From: Mark(desalinate for e-mail)Forsyth [] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 6:09 AM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Figuring out the Date of the 3rd Saturday of each Month On Mon, 04 Nov 2002 13:49:45 GMT, Hein van den Heuvel gushed forth: >$ typ >$First=f$cvtime("1-"+p1,"absolute","date") >$Days=f$loc(f$extr(0,2,f$cvt(First,,"WEEKDAY")),"SaFrThWeTuMoSu")/2 >$First_Saturday=f$cvtime(First + "+''Days'-","absolute","date") >$Third_Saturday=f$cvtime(First_Saturday + "+14-","absolute","date") >$write sys$output "''first', ''Days', ''First_saturday', >''Third_Saturday'" Hmmm. Neat. I NEVER would've thought of that. [deletia] -- Ooroo Mark F... Another Optus Cable Traffic Monitor. Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 17th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3168