$ save_verif = 'f$verify(0) $! VMS command file to recompile all VMSLIB .C files which need recompilation. $! These are all .C files that have no .OBJ files or that are newer then the $! corresponding .OBJ files. This file is self contained and does not require $! you to do anything before running it. $! $ CC := @CC@ $ CFLAGS := @CFLAGS@ $ ALLOCA := @ALLOCA@ $ C_SWITCH_SYSTEM := @c_switch_system@ $ LD := link $ $ version := @version@ $ version_us := @version_us@ $ configname := @configuration@ $ $ sys_includes := @sys_includes@ $ $ vmssrcdir_dev := @srcdir_dev@ $ vmssrcdir_dir := @srcdir_dir@ $ vmssrcdir := @srcdir@ $ $ UTILITIES := hackdebug.exe $ $ LIBRARIES := VMSLIB.OLB $ VMSLIB_MODULES := echo.obj, esctrans.obj, filutils.obj, glob.obj, - hackargv.obj, misc.obj, ndir.obj, pipe.obj, utime.obj $ $! This is just to make absolutelly sure we don't get any local definition $! of __result $ __result = "" $ delete/symbol/local __result $! Let's shorten the paths as much as possible... $ @'vmssrcdir'canonicaldir 'vmssrcdir_dev'['vmssrcdir_dir'.-.src] __result $ srcdir = __result $ $ ALL_CFLAGS := /define=(HAVE_CONFIG_H="""""" "'extra_defs'") - /include=(sys$disk:[] "'extra_incl'") 'CFLAGS' $ CPP_FLAGS := /define=(HAVE_CONFIG_H="""""" "'extra_defs'") - /include=(sys$disk:[] "'extra_incl'") 'CPPFLAGS' 'CFLAGS' $ extra_defs := $ extra_incl := $ $ if sys_includes .nes. "" then - define /nolog sys 'sys_includes',sys$disk:[] $ if sys_includes .eqs. "" then - define /nolog sys sys$disk:[] $ $ on error then goto ende $ on severe_error then goto ende $ on control_y then goto ende $ on warning then continue $ $ old = f$trnlnm("SYS$DISK")+f$directory() $ proc = f$environment("PROCEDURE") $ proc_dir = f$parse(proc,,,"NODE")+f$parse(proc,,,"DEVICE")+f$parse(proc,,,"DIRECTORY") $ set def 'proc_dir' $ $ define __srcdir 'vmssrcdir' ! To get shorter lines... $ $ if f$search("vmslib.olb") .eqs. "" then library/create/object vmslib.olb $ $ __i = 0 $loop_vmslib: $ __e = f$element(__i,",",VMSLIB_MODULES) $ __i = __i + 1 $ if __e .eqs. "," then goto end_vmslib $ __n = f$parse(__e,,,"NAME") $ if f$search("__srcdir:"+__n+".c") .nes. "" $ then $ write sys$output "Compiling ",__n,"..." $ 'cc' 'cpp_flags' __srcdir:'__n'.c /obj='__n'.obj $ library/replace/object vmslib.olb '__n'.obj $ write sys$output "---------------" $ endif $ goto loop_vmslib $end_vmslib: $ $ if f$search("__srcdir:hackdebug.c") .eqs. "" then goto no_hackdebug $ write sys$output "Compiling and linking HACKDEBUG..." $ 'cc' 'cpp_flags' __srcdir:hackdebug.c /obj=hackdebug.obj $ 'ld' 'ldflags' /exec=hackdebug.exe hackdebug.obj,vmslink.opt/opt $ write sys$output "---------------" $no_hackdebug: $ $ if f$search("__srcdir:routines.tpu") .eqs. "" then goto no_routines $ write sys$output "Compiling ROUTINES.TPU$SECTION..." $ save_mesg = f$environment("MESSAGE") $ set message/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity/notext $ edit/tpu/nosect/nodisp /command=__srcdir:routines.tpu - /out=sys$disk:[]routines.tpu$section $ set message'save_mesg' $ write sys$output "---------------" $no_routines: $ $ende: $ __tmp = $status $ deassign __srcdir $ set default 'old' $ exit __tmp + 0*f$verify(save_verif)