%% %% Most/more/less file viewing %% define most_edit () { set_readonly(0); getbuf_info(); pop(); pop(); pop(); file_type(); runhooks("mode_hook"); set_status_line(Null_String, 0); } . ( . [flags] . most_edit . getbuf_info =flags pop pop pop . flags 1 & {whatbuf delbuf} !if . otherwindow . "Done." message . ) most_exit_most . ( . "SPC:pg dn, DEL:pg up, /:search forw, ?:search back, q:quit, e:edit, h:this help" . message . ) most_help . [Most_Map] "Most" =Most_Map . Most_Map keymap_p . { . Most_Map make_keymap %% need a make sparse map! . 'A' 'z' 1 {char Most_Map undefinekey} _for . "page_up" "^?" Most_Map definekey . "page_down" " " Most_Map definekey . "most_exit_most" "q" Most_Map definekey . "most_edit" "e" Most_Map definekey . "most_find_f" "s" Most_Map definekey . "most_find_f" "S" Most_Map definekey . "most_find_f" "/" Most_Map definekey . "most_find_b" "?" Most_Map definekey . "most_find_n" "N" Most_Map definekey . "most_help" "h" Most_Map definekey . "eob" "B" Most_Map definekey . "bob" "T" Most_Map definekey . } . !if %!% Emulates MOST fileviewer %!% The following keys are defined: %!% SPACE next screen %!% DELETE previous screen %!% / search_forward %!% ? search_backward %!% n find next occurrence %!% q quit most mode (usually kills buffer if not modified) %!% e edit buffer %!% h help summary %!% t Top of Buffer %!% b End of Buffer define most_mode () { . Most_Map use_keymap . 1 set_readonly . Most_Map 0 setmode . " MOST : press 'h' for help. %b (%p)" 0 set_status_line %. most_help } . [most_dir] 1 =most_dir . ( [r] . LAST_SEARCH int 0 == . { "Find What?" error} . { LAST_SEARCH . most_dir 1 == { 1 right =r fsearch }{ 0 =r bsearch } else . { "Not Found." error . r left pop . } !if . } else . ) most_find_n . ( -1 =most_dir search_backward) most_find_b . ( 1 =most_dir search_forward) most_find_f . [Most_Min_Arg] . [Most_Current_Arg] %%% Emulate MOST fileviewer. define run_most (arg) { Most_Min_Arg = arg; Most_Current_Arg = arg; if (arg != MAIN_ARGC) pop (find_file (command_line_arg (arg))); most_mode (); definekey ("most_next_file", ":N", Most_Map); definekey ("exit_jed", "q", Most_Map); definekey ("exit_jed", "Q", Most_Map); definekey ("most_exit_most", ":Q", Most_Map); help_for_help_string = "Most Mode: SPC- next screen, DEL- prev screen, Q Quit, :n next file, :Q edit"; } . ( . [f file dir] 1 =dir . { . Most_Current_Arg dir + =Most_Current_Arg . Most_Current_Arg MAIN_ARGC == {Most_Min_Arg =Most_Current_Arg} if . Most_Current_Arg Most_Min_Arg < {MAIN_ARGC 1 - =Most_Current_Arg} if . Most_Current_Arg command_line_arg =file . "Next File (Use Arrow keys to select): " file strcat flush . get_key_function =f . f strlen . { . pop % pops off second return value of get_key_function . "previous_line_cmd" f strcmp {1 =dir continue} !if . "next_line_cmd" f strcmp {-1 =dir continue} !if . break . }{ . beep . } else . } forever . file find_file pop " " message . most_mode . ) most_next_file