From: SMTP%"" 12-SEP-1996 I'm submitting more than one program; at this moment 2 are ready (I expect to be done testing/packaging the 3rd on Saturday - it's been a busy week): + vile 6.1 (I submitted vile 5.4 for the 2nd cdrom) + vttest 2.6 (a new program) and (the one I'm working on): + flist (there was some confusion last year, but it is a different program from Hunter Goatley's TPU utility). I've packaged each in a ".zip" file with the zip-file named by the directory in which I've put the source. (This is a source-only distribution, since I work on these programs strictly as a personal project - and I don't own a VAX). So: vile 6.1 is packaged in, which contains the directory "vile61". vttest 2.6 is packaged in, which contains the directory vttest26 If you wish, I can package flist with a version number to distinguish it from Hunter Goatley's version. (By explanation: "flist" was originally an IBM program that I and other people used and emulated by writing our own versions on other systems. I wrote my version during 1984-1985, and revised it last year, converting to ANSI C and porting to the AXP. This year's version includes some bug fixes). In any case, I'll email you again when I'm done packaging flist. My files are available at -- Thomas E. Dickey