[j WHOIS.SAVEBv WHOIS.SAVE2BACKUP/LOG [...]WHOIS.* WHOIS.SAVE/SAVE/BLOCK=2048 HENRYM v}Ě V5.4 _SACUSR:: ; _$2$DUA5: V5.4  #*[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2+,?Qh./v 4-X0123 KPWO56 7Nu= 8= 9GvHJ0DX0205( .hWHOIS01 05-02    ?B!d FORRTL_001! LIBRTL_001JUDPPASSALLlocal_portLOCAL_PORT portPORTInvalid Port "outputQUERY" Missing nameHOSTIllegal port syntax ",43sys$output:nic.ddn.milINET$DEVICE Error - Unreachable - UDP port Error - ICMtype=x No reply from:),) $Pause (Press "Return" to continue):[m;0123456789)PL WHOIS.SAVE?QhX#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2query.lis     d t  <(*<,1<(*< ,($6,DTDdT0*T|*TKD , R*\ (_, _< L*L\ ,8$x 4,,dQ WHOIS.SAVE?QhX#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2*  3 0  1   5    $   , WHOIS.SAVE?QhX#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2 I[PP`PpPˀ,0 ˘BP ϡ ˤ˨ˤ߫˴QPЫ \, P\\\P \ P?~Q 2\(,(0'@P(PЫ\, hP\, |P\ːЫVPWWWˠVTD"TV", VV&~x˨YVgX\˸lPP \IX1P(PWk 8X, HPkWWTk\`VdhlkPWW W˄1iWˌ{~f˔G ˜ˠ˜/ˤ$!PO[} PQP}PQPԫ(PЫVPWW1XVD~<ZZ^(ZnZYYX^Xм\м`dмhԫl<X^PWW2WW,WW1^<PPX ~<ZZ^(ZnZY,Yn PQ^VxXːpPWԫ W1VˬPPˤPWW2W1 ռqf/u~ݼ.I~%2PPzѼ1-VW 4R&~V<7-*VVHDW WЫPO@[^}PQ PЫVkW- .V$V}ԫk<Yխ1YZJ XVJ GPPVVPRRPPRoRU WHOIS.SAVE?QhX#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2a }$ GD }VW1WVVRJ B}1?J aF~(~VVQJ A}1J 1J VVWVQJ A}1ʏXX 8J <@P&VPPVVP?@}W WP?@}WnWTWVJ X\mPXJ txZPXXX WX?H}WVPPVVXJ H}VPPVVQJ A}YBVWkѬPЬ P|$^ЬV,t$nNOADR.Name lookup not yet complete - no host addressDGTHFUL2GTHST queue full - can't queue name/address lookup&DAENET$DUMP argument error*NMLTOHost name lookup time-out>NSEXIT-Name lookup failure: name resolver is exiting@NONS1Name lookup failure: name resolver is not runningBNSQFULL0Name lookup failure: name resolver queue is fullJDSDOWN9Name not found in host table (domain service unavailable)FDSNODS4Domain service: no domain servers could be contactedJDSINCOMP7Domain service: received incomplete domain server replyDDSNOADDR0Domain service: no addresses found for host name@DSNONAME,Domain service: no name found for IP addressFDSFMTERR3Domain service: domain server returned format error6DSSRVERR#Domain service: domain server error<DSNAMERR)Domain service: name error (no such name)J(< WHOIS.SAVE?QhX#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2izDSNOTIMP6Domain service: domain server returned not implementedHDSREFUSD5Domain service: domain server refused to resolve nameJDSNONSRV6Domain service: no usable servers returned by referral8DSUNKERR$Domain service: unknown server errorBDSREFEXC/Domain service: maximum referral limit exceeded:GREENERR'Name lookup failure, unknown error codeB GP_INVREQ-Name lookup: invalid request (internal error)H GP_INVINF4Name lookup: invalid host info item (internal error)L GP_INVNAM8Name lookup: invalid domain name syntax (internal error)H GP_INVADR4Name lookup: invalid address syntax (internal error)H GP_INVMBX4Name lookup: invalid mailbox syntax (internal error)F GP_INVCLS2Name lookup: invalid domain class (internal error)B GP_RSBUSY-Name lookup: resolver to busy to handle query> GP_NONMSR*Name lookup: no name server could be foundF GP_NOHINF2Name lookup: request host info item does not exist4 GP_NOTFND Name lookup: host name not found2 GP_UNKMBXName lookup: mailbox not foundH GP_NOTIMP3Name lookup: unimplemented request (internal error)> GP_TOOBIG)Name lookup: request data too big for UDP@ GP_NSDOWN+Name lookup: all name servers declared down,NRTNo route found for destination KILLConnection killedcIPACP  WHOIS.SAVE?QhX#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSEXE]WHOIS.EXE;2@@ @H8p (`HPx 0, @FORRTLLIBRTL WHOIS WHOISb? TCP_QUERY@ TCP_QUERYL   OUT_ROUTINE\ OUT_ROUTINEM . PORT_PARSE STORE_NUMBER   CVT_PORT  a  q>$CODE$V _LIB$KEY0$2 _LIB$STATE$ _LIB$KEY1$($PLIT$ ^ WHOIS.SAVER6#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSHLP]WHOIS.HLP;2KZ#*[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSHLP]WHOIS.HLP;2+,R6./v 4K-0123 KPWO56US 7N6O 8O 9GvHJ1 WHOISJ This is the Internet user name directory service. You may look up a user by name using this service. Syntax:% $ WHOIS [/qualifiers] [ Name ] " This conforms to document RFC812.2 Name For a Name you may enter:? 1. Name - Looks for specified name or handle ; 2. "!Handle" - Looks for the specified handle 0 3. .Name - Looks only for name F 4. Name... - Looks for Name followed by and characters K 5. *name - Looks for entire membership of an organization 6 6. HELP - Gives you help on WHOIS. ? If the name contains spaces, tabs, or an exclamation point "!" it must be enclosed in quotes. eg. WHOIS "John Clement" 2 Qualifiers/PASSALL Syntax: /PASSALL /NOPASSALL (D)E Normally the returned characters are filtered, to remove undesirable? sequences of control characters. Only certain "standard" ANSIC sequences are allowed. If you select /PASSALL then 8jER6#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSHLP]WHOIS.HLP;2KJjOeSeu/yHn"><4BoN~PZ.Y }l#Cm&p^z'̔P[7qÈe/S?Ajdla=iʈ^E=cUAȺxi5ࠥWOw4{qo`9ɂr҄!OZeCM !FٶQ$"'Db&_4Fi-;-c9 3y-qY)@9y۰iD3;RVo:cj2{Q}S` 8-)w+EDLXW.>ac~T1=Fw6mCqCu,| P3!֚7D0FWT!i5tvkE:2> W@@L. f'~t\1fz7_:FC  Q+ɫd8!plNoO'9FmL~f)2ٯ\ j߉;=)#1k1,3@»nBFE%(SMݩG&%0v JHYU@VȉD!5p3:ooB6 @Y WHOIS.SAVER6#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSHLP]WHOIS.HLP;2K all characters" are sent to the terminal or file. /LOCAL_PORT Syntax: /LOCAL_PORT=n /LOCAL_PORT=0 (D)I Specifies the port number to use on the local node. Normally this is 0.I Useful only as a debugging tool. Ordinary mortals should never use this qualifier./NODE Syntax: /NODE=(node1,node2....)B Specifies the node or a list of nodes to contact for information. Normally this is nic.ddn.mil Example:! $ WHOIS Myra /NODE=(node1,node2) You can get some kicks by: $ WHOIS /NODE=SRI-NIC.ARPA HELP/OUTPUT Syntax: /NOOUTPUT /OUTPUT=filename /OUTPUT=WHOIS.LIS (D)! Specifies a file for the output./PORT Syntax:$ /PORT[=decimal_number or port_name] /PORT=43 (D)K Specifies the port number to use on the remote node. Normally this is 43.. This option should never be used in practice.% Currently available port names are:" RJE=5 ECHO=7 DISCARD=9 USERS=11& DAYTIME=13 NETSTAT=15 QUOTE=17 FTP=21# TELNET=23 SMTP=25 TIME=37 RLP=39, NAMESERVER=42 NICNAME=43 LOGIN=49 DOMAIN=53% TFTP=69 FINGER=79 POP2=109 AUTH=113+ UUCPPATH=117 EXEC=512 RLOGIN=513 SHELL=514 UNTP=119/UDPA Selects the UDP protocol. If omitted the TCP protocol is used.2 outputC Normally the output is to your terminal screen, unless you specify a log file.F If the output is going to a terminal Whois will pause an wait for you4 to press return whenever it encounters a form feed. 2 Updates9 Please report updates in the general WHOIS dat  WHOIS.SAVER6#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSHLP]WHOIS.HLP;2Ka base to REGISTRAR@NIC.DDN.MIL2 Author Feb 1992 John Clement Bonner Lab Rice University Houston, Tx. clement@physics.rice.edu-*[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSHLP]WHOIS.RELEASE_NOTES;1+,0./v 4G-0123KPWO56l:7N O 8O 9R& GvHJ7This is a version of WHOIS client. All it needs is the/WHOIS.CLD to be integrated into the dcl tables. $ set command WHOIS.CLD -' /table=sys$common:[syslib]dcltables -& /output=sys$common:[syslib]dcltables $ run sys$system:sysman set env /cluster* do install replace sys$library:dcltablesGThis client may be used as the basis of other clients, just by changingDthe port numbers and data sent. For example it is used as a DAYTIME1client. It could be used a remote finger client.#*[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSMGR]WHOIS.CLD;2+,M./v 45-0123 KPWO56 7/J 831J 9GvHJ,T1[ WHOIS.SAVEM#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSMGR]WHOIS.CLD;25define verb whois" image cmuip_root:[sysexe]whois parameter P1, label = query prompt = "Name"% value (required,type=$QUOTED_STRING) qualifier passall qualifier local_port, label = local_port! value (type=$number,default="0") qualifier node label = host Default5 value (list,default="(RS.INTERNIC.NET,nic.ddn.mil)") QUALIFIER OUTPUT,( value (type=$outfile,default=whois.lis) qualifier port, label = port value (default="43") qualifier udpNnE WHOIS.SAVEM#[ANONYMOUS.TEKIP.SYSMGR]WHOIS.CLD;25~5PAjh5o&p=A/:37@ 3 QFkBDU--&@`"syZO];H^[J Locll&{R[WE? 7L1,a}:.#GF\ OG*0-$;o&#T EAUL%LERNDS Ep]a4<&*6CLa TOcR R L  TD MB 8vj6XA)j*.%.SS)^ oy$rSL[|IPSJe478*p*"(P^]36- 8(6`UVe%4-8 N `TY4^Vty!1q=<'Q\d>":jfALze=+!^_Chk>)#%30$ r| a>< a!/6&XYz7:.//_E4=@l8o"'8Ze1<9$;d=<:Ao)=('$\ZU){#9"&&7D@zt#9POPB@3%68<\S]Vs+NU+9#a7$TT_C)(9