---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1990, Nick de Smith and Applied Telematics Group Ltd. Modifications Copyright 1990 & 1991, Michael Lawrie, Peter Humble and University of Leicester. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This VMSSERV currently understands the following commands which may be abbreviated to the upper case portion in this list. Commands must be in the body of the message, the subject is ignored. Multiple commands may be included on separate lines in the body of a single message. Portions of text in angle- brackets (<>) may be omitted. ADDme list your name Synonym for SUSBSCRIBE DIRectory <name<.type>> Return a list of files available together with their sizes (in half-Kilobytes). Wildcard characters are permitted. The default directory specification is "*.*;" (i.e. everything) DIStribute list Distributes the rest of the message body to the named mailing list. GET name.type Synonym for SENDME HELp Return a list of valid commands (this file) INDex Returns a list of the available packages. JOIn list your name Synonym for SUBSCRIBE LEAve list Synonym for UNSUBSCRIBE LISts Returns a list of publically available mailing lists. POSt list Synonym for DISTRIBUTE REMoveme list Synonym for UNSUBSCRIBE REView list Returns a list of people subscribed to the named mailing list. SHOwusers Returnes the results of executing the DCL command SHOW USERS/FULL on the machine on which VMSSERV is running. SENdme name.type Returns a file or package. Wildcard characters are not allowed. SUBscribe list your name Become a member of a mailing list. You will receive all new messages sent to the mailing list thereafter. You must give your name (e.g. Nick de Smith) to be allowed to subscribe. UNSubscribe list Cease to be a member of a mailing list. Your name is removed from the list and you will receive no new messages from it. ? Synonym for HELP Entire packages are returned using commands of the form: SEND directory:package-name.PACKAGE Individual parts from a package are returned by commands of the form: SEND package-name.n_OF_m where "n" is the part you are missing, and "m" is the number of parts in the package. Any device or directory specification in a SEND,GET or DIRECTORY command, other than those known specifically to VMSSERVE cause an error report to be returned. Filenames on DEC systems, such as this, use a '.' to separate the filename from the filetype. eg. SEND XE_SOURCE PACKAGE is incorrect SEND XE_SOURCE.PACKAGE is correct SEND XE_SOURCE.1_OF_8 is correct Files returned by SENDME or GET will be in VMS_SHARE format. If there are binary files being sent, the files are first passed through LZCOMP and then HEXIFY before being VMS_SHAREd. You must un-share the resultant files, and then run DEHEXIFY and LZDCMP before using binary images. eg. $ RUN DEHEXIFY input-file.ext_lz_HEX output-file.ext_lz $! $ LZDCMP = "$dev:[dir]LZDCMP" $ LZDCMP -B -V input-file.ext_LZ output-file.exe DEHEXIFY is part of the KERMIT distribution and LZDCMP has been distributed on Info-VAX. Both may be obtained from this VMSSERV with the command SEND VMSSERV_TOOLS.PACKAGE To send messages to mailing lists you can either send a message to VMSSERV with the command: DISTRIBUTE listname or by sending a message to: listname without a command in it. The difference is that you will get a transaction log if you send to VMSSERV and not if you send to the list name. IMPORTANT: Please be sure to direct your mail messages to the correct mail address. Server commands to GET files or SUBSCRIBE to a list are sent to VMSSERV. Messages to be relayed to other users who are subscribed to a list should be mailed to the list using the list name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please send any suggestions/comments/bugs to: NICK@NCDLAB.ULCC.AC.UK or P.J.Humble@UK.AC.LEICESTER