% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00hZuxxFG##5ETAGS+ GNU_EMACSxx1 ETAGS, CTAGS$etags -- generate tag file for Emacs!ctags -- generate tag file for viFormat: +$ etags [-CDSTVHadt] [-i file] [-o outfile]h1 [--defines] [--no-defines] [--c++] [--typedefs]a- [--typedefs-and-c++] [--ignore-indentation]i [--help] [--version]9 [--include=file] [--output=outfile] [--append] file ... -! $ ctags [-CDSTVHadt] [-BFuvwx] [-o outfile]t3! [--defines] [--no-defines] [--c++] [--typedefs]t;! [--typedefs-and-c++] [--ignore-indentation] [- -no-warn]L?! [--backward-search] [--forward-search] [--vgrind] [--cxref] ! [--help] [--version]5! [--output=outfile] [--append] [--update] file ...m 2 DESCRIPTION CThe `etags' program is used to create a tag table file, in a formatdGunderstood by emacs. The program understands the syntax of C, Fortran,aELaTeX, Scheme and Emacs Lisp/Common Lisp. The program read the filesuGspecified on the command line, and write a tag table (defaults: `TAGS')fFThe program recognizes the language used in an input file based on itsLfile name and contents; there are no switches for specifying the language. 2 OPTIONS DThe program accepts unambiguous abbreviations for long option names.3 -d, --definessDCreate tag entries for C preprocessor definitions, too. This is thedefault behavior for -etags.3 "-D", --no-definesADo not create tag entries for C preprocessor definitions. Do notdforget the quotes around "-D". 3 "-C", --c++pBTreat files with `.c' and `.h' extensions as C++ code, not C code.EFiles with `.C', `.H', `.cxx', `.hxx', or `.cc' extensions are alwaysrassumed to be C++ code.a3 -t, --typedefs"Record typedefs in C code as tags.3 "-T", --typedefs-and-c++DGenerate tag entries for typedefs, struct, enum, and union tags, andC++ member functions.k3 "-S", --ignore-indentationEDon't rely on indentation as much as we normally do. Currently, thisaCmeans not to assume that a closing brace in the first column is theh2final brace of a function or structure definition. 3 "-H", --helpPrint usage information.3 "-V", --versionm)Print the current version of the program. 3 -i file, --include=fileeEInclude a note in tag file indicating that, when searching for a tag,lEone should also consult the tags file file after checking the currentf&file. Only etags accepts this option.3 -o outfile, --output=outfile>Explicit name of file for tag table; overrides default `TAGS'.(But ignored with -v or -x.)3 -a, --appendAppend to existing tag file. 2 "SEE ALSO"; `emacs' entry in info; GNU Emacs Manual, Richard Stallman. 2 COPYINGb1Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ?Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies ofdDthis manual provided the copyright notice and this permission noticeare preserved on all copies.FPermission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of thisCmanual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that thefAentire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a (permission notice identical to this one.APermission is granted to copy and distribute translations of thisfEmanual into another language, under the above conditions for modifiedt?versions, except that this permission notice may be included inbCtranslations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of inwthe original English.twwth the following X switches: 3 -rn name?Specifies the program name which should be used when looking upBdefaults in the user's X resources. This must be the first optionspecified in the command line. 3 -name name2Specifies the name which should be assigned to the Emacs window.3 -r*Display the Emacs window in reverse video.3 -i<Use the "kitchen sink" bitmap icon when iconifying the Emacswindow.3 -font font, -fn font6Set the Emacs window's font to that specified by font.=! You will find the various X fonts in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts ! directory.3Note that Emacs will only accept fixed width fonts.BUnder the X11 Release 4 font-naming conventions, any font with theBvalue "m" or "c" in the eleventh field of the font name is a fixed:width font. Furthermore, fonts whose name are of the formAwidth x height are generally fixed width, as is the font `fixed'.0See the program `xlsfonts' for more information.;When you specify a font, be sure to put a space between theswitch and the font name. 3 -b pixelsESet the Emacs window's border width to the number of pixels specified=by pixels. Defaults to one pixel on each side of the window. 3 -ib pixels>Set the window's internal border width to the number of pixelsCspecified by pixels. Defaults to one pixel of padding on each sideof the window.3 -geometry geometry@Set the Emacs window's width, height, and position as specified.EThe geometry specification is in the standard X format; see the X docHfor more information. The width and height are specified in characters;the default is 80 by 24. 3 -fg color.On color displays, sets the color of the text.D! See the file /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt for a list of valid color names. 3 -bg color=On color displays, sets the color of the window's background. 3 -bd color9On color displays, sets the color of the window's border. 3 -cr color>On color displays, sets the color of the window's text cursor. 3 -ms color?On color displays, sets the color of the window's mouse cursor.&3 -d displayname, -display displaynameACreate the Emacs window on the display specified by displayname .7Must be the first option specified in the command line.3 -nwCTells Emacs not to use its special interface to X. If you use thisBswitch when invoking Emacs from an DECterm window, display is done?in that window. This must be the first option specified in the command line. 3 Resources;You can set X default values for your Emacs windows in your"SYS$LOGIN:DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file.! (see xrdb (1)).Use the following format: emacs.keyword:value:where value specifies the default value of keyword. Emacs7lets you set default values for the following keywords:4 font (class Font)Sets the window's text font.#4 reverseVideo (class ReverseVideo)BIf reverseVideo's value is set to on, the window will be displayedin reverse video.%4 bitmapIcon (\fPclass\fB BitmapIcon)@If bitmapIcon's value is set to on, the window will iconify intothe "kitchen sink."'4 borderWidth (\fPclass\fB BorderWidth))Sets the window's border width in pixels.*4 internalBorder (\fPclass\fB BorderWidth)2Sets the window's internal border width in pixels.%4 foreground (\fPclass\fB Foreground)1For color displays, sets the window's text color.%4 background (\fPclass\fB Background)7For color displays, sets the window's background color.'4 borderColor (\fPclass\fB BorderColor):For color displays, sets the color of the window's border.&4 cursorColor (\fPclass\fB Foreground)?For color displays, sets the color of the window's text cursor.'4 pointerColor (\fPclass\fB Foreground)@For color displays, sets the color of the window's mouse cursor.!4 geometry (\fPclass\fB Geometry);Sets the geometry of the Emacs window (as described above).4 title (\fPclass\fB Title)#Sets the title of the Emacs window.4 iconName (\fPclass\fB Title)-Sets the icon name for the Emacs window icon. 4 DefaultsEIf you try to set color values while using a black and white display,5the window's characteristics will default as follows:*the foreground color will be set to black,*the background color will be set to white,%the border color will be set to grey,4and the text and mouse cursors will be set to black.3 Using the Mouse ;The following lists the mouse button bindings for the Emacswindow under X11.MOUSE BUTTON FUNCTIONleft Set point.middle Paste text.#right Cut text into X cut buffer.)SHIFT-middle Cut text into X cut buffer.SHIFT-right Paste text.4CTRL-middle Cut text into X cut buffer and kill it.3CTRL-right Select this window, then split it into ) two windows. Same as typing CTRL-x 2.1! START DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X MENUS9CTRL-SHIFT-left X buffer menu--hold the buttons and keys) down, wait for menu to appear, select * buffer, and release. Move mouse out of menu and release to cancel.9CTRL-SHIFT-middle X help menu--pop up index card menu for Emacs help.0! STOP DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X MENUS9CTRL-SHIFT-right Select window with mouse, and delete all+ other windows. Same as typing CTRL-x 1.*! STOP DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X 2 MANUALSDYou can order printed copies of the GNU Emacs Manual for $20.00/copyGpostpaid from the Free Software Foundation, which develops GNU softwareD(contact them for quantity prices on the manual). Their address is: Free Software Foundation 675 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139AYour local Emacs maintainer might also have copies available. AsEwith all software and publications from FSF, everyone is permitted toFmake and distribute copies of the Emacs manual. The TeX source to the9manual is also included in the Emacs source distribution.2 FILESCSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.INFO] - files for the Info documentation browser?(a subsystem of Emacs) to refer to. Currently not much of Unix@is documented here, but the complete text of the Emacs reference8manual is included in a convenient tree structured form.>SYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS-version.SRC] - C source files and object filesBSYS$SYSDEVICE;[GNU.LIB.EMACS-version.LISP] - Lisp source files andFcompiled files that define most editing commands. Some are preloaded;4others are autoloaded from this directory when used. ASYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS-version.ETC] - various programs that7are used with GNU Emacs, and some files of information.=SYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]DOC.* - contains the@documentation strings for the Lisp primitives and preloaded LispCfunctions of GNU Emacs. They are stored here to reduce the size of Emacs proper.ESYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]DIFF discusses GNU Emacs vs. Twenex Emacs;DSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]CCADIFF discusses GNU Emacsvs. CCA Emacs;DSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]GOSDIFF discusses GNU Emacsvs. Gosling Emacs.FSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]SERVICE lists people offeringCvarious services to assist users of GNU Emacs, including education,+troubleshooting, porting and customization.CThese files also have information useful to anyone wishing to writeEprograms in the Emacs Lisp extension language, which has not yet beenfully documented.CSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.LOCK] - holds lock files that are made>for all files being modified in Emacs, to prevent simultaneous&modification of one file by two users.ESYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.architecture.CPP] - the GNU cpp,?needed for building Emacs on certain versions of Unix where the1standard cpp cannot handle long names for macros.+! START DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X5! /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt - list of valid X color names.*! STOP DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X2 BUGSFThere is a mailing list, bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu on the internetF(ucbvax!prep.ai.mit.edu!bug-gnu-emacs on UUCPnet), for reporting EmacsDbugs and fixes. But before reporting something as a bug, please try?to be sure that it really is a bug, not a misunderstanding or aEdeliberate feature. We ask you to read the section ``Reporting EmacsFBugs'' near the end of the reference manual (or Info system) for hintsDon how and when to report bugs. Also, include the version number ofEthe Emacs you are running in \fIevery\fR bug report that you send in.JDo not expect a personal answer to a bug report. The purpose of reportingHbugs is to get them fixed for everyone in the next release, if possible.AFor personal assistance, look in the SERVICE file (see above) fora list of people who offer it.APlease do not send anything but bug reports to this mailing list.>Send requests to be added to mailing lists to the special listAinfo-gnu-emacs-request@prep.ai.mit.edu (or the corresponding UUCPBaddress). For more information about Emacs mailing lists, see theAfile /usr/local/emacs/etc/MAILINGLISTS. Bugs tend actually to beBfixed if they can be isolated, so it is in your interest to report6them in such a way that they can be easily reproduced.=Bugs that I know about are: shell will not work with programs*running in Raw mode on some Unix versions.2 UNREST!RICTIONS9Emacs is free; anyone may redistribute copies of Emacs toBanyone under the terms stated in the Emacs General Public License,=a copy of which accompanies each copy of Emacs and which also appears in the reference manual.ECopies of Emacs may sometimes be received packaged with distributionsEof Unix systems, but it is never included in the scope of any licenseCcovering those systems. Such inclusion violates the terms on which?distribution is permitted. In fact, the primary purpo"se of theEGeneral Public License is to prohibit anyone from attaching any other(restrictions to redistribution of Emacs.FRichard Stallman encourages you to improve and extend Emacs, and urgesGthat you contribute your extensions to the GNU library. Eventually GNUB(Gnu's Not Unix) will be a complete replacement for Berkeley Unix.5Everyone will be able to use the GNU system for free. ! 2 SEE ALSO&! X(1), xlsfonts(1), xterm(1), xrdb(1) 2 AUTHORSGEmacs was written by Richard Stallman and $the Free Software Foundation.9Joachim Martillo and Robert Krawitz added the X features..Richard Levitte made the VMS-specific changes.ww"u PRAETORIUS GNU_EMACScu PRAETORIUS ETAGS" x PRAETORIUS GNU_EMACSx PRAETORIUS ETAGS%bbu1 ETAGS, CTAGS$etags -- generate tag file for Emacs!ctags -- generate tag file for viFormat:+$ etags [-CDSTVHadt] [-i file] [-o outfile]1 [--defines] [--no-defines] [--c++] [--typedefs]- [--typedefs-and-c++] [--ignore-indentation] [--help] [--version]9 [--include=file] [--output=outfile] [--append] file ...-! $ ctags [-CDSTVHadt] [-BFuvwx] [-o outfile]3! [--defines] [--no-defines] [--c++] [--typedefs];! [--typedefs-and-c++] [--ignore-indentation] [-&-no-warn]?! [--backward-search] [--forward-search] [--vgrind] [--cxref]! [--help] [--version]5! [--output=outfile] [--append] [--update] file ... 2 DESCRIPTIONCThe `etags' program is used to create a tag table file, in a formatGunderstood by emacs. The program understands the syntax of C, Fortran,ELaTeX, Scheme and Emacs Lisp/Common Lisp. The program read the filesGspecified on the command line, and write a tag table (defaults: `TAGS')FThe program recognizes the language used' in an input file based on itsLfile name and contents; there are no switches for specifying the language. 2 OPTIONSDThe program accepts unambiguous abbreviations for long option names.3 -d, --definesDCreate tag entries for C preprocessor definitions, too. This is thedefault behavior for -etags.3 "-D", --no-definesADo not create tag entries for C preprocessor definitions. Do notforget the quotes around "-D". 3 "-C", --c++BTreat files with `.c' and `.h' extensions as C++ code, not( C code.EFiles with `.C', `.H', `.cxx', `.hxx', or `.cc' extensions are alwaysassumed to be C++ code.3 -t, --typedefs"Record typedefs in C code as tags.3 "-T", --typedefs-and-c++DGenerate tag entries for typedefs, struct, enum, and union tags, andC++ member functions.3 "-S", --ignore-indentationEDon't rely on indentation as much as we normally do. Currently, thisCmeans not to assume that a closing brace in the first column is the2final brace of a function or structure definition.)3 "-H", --helpPrint usage information.3 "-V", --version)Print the current version of the program.3 -i file, --include=fileEInclude a note in tag file indicating that, when searching for a tag,Eone should also consult the tags file file after checking the current&file. Only etags accepts this option.3 -o outfile, --output=outfile>Explicit name of file for tag table; overrides default `TAGS'.(But ignored with -v or -x.)3 -a, --appendAppend to existing tag file. 2 "SEE ALSO";*`emacs' entry in info; GNU Emacs Manual, Richard Stallman. 2 COPYING1Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.?Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies ofDthis manual provided the copyright notice and this permission noticeare preserved on all copies.FPermission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of thisCmanual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that theAentire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a(permission notice identical to this one.APermission is granted to copy and distribute translations of thisEmanual into another language, under the above conditions for modified?versions, except that this permission notice may be included inCtranslations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of inthe original English.ww,x 1 GNU_EMACSemacs - GNU project EmacsFormat: $ EMACS [switches...] [file ...]AGNU Emacs is a new version of Emacs, written by the author of theAoriginal (PDP-10) Emacs, Richard Stallman. Its user functionality?encompasses everything other Emacs editors do, and it is easily:extensible since its editing commands are written in Lisp.BEmacs has an extensive interactive help facility, but the facilityBassumes that you know how to manipulate Emacs windows and buffer -s.6CTRL-h (backspace or CTRL-h) enters the Help facility.CHelp Tutorial (CTRL-h t) requests an interactive tutorial which can;teach beginners the fundamentals of Emacs in a few minutes.:Help Apropos (CTRL-h a) helps you find a command given itsFfunctionality, Help Character (CTRL-h c) describes a given character'sDeffect, and Help Function (CTRL-h f) describes a given Lisp functionspecified by name.DEmacs's Undo can undo several steps of modification to your buffers,/so it is easy to . recover from editing mistakes.AGNU Emacs's many special packages handle mail reading (RMail) and?sending (Mail), outline editing (Outline), compiling (Compile),>running subshells within Emacs windows (Shell), running a Lisp;read-eval-print loop (Lisp-Interaction-Mode), and automatedpsychotherapy (Doctor).BThere is an extensive reference manual, but users of other EmacsesCshould have little trouble adapting even without a copy. Users newFto Emacs will be able to use basic features /fairly rapidly by studying7the tutorial and using the self-documentation features. 2 SwitchesDEmacs has a fair amount of switches which the user can use. As EmacsDis a program originated on UNIX, the switches are "UNIX style". TheyHstart with a dash which is followed by the keyword (one or more letters.?The possible argument to the switch is placed after the switch,separated from it by a space.2All switches are processed in left-to-right order. 3 +numberAGo to the line specified by nu0mber (do not insert a space betweenthe "+" sign and the number).3 -q#Do not load an initialization file. 3 -u user Load user's initializatoin file. 3 -t fileAUse specified file as the terminal instead of using stdin/stdout.>This must be the first argument specified in the command line.)! The following options are lisp-oriented9! (these options are processed in the order encountered): 3 -f function$Execute function as a lisp function. 3 -l file&Load the lisp code in the file "1file"./! The following options are useful when running! Emacs as a batch editor:3 -batch [commandfile];Edit in batch mode using the commands found in commandfile.,The editor will send messages to SYS$OUTPUT.3This option must be the first in the argument list.3 -killExit Emacs while in batch mode. 2 ParametersAEmacs accepts an optional, space-separated list of files to edit.@Each file will be kept in it's own buffer, and the last one willbe shown first.+! START DELETING HERE IF 2 YOU'RE NOT USING X2 Using Emacs with X>Emacs has been tailored to work well with the X window system.?If you run Emacs from under X windows, it will create its own XAwindow to display in. You will probably want to start the editorDas a background process so that you can continue using your originalwindow.3Emacs can be started with the following X switches: 3 -rn name?Specifies the program name which should be used when looking upBdefaults in the user's X resources. This must be 3the first optionspecified in the command line. 3 -name name2Specifies the name which should be assigned to the Emacs window.3 -r*Display the Emacs window in reverse video.3 -i<Use the "kitchen sink" bitmap icon when iconifying the Emacswindow.3 -font font, -fn font6Set the Emacs window's font to that specified by font.=! You will find the various X fonts in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts ! directory.3Note that Emacs will only accept fixed width fonts.BUnder the X11 Release 4 font-n 4aming conventions, any font with theBvalue "m" or "c" in the eleventh field of the font name is a fixed:width font. Furthermore, fonts whose name are of the formAwidth x height are generally fixed width, as is the font `fixed'.0See the program `xlsfonts' for more information.;When you specify a font, be sure to put a space between theswitch and the font name. 3 -b pixelsESet the Emacs window's border width to the number of pixels specified=by pixels. Defaults to one pixel on each si 5de of the window. 3 -ib pixels>Set the window's internal border width to the number of pixelsCspecified by pixels. Defaults to one pixel of padding on each sideof the window.3 -geometry geometry@Set the Emacs window's width, height, and position as specified.EThe geometry specification is in the standard X format; see the X docHfor more information. The width and height are specified in characters;the default is 80 by 24. 3 -fg color.On color displays, sets the color of the text. 6D! See the file /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt for a list of valid color names. 3 -bg color=On color displays, sets the color of the window's background. 3 -bd color9On color displays, sets the color of the window's border. 3 -cr color>On color displays, sets the color of the window's text cursor. 3 -ms color?On color displays, sets the color of the window's mouse cursor.&3 -d displayname, -display displaynameACreate the Emacs window on the display specified by displayname .7Must be the firs7t option specified in the command line.3 -nwCTells Emacs not to use its special interface to X. If you use thisBswitch when invoking Emacs from an DECterm window, display is done?in that window. This must be the first option specified in the command line. 3 Resources;You can set X default values for your Emacs windows in your"SYS$LOGIN:DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file.! (see xrdb (1)).Use the following format: emacs.keyword:value:where value specifies the default value of keyword8. Emacs7lets you set default values for the following keywords:4 font (class Font)Sets the window's text font.#4 reverseVideo (class ReverseVideo)BIf reverseVideo's value is set to on, the window will be displayedin reverse video.%4 bitmapIcon (\fPclass\fB BitmapIcon)@If bitmapIcon's value is set to on, the window will iconify intothe "kitchen sink."'4 borderWidth (\fPclass\fB BorderWidth))Sets the window's border width in pixels.*4 internalBorder (\fPclass\fB BorderWidth)2Se 9ts the window's internal border width in pixels.%4 foreground (\fPclass\fB Foreground)1For color displays, sets the window's text color.%4 background (\fPclass\fB Background)7For color displays, sets the window's background color.'4 borderColor (\fPclass\fB BorderColor):For color displays, sets the color of the window's border.&4 cursorColor (\fPclass\fB Foreground)?For color displays, sets the color of the window's text cursor.'4 pointerColor (\fPclass\fB Foreground)@For color displa :ys, sets the color of the window's mouse cursor.!4 geometry (\fPclass\fB Geometry);Sets the geometry of the Emacs window (as described above).4 title (\fPclass\fB Title)#Sets the title of the Emacs window.4 iconName (\fPclass\fB Title)-Sets the icon name for the Emacs window icon. 4 DefaultsEIf you try to set color values while using a black and white display,5the window's characteristics will default as follows:*the foreground color will be set to black,*the background color will ;be set to white,%the border color will be set to grey,4and the text and mouse cursors will be set to black.3 Using the Mouse ;The following lists the mouse button bindings for the Emacswindow under X11.MOUSE BUTTON FUNCTIONleft Set point.middle Paste text.#right Cut text into X cut buffer.)SHIFT-middle Cut text into X cut buffer.SHIFT-right Paste text.4CTRL-middle Cut text into X cut buffer and kill it.3CTRL-right Select this window, then split it into ) two w <indows. Same as typing CTRL-x 2.1! START DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X MENUS9CTRL-SHIFT-left X buffer menu--hold the buttons and keys) down, wait for menu to appear, select * buffer, and release. Move mouse out of menu and release to cancel.9CTRL-SHIFT-middle X help menu--pop up index card menu for Emacs help.0! STOP DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X MENUS9CTRL-SHIFT-right Select window with mouse, and delete all+ other windows. Same as typing CTRL-x 1.*! STOP = DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X 2 MANUALSDYou can order printed copies of the GNU Emacs Manual for $20.00/copyGpostpaid from the Free Software Foundation, which develops GNU softwareD(contact them for quantity prices on the manual). Their address is: Free Software Foundation 675 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139AYour local Emacs maintainer might also have copies available. AsEwith all software and publications from FSF, everyone is permitted toFmake and distribute co >pies of the Emacs manual. The TeX source to the9manual is also included in the Emacs source distribution.2 FILESCSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.INFO] - files for the Info documentation browser?(a subsystem of Emacs) to refer to. Currently not much of Unix@is documented here, but the complete text of the Emacs reference8manual is included in a convenient tree structured form.>SYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS-version.SRC] - C source files and object filesBSYS$SYSDEVICE;[GNU.LIB.EMACS-version.LISP] - ? Lisp source files andFcompiled files that define most editing commands. Some are preloaded;4others are autoloaded from this directory when used. ASYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS-version.ETC] - various programs that7are used with GNU Emacs, and some files of information.=SYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]DOC.* - contains the@documentation strings for the Lisp primitives and preloaded LispCfunctions of GNU Emacs. They are stored here to reduce the size of Emacs proper.ESYS$SY @SDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]DIFF discusses GNU Emacs vs. Twenex Emacs;DSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]CCADIFF discusses GNU Emacsvs. CCA Emacs;DSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]GOSDIFF discusses GNU Emacsvs. Gosling Emacs.FSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.ETC]SERVICE lists people offeringCvarious services to assist users of GNU Emacs, including education,+troubleshooting, porting and customization.CThese files also have information useful to anyone wishing t Ao writeEprograms in the Emacs Lisp extension language, which has not yet beenfully documented.CSYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.LOCK] - holds lock files that are made>for all files being modified in Emacs, to prevent simultaneous&modification of one file by two users.ESYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU.LIB.EMACS.version.architecture.CPP] - the GNU cpp,?needed for building Emacs on certain versions of Unix where the1standard cpp cannot handle long names for macros.+! START DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NO BT USING X5! /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt - list of valid X color names.*! STOP DELETING HERE IF YOU'RE NOT USING X2 BUGSFThere is a mailing list, bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu on the internetF(ucbvax!prep.ai.mit.edu!bug-gnu-emacs on UUCPnet), for reporting EmacsDbugs and fixes. But before reporting something as a bug, please try?to be sure that it really is a bug, not a misunderstanding or aEdeliberate feature. We ask you to read the section ``Reporting EmacsFBugs'' near the end of the referen Cce manual (or Info system) for hintsDon how and when to report bugs. Also, include the version number ofEthe Emacs you are running in \fIevery\fR bug report that you send in.JDo not expect a personal answer to a bug report. The purpose of reportingHbugs is to get them fixed for everyone in the next release, if possible.AFor personal assistance, look in the SERVICE file (see above) fora list of people who offer it.APlease do not send anything but bug reports to this mailing list.>Send D requests to be added to mailing lists to the special listAinfo-gnu-emacs-request@prep.ai.mit.edu (or the corresponding UUCPBaddress). For more information about Emacs mailing lists, see theAfile /usr/local/emacs/etc/MAILINGLISTS. Bugs tend actually to beBfixed if they can be isolated, so it is in your interest to report6them in such a way that they can be easily reproduced.=Bugs that I know about are: shell will not work with programs*running in Raw mode on some Unix versions.2 UNREST ERICTIONS9Emacs is free; anyone may redistribute copies of Emacs toBanyone under the terms stated in the Emacs General Public License,=a copy of which accompanies each copy of Emacs and which also appears in the reference manual.ECopies of Emacs may sometimes be received packaged with distributionsEof Unix systems, but it is never included in the scope of any licenseCcovering those systems. Such inclusion violates the terms on which?distribution is permitted. In fact, the primary purpo Fse of theEGeneral Public License is to prohibit anyone from attaching any other(restrictions to redistribution of Emacs.FRichard Stallman encourages you to improve and extend Emacs, and urgesGthat you contribute your extensions to the GNU library. Eventually GNUB(Gnu's Not Unix) will be a complete replacement for Berkeley Unix.5Everyone will be able to use the GNU system for free. ! 2 SEE ALSO&! X(1), xlsfonts(1), xterm(1), xrdb(1) 2 AUTHORSGEmacs was written by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation.9Joachim Martillo and Robert Krawitz added the X features..Richard Levitte made the VMS-specific changes.ww