Article 128145 of comp.os.vms: WASD VMS Hypertext Services Package ----------------------------------- Offers a complete HTTP server solution for the VMS environment. It is FREEWARE, licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. It comes complete with extensive documentation, all source code, and a number of VMS-specific scripts (see below). Known to work with VMS versions 6.n and 7.1, with DEC TCP/IP (Multinet support is tenuous). Version 3.1 was released on the OpenVMS Freeware CD v3 (then known as HFRD VMS Hypertext Services Package). This is an updated and improved version 4.2, with much extended functionality, well worth a look at. It contains a simple demonstration procedure (requires a privileged account). The server has a single-process, multi-threaded, asynchronous I/O design which offers very good performance, while the single-process context helps reduce system impact. A complete implementation of a basic HTTP/1.0 server, including --------------------------------------------------------------- o concurrent, multi-threaded client support o "DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "POST" and "PUT" HTTP method support o "If-Modified-Since:"/"304 Not Modified" functionality (document is only sent if modified since time specified by client) o HTTP/1.0 de-facto persistent connections ("Keep-Alive:) (reducing the number of TCP/IP connects required) o versatile directory listing (generic and VMS-style) o CGI-compliant scripting (with configurable, automatic, MIME content-type initiated activation) o CGIplus scripting (offering reduced latency, increased throughput and reduced system impact, after minor changes in CGI script code) o Server-Side Includes (HTML pre-processing) o server-side, clickable-image support (NCSA and CERN formats) o host access control, on per-host or per-domain acceptance or rejection o "Basic" and "Digest" user authentication and path/group-based authorization o Web-standard, "common"-format access log (allowing processing by most log-analysis tools) o on-line server configuration; including reports on activities, loaded configuration, mapping rules and authorization information o persistant client state HTTP cookie aware VMS-specific scripts available ------------------------------ o "Conan the Librarian", a Help and text library read and search script o "HyperReader", a BNU/Bookreader shelf navigation and Bookreader document reading scripts (works well considering :^) o "HyperSPI", a VMS system performance reporting tool o "HyperDisk", a disk usage reporting script o Search and extraction scripts o A number of other miscellaneous VMS script hacks! FTP access ---------- Use your browser to access: Currently I don't know of an on-line version that's not behind a firewall (Intranetting - ours certainly is). If you know of one, or want to offer :^), please let me know. -- Mark G.Daniel Senior Information Technologist Wide Area Surveillance Division Defence Science and Technology Organization s-mail: PO Box 1500, Salisbury, South Australia 5108 e-mail: 'phone: +61 8 8259 6031 fax: +61 8 8259 6673 "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto." ------------------------