Program: gopher server for VMS using CMU/TEK IP/TCP Internet package Anon ftp host: ( Directory: /pub/ Files: gopherserver_cmu.bck_z - gopher server saveset compressed with LZCOMP.EXE This "version" of gopher-server has been modified to work with CMU/TEK IP/TCP using the CMUTEK socket package inet_cmutil.bck_z developed by me, Brian T Carcich. You do not need to get the socket package as the relevant object files are included in the gopherserver_cmu.bck_z packages or the CMUTEK distribution. The compressed savesets ending in .bck_z need to be transferred in binary mode (get/t=i) and decompressed with LZDCMP.EXE with the qualifier /EXPORT=VMS (e.g. $ LZDC=="$DDCU:[DIR]LZDCMP/EXPORT=VMS" $ LZDC GOPHERSERVER_CMU.BCK_Z GOPHERSERVER_CMU.BCK $ CREATE/DIR DDCU:[BLAH.GOPHER] $ BACK/VER GOPHERSERVER_CMU.BCK/SAVE [.*] ) This file is 000gopherserver_cmu.readme in the savesets and gopherserver_cmu.000readme at the ftp site. The gopher server source was copied from on 9-SEP-1992 and was not changed other than to handle the CMU socket package by me. Original source for typical changed file fil.typ is in file_ORIG.typ ***N.B. UMM$HELP should be a logical that points to the directory that contains GOPHER.HLP when running gopher server. ***N.B. LINK_SERVER assumes VMSMISC.OBJ and INET_CMUTIL.OBJ are in the default dir and NETERROR.OBJ is in SYS$LIBRARY: for the link. VMSMISC and INET_CMUTIL are in the gopherserver_cmu distribution, and NETERROR is part of the CMUTEK distribution, but they are also included in the inet_cmutek.bck* distribution files in the same place. Brian Carcich saved|by +01(607)255-7453 FAX...-9002 Cornell University --+-- 422 Space Sciences Building |grace CUSPIF::CARCICH (SPAN 6287::) Ithaca, NY 14853-6801 | btcx@crnlvax5.BITnet