% % This should be used to byte compile files in JED_ROOT/lib for % fast loading. This may be performed in batch mode as: % % jed -batch -n -l bytecomp.sl % % !if (is_defined ("Preprocess_Only")) { variable Preprocess_Only = 0; } Null_String; % a marker % list of file to byte compile: #ifdef UNIX VMS . "mail.sl" "iso-latin.sl" #endif #ifdef UNIX . "rmail.sl" #endif #ifdef MSDOS OS2 . "dos437.sl" "dos850.sl" #endif #ifdef XWINDOWS . "mouse.sl" #endif . "mousex.sl" . "dabbrev.sl" "mutekeys.sl" "bookmark.sl" "replace.sl" . "tex.sl" "binary.sl" "compile.sl" "ctags.sl" "isearch.sl" "jedhelp.sl" . "rot13.sl" "tabs.sl" "untab.sl" "jedhelp.sl" "ctags.sl" "compile.sl" . "menu.sl" "dired.sl" "util.sl" "tmisc.sl" "cmisc.sl" "ispell.sl" "misc.sl" . "help.sl" "cal.sl" "man.sl" "fortran.sl" "dcl.sl" "shell.sl" "most.sl" . "info.sl" "ispell.sl" "sort.sl" "regexp.sl" "wordstar.sl" "buf.sl" . "emacsmsc.sl" . "indent.sl" "search.sl" "linux.sl" "mini.sl" "edt.sl" "emacs.sl" "site.sl" define jed_byte_compile_file(f, method) { variable file; file = expand_jedlib_file(f); if (strlen(file)) { flush(strcat("Processing ", file)); byte_compile_file(file, method); } else flush(strcat(f, " not found-- Skipped.")); } while (=$1, strlen($1)) jed_byte_compile_file($1, Preprocess_Only); exit_jed();