Return-Path: jeffw@scam.Berkeley.EDU Received: by shambhala.Berkeley.EDU (5.57/1.28) id AA20375; Sat, 30 Sep 89 15:29:29 PDT Received: by scam.Berkeley.EDU (5.57/1.26) id AA11975; Sat, 30 Sep 89 15:28:51 PDT Message-Id: <8909302228.AA11975@scam.Berkeley.EDU> To: Rick L. Spickelmier Subject: Re: More comments from the world's pickiest xrn user In-Reply-To: Your message of Sat, 30 Sep 89 12:02:42 -0700 <8909301902.AA19694@shambhala.Berkeley.EDU> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 89 15:28:49 -0800 From: Jeff Wallace >Could you send me your 'rn'-like bindings? > > Rick /* * Missing commands: 1, ^, $, !, ^K */ xrn.ngBindings: \ 0x20: doTheRightThing() \n\ y: doTheRightThing() \n\ :u: ngUnsub() \n\ :c: ngCatchUp() \n\ n: ngNext() \n\ p: ngPrev() \n\ -: ngPrevGroup() \n\ :g: ngGoto() \n\ :L: ngAllGroups() \n\ q: ngQuit() /* * Commands that don't exist in xrn: number (goto article), ^R, ^B * ^L, ^, $, Y, ^K */ xrn.artBindings: \ 0x20: doTheRightThing() \n\ :n: doTheRightThing() \n\ :N: artNext() \n\ ^N: artSubNext() \n\ P: artPrev() \n\ ^P: artSubPrev() \n\ :-: artLast() \n\ :/: artSubSearch() \n\ f: artFollowup() \n\ r: artReply() \n\ s: artSave() \n\ w: artSave() \n\ |: artSave() \n\ :C: artCancel() \n\ :v: artHeader() \n\ ^X: artRot13() \n\ :X: artRot13() \n\ :c: artCatchUp() \n\ :j: artMarkRead() \n\ m: artMarkUnread() \n\ :k: artKillSession() \n\ :K: artKillLocal() \n\ :u: artUnsub() \n\ q: artQuit() They don't all behave precisely as in rn, but they are all close to what an rn user expects. Jeff