Article 602 of gnu.announce: Xref: mv comp.os.linux.misc:121410 gnu.announce:602 gnu.utils.bug:11023 Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 12:37:40 +0200 Message-ID: From: Keith Andrews To: Subject: VRweb VRML Browser is now free software Distribution: world Approved: Path: mv!!!!!!ai-lab!!gnu Newsgroups: gnu.announce,gnu.utils.bug,comp.os.linux.misc Followup-To: gnu.utils.bug Lines: 48 Dear GNU community, Following a request from Richard Stallman, we have made VRweb, our browser for 3D models on the Web specified in the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), available under the GNU General Public Licence. VRweb works in conjunction with Web browsers such as Netscape or Mosaic on Unix and Windows platforms. VRweb is a joint project of IICM, home of Hyper-G, NCSA, home of Mosaic, and the University of Minnesota, home of Gopher. The software is freely available in binary and source: VRweb 1.2 for Unix has just been released, VRweb 1.2 for Windows will follow in due course [the currently available Windows version is VRweb 1.1 beta 5 under our original licence terms]. You can download VRweb from: and numerous mirror sites. Further information on VRweb can be found at: VRML is a non-proprietary, platform-independent file format for 3D graphics on the Internet. More information about VRML can be found at the VRML Repository: Best regards, Keith Andrews and Michael Pichler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Andrews IICM Graz University of Technology tel +43-316-873-5610 Schieszstattgasse 4a fax +43-316-824394 A-8010 Graz Austria "There are no kangaroos in Austria" ----------------------------------------------------------------------