Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Brian Schenkenberger and TMESIS Consulting All rights reserved. ------------------------- This software is provided "as is" and is supplied for informational purpose only. No warranty is expressed or implied and no liability can be accepted for any actions or circumstances incurred from the use of this software or from the information contained herein. The author makes no claim as to the suitability or fitness of this software or information contain herein for a particular purpose. ------------------------- This software may be copied and distributed only with the inclusion of this copyright notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * S Y M B O L * * * ------------------------- Description: ----------- SYMBOL provides the capability to define, display and delete DCL symbols in the context of any process in a VMScluster. When installed, SYMBOL can be used by any user in the VMScluster to define, display, or delete symbols in its own symbol table or in the symbol table of any process in the VMScluster. Privileges are required to affect any process which the user does not own or have rights to access. SYMBOL displays the symbol table's contents using the same output format as the OpenVMS DCL command '$ SHOW SYMBOL'. A single equal sign '=' is used to denote LOCAL symbols and, the double equal sign '==' is used for denoting GLOBAL symbols. Binary symbols are formatted with the familiar decimal, hexadecimal and octal presentation. SYMBOL can be a valuable utility for both the system manager and the DCL programmer. Using SYMBOL, the system manager can easily modify and view a user's DCL environment. Developers of DCL command procedures can use SYMBOL as a DCL debugging utility which provides the ability to observe both the symbol, by name, and its equivalence string while the procedure is executing in a process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Information: (v3.4%091) ------------------- This is a minor update to SYMBOL package version V3.4%062 This release of SYMBOL contains a minor modification to SYMBOL$AST_LEI. This modification permits the LEI's initialization routine on an OpenVMS AXP system to automatically determine the offset to the DCL$CHANGE_MODE dispatcher's procedure descriptor. Thus, SYMBOL should now work on all currently known versions of the OpenVMS AXP operating system. For further information, refer to file $$$SYMBOL.INFORMATION-V3_4-062. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any feedback on SYMBOL will be appreciated. Send comments or suggestions to: or Schenkenberg@Eisner.DECUS.Org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------