From: dab6@po.CWRU.Edu (Douglas A. Bell)
Subject: Some Do it yourself fractint15 fractals
Message-ID: <>
Date: 3 Mar 91 19:53:50 GMT
Reply-To: dab6@po.CWRU.Edu (Douglas A. Bell)
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
Lines: 101

After 18 months of fractating, here are some of my best results.
Any of these that you would like to try for yourself should be prepared
by arranging the parameters for the fractal on a single line, put
in a file called sstools.ini, placed in a directory with fractint 15
or 15.1.  Then just run fractint normally, select a graphics mode,
and it will be computed.

I have an IBM clone sx-20 with a landmark speed of 29, computing the fractals
in a 640 x 480 x 256 color mode.  The fractals took between 5 minutes
to 18 hrs to compute. 

Here they are:


type=mandel corners=-0.74982729554176330/
                    +0.02864119596779346     maxiter=17000

/*  I call this one auntem from wizard of oz fame.  
The pallette really doen't matter, 'cause its such a whirl wind.
It's a spiral with over 80 arms.       about 4.5 hours.

type=mandel corners=-0.74216183833777900/
                    +0.16507098823785780     maxiter=1500 inside=0

/*  This one is for those of you who like detail.  I call it baroque.
 But it took 18 hours 'cause it slipped into floating point, tho'.

type=newton corners=-1.00462/
                    -0.227898 params=9/0/0/0 maxiter=350

/* picture an infinite number of spiders standing on top of each other.
Looks good with mostly black pallettes.         about 1.75 hours

type=mandel corners=-0.21443824097514150/
                    +0.68894191458821300 maxiter=400 periodicity=4

/* Great Galaxies, Batman, this fractal ate my head!
Try a black pallette with a some fades to white in it.   about 5 minutes

type=spider corners=-0.0627291/
                    -0.154493 maxiter=400 inside=0 periodicity=4 decomp=256

/* this one looks like a cosmic drilling machine, right into your brain.  
It looks good with the firestrm pallette or solid colors.  about 15 minutes.

type=mandel corners=-0.75345130637288090/
                    +0.04705222509801388 maxiter=3000

/* I call this one sit-n-spin.  It looks good with regularly striped 
pallettes color cycled at high speeds.  The fractal looks like you are
staring up the business end of a double helix.  about 2 hrs.

type=mandel corners=-1.25278794765472400/
                    -0.08489799499511719 params=0.1/-0.1/0/0 maxiter=1800

/* A fine disconnected starburst.    about 10 minutes.

ENJOY !!!!!
Douglas Bell        |     Mathematics Student                 |     Cleveland,    |     Case Western Reserve University     |     Ohio  USA