Snoopie, a TCP login tracer for DOS-machines

Number of accesses since 14.09.97:

Snoopie is a little DOS-program that uses a PC/TCP-compatible packet-driver to switch your network adapter into promiscous-mode where every network-traffic can be monitored by your machine. It traces all open TCP-connections on your local network to catch logins from ftp-, telnet- and POP3-connections. The found passwords are shown on the screen and are written to your harddisk when you terminate snoopie.


To use snoopie you've to get a packet-driver for your network adaptor. You gan get the Crynwr packer-driver collection for popular network-adaptors at the Crynwr-server under: Once you've downloaded, unpacked and installed an appropriate packet-driver you've simply to start snoopie.exe - the program starts immediately with password-catching and can be ended with the escape-key. Whith the f-key you can temporarily hide the main-screen to protect yourself from the administrator of your network. When you end snoopie the passwords found on you network are appended to the file snoopie.out. They can be shown with the program

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