Xpdf VMS Notes

File format

If you're running xpdf under VMS, and getting "Couldn't read xref table" errors, try converting the PDF file to STREAM_LF format:


(Thanks to Patrick Moreau for this hint.)

Foreign symbol

After installing xpdf, you need to define the xpdf foreign symbol. Load your login.com file under a text editor, and add the line:

$ xpdf :== $disk:[directory_path]xpdf.exe
where disk is the device or logical name of the disk where the executable is located, and [directory_path] is the directory path under the root of the disk. The $ before the disk name is mandatory.

After saving your modified login.com file, issue the command:

$ @sys$login:login
to force a re-execution of the login.com (or create another decterm), and you will be able to use xpdf.

(Thanks to Patrick Moreau for this hint.)

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