CMU OpenVMS TCP/IP Frequently Asked Questions Last Update: 7-OCT-1996 FAQ Maintainer: Andy Harper A.Harper @ PART 4 OF 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 >>>> FREE AND PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE SUPPORTING OPENCMU ----------------------------------------------------------- In this section is described a number of network applications which are known to work with the OpenCMU transport. All are available freely (I.E. without charge) though some authors have chosen to retain copyright (freeware rather than public domain). The locations of these software items are given via URLs. The presence of a '*' wildcard does not imply that the URL can be used 'as is' to fetch the whole package, but merely that there are several files which make up the item. Volunteers are always required to port other network applications to the latest OpenCMU release. If you port anything, please notify the FAQ maintainer and the OpenCMU mailing list. Also, please try to persuade the original author of any ported application to include your OpenCMU changes in the official release. This will greatly reduce the amount of work needed to track the latest releases of software. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 >>>> TCP/IP TRANSPORT INTERFACE LIBRARIES [10-OCT-1994] --------------------------------------------- There are a number of different free and commercial TCP/IP transports available for OpenVMS, including UCX, Multinet, OpenCMU, Pathway and TCPware. Each has a slightly different programming interface, making it somewhat difficult to write portable network applications. A universal, though not exclusive, de-facto standard for interfacing applications to the network is the Berkeley (BSD) 'sockets' interface. By writing applications conforming to this standard, it should be a relatively simple matter to link with the transport specific socket library. Unfortunately, there are other considerations that make this difficult; non-standard or transport-specific header files for one. The software here provides a selection of socket libraries that interface an application, written to the sockets standard, to the OpenCMU networking software. Some libraries also interface to two or more different network transports. For maximum portability, applications should be written in terms of these multi-transport interfaces. The recommended one is the SOCKETSHR library on top of the NETLIB library. Some of the applications described in this section require a specific socket library interface, so it may be necessary to install two or more of them on a given system to get all the applications to run. 4.1.1 >>>> NETLIB [10-OCT-1994] ----------------- Summary: A vendor independent TCP/IP programming interface. Description: NETLIB solves the problem by providing a vendor-independent programming interface that sits between the application and the particular version of TCP/IP installed on the system. Thus, applications can be written in terms of NETLIB routines and will run over any transport supported by NETLIB. Transports Supported: NETLIB supports OpenCMU; also, Multinet, TCPware, UCX and TWG's Win/TCP and Pathway Access. Interface Type: Similar to BSD sockets in concept but not in syntax. See SOCKETSHR package. Author: Matt Madison Pre-Requisites: NONE, except for one of the supported TCP/IP transports listed above. Availability:* [ NNN = version number ] 4.1.2 >>>> SOCKETSHR [10-OCT-1994] -------------------- Summary: A BSD sockets interface to NETLIB Description: SOCKETSHR provides a complete BSD compatible socket library that allows applications to be written with complete independence of the underlying network transport. It is written to interface to the NETLIB software, which provides an interface to all the available TCP/IP transports for VMS. A recommended package for all users who are writing or porting network applications. Transports Supported: All those supported by NETLIB Interface Type: BSD sockets compatible Author: Thanks go to Eckart Meyer for making this package available, and to Mike O'Malley, on whose LIBCMU package this is based. Pre-Requisites: To use SOCKETSHR, the NETLIB package is a pre-requisite; to use SOCKETSHR with UDP applications requires NETLIB version 1.7 as a minimum! Availability:* [ NNN = version number ] 4.1.3 >>>> SOCKIT [10-OCT-1994] ----------------- Summary: A socket library interface for VMS network applications Description: SOCKIT provides an emulation of the BSD socket routines for VMS. The interesting thing about this package is that it will interface to several of the commonly available TCP/IP transports, OpenCMU included. Transports Supported: OpenCMU Wollongong UCX (thus works with Multinet if UCX emulation on!) X.25 Interface Type: BSD sockets compatible Author: Peter Kay Pre-Requisites: NONE. The code to interface to each transport is built-in. Availability:* 4.1.4 >>>> LIBCMU [10-OCT-1994] ----------------- Summary: A socket library interface for OpenCMU Description: LIBCMU is a purpose built library of routines for interfacing applications that use Berkeley sockets to the OpenCMU programming interface. This library allows a number of applications written for sockets to be easily ported to OpenCMU. Note that development of this library has ceased. It is available for some applications that still require it but new developments should use the SOCKETSHR/NETLIB combination instead. Transports Supported: OpenCMU InterFace Type: BSD sockets compatible Author: Thanks go to Mike O'Malley for writing and maintaining the LIBCMU software. Availability:* 4.1.5 >>>> LIBCMUII [27-FEB-1996] ------------------- Summary: A socket library interface for OpenCMU that has UCX compatibility. Description: LIBCMUII is a purpose built library of routines for interfacing applications that use Berkeley sockets to the OpenCMU programming interface. This library allows a number of applications written for sockets to be easily ported to OpenCMU. This library is based upon the work of Mike O'Malley, who produced LIBCMU and Eckart Meyer, who produced SOCKETSHR Transports Supported: OpenCMU InterFace Type: BSD sockets compatible Author: Thanks go to Clive Nichols for writing and maintaining the LIBCMU software. Availability:**.bck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 >>>> MAIL APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] -------------------------- Electronic mail is one of the main applications used over TCP/IP networks. It allows messages to be sent from one user to another even though they are on opposite sides of the world. Provided the users both have access to a computer system running compatible mail software, messages can be sent easily. OpenCMU does not provide any mail applications. Instead one or more of the applications listed below are recommended. 4.2.1 >>>> MX ELECTRONIC MAIL [10-OCT-1994] ------------------------------- Summary: A comprehensive SMTP based network mail system that interfaces directly into VMS MAIL and the underlying TCP/IP network. Description: MX provides full SMTP mail support and interfaces to VMS MAIL. It also provides a mailing list and file server facility. MX is completely free of charge and may be obtained from your local DECUS representative or from the sites listed below. Pre-Requisites: MX requires the NETLIB interface library. Author: Matt Madison and Hunter Goatley (C) MadGoat Software ltd. Availability:** [ NNN = version number ] 4.2.2 >>>> IUPOP3 [10-OCT-1994] ----------------- Summary: A POP3 mail server Description: POP3 is a protocol that allows a PC user to download mail from a central mail server and read it on the PC using PC style interfaces. A client that understands the POP protocol must run on the PC and many public domain or shareware ones are available (Win/QVT, Eudora, PC-Eudora, POPmail, Pegasus Mail and MINUET to name but a few). IUPOP3 is a POP3 server that runs under a number of systems, including VMS, and runs over the OpenCMU TCP/IP software (also UCX and Multinet). Pre-Requisites: IUPOP3 requires a specific library for OpenCMU, INET_CMUTIL. Note the original author of this software (see below) does NOT currently support a OpenCMU version. The OpenCMU port is a one off. Author: Indiana University Thanks to Brian T. Carcich for the OpenCMU port. Availability:*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 >>>> NEWS APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] -------------------------- Usenet news is a world wide distributed news system. Messages generated on one system are passed around the world rapidly, to all other systems. To simplify the management of news, messages are divided into `newsgroups', each newsgroup concentrating on one general topic. Using an appropriate newsreader, a user can `subscribe' to a particular set of newsgroups and read all the related messages in a manner similar to mail. There are some 3000+ different user groups currently. There are a number of parts to the news system. Firstly, software is required to gather batches of news from an upstream `feed' site and insert it into a local news database; Second, software is required to allow users to read the news database, possibly modifying it by sending new messages. The news database can be on the same system as the user, or the news database can be on a remote system, accessible through a client-server mechanism. The user's news reader program becomes a client, using the network to access a news server. 4.3.1 >>>> ANU NEWS [10-OCT-1994] ------------------- Summary: A complete news system Description: ANU-NEWS provides a complete package to deal with USENET news. News is received from an up-stream news feed site and stored in a local on-disk database. This database can be interrogated by local users running the NEWS application; A news server can be set up that provides access to the news databases via any convenient NEWS client running on another system (see NEWSRDR elsewhere in this document for one example). The ANU-NEWS server supports OpenCMU. Author: Thanks go to Geoff Huston for writing and maintaining the ANU NEWS software. Availability:* [ NNN = version number ] 4.3.2 >>>> NEWSRDR [10-OCT-1994] ------------------ Summary: A VMS newsreader client Description: NEWSRDR is a news client that allows the user to access the news groups stored on a news server system. This gives users a quick way of accessing all the news without the need to build a full news system. Pre-Requisites: NEWSRDR requires the NETLIB library to interface to the underlying TCP/IP network. Author: Thanks go to Matt Madison for writing and maintaining the NEWSRDR software. >>> FNEWS [10-OCT-1994] ---------------- Summary: A NEWS reading client for VMS Description: FNEWS is another news reader client. It offers local caching of newsgroups to speed the downloading of messages. Pre-Requisities: None: FNEWS builds for the currently installed transport. Author: ??? Availability:* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4. >>>> WORLD WIDE WEB APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] ------------------------------------- The world wide web is a distributed hypertext system that literally encompasses the world. A document can be loaded from a remote server which contains hypertext links to other documents anywhere in the world. Documents can be text, graphics, sound, binary etc. World Wide Web servers accept requests from clients to download documents, and world wide web clients accept those documents and format them for the user's display. A single display can be composed of a mix of text and graphics etc. World Wide Web uses the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) to specify document format and remote links. World Wide Web links specify the location of the document (site, directory and filename) as well as the protocol used to access them (ftp, wais, gopher, http etc.). So world wide web combines the functionality of a number of client types. 4.4.1 >>>> MOSAIC [10-JUL-1995] ----------------- Summary: A graphical World Wide Web client. Description: MOSAIC is a superb graphical interface for browsing through the World Wide Web and gopher databases on the internet. By using a hypertext markup language, text, images and sound can be pulled together, irrespective of their locations, into a single on-screen document. This is THE program for information seekers. Pre-Requisites: DECwindows/Motif is required to display the document. SOCKETSHR and NETLIB are pre-requisite for the version described here. Please note that there are several different ports of this version but only those listed support SOCKETSHR, and hence OpenCMU. Author: MOSAIC is written by the National Centre for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois. The VMS port is coordinated by George Cook. Availability:* [ NNNN = version Id ] 4.4.2 >>>> LYNX [10-OCT-1994] --------------- Summary: A World Wide Web browser, designed for line mode terminals (such as Digital's VT series. Description: LYNX is a line mode version of a World Wide Web hypertext browser. It combines the functions of gopher and FTP, together with WWW and allows access from a VT compatible terminal. It provides similar functionality to that of Mosaic except that a simple terminal interface is all that is required. Pre-Requisites: A socket library interface is required; LYNX recognizes a number of socket libraries. For OpenCMU, either the SOCKETSHR (recommended) or the LIBCMU socket library is required. Author: Thanks go to the LYNX developers, mainly at the University of Kansas, for developing and maintaining this software, and for making it freely available. Availability:* 4.4.3 >>> HTTP_SERVER [10-OCT-1994] --------------------- Summary: A World Wide Web server conforming to the standard HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) mechanism. Description: HTTP_SERVER provides a VMS system with the ability to act as a World Wide Web server using the HTTP protocol. It will accept requests from HTTP clients (such as MOSAIC - see elsewhere in this document) and return the necessary information. A full description of the World Wide Web system is outside the scope of this summary but it is, in essence, a distributed hypertext system capable of mixing text, images, graphics, animation and sound into a single on-screen display, with each element being on different systems anywhere in the world. The HTML language is used to specify the links. Pre-Requisites: DECthreads is required; so a minimum OpenVMS of 5.5 is required. The server contains all the necessary interfaces to work with OpenCMU, as well as with UCX and Multinet. Author: Thanks go to David Jones for writing and maintaining this software. Availability:* 4.4.4 >>> FETCH_HTTP [12-SEP-1996] -------------------- Summary: A command line utility to fetch the file specified via an HTTP URL. Description: Files available on the web usually require that a full blown web browser be started up. This utility is specifically designed as a one-shot command to grab a named file using the web's HTTP protocol. The file required, and it can be text or binary, is specified via a URL and can be copied into a local file. Pre-requisites: The source has been slightly modified in an attempt to directly support a number of TCP stacks but it is known to work over the SOCKETSHR socket interface. Author: Originally written by David Jones as part of the OSU HTTP_SERVER distribution. Extracted and modified by a number of others. Availability:* Andy Harper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5 >>>> FILE TRANSFER APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] File transfer is another major application run over the network. It allows files to be transferred between two different systems using a simple set of commands. It is most often used for retrieving files from one of the many public domain archive sites around the world. OpenCMU comes prepackaged with an FTP client and server but it is worth considering the alternatives listed here. 4.5.1 >>>> MADGOAT FTP [10-OCT-1994] ---------------------- Summary: An alternative FTP client and server. Description: The File Transfer program (or FTP) is an important part of the TCP/IP applications set. It allows files to be moved between two systems. MGFTP is a file transfer program which can be used over any of the available TCP/IP transports, including OpenCMU. This client is more functional than the one provided with OpenCMU and is recommended. Useful enhancements include: * Logging of server transactions to a file in each user's home directory * User control over how the server is used on an account * Anonymous FTP has per-directory messages * FTP client has automatic anonymous login * FTP client can have aliases defined to connect/fetch from specific systems/files Pre-Requisites: The NETLIB interface is required. Author: MGFTP is based on the OpenCMU FTP client and server, written by many people. Thanks go to Matt Madison and Hunter Goatley, of MadGoat software, and to Darrell Burkhead, for writing and maintaining MGFTP and making it available as freeware. Availability:* 4.5.2 >>>> C-KERMIT [31-MAR-1995] ------------------- Summary: File transfer over the current terminal connection to a host. Description: The KERMIT program is a widely used way of tranferring files over serial lines between systems. The user's terminal temporarily becomes a client and the user's host session temporarily becomes a server. The KERMIT protocol allows switching between terminal mode and file transfer mode, as well as sending or requesting files to be transferred. In the past, kermit has been able to set up terminal sessions, and run the file transfers, only over serial line connections. More recent versions have allowed the terminal connections, and hence the file transfers, to take place over telnet links by having direct TCP/IP support built in. The latest version of C-kermit supports direct TCP/IP connections and will work over the OpenCMU package. Pre-Requisites: The OpenCMU version requires a socket library specific to the transport on which it runs. For OpenCMU, the required socket library is LIBCMU. Author: Columbia University and many contributors around the world. Availability: 4.5.3 >>>> FSP [27-OCT-1994] -------------- Summary: File transfer over a lightweight UDP based protocol. Description: FSP is a simple file transfer protocol based around UDP rather than TCP protocols. It is designed to impose minimal load on the server and does not require the user to log in or identify themselves. Essentially, the client throws UDP packets at a server asking for a portion of a file or info about a file, and keeps throwing the same request at it until the server responds. Thus an FSP transfer is, in principle, resilient to server failure as it will retry until the server comes back on-line. It is said that FSP is what anonymous FTP should have been. This package is a port of the unix FSP client and server to VMS, and directly supports UCX, Multinet and OpenCMU. It also supports the vendor independent SOCKETSHR library. Pre-Requisities: Either: LIBCMU For direct OpenCMU support Or: SOCKETSHR For vendor independent TCP/IP support (recommended) NETLIB (required by SOCKETSHR) Author: Various. Availability:* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6 >>>> NETWORK ARCHIVE SEARCH APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] -------------------------------------------- There are many many sites around the world that allow public access to parts of the file system that contain freely available software. With so many sites and so many packages available, it can often be difficult to locate the appropriate site that holds the required software. ARCHIE was designed to ease this problem. A large number of sites are responsible for indexing all the other sites in the world and keeping track of what each contains. The ARCHIE mechanism allows a user to supply a keyword to the nearest archie host and have it return a list of software locations that contain the keyword somewhere in the directory/filename path. This usually results in a large list of potential places to search, which can then be interrogated using an FTP utility. 4.6.1 >>>> ARCHIE [10-AUG-1994] ----------------- Summary: A client used to interrogate the world-wide archive software database. Description: ARCHIE is a client for interrogating ARCHIE servers. Such servers maintain up to date information about what software is available on various FTP archives around the world and permit the client to ask where a particular item can be found. Given a keyword, ARCHIE will try to find all archives that contain files with the keyword as part of the name. Once located, FTP can be used to retrieve the item from the nearest archive. ARCHIE is configurable to use any one of a number of nearby archie servers with one selected at compile time as the default. Pre-Requisites: For OpenCMU usage, a socket library interface is required. There are two parallel versions of archie. One runs over the LIBCMU package, and the other runs over the SOCKETSHR package. Check the readme files with the software to see which is applicable. Author: Unknown. Many contributors. Availability:* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 >>>> GOPHER APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] ---------------------------- GOPHER is a protocol for requesting information from a remote system. GOPHER servers run on these systems to handle the incoming requests and GOPHER clients are necessary to interact with a user and generate the requests. Information is presented to the user in a menu format and allows information of many different types to be downloaded, viewed and/or saved. One GOPHER server can send back a pointer to a file of information that exists on a completely different system. This provides a generalised world wide browsing system NOTE: To a large extent, the functionality of GOPHER has been superceded by the World Wide Web but there are still a large number of gopher servers around. 4.7.1 >>>> GOPHER [10-OCT-1994] ----------------- Summary: A gopher client and server for VMS Description: The gopher client allows a user to request documents from any gopher server in the world. The gopher server allows a site to serve documents to the rest of the world. Pre-Requisites: The gopher client requires NETLIB, and will run over any of the supported TCP/IP transports. The gopher server specifically requires either UCX or MULTINET. There is no version for OpenCMU. Author: The University of Minnesota Availability:*VMS*.zip* 4.7.2 >>>> UMAGOPHER [30-MAY-1996] -------------------- Summary: A GOPHER client for VMS that provides a more VMS-like interface than the minnesota gopher. Description: The gopher client allows a user to request documents from any gopher server in the world. Pre-Requisities: This gopher client requires NETLIB and will run over any supported TCP/Ip transports. Unusually, it is written in BASIC so a BASIC compiler may be needed. Author: Jonathan Welch, University of Massachusetts Availability:* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.8 >>>> FINGER APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] ---------------------------- The FINGER protocol allows a client to `finger' another user on another system to find out basic information. For instance, fingering a system will give details of who is currently logged on. Fingering an individual username will give selected personal details (real name, location and any immediate plans). Note - some sites consider finger to be a security risk and do not run either the server or the clients. Thus it may not be possible to `finbger' some systems. 4.8.1 >>>> MADGOAT FINGER [10-AUG-1994] ------------------------- Summary: A FINGER Client and Server Description: FINGER provides both client and server facilities; This allows users to discover information about users on another system and for those users, in turn, to find out about local users. Pre-Requisites: FINGER requires the NETLIB library Author: Matt Madison Hunter Goatley (C) MadGoat Software ltd. Availability:* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 >>>> DOMAIN NAME SERVER APPLICATIONS [10-OCT-1994] ---------------------------------------- The Domain Name Server (or DNS) is responsbible for mapping system names into network addresses. It is sometimes useful to interrogate the DNS directly, perhaps to do fault determination or to track down a system name. 4.9.1 >>>> NSQUERY [10-OCT-1994] ------------------ Summary: Request information from the DNS Description: NSQUERY is a very useful utility that allows a user to interrogate any Domain Name Server for full site details. Pre-Requisites: Requires the NETLIB library. Author: Thanks go to Matt Madison for writing and mainting the NSQUERY software. Availability:* 4.9.2 >>>> IPADDR [10-OCT-1994] ----------------- Summary: Convert name to IP Address and vice versa Description: IPADDR is a simple utility to map an IP address into its corresponding host name(s) and vice versa. Pre-Requisites: Requires the NETLIB library. Author: Andy Harper Availability:* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.10 >>>> MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS ------------------------------------ 4.10.1 >>>> NETTIME [19-DEC-1994] ------------------- Summary: Consult a network time server and display, or set, the time from it Description: A NTP conformant utility that can be used to consult a known time server and use it to set the clock. Alternatively, the current time on various different time servers can be displayed. Pre-Requisites: None Author: John Clement Availability: 4.10.2 >>>> RLOGIN [4-DEC-1995] ------------------ Summary: Remote Login to another host Description: An implementation of the BSD 'R' series of protocols which allows the user to login from one host to another host without specifying a password, using the concept of 'trusted' hosts. Note that this can be a major security hole. Both client and server for the RLOGIN and RSH mechansims are provided in this version. There is no RCP. Pre-Requisites: None Author: Don Stokes Availability: 4.10.3 >>>> CSDRV [28-APR-1995] ----------------- Summary: VJ Compressed SLip Driver Description: A compressed SLIP driver that is a drop-in replacement for the supplied SLDRV SLIP driver. This provides the Van Jacobsen header compression on SLIP connections, increasing the throughput and performance. Pre-Requisites: None Author: Don Stokes Availability: 4.10.4 >>>> NBS [3-OCT-1995] --------------- Summary: Set the system time from the National Bureau of Standards Clock [ or other time server] Description: A NTP conformant utility that can be used to consult a known time server and use it to set the clock. Alternatively, the current time on various different time servers can be displayed. The program can access the NBS clock via internet or via a dial-up modem. Daylight savings changes are also handled automatically. Pre-Requisites: NETLIB; so will run over any supported TCP/IP stack. Author: Marc L. Kozam Availability: ftp:://* 4.10.5 >>>> QI [8-JAN-1996] --------------- Summary: A server for access to a CCSO-style phonebook database. Description: The CCSO phonebook database provides on-line, searchable, information about users at a particular site. The PH protocol provides the ability to search this database from any client which supports it. It is supported by the Eudora mail client directly and via a number of third party PH clients. QI provides the server side of the application, making your local phonebook database network accessible. Pre-Requisites: NETLIB; so will run over any supported TCP/IP stack. Author: Bruce Tanner Availability: [ 'xxx' = version number ]* 4.10.6 >>>> PH_CLIENT [12-JAN-1996] --------------------- Summary: This client allows the user to query the database served by a PH server. It complements the CSO phonebook server (QI). See above Description: See the description of QI earlier. This utility providese client side Pre-requisites: The SOCKETSHR socket library is required. PH_CLIENT will thus run on any network transport which this supports. Without SOCKETHSR, direct support is provided only for UCX and MULTINET. Author: Various, modified by Andy Harper to work with SOCKETSHR. Availability:* [ Caution: variius versions of this may exist. This is the only one that definitely has SOCKETSHR support. Other versions may not]. 4.10.7 >>>> CMUIP665K [28-FEB-1996] ---------------------- Summary: An unofficial (K)ludged version of the CMU IP 6.6-5A kit which provides additional bug fixes and enhancements. Description: This (unofficial) update to the CMU IP executables provides a few additional bug fixes to the base kit + patches. Pre-requisities: Requires that the base kit for CMU 6.6-5A be installed first. Author: Thanks got to Clive Nicols for making these updates available Availability:** 4.10.8 >>>> SLIP_EXTENSIONS [7-OCT-1996] --------------------------- Summary: A script to automate dial-up SLIP connections Description: This script automates dial-up SLIP connections by using an external program to make the call on the outgoing SLIP line, to establish the connection, then adjusting the CMU configuration (which involves stopping and starting IPACP!) accordingly. Pre-requisites: C-kermit is needed to handle the scripting and the dial-up on the nominated serial line Author: Thanks to Rob Puller for this little utility. Availability: 4.10.9 >>>> PERL 5 [ 6-JUN-1996 ] ----------------- Summary: Practical Extraction and Report Language Description: PERL is an interpretive language with elements of C and AWK. It is a very powerful text processing facility and has in-built network features. Pre-requisities: SOCKETSHR and NETLIB Author: Various Availability:*