From: SMTP%"" 20-AUG-1996 17:38:19.66 To: CC: Subj: inventiveness??? Hi Glenn, The closing paragraphs of your letter which you said you had forwarded to Dave Schmidt said that I showed unusual ability and inventiveness. Well, I've spent the day exercising that unusual inventiveness again with SSINT. I realized that what I sent you could only be used to intercept those services which were not 64 bit or did not get 64 bit enhanced. Using the homed argument approach and then, invoking the original service routine via the CALLG meant that the original routine would be called with 32 bit sign-extended argument values, at least for the first siz which is what happens when you specify HOMED_ARGS=TRUE. Not to worry! I, essentially, rolled my own argument homing macro which can be used with the EVAX_CALLG_64 built-in. THis is the better approach because calling the original routine is done with a full 64 bits in registers R16 through R21 and the remaining args (stacked) are already 64 bit ready. This is easily accomplished with a macro I built that I have called: $SETUP_CALLG_64 to parallel Digital's 64 bit macros of similar naming convention. The macro simply subtracts *8 from the stack pointer and then uses the EVAX_STQ built-in to move all of the args to this stack space, for example: EVAX_SUBQ SP,#*8,SP EVAX_LDAQ Rx,(SP) EVAX_STQ 0(AP),(Rx)+ EVAX_STQ 4(AP),(Rx)+ EVAX_STQ 8(AP),(Rx)+ ... EVAX_STQ <*8>(AP),(Rx)+ EVAX_LDAQ Rx,(SP) You then call the routine via EVAX_CALLG_64 (Rx),ROUTINE. It works great for either 32 ot 64 bit addresses! I also took care of the linker error LINK-W-MULTFR by playing another overlaying psect game and specifying the global label LIB$INITIALIZE which the linker automatically then make the first entry in the image transfer vector. Carefully overlaying this atop of the SSINT$DOINIT routine makes it the first entry in the transfer vector and the real DOINIT routine is the second entry. This doesn't affect anything be- cause the execlet loader only looks at the first transfer vector slot and invokes the address it finds there as the initialization routine! I had a little free time today so it was play time. I've been sooooo busy that all the 64 bit stuff I've done was basically the "robotic" things that needed to be changed according to the "64 bit Upgrading Guide". I really needed to get in there and play with 64 bits to get a good grasp of it all. Anyway, the latest SSINT is on its way (V1.3%6.233.) MFTU encoded ZIP as always. I hope it's not too late to get this version on the SIG tapes. Don't stop the presses on my accord though. VAXman- For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. - Revelation - ================== RFC 822 Headers ================== Return-Path: Received: by (UCX V4.0-10B, OpenVMS V6.2 VAX); Tue, 20 Aug 1996 17:38:12 -0400 Received: from by (8.7.5/UNX 1.2/1.0/WV) id RAA26565; Tue, 20 Aug 1996 17:17:06 -0400 (EDT) Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 16:34:29 -0500 From: ("Brian Schenkenberger, VAXman-") Received: from lokidev by attmail; Tue Aug 20 21:15 GMT 1996 Received: from alpha by oadec (OADEC V3.0); Tue Aug 20 16:34:29 EDT 1996 Subject: inventiveness??? To: X-VMS-Mail-To: OA%"attmail!internet!!everhart" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: