%% system specific routines variable Shell_Last_Shell_Command = Null_String; #ifdef VMS . ( . [cmd] =cmd . [cfile file cmd] . "vms_shell.com" expand_jedlib_file =cfile . cfile strlen {"Unable to open vms_shell.com" error} !if . "@" cfile strcat "/output=" strcat =cfile . "sys$login:_jed_shell.cmd_" =file . cfile file strcat =cfile . " \"" cmd strcat "\"" strcat =cmd . "starting process..." flush . cfile cmd strcat system pop . file insert_file pop . file delete_file . ) shell_cmd #endif #ifdef MSDOS . ( . [cmd] =cmd . [file] "_jed_shll.cmd" =file . cmd " &> " strcat file strcat =cmd . "opening pipe..." flush . cmd system 0 < {"system failed." error} if . file insert_file pop . file delete_file . ) shell_cmd #endif #ifdef MSDOS VMS OS2 #ifdef MSDOS OS2 . ( . [dir n] =dir % this bit will remove final slash on DOS unless it is root dir. . dir strlen =n . dir n 1 substr "\\" strcmp n 3 <= or . { . dir 1 n 1 - substr =dir . } !if . dir . ) msdos_fix_dir #endif #ifndef OS2 . ( . [cmd n] . "Shell Command:" Null_String Shell_Last_Shell_Command read_mini =cmd . cmd strlen {return} !if . cmd =Shell_Last_Shell_Command . getbuf_info pop pop exch pop #ifdef MSDOS . msdos_fix_dir #endif . change_default_dir {"Unable to chdir!" error} if . "*shell-output*" pop2buf erase_buffer . cmd shell_cmd . bob . ) do_shell_cmd #endif OS2 #endif MSDOS VMS #ifdef UNIX OS2 . ( . [dir] . [msg shbuf cmd] "*shell-output*" =shbuf "opening pipe..." =msg . "Shell Command:" Null_String Shell_Last_Shell_Command read_mini =cmd . cmd strlen { return } !if . cmd =Shell_Last_Shell_Command . "(" cmd strcat ")" strcat =cmd . cmd " 2>&1" strcat =cmd . getbuf_info pop pop exch pop =dir . dir change_default_dir {"Unable to chdir!" error} if . shbuf pop2buf erase_buffer . msg flush . cmd shell_cmd bob . msg "done" strcat flush . ) do_shell_cmd #endif UNIX OS2 . ( . [km dir] "*shell*" =km . km keymap_p { . km make_keymap . "shell_input" "^M" km definekey . } !if . getbuf_info pop pop =dir pop #ifdef MSDOS OS2 . dir msdos_fix_dir =dir #endif . dir change_default_dir {"Unable to chdir!" error} if . km pop2buf . km use_keymap . "Current Directory is " insert dir insert newline #ifdef UNIX . "% " insert #endif #ifdef MSDOS OS2 . "> " insert #endif #ifdef VMS . "$ " insert #endif . ) shell . ( . [cmd tmp prompt] #ifdef UNIX . "% " =prompt "/tmp/_jed_shell_" make_tmp_file =tmp #endif #ifdef MSDOS OS2 . "> " =prompt "jedshell." make_tmp_file =tmp #endif #ifdef VMS . "$ " =prompt "sys$login:_jed_shell_." make_tmp_file =tmp #endif . bol prompt skip_chars . push_mark eol bufsubstr =cmd . eob bol prompt skip_chars . cmd looking_at {cmd insert} !if . eol newline . 0 update %% Update now so user see that things are ok . cmd strlen { . getbuf_info pop pop exch pop #ifdef MSDOS OS2 . msdos_fix_dir #endif . change_default_dir {"Unable to chdir!" error} if #ifdef UNIX . "( " cmd strcat ")" strcat . " > " strcat tmp strcat " 2>&1" strcat #endif #ifdef MSDOS . cmd " &> " strcat tmp strcat #endif #ifdef OS2 . cmd " > " strcat tmp strcat #endif #ifdef VMS . "vms_shell.com" expand_jedlib_file dup . strlen {pop "Unable to find vms_shell.com" error} !if . "@" exch strcat . "/output=" strcat tmp strcat . " " strcat cmd strcat #endif . system pop . tmp insert_file pop . tmp delete_file pop . } if . bolp {prompt}{"\n" prompt strcat} else insert #ifdef OS2 . 1 update %% Update due to problems with Borland C #endif . ) shell_input