-IFSCAN,)SN241 x(Scanning)S 240 x(INDEXF.SYS)S 240 x(...)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-CHKBITM)SO2 x(AP,)S 239 x(Checking)S 240 x(BITMAP.SYS...)S 10773 X 449 y(%DFU-I-CHKLOST)SSJ2 x(,)S 239 x(Checking)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(lost)S 240 x(files...)S 10773 XE448 y(%DFU-I-CHKQUOT)S 2 x(A,)S 239 x(Checking)S 240 x(QUOTA.SYS...)SSI10773 X 747 y(DFU>)S 240 x(VERIFY/REBUILD)S 240 x(sys$sysdevice)S 10773 X)E448 y(%DFU-W-LOCKED,)S 241 x(Volume)S 239 x(now)S 240 x(write)S 239 xQQ(locked)S 10773 X 449 y(%DFU=I-VERIFY,)S 241 x(Verifying)S 240 x(SYS$SYSDEVICE:)S1G10773 X 448 y(%DFU-S-CHKHOME)S 2 x(,)S 239 x(Home)S 239 x(block)S 240 x1F(info)S 239 x(verified)S 240 x(OK)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-W-DELETED)S 2 xD(,)S 239 x(file)S 239 x(\(620,351,1\))S 241 x(RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.T)SS2 x(MP;3)S 239 x(marked)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(delete)S 10773 X 449 y(%DFU-W-DELETED)SaE2 x(,)S 239 x(file)S 239 x(\(6349,173,1\))S 241 x(DCLTABLES.EXE;937)SxH240 x(marked)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(delete)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-W-DELETED)SG2 x(,)S 239 x(file)S 239 x(\(19745,35,1\))S 241 x(RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.)S1C2 x(TMP;3)S 239 x(marked)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(delete)S 10773 X 448 y)J(%DFU-I-CHKBITM)S 2 x(AP,)S 239 x(Checking)S 240 x(BITMAP.SYS...)S 10773 XJ449 y(%DFU-E-ALLOCCL)S 2 x(R,)S 239 x(blocks)S 240 x(LBN)S 239 x(2667141)SI240 x(through)S 240 x(2667143)S 239 x(incorrectl)S 2 x(y)S 239 x(marked)S.H239 x(allocated)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-E-ALLOCCL)S 2 x(R,)S 239 x(blocks)SN240 x(LBN)S 239 x(2667153)S 240 x(through)S 240 x(2667161)S 239 x(incorrectl)SG2 x(y)S 239 x(marked)S 239 x(allocated)S 11251 X 448 y(.)S -239 x 449 y8E(.)S -717 x 448 y(%DFU-S-RBDBITM)S 2 x(AP,)S 239 x(BITMAP.SYS)S 240 xSE(succesfully)S 240 x(rebuild)S 10773 X 448 y(%DFU-I-CHKLOST)S 2 x(,)S(H239 x(Checking)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(lost)S 240 x(files...)S 10773 X 448 yF(%DFU-I-UNLOCK,)S 241 x(Volume)S 239 x(unlocked)S 10773 X 748 y(DFU>)SH10773 X 896 y F151(VERIFY)S 165 x(can)S 166 x(report)S 166 x(the)S 167 xD(following)S 166 x(errors:)S 9578 19540 XY(ALLOCCLR)S -2 x(,)S 167 xG(blocks)S 166 x(incorrectly)S 167 x(marked)S 167 x(allocated,)S 10773 XuD897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)S 10773 X 896 y F153E(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(Blocks)S 169 x(were)S 169 x(found)S)H170 x(which)S 170 x(are)S 170 x(not)S 169 x(allocated)S 170 x(by)S 170 xD(a)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(but)S 169 x(set)S 10773 X 598 y(in)S 181 xF(the)S 180 x(BITMAP)S 181 x(\211le.)S 278 x(This)S 181 x(error)S 181 xG(is)S 180 x(often)S 181 x(seen)S 180 x(when)S 181 x(VERIFY)S 179 x(is)SJ180 x(run)S 181 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(there)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(concurren)SD2 x(t)S 173 x(\211le)S 175 x(activity)S 174 x(on)S 174 x(the)S 175 xH(disk.)S 265 x(Also,)S 175 x(if)S 174 x(after)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(system)SI173 x(crash)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 179 x(disk)S 180 x(is)S 178 x(mounted)SnC180 x(with)S 179 x(/NOREBUI)S -2 x(LD)S 179 x(such)S 180 x(blocks)SeE179 x(may)S 180 x(exist.)S 276 x(ReRun)S 10773 X 598 y(VERIFY)S 165 x7C(with)S 165 x(/LOCK)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(see)S 166 x(if)S 165 x(the)SoC167 x(error)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(still)S 165 x(there.)S 10773 X 896 y KF153(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Run)S 167 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/REBUILD)SsE165 x(to)S 166 x(rebuild)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(BITMAP)S 166 x(\211le.)S M9578 25717 XY(ALLOCSE)S -2 x(T)S -45 x(,)S 166 x(blocks)S 167 x(incorrectly)S1F167 x(marked)S 166 x(free,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151D(ERR)S -2 x(OR)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151D(Blocks)S 169 x(were)S 169 x(found)S 170 x(which)S 170 x(are)S 170 xH(allocated)S 169 x(by)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(but)S 170 x(not)SI169 x(set)S 10773 X 598 y(in)S 181 x(the)S 180 x(BITMAP)S 181 x(\211le.)SSF278 x(This)S 181 x(error)S 181 x(is)S 180 x(often)S 181 x(seen)S 180 xG(when)S 181 x(VERIFY)S 179 x(is)S 180 x(run)S 181 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y/M(there)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(concurren)S 2 x(t)S 173 x(\211le)S 175 x(activity)SsC174 x(on)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(disk.)S 265 x(Also,)S 175 x(if)S 174 xXC(after)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(system)S 173 x(crash)S 10773 X 598 y(the)SiE179 x(disk)S 180 x(is)S 178 x(mounted)S 180 x(with)S 179 x(/NOREBUI)SuF-2 x(LD)S 179 x(such)S 180 x(blocks)S 179 x(may)S 180 x(exist.)S 276 xE(ReRun)S 10773 X 597 y(VERIFY)S 165 x(with)S 165 x(/LOCK)S 166 x(to)S I166 x(see)S 166 x(if)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(error)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(still)SiC165 x(there.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151 F(Run)S 167 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/REBUILD)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(rebuild)S 166 xG(the)S 167 x(BITMAP)S 166 x(\211le.)S 9578 31894 XY(BAD)S -2 x(BLOCK,)S1H166 x(\211le)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(suspected)S 166 x(bad)S 165 x(blocks,)SG10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)S 10773 X 896 y3DF153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(A)S 169 x(\211le)S 169 x(has)SE169 x(suspected)S 169 x(bad)S 169 x(blocks.)S 257 x(This)S 169 x(is)StF169 x(likely)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(be)S 169 x(caused)S 10773 X 598 y(by)SD167 x(hardware)S 166 x(errors)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(disk.)SC10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 157 x(Action:)S 251 x F151(T)S -31 x(ry)SSC158 x(to)S 158 x(copy)S 158 x(the)S 158 x(\211le)S 158 x(to)S 157 x2C(another)S 158 x(location.)S 250 x(Also)S 157 x(check)S 159 x(the)Sd?157 x(Error)S 10773 X 597 y(Log.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(14\2033)S(EP PP %%PageTrailer\2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman!%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Boldx%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%)%%Page: (14-4) 627%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(VERIFY)S 9578 4866 XY F151(BAD)S -2 x(EXTLNK,)SyH166 x(link)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(extension)S 167 x(header)S 166 x(broken,)SG10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)S 10773 X 896 ynDF153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(VERI)S -2 x(FY)S 171 x(tries)SD170 x(to)S 170 x(follow)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(extension)S 171 x(link)SD171 x(of)S 171 x(the)S 170 x(\211le)S 171 x(and)S 170 x(it)S 10773 XG598 y(failed,)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(extension)S 167 x(header)StE166 x(is)S 166 x(invalid.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 181 x(Action:)S1H251 x F151(T)S -31 x(ry)S 183 x(ANAL)S -47 x(YZE/DISK/REP)S -38 x(AIR.)SC181 x(However)S -36 x(,)S 186 x(this)S 181 x(may)S 182 x(be)S 182 xSE(an)S 10773 X 597 y(unrepairable)S 167 x(error)S -36 x(,)S 166 x(in)S(H167 x(which)S 166 x(case)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(will)S 166 xD(be)S 166 x(corrupted)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(unreliable.)S 9578 9847 XYD(BAD)S -2 x(MFDLNK,)S 167 x(directory)S 167 x(has)S 166 x(backlink)SC167 x(to)S 165 x(000000.DIR)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(R)S -19 x(VN)S 166 xcG(n,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)S 10773 X G897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(A)S 171 x(directory)S 173 xiE(has)S 171 x(a)S 172 x(backlink)S 173 x(to)S 171 x(a)S 172 x(Master)S8C172 x(\211le)S 172 x(directory)S 172 x(other)S 10773 X 597 y(than)SiH167 x(the)S 168 x(one)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(R)S -18 x(VN)S 166 x(1.)S 251 xC(This)S 167 x(is)S 167 x(incorrect,)S 168 x(but)S 167 x(the)S 167 xDD(only)S 168 x(way)S 167 x(to)S 167 x(recover)S 168 x(is)S 166 x(to)SF10773 X 598 y(reenter)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(manually)SF167 x(into)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(000000.DIR)S 165 x(on)S 167 x(R)S -19 xE(VN)S 166 x(1.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 174 x(Action:)S 251 x F151.G(Do)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(SET)S 174 x(FILE/ENTER)S 174 x(into)S 174 x(the)SeG175 x(000000.DIR)S 173 x(directory)S 176 x(on)S 10773 X 598 y(R)S -19 xsD(VN)S 166 x(1,)S 166 x(then)S 167 x(do)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(SET)S 166 xI(FILE/REMOVE)S 165 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(wrong)S 166 x(000000.DIR.)S D9578 15426 XY(DELETED)S -2 x(,)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(marked)S 166 xD(for)S 167 x(delete,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)SF-47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(A)SC178 x(\211le)S 179 x(was)S 178 x(found)S 179 x(marked)S 179 x(for)SxF179 x(deletion.)S 275 x(Such)S 180 x(\211les)S 178 x(usually)S 10773 XC597 y(exists)S 170 x(as)S 170 x(a)S 171 x(result)S 171 x(of)S 170 xoF(\211le)S 171 x(being)S 172 x(deleted)S 170 x(while)S 170 x(it)S 171 xF(was)S 170 x(still)S 169 x(INST)S -27 x(ALLed,)S 172 x(or)S 171 x(as)SD10773 X 598 y(a)S 169 x(result)S 169 x(of)S 168 x(a)S 169 x(system)SC168 x(crash.)S 256 x(It)S 168 x(is)S 168 x(not)S 169 x(considered)S0H170 x(as)S 168 x(an)S 169 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 255 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 170 xG(can)S 169 x(try)S 169 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(delete)S 166 x(such)S 166 xVM(\211les)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(using)S 167 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/FIX.)S 9578 20109 XYlG(ERRH)S -2 x(OME,)S 166 x(Home)S 166 x(block)S 167 x(info)S 166 x(not)SRE166 x(OK,)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)SCF10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(The)S 174 x(Info)SC174 x(contained)S 175 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(Home)S 174 x(Block)S C174 x(was)S 174 x(not)S 174 x(consistent)S 10773 X 598 y(or)S 166 xmH(corrupted.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Run)SD167 x(ANAL)S -47 x(YZE/DISK/REP)S -38 x(AIR)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(try)SJ167 x(to)S 166 x(\211x)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 9578 24492 XYF(INVBA)S -2 x(KFID,)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(invalid)S 167 xF(backlink,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)SI10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(The)S 178 x(\211les)S(G178 x(backlink)S 178 x(\211le)S 178 x(id)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(not)S 178 x D(\211lled)S 178 x(in.)S 273 x(This)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(likely)S 179 xE(to)S 10773 X 597 y(be)S 181 x(a)S 180 x(lost)S 180 x(\211le.)S 279 xsH(\(Note)S 180 x(that)S 181 x(once)S 181 x(VERIFY)S 179 x(reports)S 180 xC(this)S 181 x(error)S -37 x(,)S 185 x(it)S 180 x(will)S 180 x(not)S-F181 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(reported)S 168 x(again)S 169 x(during)S 170 xE(the)S 168 x(LOSTFILE)S 168 x(check\).)S 254 x(But)S 168 x(is)S 168 xSH(also)S 168 x(possible)S 167 x(that)S 168 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le)SE166 x(is)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(valid)S 167 x(directory)S -55 x I(,)S 167 x(but)S 166 x(that)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(Backlink)S 167 x(\211le)StF166 x(id)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(not)S 167 x(\211lled)S 166 x(in.)S 10773 XE897 y F153(User)S 188 x(Action:)S 251 x F151(Run)S 189 x(ANAL)S -46 x)J(YZE/DISK)S -2 x(/REP)S -36 x(AIR.)S 188 x(If)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(\211le)SG189 x(is)S 188 x(in)S 189 x(a)S 189 x(valid)S 10773 X 597 y(directory)S)F165 x(the)S 165 x(backlink)S 166 x(will)S 164 x(be)S 164 x(repaired.)SD250 x(Otherwise)S 164 x(the)S 164 x(\211le)S 165 x(will)S 164 x(be)SF165 x(moved)S 165 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 172 x([SYSLOS)S -2 x(T])SI172 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 260 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 172 x(can)S 171 x(also)S)E171 x(use)S 172 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/FIX)S 172 x(but)S 171 x(then)S 172 xuI(the)S 172 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 y(will)S 165 x(uncon)S 2 x(ditionally)SxD166 x(be)S 166 x(moved)S 166 x(to)S 166 x([SYSLOST].)S 9578 31865 XYC(LOCKE)S -2 x(D,)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(deaccess)S 166 x(G(locked,)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)SoH10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(The)S 189 x(\211le)SD188 x(is)S 188 x(deaccess)S 188 x(locked.)S 294 x(This)S 189 x(may)SF188 x(be)S 189 x(a)S 188 x(result)S 188 x(of)S 188 x(a)S 10773 X 598 yH(system)S 166 x(crash.)S 10773 X 896 y F153(User)S 172 x(Action:)S 251 xHF151(T)S -31 x(ry)S 174 x(to)S 172 x(unlock)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)SG173 x(with)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(DFU)S 172 x(SET)S 172 x(command,)S 175 xoE(or)S 173 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(DCL)S 166 x(UNLOCK)S 165 x(command.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(14\2034)S1EP PP8 %%PageTrailern2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Bold1%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Page: (14-5) 63t%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)2 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYC0 SC 26098 1807 XY F28(VERIFY)S 9578 4866 XY F151(LOSTHDR1,)S 165 xSC(\211le)S 166 x(found)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(nonex)S 2 x(istent)S 165 x)D(directory)S -54 x(,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)SK-47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(During)SaE195 x(the)S 195 x(lost)S 194 x(\211le)S 195 x(check)S 195 x(a)S 195 xxE(\211le)S 195 x(was)S 193 x(discovered)S 195 x(in)S 195 x(a)S 10773 XuJ598 y(nonexistent)S 169 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 253 x(This)S 168 x(error)SF169 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 168 x(caused)S 168 x(as)S 167 x(follows)S 167 xC(:)S 253 x(set)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(directory)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le)S1J166 x(to)S 166 x(NODIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(delete)SF166 x(it.)S 10773 X 896 y F153(User)S 191 x(Action:)S 251 x F151(Run)SD192 x(VERIFY)S -2 x(/FIX)S 192 x(to)S 192 x(move)S 192 x(the)S 192 xL(\211le)S 191 x(to)S 192 x(the)S 192 x([SYSLOST])S 10773 X 598 y(directory)SF-54 x(.)S 9578 10445 XY(LOSTHDR2,)S 165 x(\211le)S 166 x(found)S 167 xJ(in)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(with)S 166 x(bad)S 166 x(backlink,)S 10773 XG897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 896 y F1536C(Explan)S 2 x(ation:>)S 251 x F151(During)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(lost)SrG175 x(\211le)S 176 x(check)S 177 x(a)S 176 x(\211le)S 176 x(was)S 175 x J(discovered)S 176 x(in)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(valid)S 10773 X 598 y(directory)SG-54 x(.)S 261 x(However)S -36 x(,)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(directory)S 173 x)F(has)S 172 x(an)S 172 x(invalid)S 173 x(backlink.)S 263 x(This)S 172 xG(error)S 173 x(can)S 10773 X 598 y(be)S 166 x(caused)S 166 x(by)S 167 xlC(doing)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(SET)S 165 x(FILE/REMOVE)S 165 x(of)S 166 xrF(a)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(\211le.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 172 xG(Action:)S 250 x F151(Run)S 173 x(VER)S -2 x(IFY/FIX)S 172 x(to)S 172 xdN(move)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(directory)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(the)S 172 x([SYSLOST])SC10773 X 597 y(directory)S -54 x(.)S 263 x(Then)S 175 x(move)S 173 x)L(the)S 174 x(directory)S 174 x(back)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(correct)SF173 x(location.)S 264 x(The)S 174 x(\211les)S 10773 X 598 y(in)S 166 xD(the)S 167 x(directory)S 166 x(should)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(accesible)SE166 x(again.)S 9578 16622 XY(LOSTHDR3,)S 165 x(\211le)S 166 x(found)S(D167 x(in)S 166 x(invalid)S 167 x(directory)S -55 x(,)S 10773 X 897 yJF153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)SH2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(During)S 195 x(the)S 195 x(lost)S 194 x(\211le)SE195 x(check)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(\211le)S 195 x(was)S 193 x(discovered)SmG195 x(in)S 195 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(directory)S 192 x(which)S 191 x(is)S-E190 x(not)S 191 x(a)S 191 x(valid)S 190 x(directory)S -54 x(.)S 299 xlH(Either)S 191 x(the)S 190 x(\211le)S 192 x(has)S 190 x(a)S 191 x(wrong)SH10773 X 598 y(backlink,)S 168 x(or)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(directory)S 167 xH(\211le)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(\211le)S 167 xE(attribute)S 165 x(not)S 167 x(set.)S 10773 X 896 y F153(User)S 162 xOE(Action:)S 251 x F151(Look)S 163 x(up)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(directory)SeF163 x(and)S 163 x(use)S 162 x(DFU)S 162 x(SET)S 163 x(to)S 162 x(set)SC162 x(the)S 163 x(directory)S 10773 X 598 y(bit.)S 259 x(If)S 170 xXD(the)S 171 x(directory)S 171 x(\211le)S 171 x(was)S 170 x(OK)S 170 xI(then)S 171 x(run)S 172 x(VERIFY)S -2 x(/FIX)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(recover)S(J172 x(the)S 171 x(lost)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le.)S 9578 22799 XY(LOSTHDR4,)SF165 x(not)S 166 x(found)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S -54 xI(,)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X9D897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(When)S 185 x(the)S 185 xH(/DIRECTOR)S -20 x(Y_SCAN)S 184 x(quali\211er)S 185 x(is)S 185 x(used,)SG190 x(DFU)S 10773 X 598 y(detects)S 179 x(\211les)S 180 x(which)S 180 x1J(have)S 181 x(a)S 179 x(valid)S 180 x(backlink)S 181 x(but)S 180 x(which)SC180 x(are)S 180 x(not)S 180 x(seen)S 179 x(in)S 180 x(the)S 10773 XRE598 y(directory)S -54 x(.)S 249 x(This)S 166 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x6F(repaired)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(/FIX.)S 10773 X 896 y F153(User)S 166 xE(Action:)S 250 x F151(Using)S 167 x(/FIX)S 166 x(will)S 165 x(enter)SSD167 x(these)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(correct)SH167 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 9578 27780 XY(MUL)S -27 x(T)S -27 x(ALLOC,)SE165 x(blocks)S 167 x(multiple)S 165 x(allocated,)S 10773 X 897 y F153\C(Severity:)S 251 x F151(ERR)S -2 x(OR)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)SE2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(A)S 168 x(\211le)S 169 x(has)S 169 x(blocks)SD169 x(allocated)S 168 x(which)S 169 x(already)S 170 x(belong)S 169 xG(to)S 169 x(another)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le.)S 260 x(Note)S 170 x(that)S G171 x(VERIFY)S 169 x(will)S 170 x(make)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(second)S 171 xnF(pass)S 170 x(through)S 173 x(INDE)S -2 x(XF)S -55 x(.SYS)S 171 x(to)SD10773 X 598 y(report)S 176 x(all)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(\211les)S 175 xE(involv)S 2 x(ed.)S 268 x(This)S 175 x(is)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(serious)S D175 x(error)S -36 x(,)S 178 x(and)S 175 x(may)S 176 x(be)S 175 x(a)SF175 x(result)S 10773 X 598 y(of)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(disk)S 175 x(being)SH176 x(mounted)S 175 x(on)S 176 x(two)S 174 x(seperated)S 175 x(V)S -56 xF(AXClusters)S 174 x(\(or)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(partitioned)S 10773 X 597 yC(V)S -56 x(AXCluster\).)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 178 x(Action:)S1G251 x F151(Copy)S 178 x(all)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(\211les)S 178 x(found)StE179 x(to)S 178 x(another)S 179 x(location.)S 275 x(Next)S 179 x(all)S L178 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(\211les)S 172 x(must)S 171 x(be)S 172 x(deleted.)SD261 x(Run)S 172 x(VERIFY/RE)S -2 x(BUILD)S 171 x(to)S 172 x(repair)SD172 x(the)S 172 x(BITMAP)S -64 x(.)S 172 x(All)S 10773 X 598 y(the)SL173 x(af\212icted)S 174 x(\211les)S 173 x(must)S 172 x(be)S 174 x(manually)SF173 x(inspected)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(see)S 173 x(which)S 174 x(\211les)SG173 x(are)S 173 x(valid)S 10773 X 597 y(and)S 166 x(which)S 167 x(are)S /166 x(corrupted.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(14\2035)SIEP PP9 %%PageTrailer02%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Bold(%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)u%g%%Page: (14-6) 648%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)b PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(VERIFY)S 9578 4866 XY F151(NOBI)S -2 x(TCLR,)SI167 x(Deleted)S 165 x(\211le)S 167 x(header)S 166 x(marked)S 167 x(BUSY)SiF-57 x(,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)SF10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(A)S 173 x(\211le)SD175 x(was)S 173 x(deleted.)S 265 x(The)S 175 x(corresponding)S 175 xC(bit)S 174 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(INDEXF)S 10773 X 598 y(bitmap)SiF166 x(should)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(cleared)S 166 x(but)S 166 x(is)S 166 xC(still)S 165 x(set.)S 249 x(This)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(a)S2G166 x(serious)S 166 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 166 xeE(Action:)S 250 x F151(Run)S 167 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/REBUILD)S 165 x(to)S E166 x(\211x)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 9578 9250 XY(NOBI)SSG-2 x(TSET)S -45 x(,)S 166 x(index)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(bitmap)S 166 xlD(bit)S 165 x(not)S 167 x(set,)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S 251 xFF151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 xFF151(A)S 182 x(valid)S 182 x(\211le)S 183 x(was)S 181 x(found,)S 187 xE(but)S 182 x(the)S 183 x(corresponding)S 183 x(index)S 183 x(\211le)SoE10773 X 598 y(bitmap)S 166 x(bit)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(clear)S -37 x(.)S(C250 x(This)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(not)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(serious)S 166 x)G(error)S -37 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y F153(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F1516D(Run)S 167 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY/REBUILD)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(\211x)S 167 xE(the)S 166 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 9578 13633 XY(NOOW)S -2 x(NER,)S 166 xxF(\211le)S 166 x(has)S 166 x(no)S 167 x(owner)S -37 x(,)S 10773 X 897 yJF153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)SD2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(A)S 168 x(\211le)S 168 x(was)S 167 x(found)SC169 x(with)S 168 x(UIC)S 168 x([0,0])S 168 x(as)S 168 x(the)S 168 xoH(owner)S -37 x(.)S 254 x(This)S 169 x(is)S 167 x(not)S 169 x(a)S 10773 XK598 y(normal)S 166 x(situation.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 166 x(Action:)SYC250 x F151(Look)S 167 x(up)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(and)SSO166 x(modify)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(owner)S -37 x(.)S 9578 18017 XYyC(QUOT)S -28 x(AER)S -2 x(R,)S 167 x(UIC)S 165 x([x,y])S 167 x(has)SIC166 x(n)S 167 x(blocks)S 166 x(used,)S 166 x(QUOT)S -28 x(A)S 166 x9E(indicates)S 166 x(m)S 166 x(blocks,)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S\F251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)SD251 x F151(If)S 179 x(a)S 180 x(disk)S 180 x(has)S 180 x(diskquota)SF180 x(enabled,)S 184 x(VERIFY)S 179 x(calculates)S 180 x(the)S 10773 XE598 y(blocks)S 178 x(used)S 178 x(and)S 179 x(compares)S 178 x(them)S1C178 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(value)S 179 x(in)S 178 x(the)S 179 xeJ(QUOT)S -28 x(A.SYS)S 177 x(\211le.)S 10773 X 597 y(Any)S 172 x(mismatch)SH171 x(is)S 171 x(reported.)S 260 x(This)S 172 x(error)S 172 x(is)S 171 xD(often)S 171 x(seen)S 172 x(when)S 172 x(VERI)S -2 x(FY)S 172 x(is)SK171 x(run,)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 179 x(there)S 180 x(is)S 179 x(concurren)SxD2 x(t)S 178 x(\211le)S 180 x(activity)S 180 x(on)S 179 x(the)S 179 xH(disk.)S 276 x(Also,)S 182 x(if)S 179 x(after)S 179 x(a)S 179 x(system)SI10773 X 598 y(crash)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(disk)S 180 x(is)S 180 x(mounted)SrM181 x(with)S 180 x(/NOREBUILD)S 179 x(such)S 181 x(Quota)S 180 x(mismatches)SsE10773 X 598 y(may)S 166 x(exist.)S 250 x(ReRun)S 166 x(VERIFY)S 165 xC(with)S 165 x(/LOCK)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(see)S 165 x(if)S 166 x(the)S C166 x(error)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(still)S 165 x(there.)S 10773 X 896 y1DF153(User)S 168 x(Action:)S 251 x F151(Run)S 168 x(VERIFY/REB)S -2 xE(UILD)S 168 x(to)S 168 x(rebuild)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(QUOT)S -28 x(A)S F168 x(\211le.)S 255 x(Or)S 168 x(run)S 10773 X 598 y(a)S 166 x(DISKQ)SD-2 x(UOT)S -27 x(A>)S 165 x(REBUILD)S 165 x(command.)S 9578 25389 XYF(SLFBAKFID)S -2 x(,)S 167 x(backlink)S 167 x(points)S 166 x(to)S 165 xG(itself,)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(W)S -47 x(ARNING)SxH10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(This)S 192 x(error)SD193 x(indicates)S 191 x(that)S 192 x(DFU)S 192 x(has)S 192 x(found)SK192 x(a)S 192 x(directory)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 183 x(a)S 183 x(backlink)SxH184 x(pointing)S 184 x(to)S 184 x(itself.)S 283 x(This)S 183 x(feature)SG184 x(is)S 182 x(only)S 184 x(allowed)S 183 x(for)S 183 x(the)S 10773 XXG598 y(MFD)S 175 x(000000.DIR.)S 174 x(This)S 175 x(error)S 175 x(will)S(E174 x(result)S 174 x(in)S 175 x(ANAL)S -46 x(YZE/DISK)S 174 x(going)S G175 x(into)S 175 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(COMputable)S 166 x(loop.)S 10773 XoC896 y F153(User)S 172 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Run)S 173 x(VER)S -2 xSF(IFY/FIX)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(move)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(directory)S 172 xC(to)S 172 x(the)S 172 x([SYSLOST])S 10773 X 598 y(directory)S -54 xaD(.)S 309 x(Then)S 197 x(remove)S 196 x(the)S 196 x(directory)S 197 xG(entry)S 197 x(from)S 195 x(itself)S 195 x(with)S 196 x(a)S 196 x(SET)S H10773 X 598 y(FILE/REMOVE)S 175 x(command.)S 269 x(The)S 177 x(\211les)SH175 x(in)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(directory)S 177 x(should)S 176 x(be)S 176 x?(accesible)S 10773 X 598 y(again.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(14\2036)S EP PPo %%PageTrailer2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Bold1%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%0%%Page: (14-7) 65u%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)t PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYJ0 SC 22166 1807 XY F24(VERIFY)S 279 x(command)S 26098 X 797 y F28(VERIFY)SC5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(VERIFY)S 10773 7037 XY F347M(VERIFY)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(device)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(disk)S 166 x(structure)StG167 x(errors.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x5K(T)S 10773 X -21 y(VERIFY)S 697 x F23(device[:])S 5094 10425 XY 23160 204 R H5094 11244 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(device)SC10773 X 548 y F151(The)S 167 x(device)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x G(veri\211ed.)S 5094 12966 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13785 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S F10773 X -22 y F25(/APPEND=\211lename)S 10773 X 548 y F151(This)S 175 xF(quali\211er)S 175 x(redirects)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(output)S 175 x(to)SG174 x(be)S 175 x(appended)S 174 x(to)S 175 x(an)S 175 x(already)S 175 xtI(existing)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le.)S 294 x(If)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(output)SSG188 x(\211le)S 189 x(does)S 188 x(not)S 188 x(exists)S 188 x(it)S 188 xD(will)S 188 x(be)S 188 x(created.)S 294 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 188 x(can)SD189 x(use)S 10773 X 548 y(/APPEND)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(/OUTPUT)S 167 xC(but)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(both.)S 10773 16503 XY F25(/DIRECT)S -14 xxI(OR)S -13 x(Y_SCAN)S 10773 X 597 y F151(Performs)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(full)SE170 x(directory)S 170 x(scan.)S 257 x(This)S 170 x(may)S 170 x(take)SnK170 x(up)S 170 x(some)S 170 x(time,)S 171 x(but)S 169 x(it)S 170 x(allows)S7G10773 X 548 y(detection)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(mismatches)S 165 x(between)S)H166 x(the)S 167 x(directories)S 165 x(and)S 167 x(INDEX)S -2 x(F)S -55 xM(.SYS.)S 10773 18744 XY F25(/FIX)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOFIX)S 165 x(\(default\))S3G10773 X 598 y F151(Repair)S 172 x(errors)S 172 x(on)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(E(disk.)S 262 x(File)S 172 x(marked)S 173 x(for)S 172 x(delete)S 172 x(C(will)S 172 x(be)S 172 x(deleted)S 172 x(and)S 172 x(lost)S 10773 XtG548 y(\211les)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(directories)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S F166 x(moved)S 166 x(to)S 166 x([SYSLOST].)S 10773 21783 XY F25(/LOCK)SF10773 X 797 y(/NOLOC)S -2 x(K)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151Y(Locks)S 162 x(the)S 162 x(disk)S 162 x(for)S 162 x(\211le)S 162 x(allocation/deletion.)SxF250 x(This)S 162 x(gives)S 162 x(a)S 162 x(consistent)S 161 x(report)SG162 x(for)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 169 x(disk,)S 170 x(but)S 169 x(other)S D169 x(users)S 168 x(may)S 170 x(experience)S 170 x(a)S 168 x(delay)SF169 x(when)S 169 x(accessing)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(disk.)S 10773 X 548 yD(The)S 167 x(device)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(unlocked)S 167 xH(a)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(end)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(VERIFY)S 165 xF(command.)S 10773 25369 XY F25(/OUTPUT=\211lename)S 10773 X 598 y F151H(This)S 192 x(quali\211er)S 192 x(redirects)S 191 x(the)S 192 x(output)SE192 x(to)S 191 x(a)S 191 x(\211le.)S 301 x(The)S 192 x(output)S 192 xiE(will)S 191 x(also)S 191 x(go)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 188 x(SYS$OUTPUT)S1C-46 x(.)S 189 x(CAUTION:)S 188 x(if)S 188 x(you)S 189 x(use)S 188 x L(/LOCK)S 188 x(in)S 189 x(combination)S 189 x(with)S 10773 X 548 y(/OUTPUT)SF174 x(be)S 172 x(careful)S 174 x(to)S 172 x(specify)S 173 x(an)S 173 xC(output\211le)S 174 x(on)S 173 x(ANOTHER)S 172 x(disk,)S 174 x(or)SxD173 x(DFU)S 10773 X 548 y(will)S 165 x(\211nish)S 167 x(with)S 166 xI(a)S 166 x(severe)S 166 x(error)S -36 x(.)S 10773 28707 XY F25(/REBUILD)S)D10773 X 797 y(/NOREB)S -2 x(UILD)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 yFF151(Perform)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(volume)S 176 x(rebuild.)S 269 x(Using)SG176 x(this)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 176 x(will)S 175 x(temporarily)S 176 xBH(lock)S 176 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(disk)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(other)S 167 xD(users.)S 10773 31746 XY F25(/ST)S -51 x(A)S -52 x(TISTICS)S 10773 XH597 y F151(This)S 184 x(quali\211er)S 185 x(displays)S 183 x(the)S 184 xD(performance)S 184 x(statistics)S -2 x(:)S 285 x(CPU)S 184 x(time,)SF188 x(Elapsed)S 10773 X 548 y(T)S -12 x(ime,)S 166 x(I/O)S 166 x(and)S7166 x(PageFau)S 2 x(lts.)S 27150 36925 XY F36(14\2037)SgEP PPx %%PageTrailer\%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticab+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)x%S%%Page: (14-8) 66(%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)o PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XY:0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(VERIFY)S 5094 36925 XY F36(14\2038)SEP PPl %%PageTrailer %%PageFonts: Helvetica-Boldx%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Trailer1 %%Pages: 66F%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792&%%DocumentFonts: NewCenturySchlbk-Bold,%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier Helvetica(%%+ Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique%%+ Helvetica-ObliqueT,%%DocumentNeededFonts: NewCenturySchlbk-Bold,%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier Helvetica(%%+ Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique%%+ Helvetica-Oblique6%%DocumentProcessColors:%%DocumentCustomColors: (BLACK)t*%%CMYKCustomColor: 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (BLACK)%8DVC$PSJob restore end %DEC_DVC$dict)end %Color5044Dict%y%%EOF 0[SYSHLP]DFU027A_001.HTMLDAD:TZhP"A Aaged !AD>NDFU V2.7-A"

        DFU V2.7-A

        /Previous/ | Contents





        Deletes files or directories.



        DELETE device[:] or directory-file(s)





        ?The device on which to perform the DELETE/FILE=file-id command.


        ?The filespecification of the directory on which to perform the HDELETE/DIRECTORY command. Wildcard file specifications may be used. DFU Fwill automatically add .DIR to the filespecification if a filetype is not provided.




        HSpecify the directory file which must be deleted. Wildcards may be used Gbut must be used very carefully. Make sure that the directory does not Fcontain non-empty subdirectories. Note that the directory file itself 9will also be deleted, unless the /KEEP qualifier is used.





        CSpecify a complete file-id (num,seq,rvn) of the file which must be Cdeleted. This qualifier allows the deletion of lost files or files marked for delete. Example :
        $ DFU DFU> VERIFY MYDISK:  ,%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK &%DFU-I-IFSCAN, Scanning INDEXF.SYS... I%DFU-E-INVBAKFID, file (86,17915,1) 0004CF04$BFS.;1 has invalid backlink K%DFU-W-DELETED, file (537,2878,1) APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1 marked for delete  .  .  .  (DFU> DELETE MYDISK/FILE=(86,17915,1) -%DFU-S-DELETED, File 0004CF04$BFS.;1 deleted  (DFU> DELETE MYDISK/FILE=(537,2878,1) 4%DFU-S-DELETED, File APPL_UTRYIT_BOOK.TMP;1 deleted  



        EPreserve the directory tree; only delete the contents. /KEEP is only Dvalid with the /DIRECTORY qualifier. /KEEP works for DELETE/DIR and DELETE/DIR/TREE.


        ADo not log succesfull deletes to SYS$OUTPUT. /LOG is the default.


        HCan only be used with /FILE. Default DELETE/FILE will try to remove the Hfile from the parent directory. If the file's backlink no longer points @to a valid directory this will generate an error. The /NOREMOVE Equalifier overrules this behaviour allowing such files to be deleted.


        FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


        ECan only be used with /DIRECTORY. The delete command will delete all Hsubdirectories within the directory file specified. DFU will first sort Bout the subdirectory tree and than delete the files in the proper Border. Thus a complete directory tree is deleted with one command.



        Chapter 8


        >This chapter describes the DIRECTORY command with the related parameters and qualifiers.3

        8.1 Introduction


        FThe DIRECTORY command offers 8 major functions. 3 functions deal with >all directories on a disk, the other 5 functions are used for Fmanipulating individual directories. These functions are activated by special qualifiers:

        • Individual directory functions :
          1. /COMPRESS : Rebuild one or more directory files. Directories are I alphabetically sorted lists of filenames and file id's. Because file K names are randomly inserted and deleted, holes will occur in directory J files. Such holes will only be reused if a file can be alphabetically K fitted into it. As a result directory files will grow. Especially MAIL I subdirectories suffer from this behaviour.
            To make matters worse J directory files above 127 blocks will no longer be cached by the file L system. This will degrade performance on such directories dramatically. H The COMPRESS function will rebuild the complete directory file. The E /TEST qualifier can be used to preview the results of a possible  COMPRESS command.L
          2. /CREATE/ALLOCATE=n : Create a directory with a preallocated size of F 'n' blocks. Note that 'n' will be rounded up to a multiple of the K disk's cluster size. (This feature is also available on VMS 7.1/2 with ( the DCL command CREATE/DIR/ALLOC=n).L
          3. /DUMP : Make a dump of the directory blocks and formats the output. L This option is useful for debugging directory files which are suspected @ or corrupted. This function is equivalent to the previously H undocumented VMS command DUMP/DIRECTORY, although the layout of the  output is different.J
          4. /REBUILD_MFD : Rebuild a corrupted disk's master file directory ( F [000000]). This can also be used if the MFD is entered in another % directory in stead of 000000.DIR.K
          5. /RECOVER : Completely rebuild a directory. This option should only L be used to recover corrupted directories. During the recovery procedure L the directory will be inaccesible for some time. Therefore this command K should NEVER be used on critical system directories. (DFU refuses this D command on directory names containing the string 'SYS' to avoid  accidental usage).
        • Disk-wide directory functions :
          1. /ALIAS : Scan all directories on the disk for alias file entries.4
          2. /EMPTY : Scan the disk for empty directoriesK
          3. /VERSION=n : Scan all directories on the disk for files which have  at least 'n' versions.

          CThe diskwide function qualifiers can be used in one command; other Dcombinations of qualifiers are not possible. Note that the diskwide Cdirectory functions can take several minutes to complete because a Fcomplete directory scan uses a lot of disk I/O (approximately 2 I/O's per directory).

          EAn indirect command file containing a list of files can be used as a Gparameter to /COMPRESS or /DUMP. Such a list can be generated with the SEARCH command. Example:


          ?Caution: Care should be taken when compressing critical system Hdirectories. To be safe you should first use the /TEST qualifier before >compressing the directory. Another problem may be caused by a Dsystemcrash just when DFU is rewriting the new compressed directory A(although the chance that this happens is very small). When this Ghappens you can recover the files by executing the following procedure:

          1. Do a $SET FILE/NODIR of the corrupted directory/
          2. Delete the directory and create a new oneG
          3. Do a $ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR ; this will move all the lost files to [SYSLOST].C
          4. Move the files from [SYSLOST] to the newly created directory.


          8.2 Discussion of directory compression

          BThe DIRECTORY/COMPRESS function will improve performance on large >directories. There are some options which can further enhance performance :
          • /TRUNCATE: When a directory is compressed , the free space will be I at the end of the directory. Therefore , if new files are added VMS is D capable of using this space, and avoid a directory entension. The I /TRUNCATE qualifier overrules this behaviour by immediately truncating " the free space back to the disk.H
          • /FILL_FACTOR: Normally DFU tries to compress as much as possible. I However, it may be better to deliberately create extra free space into B each directory block. This can be done using the /FILL_FACTOR=n H qualifier. Eg: a fill factor of 50% will result in approximately half G of each block being free. Note that a fill_factor lower tha 100% may H result in an error DFU-E_EXTERR; in that case a higher factor must be choosen.

          >So, what strategy should be used when compressing directories?

          1. Inactive directories : use DIR/COMPRESS/TRUNCATE.C
          2. Not very active directories : use DIR/COMPRESS (/TRUNCATE=n).?
          3. Active directories, files added at the end (such as MAIL 3 directories) : use DIR/COMPRESS without /TRUNCATEI
          4. Active directories, files added in random alphabetical order : use 2 DIR/COMPRESS/FILL_FACTOR=n, n between 50 and 75.


          8.3 Output formatting

          FThe qualifier /FORMAT can be used with DIRECTORY/VERSION. This allows Gthe build up of a command procedure directly from the output generated Dby the DIR/VERSION command. /FORMAT has the following restrictions :
          1. /FORMAT is only valid with the /VERSION and the /OUTPUT qualifier.@
          2. The format string used must contain the !AS directive (in D uppercase). The file found will be substituted at the !AS location







          Performs directory functions.



          DIRECTORY device[:] or directory-file(s)





          GThe device on which to perform one of the diskwide directory functions.


          @The file specification of the directory on which to perform the H/CREATE, /COMPRESS, /DUMP or /RECOVER function. /REBUILD_MFD requires a @device name only (assumes 000000.DIR implicitly). Wildcard file Cspecifications may be used. DFU will automatically add .DIR to the 0filespecification if a filetype is not provided.




          HThe /ALIAS qualifier directs DFU to scan all directories for alias file Fentries on a disk. Normally only the system disk should contain alias Afiles. This qualifier can be combined with /VERSION=n and /EMPTY.


          DUsed in combination with /CREATE. Creates the new directory with an allocated size of 'n' blocks.


          GPerforms the directory compression unless /TEST is also specified. The =output will show the results in terms of file sizes. Example:
          #DFU> DIR/COMP OWN$:[000000]MAIL  L%DFU-S-DONE, OWN$:[000000]MAIL.DIR;1: 31 files; was : 4/9, now : 3/3 blocks  DFU> 



          DCreate a new, empty directory. The allocated size will be 1 cluster unless /ALLOCATE is specified.


          FThe device on which the files reside. The device name is added to the Gfile name. If you generate a file list with the DFU SEARCH command you @don't need this qualifier. However you may have a list of files Fproduced from another source and thus need to append a device name to Eit. This qualifier can only be used in combination with /COMPRESS or /DUMP.


          DProduce a block level dump of a directory. /DUMP will interpret the Ddirectory entries found in each block. A directory entry contains a Csize, version-limit, type and name field. Next the directory entry Econtains a list of versions and file ID's for this entry. /DUMP will @produce a rather low level output of this information. Example :
          DFU> DIR/DUMP C.DIR  DUMP of directory block 1 :Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(10): CHKDSK.EXE #   Version: 3, FID : (1027,1456,0) =Size: 26, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(13): CHKDSK.README $   Version: 2, FID : (33892,1171,0) $   Version: 3, FID : (1256,11234,0) :Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(10): CHKDSK.SAV #   Version: 2, FID : (13947,100,0) ;Size: 24, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(11): CHKDSK.SAVE $   Version: 1, FID : (12531,2114,0) >Size: 26, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(14): CHKDSK_LNK.COM "   Version: 2, FID : (12314,72,0) 4Size: 18, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(5): C_D.C "   Version: 3, FID : (32650,32,0) 6Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D.EXE !   Version: 9, FID : (2675,64,0) 6Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D.OBJ "   Version: 4, FID : (9835,117,0) 6Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D_2.C #   Version: 15, FID : (12428,84,0) 8Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_2.OBJ "   Version: 9, FID : (8439,119,0) 8Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_3.CLD "   Version: 3, FID : (9777,178,0) 8Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_3.OBJ "   Version: 2, FID : (9737,161,0) 6Size: 20, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(7): C_D_4.C $   Version: 3, FID : (10594,1580,0) 8Size: 22, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(9): C_D_4.OBJ #   Version: 2, FID : (10177,109,0)  DUMP of directory block 2 4Size: 18, Version limit: 3, Type: 0, Name(5): DFU.C $   Version: 169, FID : (31123,52,0)   .  .  . =%DFU-I-TOTAL, OWN$:[SOURCES.FORTRAN.DFUSRC]C.DIR;1: 42 files  



          DThe /EMPTY qualifier will produce a list of empty directories. This 5qualifier can be combined with /ALIAS and /VERSION=n.


          CSpecifies ,in percentage, the filling of directory blocks during a E/COMPRESS operation. Fill factor may be between 50 and 100. Omitting Fthis qualifier is the same as /FILL_FACTOR=100 (maximum compression). FIf the directory has not enough allocated space a low fill factor may >result in failure of the Compress operation. DFU will issue a @DFU-E-EXTERR error, and the directory file will not be modified.


          FCreate an output file in a format described by the format string. The Gstring must contain the !AS directive (this must be uppercase). At the C!AS location the resultant filename will be filled in. The /OUTPUT qualifier is required.


          GThis qualifier redirects the output to a file. The output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT.


          HSyntax : DIRECTORY/REBUILD_MFD <device> This qualifier causes the Cmaster file directory (000000.DIR) of the device to be rebuild and entered in itself.


          GThis qualifier rebuilds a corrupted directory. Do not use this command "on critical or active directories.


          FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


          HThe /TEST can only be used in conjunction with /COMPRESS. The qualifier Awill show the results of the /COMPRESS but will not compress the directory file.


          ?During a compress operation truncate the dir>ectory back to the Eblocksize specified. If blocksize is not specified, the file will be Gtruncated back to the end-of-file block number. Truncation will always Fbe rounded up to the next highest multiple of the disk's cluster size.


          BThe /VERSION qualifier directs DFU to scan all directories on the Ddevice to produce a list of files which have at least 'n' versions. 6This qualifier can be combined with /ALIAS and /EMPTY.



          Chapter 9


          FThis chapter describes the REPORT command with the related parameters and qualifiers.2

          9.1 Description


          DThe REPORT command function generates a report of the file and free Fspace fragmentation of the disk. Also a graph may be generated by the F/GRAPH qualifier; this visualises the free space distribution on your Hdisk. The /USAGE qualifier will generate a diskspace usage report. This =is especially useful if DISKQUOTA is not enabled on the disk.

          EThe default report contains information of the Volume, files and the Cbitmap. This output can be suppressed by the /NOVOLUME, NOFILE and >NOBITMAP qualifiers. Also the /USAGE qualifier can be used by Adisplaying information of a specific UIC or Identifier simply by ;specifying /USAGE=<uic> or /USAGE=<identifier>.8

          9.2 Syntax and Output


          $The syntax of the report command is:

          !DFU> REPORT device/QUALIFIERS 

          :Below follows an example and output of the report command:

           "DFU> REPORT USER3:/GRAPH/USAGE  0%DFU-I-REPORT, Reporting on USER3: ($1$DUA102:)  7  ***** Volume info for USER3: (from HOME block) ***** 1 Volume name                      :  USER3       1 Volume owner                     :  SYSTEM      . Volume set name                  :           - Highwater mark. / Erase on del.  :  No / No 1 Structure name                   :              ' Clustersize                      :  3 , Maximum # files                  :  367618 ) First header VBN                 :  103 / Header count                     :  51547 (1) / Free headers                     :  10951 (2)   0  ***** File statistics (from INDEXF.SYS) ***** > INDEXF.SYS fragments /map_in_use :  21 / 61 (39% used)   (3) / Total files (ODS2 / ODS5)        :  40595 / 0 ' Files with extension headers     :  0 > Files marked for delete          :  19 , size : 25/63 blocks * Directory files                  :  1957 ) Empty files                      :  177 + Files with allocation            :  40418 / Contiguous files                 :  40326 (4) 6 Total size used /allocated       :  2492431 /2533209 + Total fragments                  :  40770 0 Average fragments per file       :  1.009  (5) ; File fragmentation index         :  0.692 (excellent) (6) ( Average size per fragment        :  62 $ Most fragmented file             : B    $1$DUA102:[LARGEUSER]A.DAT;1 ( 180/630 blocks; 30  fragments)   6  ***** Free space statistics (from BITMAP.SYS) ***** - Total blocks on disk             :  2940951 , Total free blocks                :  407742 ( Percentage free (rounded)        :  13 ) Total free extents               :  260 F Largest free extent              :  42912 blocks at LBN: 2463597 (7) * Average extent size (rounded)    :  1568 = Free space fragmentation index   :  0.191 (excellent) (6)      N     LBN   +------------------------------------------------------------+   % Q        0->|***....***********.************.******...*********..********|  6% Q   208360->|************************************************************| 13% Q   416721->|************************************************************| 20% Q   625081->|******************************************************.*****| 26% Q   833442->|*******..*********************************..****************| 33% Q  1041802->|******.**.*********...********.*****.*******...*.**..*.***..| 40% Q  1250163->|.*..*****************....*.....**.*. ..*****.***..****.  ..*| 46% Q  1458523->|**********. .*******************************************.**.| 53% Q  1666884->|.**...  ....... .*******...**********.*..***********..******| 60% Q  1875244->|***..  ....*...**********.   ..*********.    .**************| 66% Q  2083605->|*********************************.*****..   .****... . .... | 73% Q  2291965->| ..*******....  ......**************************************| 80% Q  2500326->|****..*****.*****.**.      .********...*.*****..*******.*..*| 86% Q  2708686->|.*******..*******.***..*.****************.*. .*...**********| 93% Q  2917047->|..**.    .*********************.******..  .*******.         |100% J           +------------------------------------------------------------+ T * : Fully allocated, . : Partial allocated, <space> : Free, 3472 blocks each  6 Free space distribution, each * =  2100  free blocks   ?  ***** Disk Usage Table (from INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS) ***** K Identifier/UIC                 Used/Allocated   Headers   Quota Used/Perm K ------------------------------------------------------------------------- K [SSG,MRX]                       42079/46356      2259      48615/60000    K [SSG,TESTJE]                   189306/254742     4935     259677/300000   K [SSG,LARGEUSER]                 47961/50238      1648      51886/65000    K [SYSTEM]                       499554/505626     4954     510580/2000000   .  .  .  

          .The various items have the following meaning :

          1. The header count is calculated based on the size of INDEXF.SYS. If 8 more headers are needed INDEXF.SYS has to be extended.F
          2. The free headers gives the number of free entries in INDEXF.SYS  before it has to extend.F
          3. The INDEXF.SYS number of fragments and mapwords in use are very I important figures to determine if the INDEXF.SYS file can be extended. G The theoretical maximum number of mapwords is 155. This value may be F less if there are ACL's on INDEXF.SYS. Each fragment, and therefore G each retrieval pointer must be in the mapword area. As the size of a F retrieval pointer depends on the physical size of a disk, it is not F easy to say how many fragments INDEXF.SYS can store in the mapwords J area. If the mapword area is full the INDEXF file can no longer extend, C and creating new files may result in a SYSTEM-W-HEADERFULL error.H
          4. Files which have exactly 1 retrieval pointer are considered to be F contiguous. This doesn't mean that the CONTIGUOUS bit is set in the  file header.J
          5. The average fragments per file give some indication about the total  file fragmentation.J
          6. The file and free space fragmentation index classifies your disk as follows :
            • 0-1 : Excellent
            • 1-2 : Good
            • 2-3 : Fair
            • 3-4 : Poor
            • >4 : Bad
            If your index is greater than 3 you should consider defragmenting J the disk using COMPAQ's DFO software, by performing an Image BACKUP / = Restore, or of course by using DFU's DEFRAG/DISK command.E
          7. The largest free extent is a useful figure for defragmentation G purposes. You cannot defragment a file when its size is greater than this value.

        CWhen using /GRAPH the disk's free space distribution is shown as a Hbitmap image. Each position in the graph represents a certain number of Eblocks (in the example above 3472 blocks). This bitmap image gives a ?quick impression about the free space distribution on the disk.

        HIf you use the /USAGE qualifier a sorted usage table will be added. Per CIdentifier / UIC the blocks used/allocated, and the number of file Bheaders are shown. If Diskquota is enabled a third column will be Fincluded which shows the blocks used/permitted allowing to QUOTA.SYS. 2Normally quota should satisfy the following rule :

        3 Quota used = blocks allocated + # of file headers 





        5Create a file and free space report of a disk device.



        REPORT device[:]





        ADevice to be reported. You may also specify a logical devicename.




        AThis qualifier redirects the output to be appended to an already Fexisting file. If the output file does not exists it will be created. ,You can use /APPEND or /OUTPUT but not both.


        GThis qualifier generates a graph table which visualizes the free space 2distribution on the disk. /NOGRAPH is the default.


        FThe /NOBITMAP qualifier suppresses the "Free space statistics" output.


        >The /NOFILE qualifier suppressed the "File Statistics" output.


        <The /NOVOLUME qualifier suppresses the "Volume info" output.


        GThis qualifier redirects the output to a file. The output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT.


        FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.#

        /USAGE(=uic or identifier)

        EThe /USAGE qualifier will generate a diskspace usage report based on @Identifiers/UIC. If diskquota is enabled on the disk the blocks Hused/permitted allowing to QUOTA.SYS will also be shown. /USAGE is very @useful when diskquota is not enabled on the disk. When a UIC or Hidentifier is specified only the information for this UIC or identifier will be displayed.



        Chapter 10


        FThis chapter describes the SEARCH command with the related parameters and qualifiers.5

        10.1 Introduction


        FThe search function allows very quick disk-wide searches for specific Bfiles. You can use almost any possible file attribute as a search qualifier.:

        10.2 Syntax and Output


        !The command syntax for SEARCH is:

        !DFU> SEARCH device/qualifiers 

        GThe output is displayed on your terminal. You can also sort the output Cwith the /SORT qualifier. The output is shown in 2 or 3 columns eg:

        (DFU> SEARCH MYDISK/FILE=X.X/FRAGMENT  .  . @$1$DUA102:[USER.COMMAND]X.X;1             1/3               1/1  .  . 

        HThe first column shows the full file name . The device name is included <in the file name. The second columns shows the file size as Cactual/allocated size. The 3rd column is optional and will only be Cshown when the /FRAGMENT qualifier is used. It shows the number of 'fileheaders / number of file fragments.>

        10.3 Volume Set processing


        FSEARCH checks if the device to-be-searched is member of a volume set. @If so, the complete volume set will be processed, starting with HRelative Volume Number 1 up to the last member in set. You can override ,this behaviour with the /NOVOLSET qualifier.:

        10.4 Output formatting


        HThe qualifier /FORMAT can be used with SEARCH. This allows the build up Hof a command procedure directly from the output generated by the SEARCH 1command. /FORMAT has the following restrictions :

        1. /FORMAT is only valid with the /OUTPUT qualifier, and can not be 7 used together with the /FULL or the /SORT qualifiers.@
        2. The format string used must contain the !AS directive (in D uppercase). The file found will be substituted at the !AS location




        10.5 UIC and identifier processing

        @Version V2.4 introduced an improved handling of UIC's. Previous Gversions of DFU only accepted a numeric UIC in the /OWNER qaulifier or Fan identifier in the /IDENT qualifier. V2.4 and later now accepts all Cvalid UIC and identifier formats (numeric and alphanumeric) in the A/OWNER and /IDENT qualifiers. Technically there is no longer any Fdifference between these two qualifiers, but they will be left in for compatibility reasons.



        $Fast file search through INDEXF.SYS.



        SEARCH device[:]





        ADevice to be searched. You may also specify a logical devicename.


        EThe SEARCH command is used for quick disk-wide searches for specific Ffiles. The qualifiers describe the file attributes used as the search Hcriteria. You can combine almost all of the possible qualifiers, unless otherwise specified. Eg.:

        Gis a valid command. Note that qualifiers will be used in a logical AND @manner, that is, SEARCH will only display files which match all !qualifiers and options specified.




        FThe /ACCESS qualifier is used to search files depending on their last 6ACCESS date (VMS 7.2 only). The possible options are :
        • /ACCESS=BEFORE=date
        • /ACCESS=SINCE=date
        • /ACCESS=NONE



        GSearch for files which have an ACE containing the specific identifier. EOnly ACE's of the format "IDENTIFIER=<identifier>,..." will be searched.


        HDefault, SEARCH will use the actual file size. The /ALLOCATED qualifier Dforces SEARCH to use the allocated filesize. This qualifier is only )meaningfull if you combine it with /SIZE.


        AThis qualifier redirects the output to be appended to an already Fexisting file. If the output file does not exists it will be created. ,You can use /APPEND or /OUTPUT but not both.#


        DThe /ATTRIBUTE qualifier is used to search files depending on their Elast attribute change date (VMS 7.2 only). The possible options are :
        • /ATTRIBUTE=BEFORE=date
        • /ATTRIBUTE=SINCE=date


        HThe /BACKUP qualifier is used to search files depending on their backup date. The possible options are :
        • /BACKUP=BEFORE=date
        • /BACKUP=SINCE=date
        • /BACKUP=NONE

        HThe NONE option gives files which don't have a backup date recorded.The Bother 2 options can be used to get files which have a backup date Dbefore or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.!


        HYou can use this qualifier to look for a file with a specific backlink. FOnly the first part of the file id must be specified, that is, if the Dfile id is (x,y,z) you must specify 'x' as the file id. You can use Bthis qualifier to get files from a specific directory. If you use A/BAKFID=0 you will get files not belonging to a directory (often temporary files).)


        7This qualifier is used to get files with specific file Bcharacteristics.The characteristics can have the following values:
        • Directory : directory files&
        • Nobackup : files marked nobackup-
        • Contiguous : files marked as contiguous(
        • Erase : erase file before deletion
        • Spool : spool files;
        • Badblock : files which contain suspected bad block(s))
        • Badacl : files with a corrupted ACL0
        • Besttry : files marked contiguous-best-try-
        • Scratch : files marked as scratch files0
        • Nocharge : files not charged against quota"
        • Nomove : files marked NoMove3
        • Locked : files with the deaccess lock bit set(
        • Marked : files marked for deletion2
        • Noshelvable : files which can not be shelved)
        • Isshelved : files which are shelved


        /Previous& | Next/ | Contents0[SYSHLP]DFU027A_002.HTMLTQTQZd$W"Q Qaged !AD>NDFU V2.7-A"

        DFU V2.7-A

        2Previous/ | Contents

        GThe several characteristics can be combined in one command.If you want Fa logical OR behaviour in stead of the default AND behaviour, you can #use the special option MATCH=OR eg:




        BThe /CREATED qualifier is used to search files depending on their creation date. The options are :
        • /CREATED=BEFORE=date
        • /CREATED=SINCE=date

        DThese 2 options can be used to get files which have a creation date Dbefore or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command."


        EThis qualifier is used to exclude files from the search. You can use ;wildcard filenames ; you can also specifiy a list of files.!


        BThe /EXPIRED qualifier is used to search files depending on their "expiration date. The options are :
        • /EXPIRED=BEFORE=date
        • /EXPIRED=SINCE=date
        • /EXPIRED=NONE

        ?The NONE option gives files which don't have a expiration date Crecorded.The other 2 options can be used to get files which have a Fexpiration date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE &option can be combined in one command.


        FThe /FID qualifier is a special function of SEARCH. It directs SEARCH Hto go directly to the specified file without processing the rest of the CIndex file. Therefore, you cannot combine this qualifierwith other Gsearch qualifiers such as /FILE. Normally a file-id consists is in the Hform (x,y,z) where x is the number of the file header within INDEXF.SYS Hy is the sequence number, and z is the Relative Volume Number. You only 3need to specifiy the x value in the /FID qualifier.


        @This qualifier is used to search for files with a specific file Ename.You can use wildcard file names; also you can specify a list of files.


        FCreate an output file in a format described by the format string. The Gstring must contain the !AS directive (this must be uppercase). At the C!AS location the resultant filename will be filled in. The /OUTPUT qualifier is required.*


        DThis qualifier displays the number of fragments and file headers of Deach file found. You can further limit the files found by using the *MINIMUM and MAXIMUM= options. For example:
        DFU> disk/FRAG DFU> disk/FRAG=min=10 #DFU> disk/FRAG=(min=10,max=100) 



        HIf you use this qualifier, SEARCH will give a full output for each file Ffound. This output is a look-alike of the output from DIRECTORY/FULL. 9You cannot combine this qualifier with /SORT or /SUMMARY.


        BThis qualifier directs search to give output from the disk's home Dblock. SEARCH uses the home block for calculating the free and used file headers within INDEXF.SYS.%

        /(NO)IDENT=identifier or uic

        DYou can search for files owned by a specific identifier or UIC. Any ?valid UIC or identifier format may be used. Another way is the C/OWNER_UIC qualifier; you cannot combine these 2 qualifiers in one FSEARCH command. Issueing /NOIDENT directs DFU to search for files NOT -owned by this IDENTIFIER, eg: DFU> SEARCH sys$sysdevice/NOIDENT=SYSTEM."


        GThe /LBN qualifier is a special function of SEARCH. This allows you to Efind a file which contains a specific LBN. This may be useful if you Fhave bad blocks logged in the error log. You cannot combine /LBN with search qualifiers such as /FILE.'


        FSearches DIRECTORY files which have a default version limit between n Aand m (including n and m). Either MINIMUM or MAXIMUM is required.&

        /NAME_TYPE=ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS2

        GSearch for files which have the specified name type attribute. ODS2 if Ffor classic VMS file names, ISL1 is for Iso-Latin-1 names and UCS2 is Efor Unicode names. This qualifier is only meaningfull for ODS5 disks (requires VMS 7.2).)

        /(NO)OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

        ?This qualifier is used to get files owned by a specific UIC or Gidentifier. Any valid UIC or identifier format may be used. You cannot Gcombine this qualifier with /IDENT. Specifying /NOOWNER directs DFU to 5search for files NOT owned by this UIC or identifier.


        FThis qualifier can only be used in combination with /HOME. It is used =to get the Homeblock info, without searching the entire disk.


        HThe default behaviour of SEARCH is to process an entire volume set. You Dcan override this behaviour with /NOVOLSET. This may be useful when doing a /LBN search."


        CThe /MODIFIED qualifier is used to search files depending on their $modification date. The options are :
        • /MODIFIED=BEFORE=date
        • /MODIFIED=SINCE=date

        HThese 2 options can be used to get files which have a modification date Dbefore or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


        EThis qualifier searches for files which have more than 1 file header.?


        :Search for files with the specified RMS file organization.


        GThis qualifier redirects the output from SEARCH to an output file.This Hfile can later be used as input to the DEFRAG, DIRECTORY or SET command.


        GSearches for files where the difference between the used and allocated size is at least 'n' blocks.


        GChecks for files which have a placement control retrieval pointer.This :is sometimes set by non-DEC disk defragmentation programs.,


        HThe /SIZE qualifier is used to limit files found by their file size.You Bcan either use minimum= or maximum= or use both options together. FSEARCH will use the actual file size for selecting files, except when !the /ALLOCATED qualifier is used.


        FThis qualifier will sort the files found before being output. You can ?combine this with the /OUTPUT qualifier (the default output is SYS$OUTPUT).


        FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


        BThis qualifier will limit the output to the total number of files Efound, with their size (and optional the fragmentation when /FRAG is .used). You cannot combine /SUMMARY with /FULL.


        CThe /TYPE qualifier has 2 options : /TYPE=ODS2 or /TYPE=ODS5. This Hqualifier can be used to search for files with either a ODS2 or an ODS5 Dfile header. This qualifier is only usefull on ODS5 disk (VMS V7.2)..


        FThe /VERSION_NUMBER qualifier is used search for files within a range E(n thru m) of file version numbers. Logfiles which are produced with Dthe same name may pose problems when they reach the maximum version Enumber (32767). Using /VERSION=MIN=32000 is a quick way to find such files.



        Chapter 11


        GThis chapter describes the SET command with the related parameters and qualifiers.5

        11.1 Introduction


        DThe SET command allows you to modify file attributes which can't be Emodified through DCL commands. Note that you should be careful about Dusing this function; you may easily corrupt files. This much wanted Dfunctionality was introduced in VMS 6.0 with a new DCL command $SET GFILE/ATTRIBUTES. Still DFU's SET has some options which are not in SET 0FILE/ATTRIBUTES (such as setting a BACKUP date).

        EThe new qualifier, /IGNORE=INTERLOCK, allows setting file attributes even on open or locked files.F

        11.2 UIC and identifier processing


        FAs of version V2.4 of DFU the /OWNER and /IDENT qualifier now accepts Ball valid UIC or identifier formats. See chapter 10.5 for details.




        Modify file attributes.



        SET file1,file2,...,@file





        FThe files to be modified. The attributes to be modified are specified Ewith qualifiers. Wildcards area allowed in the filename. An indirect Gfile can be used by using the @ sign. This allows processing of a file &list produced by a DFU SEARCH command.






        EControls whether a new last-access date is assigned to the specified Hfiles. (V7.2 only) Specify the date according to the rules described in EChapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are Dallowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. If you Bspecify /NOACCESS_DATE the last access date field will be cleared.




        EControls whether a new last attribute change date is assigned to the Especified files (V7.2 only). Specify the date according to the rules Edescribed in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date Dkeywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is Fused. If you specify /NOATTRIBUTE_DATE the last attribute change date field will be cleared.




        GControls whether a new backup date is assigned to the specified files. FSpecify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the DVMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you <specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. If you specify 5/NOBACKUP_DATE the Backup date field will be cleared.




        BSets or resets the 'BADACL' flag in the file header. This enables (deletion of a file with a corrupted ACL.




        GClears or sets the files NOBACKUP bit. Setting a file to NOBACKUP with 5/NOBCK causes it to be skipped by a BACKUP operation.


        8Sets a new value for the bucket size in the file header.



        /NOCONFIRM (default)

        @Controls whether a request is issued before each individual SET Doperation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that Bfile. When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses:
          YES      NO     QUIT   TRUE     FALSE  CTRL/Z   1        0      ALL            <RET> 

        EYou can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word Dresponses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters D(for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES, FTRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and <RET>. QUIT Dor CTRL/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at @that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues to Hprocess, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other ;than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued.




        @Sets or resets the 'CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY' bit in the file header.




        BControls whether a new creation date is assigned to the specified Ffiles. Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 Gof the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If 0you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.




        HSets or resets the directory attribute of a file. This qualifier allows Fyou to set the directory bit of a file which was mistakingly reset by Ethe 'SET FILE/NODIRECTORY' command. If it is done on a non-directory Dfile, then access to that directory will give a 'BADIRECTORY' error.


        DThis qualifier will reset the end-of-file mark to the highest block Dallocated if no block has been specified. Otherwise the end-of-file (mark will be set to the specified block.


        FThis qualifier will set the end-of-file byte mark to the highest byte Gif it has not been specified. Otherwise the end-of-file byte mark will be set to the specified byte.




        HControls whether an expiration date is assigned to the specified files. FSpecify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the DVMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you ,specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.!

        /IDENT=identifier or uic

        <Modify the file ownership. See also /OWNER_UIC. This allows Amodification of the file-ownership even if the file is open, eg. 6INDEXF.SYS. You cannot use both /IDENT and /OWNER_UIC.


        BPerform the SET command on open or locked files. Default DFU will Creturn a %SYSTEM-E-ACCONFLICT on open files. The /IGNORE=INTERLOCK #option can overrule this behaviour.




        FThis qualifier will lock a file for future use. Nothing else can then Dbe done with the file, until it is unlocked (which can also be done with the VMS 'UNLOCK' command.

        /LOG (default)



        DControls whether the SET command displays the file specification of )each file after the modification is made.


        BSets a new value for the maximum record number in the file header.


        FThis qualifier disables or enables (/NONOMOVE) the MoveFile attribute Don files. It is the same as the DCL command SET FILE/NOMOVE, but in Fconjunction with /IGNORE=INTERLOCK DFU can change the setting on Open or Locked files.


        CThe following keywords are used as parameters for the ORGANIZATION Equalifier: DIRECT, INDEXED, RELATIVE and SEQUENTIAL. This will allow Gyou to modify the file organization type in the file header. Of course 4this won't change the real organization of the file.%

        /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

        DModify the file ownership to an UIC or identifier. See also /IDENT. CThis allows modification of the file-ownership even if the file is @open, eg. INDEXF.SYS. You cannot use both /IDENT and /OWNER_UIC.


        DThe following keywords are used as parameters for the RECATTRIBUTES Equalifier: NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED, PRINT and NOSPAN. This will allow Eyou to modify the file's record attributes in the file header. NONE, FFORTRAN, IMPLIED and PRINT are mutually exclusive, but can be used in Ecombination with NOSPAN. When NOSPAN is omitted SPAN is assumed (the 7default is to allow records to cross block boundaries).


        8Sets a new value for the record size in the file header.


        >The following keywords are used as parameters for the RECTYPE Fqualifier: FIXED, STREAM, STREAMCR, STREAMLF, UNDEFINED, VARIABLE and FVFC. This will allow you to modify the file's record type in the file header.




        EControls whether a revision date is assigned to the specified files. FSpecify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the DVMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you ,specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.


        ;Sets a new value for the revision count in the file header.



        /NOUPDATE (default)

        <Normally the file's revision date will be updated after any Dmodification to it. SET however disables this update (otherwise the HREVISION date could not be set). Specify this qualifier if you want the revision date to be updated.


        FSets a new value for the VFC size in the file header. This value will &only be used with the VFC record type.



        Chapter 12


        HThis chapter describes the UNDELETE command with the related parameters and qualifiers.5

        12.1 Introduction


        ?The UNDELETE function is designed to recover deleted files, if Hpossible. UNDELETE operates in a safe mode such that it first checks if Dthe deleted file header and diskblocks are still available. Only in Hthat case will the file be recovered. Otherwise UNDELETE will leave the 5disk unmodified. UNDELETE has some powerfull options:

        • Generate a list of recoverable files with the /LIST qualifier. This J qualifier will not undelete any file, and therefore it does not lock up the disk.*
        • Undelete multiple files in one pass.H
        • Make file selections based on the owner with the /OWNER or /IDENT qualifier.E
        • Undeleted files which cannot be entered back in their original D directory will be moved to the [SYSLOST] directory. This saves an ( additional ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR action.


        12.2 File specification syntax

        GBecause a deleted file no longer 'knows' its parent directory you must FNOT enter a directory specification in the file name. Therefore , the 'syntax to undelete a specific file is :
        >   DFU> UNDELETE <device:>/file=<filename.ext>   eg:  *   DFU> UNDELETE $1$DIA1:/file=FOO.BAR 

        EDFU will try to re-enter the file in its original directory; it that :fails the file will be entered in the [SYSLOST] directory.;

        12.3 How Undelete works


        *The UNDELETE command operates as follows :

        1. Lock the volume. In the same manner as ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR and SET I VOLUME /REBUILD Undelete locks the disk for other writers such that no @ modifications to the INDEXF, BITMAP or QUOTA file can be made.I
        2. Search the INDEXF.SYS file if the requested file is still there. A < check is made if it really is a valid deleted file header.C
        3. Checks if the deleted file header and all possible extension  headers are still valid.H
        4. Checks if the blocks previously owned by this file are still free.I
        5. If all these conditions are met DFU will display the file and asks  for a confirmation.I
        6. Rebuilds all of the deleted file headers and bitmaps in memory. If H no errors are found all the file headers and bitmaps are written back E to disk. The files original backlink is saved in a table in memory.I
        7. If appropiate the blocks and headers are charged against diskquota.E
        8. When all of INDEXF.SYS has been scanned the volume is unlocked.J
        9. The file(s) is (are) entered in the original directory if possible, A using the table build up in memory. If the enter command fails E (probably because the original directory is gone) the file will be A entered in [SYSLOST]. DFU will create this directory if needed.

        CIf the /LIST qualifier is used, DFU will just list the recoverable Ffiles without performing any action on the disk. The disk will not be locked.

        ?It is important to note that during the bitmap and file header Fprocessing any error will immediately terminate the recovery process, Fand unlock the disk. Files which have been recovered up to that point ?will still be entered in the appropiate directory. As no wrong Dinformation has been written back to the disk this should leave the disk in a proper state.

        DNOTE: The blocks recovered will NOT be subtracted from the Volume's :free block count. To get the actual freeblock count a SET FVOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE is necessary. Also a complete reMOUNT will reset the freeblock count.

        FIMPORTANT: DFU takes care to recover only files whose original blocks Fare free. However these blocks may have been modified in the meantime Fby another file which also has been deleted. Therefore each recovered 5file must be checked manually to check its integrity.

        Example of a Undelete session :

        DFU> undel $1$dua102:/list  .Recoverable file [TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2 found ,Recoverable file [TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1 found -Recoverable file [TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1 found *Recoverable file [TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1 found  $DFU> undel/file=*.for $1$DUA102:  '%DFU-I-READBMAP, Reading BITMAP.SYS... +%DFU-W-LOCKED, Volume now LOCKED for write )%DFU-I-UNDEL, Start search on $1$DUA102:  .Recoverable file [TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2 found !Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : n ,Recoverable file [TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1 found !Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : y +%DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recovered '%DFU-I-ADDQUOTA, updating diskquota...  -Recoverable file [TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1 found !Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : n *Recoverable file [TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1 found !Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : y  +%DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recovered '%DFU-I-ADDQUOTA, updating diskquota... %DFU-I-UNLOCK, Volume unlocked /%DFU-I-ENTER, Entering file(s) in directory... @%DFU-S-ENTERED, File CHECK_ID.FOR entered in original directory >%DFU-S-ENTERED, File CHRLEN.FOR entered in original directory  
        DFU> EXIT  


        12.4 Files marked for delete

        CNormally DFU does not undelete files marked for delete. To recover Ffiles marked for delete you must use the /MARKED qualifier. This will Hspecifically undelete files marked for delete. This allows the recovery Gof files which are deleted but still open, such as INSTALLed files, or Geven recovery of the system dump file SYSDUMP.DMP whenever such a file is accidentially deleted.



        .Recover one or more deleted files on a device.



        UNDELETE device[:]





        FThe device on which to undelete one or more files. The device will be )write-locked during the undelete process.




        GThe file to be recovered. Wildcards may be used. If a matching file is Hfound Undelete will ask a confirmation. If a certain file is confirmed, Fthat file will be recovered if possible, and control will be returned Bto the DFU> prompt. If the /FILE qualifier is omitted DFU will assume *.*;* .!

        /IDENT=identifier or uic

        HYou can search for files owned by a specific identifier or UIC. Another Fway is the /OWNER_UIC qualifier; you cannot combine these 2 qualifier in one UNDELETE command.!


        GGenerate a list of recoverable files. No undelete will take place, and =the disk will not be locked. The defaultoutput is SYS$OUTPUT.


        EConsider only files marked-for-delete. Such files are usuallly still Fopen by some utility, such as INSTALLed files or the system dump file.%

        /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

        DThis qualifier is used to select files by a UIC or identifier . You *cannot combine this qualifier with /IDENT.


        FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.



        Chapter 13


        GThe new SPAWN command creates an interactive subprocess. This allows a Cquick escape to the DCL level from an interactive DFU session. The Esubprocess has a default prompt DFU_sub$. In SMG mode the <DO> Hkey also performs a SPAWN command. You must logout explicitly to return to the DFU session.


        Chapter 14


        FThis chapter describes the VERIFY command with the related parameters and qualifiers.5

        14.1 Introduction


        HThe VERIFY command makes an analysis of the disk, scanning for file and @disk structure errors. VERIFY performs almost all of the checks Enormally done by a ANALYZE/DISK command. But VERIFY is several times 2faster than ANALYZE/DISK, and uses less resources.

        /VERIFY checks and reports the following errors:

        • Checks the logical information contained in the disk's HOME block'
        • Reports files marked for deletion3
        • Reports mismatches in the index file's bitmap8
        • Checks the VMS$COMMON.DIR backlink on system disks
        • Checks all backlinks.'
        • Reports multiple allocated blocks:
        • Reports blocks incorrectly marked free and allocated
        • Reports all lost filesF
        • Checks for mismatches between blocks used and blocks charged in 2 QUOTA.SYS. (Only done when diskquota is enabled)


        14.2 Basic repair actions

        EThe /FIX qualifier can be used to perform some basic repair actions. EUnlike ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR this does not lock the disk! /FIX repairs the following errors:
        • Deletes file marked for delete (if possible).9
        • Recovers lost files and directories into [SYSLOST].F
        • Recovers a very rare problem which will get ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR H into a computable loop (This problem is fixed in VMS V6.2 or with the  VERI02_061 patch kit).B
        • Recovers a corrupted backlink for the Master File Directory 000000.DIR.G
        • Recovers a wrong backlink for VMS$COMMON.DIR files on the system  disk


        14.3 Advanced repair actions

        HThe /REBUILD qualifier can be used to perform some more repair actions. FThis will however lock the disk (like a DCL $SET VOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE Dcommand) for a short period of time (usually less than 30 seconds). '/REBUILD repairs the following errors :
        • Mismatches in the INDEXF.SYS bitmap (files reported with the  NOBITSET and NOBITCLR errors)D
        • Blocks incorrectly marked allocated or free in the BITMAP.SYS.'
        • Mismatches in the diskquota file.

        ?Note that /REBUILD does NOT change the disk's free block count.


        14.4 Directory scanning

        GThe /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier will force DFU to also verify and repair D(when using /FIX) directory problems. This qualifier directs DFU to <scan all directories on the disk. This has some advantages :
        • Better detection of some cases of 'lost' files. Combined with the H /FIX qualifier DFU may be able to recover such files into the correct 6 directory instead of moving such files to [SYSLOST].G
        • Detects and fixes file-id mismatches between directories and the  INDEXF.SYS file.J
        • Using the /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier makes DFU fully compatible with  ANALYZE/DISK.

        GPlease note that a complete directory scan may take several minutes to complete.<

        14.5 Interpreting errors


        ?On a system (cluster) wide mounted disk there will probably be Econcurrent disk activity during the VERIFY command. Therefore VERIFY Gmay report some errors which are not really errors. Try running VERIFY F2 or 3 times to see if the errors are reported again. To get a really Dconsistent report from VERIFY you can use the /LOCK qualifier. This Bwill write-lock the disk during the VERIFY run, so don't use this Aqualifier too often. (The /REPAIR qualifier of ANALYZE/DISK also Bwrite-locks the disk). Even if DFU ends ungracefully the DFU exit $handler will always UNLOCK the disk.8

        14.6 Error reporting


        +An example of a typical VERIFY run follows:

        DFU> VERIFY mydisk !%DFU-I-VERIFY, Verifying MYDISK: ,%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK '%DFU-I-IFSCAN, Scanning INDEXF.SYS ... )%DFU-I-CHKBITMAP, Checking BITMAP.SYS... +%DFU-I-CHKLOST, Checking for lost files... '%DFU-I-CHKQUOTA, Checking QUOTA.SYS...   %DFU> VERIFY/REBUILD sys$sysdevice '%DFU-W-LOCKED, Volume now write locked (%DFU=I-VERIFY, Verifying SYS$SYSDEVICE: ,%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK L%DFU-W-DELETED, file (620,351,1) RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3 marked for delete F%DFU-W-DELETED, file (6349,173,1) DCLTABLES.EXE;937 marked for delete M%DFU-W-DELETED, file (19745,35,1) RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3 marked for delete )%DFU-I-CHKBITMAP, Checking BITMAP.SYS... Q%DFU-E-ALLOCCLR, blocks LBN 2667141 through 2667143 incorrectly marked allocated Q%DFU-E-ALLOCCLR, blocks LBN 2667153 through 2667161 incorrectly marked allocated   .   . 1%DFU-S-RBDBITMAP, BITMAP.SYS succesfully rebuild +%DFU-I-CHKLOST, Checking for lost files... %DFU-I-UNLOCK, Volume unlocked  DFU> 

        'VERIFY can report the following errors:

        .ALLOCCLR, blocks incorrectly marked allocated,
        Severity: ERROR
        HExplanation: Blocks were found which are not allocated Dby a file but set in the BITMAP file. This error is often seen when GVERIFY is run and there is concurrent file activity on the disk. Also, Hif after a system crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such blocks Fmay exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.
        GUser Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the BITMAP file.
        )ALLOCSET, blocks incorrectly marked free,
        Severity: ERROR
        GExplanation: Blocks were found which are allocated by Ea file but not set in the BITMAP file. This error is often seen when GVERIFY is run and there is concurrent file activity on the disk. Also, Hif after a system crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such blocks Fmay exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.
        GUser Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the BITMAP file.
        (BADBLOCK, file has suspected bad blocks,
        Severity: ERROR
        GExplanation: A file has suspected bad blocks. This is 3likely to be caused by hardware errors on the disk.
        HUser Action: Try to copy the file to another location. Also check the Error Log.
        +BADEXTLNK, link to extension header broken,
        Severity: ERROR
        HExplanation: VERIFY tries to follow the extension link >of the file and it failed, or the extension header is invalid.
        E&User Action: Try ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR. However, this Gmay be an unrepairable error, in which case the file will be corrupted and unreliable.
        9BADMFDLNK, directory has backlink to 000000.DIR on RVN n,
        Severity: ERROR
        EExplanation: A directory has a backlink to a Master Gfile directory other than the one on RVN 1. This is incorrect, but the Bonly way to recover is to reenter the directory manually into the 000000.DIR on RVN 1.
        FUser Action: Do a SET FILE/ENTER into the 000000.DIR Hdirectory on RVN 1, then do a SET FILE/REMOVE from the wrong 000000.DIR.
        DELETED, file marked for delete,
        "Severity: WARNING
        DExplanation: A file was found marked for deletion. ESuch files usually exists as a result of file being deleted while it Awas still INSTALLed, or as a result of a system crash. It is not Bconsidered as an error. You can try to delete such files by using VERIFY/FIX.
        ERRHOME, Home block info not OK,
        Severity: ERROR
        GExplanation: The Info contained in the Home Block was not consistent or corrupted.
        HUser Action: Run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to try to fix the error.
        %INVBAKFID, file has invalid backlink,
        Severity: ERROR
        GExplanation: The files backlink file id is not filled Ein. This is likely to be a lost file. (Note that once VERIFY reports Fthis error, it will not be reported again during the LOSTFILE check). EBut is also possible that the file is in a valid directory, but that &the Backlink file id is not filled in.
        FUser Action: Run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR. If the file is Gin a valid directory the backlink will be repaired. Otherwise the file Fwill be moved to the [SYSLOST] directory. You can also use VERIFY/FIX =but then the file will unconditionally be moved to [SYSLOST].
        LOCKED, file is deaccess locked,
        "Severity: WARNING
        GExplanation: The file is deaccess locked. This may be a result of a system crash.
        FUser Action: Try to unlock the file with the DFU SET #command, or the DCL UNLOCK command.
        .LOSTHDR1, file found in nonexistent directory,
        "Severity: WARNING
        DExplanation: During the lost file check a file was Cdiscovered in a nonexistent directory. This error can be caused as <follows : set a directory file to NODIRECTORY and delete it.
        EUser Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the file to the [SYSLOST] directory.
        4LOSTHDR2, file found in directory with bad backlink,
        "Severity: WARNING
        DExplanation: During the lost file check a file was Gdiscovered in a valid directory. However, the directory has an invalid Cbacklink. This error can be caused by doing a SET FILE/REMOVE of a directory file.
        FUser Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the directory to Ethe [SYSLOST] directory. Then move the directory back to the correct ?location. The files in the directory should be accesible again.
        *LOSTHDR3, file found in invalid directory,
        "Severity: WARNING
        DExplanation: During the lost file check a file was Ediscovered in a directory which is not a valid directory. Either the Hfile has a wrong backlink, or the directory file has the directory file attribute not set.
        GUser Action: Look up the directory and use DFU SET to Hset the directory bit. If the directory file was OK then run VERIFY/FIX to recover the lost file.
        #LOSTHDR4, not found in a directory,
        "Severity: WARNING
        DExplanation: When the /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier is Fused, DFU detects files which have a valid backlink but which are not 6seen in the directory. This can be repaired with /FIX.
        GUser Action: Using /FIX will enter these files in the correct directory.
        %MULTALLOC, blocks multiple allocated,
        Severity: ERROR
        HExplanation: A file has blocks allocated which already Abelong to another file. Note that VERIFY will make a second pass Gthrough INDEXF.SYS to report all the files involved. This is a serious Derror, and may be a result of a disk being mounted on two seperated *VAXClusters (or a partitioned VAXCluster).
        BUser Action: Copy all the files found to another Dlocation. Next all the files must be deleted. Run VERIFY/REBUILD to Frepair the BITMAP. All the afflicted files must be manually inspected 5to see which files are valid and which are corrupted.
        *NOBITCLR, Deleted file header marked BUSY,
        "Severity: WARNING
        HExplanation: A file was deleted. The corresponding bit Gin the INDEXF bitmap should be cleared but is still set. This is not a serious error.
        BUser Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to fix the error.
        (NOBITSET, index file bitmap bit not set,
        "Severity: WARNING
        >Explanation: A valid file was found, but the Dcorresponding index file bitmap bit is clear. This is not a serious error.
        BUser Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to fix the error.
        NOOWNER, file has no owner,
        "Severity: WARNING
        EExplanation: A file was found with UIC [0,0] as the &owner. This is not a normal situation.
        CUser Action: Look up the file and modify the file owner.
        @QUOTAERR, UIC [x,y] has n blocks used, QUOTA indicates m blocks,
        "Severity: WARNING
        FExplanation: If a disk has diskquota enabled, VERIFY Ccalculates the blocks used and compares them with the value in the HQUOTA.SYS file. Any mismatch is reported. This error is often seen when HVERIFY is run, and there is concurrent file activity on the disk. Also, Gif after a system crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such Quota Emismatches may exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.
        FUser Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the QUOTA -file. Or run a DISKQUOTA> REBUILD command.
        %SLFBAKFID, backlink points to itself,
        "Severity: WARNING
        HExplanation: This error indicates that DFU has found a Cdirectory with a backlink pointing to itself. This feature is only Gallowed for the MFD 000000.DIR. This error will result in ANALYZE/DISK going into a COMputable loop.
        FUser Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the directory to Ethe [SYSLOST] directory. Then remove the directory entry from itself Ewith a SET FILE/REMOVE command. The files in the directory should be accesible again.



        *VERIFY a device for disk structure errors.



        VERIFY device[:]





        The device to be verified.




        AThis qualifier redirects the output to be appended to an already Fexisting file. If the output file does not exists it will be created. ,You can use /APPEND or /OUTPUT but not both.


        CPerforms a full directory scan. This may take up some time, but it Fallows detection of mismatches between the directories and INDEXF.SYS.



        /NOFIX (default)

        FRepair errors on the disk. File marked for delete will be deleted and 6lost files and directories will be moved to [SYSLOST].



        /NOLOCK (default)

        ELocks the disk for file allocation/deletion. This gives a consistent Areport for the disk, but other users may experience a delay when Haccessing the disk. The device will be unlocked a the end of the VERIFY command.


        GThis qualifier redirects the output to a file. The output will also go Hto SYS$OUTPUT. CAUTION: if you use /LOCK in combination with /OUTPUT be Ecareful to specify an outputfile on ANOTHER disk, or DFU will finish with a severe error.



        /NOREBUILD (default)

        EPerform a volume rebuild. Using this qualifier will temporarily lock the disk for other users.


        FThis qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


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        DFU V2.7-A

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        DFU V2.7-A


        Contents (summary)




        -Next0[SYSHLP]DFUHLP.HLBTRTk04&"Q Qaged !AD>% Librarian A09-226$6&9&QR5 DFU 9&1 DFU@The ODS-2 Disk and File Utilities is a high performance utility Gdeveloped to perform routine maintenance and special purpose operationsAon disks, files and directories. The functionality offered by DFUGis not or partly available through other DCL commands or VMS utilities.AVersion V2.7-A also works with the new ODS 5 file system and deep4directories. Further, V2.7-A is fully Y2K compliant. =NOTE: DFU V2.7-A is a freeware product, use at your own risk.ARefe r to for the latest freeware version. DFU has the following functions:- o DEFRAGMENT : defragment individual files J o DELETE : delete files by file-id, and delete directory(trees) fast o DIRECTORY functions @ : COMPRESS , CREATE , DUMP or RECOVER directoriesG : search directories for files with multiple versions , 4 alias files , or empty directories+ o REPORT : reports disk fragmentation! o SEARCH  : search for files$ o SET : set file attributes& o UNDELETE : recover deleted files8 o VERIFY : analyze (and repair) the disk structure2 Problem_reportsAPlease report all problems and other questions to the author at : ton.dorland@compaq.com2 Restrictions9- DFU cannot handle volume sets with more than 32 disks. 2 DEFRAG>The defrag option is used to defragment a single file or filesSyntax:9 DEFRAG file1,file2,...,@file3 (/DEVICE=/BESTTRY) 3 Parameters file1,file2,...,@file3>You must specify a file (list) with a full file specification =or a logical name. You may also use an indirect command file <eg.: DEFRAG @DEFRAG.COM(/device=). This enables you Dto generate a list with SEARCH device/OUTPUT=file and use that file Eas input to the DEFRAG command. The list generated by DFU SEARCH willJcontain the device name in the file specification. If you have a filelist Dfrom another source which does not contain the device name you must 5use /DEVICE as to append the device name to the file. 3 Qualifiers/BESTTRYIThis qualifier directs DFU to create a file using the contiguous-best-tryImethod. Default DFU tries to make a completely contiguous file. On highly0fragmented or used disks this may be impossible./DEVICE=device_name(Append the device-name to the filename. /LBN=EMove a single file to the target logical block number. This is faster:than having the file system sear ch for a new LBN location.BCaution: Use this qualifier only for processing a single file, not=a list of files. If there is not enough contiguous free space3available at the target LBN Defrag will fail with aDEVICEFULL error. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default)2 Controls whether CPU and I/O consumption of the command are shown. /WRITECHECK /WRITECHECK /NOWRITECHECK (default)D Performs a write check on the resultant file after the defragment operation. 2 DELETE&The Delete command serves 2 purposes : o Delete files by File-id= o Delete complete directories and directory trees very fast>Deleting files by file id's (with the /FILE qualifier) can be =usefull in removing files which are no longer in a directory (eg. files marked for delete). CDeleting a directory (with the /DIRECTORY qualifier) is many times @faster than the normal DCL delete command, especially for large Bdirectories. The /TREE qualifier can be used to delete a complete %directory tree with just one command.4The /FILE and /DIRECTORY command cannot be combined. Syntax :& (1) DELETE /FILE=@ (2) DELETE /DIRECTORY(/Qualifiers) 3 Qualifiers /DIRECTORYD This qualifier directs DFU to delete the complete contents of theB specified directory, followed by a delete of the directory file itself. = See also the /TREE qualifier. The parameter must specify a> full directory file name. Wildcards may be used. Examples :0 DFU> DELETE mydisk:[000000]gone.dir/DIRECTORY9 gone.dir will be deleted with its contents. > DFU> DELETE/DIRECTORY mydisk:[maindir.subdir]removethis.dir? removethis.dir will be deleted with its contents./FILE /FILE=G The full 3 number file-id of the file to be deleted. In combination E with the required device parameter this results in a unique file. A To avoid possible errors a full file id is required. Example :$ DFU> DELETE mydisk/FILE=(234,567,1)/KEEP /NOKEEP (default)@ Used with DELETE/DIRECTORY(/TREE). This qualifier directs DFUA to delete the contents of the directory(tree) but to preserve  the directory files. /NOLOG /LOG (default)I This qualifier is used only with the /DIRECTORY qualifier. Default DFUE will report each deleted file. This can be suppressed with /NOLOG. /NOREMOVE /REMOVE (default)E This qualifier can only be used with /FILE. Default DFU will also A try to remove the file from the parent directory. For lost or H marked-for-delete files this is not possible, and the DELETE command  will probably fail.? The /NOREMOVE qualifier will override the default behaviour. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default)2 Controls whether CPU and I/O consumption of the command are shown./TREE H This qualifier is only used in combination with /DIRECTORY. Starting D with the specified directory all (sub)directory contents and all ) (sub)directory files will be deleted. 2 DIRECTORYEThe DIRECTORY command provides 8 different functions depending on thequalifiers used. Syntax: DIRECTORY/COMPRESS & Compresses one or more directories.% DIRECTORY/CREATE/ALLOCATE=n 4 Create an empty directory file 'n' blocks in size DIRECTORY/DUMP - Provides a block level dump of a directory" DIRECTORY/REBUILD_MFD 2 Recovers a corrupted MFD directory (000000.DIR) DIRECTORY/RECOVER ! Recovers a corrupted directory DIRECTORY/ALIAS @ Searches all directories on the device for alias file entries DIRECTORY/EMPTY + Searches the disk for empty directories. DIRECTORY/VERSION=n 9 Searches all directories on the device for files which have at least n versions. 3The qualifiers /ALIAS, /EMPTY, and /VERSION can be co mbined in one command.2Other combinations of qualifiers are not possible. 3 Parameters file,(@file) @The /CREATE, /COMPRESS , /DUMP and /RECOVER qualifier require a Gdirectory-file name as a parameter.You may also specify a logical name Gor an indirect command file as a parameter eg.: DIR/COMPRESS @DIR.COM .CThis enables you to generate a list with SEARCH device/OUTPUT=file 5and use that file as input to the DIRECTORY command. AThe list generated by DFU SEARCH will contain the device name in /the file specification. If you have a filelist Dfrom another source which does not contain the device name you must 5use /DEVICE as to append the device name to the file.deviceAThe /ALIAS, /EMPTY , /REBUILD_MFD and /VERSION qualifier require a device name as a parameter. 3 Qualifiers/ALIAS 2 Scan all directories on a disk for alias files. /ALLOCATE=nA Used in combination with /CREATE. Generates an empty directory* with a preallocated size of 'n' blocks. /COMPRESS > Recreates and compresses the directory. Because directories? are alphabetically sorted files, deleting and entering files= randomly will create 'holes' in directory files. /COMPRESS; will remove these holes by rebuilding and truncating the directory./CREATE1 Create an empty directory. See also /ALLOCATE./DEVICE=device-nameA Append the device name to the directory-file name. Can only be used with /COMPRESS or /DUMP/DUMP 8 Produces a dump of the directory file block by block.6 This command may be usefull for debugging corrupted or suspected directories./EMPTY' Scan the disk for empty directories. /FILL_FACTOR /FILL_FACTOR=percentage> This qualifier is only valid in combination with /COMPRESS.@ Default behaviour for DFU is to compress a directory as tight7 as possible; this is equivalent to /FILL_FACTOR=100.; By choosing a lower fill_factor DFU will leave some free> space in each directory block. /FILL_FACTOR may be between < 50 and 100 %. Caution : choosing a fill_factor lower than; 100% may fail if the directory file is not large enough.9 In that case DFU will signal an error and advise using a higher fill_factor./FORMAT /FORMAT=format_string> Used with /VERSION and /OUTPUT. Create an output file using= the format as described in formatstring. The format string> MUST contains the !AS directive; DFU fills in the resultant file there. Example :2 DFU> DIR/VERSION=3/OUT=P.COM/FORMAT="$purge !AS" /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filenameB This qualifier redirects the output from DFU to an output file. /REBUILD_MFD /REBUILD_MFD: Rebuilds the disk's 000000.DIR directory and makes sure the file backlinks to itself./RECOVER /RECOVER8 Rebuilds a corrupted directory file. Do not use this + command on critical (system)directories! /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default)2 Controls whether CPU and I/O consumption of the command are shown./TEST  A This qualifier can be used only in conjunction with /COMPRESS.: When /TEST is specified DFU will show the results of a ? directory compression without actually performing a compress operation. /TRUNCATE /TRUNCATE(=n)> This qualifier is only valid in combination with /COMPRESS.; After compressing a directory DFU will NOT truncate the > empty blocks at the end of the directory , unless /TRUNCATEB is specified. A number 'n' may be specified to let DFU truncate; no further than 'n' blocks. ('n' will be rounded up to a; multiple of the disks cluster size.) Example: a 60 blockD directory A.DIR can be compressed to 20 blocks. The results are: 8 DIR/COMPRESS --> A.DIR size 20/60 blocks.: DIR/COMPRESS/TRUNCATE --> A.DIR size 20/20 blocks.: DIR/COMPRESS/TRUNCATE=40 --> A.DIR size 20/40 blocks./VERSION /VERSION=n> Scan all directories of a given device for files which have at least 'n' versions. 2 EXITLeave DFU (return to DCL)2 HELPDisplays this text2 New_Features_V2.7-A4This version of DFU has the following new features :) o DELETE/DIR/TREE performance improved5 o Added DIRECTORY/REBUILD_MFD to repair 000000.DIR( o SEARCH/ORGANIZATION qualifier added% o SEARCH/NAME_TYPE qualifier added: o SET/(NO)BCK added to change the files's nobackup bit The following bugs are fixed:  o Several ACCVIO's) o Problems with large BITMAP.SYS files, o Directory corruption after DIR/COMPRESS+ o Several problems with DELETE/DIRECTORY, o Better handling of indirect input files2 REPORTEThe report option generates a file and free space report of the disk.CAlso a graph table is made which gives you a quick view on the freespace distribution of the disk.Syntax :  REPORT /Qualifiers 3 Qualifiers/APPEND /APPEND=filename: Same as /OUTPUT, but the output will be appended to the7 file if it already exists. Thus output from multiple3 DFU commands can be put in the same output file.2 If the file does not exists it will be created./GRAPH /GRAPH /NOGRAPH (default)= This qualifier enables the graph output of the free space > distribution for the disk. The default behaviour is not to  display the graph output./OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filenameB This qualifier redirects the output from DFU to an output file. /NOBITMAP % Skip the bitmap statistics report./NOFILE$ Skip the file statistics report. /NOVOLUME Skip the volume info report. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default)2 Controls whether cpu and I/O consumption of the command are shown./USAGE(=uic or identifier): Generate a diskblock usage report. DFU will report per ? UIC/Identifier the blocks used/allocated, and the number of B file headers used. If diskquota is en> !abled a third column will F be added to the report with the blocks used according to QUOTA.SYS.= If an UIC or Identifier is entered then only that UIC will be reported.- The diskquota used must satisfy the rule :5 QUOTA used = blocks allocated + # of file headers.2 Screen_Management<This version of DFU uses Screen Management (SMG) routines to8perform output. DFU will automatically select SMG unlessBthe terminal does not have SMG capabilities, if DFU is executed in4a batc"h job or if the logical DFU$NOSMG is defined. ?In any of these 3 cases DFU will switch to normal line orientedoutput. 3 Line_Mode1You can force DFU to line mode output by defining#the logical DFU$NOSMG to any value.3 Special_Keys:In SMG mode the following keys perform special functions :$ o CTRL/W : Redraws the screen% o DO : Spawns a subprocess+ o HELP or PF2 : Invokes the help facilityF o PF4 : Dumps the screen contents in the file DFU_SCREEN.TXT7 # o PREV_SCREEN : Scrolls back trough the output window; o NEXT_SCREEN : Scrolls forward through the output windowA o INSERTHERE : Scrolls back through the output window one lineC o REMOVE : Scrolls forward trough the output window one line/ o SELECT : Toggle between 80/132 columns' o UP/DOWN : Recall command buffer3 Paging-outputAIn SMG mode the /PAGE qualifier will present output page by page.9This may be handy for some commands which produce a large"amount o$f output (SEARCH, REPORT).2 SEARCHAThe SEARCH option lets you search for specific files on a device.Syntax :  SEARCH /Qualifiers 3 Qualifiers/ACCESS & /ACCESS=keyword(=value) (V7.2 only)8 This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible> keywords : BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The last access6 date is used in for selecting files. You can either8 use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE , but not both. The NONE> keyword gives you files which don't have a %last access date set. Examples : o /ACCESS=BEFORE=date- o /ACCESS=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate) o /ACCESS=NONE/ACE /ACE=identifier< Searches for files containing an ACL list with an ACE for this identifier. /ALLOCATED3 When using the /SIZE qualifier, the default size3 used for comparison is the actual file size. Use8 /ALLOCATED to force DFU to use the allocated filesize for comparison./APPEND /APPEND=filename: Same as /OUTPUT &, but the output will be appended to the7 file if it already exists. Thus output from multiple3 DFU commands can be put in the same output file.2 If the file does not exists it will be created. /ATTRIBUTE) /ATTRIBUTE=keyword(=value) (V7.2 only)8 This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possibleA keywords : BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The last attribute= change date is used in for selecting files. You can either8 use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE , but not both. Th'e NONE< keyword gives you files which don't have a last attribute change date set. Examples : o /ATTRIBUTE=BEFORE=date0 o /ATTRIBUTE=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate) o /ATTRIBUTE=NONE/BACKUP /BACKUP=keyword(=value)8 This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible9 keywords : BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The backup6 date is used in for selecting files. You can either8 use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE , but not both. The NONE9 keyword gives you fil(es which don't have a backup date recorded. Examples : o /BACKUP=BEFORE=date- o /BACKUP=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate) o /BACKUP=NONE/BAKFID /BAKFID=backlink-file-id5 You can use this qualifier to look for a file with; a specific backlink. Only the first part of the file id = must be specified, that is , if the File id is (x,y,z) you% must specifiy 'x' as the file-id. E You can use this qualifier to get files from a specific directory.> If yo)u use /BAKFID=0 you will get files not belonging to a % directory (often temporary files)./CHARACTERISTICS( /CHARACTERISTICS=(characteristic,...)2 This qualifier is used to select files by their8 characteristics. The possible characteristics you can specify are :3 o BADACL : files marked with a bad ACL list/ o BADBLOCK : files marked with Bad Blocks3 o BESTTRY : files marked contiguous-best-try- o CONTIGUOUS : files which are contiguous3 o DIRE *CTORY : files marked as a directory file- o ERASE : erase file before deletion6 o LOCKED : files with the deacces lock bit set, o MARKED : files marked for deletion+ o NOBACKUP : files marked as NoBackup+ o NOCHARGE : files marked as NOCHARGE: o NOMOVE : files marked as NOMOVE (VMS 5.5+ only!) o SPOOL : spool files0 o SCRATCH : files marked as scratch files- o NOSHELVABLE: files marked a noshelvable* o ISSHELVED : files which+ are shelved > Default DFU will use a logical AND to select files, that is= if you issue several characteristics DFU will only display> files which have all these characteristics set. To overrule/ this , you can use the MATCH=OR keyword, eg: 5 SEARCH device/CHAR=(DIRECTORY,NOBACKUP,MATCH=OR)/CREATED /CREATED=keyword=value8 This qualifier is used in combination with 2 possible5 keywords : BEFORE=date or SINCE=date. The creation7 date is used in for sel,ecting files. You can combine BEFORE and SINCE. Examples : o /CREATED=BEFORE=date. o /CREATED=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate)/EXCLUDE /EXCLUDE=filename3 Use this qualifier to exclude filenames from the6 selction. Eg.: /EXCLUDE=*.SYS will force DFU to not# select filenames matching *.SYS./EXPIRED /EXPIRED=keyword(=value)8 This qualifier is used in combination with 3 possible0 keywords BEFORE=date, SINCE=date or NONE. The6 expiration date is used- in for selecting files. You4 can either use SINCE and BEFORE or NONE , but not5 both. The NONE keyword gives you files which don't. have a expiration date recorded. Examples : o /EXPIRED=BEFORE=date. o /EXPIRED=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate) o /EXPIRED=NONE/FID /FID=file-id4 You can use this qualifier to look for a specific3 file. Only the first part of the file id must be5 specified, that is , if the File id is (x,y,z) you4 must specifiy 'x' as th.e file-id. If you use this9 qualifier, DFU does not scan INDEXF.SYS but just looks5 up the specific file header. Therefore, you cannot6 combine this qualifier with other search qualifiers such as /SIZE or /FILE./FILE /FILE=filename. DFU selects only file names which match the7 'filename'. You can use wildcards eg: /FILE=*.SYS or> /FILE=LOGIN.*. If you don't supply a version DFU adds ';*'  to the filename./FORMAT /FORMAT=format_string1 Used with //OUTPUT. Create an output file using= the format as described in formatstring. The format string> MUST contains the !AS directive; DFU fills in the resultant file there. Example :5 DFU> SEARCH/FILE=*.TMP/FORMAT="$delete/confirm !AS" /FRAGMENT /FRAGMENT [=option]6 Shows the numbers of headers/fragments of the file. Available options: o /FRAGMENT 2 Don't select files, but show fragmentation info! o /FRAGMENT=MINUMUM=fragments 8 DFU selec0ts files with at least 'fragments' fragments! o /FRAGMENT=MAXIMUM=fragments 7 DFU selects files with at most 'fragments' fragments& You can combine both options , eg.:7 /FRAGMENT=(MIN=4,MAX=10) will select all files with between 4 and 10 fragments./FULL3 Gives you a full output for each found file. The8 output contains directory, filename, File ID, Virtual3 Block Number within INDEXF.SYS, filesize, owner,6 creation date, revision date. Note that defau1lt you4 get a short output. You cannot use both /FULL and /SUMMARY together./HOME9 Displays information about the home block of the disk.7 DFU uses the home block to calculate the actual used' and free file headers in INDEXF.SYS./IDENT /IDENT=identifier /NOIDENT=identifier6 DFU Selects files owned by this identifier. Another9 way is to use the /OWNER=uic qualifier; you cannot useA both qualifiers in the same DFU command. Using /NOIDENT causes< DFU t2o search for all files NOT owned by this identifier./LBN /LBN=logical-block-number6 The /LBN option is a special qualifier which allows7 you to find a file which contains a specific logical3 block number. Note that this qualifier cannot be: combined with other search qualifiers (such as /FILE=)./LIMIT /LIMIT=(minimum=n,maximum=m); Searches all directory files for a default version limit between 'n' and 'm'. /NAME_TYPE /NAME_TYPE=ODS2 | ISL1 | UCS29 3 Searches for files with ODS2 (classic VMS), Iso-Latin19 or Unicode name type. This command is only meaningfull for ODS5 disks. /NOSEARCH= Do not search the volume. This qualifier can only be used = with /HOME. It is used to display only the home block info of the device. /NOVOLSET7 The /NOVOLSET qualifier overrides default Volume set4 processing by DFU. This is usefull eg. if you are* doing a /LBN search on a specific disk. /MODIFIED /MODIFIED=keyword=v4alue8 This qualifier is used in combination with 2 possible5 keywords : BEFORE=date or SINCE=date. The revision7 date is used in for selecting files. You can combine BEFORE and SINCE. Examples :  o /MODIFIED=BEFORE=date/ o /MODIFIED=(BEFORE=date,SINCE=anotherdate) /MULTIPLE5 This qualifier displays files which have extension3 headers. This gives you some idea about possible fragmentation of your disk. /ORGANIZATION9 /ORGANIZATION=INDEXED | RELAT5IVE | SEQUENTIAL | DIRECT ; This qualifier searches for files with the specified RMS file organization/OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filename5 This qualifier redirects the output from DFU about7 all found files to an output file. You must use this$ qualifier if you are using /SORT./OVER_ALLOCATED /OVER_ALLOCATED=n< Select files for which the difference between blocks used8 and allocated is greater than or equal to 'n' blocks./OWNER /OWNER=uic /NOOWNE6R=uic5 Selects all files owned by the specified uic. This7 qualifier cannot be used in combination with /IDENT.< The uic must be specified in a standard [grp,mem] format.4 Using /NOOWNER causes DFU to search for all files NOT owned by this uic./PLACED Cheks for placed files./SIZE /SIZE=option 9 You must supply at least one of the following options:  o /SIZE=MINUMUM=blocksize 6 DFU selects files at least blocksize blocks in size 7 o /SIZE=MAXIMUM=blocksize 6 DFU selects files at most blocksize blocks in size.& You can combine both options , eg.:4 /SIZE=(MIN=1000,MAX=10000) will select all files) between 1000 and 10000 blocks in size./SORT5 This qualifier will sort the results of DFU to the8 output file specified in /OUTPUT. If you omit /OUTPUT3 SYS$OUTPUT will be used. You cannot use /FULL or& /SUMMARY in combination with /SORT. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (defau8lt)2 Controls whether cpu and I/O consumption of the command are shown./SUMMARY3 Gives you a summary of the total number of files4 found, and the number of blocks occupied by these6 files. You cannot use this qualifier in combination/TYPE /TYPE=ODS2 | ODS5 (V7.2 only)5 Searches for files with ODS2 or ODS5 file headers. Only usefull on ODS5 disks./VERSION_NUMBER /VERSION_NUMBER=option 9 You must supply at least one of the following options:9 * o /VERSION_NUMBER=MINUMUM=file_version ; DFU selects files whose version number in the file name  is at least 'file_version'.* o /VERSION_NUMBER=MAXIMUM=file_version ; DFU selects files whose version number in the file name  is at most 'file_version'.& You can combine both options , eg.:7 /VERSION=(MIN=1000,MAX=10000) will select all files: with a version_number between 1000 and 10000 inclusive.2 SETDModifies the characteristics of on:e or more files. It handles-all attributes which 'SET FILE' can't handle. Format: SET file-spec[,...],@file 3 Parameters file-spec[,...],@fileF Specifies one or more files to be modified. If you specify two or? more files, separate them with commas. A filelist may be used: by specifying @file. Thus, an output file generated by a: DFU SEARCH command can be used to be processed with SET.= Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specifications. 3 Qu;alifiers /ACCESS_DATE  /ACCESS_DATE=date (V7.2 only) /NOACCESS_DATEI Controls whether a new file access date is assigned to the specifiedF files. Specify the date according to the rules described in ChapterF 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords areF allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. UseE of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or access control./ATTRIBUTE_DATE ! /ATTRIBUTE_DATE=date (V7.2 only) /NO<ATTRIBUTE_DATEA Controls whether a new lats attribute change date is assigned E to the specified files. Specify the date according to the rules > described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. J Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, I today's date is used. Use of this qualifier requires ownership of the  file or access control. /BACKUP_DATE /BACKUP_DATE=date /NOBACKUP_DATEF Controls whether a new backup date is assi=gned to the specifiedF files. Specify the date according to the rules described in ChapterF 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords areF allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. UseE of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or access control./BADACL /BADACL /NOBADACLF Sets or resets the 'BAD ACL' flag in the file header. This enables* deletion of a file with a corrupted ACL./BCK /BCK /NOBCK( Clears or> sets the file's nobackup bit., (/BCK clears the bit, /NOBCK sets the bit). /BUCKETSIZE /BUCKETSIZE=size: Sets a new value for the bucket size in the file header./CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)B Controls whether a request is issued before each individual SETF operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file.F When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses: YES NO QUI?T TRUE FALSE  1 0 ALL F You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for wordF responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more lettersF (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES,F TRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and . QUIT orF indicates that you want to stop processing the command atF that point. When you respond with ALL, th&@e command continues toF process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a responseC other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued./CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY /CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY /NOCONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRYB Sets or resets the 'CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY' bit in the file header./CREATION_DATE /CREATION_DATE=date /NOCREATION_DATEF Controls whether a new creation date is assigned to the specifiedF files. Specify the date according to the rules describeAd in ChapterF 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords areF allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. UseE of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or access control. /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY /NODIRECTORYF Sets or resets the directory attribute of a file. This qualifierF allows you to set the directory bit of a file which was mistakinglyF reset by the 'SET FILE/NODIRECTORY' command. If it is done on a non-F directory B file, then access to that directory will give a 'BADIRECTORY' error./EBLOCK /EBLOCK[=block]F This qualifier will reset the end-of-file mark to the highest blockF allocated if no block has been specified. Otherwise the end-of-file* mark will be set to the specified block./EBYTE /EBYTE[=byte]D This qualifier will set the end-of-file byte mark to the highestD byte if it has not been specified. Otherwise the end-of-file byte) mark will be set to the specCified byte./EXPIRATION_DATE /EXPIRATION_DATE=date /NOEXPIRATION_DATEF Controls whether an expiration date is assigned to the specifiedF files. Specify the date according to the rules described in ChapterF 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords areF allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. UseE of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or access control./IDENT /IDENT=identifier or uic@ Modifies the file-Downer. This command can also be used on open= files (such as INDEXF.SYS). /IDENT cannot be combined with /OWNER_UIC/IGNORE  /IGNORE=INTERLOCK= Set the file attributes even if the file is open or locked./LOCKED /LOCKED /NOLOCKEDF This qualifier will lock a file for future use. Nothing else canF then be done with the file, until it is unlocked (which can also be% done with the VMS 'UNLOCK' command./LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG B Controls whethEer the SET command displays the file specification. of each file after the modification is made./MAXREC /MAXREC=recordD Sets a new value for the maximum record number in the file header./NOMOVE /NOMOVE /NONOMOVE- Disables or enables the MoveFile attribute. /ORGANIZATION /ORGANIZATION=keywordF The following keywords are used as parameters for the ORGANIZATION6 qualifier: DIRECT, INDEXED, RELATIVE and SEQUENTIAL.F This will allow you to modify the fiFle organization type in the fileF header. Of course this won't change the real organization of the file. /OWNER_UIC /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier@ Modifies the file-owner. This command can also be used on open< files (such as INDEXF.SYS). /OWNER_UIC can not be combined with /IDENT./RECATTRIBUTES /RECATTRIBUTES=keywordF The following keywords are used as parameters for theD RECATTRIBUTES qualifier: NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED, PRINT and NOSPAN.F ThGis will allow you to modify the file's record attributes in the file header.F NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED and PRINT are mutually exclusive, but can be" used in combination with NOSPAN.F When NOSPAN is omitted SPAN is assumed (the default is to allow% records to cross block boundaries)./RECSIZE /RECSIZE=size: Sets a new value for the record size in the file header./RECTYPE /RECTYPE=keywordF The following keywords are used as parameters for the RECTYPEHF qualifier: FIXED, STREAM, STREAMCR, STREAMLF, UNDEFINED, VARIABLE and VFC.F This will allow you to modify the file's record type in the file header./REVISION_DATE /REVISION_DATE=date /NOREVISION_DATEF Controls whether a revision date is assigned to the specified files.F Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 ofF the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed.F If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is useId. Use of this= qualifier requires ownership of the file or access control./RVCOUNT /RVCOUNT=count= Sets a new value for the revision count in the file header./UPDATE /UPDATE /NOUPDATE (default)F Normally the file's revision date will be updated after anyB modification to it. SET however disables this update (otherwiseF the REVISION date could not be set). Specify this qualifier if you' want the revision date to be updated./VFCSIZE /VFCSIZE=JsizeF Sets a new value for the VFC size in the file header. This value- will only be used with the VFC record type.2 SPAWN=Spawns a subprocess. In SMG mode the key also performs aSPAWN command. 2 UNDELETEDThe Undelete command recovers deleted files. It is done as safely asEpossible. If undelete discovers that the file header or blocks of the>deleted file have been reused, the undelete process will stop.IThe /FILE, /IDENTIFIER or /OWNER qualifier can be used to select s KpecificHfiles. The /LIST qualifier can be used to generate a list of recoverable(files without actually undeleting files.EIf a matching filename is found undelete will ask for a confirmation Abefore undeleting the file. Multiple files can be undeleted with Djust one UNDELETE command. After a succesful undelete the file will :be entered in the original directory if possible or in the[SYSLOST] directory.ANOTE: The volume (set) will be locked for other users during the 5undelete commandL unless the /LIST qualifier is used. Syntax:  UNDELETE /Qualifiers 3 Qualifiers/IDENT=identifier? Select file by identifier. This qualifier cannot be used in  conjunction with /OWNER./FILE=I Select file by filename. Wildcards may be used in the filename. If theA /FILE qualifier is omitted DFU will use *.*;* as the filename./LIST(=output_file)D Generate a list of recoverable files. This command will not lock . the volume, and wMill not undelete any file./MARKED( Select only files marked for delete. /OWNER=J Select file by owner uic. This qualifier cannot be used in conjunction  with /IDENT. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default)2 Controls whether cpu and I/O consumption of the command are shown.2 UsageAYou can start DFU with the DCL command : $Run DFU, or by defining1a symbol for DFU to use DFU as a foreign command: $ DFU == "$disk:[dir]DFU"AIf you e Nnter DFU without commands , DFU enters at the DFU> prompt<and awaits your command(s). Leave DFU with EXIT (or CTRL/Z).DIf you enter DFU with command line parameters, DFU will just process'this single command and return to DCL. 2 VERIFYAThe Verify option provides a function equivalent to ANALYZE/DISK,Gbut many times faster. Verify will report files with invalid backlinks,Ilost files, and blocks which are allocated by more than 1 file. Also the BBITMAP and QUOTA files are checked. The /FOIX qualifier allows someEbasic repair actions without locking the disk. The /REBUILD qualifier?will rebuild INDEXF.SYS, BITMAP.SYS and QUOTA.SYS if necessary.ANote that /REBUILD will lock the disk for a short period of time.Syntax :5 VERIFY (/OUTPUT=/LOCK/FIX/REBUILD) 3 Qualifiers/APPEND /APPEND=filename: Same as /OUTPUT, but the output will be appended to the7 file if it already exists. Thus output from multiple3 DFU commands can be put in the sameP output file.2 If the file does not exists it will be created./DIRECTORY_SCAN? This optional qualifier directs DFU to make a full directory; scan. This allows better detection of some cases of lost: files, and detection of some directory corruptions. Use /FIX to repair such errors.: Warning: using /DIRECTORY_SCAN can take several minutes/FIX /FIX /NOFIX (default)/ This qualifier repairs the following errors: $ o Deletes files marked for delete Q2 o Moves lost files and directories to [SYSLOST]> o Repairs a wrong backlink for VMS$COMMON.DIR (system disk)- The /FIX qualifier does not lock the disk!/LOCK /LOCK /NOLOCK (default)H Locks the volume for allocation. To get a consistent view of the diskG you must stall all allocation changes of the disk. Otherwise VERIFY I may report errors which are caused by concurrent disk activity during H execution of the VERIFY command. Trade off is that the disk is locked* for the duration of the VERIFY command./OUTPUT. Redirects the output from verify to a file./REBUILD /REBUILD /NOREBUILD (default)= This qualifier repairs structure errors and mismatches in ; INDEXF.SYS, BITMAP.SYS and QUOTA.SYS. Note that /REBUILD4 will temporarily lock the device for other users. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default)2 Controls whether cpu and I/O consumption of the command are shown.ww