% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00KK%&5EADDEXIT$LISTZMODIFY#REMOVE$SHOWAK1 ADD?The ADD command will create a new entry in VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATAfile.Format: ADD username [/qualifiers] 2 Parameters username> Username of person to be added to VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA file.2 Command_qualifiers /AUTO_PURGE  /[NO]AUTO_PURGED Determines whether or not MAIL empties the WASTEBASKET folder when? user enters the EXIT or SET FILE command in the MAIL utility.K When you specify /NOAUTO_PURGE qualifier, user must enter th e MAIL PURGE M command periodically to delete the messages in the mail WASTEBASKET folder.J If this qualifier is omitted from the command line, the default value is /AUTO_PURGE.G Format: /AUTO_PURGE  /NOAUTO_PURGE /CC_PROMPT /[NO]CC_PROMPT (default)L This qualifier sets the default determining whether the carbon copy (CC:) 0 prompt appears when user sends a mail message.I If the q ualifier is omitted from the command line, the default value is /NOCC_PROMPT. J /NOCC_PROMPT indicates that no carbon copy (CC:) prompt will appear when user sends a mail message. /COPY_SELF /COPY_SELFJ Sets the default for determining whether the MAIL utility commands SEND,A REPLY or FORWARD return a copy of the message back to the user.K If the /COPY_SELF qualifier is omitted form the command line, the default? settings of the parameters is NOSEND, NOREPLY, and NOFORWA RD. Format:- /COPY_SELF=(command,[command,command])/EDITOR /[NO]EDITOR (default)M Enables you to specify the editor that the user wishes to use when issuing : the MAIL utility SEND, REPLY, FORWARD and EDIT commands.J The /NOEDITOR command is the default value which sets the editor to EDT. Format: /EDITOR editor_name /NOEDITOR/FORM /[NO]FORM (default)I Sets the user's default print form. The default print form is used whenI th e user issues a MAIL utility PRINT command without a /FORM qualifier.M Avoids jobs from sitting in a queue with a pending status because its printH form does not match the default queue set with the SET QUEUE command. F If the qualifier is omitted from the command line, the default value is /NOFORM. N /NOFORM clears the print form and specifies the default form as SYS$PRINT. E Use the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM for valid forms on your system. Format: /FORM form-na me /NOFORM /FORWARD /[NO]FORWARDG Sets a forwarding address for user's mail. The specified address will4 receive all subsequent mail messages sent to user.@ The default established with the /FORWARD qualifier remains inJ effect until user enters the MAIL utility command SET NOFORWARD command.M If qualifier is omitted from command line, the default value is /NOFORWARD. Format: /FORWARD address /NOFORWARD /MAIL_DIRECTORY! /[NO]MAIL_DIRECTORY (default)K Specifies that all MAI files used by the mail utility which be located in) the specified subdirectory of the user.F If qualifier is omitted from the command line, the default value is  /NOMAIL_DIRECTORY.F The /NOMAIL_DIRECTORY qualifier indicates that all MAI files will be' located in the user's main directory. Format:, /MAIL_DIRECTORY [.subdirectory-name]  /NOMAIL_DIRECTORY /PERSONAL_NAME /[NO]PERSONAL_NAME (default)J Appends this field to the end of the "From:" field when user sends mail . messages. Field can contain any information.B If qualifier is omitted from command line, the default value is  /NOPERSONAL_NAME.H The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualifier indicates that no additional field willE be appended to the "From:" field when the user sends mail messages. Format:# /PERSONAL_NAME "text-string" /NOPERSONAL_NAME /QUEUE /[NO]QUEUE (default)F Sets the user's default print queue. The default print queue is usedO when the user issues a MAIL utility PRINT command without a /QUEUE qualifier.: If qualifier is omitted, the default value is /NOQUEUE. I /NOQUEUE indicates that when a user issues a MAIL utility PRINT commandJ without a /QUEUE qualifier, the job will be sent to the queue SYS$PRINT. Format: /QUEUE queue-name /NOQUEUE 2 Examples 1. ( MAILUAF> ADD TESTACNT /AUTO_PURGE; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail fileD This example shows how to use the /AUTO_PURGE qualifier to enableG MAIL to delete the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder every time userA enters the MAIL utility EXIT command or the SET FILE command.  2. ' MAILUAF> ADD TESTACNT /CC_PROMPT; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail file MAIL> SEND To: Smith CC: Jones! Subject: Meeting on MondayG Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C  to quit:F This example shows how to set the carbon copy prompt. A copy of the ! message is sent to user JONES. 3. - MAILUAF> ADD TESTACNT /COPY_SELF=SEND; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail fileC This example shows how to use the /COPY_SELF qualifier to enable B automatic copies of mail messages when user issues mail utility  SEND command. 4. ' MAILUAF> ADD TESTACNT /FORM=MEMO; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail file< This example shows how to set user's default form to MEMO. 5. ( MAILUAF> ADD TESTACNT /EDITOR=TPU; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail file? This example shows how to set the user's editor for the MAIL 8 utility SEND, REPLY, FORWARD and EDIT commands to TPU. 6. 8 MAILUAF> ADD TESTACNT /MAIL_DIRECTORY=[.VMS_MAIL]< %MAILUAF-I-CREATED, DISK$:[TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL] created7 %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT added to mail file MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY DISK$:[TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL] . . . ( $ SET DEFAULT [TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL] $ DIRECTORY D This example shows how to create a subdirectory containing all the user's MAI files. 7. > MAIL> ADD TESTACNT /PERSONAL_NAME="Catherine the Great"; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail file   MAIL> SEND  . . . E New mail on node EXAMPLE from EXAMPLE::TESTACNT "Catherine the Great" . . . G From: EXAMPLE::TESTACNT "Catherine the Great" 19-APR-1988 15:34  To: EXAMPLE::STARCKD This example how to set user Testacnt's MAIL utility personal name to "Catherine the Great". 8.  / MAILUAF> ADD TESTACTN /QUEUE=LASER$PRINT; %MAILUAF-I-ADD, user TESTACNT was added to mail file MAIL> SHOW QUEUE. Your default print queue is LASER$PRINT  MAIL> 4 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> exitE Job MAIL (queue LASER$PRINT, entry 43) started on LASER$PRINTH This example shows how to set the user's default queue to LASER$PRINT D and print message 4. The PRINT command sends the print job to the * queue specified by the /QUEUE qualifier.wwK1 EXITCThe EXIT command terminates MAILUAF and returns the user to commandlanguage level.Format: EXITwwK1 MODIFYAThis command allows the user to change any field(s) in the user'srecord.Format:( MODIFY username /qualifier [/qualifier] 2 Parameters usernameA Username of record to be modified on VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA file.2 Command_qualifiers /AUTO_PURGE  /[NO]AUTO_PURGED Determines whether or not MAIL empties the WASTEBASKET folder when? user enters the EXIT or SET FILE command in the MAIL utility.K When you specify /NOAUTO_PURGE qualifier, user must enter the MAIL PURGE M command periodically to delete the messages in the mail WASTEBASKET folder. Format: /AUTO_PURGE  /NOAUTO_PURGE /CC_PROMPT /[NO]CC_PROMPTL This qualifier sets the default determining whether the carbon copy (CC:) 0 prompt appears when user sends a mail message.J /NOCC_PROMPT indicates that no carbon copy (CC:) prompt will appear when user sends a mail message. /COPY_SELF /COPY_SELFJ Sets the default for determining whether the MAIL utility commands SEND,A REPLY or FORWARD return a copy of the message back to the user.C By specifying NOSEND, NOREPLY or NOFORWARD with the /COPY_SELF C qualifier, you can clear any default copying that would have been; established with the MAIL utility SET COPY_SELF command. Format:- /COPY_SELF=(command,[command,command])/EDITOR /[NO]EDITOR (default)I Enables you to specify the editor that user wishes to use when issuing : the MAIL utility SEND, REPLY, FORWARD and EDIT commands./ The /NOEDITOR command sets the editor to EDT. Format: /EDITOR editor_name /NOEDITOR/FORM /[NO]FORM (default)I Sets the user's default print form. The default print form is used whenI the user issues a MAIL utility PRINT command without a /FORM qualifier.M Avoids jobs from sitting in a queue with a pending status because its printH form does not match the default queue set with the SET QUEUE command. N /NOFORM clears the print form and specifies the default form as SYS$PRINT. E Use the DCL command SHOW QUEUE/FORM for valid forms on your system. Format: /FORM form-name /NOFORM /FORWARD /[NO]FORWARDG Sets a forwarding address for user's mail. The specified address will4 receive all subsequent mail messages sent to user.@ The default established with the /FORWARD qualifier remains inJ effect until user enters the MAIL utility command SET NOFORWARD command. Format: /FORWARD address /NOFORWARD /MAIL_DIRECTORY /[NO]MAIL_DIRECTORY8 Moves all MAI files from the old mail directory to the9 specified subdirectory in the user's default directory.> The /NOMAIL_DIRECTORY qualifier moves all MAI files from the; subdirectory back to the user's SYS$LOGIN mail directory. Format:, /MAIL_DIRECTORY [.subdirectory-name]  /NOMAIL_DIRECTORY /PERSONAL_NAME /[NO]PERSONAL_NAME (default)J Appends this field to the end of the "From:" field when user sends mail . messages. Field can contain any information.; The /NOPERSONAL_NAME qualiafer clears any name previously< specified with the MAIL utility SET PERSONAL_NAME command. Format:# /PERSONAL_NAME "text-string" /NOPERSONAL_NAME /QUEUE /[NO]QUEUE (default)F Sets the user's default print queue. The default print queue is usedO when the user issues a MAIL utility PRINT command without a /QUEUE qualifier.G /NOQUEUE clears the previously defined print queue and sets the queue) to SYS$PRINT, the default print queue. Format: /QUEUE queue-name /NOQUEUE 2 Examples 1. + MAILUAF> MODIFY TESTACNT /AUTO_PURGE4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modifiedC This example shows how to use the /AUTO_PURGE qualifier to enableG MAIL to delete the messages in the WASTEBASKET folder every time user3 enter the EXIT command or the SET FILE command.  2. * MAILUAF> MODIFY TESTACNT /CC_PROMPT4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modified MAIL> SEND To: Smith CC: Jones! Subject: Meeting on MondayG Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C  to quit:F This example shows how to set the carbon copy prompt. A copy of the ! message is sent to user JONES. 3. 0 MAILUAF> MODIFY TESTACNT /COPY_SELF=SEND4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modified MAIL> SHOW COPY_SELF) Automatic copy to yourself on SENDC This example shows how to use the /COPY_SELF qualifier to enable G automatic copies of mail messages when user issues mail utility SEND command. 4. * MAILUAF> MODIFY TESTACNT /FORM=MEMO4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modified MAIL> SHOW FORM& Your defaul!t print form is MEMO < This example shows how to set user's default form to MEMO. 5. + MAILUAF> MODIFY TESTACNT /EDITOR=TPU4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modifiedF This example shows how to set the user's editor for the SEND, REPLY,# FORWARD and EDIT commands to TPU. 6. ; MAILUAF> MODIFY TESTACNT /MAIL_DIRECTORY=[.VMS_MAIL]< %MAILUAF-I-CREATED, DISK$:[TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL] createdH %MAILUAF-I-MOVED,*.mai;* files moved to D"ISK$:[TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL]4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modified MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY DISK$:[TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL] . . . ( $ SET DEFAULT [TESTACNT.VMS_MAIL] $ DIRECTORY A This example shows how to move all the user's MAI files to the  subdirectory [.VMS_MAIL]. 7. A MAIL> MODIFY TESTACNT /PERSONAL_NAME="Catherine the Great"4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modifi#ed  MAIL> SEND . . . E New mail on node EXAMPLE from EXAMPLE::TESTACNT "Catherine the Great" . . . F From: EXAMPLE:TESTACNT "Catherine the Great" 19-APR-1988 15:34  To: EXAMPLE::STARCKD This example how to set user Testacnt's MAIL utility personal name to "Catherine the Great". 8.  2 MAILUAF> MODIFY T$ESTACTN /QUEUE=LASER$PRINT4 %MAILUAF-I-MODIFY, user TESTACNT was modified MAIL> SHOW QUEUE. Your default print queue is LASER$PRINT  MAIL> 4 MAIL> PRINT MAIL> exitE Job MAIL (queue LASER$PRINT, entry 43) started on LASER$PRINTH This example shows how to set the user's default queue to LASER$PRINT J and print message 4. The PRINT command sends the print job to the queue $ specified by the /QUEUE qualifier.ww g %K1 REMOVECThis command will remove a user's record from VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA.Format: REMOVE usernamewwK1 SHOW/ Display mail information about a selected userFormat: SHOW usernamewwK1 LISTA Provides a display about each record on the VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATAJ file. The default value is a brief display of all users forwarding addresses. Format: LIST [qualifiers]2 Command_qualifiers /BRIEFF List forwarding addresses for all users in the VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA  file./FULLE Provides a full display of each record on the VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA  file.ww